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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 6, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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oh is it allison when they're on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york has to address or if you join us on sat i'm a member of a complex one but we struck up a relationship basis is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag into a stream and one of your pitches might make an actual join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. life let. alone lol. this is al-jazeera.
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hello malcolm i'm peter w. watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes killing and injuring children in the war in the united nations criticizes both the saudi led coalition and the rebels. then a week nobel committee has decided to award the nobel peace prize for twenty seventeen. to the international campaign to abolish new player weapons and have a peace prize and a warning more needs to be done to rid the world of nuclear weapons. the body of iraq's former president jalal talabani champion of the kurdish independence struggle is laid to rest in his hometown plus. this vote is more than a presidential possession and is a piece of the high life in prison swimmy and such a park new york. which president. i don't want to.
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both sides in the war in yemen are being strongly criticized in the united nations' annual report on children and conflict the saudi led coalition and the rebels are jointly killing and maiming yemeni children but the un also says coalition forces have taken action to improve child protection mike hanna has more now from u.n. headquarters in new york. the report focuses on children in conflict across the globe in countries ranging from afghanistan to colombia to syria mali myanmar and more the list itself showing how widespread the problem is of children caught up in or recruited to armed action there were three thousand five hundred twelve child casualties in afghanistan alone the highest recorded in one country and in yemen
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a total of one thousand three hundred and forty child casualties were recorded of which the report says the saudi led military coalition was responsible for six hundred and eighty three in addition the coalition is held accountable for the destruction of a large number of schools and hospitals. the saudi led coalition was originally named in the two thousand and thirteen blacklist as well but was controversially removed by the then secretary general ban ki-moon pending a review that was never completed u.n. aids confirmed this happened after the saudi government had threatened to withdraw its funding to the united nations we are told the current secretary general carefully vetted personally and endorsers this report this year there's a change in the format of the report and next one the blacklist which contains the names of the perpetrators has been divided into two sections section a contains the names of nations and non-state actors guilty of acts against children but those
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that have been subsequently found to have attempted to improve the protection of children during the reporting period have been moved into section b. the saudi led military coalition is in this category along with the afghan national police and the somali national army this may not be enough to avert what is likely to be strong protest from the saudi government. we'll be hearing from the report author we hope in the next hour or so we'll bring that to you as it happens and mike hanna joins us live now from u.n. headquarters in new york mike just to be clear is the u.n. saying here that schools and hospitals are on a quickly being targeted deliberately yes they are saying that that is by both sides in the yemeni conflict all all sides rather because you also have a number of non-state actors involved in the ongoing crisis so yes it is stated
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specifically but what the report also says it goes into great detail for example that there was a secession in hostilities there was a huge drop in attacks on schools and hospitals in the period between april when a cease fire was signed until august so it shows directly that there is a a swell within the conflict that can be turned off like a tap at times and then the participants can turn it on like a tap at times as we see very clearly in the detailed statistics from the united nations peter all sides it seems to us might have said we will exercise caution at some point in the future but there's a disconnect surely between saying we will exercise caution and what is actually happening. well this whole thing about the two sections in the annex that blacklists that is put at the back of the report for the first time as i mentioned
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they have a section a and a section b. the section a perpetrator's section b. are those perpetrators who and this is an important line during the reporting period we're seeing to start exercising added protections for children within the conflict that means that while the conflict was going on some of those who were guilty of these violations subsequently started putting in some kind of mechanism to increase protection of children as i mentioned the saudi led coalition among those together with the afghan police force and the somali national army but it's not specified exactly what was done whether there was an intention to do so or whether specific modalities were put in place to increase the protection of children in this conflict that is something that is not clear in the report peter do these violations constitute war crimes. well that is not something that would be judged within the reported so that is something that will be discussed no doubt
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within the security council now remembering this report has just been delivered to the security council members they will be looking at they will be thinking about it and only at the end of the month will they hold a formal security council session to discuss it now in that session it may be decided to take further actions are those in the so-called black list. of where the or not these actions constitute war crimes may be referred to another un agency to look into or the security council may ask for further investigation to determine whether or not but in past experiences and the past sightings of these reports remembering this is an annual report which comes out at this time every year and there has not been that type of follow up and previous reports there has not been the discussion about are these war crimes basically this an ex is there to name and shame rather than cite entities or nations for further action this could change
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at some stage but that essentially is up to the security council michael thank you the nobel peace prize has been awarded to the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons the panel and also praised the group known as i can for working to prohibit the use of the weapons because barnaby follows the announcement from norway's capital of the no we each nobel committee has decided to award the nobel peace prize for twenty seventeen to the international compay in to abolish new clear weapons i can i can the geneva based coalition of campaigning groups for more than one hundred countries has promoted a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons. this is the time of great global tension. my fear. us to unspeakable horror the
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specter of nuclear conflict looms large once more if there's ever a time for states to declare their opposition to nuclear weapons that moment now. with north korea's repeated nuclear weapons tests and its trading of insults with the united states war seems a more real possibility now than at any time since the cold war the united states has great strength and patience but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea donald trump is also threatening to take the united states out of the iran nuclear agreement the negotiations for the nuclear treaty were boycotted by the americans but the other nuclear weapons states britain france china russia israel india and pakistan also say they won't sign the message we are sending is to remind them of the commitments
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that they have already made that say also are obliged to work for nuclear free world. these weapons of fire and fury have not been used in anger since one thousand nine hundred forty five but the haunting images of hiroshima and nagasaki still testament to their horror phillips al-jazeera london. well the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons or i can works with four hundred sixty eight partner organizations across the world it was founded in vienna in two thousand and seven during an international conference on the nuclear nonproliferation treaty the group promotes a u.n. treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons adopted by one hundred twenty two nations it does not include the us russia china britain or france spirit a lot god is a senior research fellow with the norwegian institute of international affairs and specializes in security and disarmament he joins us live here on the news from oslo
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said a lot god we've got one hundred twenty two countries backing the u.n. treaty not one of the no nine nuclear powers maybe ten around the world have signed up to this so the nobel peace prize i'm not being sarcastic what's the point what will change the impact is two fold and both are long term first the nuclear weapons states to stick to their weapons because they believe that they have military and political utility and that belief is based on the assumption that they can be used and this is where the ban treaty comes in because by. trying to deal addictive eyes and stigmatize nuclear weapons. it makes it harder and hopefully impossible to use the weapons and the second is that it questions the ingrained belief in nuclear
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deterrence because the treaty prohibits in the use of nuclear weapons also use in in retaliation and the believe in nuclear deterrence may be the single most important obstacle to nuclear disarmament to zero. even more important i would say than the elimination of the physical manifestations that is to say the weapons and the infrastructure supporting them ok political utility as a concept sounds a bit complex so break that down for me what does that mean if if the nobel committee or i can a talking to donald trump talking to the leadership in tehran the talking to the leadership in pyongyang because we're covering all those aspects of the story today what does that translate into being.
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already john foster dulles a us secretary of state in the beginning of the nineteen fifties said that we have these weapons but we can't use them public opinion is too strong and this is what the ban treaty tries to do to make a further contribution to barter regarding korea i would say that. since the effects we are talking about are long term the ban treaty has no visible effect on how to handle north korea that would have been different had the prize gone to the nuclear agreement with iran the joint comprehensive plan of action be because. a contribution a prize to that agreement would have been a contribution to the council if they should of this treaty which is now in the op would be because the united states that to withdraw and should that happen it would
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leave a very uncomfortable question behind can we trust the united states in sticking to its its government so this is clearly about expanding the norm because you want more people to sign up to this treaty more than one hundred twenty two countries who signed up to it so far but what happens if that norm is weakened if mr trump pulls the plug on the tehran deal tehran then backpedals on what it it has demonstrably done so far i think we've lost the line to oslo yes we have never mind we'll go back to that if we can before the end of the program. russia says it hopes the us will make a balanced decision on whether to remain engaged in the landmark international deal to curb iran's nuclear program mr trump as we've been hearing has accused iran of not living up to the spirit of the deal going back to twenty fifteen and he is expected to refuse to endorse it next week. let's not allow iran to obtain
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to obtain nuclear weapons the iranian regime supports terrorism and exports violence bloodshed and chaos across the middle east that is why we must put an end to iran's continued aggression and nuclear ambitions they have not lived up to the spirit of their agreement well that nuclear deal was described as a win when by many when it was approved two years ago during the barak obama administration it was signed by iran the u.s. russia china france the u.k. and germany it stops iran from producing materials that could be used for nuclear weapons in turn economic penalties and embargoed against iran will lifted the agreement must be certified by the u.s. president every ninety days the next deadline october the fifteenth if the u.s. president decertify is the deal it would give congress sixty days to review if sanctions should be reinstated the deal won't necessarily be cancelled even if it
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is decertified by mr trump but it could isolate the u.s. from its negotiating partners iran says it could have abandoned the deal if the u.s. with tools tom ackerman is in washington for us tom what's your sense as to what mr trump is going to do. well actually he knows for sure the president is given to what might be called mercurial impulses and so we don't know for sure he does have a speech tentatively scheduled for sometime next week shortly before the or on or before the next certification date now his administration twice has already certified the deal as having been as iran having been in compliance but as you heard his statement last night that the united states believes that it is not a lived up to the spirit of the agreement and by that they mean things like encouraging the proxy groups like hezbollah or other. activities that
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the united states such as ballistic missile development which are outside the framework of the actual treaty now again this treaty was never never put before the u.s. congress so by certifying or refusing to certify it he is basically throwing the ball into the court of the u.s. congress and as you explained they have sixty days in which to reimpose order or continue the sanctions lifting process just three days ago based in tribes defense secretary under questioning by congress said that the agreement it is in the american security interest to continue to abide by the treaty so it's it's clear that there are many voices within the administration that do not want to see the united states actually withdraw their fully aware of the
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consequences they believe giving iran a clear clear clear sailing to continue development and again antagonizing or alienating america's allies who are copartners in the treaty. so again the if the if the indications are that the administration will basically throw it into the cord into the congressional cord then the question here is will congress hesitate. or will they subscribe to what the president says and basically pull out of the agreement peter or tom i can see executive director had this to say about the us president donald trump. president donald trump has made a lot of people feel very uncomfortable with the fact that he alone can authorize the use of nuclear weapons and there's nothing people can do to stop him. or you
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can be with a tweet. who seems to be taking rational decisions very quickly. and it's sort of not listening to expertise is it just puts a spotlight on a spotlight on what this nuclear weapons really mean. there are no right hands whether for the wrong weapons so it would be fair to say that i can and the nobel committee seem quite happy to hold a mirror up to donald trump and his desire to me possibly pull out of this deal even if it gets the thumbs up from congress because that has a knock on effect that says something about the relationship with tehran and to iran's ambitions but crucially as well it could have a knock on effect with pyongyang. well just to note that the head of the i can executive director was referring to a tweet that she herself had put out or at least had referred to
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a tweet saying that the president is a moron a sort of an echo of the reported comment by the president's own secretary of state which is caused enough of a fuss here within within washington and she said that was a flippant remark i don't think that we really interrupt just for a second. because we're not going to go live to london because virginia. you're looking at just the u.n. special secretary general's special representative for children conflict wrote a u.n. report about yemen and let's just get a sense of where they think that conflict is going on both thinking behind. the report now really access a warning to buying gaijin would part the senate race in foundations we're working to prevent violations and improve the dire plight of children caught up in armed conflict that they can be children that they shoot and not the innocent victims of
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this because of acts. they report is not only frozen image of the situation of children in armed conflict but rather moving scene the engagement with parties to conflict is ongoing that's making this report a very strong prevention to. the u.n. engagement has led to important progress for children caught up in armed conflict in twenty sixteen and i want to highlight a few of these the report again you have to always very mind i always report the past so the report covers the period from january to december twenty sixth seen and it highlights the trends regarding the impact of armed conflicts on children in twenty conflict situations of which fifteen year olds and security are in this in their agenda of this if you're at the council so that all hold spots. in these reported impeded last year more than nine south and seven hundred children were
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released so we have some good news there were some parties that did release children that they had either demobilized children or that they had the pain children and they released them. we also have. discussed with this to get their engine and they married so of the listing of two parties because they have completed what was required of them in the action plans that they had signed and the one of them is a democratic republic of the congo all the national army finalized all recruitment and use aspects of its action plan and therefore was deleted for that one violation you would see that they still remain on the least on a second violation which is think should violence and they're working on that with constructing. in them to put in place measures to stop these violations. in the philippines were very hard and because. a non-state actor one armed group
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also we were able to recall men the least seen and this is a good they general saw fit to the least that's the moro islamic liberation front and they finalize their action plan and they were deleted for the recruitment and use of children thousands of children were demoralized and released from that one actor in the philippines. we also are vance quite a lot on signature of action plans were we we signed a good action plan i think that is very active with this adanis government. we also signed an action plan with the sudan people's liberation movement north the s.p.l. and north sudan which we are trying to move forward and early this year that we started that last year but early this year we've managed to sign with the movement they last a wad in mali and. just recently although this is
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twenty seventeen he probably will be reflected in next year's reboard we managed to sign in nigeria an action plan with the group of the civilian joint task force. i think these shows he said benefit of engage in dialogue with parties to the conflict not to give up on them and spatially to try to reach out and have access to non-state armed groups. so this is some of the progress we have seen and we think it's because of the engagement and perhaps more public awareness we have rolled out come pains in these countries to reach into the bush to say why recruitment and use is really a bad idea why children's rights must not be violated why children must be protected in those cases where we have rolled out some public awareness we have seen. the groups are more prone to do here is out there any access is provided
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by government allowing us access to these groups then. then we can have some progress like what we've seen today now comes the bad news i think increasingly complex conflicts have resulted in widespread violations against children. with the current says over this six grave violations that we documented by security council resolutions we have to monitor on and reboard on six nations. not just recruitment and use by killing and may mean abduction and sexual violence in schools and hospitals denial of humanitarian knox's i mean for us all of these have the same weight. i think we've read this morning when we published it they took a look in the morning they reboard vote for last year there were at least four south and very fired violations by government forces which as you know we don't go
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for governments we go for piteous and they can be state parties it could be a police he could be the army the state parties or non-state. parties to the violence so there were four cells and very five violations by government forces and nobody living cells and five hundred by non-state armed groups what is interesting when you read the report and courage you all are very much to read very carefully the report that is available as of today in fact i would plead with you to to ask. you know really there is to read the report because it's very annoying when the only object of our work in a year. and i mix i mean least the important i them is in the report it defines the dynamic of the problem if you read the report you will see that the
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eleven south and five hundred violations caused by non-state groups how fulfills are caused by violent extremist groups mostly i said. she was the iraqi secretary our special representative for children and armed conflict taking us through the report that she and her team of taken twelve months to put together she's saying that you engage with on the ground has provided real progress she was talking historically about trends in twenty areas hotspots of conflict situations every place from the congo to the philippines from the philippines to yemen let's talk story here on the news she said there is a benefit to be engaging in dialogue. besiegement or documented in syria alone with an estimated two hundred ninety two south and children trapped in busy areas and these are all as you clearly can see
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unacceptable figures on the list in itself which is the annex that they say get very general produces up to reading their facts and. i wanted to stop there and say one thing when i say for yourself i'm very fired and one thousand and eleven south and five hundred thirty five violations you know one has to assume that is a lot more. because it's very hard to verify i mean we use at least in my office we use a very strict morning in and report in mechanism with vetted very few geisha in lines by u.n. bodies. and half the time they have no access you know there are things that fall through the cracks so we have to assume that this is just the tip of an iceberg so don't say oh good we have five hundred five hundred more it's not the case these are very finite and vetted and on the basis of that we can assume what really is
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going on in the ground on the ground so on the least things and i would also like to add another thing i cross all sikhs violations this increase is an increase relative to other years so we can discuss in the questions and answers a change to the imagine and where these were at this point in time. on the least in the c.l. which is the annex to our report this is generally has listed sixty four parties to conflict. and that is compared to fifty nine in the previous year and twenty fifteen there are nine government forces parties listed and fifty five armed groups there listing is a very powerful call for action for the part this listed to either continue to implement the measures to better protect children or to start working to end evaluations against children and the un is there to support them through action
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plans and through child protection so board on the ground we will continue to work and to engage with parties to the conflict to change behavior and get commitment and where we're not getting through to raise the awareness in that situation so that and tried to achieve. to try to promote these very lofty objectives so we would be working in that direction you might be wondering how these new formats. that we chose to engage proactively in stopping the violations as we hear of them being reflected and you would have seen that in our leasts now we have the foreign shaded between those parties that have violated and. and have engaged in grave violations against children those that have taken measures during the reporting period to try
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to me and to resolve and coreg the issue. or stop the practice and those that are clearly not interested in engaging in any further there and will act as if they will continue to pursue this course of action so this is one differentiation that we have brought in isa meant to reflect the new developments and concern. that we have now added to the format. so. we know the more i do this film i tell would like to share with you and change this stuff but i will wait for your questions and then we know we can. thank you sure when. shown right speed south african broadcasting and it's come on behalf of the u.n. correspondents cessation thanks for coming to speak with us i hope my question isn't going to annoy you because it will deal with the ethics. of the bullet point of a report saying that there are two hundred ninety two thousand of children trapped
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in syria and she was also saying as to the certifiable verified number of violations of state she assumes that number will be a lot more than the numbers that we have in this report very specifically she was saying however countries like congo in the philippines there's been progress there not so much progress on the ground in yemen we'll go back to that i'm sure in the next hour or so here on al-jazeera. ok let's get you more on another of our headlining stories here on the news hour the associated press today reporting that the u.s. military is stopping some joint exercises with its gulf allies over the ongoing diplomatic crisis targeting cata a u.s. central command spokesman has been quoted as saying we are opting out of some
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military exercises out of respect for the concept of inclusiveness and shared regional interests we will continue to encourage all partners to work together towards the sort of common solutions that enable security and stability in the region let's bring in senior political analyst marwan bashar who's in london what does this all mean. well peter this is probably only the last of several steps been taken by the u.s. administration ever since that early days when trump was basically colluding with this old with the saudis and there are things against qatar and its and their accusations of qatar for supporting terror and the likes since then the u.s. has taken a different path altogether more to the likings of secular state television and defense secretary mattis and i think this is really in line with several steps been
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taken since then including the u.s. secretary of defense visit to cut its support for qatar also trump meeting with the emir of qatar in new york and voicing support for diplomatic solution as well as in the senate in the american senate we've heard the head of the foreign relations committee senator corker basically saying that he will halt all approval of arms sales to all gulf countries until this thing is resolved so really more heat not not too much heat but certainly some heat by the u.s. administration on the gulf countries in order to accept a diplomatic solution for the crisis there who might seek advantage of this if this is in effect the u.s. central command the u.s. military kind of heading for the exit door. well you know in the beginning senator coleman said that there are that the gulf crisis does not have
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any effect on its operations against eisel and so on so on so forth but certainly when it comes to military exercises and you need to do it with the countries of the region of the gulf region and you have a fifth fleet and by her a in central command in doha qatar it's not very difficult to do it when the parties are in disagreement that basically are you know at the state of conflict so i think what's happening here is really putting a lot of psychological political diplomatic and operational pressure on the saudis and the amount i think to back track and sometimes as they say you know when it rains it pours and clearly there's been a lot of pressure from saudi arabia while the us fight as it's war in iraq it's human rights record or are on the question of qatar on the question of the support of terror and the american congress the so-called just
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a lot and all the like so i think there's more pressure on riyadh and i would be at this point in time by the americans to solve this issue and i think the central command is part and parcel of course of that hierarchy and i think in so many ways before the end of the year we'll probably see more pressure from the trump administration to get this thing settled in some way or another mo and good to talk to thanks very much. the consulate in parliament says it may meet on monday will choose to make a decision on secession from spain in defiance of a court injunction from madrid the speaker canceling his parliament says the central government has put freedom of expression in danger. i sure do fade get at it that but it will neda this is an act of extreme seriousness because it cut tails the freedom of expression of members of catalonia is parliament this shows the total incapacity of the spanish government to result political problems in a political way we repeat what we've always said that we will not allow the
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parliament to be censored we will stay with the story council only as police chief has walked free from court today after attending a hearing in the spanish capital joseph luis perez was accused of sedition along with three other suspects he's being blamed for failing to protect spanish national police from protesters before the secession referendum on sunday. the united nations coordinator for emergency relief says the lack of access to me in march is unacceptable more than half a million range of muslims of escape violence and rakhine state since the end of august local refugees a dying on the way to bangladesh this is not just the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world right now as of today it's also one of the most heart rending so i met and eleven year old boy in a unicef therapeutic feeding center he was cradling in his arms his severely
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acutely malnourished two and a half year old sister his mother the boy and the boy's four siblings had set off on a journey lasting i think nine days fleeing violence and the burning of their village their mother died on the journey missile boy is now in sole charge of his four siblings well i'm a germ with more from cox's bazaar in bangladesh. you hear the word appalling use so much to describe conditions that they were hinder refugees are trying to survive in makeshift camps like this one in cox's bazaar which is on bangladesh's border with me and more let me try to tell you why that is first of all the weather it's brutally hot brutally humid then you have the rains you must remember this is still monsoon season and that means that when more rains comes the conditions can get more unsanitary that's one of the reasons why aid workers are so afraid that
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epidemics could break out here at any time why they are trying to prevent that and you have the fact that i mean look at how these these tents are constructed all that these people have to survive the elements with tarp wood and other materials it's very difficult to survive conditions like this when you only have a few materials like that it's a real concern and everybody that we've been speaking with be they refugees who arrived in the past month be they refugees who arrived in the past few days especially the aid workers all sounding the alarm bells all saying that they expect that things are only going to get worse a funeral with military honors has been held in northern iraq for the veteran could actually. crowds fill the streets of so many it to pay tribute as a convoy carried his body to the burial site a ton of money was a champion of the couldn't.


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