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tv   Roosevelt Skerrit  Al Jazeera  October 8, 2017 11:32am-12:01pm AST

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there is so taking place in spain over the political crisis caused by catalonia secession referendum last sunday these are live pictures from wasilla spain's prime minister is threatening to suspend the region's otani if its leaders declare independence hall is ruling out mediation to resolve the issue. campaigning is coming to a close in presidential and parliamentary elections in liberia twenty counties a second to rephrase president and johnson sirleaf was standing down after two terms the contenders include the vice president a businessman and a former world footballer of the year. in the u.s. hurricane nate has had a second stage along the gulf coast the storm lashed the city of biloxi in mississippi with winds of up to one hundred thirty five kilometers an hour mate has already killed at least thirty people in central america is strengthened again as it moved over the gulf of mexico and head to louisiana on saturday night the u.n. secretary general says the caribbean islands recently battered by hurricanes are
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the victims of climate change antonio terry's traveled to barbuda antigua and dominican to see the devastation caused by hurricanes and maria ninety five percent of infrastructure in barbuda was destroyed and the tears said mrs never seen that level of destruction before you're up to date with the headlines next here it's talked to all just here. in the hash tag era when news coverage of looking for an easy solution we delved deep of on says and challenge the status quo join me man the hot sun for a new season of love from at this time of his era. you will all. see. when the sun came up on the morning of tuesday september nineteenth the people of domenica got their first glimpse of hell it's just like
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a bomb went off in their small caribbean island nation was destroyed people were missing some of your dead these images filmed by a camera man who works for the government is some of the only footage from that morning the night before the eye of category five hurricane maria made a direct hit it ripped apart anything in its path. the entire country was left without electricity water or phone service there was no way to contact the outside world or the world to reach buddy inside domenico when dark for nearly forty eight hours nobody knew you could even existed anymore eventually the scale of the destruction was evident the nation of domenico would need to be entirely rebuilt. the man leading the recovery efforts is the prime minister of domenica roosevelt skerritt when he took office in two thousand and four he was only thirty
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one years old at the time making him the youngest head of state anywhere in the world he faces huge challenges right now how to rebuild a country that is in ruins and how to uplift people that are facing their darkest times we came here to speak to him about what it was like to live during that hurricane the challenges his. country now faces rebuilding and also the threat of climate change on island nations such as this roosevelt scare the prime minister of domenica talks. mr prime minister we have a lot to talk about but a lot of viewers around the world might not know a lot about domenica so i want to share a few things you were the last caribbean island to be conquered by europe primarily thanks to fierce resistance from the local indigenous tribes here eventually if you were colonized this island by the french and english but you gained independence in
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one nine hundred seventy eight you're an economy that was based on export bananas for many years but you've changed the economy a bit and now it's up and coming eco tourism site here you have no military and the ninety five percent of the population self identifies as black or of mixed race and because of the volcano you know islands here it's considered the nature island of the caribbean beyond that what do you want the world to know about domenico very peaceful country very welcoming country very hospitable people we have the top five best insights into. the second largest. lake it. would have many boiling lakes beautiful far and find the. only country in the caribbean which has national. trail. from
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the south to the enough to the east from the east to the west the country. blocks on beaches waterfalls rivers three hundred sixty five rivers. or the country one of the fewest few countries in the world to boast of a caribbean story of local indigenous population. so wonderful country you know forty five percent well put if i was in the country protected by law forest forest reserves. we had one of the. national parks and one top of national park this was a national park for forty years you know school world heritage site for twenty. very days it was a fight small economy but davis if i recall supplied many of the caribbean islands we produce. a pretty. not
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very developed but certainly very pristine and beautiful island when the eye of the hurricane hit your island what was the moment when you said this is going to be really bad i think from the moment my roof gone. i said to myself and the. sense of what's up to friends indicating that when we wake up in the morning we're going to see a country device state of. the. fellas it's of do we really the hurricanes today's island for which in four to five hours moving very very slowly so the moment my roof went away i felt that we're going to have serious destruction and. i was pretty good that would be true. but i had to face reality. so leave it and put an experience in the station of i felt the country would have been devastated. after the storm passed the next day
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when the sun came out and you were able to get out on the streets and see the destruction what did you see and what was going through your mind from the time. and i saw the destruction in the neighborhood really. because this will host and there will be pretty strongly. most of them recognize and respect in the construction cords and. every hole every house in this area was it was impacted by the hurricane. every tree down. telephone lines were down and. my mind started to research in on other communities they know what other vulnerable. communities where you know the houses were not constructed to the construction codes. and i felt like if this area was that
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impacted. we would have a complete national devastation. so i walked from my home. to town. and as i went along and good to see the device station and meeting people everybody is hoping with impact they. could see they did a fair deal with trauma in the eyes of the people in the expression. so i was able to move very early into the city and different parts to look at my family and of course to look at the destruction that just total destruction and i was able to go on to helicopter litany of the two to see it and fly it over the country and visit in many villages what i. what i felt will happen on monday night tuesday morning after that happens the country. complete devastation in every street and every village in the country.
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it is it is very painful to see the suffering and anguish people. flying into the island everything is brown all of the trees are just completely destroyed there's one researcher that's been looking at the destruction he's estimated that one hundred percent of the agriculture has been destroyed on the island and that ninety eight percent of the homes have either been destroyed or damaged such are his correct i recall it was one hundred percent destroyed there's no question about this one hundred percent here we have no food there in trees. for a reason every single tree has been back to farmers or entire forests of been. completely washed away and of course what not if a plus percent of homes affected their homes they'll have to be reconstructed completely maybe a few homes that can be salvaged for new roofs. you may see some of them standing
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but structurally. they are not solid to have to be demolished. so his character the tourism has been impacted. all of the hotels have been affected adversely when you're out on the streets and you see people homeless what do they tell you and how does it make you feel. pressure to myself. because in large measure of days of feeling that they're going to require me to meet with you know i recognize that as a leader a country that is my responsibility people are happy to do life yes but in many instances they've lost everything. and. we have. you know have to instill in them the hope the expectation sharon's that if we will together we can make life better for sales with the help of international community
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so it it is a mission people can is very depressing. it is very emotionally draining because you don't know want to see people in that suffering. i can't sleep at night because i know that many people there. was roofs open skies. you know and when it rains at night one can imagine the did it suffer any people. and. people are still and in shock many of them are still in there getting over it a bit not completely but discuss and will be for us for a long time. you know people are still broken one into tears every single day. to come to this office to see me. people are still emotionally distressed and the fact is the same people who have to provide the services the nurses adopted the
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police officers the public servants and all of them have lost their homes their life investments you know. some of the properties are not insured you know so it's very very disturbing thing for demand for the emotional state of all people do you have any idea how much money you're going to need to rebuild now after hurricane maria. because we have invited the world bank to come in to do. rapid assessment would rely on them to advise us and international community of the of the for size cost of reconstruction is going tree but you're talking about hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to build homes to schools to build hospitals infrastructure bridges washed away is going to have that money. and we wouldn't want to you know we don't have any. you know we're developing
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country. with poverty levels because america. twenty five percent. we have very limited capacity if any to morrow. we can borrow. rates so. you know if we need international help we absolutely. the most is of the international community and our hope and prayer is that. is that there will be goodwill among nations and. the recognition that they need to come to our rescue and it's literally going to come to our rescue. the. we really need the international community and to help us in this situation. just a few days after the storm you chose to get on
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a plane to go to new york to address the united nations why we went there to declare an international humanitarian emergency nominee. and to indicate to the united nations that our country would need the help of all countries we dug graves today. we buried loved ones yesterday and i am sure that as i return home to morrow we shall discover additional fatalities as a consequence. and we also took the opportunity. to lead into coming to know that this discussion on climate change and its impact on contradict it had been going for too long and in the process of all of these conversations and discussions and workshops and seminars and summits people die in. people's livelihoods of being washed away in people's live lives there was
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a being blown away countries are disappearing you know here it is that we have spent all this money to build in this country you know in a matter of a few hours it is don't we sneeze it is flattened before decenter. generation had seen more than one category five hurricane in their lifetime. in distant tree this has happened twice and notably it has happened in the space of just two weeks to deny climate change is to procrastinate to sing. it is to deny the truth we have just leave it is to mock thousands of my compatriots who in a few islands without a roof over their heads will watch the night descend on dominico in fear of sudden
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much like us and what the next hurricane may bring and we need to lead it has come to know that we need help i'm going to help from every single conscientious. will leader in this country anyone a leader who would sit in his own country and see the situation in dominico and not give a helping hand it would be very very unfortunate for the future of the world we as a country and as a region did not start this war against nugent would not provoke the war has come to us do you have any doubt that this was climate change no doubt the historical facts and the magnitude of hurricane will tell us that we see no bitch is washed away we say in the dry a spell has taken place no country i mean in dominic and his islands you had what
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you call a dry season and ended racism you is already in and you have sometimes a rainy season all you have is drought so we're seeing the changing climate climate to conditions and every single time you're saying the hurricanes are getting stronger i mean irma there was a category four. it was beyond five. i was here was a one hundred sixty five miles well. you know what kind of infrastructure could we stand this you know. which country will be standing and the fact is we have never to run we island. we just but this is a. place where you could we could go from one province to annoyed or four ones to daughter to secure so from the hurricane this is an island and you feel flown over the country and where could this people go to run away from the hurricane they were
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in shelters the shelters were affected so they left their home and went to the shelters said it was impacted there's no adequate gun so there's we have no. no reservation to say emphatically that climate change is responsible for what we've experienced in and dominate and we need to acknowledge because if we've not had conflict america and we're not making the case only for dominic we're going to case for all of the world and especially for developing countries like ours that are going to receive in the brunt of the destruction and devastation from the stones and this tubs in order to happen in during the hurricane season happen outside of hurricane season a few years ago we had a trough system in december christmas eve. cause lives cause major destruction so we have no doubt that the climate change is responsible for the it's trends
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of desire again. in a lot of capitals around the world the discussion of climate change is theoretical for you is it theoretical or is it practical practical one. you know you know it is all saying we have set. up we have started to know to set the example you know when we have set the exams is the practical situation you've seen it because the streets are good our culture you know whole are going to survive in the next few months and two years we're going to reconstruct thousands of homes people are going to reconstruct their health centers the hospitals the schools the bridges they've been washed all the roadways love and collect. wholly going to restore their the private sector hotels have been destroyed this this is all life or labor who you know the forest was part of all because system or supply there was a viable or we rivers we none of them access to them in terms of benefiting from them the entire country had been brought to its knees and so this is
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a practical situation that we're facing you know to the point really if you know if i mean i may say so you know if some level of humility the premise of the country was wilderness for quite a few quite a few days. you know it tells you about the extent of our vulnerability a small island states who are facing the brunt of the wrath of hurricanes and storms largely due to the effects of climate change. the united states is considering pulling out the paris climate accord. how would that affect your country you know we we do not believe that climate change ought to be and i don't it's going to be. an academic exercise and i said previously we leave in this experience. the folks in florida to tell you the folks in texas
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will tell you also to do experience and this is climate change oh hope is that the united states will recognize this. and come back to the discussion to those have some discussions what it really concerns you may have a whole kind of mix of amendments but we absolutely need leadership of the united states. in this discussion without them it would make things much more difficult for conscience because the united states you know it has the results is it has the capabilities. it in many respects it is required to show some leadership in treating and dealing with issues related to the climatic conditions in the world this isn't the first disaster you've had to deal with in two thousand and fifteen tropical storm erika caused a lot of damage here on the island you asked for over six hundred million dollars
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in aid to rebuild after tropical storm erika did you get that money. they've been coming. maybe. half of that. some of the smoke would have not materialize you know the challenge you have in many situations that there's a very protracted process of care industry sources you know and. in circumstances that i believe the international community the international financial systems need to recognize that. the next hurricane season next year and if we do not move quickly to rebuild homes and to put in mitigation systems in place it's not to go a long time. so the comment was a made must be. must be robust in this efficiency i recognize in the past realities which were faced and so we got quite a bit of help quite a bit of commitment but these commitments and the money took over
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a long time to materialize like all countries domenico has a political opposition how do you plan to work with them to move the country forward to reconstruct the country after this tragedy this this reconstruction is going to require the absolute nationalist spirit of every single citizen organization and institution. and there's no room for any partisanship. any division within the country. what we intended as ago and we were discussed is and we've second advice from. various sources is to put in place a national reconstruction team and that national reconstruction team will have representation from all stakeholders the church the political part is included in the parliament your position the parliament itself. unions n.g.o.s the private
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sector the various by receptive groups the farmers the local community organizations and every single stakeholder groups will be involved in this national construction team because it is going to require absolute cooperation and understand in involvement and contribution positive contribution there's no time for negative as people are suffering people need help we rely on international community energy in this country should be united to build back his country and restore their lives and livelihoods of people so they have a part to play it one would have to switch to see how disciplined and mature. we can be as a people as we try to have this very very difficult and daunting task we are building this country given all of the destruction when you go to bed when you close your eyes what is your hope for demeaning in the future well for the world is
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not going to bed. i live the office every night after ten ten o'clock and when i get in. my preparation is. that the people were still in the thousands of them and how do we go about restoring the lives and and giving them the hope to live. and. we were doing some things we know we're pretty patient is to provide supplies food supplies water to the people which added a properly hydrated make sure the properly nourished to minimize any potential health risk in the country for the worst you know you want to have is a break of some of the water borne diseases in the in the country so we can to manage this. and showing the security the state of clear and concrete access to the community but. the welfare of the citizens
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and we're going to need a lot of help quickly. and solutions. for citizens we can to improve the telecommunications services so people could be in touch with each other because this what this helps. reduce. the levels. citizens so my appeal to the international community. is too big. to small mr prime minister we wish you and your country all the best in the difficult days ahead thank you for speaking out. and reporting on. british companies have been the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed. most of the. day's looking
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forward to for a dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their countries haven't truly been able to escape the rule. egypt is now china's her biggest trading partner in africa more than ten thousand chinese are living in cairo i wanted to see the permits in september one thousand nine hundred five i came with my friends to egypt many started a small traders but are now successful in business to me and i began to do business in two thousand and three or two thousand and four at the time it was small but then it began to expand and al-jazeera well meets the growing chinese community in egypt egypt made in china at this time.
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with every us. oh is it a listen whether online we were in hurricane winds full almost like thirty six hours these are the things that you u.k. has to address or if you join us on sect a member of the ku klux klan but we struck up a relationship base is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of their pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. former al qaeda linked fighters valid to fight to the death as free syrian army rebels backed by turkey prepared to launch
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a major operation and northwest said les paul.


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