tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 30, 2017 2:00am-3:01am AST
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and constitute roughly five percent of you bus driver space and the u.k. is its second largest market in europe so indeed this would be quite a significant blow to uber and while what has been great for consumers it's often seen as being bad for the lame of market in form of less job security lower pay and all the rest of it but you did a study on the impact of sharing economy platforms like uber on jobs and what were some of the findings well what you're finding is that actually after the introduction of uber employment in texas services expands quiet significantly so overall that you create jobs rather than destroy a step to expand the labor market for texas services but what happens then obviously as the labor supply expands is that there is more competition and that tends to drive down wages for incumbent drivers which is
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a side effect of that success if you like but in addition to that there's also evidence to suggest that it would drive a section very happy with their lives stay value the flexibility that the platform office then they're quite content with their financial compensation so on balance i think that most of the evidence actually suggest that you have a driver's fear reasonable well now a lot of people are saying that this could be a game changer for the gig economy that other governments may feel emboldened now to more heavily regulate companies like you think that could happen . well it's possible i mean we will see what kind of a deal that is made if a deal is made i think this is quite actually a high risk game because the consequences of uber actually being bad would be very bad for london consumers a lot of people have actually structured their lives surrounding the every lability
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of uber quite of few people actually you can use it to commute to work it might constitute a risk to real estate prices in some. areas of london that doesn't have good access to public services so i think that the fellas actually playing a high risk game in this regard and this may really constitute a blow to the city of london as it does to you bet so we will see what happens i think what the outcome of this process. outcome of this process will very much determine. the country's cities and regions proceed with this the c.e.o. has said. obviously they're going to fight this decision and they say that it's based largely on what they say is a bad reputation. preceding it you think that's fair criticism i think what the sharing economy does is that it constitutes a tradeoff between flexibility and security and the labor market functions best
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when you have both so what legislators should do is to make sure that this gig economy this sharing economy can exist side by side with normal we the traditional labor market and that requires legislations to make sure that both function well in parallel car benefit for a thanks very much for being with us europe why is the first country in the world to make it legal to grow and sell marijuana but now the new industry is facing a threat no one predicted daniel schorr and the reports from the capital montevideo . this is nothing new it's just that mary won there is now after a long campaign totally legal in europe why the business has been booming we think that the risk is worth. the risk as the final result of that will be. respect their right to love. to have
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a plan. of their houses and. if they want each registered user can buy up to forty grams a month from their local pharmacy. banks are now threatening to close the accounts of those pharmacies selling the drug stopping they use of plastic cards they say they're under pressure from u.s. banks which by u.s. law cannot trade with any company linked to the illegal drug industry. we see an absurd situation the financial situation is being penalized with strong legislation which is not in place in canada or the u.s. but this has nothing to do with drug trafficking it's totally legal. europe why says the u.s. has got it wrong there mary on our industry is now legal delegation has been to the u.s. to put their case where the industry is looking at selling outside the bank system . system is now strongly regulated very controlled the state is heavily involved so
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that's why we feel it would be easy to show that we have nothing to do with drug trafficking or money laundering business is being done illegal enterprises controlled by the state. he says pharmacies a queuing up to sell marijuana but the financial obstacles have been removed this is normal and this legal as growing tomatoes a backroom backstreet industry is emerging from the shadows and taking its place in mainstream europe one society those involved say there's no going back to. europe one uses say legalization has seen the illegal drug trade reduced or the stigma attached to marijuana is receding. now you show you going into a business premises which is open to the public so now you're not in danger. the mood still has opponents both here and abroad but europe wise growers and smokers say merry want to use is now so normal many
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a wondering what all the fuss was about. still to come on counting the cost the tiny bolt of country of a star in your already has one of the internet's most recognizable brands but how do you replicate skype success m original and keep watching to find out how this country is putting tech innovation first. the first some other stories we're watching this week saudi arabia ended the kingdom's reign as the only country in the world of bans women from driving movies less about addressing gender inequality than an effort to modernize its economy women still only make up twenty percent of the workforce according to the world bank women face gender based job restrictions in hundred economies around the world. are the world's largest mining company b.h.p. billiton said twenty seventeen will be a revolutionary year for electric cars it is predicting electric vehicles will make
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up around eight percent of the global car fleet by twenty thirty five and that electric future will be felt first in the metals market especially copper that's because fully electric vehicles require four times as much copper wiring as a petrol or diesel car. james dyson the inventor of the bag less vacuum cleaner is turning his attention now to the electric car market he is designing what he says is a radically different car from current models that will go on sale in twenty twenty budget airline easyjet also announced this week it wants to fly electric planes within the decade it's teaming up with the u.s. start up right electric to build an all electric airliner. now a trade dispute between the u.s. and canada is threatening the jobs of thousands of aircraft workers beyond north america it involves u.s. aviation giant boeing and canada's bond body the u.s. has slapped tariffs on the new bond body a c.
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series plane boeing claims the new aircraft are being unfairly subsidized northern ireland is caught up in this route to as daniel lak reports now from toronto several years behind schedule and more than a billion dollars over budget bombard the series passenger jet is finally flying a modest number of planes have been ordered including by the u.s. airline delta but this u.s. commerce department ruling in support of a complaint by rival boeing could trouble the price of the bombard planes and this government is holding crisis meetings obviously were disappointed by the decision and i will continue to play hard for going to jobs canada's not standing alone in the u.k. bombarded is a major employer in northern ireland where the largest political party props up prime minister to resign may's government she's expressed bitter disappointment so have workers at the bombarded a factory in belfast who want britain to take action of its own against boeing
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that's we're going to lose are you going to need to speak that's what the politicians need to realize that. we sell for. one of our cars commercials a suite. and they need to. for c. to believe that they need to sell less. those jewels or us canada too is said it will take a serious look at future business dealings with boeing a five billion dollars deal to buy fighter jets from the us company could be scrapped according to the prime minister justin trudeau but the country also says it has legal means to challenge the ruling at the world trade organization and under the terms of the north american free trade agreement nafta with president trump threatening to scrap that agreement the current talks to renegotiate nafta haven't been going well canada says it invests in not subsidizes bombard and as it points out the u.s. has bailed out general motors in the past and gives boeing preferential treatment by some measures canada and the u.s. have the world's largest trading relationship but it's growing more hostile by the
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day now the oil market has been in a slum for the past three years but could it be turning a corner crude prices are now up twenty percent from june lows so that means we are officially back in a bull market for the first time this year so what's going on well for starters worldwide demand for costs strengthening according to the latest quarterly report from the international energy agency oil demand is up two point four percent year on year on the supply side production cuts by opec russia and other producers of also help tackle the oil glantz geo political issues are also a factor in independence votes in the oil rich iraqi region of kurdistan has inflame tensions turkey has threatened crippling sanctions on all trading with iraqi kurds. so joining me now from strasburg is professor jack amo luciano jacomo is the co-director of executive master and international oil and gas leadership at
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the graduate institute in geneva thanks for being with us so what do you put this rise in oil prices down to is it all about what's happening in the kurdish region or is there more to it than that though i think what the what's happening in the kurdish region is certainly sparking. speculative tended to the worries higher prices but what's what there is behind it is especially demand demand increases higher than we expected which is not surprising because prices have been low and saw consumer are keen to to use more oil and oil products. oil opec made that decision at the beginning of the year to bring down supply. so that they would like to think that they they had a hand in this rise in prices but is that with wishful thinking on their part now
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of course it's always a matter of demand there's hoopla either supply has decreased somewhat and we have had some withdrawal from the stocks there is heated debate how much withdrawal from stocks really that has been has there been just a shift in stocks from one country to another country. this is difficult to say stocks continue to be large so there is no immediate reason for an increase sharp increase in prices at this stage process may. be strong but then we'll have to see what the response of supply will be especially supply in the united states from shale oil which at these prices is likely to start increasing quite rapidly let's talk more about that then what is your outlook then for the next few months with oil prices do you see these prices continuing to rise
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and if so are up to what level i think prices now are heading towards a level of sixty dollars per barrel in. this had to come by sooner or later about that sixty dollars per barrel there are plenty of plays her specially in the united states but also in canada that become quite interesting quite profitable so supply will increase also this simply among producing countries may start to erode people may start saying that after all there is no need to maintain. production at the low level in the tendency the temptation to in. supply will also be there so i don't expect the prices may rise much above sixty dollars a barrel at any point in time in in the next year so how would you assess the overall health of the oil industry right now when the oil industry is. i believe
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doing fundamentally well there is an equilibrium of demand and supply stocks being slowly reduced. i do not expect any dramatic changes in for isis i think prices are carefully within a fairly narrow range which we may define fifty to sixty may be. as we reach two thousand and twenty they may get to sixty five but i am skeptical about any sudden change in prices. except if that is a some kind of security or military threat which then would start a speculative flare up but it would be a fear of you know if prices increase very high for
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a short period of time this doesn't have much importance in fact but looking at this long term when you look at things like develop further development towards electric cars united kingdom recently said that they were going to phase phase all fossil fuel cars by by twenty forty look at china they're heading in that direction as well and china is of course a huge buyer of all right now what sort of an effect is that going to have on the industry as a whole long term it will have an effect but it should not be exaggerated the word this not. order or france or china. even you know china is a very important country but there are other important countries and in i think the two thousand and four days not exactly around the corner. more than thirty years to get their perception of me change the future of electric cars
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has to be proven it will be proven i believe. this is so then they'd see that will play out but progressively so even when when people speak of. demand this should not be viewed as. a dramatic peak after which there is a collapse in the net and i think there will be a long period in which. we remain in demand but perhaps it is the man will not grow as much as it has grown in the past good to speak with you professor. thanks very much for being with us thank you and finally if you're going to have a digital discussion where better than the birthplace of skype we're a challenge reports from tallinn in estonia. coding kids these are stony and
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children haven't started high school yet but already they're programming robots you can really like. teach people. it's really love to learn. but. the aim is to create a generation with a smarter relationship with technology digital skills for everyone and if all goes well someday one of those kids might be able to build another skype this is easily estonia's biggest tech success story the company has to make video and voice calls over the internet and was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven for eight point five billion dollars startup entrepreneurship is a natural fit for a country that spent the past two decades turning itself into one of the most advanced digital societies in the world going to say that that's
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a really big influence there because one is that functioned for the boot camp then it just great that a bunch of wealthy people could invest finally i think it's because it's the newest ball and people know each other so people went like oh i went to high school with these guys if they can do it so can i yarn is now an investor in new estonian startups here and i'm trying to learn spanish like a language learning out linguist i asked its chief operating officer whether being a stone in makes young companies here think differently. so with domestic market basically it doesn't exist so it means from within you one you need to think global startup culture and overcoming the country's diminutive size also inspired the estonian government's the residency program costing one hundred or so dollars and
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a residency invites business people from anywhere in the world to remotely create a company here and gain access to the country's streamlined digital infrastructure it doesn't bring in much money but it does foster the network's estonia values you need to have a texas birth on a go explosion to have a virtual theists and if you need us kind of services we put you in touch with. companies so it makes a snowball effect and a lot of as some companies benefit from the services they provide. estonia believes countries will one day compete for the residence based on the quality of their digital services and business environments if that prediction is correct estonia already has a significant lead on next week's show we'll be looking at donald trump's tax ambitions why his opponents will only increase the gap between rich and poor that is our show for this week you can get in touch with us by tweeting me at has him
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seeker and do you use the hash tag a.j. c d c when you do or drop us an e-mail. dot net is our address but there's more for you online at c.n.n. dot com dow take you straight to our page which has individual reports links and entire episodes for you to catch up on. that is it for this edition of counting the cost and hasn't for the whole team thanks for joining us the news on al-jazeera is next. a new year a new car and many new developments for this chinese religious fledgling democracy the village committee has retrieved people's land but approval is fleeting frustration grips the villagers and as the saga began over a year before result is in the air police called. part four of a six part series filmed over five years with china's democracy experiment at this
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time on al-jazeera a scandal that's rocked the nation to its core and exposed hundreds of court officials. just to show the most dangerous commodity one s. sometimes take a spot to deal with a difference you are a personal fight against judicial corruption has and i feel i have. come out of my company in an exclusive documentary al-jazeera examined more man's extraordinary battle for justice in donna at this time. when we managed the financial system between one thousand forty five and nine hundred seventy one there was not a single financial crisis anywhere in the world and then in one thousand seven one the bank has lobbied and they said no no no we don't need controls you know the market will discipline us banks love to make loans to sovereigns why because behind the sovereign a millions of taxpayers we can see in reaction to the liberalization of finance
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just as we saw in the one nine hundred twenty s. and it's going to be updating it already is ugly in many parts of the world where people are saying if my government went look after my interest then i will look for a stronger if he's a fascist i don't care if he promises to secure the stability of my life and my people i will vote for him i think that's where we're heading and i don't think our leaders have the vision to understand that's the threat that we face. this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes the u.n. approves a team to investigate claims of war crimes in yemen but it's hard to make
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a lot of compromises. loney is on a collision course with spain over its secession referendum supporters rally in barcelona and occupy schools they hope will be polling stations. a flight to the us health secretary resigned following a scandal over his use of private jets. and of field of dreams the pioneering scheme allowing syrian refugees in greece to grow at. the un human rights council is sending a team to investigate alleged war crimes in yemen they're going to examine possible human rights violations by all sides in the conflict the resolution follows intense closed door negotiations and represents the highest level of scrutiny over the
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largely overlooked war and one of the poorest countries it's a compromise between western powers and arab countries that include saudi arabia yemen has become a battleground in a fight between government forces backed by a saudi led coalition and who the rebels supported by iran in the. in the complex circumstances that yemen is going through requires from the council and the international community support so the government can fulfill its obligations with regards to human rights the yemeni government has always expressed its determination to cooperate with the u.n. in order to promote and protect human rights the u.s. envoy to the u.n. in geneva says he's pleased the rights council has spoken with one voice on yemen. the international community faces several urgent tasks in yemen including the protection safety and security of civilians as well as expanding humanitarian access and relief in response to the rise of infectious diseases possibility of
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famine and growing water scarcity yemen currently is plagued by the world's worst humanitarian congo crisis which has put twenty point seven million people in need of humanitarian assistance and has led to more than seven hundred thirty thousand suspected cases of cholera. in jordan has more. this deal almost didn't happen the high commissioner for human rights hussein wanted the human rights council to authorize a commission of inquiry that's the un's gold standard investigation into alleged war crimes or alleged crimes against humanity however the saudi government was opposed to the establishment of a c.e.o. why they have been leading the coalition in support of the yemeni government and their coalition has been accused of perhaps indiscriminately or perhaps deliberately targeting civilians in an effort to try to end the civil rebellion they were threatening to withhold money from the human rights council if
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a seal was authorized finally late overnight on thursday into friday a compromise one brokered by the dutch delegate to the human rights council a credible international investigation is necessary in order to comprehensively transparently independently and impartially establish the facts and circumstances surrounding violations would have you to put an end to the cycle of impunity in yemen this panel of so-called eminent experts will have about a year to investigate these all of these allegations inside yemen there are questions on how much access they're going to get how much cooperation they will get from the who the rebels as well as from supporters of the former president ali abdullah saleh and there are questions a whether their findings will actually have any legal weight but their work will soon begin at least there will be some chronicling of what has been happening on the ground inside yemen well beta cells where is
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a senior research fellow at the middle east and north africa program of chatham house he's joining us live from new york thank you very much for being with us how much freedom do you think this team is going to have when they get to yemen. well i think that the first question will be whether or not they get to yemen at all there will be security constraints it's quite difficult to get into the north of the country at the moment there's no real airport access for most people so in the south very bad security environment to be interesting to see if given the restraints the places around these kind of panels they'll be evil even able to get in and once they're in country of course it's highly likely that anyone who controls a specific area will be trying to present a very partisan view of what's going on there there has been a significant amount of resistance to any u.n. investigation up to this point why do you think it's being allowed to go ahead now even as you say if it doesn't even make it to yemen well i think there are
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a number of reasons why it's going to head now you see mounting pressure at the international level for this to go ahead and a p.r. level the u.s. the u.k. saudi arabia who've been instrumental in the past really looking at this kind of investigation going ahead would struggle to justify their reasons for doing so right now and i think there's also a sense that the was in a place where the peace process isn't going to go much further and maybe this will create some leverage to suit create some kind of wage that allows people to maybe push the different parties to the conflict towards a resolution saudi arabia has been saying that it's been following international law when it's been carrying out its bombing programs and yet it's face the accusation is rosalyn mentioned of either indiscriminately or deliberately targeting civilians and yet it has allowed this investigation to happen what do we read into the fact that it has actually allowed the u.n. to put these experts forward. well that's
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a really good question i'm not quite sure what were the logic from the saudi side was i think there was definitely an element of understanding that if they were the party they were the country to block the investigation and no one else was only in its way it would be difficult for them to justify that and i think there's also possibly the expectation they'll be able to deal with the problem of the panel later on the ultimate outcome of this investigation may result in ike allegations of war crimes against one side or the other side or both sides given the nature of the situation in yemen at the moment the catastrophe that the country is facing the devastation that the people have been through is now the right time to be trying to apportion blame well this isn't really about apportioning blame this is about upholding international law and that has resonance beyond yemen there's an international commission of inquiry on syria and on other
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conflicts there are major international qualities to this conflict so i think the point becomes one of does the international community stand by either the laws the courts to hold on yemeni lives as valuable as any other lives and i think the important point to be made about what's happened here today is that for let's say on a rare occasion the international community does try to stand up for international law and for the lives of individuals who are powerless to prevent conflicts like those in yemen because i was very of chatham house thank you very much indeed for your time thanks for having me before the u.n. announced its decision more deaths were reported in yemen's conflict this time five people were killed in a saudi led coalition's air strike inside a province six others were injured in the attack. thousands of supporters of
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catalonia as vote for secession from spain have held a final rally before sunday's referendum they're also occupying schools designated as polling stations to make sure the ballot goes ahead reports from barcelona. in the fields and into the political fray. farmers are vowing to turn their tractors into barricades if police try to crack down on the referendum. we have come to the fence the country and we are fighting for democratic rights on the right. as. you can see. with one hundred. rides. like.
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the night before in the hearth light of a small square neighbors gather. this is one of many defense committees grassroots groups controlled by any political party on a mission to defend the vote they are strategizing to resist police who are under orders to close down schools to stop them being used as polling stations. the children will sleep in the schools to stop the police closing them down we're afraid our neighborhood could be the first target of the. marching to the same drum beat students have occupied university and set up their own defense committee they've been sharing practical advice on civil disobedience tactics. i even think. they have also been in the air with different. the road to us in. two dollars could begin to.
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think this is something you can raise. cattle hands a deeply divided in the centrist party is among those opposing secession each of the law will make a lot a not all dan is concerned about the emergence of citizen defense committees during the civil war days possible and was run by private militia factions. like the castle and government in its head mr. a driving a car with no brakes and a heading over the precipice and crashing into. this evening fell process session group put plans into action taking over schools to preempt police operations to close them. the people it's all about the people if the people want something nobody can like oppose them. and in
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a final rally process session supporters wave what they hope will become the standard of their breakaway republic. pennell al jazeera spain. john hendren has the latest from that rally in barcelona. catalans held what began as a concert and ended as a protocol rally the man speaking behind me is carlos german he is a man who would be the president of the republic of catalonia and he is the man who has been pressing this referendum that's going to happen on sunday this referendum that seeks to separate catalonia from the rest of spain as this is happening the police the national police in spain have ordered the local police there known as the to shut down all of the schools here that's because their schools double as polling places well the look. police have been very gentle about doing that and as
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we have many local students from the universities here have been occupying those schools and their goal in doing that is to keep those schools open until sunday so that people can vote and the man speaking behind me follows me jim on says that no matter how many people actually get to vote on sunday if a majority of them says yes we really declare independence for catalonia on tuesday you can hear the response of the people here behind. a ban on international flights into iraq's kurdish region is in effect the iraqi government has closed the airspace in response to monday's vote for secession baghdad wants the results canceled hoda abdel-hamid reports from a bill. the last passengers to catch a plane before the closure of the airspace to international flights over to kurdish region footage but as a bari it's meant cutting short of a kitchen that was two years into coming. it was the first time his two year old
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son born in new york visited the homeland he says he didn't feel safe transiting through baghdad. it was. the measure was taken by the central government in baghdad after the kurds went ahead with their referendum against. iran was the first to close its airspace to flies from the kurdish region a few days ago. that. this airport. for a period of three months only special flights will be allowed but with prior approval from authorities in baghdad anyone else wanting to travel from here. will have to transit through one of the domestic airports outside of the kurdish region or they can travel by agreement. is also linked to the rest of iraq by
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land but some drivers told us they have avoided going south because they felt unwelcome. iraq's government says it's only extending its authority on the whole country to preserve its unity and kurdish authorities replied that they won't hand over any border controls to baghdad. i mean. people. right now. their. prime minister said the closure of the airspace was not meant to starve. but people. don't agree he traveled from sweden to take part in the referendum. this
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decision is wrong. or a body have no right to do this you can contest the referendum but through legal ways i want to be back again the future doesn't look good. the kurdish region is landlocked turkey iran have also closed their border crossings and many kurds are now bracing themselves for what their leader described as collective punishment but at the hemi al-jazeera arabic. while with international flights grounded as hard it was much talking about the iraqi kurdish regions line the border with turkey takes on a greater importance. reports with international flights now banned from the regional airspace this is the only way in to kurdish iraq. there's a very very long queue of trucks here and we have passengers on the other side and there were seventy flights a week going into kurdish iraq from turkey none of them taking off from the six
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