tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 20, 2017 1:00pm-1:43pm AST
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one thousand nine hundred five in mexico city which killed well nobody to these day knows how many people this earthquake you know the government still maintains it was around five thousand people. n.g.o.s claim upwards of forty five thousand and. ten and most people never saw it more or less than about ten thousand so this was. thirty two. years ago and know the number so who knows what's happening at the moment and the government gets targets every single time it seems i mean what is the problem when it comes to the lack of response or preparation when it comes to local resources. to rebuild response and that's not what republicans want in ninety five it seems to be a response now wanted to communicate to thank the government ministers and government officials administrators bureaucrats on getting out and telling people what's going
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on secondly there's a failure of organization as you rightly say and that they've seen there's no coordination between the armed forces the police who are famously corrupt in mexico and the the official instantly administration the final problem is that all of. the buildings themselves it becomes clearly white many of the buildings that have been constructed using public money the builders of cut corners and that's the reason that they fell back and i should imagine when you get hit by something like this you don't have the appetite to take the government and the lack of response on do you. oh well not that well historically these kind of men which is natural fact of normally brought mexicans together is they've realized they can't rely on the government anymore the government in this kind of situation is relatively useless as a result they have to come together and people many people think that nine hundred
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eighty five is the kind of turning point the mexican civil society that when people came together they realize they can organize and help each other and at that point they kind of dismissed the fairly or former terry state that was in that moment so who knows if this is going to happen now the elections around the corner. summer twenty eighty perhaps this is a kind of turning point in mexican politics as well ben smith good to talk to thank you. thank you. kenya's supreme court has criticised the election board for a fusing to comply with an order to open computer servers used in last month's presidential poll it says this means the opposition's claims of fraud could be true the court has been expanding why is it an old president his reelection a new poll is due in october a correspondent stephanie decker is in nairobi talk us through the findings stephanie. we knew that they were going to be pointing the finger at the
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electoral commission so they called the i.e.d. the but it is quite damning language again and you just read out some of the things that the judges have been saying that the idea he has infiltrated and compromised touch you know what you just mentioned they refused to open their servers for investigation and if they had nothing to hide they would have given access to the logs also saying kenyans injured long hours and cast their vote and after that it became opaque and that they cannot confirm that we were that would be working out or got the majority vote so i think the question now is are they going to. they who compromise the system and how where we move from there it is of this very short space of time forty days james of the elections we take place clearly the i.d.c. in its current form has issues with it we're going to have to wait and see they're still reading out their findings well into two hours now whether they are going to
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be pointing the fingers at people in particular there's been a lot of infighting in this electoral commission no one really taking responsibility of anything let's wait and see but yes certainly damning findings there from the supreme court that the electoral commission not giving the old who they want to they don't believe the stories they're saying and that there. was infiltrated and compromised and i'm sure kenyans want to see a clean up to stephanie i'm wondering what more is coming up what you're hearing is going to happen next as far as the elections are concerned. what we were expecting is this for this exact electoral commission to be meeting with both parties today to discuss the elections because we know there are challenges with the date it's been ok over the for the seventeenth and we're expecting a delay i think we can still expect a delay to these elections again by the constitution they need to be taking place by the thirty first of october but that meeting at the moment has been postponed
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this the electoral commission says. you read the long report get all the details that they can all be informed on how to move forward with. this she was saying that really it is now down to the goodwill of both parties on electoral commission trying to get these reforms done to get these elections back on track because people are suffering jane the economy is suffering people don't want to invest in a country where it's so uncertain day to day life people have to close their businesses tourism is down so be on the political back and forth there is a real impact being felt by kenya stephanie thank you. ok to go ahead on the puerto rico prepares for the full brunt of hurricane they're rare the second powerful storm in the region in a month class. is not taking my ground. what i'm suggesting is the main challenger to be germany's next chancellor but not the struggling to make an impact and in sport lionel messi is on target four times as barcelona hands
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out another thrashing santa will have the details. the u.s. president has stepped up his rhetoric against north korea and iran calling them rogue nations in a combative debut speech to the united nations general assembly donald trump mocked kim jong un and described pyongyang as a deprived regime he also branded iran's government as a corrupt dictatorship diplomatic editor james bays has more from the united nations donald trump is the thirteenth u.s. president to come here to address the u.n. and with the north korea crisis to tears he knew the world would be hanging on his every word he says. it's a message of coming together but once he headed to the general assembly chamber. he had a very different message delivering
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a speech that astonished many diplomats. precedented threat to annihilate another u.n. member state the united states has great strength and patients but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime the words were just the sort of language that earlier the u.n. secretary general had warned against fiery talk can lead to fatal misunderstandings the solution must be political and this is a time for statesmanship we must not sleepwalk our way into war president trumps foreign policy challenges a growing his critics say it's only of his own making he doesn't now just face possible confrontation with one nuclear power north korea but with
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a second one iran too as he continues to suggest he's likely to pull out of the twenty fifteen nuclear deal the iran deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into frankly that deal is an embarrassment to the united states and i don't think you've heard the last of it believe me that receive strong support from israel's prime minister but only tepid applause from those in the general assembly so i've listened to countless speeches in this hall but i can say that. none were born or none were more courageous and forthright. then the one delivered by president trump to do the un is normally a place of nuance and compromise but president trump sees things in starkly black
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and white even some of the countries that are normally friendly to the u.s. are alarmed one western foreign minister told me the president trumps comments on north korea one helpful and a senior security council diplomat said to me why does he want to provoke to simple taney is nuclear crises james zero of the united nations iran's foreign minister has responded to chance comment at the un in a tweet mohammed jeffords arief said chump's ignorant hate speech belongs in medieval times not the twenty first century un up unworthy of a reply fake empathy for iranian fools no one runs leader will address the general assembly in the coming hours kevin everett reports from solid south korea's reaction to trump speech. the south korean presidential office has issued a statement about donald trump's speech to the u.n. saying it was a firm and specific stance and going on to say that the length of time dedicated to
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speaking about north korea indicates how seriously the u.s. government takes the issue and endings to say that it reaffirmed the need to put maximum sanctions and pressure against north korea's nuclear and missile provocations now the president's office was specifically asked about that threat to totally destroy north korea and didn't comment just referring to this written statement north korea's ambassador walked out on donald trump's speech the north korean foreign minister is expected to speak at the u.n. later this week north korea has often defended its nuclear and missile program as needed to defend itself against a threat from the united states and now we have donald trump talking about the possibility of totally destroying north korea and now south korea's president has said in the past that any military action taken here on the korean peninsula must happen in consultation with south korea and that there will be no more war on the korean peninsula we will also be hearing from president moon later this week u.s.
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soldiers are holding training drills with their south korean counterparts near the border with the north pyongyang calls as provocative but both the south korean and u.s. government say they will continue and to thomas is more from pushing. they sorts of exercises with soldiers clearing an enemy village happen pretty regularly that designed to get south korean and american soldiers working effectively so i thought i saw it but i don't happen in a vacuum and the soldier in charge of this exercise says his men and women are aware of the changing international context. and there's no doubt that the coverage that we see on the news every day has as an increased concerns in the in the peninsula no doubt and so i think it does add a bit of more realism and urgency and importance to this type of mission in part this is genuinely about training but in part two it's about being seen to be doing
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this training and that is why so many media have been invited along well it's important for you to see the readiness it's important for you to see the rocky u.s. forces working together i think that it's it's it's a badly important for you to see that because it's of interest but aside from that this is plan training that's going to happen regardless of the risk till messaging going on isn't that you want the world to see these exercises going on even in a time of heightened tension well regardless of the tension regardless of what's going on in the world these are exercises that would take place either way. this is exactly the sort of military exercise close to. three tranquil arabian can you. and then on can feel intense and if in mission going to the. how i will hurricane rhea will make landfall in the
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puerto rico within the next hour or two it's very close it has weakened this famous saying then the reason for that is the outer bands are now having an impact on that southeastern corner of puerto rico you can still see that clearly defined eye on the storm if i take off the higher cloud you can just make out the position of the hurrican now that's very close to person rico and it is going to make landfall very very soon then sustained winds of hundred fifty kilometers per hour gusting to three hundred kilometers per hour who will continue to drive its way further northwest with the usual has is come into play then we are looking at the the big storm surge maybe two or three meters almost storm surge is very very heavy rain and of course the damaging winds a category four hurricane will still cause catastrophic damage continues to make its way further north woods and west which as we go through thursday just brushing the far north of hispaniola heading up towards that eastern side of the bahamas as
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we make our way towards the weekend so go on into the weekend is something we're also keeping a close just pop out into the atlantic you can make out this little area a cloud is coming through here there's a possibility of yet another hurricane developing over the next few days. the weather sponsored by the time riis. deep in southern india a secret construction project a small concerns about the country's growing nuclear capacity if you're saying that you're enlarging us and that you know amid fears of an escalating arms race with its neighbors in order to give the indians may claim that it is intended for china what stops indians ball when did you see in the bush that was the so what lies behind india's nuclear people in power investigates at this time on al-jazeera. without knowledge. that this
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collateral damage. could this operation. or this over the option. by contrast. and again you're watching al-jazeera mind of our top stories at this hour there is anger and spain's catalonia region after the junior economy minister was arrested he was picked up during a morning raid catalonia plans to hold an independence referendum on october the
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first spain's government has declared it illegal we are looking at live pictures coming from there looks like those crowds are not going anywhere and the search for those choppers. after the magnitude seven point one earthquake in mexico continues at least two hundred seventeen people have been killed twenty of them school children the quake happened in. state on tuesday dozens of buildings also collapsed in and around the capital mexico city. kenya's supreme court has criticized the election board for refusing to comply with an order to open computer servers used in last month's an old presidential poll it says this means the opposition's claims of voter fraud could be true. a new poll is due in october but present a hoodie can yachters jubilee party and the opposition are locked in the deadlock over that vote kenyatta is calling the opposition's demand of the removal of election officials as rogue politics the national super alliance accuses them of
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abetting what it calls the bungling of the poll held in august a party also wants the removal of the french firm which supplied the electronic voting machines it is accusing the firm of collaborating with the ruling party the company denies the charges but a set of cannot reset the voting machines in time for next month's elections the political tensions are giving rise to fears of violence ahead of the october seventeenth election. business of course a political risk analysts and joins us now from nairobi good to have you with us pretty damaging evidence coming from the courts isn't it where does this leave the election commission. well. the information coming from the supreme court is very revealing and what i need to do is to go through this judgement with a lot of detail identify the legalities identify the regularities. committee try to raise those issues does this by the supreme court for them to be ready for an
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election because the. very clear time that i'm going to participate in the election and the illegality and irregularities have been addressed and it would be very important for president. to convene the political parties and the political party supporters to come together and. look at those that challenge and sort them out so that when is ready for another election in october seventeenth how are they going to be ready for another election we heard that the french were behind putting the systems in place it's not going to be ready and time i mean could this lead to a constitutional crisis how do you get around this. well did a very high probability of a crisis. do you believe most of the goodwill because what are the french technology company you. run the technology. technology
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and the do you know magic about the technology. to the marketplace i don't. bring the technology to customize it and make sure that nothing is up with a technology to believe that knowledge and going for another election and it's also important to note that for the seven or eight there was a probability that there would be no clear winner during the presidential election so i'll start with you was already preparing for this kind of a. so they've got a basic system in place and all they need to do is to get the new technology acceptable to both nasa and to be continued and kenya would be ready for another election talking about discovery jumping in here what role should the two main political players play in this i mean there's a real concern about the knock on effect and what impact it's going to have on the economy and security. when you know the political parties
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number one must be agree with that we need to have a clean real and credible election and this. issue is easy for them to come in around to the conversation and what not to do that created a lot of trust in the business activity and. people wanted to invest in the most reluctant most people not taking business decisions and indeed there understand it in kenya people are unhappy with a bit of attention in the nation and people not being on with their normal businesses because kenyans love politics so much that when. i'm president whether or not reading from the same script is a bit of attention and it's not business as usual today so president kenyatta and mr vaile a dinner table conversation identify those issues that i do see as identified by the supreme court threw them out and then we go for another election because with all of the background noise that if i bit is not going to sort out those illegal it
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is and irregularities is not going to put it in an election now if he doesn't participate in an election again you had an interview not long ago that this will be no elections on october seventh you know if that becomes the case then going to get into a constitutional crisis all right very good a dismissal thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. frank i have escaped violence to bangladesh are now having to deal with heavy flooding their days of rain a flooded rice paddy fields where thousand had set up shop shelters and the charter has moved from cox is bizarre. situation on the ground is still very critical this bad weather and torrential rain had made life miserable for the ranger refugees in the camps we have visited yesterday many of the camps are inundated with need water refuges are exposed to the environment and children are exposed to rain and water
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this is very dissimilar situation there is no tents with a weatherproof what we saw is basically rudimentary trades made out of plastic shit expose totally to the environment now the u.n. said one of the worst refugee crisis in recent history is the international red crescent society. on the ground in adequately prepared to meet this major challenge on the ground because number of refugees coming across from the border but the question remains why isn't there an international response despite much media coverage on the ground then made a lot more emergency response team on the ground just like during our quake and other disaster but we don't see that mostly it's local volunteers and some international volunteers who are going to commerce providing relief but the international agencies are located in a certain particular point they're distributing goods and relief on lead to those specific areas but the refuges are spread all across the need to mobilize them and
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bring to a certain point so the distribution is more efficient unless something is done immediately buying of those government need to re appeal to the international community to response to this major disaster taking place in bangladesh the first speech on the crisis has done little to reassure the international community u.n. investigators are demanding full access to investigate claims of human rights violations by security forces take he's president spoke to al jazeera about his concerns and the response from and. it is a very light statement. i wish it. the statement earlier is not very convincing explanation hundreds of thousands of people have fled of course the people need to feel safe in his statement did not reassure this we took the initiative and held a meeting on the range of here at the united nations and we shoot a statement of declaration at the end of the meeting and with the declaration we have discussed what kind of steps will need to be taken i want to thank bangladesh
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in particular they've decided to reserve an island for the recount muslims. and turkey will provide all necessary help along with other countries for those people who will be arriving on the island. john gramlich is c.e.o. of muslim aid which is a u.k. based organization he joins us here in doha studios are we talking to you good to have you with us because you just come back correct tell us what you saw i was just in. late last night and tragically as we've been reporting all over the news. unfolding catastrophic this horrendous people are living in very very precarious situation the escalation of conflict from august twenty fifth to now is having a devastating impact on the lives of many that i have witnessed and saw. tell us what they telling you i mean one of the stories what are they experienced and what in what condition did you find people living in camps and i was managed i managed
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to get into a client state. way which is central part of the kind state in which our office has . been working for the last five years. to do work there so it's providing humanitarian aid assistance unfortunately having to be scaled down because of the security situation that's under way at the moment so we're not able to function normally but we did manage to get some access humanitarian aid assistance i participated distribution myself on behalf of the organization to five hundred families that were living in the camps and villages in iran the conditions rain was pouring intensely it was wet but the whole community had to come out and it was just phenomenal to see some aid and assistance was getting out but the need is growing by the day and you know we appeal to all to be able to get that humanitarian access and so that more aid can get to the people who need it and obviously whenever there's any sort of. lot of water concerns of water borne
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diseases all that sort of thing the knock on effect and what did you see from how many people are still left in those areas because obviously so many have fled over to bangladesh right the northern part. he's currently completely isolated and we're pleading i met with the minister responsible for relief and resettlement and pleaded to get that humanitarian aid access but naturally security situation doesn't guarantee safety of aide workers so it's a very tough decision to make to go to northern part in mundo although my. counterpart albeit at this moment in time doing assessments but we were we were guaranteed access so we were granted access in central and that's where we're operating at this moment we're hoping that we can go further afield where the need is greater but we it's a work in progress tragically back and we're doing that and tell us about the mental state of the people i mean do they feel that there's any hope there's any
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future at this moment in time you know living on whatever little bit of russians that we were able to provide in our previous distributions that was over and over. and so forth so whatever that was provided over the last two or three months is really having to make do but the good thing is that people from all walks of life are coming together working people from just christian hindu everyone's affected in one way or another so it's a very complex crisis and to paint. muslim only i think it's slightly ambiguous in that respect although the vast majority of mundo in the northern area are muslim and but the reality is that many more effective action is a big important that we recognise that aid and assistance is coming from all walks of life one family i met there aid and assistance was coming from the local monastery and working with muslim aid and other organizations we have to pull together and provide aid assistance where it's coming from and to get it to whoever
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is in thank you for talking to us and for the work that you do painting to us what's really happening there thank you. it is fifty refugees who spend years in australia and offshore press. camps have finally been given good news they are being resettled in the united states soon but around two thousand others will be left behind while government leaders decide where they should go the u.s. resettlement agreement with barack obama has been in doubt senseis successor donald trump described the deal as dumb. as more from sydney. where we've spoken to some refugees on linus island have told us that u.s. representatives told a small cohort this morning that they'll be travelling to the us in the coming weeks they've been told to pack their bags and get ready to travel to port moresby the capital of p.m.g. on sunday ahead of their departure to the us now israeli prime minister malcolm turnbull said this morning that twenty five refugees from the ira and twenty five
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on mannus island will be travelling to the us he said it was good news and he thanked us president donald trump for honoring a deal that was struck with his predecessor barack obama but this was the deal that u.s. president trump had blasted as being a done deal it seems he is at least honoring it for these fifty refugees it's unclear though what the fate will be for the rest of the refugees on man a silent and. a new study published by the world health organization says people who fly regularly may be at risk from breathing contaminated their u.k. based airline easyjet is trying out a new air filtering system but denies that's because crew and passengers are at risk and alone explains. if you get on a plane nearly any commercial flight events allow you to breathe normally the air pumped into the cabin includes bleed air that's being sucked in by the engines then
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compressed and finally circulated with the existing air inside the aircraft but sometimes that bleed air is contaminated remnants of engine fuel or liquids that schools instance on major airlines including one in may when cabin crew became ill from the fumes while a study published in the public health journal says a low level leakage into the aircraft could be a problem particularly for pilots and crew who fly regularly a co-author of the report for pilot herself with a master's degree in airline safety said more than one in ten of the pilots she studied to flew the be a one for six aircraft suffered chronic illnesses such as cancer your logical problems were fatal this problem is related to any across using bleeding is supplied off the engine but that aircraft had a lot more problems and the effects that they were getting were identical consistent with what we would expect and what we've seen over and over again with exposure to these particular substances this is being going on five decades six
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decades in fact and the symptoms they were complaining about dana the same ones now . easyjet has just announced trials of a new air filtration system that denies a connection to so-called aero toxic syndrome the airline says it wants to identify and reduce incidents of unusual smells and fumes in the cabin these events can have short term effects on health and lead to flight disruption but it continues this has no link through the study whether any form of long term illness occurs in airline crew due to exposures to cabin. well earlier this year the european aviation safety agency also said in-flight measurements have been conducted on a number of commercial flights offer defining adequate and reliable air contaminants measurements methods for cockpit and passenger cabin air is the results show that cabin cockpit air quality is similar or better than what's observed in normal indoor environments no occupational exposure limits and guidelines exceed it. well despite the reassurances all the people in the airline
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industry particularly those who've become ill once more for research based on two thousand and fifty numbers off a million airline crew could be exposed to the fume danger and so could three and a half billion passengers who fly every year donovan burden is a consultant respect to treat physician who also coauthored the report and he joins us from london good to see you with us on al-jazeera so interesting findings can you tell us more about this and how it affects us. the study we publish looked at. pilots crew and in some parts passengers the study was to look at. symptoms which we recorded and these are all consistent with. the inhalation of parra laws that superheated engine oils which have been
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bled into the air conditioning system we think that there's a very low level of bleed in basically on every flight. but occasionally the contamination is much more obvious and. things like the smell of dirty socks or other things may occur and flight crew start developing symptoms such as headaches nausea and cognitive defects for the thinking that type of thing and is any of this reversible i mean could there be some sort of permanent damage if this carries on and if so clearly something must be done to put a stop to it in every play. well that's correct i think there's a differential sensitivity across individuals some people seem to be able to
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tolerate these so-called fema vents they get some symptoms and then within a few hours or a few days or weeks they will it all disappears whereas others. more permanently affected and certainly the long term. damage effects for some people. are going to tell us more about those damage affects and also a little bit about easyjet and what they've been doing and if that's. the effects of the long term effects are usually cognitive but. right and we have lost you jonathan burden but interesting findings there let's go on to sports thank you very much jay while there's no doubting that barcelona are going to be the team to beat a spanish football this season they maintain their one hundred percent record with a big win on tuesday beat
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a mid table six one leader now messi is called four goals including two goals within three minutes dennis suarez and the polling you also got on the scoresheet of five wins from five. christan are now they will be making a return for real madrid ill a task they take on real betis that has completed a five match ban for pushing a referee reale have two wins and two draws out from their four games this season. i don't know almost look at we're happy to have cristiano back and i hope this is the last time this happened to us not having christiane i'm happy i'm happy but above all he is as well what he likes is playing being greedy group he's team mates now he's back and they're playing in the league at home and we all love to play at our state. more than it is advancement need a win to stay in touch with the top and barcelona are seven points ahead of them
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and five clear of second place severe who have a game in hand violence here are says in the league table where the frustration continues for liverpool and their manager yogen club the reds have won just two of the first five games in the english premier league and on tuesday and they were knocked out of the league cup by leicester she. came off the bench to put leicester ahead the king power savior algeria striker slams the money scored to support a goal in the seventy eighth minute to seal the two nil win for the foxes. the world championship event in paralympic sport i have been perspiring following choose this earthquake in mexico the world power swimming and power power lifting championships that were due to begin in mexico city on september the thirty s. but the seven point one quake that has killed over two hundred people has also damaged hotels due to accommodate actions. major league baseball has set
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a new record for the most home runs struck in the season the thirty team a total is up to five thousand seven hundred for surpassing the mark set in the year two thousand one of those came from max kapler of the minnesota twins on wednesday i have put his team to one up over the new york yankees but the yankees had won eight of their previous ten games and they fought back to clinch this game five to. help the red sox claim scramble to one and nail a victory over the baltimore orioles at camden yards boston they leave the yankees by three games at the top of the american league. cyclist who broke her back at last israel lympics has completed a remarkable return to the top and make luton a suffered three spinal fractures and a major crash but since returning to the saddle earlier this year she won
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a string of races on tuesday vanderbilt and was crowned the individual that time trial champion at the road world championships in norway. that's if you're going to believe. it's. a movie you've been waiting for a long time know not waiting with. this. argument over i can do him yeah through. the reverse influence armstrong and therefore to be able of this and i started to believe in it and to. really finish it off it's incredible. now sport and politics shouldn't mix or so the saying goes but rivalries are being played out at the asian indoor and martial arts in turkmenistan as a helmet reports from ask about saudi arabia and qatar will jewel a four question gold medals. horses are important symbols in the culture of
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turkmenistan home to one of the oldest breeds in the world the akhil techie and it's fitting that horses are center stage in one of the most intriguing contests to ask about two thousand and seventeen show jumping riders from gulf rivals qatar and saudi arabia are they for it to dominate the event they're competing while their countries remain in a bitter political dispute. blockade a cut of land sea and links to qatar the political tensions between qatar and saudi arabia have had a real impact on sport but there's real hope that these games in this horse loving nation of turkmenistan kind of a real impact on peace and cooperation that's certainly the view of how modality or from qatar who competed in last year's olympic games in rio de janeiro. where more like the brothers me and. others and me always wish them good luck can you save and restore we can foster and breed peace for sure.
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still our brothers and never change and we will never change. has got the better of saudi rival recently in multisport events winning the gold medal in the team event at the two thousand and fourteen asian games in south korea they also bettered them at last year's olympics but believes another of those could cause the not that. there's a strong horses they have to have their best and. have good horses that ever with that jump there's great anticipation among turkmen a head of the first showjumping medal of the day and for them there's only one winner. malik al-jazeera. and that's. no pressure. that's all it will be here in the next couple minutes to take us there watching.
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just get they delude themselves. that they too may get the very rich it'll just be a nice day but if you look to look the balloon by looking at the shit it. makes you doubt it's going to the fuck you. like but. i need. the whole name or feel that some people just get out that i did i dish it. tensions are high little has changed and new village officials are struggling to demonstrate goodwill. among morial is trying for a comrade who sacrificed his life the political change. that really event unite on drive a wedge between the villages fractures part three of a six part series filmed over five years to conquer china's democracy experiment at
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