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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 25, 2017 5:00am-6:01am AST

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many others have suffered at the hands of this multi-billion dollar industry both of them of this business will go on forever it will not change only as global policies do who are the winners and losers of this illicit trade snow of the andes this time the most memorable moment of al-jazeera was when i was on air as hosni mubarak fell with the crowds in tahrir square to ok. if something happens anywhere in the world al-jazeera is in place we'll able to cover news like no other news organizations. were able to do it properly. that is our strength. this is al-jazeera.
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hello i'm rob matheson this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes a fourth term for john chancellor angela merkel but she faces a very different parliament as the far right to make significant gains. iraqi kurds refused to back down from monday's independence referendum despite opposition from all their neighbors. on the cards aren't the only people planning a controversial vote we report from catalonia where defiance of spain's government is growing. donald trump north korea chad and venezuela to the list of countries whose nationals face u.s. travel ban. the iraqi government is ramping up its efforts to stop a controversial referendum. on kurdish independence on monday and it's asked the
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autonomous kurdish region to hand over control of its international border posts and its airports it's also calling on foreign countries to stop importing oil from the kurdish region and to deal with the baghdad government instead by mr hyde at all a body warns the vote will have dire consequences. i want to speak clearly with our dear kurdish people most of the problems in your region are local and not coming from baghdad and the call of secession will only make the crisis of economic and financial difficulties get bigger resulting from the corruption and bad management i want to direct my verse of the kurdish people and ask those responsible where has the money from oil revenues gone but the president of iraq's kurdish regional government massoud barzani insists the vote will go ahead he says officials in baghdad have failed to live up to the promises they made to the kurds. and they have been continuing threatening and him million people the
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state that we agreed on should have been a state based on citizenship federalism pluralism multiculturalism and democracy but unfortunately the state we have right now in iraq is a theocratic sectarian state called abdel-hamid has more from the capital of iraq's kurdistan region bill. this was the final tie we hear from kurdish president. before the reverend and takes place on monday and he had some very harsh words for the government in baghdad he said the didn't you iraq the kurds participated in building and went willingly to baghdad for back in two thousand and three turned out to be both of practical and sectarian country he said the kurds did all what they could they believe a key role in ratify the constitution back in two thousand and five but they did not get what they expected in return then he went on speaking about all the current problems with the central government in baghdad and he said that after the vote
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they will still be a time for negotiation that independence won't come on the next day and maybe it will take a year or two or even more depends on how good these talks with go but within minutes the prime minister either allowed by the gave us choice statement and he also didn't mince his words he said that baghdad when never accept the disintegration of iraq and that this referendum will lead actively to a creation of a racist and sick tarion state he then went on putting a lot of the blame on the kurds he said that yes they did not receive their share of the federal revenues but about a quarter of iraq's oil production at the moment is being sold unilaterally by the kurds and he then he went on saying that at a baghdad is going to take further steps he did not elaborate what those steps could be but he did warn that iraq was entering a dangerous zone and nobody knows what the outcome will be despite of all that talk
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of war between the two politicians well people here are getting ready to head to the polling stations monday morning about twelve thousand of those around the kurdish region and the disputed territories and also in the camps where the displaced people will be able. to cast their ballots there is certainly an upbeat atmosphere here. this is their time to express their opinion and to take their future into the own hands. of a body as a former iraqi ambassador to the u.n. he says the kurdish government risks throwing the region into turmoil for no clear gain. the kurds in fact are independent in all but name they have de facto independence within an internationally recognized border which they have benefited from because some long as they were in this ostensible federation in fact they come federation with that iran and turkey have respect at the international
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border now they're throwing the entire region potentially into turmoil. really fall no very obvious reasons so. it is not clear to me that other than an aspiration towards independence which of course is that right to have that aspiration it is not clear to me that the politics have so. be reduced to such a state as to justify this move for the turks and for the iranians i think this constant particularly for the turks this is an existential threat the largest population of kurds in the world are in turkey how turkey would deal openly with an independent iraqi kurdistan but deny their own kurds independence is a you know a problem requiring solomonic wisdom which is not evident on the scene anywhere in the middle east these days i think we have the situation where the kurds this i think is one of the reasons they've overplayed that happens because there has been
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particularly in tokyo i mean everything from fruit to air conditioners imported from turkey. codes it seems to me sort of got the notion that they have turkey on a short leash they forgot the size of the took it she called me and the relatively small size of the code just on economy so while it's true that these countries are invested the relative size of the trade between the two countries for a country like turkey for a country like iran is quite small indeed. german chancellor angela merkel has won a fourth term in office her victory was widely expected but she'll face a very different political landscape when the new bundestag convenes the far right if the party not only won seats for the first time but made a surprisingly strong showing exit polls project markel center right christian
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democratic union party has won just under thirty three percent of the vote that gives them two hundred and thirty eight seats their main rival and current coalition partner the center left of social democrats led by martin schultz got around twenty percent of the vote or one hundred forty eight seats but the biggest change to germany's political scene is this the far right and he is alternative for germany or d. party getting thirteen percent of the vote that translates into ninety five seats the three other main parties one between nine and ten percent of the vote but they could find themselves in power as part of a coalition the mccain reports from berlin. a moment of celebration for the christian democrats can in first place but for some it was a hollow victory they lost almost one hundred seats in this election so anger will very probably remain as chancellor this is a choice. of course we're facing huge tax.
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and parliament will carry out a profound because we want to win back the vote of the by solving problems and listening to that and sometimes that. will through good politics. and there are many of those voters four years ago the far right alternative for germany party failed to win any seats in its first federal election campaign this time with an anti refugee. islam platform it nearly tripled its vote and will be the third largest party in parliament. yeah my five because we've been given an electoral mandate and we will accept this electoral mandate with humility because millions of voters have given us their trust to carry out constructive opposition work in the german parliament and we will deliver ladies and gentlemen we will deliver. for the social democrats this was
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a disastrous election martin schulz led them to their worst result since world war two he and his party will now form the main opposition in parliament which means angle americal must now trying to form what's called the jamaica coalition after the colors of its national flag taking in the greens and the free democrats a combination that has never been tried at a federal level she it looks like and lament is the comfort of a winner but if she really lost significantly and she needs the party which lost most in this election in comparison to the last election so hopefully the c.d.u. world learned its lesson too that they have to change something because otherwise they will be defeated in the next elections. the first the democrats if they have the enjoy this and the fact that some of those lines in this thread might well be sure of how difficult it will be to form a coalition in the next government the federal government and some members of the far right and not all of them and have perhaps just come from the bank of america
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will start seeing as they're being dense is going to stand out as. well protests as a march in cities across germany against the entry of the far right party into parliament this was the scene outside the group's headquarters and berlin following the projected results in frankfurt demonstrators held the cards condemning the party's anti my policy earlier i spoke to charles let's field he's a european affairs analyst at the eurasia group which carries out research and analysis and he says chancellor merkel doesn't have many options when it comes to a coalition. i think the most likely outcome is in fact the jamaica coalition so that of course involves the black of mrs merkel c.d.u. c.s.u. and also the liberals but the greens too because you mentioned the black yellow coalition which would be the party preference but they don't have the numbers and so i think the most likely outcome will be the jamaica coalition although that's
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difficult because as you of us might have guessed at this quite a distance between the liberal f.d.p. and the greens and therefore the coalition of the negotiations will that will last a long time and i wouldn't rule out that the s.p.d. actually reverses its policy of ruling out of the grand election especially if mr shultz doesn't survive bad results in the local state elections in lower saxony three weeks time she will certainly have to take into account the you the views on domestic policy of her coalition partners but it is a fairly consensual country on europe i think it doesn't limit her the opportunity to negotiate with mr macro on the sort of relaunch of the euro zone although the party should be working without also procure insight and they're willing to consider some piecemeal policies and in the world i think she will still remain an important thing that i want people to turn to when they look for a sort of adult in the them but it's also important to know that she was never particularly said in this sort of title the leader of the free world sort of confirms that she is
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a domestic leader with her internet stick problems that she has to deal with. the u.s. has carried out air strikes on an ice cold desert camp in libya killing seventeen fighters it happened on friday two hundred forty kilometers southeast of sirte the coastal city was a former stronghold in libya the strikes are the first by the u.s. and libya since president donald trump to coffee in january and jonathan crystal's a fellow at the world policy institute and an analyst on u.s. foreign policy in the middle east he's joining us now live on skype from new york thanks very much for being with us donald trump initially said when he was elected that he was going to give the u.s. military pretty much a free hand when it came to making decisions in the field is there any evidence at all that there is a trump administration policy or process for fighting in libya. well you know i think that he has been much more willing to give the military a free hand i think if we think that trump has some sort of grand plan for dealing
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with islamic state as they're called islamic state then we probably don't know trump very well but i think in libya it's a little bit tricky for him because after going after hillary clinton and sort of so long on what happened in benghazi it would look very bad for him if any american fighters were lost and i know obviously this strike on friday didn't even involve human pilots but i think he has been not eager to get into a fight in libya but he will listen to what the military threat is and as he devolves that decision making down to them on almost every level i think we probably will see more strikes against the islamic state. so is having to change fighting stance in libya and in other parts of the middle east as it's being pushed out of its usual strongholds do you think that we're going to see the
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trumpet ministration being pushed into having to make some sort of cohesive strategy in libya as this changes. well i think that what we'll see as i still suffers further defeat in iraq and syria they will start to regroup more in libya which they've already done not only in libya but they also stretch across north africa and while i don't think you might see a particular libya strategy i think you'll see a broader willingness to go after smaller eisel cells in libya in tunisia to meet the and that's the with the permission of the tunisian government in mali and in other parts of the region and also overall so i don't think that there will be any particularly on our careful planning that doesn't really seem to be the hallmark of the trumpet ministration but where they see the opportunity to take out cells i think they will do it without very with very little hesitation at all do
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you think that that leaves the door open to an escalation of military activity by the u.s. in countries like libya well you know i don't think that there is this is indicative of a broader escalation in libya i think it's actually sort of remarkable because sometimes i'm far little like insightful and libya compared to what obama did in his last few months in office. but i think that it really represents the sort of targets of opportunity and where it can be done with little risk to the u.s. but i certainly don't anticipate you know from the ground i don't anticipate any sort of broader escalation on even of what might actually be warranted a book from warranted i think there will be a lot of hesitation to do that. good to get your thoughts on this jonathan crystal thank you very much indeed my pleasure. funnybone ahead on the news hour including
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i've never said anything about this. with great anything. with respect for. our a marketer political rally has suddenly pitted donald trump against america's most popular sport. greek qatar's emir is he returns from his first trip abroad since the crisis began. and in sports team europe and the rest of the world battle it out on the final day of the inaugural and i have a copy sun is going to be here to tell you who took the spoils. as president donald trump has signed a proclamation implementing new travel restrictions on citizens from eight countries places his original travel ban on citizens from six muslim majority countries the new restrictions are expected to come into effect on october the eighteenth ok let's have
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a look at that updated travel ban president donald trump's original restrictions targeted countries the u.s. considered to have poor security done iran libya syria somalia and yemen know full travel bans have been placed on citizens from north korea and chad in venezuela restrictions are limited to certain government officials and their families and sudan has been removed from the list leaving eight nations with complete all partial blocks and travel to the u.s. the new restrictions as i said are due to go into effect in october the president comes tweeted about his expanded travel ban saying making america safe is his top priority he says people who can't be safely vetted will not be admitted to the let's go straight to mike hanna in washington d.c. this version of the travel ban is very different to the last one is not in my. it is indeed rob u.s. officials tell us that this proclamation followed
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a global review after which nations around the world were given fifty days to meet new u.s. based baseline requirements for airline security the vast majority the official says agreed and actually work towards getting up to meet those u.s. baseline procedures however the eight countries mentioned in this list are did not meet the expectations in some cases refused to cooperate at all with the u.s. these are the countries that are nervous but where this is so different from the previous travel bans is that this is very much a targeted travel restrictions there's no it fits all type of a scenario here each country has specific restrictions and each one is detailed in a proper proclamation might the previous travel ban ran out on sunday and hence the reason that we're now getting the signing of this proclamation as you
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mentioned with with many different versions variations i should say to the previous one is there any indication that there is a time limit on this new trial this new list of travel bans and will countries be able to appeal against them. yes well that previous travel ban was in place for ninety days theoretically that this exactly this procedure could be carried through to review global's of the global situation but this one is open ended there is however a caveat on it and that is that there will be a review every one hundred eighty days we are told that countries can be taken off the list if they meet those u.s. baseline requirements and indeed countries could be added on the list if they cease to meet those baseline requirements so although it is open ended unlike the previous travel ban the is the one hundred eighty day process built into it
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a miss also mentioned that a valid visas visas that are valid at present will remain valid unlike the previous band where all visas were stopped immediately from the affected countries this is a difference the reviews situation the one hundred eighty day review is also a difference this is very much a different travel restriction from what we've seen in the past from mike hanna thanks very much indeed the playing of the national anthem is a ritual before sporting events across the u.s. but on sunday more than one hundred national football league players sat or knelt down as the music played three teams did not come on to the field for the anthem at all they were protesting racial injustice and president donald trump's call for an end to such demonstrations by athletes kimberly harkat has more from washington d.c. . some knelt on one knee others raised their fists and locked arms as hundreds of
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american football players in the united states in london pushed back against president trump's criticism of their protests during the u.s. national anthem it was a sign of solidarity with other athletes criticized by donald trump since friday for using the athens to protest racial inequality and aggressive policing in the united states would you love to see one of these n.f.l. owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a off the field right out the spider. man on sunday trunk continued his criticism on twitter suggesting fans boycott the national football league and owners fire players who he believes disrespect the country by protesting during the anthem as the n.f.l. players association was quick to put out a response supporting the athletes right to express themselves and demonstrate on the field products walk in with so the process of freedom trumps tirade has been
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met with pushback not just from athletes but also from team owners who have contributed to trump's political campaign or visited the white house in a statement the new england patriots c.e.o. robert kraft said he's deeply disappointed by the president's comments as the debate spiraled members of trump's administration defended the president's comments i think what the president is saying is that the owner should have a role that player should have to stand in respect for the national anthem this isn't about democrats it's not about republicans it's not about race it's not about free speech they can do free speech on their own time the right to protest is protected under the constitution of the united states in two thousand and sixteen quarterback collin capper nick started using his platform to highlight injustice experienced by minorities in american society. the movement has spread to. other u.s. sports leagues saturday catcher bruce maxwell became the first major league baseball
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player to kneel during the american anthem. and other famous athletes like basketball star le bron james have also been speaking out because this guy we've. put in charge has to try to divide us once again the nature of the protests arm precedented and will continue save the athletes until the u.s. overcomes the racial divisions they say persist kimberly how could al-jazeera washington if i'm candy is founding director of the anti-racist research and policy center in american university he says chum's comments appear to be exactly about race we've seen the way he will sponsor these players calling these players s.o.b.'s but then when we compare the way he responded to those people defending confederate monuments he classify those people as quote i think people are scratching their head because either americans have the right to protest or
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americans don't either we all have the right to protest you know these players have the right to protest against racism just like people have the right to go to protest for confederate monuments or none of us do you can't you know the president can't pick and choose who he's going to the fan who is going to support or protest or brad what people should get fired either we all have this right or we don't french president emanuel knuckles independent all ma party has taken a hit in the country's senate elections partial results show the conservatives at dominating the vote to renew half the seats it's seen as crucial to help pass his controversial labor reforms which have sparked mass protests the senators are being voted in by mayors and regional councils. well that's a week to go until residents of catalonia seek to hold a bond vote on whether to separate from spain catalans are defiantly posting yes signs across barcelona and other cities in the region john hendren reports from
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barcelona catalans are building a growing movement in perhaps a nation the government of spain has branded these pro independence signs because making these children human. pain and that people have got on the are very very very different. and we want. our freedom yes. spanish police have banned the october first referendum on independence and confiscated the regional governments ten million ballots so catalans printed these in spanish and in their own language we don't have spain we actually love their culture and all but i know we are free people and we. live in the midlands catalans handed them out and posted pro independence signs as the region's most those police who refused to take their direction from spain look on here all the wold not want to be free their cars are strewn with flowers by thankful locals some
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draped in what they hope to become their national standard because spain his outlawed the referendum there's been no real campaign here this spanish government office is as close as you get to a no campaign headquarters and cattle on officials who have urged people to vote yes have found themselves in jail and face charges as serious as sedition which carries a fifteen year prison term all for urging voters to cast a homemade ballot we have to vote but it was not bus about you sort of the people about the shows so i don't know why though god i couldn't vote yes or no. at the ports it's the spanish flag it's unfurled by proud nationalists don't do that we can't allow them to say that catalonia is not spain as a castle and all my life i feel very spanish and i will always on my homeland which is spain here more than three thousand spanish national police and civil defense
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forces are housed in cruise ships and ordered to stop the referendum whether catalans vote to build a new nation or whether the movement they've built falls apart will be decided on october first john hendren al jazeera barcelona. still ahead an al-jazeera we take a look at the right engine crisis one man's offered began as hundreds pour over the border. they don't just have five or six of these and strange. looking just got in dust we examine the sick state of venezuela's oldest pediatric hospital and. the olympic marathon champion targets a new world record in berlin sun is going to be here to tell you how he did in sport. from brisk news and fuel. to the warm tranquil waters of southeast
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asia. hello and welcome back now across parts of china and taiwan weather conditions relatively quiet at the moment we have got this frontal system up towards yangtze river valley giving rain for shanghai further south notice as circulation this is going across high now and this is going to get some really heavy rain across northern parts of vietnam including hanoi but up into the mountains i think the rainfall pepper once again that could be some significant landslides and flooding concerns about system that runs across through into miramar and that is going to be for some very wet weather here already plenty of showers around for coastal areas but inland areas too are going to be seeing some to rancho rain at times into southeastern parts of asia here we can see further showers right across the philippines looking freddie wet at the moment so showers are on board as much as you'd expect but it's also looking quite white in parts of java and bali to pick up some showers so definitely some thunderstorms there highs of thirty two up through them and they can ship for singapore and kuala lumpur weather conditions
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generally aren't too bad but once you get into thailand and across central southern parts both come both here and vietnam it is looking pretty wet at times so again some localized flooding is possible here into south asia we've still got some showers effect in the western ghats we still got some showers for the east but northern parts of india largely fine highs of thirty five in delhi. the weather sponsored by qatar and always. tensions are high. little has changed and new village officials are struggling to demonstrate goodwill. among morial is trying for a calm maggi sacrificed his life the political change. but really event tonight will drive a wedge between the villages cracked jazz part three of a six part series filmed over five years. china's democracy experiment at this time on al-jazeera the growing up in the united states i learned that the first amendment is really key to being
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a good fit for freedom of the shoulders going to be. men and women for the resources that are available but it's an al-jazeera story is that we just don't tell you what the fathers of the story want to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for that's what al-jazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth. you're watching all of us here a reminder of our top stories this hour german chancellor angela merkel has won the fourth term an office in the country's general election but her conservative party
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has suffered its worst result in her twelve years in power following a surge in support for the far right. the iraqi government is ramping up its efforts to stop a referendum on kodesh independence that begins in the coming hours it's calling on foreign countries to stop importing oil from the autonomous kurdish region it's also our sleeping. to hand over control of its border posts and international airports. u.s. president donald trump has approved new travel restrictions on citizens from eight countries it replaces his original travel ban on people from six muslim majority countries the new order now applies to north korea china venezuela iran libya somalia syria and yemen. monday marks one month since the crisis began in myanmar as a rocking state hundreds more refugees continued to arrive in bangladesh daily the latest violence began when an armed group of muslim ranger attacked police and
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military posts in the north of rocketing state that triggered a military crackdown soon reports emerged of the security forces carrying out mass killings rape torture and burning entire villages those reports are still coming in over the past month four hundred and thirty thousand ranger have fled almost all are trying to reach neighboring bangladesh at first me and my as leader the nobel peace prize laureate aung san suu kyi dismissed reports of the atrocities she described them as fake news but international outrage has grown the un's top human rights official called the military's response clearly disproportionate suci now says the reports will be investigated by the nationalist movement has existed in me amar for decades and the latest crisis is helping it to gain momentum but as scott hi-lo reports from him as largest city young gone not all agree it's the way for me and my as a young democracy to go. started
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a punk band ten years ago. his way of rebelling against the military government as the pro-democracy movement here was just gaining ground. tonight he's d.j. ing a punk rock night at a young gun bar. he's. coming concern over a rise of nationalism in the end mark many using the or hinge of crisis to grow their influence and reach this in their lives then there's always time to dish to the people about fear. they always talk now i want the best. all the people i want i want visit one. they all can buy i want country but in reality not life. since the violence in rakhine state and the exit is over when your refugees over the last few weeks nationalist groups have taken to myanmar streets more frequently. spreading their message to hinge you are not part of the
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country in this interview john was the editor in chief of a nationalist newspaper. because of its ties to a banned ultra nationalist buddhist group their license was revoked last month but voices allowed a more important and wide because of attacks by bengali muslims in a kind state. they threaten our country's sovereignty their concern that the russian jet many of whom have lived in rakhine for generations want to establish an islamic state another form of nationalism that's growing less extreme version all rallies like this hundreds gathering on a weekend afternoon to show their support for the government to show their support for their leader on something. many in myanmar feel that the international criticism of the range of crisis is unjust the national media here are heavily controlling the story and that puts some people at risk there is also intimidation i think happening and. local staff from you and agencies and reporters and others
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who you know if they are. bring out a line that's contrary to that kind of narrative that the government is pushing. you know that they're facing threats george joy admits that myanmar's young democracy is still in transition but he does not think that it's an excuse to use the refugee crisis as a tool to grow support for the government or bolster nationalism. al-jazeera young go. to indonesia now for the alert status for a volcano has been razed to the highest level more than thirty five thousand people in the resort town of bali have been moved to temporary shelters seismologists have warned that mt volcano could erupt for the first time in fifty years officials are warning people against false reports and video circulating online of an eruption the last time it erupted it killed more than eleven hundred people step boson's live for us from the village of salon that's seven kilometers from the crater step
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give us an indication of the kind of signs that the volcano is showing that it could erupt soon well it's quite an eerie situation here rob we're all here on the slopes of mount argo and i don't know if you can see it but it's completely covered in clouds so it makes it even more eerie but in the meantime they're feeling all these said tectonic quakes they are like two to three on the richter scale or small quakes but very increasing in intensity so people here at the observation post here on the slopes of the volcano are saying that the activity of the mountain is going up basically by the hour in the last six hours already hundred two of these traumas have been filed and it suddenly basically woke up ten days ago and the intensity has been going to that we fast so the prediction here is that this eruption is that finitely imminent. we were mentioning earlier on
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they're moving about thirty five thousand people how's the evacuation going. well actually it's surprisingly going very well because we've covered a lot of pro kind of eruptions before in the country because indonesia has more full canines than any other country in the world and very often we feel and we see that people are very reluctant to leave their houses and especially the cattle behind and these of course are also all farmers who are basically making use of the fertile grounds here on the volcano but heal in bali people are very serious about it is i think they know that in one nine hundred sixty three the explosion was very very big it was very explosive it was like one of the highest and most dangerous explosions in recent history so they're very afraid of that and they worry that of course this could happen again so what they've done is they basically packed up and they go to the evacuation centers but during the day some of them come up trying to get more stuff trying to feed their animals of course very eerie very worried that
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it could happen any time but a lot of people in bali as i was concerned a very much helpful to all these evacuees are now more than thirty five thousand already spread around all these evacuation centers obstreperous of a plan by the government or by aid agencies for what's going to happen to these people who've been evacuated in the event that the eruption happens and their homes and their farms are destroyed well at the moment i don't think the government has gone that far yet i think a lot of people are basically also worried that the eruption could take a lot longer and then of course is the question what is going to be done with all these farmers will can go to the alliance who can't attend their cattle if it takes like more than a month what's what's going to be their livelihood so that's a lot of questions at the moment these people have and they're wondering who is going to help us if it actually takes longer and of course the other question is if it erupts who's going to help us ribbit rebuild our villages. thanks very much in the. well it's been six days since
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a seven point one magnitude earthquake devastated mexico city and surrounding regions killing more than three hundred people rescue efforts continue for those believed to be still trapped alive under the rubble but thousands more mexicans are without a home al-jazeera is hiding reports. with government estimates of more than a thousand buildings seriously damaged by tuesday's quake in mexico city it's the lucky ones who still have a home. and his wife and daughter escaped only with their lives. when we would about to eat then the floor rolls like d.c. the game because there was this talk we couldn't get out again to for all roast and it'll open the family is now among the thousands of people staying in shelters many here suffered injuries from the quake but it's the invisible wounds that cause more worry they don't know where they'll go next. morning it was i'm very nervous very
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nervous i'm almost in shock. the shelters director says more people will become homeless in the coming days. thousand of dealings are still being inspected many more we demolished and then there are the hundreds of lost pets that are also in need of shelter volunteers have gathered them in the city park and organize an adoption effort to find these animals temporary homes until they can be reunited with their owners that if. he doesn't have a color because he was in the house and escaped he's been lost since that day. while some hope for a happy reunion others are saying goodbye this boy is giving up his cat because his family is without a home for a city that suffered so much the loss seemingly small feels unbearable.
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castro al-jazeera mexico city. how we can maria has led to widespread devastation in the island of puerto rico people are without power and the basic necessities and he has more from the capital sun one. hurricane maria struck puerto rico in the early hours of wednesday morning as one of the most powerful storms this island has ever experienced it's now sunday and many streets here in the capital look like this there are downed trees all over the place blocking off roads telegraph poles have been snapped like toothpicks but there are some very basic needs here that are going to make this a long term recovery firstly let's deal with fuel if gas stations are open there are a very long lines and people are now being rationed but for businesses and places like hospitals that are running off generators time is now running out particularly for important places like hospitals if they can't get fuel they are in deep trouble
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the other big problem here is things like fresh water that's also being rationed which is an incredibly difficult situation but power may be the biggest issue of all if you look at the power cables here you can see why this island and i mean the whole island has no power at all officials say it may come on sometime next year but in neighborhoods like this families are coming together and doing what they can they're finding food and water wherever they can buying it but they're also coping with there being no power and no telecommunications and for many this is an incredibly difficult long term situation every day it surged becoming like more of a reality you know because it's like surreal like i say you know it's you know we think that this is going to be back to normal and we just hope that that's going to happen and here is yet another problem the entire island is facing whole communities submerged below flood waters and all of this has been here for days
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it's starting to smell because sewage is leaking in oil is leaking in and it's simply heartbreaking for people in the street behind me but what we can say for certain after. a week in puerto rico is this is going to be a long and painful recovery and for many people simply heartbreaking and they gallacher. san juan puerto rico. venezuela offered humanitarian aid to cuba on sunday to help with the aftermath of hurricane but inside venezuela the government is facing its own humanitarian crisis more than sixty percent of its citizens are suffering from anemia that's because the country is short of food and medicine and it's suffering from crippling inflation latin american editor lucy anyone reports. because rios is venezuela's oldest pediatric hospital the only facility which eldon can receive kidney dialysis in this ward. it's where judas and only son
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sam well died not from his kidney disease but from the dialysis machine it was contaminated with the deadly bacteria that so far has killed five children to put things to me that we feel tremendous pain seeing a child fight since birth to live just to die because the hospital didn't have the end of biopics and because no one would take measures to fix the contamination problem that was public knowledge. for the hospital director dr o'neil this lena discreetly invites us to see what's become of a facility that was venezuela's pride and joy. today only two of the eight lifts work there the same two that go up with patients and come down with dead bodies the go up with food and go down with rubbish not a single norm of hygiene is met in this hospital. car doors are full of beds piled on top of each other crucial medical equipment lies idle they don't just have five
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or six of these and strange. none of them long working just down in dust. the mother of a boy diagnosed with lupus spends the night in this chair she says the hospital is unable to run the tests her son needs that you don't need the child and infant mortality have increased thirty percent in one year they're dying from illnesses that are preventable with vaccines and antibiotics and we have neither and in the absence of both diseases like diptheria tuberculosis malaria and yellow fever are soaring this in an oil rich country where not only lifesaving medicine but also soap to keep the hospital clean of victims of an economic crisis that's taking more lives by the day. you see in human got access children are amongst the most vulnerable people in venezuela and the next part of our look at the economic crisis gripping the country listen human needs aid
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agencies trying to feed the hungry that's monday on al-jazeera qatar's emir shake time in been hamada county is back home after meeting world leaders in europe and at the u.n. general assembly in new york and discussing the gulf crisis has been welcomed by thousands of people and. reports. a grand world come for the emir of qatar shake to be been. surrounded by hundreds of people a soon as he's by land at the airport. and other waterfront indo has city center his people came out in the thousands to welcome a leader they have rallied around since the gulf crisis began a few months ago. he drove along doha's famous coney his motorcade stopped several times along the way to greet those who have come to welcome him back. what you saw was a national festival
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a nation united behind its leader i feel sad about what our neighbors did to us but we are proud of our immunity sunday's turnout is in stark contrast to what some regional media have reported about a khatami leadership that's out of touch with its population. of adult disputes has posed economic challenges to the country has managed to launch new shipping routes to prevent the flow of goods from being disrupted. and for many who showed this was their chance to passively thank the emir and show the world their resolve throughout the crisis. because. despite the blockade we showed the world we are united and with that resolve we can overcome all the crises in the american added living here for eighteen years i feel i belong here this was the first time the
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emea left since the crisis began. visit took him to. berlin and paris before landing in new york to address the united nations general assembly to aid and the u.s. have been trying to convince all the parties to negotiate an end to this dispute people here see no end in sight to the gulf crisis there's a strong feeling. that the allegations made by the. countries against qatar is just a pretext and that their ultimate goal is to impose their will on a sovereign state. it's been a week of rising tensions over north korea's nuclear program marked by increasingly heated rhetoric from both pyongyang and washington south korea and japan share a fear of being on the receiving end of north korea's threats a lot more bright went to
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a so-called friendship festival in tokyo to gauge the level of alarm. this is an annual event meant to celebrate the close cultural ties between south korea and japan in reality it is a relationship that is often troubled diplomatically but according to the governments of the two countries it has never been more important to be working closely together given the shared threat of north korea around the possibility that the standoff could turn into some kind of conflict people in japan know that given their proximity to the korean peninsula and also that close alliance with the united states it's almost inconceivable that they would be able to stay out of any conflict and people here do look with increasing alarm at the kind of personal rhetoric and war of words that's going on between kim jong un of north korea and president trump of the us. as adults we should use peaceful means such as to pay
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missy to settle this matter. if you continue to provoke each other it's a problem that could escalate into something horrible what concerns people here especially is now talk by north korea setting off some sort of nuclear device over the pacific ocean a presumably being launched on a missile that would have to fly over the top of japan in recent weeks japan has already experienced two missiles being fired over its territory having a missile now carrying a nuclear warhead takes things to a whole new and very dangerous level. still ahead on al-jazeera mug marquez opens up a sixteen point lead in the moto g.p. standings with only four races left so i was going to be here to tell you how we did it the sport.
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time for all the sports here son. thank you very much as you've been hearing a large group of n.f.l. players have knelt during a sunday's league action since controversial comments from the u.s. president donald trump these were the scenes at the wembley stadium as the baltimore ravens prepared to play the jacksonville jaguars on twenty to twenty five players and melted during the u.s. national anthem trumpet call for players to be fired if they make the gesture that's being used to protest racial inequality in the united states which cause an outrage among athletes in different sports. and spoke to the host of the suit
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podcast and sports legal analyst exam a pope who says sports and politics have always mixed or it's macho i say rest in peace to that of sports has always been little history of sport was about. the olympics you look at stadiums in a built world across the financed by taxpayer dollars not all of the media are and they are requiring there are particular municipalities to root for them to buy jerseys to spend their money so i say that question sports is marketed as regional is right out it's on sport it's all part of the game and that's why i said an owners donate a million dollars apiece over to you donald trump and i ration care so you can take it out of sports when it's fully invested in players owners the finance of the league would you separate. the host of suit up broadcast and the sports legal
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analyst thank you very much for that. kenya keeps a has won his second burling marathon the two thousand and sixteen olympic gold medalist was targeting the marathon world record but fell thirty seven seconds short and whether he crossed the finish line in two hours three minutes and thirty four seconds if you. was twelve seconds behind and in seconds or making the fastest martin debut in history. team europe have won the inaugural laver cup beating the rest of the world team in prague roger federer was the man who secured the victory for the europeans federer defeated the new carriers and sunday to put europe in unsaleable to lead the swiss was pushed by the australian came out with a full six seven six two eleven to nine victory the two thousand and eighteen edition will be played in chicago. he has put
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a string of finals losses behind her to successfully defend her pan pacific open title going into the final in tokyo against anastasia. was the actual six finals this year but the dane made sure it would be a lucky number seven she needed just seventy five minutes to complete a straight sets rout of the russian and capture her says title of the year and he said at this event. it was definitely one that i really want to win today. and my seventh. grade you know getting that last one was really important in cycling it was a day to remember to say again the home made history with the world title in the u.c.i. rolled world championships in norway on sunday he slovakian has become the first man to win three world titles in a row he was way down in eightieth position ahead of the final climb but at times
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he's moved to perfection the twenty seven year old snatch victory in two hundred sixty seven point five kilometer race in a dramatic sprint finish sagan winning in a photo finish. is not easy guys and a loss for a few i mean. he's already done he's gone after. yeah. guys just changing the for on after i tried to go in the breakaway after i got tried to close and in the end you just came for a spring. example of you bill. defending champion mark marquez has won the are gone now gone pay to claim his fifth win of the season the current champion rode his honda to victory after starting fifth on the grid edging out than if he drove. this fine and now leads the world championship standings with sixteen points at the top but nine times champion valentino rossi who suffered
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a double leg fracture only three weeks ago finished fifth on his yamaha. i was able to open that more that's just that i mean more than though that yes here but you know in front of all this was amazing it's always as they want to say which are not that i won and that's a small film we'll have more later on. today always going to be here in a couple of minutes with the latest on all these stories of course you get a lot more background on the web site al jazeera dot com. thanks for being with me . a new level of luxury as a writer. and experience that will transfer the way. i think about some of this really. breaking. news.
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with. me. with the conducting business sharing this with. the thing still. with. some. sanctuary in the sky. to see. us to. consume news going places together.
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in the harsh era when news coverage consists of a punch line a five second sound bite and an easy solution. dellums says challenge the status quo expose double standards and debate the contradictions join me. for a new season of the show the frank. up front. at this time i'll just europe. for the german chancellor angela merkel but she faces of the.


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