tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 27, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm AST
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they are respected and have proven themselves in every field they're not so weak as to be contained to one place. the the right for women to drive may be a welcome step but some human rights organizations say the kingdom has a long way to go and guaranteeing equal rights for not only women but for minorities like those who are subjected to hate speech and violent attacks culture dirge on al-jazeera. well let's get the thoughts of our guests now joining us on the panel today is a cav senior lecturer at the university of east anglia where she teaches courses on women and film in miami in the usa we have saudi activist yes i mean saw it and in london ross the bag of women's rights researcher at human rights watch welcome to the show everyone if i could start with yes i mean in the usa in miami so women driving sounds like a very normal situation elsewhere in the world even elsewhere anywhere in the muslim world how much of
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a big step is this though specifically for saudi arabia i would definitely say that it's a very big staff and it's one of the most visible signs. you know modernization efforts by saudi government to date even though there have been a lot of other reforms that have been happening in the last twenty years and your own man and the crown prince as well this is definitely the one that has made global headlines are rightfully so because like you said everybody arabia is is the only country in the world where we'll need have until two thousand and seventeen been banned from driving so that really big deal it's a big deal i lam it's been on the table for a while now the authorities have always pushed back against attempts to try and change the situation when it came to women being able to drive what prompted this decision now. i'm not sure if this decision was prompted at this very moment in
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time there might be other ideological and political reasons why it was prompted at this moment in time but why i would like to kind of consider this from an historical point of view in two thousand and eleven as the report suggested also in two thousand and thirteen i was teaching in my classes about saudi women's driving ban and they were still at the time playing videos of themselves on twitter for example to share their experience of driving as a subversive act and the images that i've seen today in relation to this particular news item was also this were also the same they were very much similar to those images i think is something that is to do with the concept of change change is something that happens very slowly but it's good that this is happening fighting against patriarchy fighting against male domination and fighting for women's rights are things that won't change overnight they will take time and i think this is just a step forward or it's all about step forward let's go to roth now what practical
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difference does this make to the lives and the freedoms that women enjoy in saudi arabia rotha. sardou woman driving is a huge achievement for the women's rights activists in the country have been fighting for this more than two decades they one of the biggest issues that they've talked about is the reality that they face not being able to drive this is a country where public transportation is limited where to get anywhere around the country you do need to have to drive and of course that means that you are reliant on your male relatives or male drivers to do so now if you're well off when you are able to have that kind of access then male drivers no problem but for many women even if they are independent and have the money and the means they want to be able to go get into a car and drive just like any other man in the kingdom and for many other women who actually can't afford a driver who find it very difficult to maintain the lifestyle they have with a driver in place that can be very difficult it can be difficult to get a job it can be difficult to maintain a job if you need to be able to pay your way to get to get to get to work on time
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so this has been a real impediment for those in particular in terms of access to employment but also in situations like domestic violence if you're being beaten up how do you get out the house how do you get to the police station if you need to get to the hospital you need need immediate care you will you are going to be arrested if you end up in a car trying to drive yourself there you will need to find other ways and means to be able to do that this decision would if in completely allows women with the same access as men to drive would provide a historic difference to women's lives or a year or so let me just does not it is not unlike that you would use that if it allows completely the same verse to drive it around to men yes i mean this still is not the nine months to go and the committee has to study the degree says how this is implemented is it going to happen and do you think there's going to be any attempt to push back at it in the next nine months. i definitely do think that it's
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going to happen when a royal decree is issued of this magnitude usually and actually they've even announced it themselves that the senior scholars and saudi arabia have approved didn't have no objection with islamic law as they call it and so i think that it is going to happen i'm sure that there are going to be some pushback in certain more conservative segments of saudi society who see this. this allowance for women to drive as it moves towards greater independence for for women and saudi arabia which is something that they. would object to and so i will i definitely do anticipate some resistance from the more conservative sectors of society but in general i think that this nine months is actually a good time to give the saudi society time to sort of digest this it's been
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anticipated you know. thirty forty years. they've been talking about this and. you know if they will have to organize the road is going to be you know you can imagine a lot more drivers on the road there are issues charters licenses and driving schools are going to be have the comedy to the female population so i think that there are going to there is going to be some procedural a logistical bureaucratic adjustments that need to happen but i think most importantly in the next nine months there there's going to need to be some education and making awareness in saudi arabia with the public that this is actually a very good step for saudi society it is really in the interest of saudi society for women to be able to drive for all the reasons that the other you mentioned some
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interesting terms there. public awareness education is this a country that is genuinely right now reforming and expanding the margins of freedom in general i'm talking about women's issues and and beyond. i think there are lots of other issues that not just saudi but many countries have to face with their tackling with in terms of gender politics in terms of women's rights i do think that there has been a great progress in terms of change within saudi i know this from the perspective of films that were made for example within the country the first ever film for example was made by a woman high fall mansur's film called wild show that came out in two thousand and twelve in which she kind of the picks those issues around gender segregation driving ban and other issues including forced marriage child brides and so on so
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there are lots of other issues but i think the key question that i would like to focus on is this idea of the middle east or the arab world or saudi arabia in this case being kind of regarded or talked about or percy it as the backwards kind of culture that needs to change i was really particularly kind of surprised today to see a comment from as the report suggested from the united states and one of the governmental departments said this is a great progress in terms of the right direction i think we really need to stop for a minute and this kind of think about who decides on what is right and what is wrong what those cultural values are that makes things right or wrong and obviously really reinforcing by talking about saudi arabia or any part of the arab world or the middle east in that regard are we talking about them in a really kind of backlash way that would put all reinforce those stereotypes are we recreating those with our language that we used to talk about these progressives
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elements the media in general has been nice not necessarily helpful in representing saudi in particularly positive ways but i think this is a big step or an amazon view you're coming to the right place with the rounds gershon about how we frame things i'm so glad you've raised the let's. has put things into a broader perspective and that seems to be the way we're going now with this because allowing women to drive is in line with a broader program called vision twenty thirty it's promoted by the saudi crown prince mohammed bin salamander it aims to modernize saudi society for the first time ever last week women were allowed into a sports stadium for example as part of saudi national day celebrations up to now sports arenas have been strictly men only the saudi sovereign wealth fund for example announced a plan this month to invest in the entertainment sector public cinemas are banned in the kingdom saudi leaders have confirmed plans to build more resorts and the
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recreation city dedicated to sports culture and entertainment the crown prince also launched a crackdown on dissent though social media reports say political rivals critics clerics even have fallen victim the reports say at least ten scholars were detained including the popular sound man allowed to have more than fourteen million twitter followers let me take that question to roth while women may be able to drive next year like you said social media reports say some pretty prominent figures are being put in jail even economists like asama zammit for this agreeing with the country's economic reform process is there so you know let me put the question again to you is this a country that is really reforming or is this you know some see a cynical p.r. move well i'll put it in a slightly different way when we talk about reform in saudi arabia we have to ask how much are they really reforming so when we talk about him for instance just talk
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about the driving for instance they could have said that women are allowed to drive and tomorrow women are allowed to drive as women with international arrivals licenses can take to the road but instead they said they'll take thirty days to review the decision and that means they could be spending that time to come up with ways to restrict women's right to drive. by june two thousand and eighteen we'll actually see what the reality is like for that reform but in general around the country inside arabia we know that while it has always been for the last how many decades that has embraced what we consider to be modern society technology and so on so he has been very brazen of such things they have at the same time doing credibly repressive over the years we've seen prominent human rights defenders like mohammed the tiny like. many other human rights i defenders who have been arrested who are now spending ten to fifteen years imprisonment and in the last year or so we've seen many more activists defend people on twitter expressing their peaceful
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opinion who have been arrested or continue to be harassed and intimidated by the authorities so while sarge arabia does have a vision twenty thirty it does is talking about reform in the country in a variety of ways that we form package the understanding of what reform means has to be about human rights for all both men and for women and designing a package of reforms that actually see that reform come to reality not ones that actually restrict the reform itself. you mention the pushback from some conservative quarters none wondering will this sort of moving crease the tensions within saudi society between the government and some of the conservative quarters you know i think that there is that least some level of polarization that exists in saudi society between. traditional saudis and i think it's very visible even when you are in now. or in more of the inland areas
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and so i do. anticipate that there will be definite tension which is why it's very important for the media to play a very important role as i mean if you fill my life from our viewers give us an idea well though some of those visible signs that. you would see that perhaps not everyone is aware of terms of differences between job done real job the being you know on the west coast and we all being in the east of saudi arabia well i think generally speaking i mean obviously there are conservatives and liberals and realises well but if i were to generalize out say that you this is new to be more liberal in their lifestyles in there they're just saying the compounds that they where they host. you know the lifestyle there are a lot more open a lot more flexible for families and as opposed to more traditional
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lifestyles that where women cover completely including their faces and their hands and there are there's a great greater restriction for them to be able to get scholarships and travel abroad really study abroad they're in they don't send their daughters the they get married earlier so there are many different lifestyle differences and there is there is very obvious pose nation in the country in terms of lifestyle so i do anticipate seeing. you know considerable resistance from the more conservative sex side of society which is why it's really important to spend the next several months educating them on the practical implications of will be able to drive and how it will greatly benefit the economy and saudi society as a whole there really needs to be a very formal sense of educating the public on why do these kinds of reforms are in
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the best interest of the nation. i let me mention the minutes ago we have to be very careful about the sort of terms we use about what is the right direction how much consensus then is there within saudi society about what is the right direction for reform i mean some people would prioritize this sort of issue as being one of the numbers of forty five thousand which is just way too low i mean refugee organizations like yours are you now going to absolutely push to try to get as close to the cap is close to the limit just as possible given it. yes i mean we recognize that we are dealing with political forces that are anti refugee so we are pushing for at least seventy five thousand to be accepted you know if we had gotten one hundred ten thousand with president obama had a decree that would have been great just this morning we had a press conference with congressman jan schakowsky with faith leaders with refugees pushing for president and congress to open the door to refugees to not shut the
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door to them so we will continue doing everything in our power mobilizing our constituents asking for our people and faith leaders on the ground as well to be calling their members of congress and pushing for a higher number a more appropriate number of seventy five thousand i want to put something to you at the u.n. last week president trump said for the cost of resettling one refugee in america the u.s. can help more than ten migrants in their home regions how do you respond to that sort of a comment. those now the study that those numbers are based on is very flawed they have a history of putting out anti muslim anti refugee anti immigrant studies so first of all the numbers which those are based on is flawed second i remember a part of his comment said something about putting refugees in safe zones that are near their country what's safe zones is he talking about these safe zones don't exist if there were safe zones then there wouldn't be refugees coming and fleeing
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their home countries and trying to go into other places and other countries where they can have some sense of stability so you know using that kind of that kind of analysis part of it i remember was asking people that you know if people have the potential to be safe near to home with they prefer that wolf course that we're going to say that but those possibilities just aren't there and so it actually resettlement has been proven to be very cost effective and in the long run and the fact the refugees contribute so much to the american economy proves that so i would absolutely disagree with us to to stick and i would say that is actually more cost effective to resettle the refugees in the united states not to mention that it aligns better with our values of liberty and welcome and being a model for stability for other countries around the world so it just absolutely makes sense to continue the refugee resettlement program and to continue the numbers that we've seen in the past instead of the slow number right now that we're talking about gets to you on the program water joining us there from washington d.c. thanks so much. thailand's former prime minister. has been handed
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a five year jail sentence after being found guilty of negligence she wasn't in court to hear the verdict after fleeing thailand last month. convicted of mismanaging a rice subsidy scheme that cost the country billions of dollars. members of parliament in uganda have brought for the second day running. what happened during a debate over changes to laws that take the age limit the presidents which is currently seventy five years old the current leader of any is seventy three and he's seeking an amendment to the law so he can run for a sixth term in office. or i stay with us on this news hour because head. thank you thank. you k.'s opposition leader as he calls for greater
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accountability by governments gaged in conflicts around the world. we'll tell you about the canadian airplane manufacturer that's been hit with a massive hike in duty by u.s. regulators. and the reigning n.l.b. champions the chicago cubs play out a thriller against the louis cardinals reaction coming up in school. the caucasus appears to be a meeting place now of the cold winds blowing out of russia and the war. result shows not much to remember it will develop the is cold enough coming out to russia and the mountains high enough to give a bit of snow think or to mostly they were talking about rain showers from georgia
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across probably. to the north of iraq in the next day or so they tend to fade out is a one day event and then friday looks a lot drier south of that of course it's still sunshine the temperature forecast in baghdad is below forty thirty eight now and of course it's cooler the further west you go particularly on the coast and as rainy and it's also slowly cooling down in western society we still talking about forty or forty one and still potential for cloud you know to manton's of saudi arabia may you see the old flash of lightning that's possibly even true in yemen because a much lower chance there than it was say a couple of weeks ago here it is slowly dropping around the gulf states as well but about thirty degrees thirty eight degrees is the maximum now in doha and abu dhabi unless you have by day than was the case asked for still around about thirty but the chance of the heaviest giving much stress on our it's a much reduced chance. for
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most when we grow old we take life at a slower pace well not for this centenarian. online dating teaching the use of kicking in door. she's a blogger adored around the globe and she's doing it on her own way. life begins at one hundred eyewitness documentary at this time on al-jazeera. in the aftermath of civil war peace and reconciliation i remember sitting in the absence of justice. people in power on earth chilling testimonies of atrocities suggesting or fora to have failed to conduct full and proper investigations that could help heal resentment inflicted by conflict. cote d'ivoire partial justice at this time on al-jazeera.
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again undermined at the top stories here on the. results have been announced in a controversial kurdish referendum in iraq with ninety two percent voting in favor of. the kurdish leadership to relinquish control of their ports airlines have announced flights to the capital. tens of thousands of people have taken part in a nationwide strike against government corruption and unemployment. and rights groups are welcoming the king of saudi arabia's decree allowing women to drive.
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refugees a military crackdown. or accusing the army of raping women and girls government denies the accusations but has refused to allow international observers to investigate four hundred eighty thousand have fled to bangladesh in the past month jonah hole has more from long in bangladesh. two sisters twenty five year old me and twenty two year old aziza share their story of escape from me and my both say they were raped by soldiers. the military tortured us they murdered our parents even our sisters they took us to the jungle they pushed us down on the ground there were two of them they raped me and then i became unconscious. some people came and rescued us and took us to
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a group of people who were going to cross the river to bangladesh but they wouldn't take us in the boat as we had no money we told them either you kill us or take us with you. it's estimated that more than a third of nearly half a million refugees who arrived in bangladesh in the past month of women and young girls i met survivors myself who've told me their harrowing stories about how one sister was gang raped and killed in front of her how one was raped and then a baby was killed in front of her they have experienced its extreme amount of pain trauma they fled some have walked for days not eaten if you say trauma it's an understatement they are severely traumatized it is of course impossible to verify the stories we've been told but those n.g.o.s are hearing this sort of testimony every day now as this vast population of refugees slowly gains access to health and
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counseling services but despite the best efforts of aid agencies the task of reaching all those in need is nowhere near complete the sisters have had no direct help. we are young girls where can we go we don't have anything left they killed everyone only my sister and i are alive. whether or not sexual violence is being used as a weapon against the fleeing richenda is something that may be proven in time when dissident and sang suchi was fighting for democracy in myanmar she's on record as saying that rape was used systematically by the army against minorities now as the country's leader she's had nothing to say about the latest allegations nor has her government granted access to international agencies to investigate jonah how
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al-jazeera bangladesh now the u.s. has imposed a two hundred twenty percent tariff on jets made by the canadian aircraft manufacturer or body that's after a legal challenge by boeing boeing is accusing the canadian government of unfairly subsidizing the series aircraft quebec has a one billion dollars stake in the company but denies providing any subsidies let's get the latest on the story from daniel lackey joins us live from toronto so daniel how is this all being received in canada. well i think shock and outrage are the two things that come to mind shock because they didn't expect the united states to impose such a punitively high tariff boeing itself it only asked for an eighty percent tariff instead they're getting two hundred twenty percent effectively traveling the price of the c. series aircraft if it goes through still several months before a final decision but also outraged the premier of quebec said the united states was being arrogant prime minister justin trudeau has already threatened to cancel
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a deal with boeing to purchase a number of fighter jets worth five billion dollars and they're also pledging to fight they're saying they're going to take this to the world trade organization and to the north american free trade agreement nafta where there's a dispute resolution mechanism that usually goes in favor of countries taking steps against the united states but right now everyone is still reeling from the sheer size of this the sheer cost it could impose on exact same involved body is counted as any real global aviation company how will the fact that. the firm's been in troubled waters in recent years in this c. series jet it's basically a competitor with the boeing seven three seven or the airbus a three twenty or a smaller mid-range jet this was their attempt to get out of real financial difficulty that's why governments took such an interest also thousands tens of thousands of jobs in canada are depending on this and not to mention northern ireland the u.k. where even prime minister to resign may has chimed in and said this is
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a bitterly disappointing decision it's really going to be a body blow to the government if this stands and if the trumpet ministration pushes through with this all right on a lot with. thanks daniel. leader of britain's opposition party says it is the government in waiting in a wide ranging speech at the party's annual conference the labor leader jeremy corbyn accuse the prime minister of quote bungling breck sick negotiations and also criticized saudi arabia for what he described as its cruel war in yemen out of there is gonna be philips has more from bryson even in this age of the political unexpected it's an extraordinary story the apparently an ambitious backbench m.p. who became labor party leader now adored by the members he promised more spending on health education bringing industries back under state control higher taxes for the rich and big corporations the crowd loved it is the country ready for it. today
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. where it was twenty or thirty years ago new consensus is emerging from the great economic crash and the years of the sterett say. when people started to find a political voice for their hopes for something different and something better. there's no doubt. this conference but of course jeremy corbyn is preaching to the converted somehow he has to convince the majority of the wind. that he is the right man to lead this country. they call it corbin mania a celebration of the man even his pet cat so is the labor party in danger of falling for a cult of personality manners go. on like many of the people i know. believes so much sometimes but the truth is being a leader one of the definitions of leadership is to inspire me inspires millions of
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young. people from all over our nation this is as close to dissent to speak out at this conference pro e.u. demonstrators want to be called in to take a stronger line against blacks it labor like the governing conservative party is badly divided trying to keep options open in other areas germy corbin says he put the pursuit of peace and human rights at the center of his foreign policy so we can't be silence the cruel. while continuing. the saudi arabia thank you and i say this to. a champion of democracy and human rights please. do all you can to end the violence now against the ruling go the ruling have suffered for too long. but
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first he needs to win a general election an election that the conservative government will do its best to avoid germy corbin says labor is a government in waiting prime minister to resign may plans to keep him waiting to be philip's al-jazeera brighton the governor of tokyo has launched a new political party adding more uncertainty to next month's general election in japan pledging to bring back hope to the country yuriko core u.k. is stepping up a challenge to prime minister shinzo as a he has promised to end nuclear power and as suggested freezing a proposed tax increase they announced the statler action on monday will dissolve the lower house on thursday. thousands of people in central ukraine of had to leave their homes after a series of explosions at a military ammunition. the blasts at the military base near calen if started on tuesday evening rescue services say one person was injured and they've evacuated people from six nearby towns and villages ukraine's prime minister says quote
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external factors are behind the explosions. people on the indonesian island of bali is spending their sixth day on the highest possible volcano alert as mount of go for things to erupt the volcano is spurting smoke and ash and the intensity of traverse is increasing more than seventy five thousand people have been evacuated from a twelve kilometer exclusion zone and a step vast in reports from one of bali's main resorts there are also major concerns about the effects to resume the search lumbered one of bali's most famous diving resorts is closed hotel staff and guests were ordered to leave the town as soon as authorities raised the volcano's alert level when mt last the wrapped it fifty four years ago the area was damaged by lava and hot gas clouds but the resorts owner. has decided to stay he doesn't want to leave his business behind it
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. i trust my parents told me are doing to leave yet situation is not critical when the mountain exploded nine hundred sixty three there's a lot more smoke quakes didn't stop. divers from all over the world come to the lambent to see a famous historic ship wreck but they now are all gone and the diving equipment is being taken to a safer place for storage even the guides are to skew to go out to sea. and then work it was a one of two pm when i felt something happening in the water i could feel the pressure and i could feel it in my heart and i went to a friend so i was not alone and could calm down. all they can do now is watch mt argo. as it released a steam and gas while all eyes are on the volcano people are increasingly concerned not only about their safety but about their future as well their livelihoods could be gone in an instant business had picked up over the last decade but why and fears
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he may be faced with having to start all over again don don nelson was a collie it has a big impact especially on our economy it's all dead now a total standstill there's nobody left i really hope nothing bad will happen here in the situation quickly turned to normal. most have also left a nearby beach resort which is considered safe for the few who stayed behind they are enjoying special treatment but some of the first fisherman. for a. very nice day like oh yeah. it's like our own crap here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's. a different story for business owners and their staff they can only hope there will be no disaster and mount will instead go back to sleep step fasten al-jazeera to lumberton. or i stay with us here on this al-jazeera news hour because still to come. oh
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castle to celebrate world tourism day sustainable tourism is the focus point for delegates attending a summit itself wants to attract five and a half million visitors within the next five years despite the blockade by neighboring countries. reports from doha. others capital doha is not as busy as it used to be but after nearly four months of a blockade by four of its gulf neighbors travelers are still coming the tourism authority more than hotels are encouraging people to include qatar in their plans okie from the month says the blockade did not stop him. our gulf is one gulf and when i'm in culture i feel as if i'm in oman saudi u.a.e. blockade will never affect the relations between the brothers and families in the gulf countries. and that confidence goes beyond the arabian gulf parents were oh you sure you want to go yes why not so we're told we're not afraid of anything else
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. out there now provides visa free access to people from more than eighty countries there's a lot of different kind of people you get to see a lot of different. cultures i feel very very safe here as one of the safest places i've ever found in my life. but the blockade has had an impact on the tourism sector hotel occupancy has suffered this year it's down to fifty seven percent compared with sixty seven percent in the first three months of two thousand and seventeen the number of visitors arriving from g.c.c. countries and other arab nations is also down by seven percent but due to visa relaxations and other incentives being offered there are the number of visitors who are coming in from asia africa europe and the americas that is on the increase and overall the number of visitors coming to qatar has increased. and the battery government is keen to diversify further with challenge there's always opportunities . as more often. than before while there might be a challenge or there's
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a force people who want to visit from neighboring countries. also expanding into different source markets more people to come to the president hosting world tourism day celebrations this year in two thousand and fifteen the international community adopt. a global plan including two of them is one of seventeen sustainable development goals to be achieved by twenty thirty sustainable tourism is meant to ensure long term benefits for participating nations which promised to fairly distribute benefits among all stakeholders there is no logic to closing borders and making blockades actually deceiving. i think these tensions would be so that insecure open borders. the future. and those open borders would gather plans to rely on to reach its goal of more than five and a half million visitors by twenty twenty three. zero. ok time now
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for the fourth with farah. felicity thank you so much italian side roma have clinched a vital win in their champions league campaign they return and debutantes carra bag two one in azerbaijan cosman ellison added jacko with the goals it's the serious side first three points of their champions league campaign all seven more matches have just kicked off neymar is back from injury as p.s.g. are taking on a barcelona have hoped across a portuguese border to play a sporting manchester united are in russia facing c.s.k. moscow and chelsea are away at atletico madrid and there at the semifinal stage in the asian champions league china's shanghai sri p.g. and red diamonds of japan drew their first leg match the chinese side are into the last four for the first time thanks to their manager andre vs. took the lead at the
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shanghai stadium. with a stunning strike just fifteen minutes into the two thousand and seven winners for a while fought back to square things up in the twenty seventh minute it finished one one. you cricket rules will come into effect on thursday it will be the biggest changes to the game in seventeen years the main difference is disciplinary measures players can now be sent off from the field for bad behavior but has behavior really got worse the wellings reports. the rules of world cricket have been made at the famous unloads cricket ground for one hundred seventy three years the mala bone cricket club n.c.c. a custom jeans of a game that was always meant to be played in a so called gentlemanly manner but it proceed to tear your ration of behavior means it's time for a change there has been a spotlight on confrontation in international goings currently dealt with via disciplinary points and suspensions now if
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a cricketer takes their aggression too far i will be sent from the field there is a growing trend in the behavior lower levels of the game less so the international level but in the recreational game is declining to the extent that many empires are leaving the game or choosing not to go into empire but now there are four levels of discipline level one is for such misdemeanors is excessive appealing level so includes deliberate contact a mains conceding five runs level three including intimidation would mean timeout like being cymbidium other sports for the most serious offenses including actual violence a player will be sent off signal is sort of waving of like that and then followed by a sort of the signal tiles about the legendary english cricket to w.g. grace suggest a sense not new to cricket in one incident he was clearly out but said to the umpire people have come here to see me but not to say you're one pile i refuse to
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leave the crease the kind that behavior has worsened in modern cricket is debatable remember confrontations like. encounter in perth in ninety one or gutting versus umpires shako vanna in far as about six years later. mike sutcliffe was played the game as man and boy from village greens to captaining his m.c.c. loads he agrees behavior in cricket is slightly worsened but overall cricket retains a spirit of fair play. as a player i was in that time a lot of reasons why is it. better. ok you know has a reputation still doesn't preclude as being a serene in the mind yeah and the spirit of cricket is fundamentally important to our great great school i now after thirty five years of playing it to you senior levels are now when the juniors section and it's really important which is we're encouraging parents and you people to get involved in the game cricket is different because of the spirit of the game because world governing body the i.c.c.
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want this to work as a deterrent not to see players regulate banished to the pavilion but the boundaries of acceptable behavior have been moved for good the wellings al-jazeera cricket ground in number. four players have been inducted into the world golf hall of fame class of twenty seventeen among those honored for their achievements was mexican goal for. she had a three year stretch of twenty one victories and two majors. in what was also recognize the welsh golfer is a masters champion a two time order of merit winner in europe a member of nine ryder cup teams and the winning captain of another. time is now and world number four carolina is through to the quarterfinals of the will hand open in china cruise past caring wang to get there she won in straight sets six two six one winning in less than an hour for those of us looking for
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a fourth title this year. the chicago cubs missed the chance to seal the national league central division on choose day they lost a thriller against st louis cardinals were already five one out by the second inning the cops came back though they reduced the deficit to just one in the eighth inning but in and the cardinals won eight to seven. on the american east leading red sox were also absent on choose say they were beaten by the trial of blue jays who were bottom of the division six for ryan going smashing a solo home run to seal a six four win. and the official national anthem singer of the n.f.l. is baltimore ravens has resigned and. joey odom's has been the team's official singer for three years of to winning a singing contest so tim's is stepping down because he believes fans who attack
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players who protest during the national anthem don't take the time to understand why the ravens join the n.f.l. wide protest before sunday's game in london. and that's all your sport for now it's now back to felicity in london for a thanks so much for that now a night at the opera can be one of the most rewarding of autistic experiences but it is incredibly expensive to stay in the high ticket prices and is also struggling to attract a new younger audience so a new exhibition in london is attempting to change all that as out as there is just a couple reports. for a love it or loathe it for some it's the highest form of art combining everything from singing to set design to acting to instruments but for others it's everything that's wrong with high culture completely impenetrable why are the actors singing when they could be talking and why is it so expensive the victorian albert museum
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is trying to win over new audiences with an exhibition designed to show that opera played an important role in political and social upheaval the royal opera house with a clear self-interest is collaborating and i hope that if they were a new comer. they would. decide that they love it. mozart's marriage of figaro was consider groundbreaking and then lightened in vienna in seventeen eighty six audiences would have been shocked to see people they recognize from their own lives servants singing with duke's another offer included is shostakovich is lady macbeth admits. originally embraced by audiences in st petersburg in one nine hundred thirty four it was banned two years later. for it sympathetic portrayal of a murderer. today it's not sensors that keep people out but high ticket prices
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each opera requires enormous manpower and that's expensive has become much more popular has become something that longs to meet with all the for walks of life if they can afford the tickets. some opera houses are innovating broadcasting performances live in cinemas to tempt younger audiences what is it about opera that attracts the next generation the best place to answer that question is the world opera house it's a place where you can be immersed in it what feels like almost like you don't whole flight i mean that i mean this music is just allowed to be brought to life by everything in front of so music first and then the sort of immersive experience. as the man in a let's out the royal opera house is hoping the exhibition will change some opera lo the years into lovers jessica baldwin al-jazeera london. it's like a really interesting exhibition that we should be going to here in london on mars
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is just about it from a fifty ball i'm going to use out team here in london barbara starr is here with more news for you in a couple minutes talk about. a new level of luxury has arrived. an experience that will transform the way we try. our impeccable service remains but now comes with breaking heat is a. revolution in business class. the old pharmacy for the sick
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but for us. whether conducting business or sharing especially. with a list of. the search for it. and why. it's trying so well. centuries in the sky introduces. us to this most. cats are always going places together. i just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where they're online what produced the u.s. citizens here and what puts people of iraq going one in the same or if you join us on sat i was never a put a file been look at differently because i'm dr going all the people that i'm the one this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag into
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