tv newsgrid Al Jazeera September 26, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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rouleau going to rule way i mashed the ring to meet you was a p.c. under his rattle i'm more. than a little you know lee ignore all but in an article traffic will equal it wouldn't you know it will be sheer who show you can read my you know you know if you know what in addition are you going to get that important to you well you're not going to believe easy to normal when you're to look it down right down to inital moment to get you going to their medical a local traffic court is you know pretty well so be it the movie so we tell you start at the top of this program that this is a matter of security for your a guy i know it's early days but do you think about the marijuana legalization is going to effectively curb the black market in the country. yes as it has happen in any country that has to do something has actually did something with the business of cannabis eg crime is related
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in different kinds of crimes are related to contract dealing dragon by in fact che's in whatever so if you reduce the amount of illegal transactions you also i reduce seen criminality related to that kind of business but more interestingly is all the other crimes that direct consequence of these. also are related to the in the it's said that can abuse is the gateway to drugs it's not true what is gave way to drugs is the dealer so if you reduce the people that is going to the black market to buy cannabis you are reducing the amount of people that use canyoning side of extreme in the scene the criminal seen his violin but. well so. has some costs that you have to.
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put in pressure in the people you know that people that use via one of the black market is the straightest because they are not criminals that there is another consequence when you go to buy on the black market you access to other drugs that are more dangerous and probably are and more related to crime just like us that assay you know. or methamphetamine sorehead every one in the us and just have it is a is a for as much as it. raked exactly the smokable cocaine so is very is a very dangerous drug and he's very short effect so they are they need lots of money to. not go down we know know have been and we do and there is a larger later to criminality rail at the end of it and what you're saying of
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course because you were part of this bid in this legalization is the government's view on why this was necessary but i want our audience to also take a look at this public service announcement now this is from two thousand and thirteen after cannabis was legalized and while the government has said why this was needed they also put out a little bit of a warning have a look. before mom says you're going to tell me she drinks i'm sure. but she didn't see that. so alone he says you see there there's giving a sort of warning on the dangers of marijuana use but we also got this statement just into the stream from the ambassador ambassador carlos generally he says it is
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clear that you're going case is considered an example of good practices safe and responsible and that you're going to government is intended to fully comply with law eight hundred seven sixty one passenger eleven june twentieth levin that's you're going law which regulated the sale of cannabis so the government is convince a lot we say but what does the public think what's public opinion on this. well the first. couple of days before the actual sale of my one through pharmacies the government release a similar complaint that they want off the one you shall never attain off the off the health issues that could be associated with. these little hoss being lively. people are widely against states in the last survey so. the majority fifty percent or sixty percent.
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on the is against seal my you are now i will say so much against consumption bad to fact that the state. behind the this you wish underbred option off my line or. else i do also think that the government. health issue and main thing here is going to be there for us. that we can see what effect the law actually had in and got to stop sure are in. a law for a lot of. very early leaving hearing you know why so just the thing that you know to go to a pharmacy and see that someone who has a degree. you know has
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a job so also buying kind that is going to be a main thing to what's changing in these seem a tell you would say so talking about i think i'll call it opinion in other countries as well at bordeaux i want you to take a look at these things we just got so we got this comment on youtube from jeremy he says please check out so shells played for legalization we have a major drug problem and. heroin and legalizing weed could really help us what resources can i bring to the debate back home but we're getting a lot of pushback we got this tweet from mikheil he says for public health i think we should look at it for medical use not for chilling out and relaxing at home eduardo you're from the first country to legalize recreational marijuana use on the national scale what do you hope other countries will learn from the example of your . well the first lesson is that legalization regulation by the
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state is much better than we going to make them based. what the research but the real research are not frighten people with this information that this is the usual thing that. repeated the countries. this is just a plant this is not a drug that comes from a number of three. i agree with a comment about this you know i think that you know when you go much faster many still cannot is sure the greatest research and i think that one of the aspects of medicine and i used to. be very important as the person from say cellists said is. to be done because of all around the world kind of use works much much better it's much as i think he. has almost no secondary effects so it should be. suited you from opioids so i think the first
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listen he's going to say sure is better for my health but what if you from a security point of view. also allows the development of scientifically checked medicine. so it's just doing policy by checking the facts and the facts for a vision has been a complete failure and legalization you're right in just three years is proving to be a much better solution i'd rather have you and i do i do i did hear you so that raises this question i pulled this up on my screen here dan you are from canada and you know this well trudeau your prime minister unveiling a bill legalizing recreational marijuana in canada and that is set for next year yes and it's been a long time coming and people aren't sure exactly how it's going all unfold so. there's a question of banks head out on that topic on that question of banks very briefly
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do you think we're going to see the same thing that we're seeing here in this hearing going case. went to a bank cab right and you are not wanting to do business with banks in canada right well i think i mean there's there's a difference between now why and i don't know he's appointed out are quite very my hands on transactions and access in the international i'm a natural market through cracks in the united states and the dollar is a snarky i don't know about canada exact same. context and situation but i'm also curious and i don't know this but i'm curious how i can add about a time legal medical marijuana for many years i've been operating on with regards to the transaction that united states backs because it's also not legal on the federal level to have medical marijuana that's still on the state but i think really. speaking to speaking from the united states i think something really has to be done on our side to prevent you know our national legislation preventing other
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countries going ahead with their decisions. and i think you know it's quite ironic that the. united states are are giving. stock to our fighting drug trafficking and the money like right which is exactly what our guy is trying to do by making a previously illicit market with it so where you get they're going after mark targets marijuana legalization on a federal level in the united states hoax part but unlikely guidance from federal government or i'm operating with our buy or a bill in congress i would also help the united states marijuana businesses from not having to deal with the hash you were listening to had terry also heard from dr rick. eduardo bless ina and eloise kapoor oh thank you for joining us on this conversation that's all the time we have for now and as always our conversation will continue online dan our community at hash tag
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a day stream thanks for watching us with. with. with with. with. us. tensions are high. little is changed and new village officials are struggling to demonstrate goodwill. among morial is trying for a comrade who sacrificed his life for the political change. but really a friend to unite or drive a wedge between the villagers rock jazz part three of a six part series filmed over five years to crank china's democracy experiment at this time on al-jazeera one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know is that it turns into the body but to be there because you have
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witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. yahoo. and live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha fully back to go welcome to the news grid an uncertain future for iraq's kurds they hoped monday's non-binding referendum would be the start of a peaceful negotiated break from baghdad instead they face a prospect of unrest and sanctions turkey's president is warning of the risk of
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ethnic war as turkey and iraq he forces staged military drills on their shared border so where does this all leave the idea of a future. also on the grid election drama continues. that opposition supporters demonstrating outside the electoral commission office says the country's you don't hold this new presidential vote on october seventeenth but there's a ready talk of postponement because of arguments over the lecturer commission all week or has been wide in the thick of it in nairobi and a human swap deal after spending years in australia and one prison on the pacific island a group of refugees are on their way to the u.s. the first of many hoping to begin a new life as long as a grueling american vetting process will be. from the girl who is stuck in limbo. and one of the most popular bands in the arab world is banned from egypt after some fans waved rainbow flags i mean are supposed to list your questions and comments on
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all the top stories using the hash tag it's a newsgroup. the and here are the news grades live on and streaming online through you tube facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining us as his times rolled around on the very edge of iraq's autonomous kurdish region the warning from turkey's president could not have been more stock iraki kurds he said risks sparking an ethnic war with their referendum on breaking away from the rest of the country russia type bedouin made the comments while iraqi troops joined the turkish army for military exercises near the border he added that all military and economic measures are being considered and that iraqi kurds could go hungry the votes are being counted after the referendum on monday which the kurds went ahead with despite a chorus of opposition from iraq's government regional neighbors and world powers while we're covering this in and outside the kurdish region or dollop of the hamid
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is in the kurdish regional capital erbil we'll be speaking to her in just a moment but first andrew symonds wraps up developments from the turkey iraq border . more threats more military maneuvers and probably the most outspoken verbal attack yet from egypt type erd one the turkish president here accuse the kurdish leadership in iraq of treachery and he said that all of their supply lines could be cut effectively seventy percent of imports are estimated to come from turkey into the region and he once again threatened to cut the oil pipeline that amounts to something like half a million to six hundred thousand barrels of oil per day this is what he had to say shouldn't it is. as we begin to impose sanctions iraq's kurds will be left behind when we close the oil tap they'll be done with they will lose all their revenues when we stop cross border traffic into northern iraq they won't have food or
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clothes this will be a bad situation they'll ask why are we doing this we are obliged to these are sanctions now these military exercises here on the border are now in a third phase involving the iraqi army as well thirty troops have joined but in military terms it may not mean a lot but politically it sends another signal and president is keen to push hard on the threats however what it all means whether there will be actual action is still unclear it seems the pressure is being called on to try to get some sort of concession from the kurdish leadership what could that be they could hardly renounce the result of this vote so it's hard to see where things go from here but certainly the pressure is still on the tension is still palpable andra simmons from the turkey iraq border there let's now speak to al-jazeera is hoda abdel-hamid who is in the kurdish regional capital hoda first of all is there any news of when we
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are going to get the results of the referendum any any signs of results come. well . they have seventy two hours. before they move to declare do a results now we spoke to the electoral commission a while ago and they said that the recounting is still going on they did reveal one figure which at this stage the turnout seems to be at seventy two percent more than that we don't know they said that they hoped that maybe by tomorrow the results will be out but they did say that it was a very high turnout the ballots of you have counted by hand not electronically so it is a process that will take a few a long time but maximum after tomorrow. with those they should have the results if not earlier before we move on to the question of you know the prospects for a future kurdish state i want to put your question here from one of our viewers on
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facebook mahmoud doro asks whether the involvement of the turkish president and the strong words that we've heard from type on is going to complicate the situation further how will the kurds react to what i said today. well i think we're going to have to wait and see there is a difference between the rhetoric that not only turkey but also iran and baghdad have to hold publicly harsh statements warnings and threats of closures of borders and airspace and there's also the reality on the ground and at the moment we've heard more threats than actually concrete steps taken is a lot of dealings going on between the two countries is the largest investor in this part of the do do world in the kurdish region amounting of about five billion dollars in trade every year turkey also gets on top of that
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a lot of money through customs goods going from here to tricky and also through that oil pipeline so there's a lot of economical interests between the two sides and i think also you have to bear in mind that the largest population of kurds live inside turkey will have to take it step by step but trying to balance its national soccer camp but also not the kurds inside turkey because at a certain point if you do that there are political divisions among the kurds for example president. kurds are not the biggest friends of the p.k. k. right but if you could start putting pressure together you will unite all of them a lot of stake then just coming back to the iraqi kurds assuming harder that the yes votes wins as expected what would be the next stage in the process what are the prospects of a viable kurdish state a future kurdish state. well i have several angles to that first of all and the
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biggest problem is dealing with baghdad and starting to secession proceedings at the moment what you hear publicly is that baghdad just has outright condemned this vote saying it is unconstitutional and present prime minister about he said clearly that he will not allow the disintegration of iraq so you have that was issued you have. a kurdish president saying that he will not go back to be part of iraq anymore and that this referendum even though non-binding is leading to independence when will they sit together to table when will they talk and how will they discuss drawing for example the borders of this new couldn't stand state that was are going to be very difficult conversation how will they deal with the oil price share of the oil don't forget this cook part of that is not something that baghdad will let go of so easily so there's a lot of issues and that's
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a process that can take along a lot of obstacles ahead hoda just briefly before we let you go a quick question from one of our viewers which you know we we should stress again and it's important to to ask this question time and time again x. on facebook asks honda what i don't understand is if this vote is non-binding why was it held in the first place. well i think there is a frustration among the kurds and i think the president masoud barzani there took a gamble really relations between him and baghdad are very very loaded could extremely frustrated saying that baghdad is not abiding by the constitution is not giving in its own share of the federal budget is not giving it its own share for example of military equipment even though the peshmerga were very heavily involved in the war against isis there's also a part of his own legacy you seventy one years old now he is due to step down in
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november he could extend that because it happened before and so i think at this point what's he want to tell the world ok here we are we did our share it's a historical moment because now everybody around the world knows who the kurds are because of their role in the fight against isis and with that he is stronger in baghdad ok i had a national election there next year thank you very much for that whole toda on twitter if you want to connect with our. correspondent in erbil in iraq kurdistan i came across as very interesting opinion piece on al jazeera dot com on the regional implications of this kurdish referendum i got a dolly of al-jazeera sent to studies asks whether common concerns about u.s. policies in the middle east and also kurdish statehood ambitions can bring turkey and iran together a very interesting perspective do it if it do read it if you can it's on al-jazeera dot com and don't forget you can send in your questions and comments on this story
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and others we're covering on the news great today as ever a.j. news grid and all the other ways to get in touch with us on your screen right now. moving on to other world news now and israeli forces have raided the home of a palestinian gunman who opened fire at israeli security personnel at the entrance to a settlement in the occupied west bank he killed three and wounded another before being shot dead live to harry fawcett who joins me from the rake very close to the settlement harry what more have we learned about the nature of this attack and what have been the reactions well it's quite a complex story the fact that these two communities are obviously divided by so much that people here divided from their own land as they were saying earlier by this settlement but also that so many of the residents here the attacker numerologist among them. work inside this settlement so here outside the family
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home a home which is due to be demolished as per the orders of the israeli prime minister in june course we see mourners gathering here who say they are very surprised by what happened and similarly at the location of the attack itself the illegal israeli settlements of her adar people there say that they shocked by what happened early this morning. the aftermath of a deadly attack in the occupied west bank this gate is used every day by palestinian workers employed inside the illegal israeli settlement of har adar police say at around seven a.m. on tuesday one of the group pulled out a handgun and fired on security forces guarding the entrance as a result unfortunately three israelis were killed pronounced dead at the scene by emergency units a fourth person was taken to hospital in serious condition the attacker. was shot dead a thirty seven year old father of four from the nearby palestinian village of beit syria he was
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a familiar face in the settlement had worked there for many years developing longstanding relationships with settlers they were. helping i think with the garden and the. health of. our neighbors the israeli president called it a cruel act of terror the prime minister blamed incitement by the palestinian authority and others in gaza hamas and islamic jihad hailed what they called an act of palestinian resistance while rival faction fatah said israel responsibility for the reactions of palestinians to its crimes the consequences of what happened here also being felt in the village from where the palestinian attack came from the prime minister of israel has already said that his house will be demolished his brother has already been arrested and also his entire extended family will have their work permits rescinded outside the family home shocked mourners said i'll jamal wasn't political had been having marital difficulties but that didn't explain
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what had happened in a social media message to his wife apparently said she had no connection to what he was about to do. the pressure the palestinians suffer on the checkpoints and the humiliations that we see makes him and others do these things it's because of the pressure. it tackles coincided with the latest visit to the region by u.s. envoy jason green glad his talks with each side now likely to be made more complex by this latest outbreak of violence. and we have heard from mr green in the last hour or so saying that he and his family shocked by what happened also criticizing hamas for celebrating this saying that hamas should be ashamed of itself what impact this has on his efforts to revive the peace process i think probably very limited they're already serious obstacles in that effort already this will allow the israelis to say again what they've been saying to the americans since donald
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trump's initiative got underway that the palestinian authority should stop paying the families of attackers like mr that it is incitement that is something that the palace in authority entirely rejects saying that they need to be supported that this is part of the occupation that these people are either imprisoned or killed in these kind of acts and as well as that the palestinian authority will make the point that settlements like are like this one are very much at the heart of the problem settlements which the israeli prime minister recently said we're here to stay forever harry fawcett in bates rake in the occupied west bank carrie thank you very much for that and as harry mentioned there the issue of settlements is one of the most contentious between israel and the palestinians and jews is attack is just the latest in a wave of stabbings suitings and. since late twenty fifteen and this map on al-jazeera dot com tracks the human toll of the wave of violence in the occupied palestinian territories and israel and if you click on the map you'll see the
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details of palestinians and israelis who have been killed. now to kenya where police have fired tear gas at crowds demonstrating outside the electoral commission's offices in nairobi the protesters support opposition leader raila odinga who has accused the election officials of being involved in fraud which he says led to his loss in last month's presidential poll but his rival president or kenyatta denies the electoral commission has done anything wrong and should not be changed he said a new presidential election is due to be held in kenya on october seventeenth after the result of the first vote was an old by the supreme court al-jazeera stephanie decker was on the streets of nairobi as a protest turned nasty the the. week been happening here the day they've been coming towards commission a.b.c.
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. just on the left and the first thing the. i. went on the cheek we just had the politico and come out with a at you and. the and the exploding a.b.c. election commission is just a little further here with me why they don't want to unplug the ok should the message of course the osa course they want you to a six o'clock or six. thing going on with stephanie decker reporting there from nairobi moving on and as many as twenty
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five refugees held for years in australian month prison camps are now. on their way to the united states they'd hoped to find refuge in australia instead they spent years being held in pop or new guinea so how did it come to this well let's begin with australia's hard line immigration policy asylum seekers and refugees who tried to reach australia by sea all intercepted before they get close to the country's borders they are then sent back to where their boats departed or to offshore processing into detention centers run by a government one is on the pacific island of nauru and the other is on monist island in papua new guinea i even if they're found to be genuine refugees they're told that they'll never make it to australia instead australia as government tries to resettle them elsewhere in this case one thousand two hundred fifty refugees held in australian counts will go to the us as long as a passport is described as extreme vetting by american officials in return australia will take in refugees from central america. takes up the story from
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australia's capital camera. well this is the first group of freshly jays who will be transferred from papa new guinea is minus on land and nauru to the u.s. on tuesday morning about twenty five men left papa new guinea bound for the u.s. it's believed that a similar number will leave nauru on wednesday morning also bound for the us via a very long flight routes that takes them the manila chicago and finally los angeles from where the refugees will be sent out of ponce of the u.s. where they can start rebuilding their lives and making their homes now this u.s. refugee resettlement deal was struck between the straight as prime minister malcolm turnbull and then president barack obama it was to say up to one thousand two hundred fifty refugees from minus island and nauru transferred and resettled in the
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u.s. but it all came under question with u.s. president donald trump who called it a done deal he said it was the worst eleven and it became clear that there was no obligation to take that full number of one thousand two hundred fifty refugees u.s. authorities though have said that they are reviewing other refugee cases it's not known how many more refugees will be taken from an assailant and are rude leaving the fight over the more than two thousand people on man asylum and naru still uncertain. a social media producer on to ship out joins us now in the news great andrew i know there's been a lot of conversation online about this story sure and let's start with the prime minister's latest comments online you know the movement of this first group of refugees from menace was announced by prime minister malcolm turnbull via his twitter account a few days ago and we can look at the responses to that to see how people felt some
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welcomes the decision and said that like andy here responded saying that illegals must be returned to the country of origin or a country with a compatible culture or religion but there were many more critics mike here says that the immigration minister should be ashamed of how turnbull treated these people he says it was australia's responsibility to fix this problem and not the united states while paul here asks what will be their future in the united states as it can't look after its own people let alone strangers off their shore out we got in contact with two refugee advocacy organizations who've long spoken out about the way australia treats asylum seekers the us deal will not be able to accept all the people who are refugees on men a file and. even though it is it's very good for the people who have been accepted to go to the united states but it's really it's fifty two people
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out of seventeen hundred people we need real action we need a real solution and that is ending the horrors of detention centers ending the horrors of torturing punishing and humming refugees seeking israel's protection by looking them up out of sight out of mind a menace in the room it requires these people to be brought to safety immediately. now videos like this have leaked out appearing to support evidence from human rights organizations who say that refugees suffer cruel treatment including beatings asylum seekers also regularly protests inside prison camps and sometimes these demonstrations have turned violent al-jazeera as podcast the de-brief heard from one girl who was taken so now to thank you very much you know they took us to playing. with me have a hair tie to tie my hair. and then i wanted to. play
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two guards would follow me and they wouldn't let me go they would stand right. it was just six. or two talks over the same. thing every day. that. i would never stop fighting. now that episode of the debrief is called prison island and it's available for download on our website al-jazeera dot com as well as spotify google play and other sites as well if you want to share your thoughts on how australia and other countries are treating refugees you can get in touch with me directly i'm at twitter or just use that tag it is great andrew thank you very much for that in staying in the asia region where a refugee crisis has been unfolding over the past month almost half a million rohingya muslims refugees have not fared from myanmar to neighboring
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bangladesh to escape a military offensive that the u.n. says amounts to ethnic cleansing about two hundred fifty thousand of these refugees are children there is nicholas haq went to a cat mia the bangladesh myanma border to find out how some are trying to cope. there are moments children best describe using markers and pencils moments too difficult to put in words like when merriam saw men in uniform slashed the throat of her friends miriam's friend i will not talk about the moment they set her house on fire with their parents inside me more's and saying suchi may deny there's been an ethnic cleansing the ten year old seanad draws a different picture. i was in my high when they grabbed my mother she was screaming they hit her and force themselves on her then they shot her in front of me. these are satellite images of the children's home collected on september sixteenth now look at it we can later and this the international accuses me and more security
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forces of a scorched earth campaign on a mass scale no independent observers or journalist have been allowed into the range of villages this is as close as we can get to the right kind state where an ethnic cleansing is currently happening just moments ago we saw villages burned in the distance mean more security forces have put up barbed wire fencing and planted land mines on the border the general in charge of this clearing operation says that all its citizens are welcome back to me and more except. for considered illegal immigrants by young gone almost half a million people now live in sprawling villages made out of bamboo and plastic sheeting bangladesh hasn't seen such mass movement of people since its war of independence in one thousand seventy one they too have beefed up patrols on the border and deployed the army. normally our orders are to not allow ro hinge in but given their suffering our government has told us to look after them bangladeshi
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