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tv   The Cut  Al Jazeera  October 12, 2017 9:00am-10:01am AST

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at this time on. the reefs the rain forests of the sea we continue on our current. trying to recreate the ecosystem under controlled conditions this. is the end of the great barrier. everyone. knows this time. there's a problem in the headlines on al-jazeera the palestinian group hamas says it's reached a day long governing gaza with its rival fattah been meeting in cairo since tuesday to discuss the implementation of an agreement signed six years ago also has more
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from westerners so that. if it does solve some of the real cool issue which is separating these two sides it's a nearby i think it would be and something of an increased surprise and certainly the ones to work before we will be negotiations took place i could be optimistic it will come those ideas about what could be achieved but there are also differences a muscle saying it he knew is not on the table had not been part of its we talked discussions to put you. out in the private market are still conducting the consequence of being so you they wouldn't accept a situation without the government just provides services you're very needy now population in gaza. plays in the kenyan capital have used tear gas to disperse opposition protesters calling for changes to the electoral commission confusion is mounting over this month's repeat presidential vote officials say opposition
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candidate will be on the ballot despite his withdrawal on tuesday. spain's prime minister has given. purged a month until monday to say whether or not he's declared independence the spanish government says it will take away the region's political autonomy if it goes ahead with secession. u.s. secretary of state works to listen has called on turkey to provide evidence for accusations that local u.s. embassy employees were linked to the two thousand and sixteen failed code and express has profound concern over their arrest the u.s. embassy in ankara suspended most visa services after a staff member was detained anchor of a tally eight are by cancelling americans existing because there's and stopping issuing new ones turkey's deputy prime minister earlier attempted to diffuse the tension which he says has been overblown you know i want to be very clear we don't
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want this dispute to last more than a second. we responded you know likewise because turkey is a proud nation we are a sovereign nation. you know we think that it is a decision used to be reversed. a u.n. report has found me on mars army torched homes and crops and rock island state to stop for hanjour from returning there the report based on interviews with the hand to have escaped the bangladesh details killings torture and the rape of children the u.n. says the attacks have been well organized coordinated and systemic more than half a million one hundred have fled states and organized. there are claims also has and filtrated cook a city under the control of the kurdistan regional government prime minister heather in a body says he wants to send investigators to find the ice and fighters his
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government has denied claims by the kurds that it plans a major attack on the city well you know what that some also fighters have been allowed to enter her cook if they were fighters who are considered very dangerous and who pledged allegiance to or who have confessed to her for the group of which we asked the kurdistan region and we ask her caucus which is on there the federal authority as well as we have asked the minister of interior to send officials took a cork to get these terrorists and investigate them these are terrorists who have committed crimes against civilians in who we and other areas they have to be punished according to iraqi law and iraq's issued arrest warrants for three kurdish election commission officials over the september twenty fifth referendum on the session the supreme judicial council said the warrants for hendry mohamad and his aides were issued for violating a valid court ruling the vote which passed in a landslide has been deemed illegal severe flooding in vietnam has killed at least
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thirty seven people and left forty others missing rain has last several provinces in central and northern vietnam this way. al-jazeera correspondent is coming up next. the boy. i am fuck man i am an online journalist. i'm married and have
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a four year old daughter. i grew up in see them three am bauer's and. it was while making a web documentary fall about female genital mutilation that i realize how deeply rooted it is in many cultures including my own. i have family and friends who have been through it but it's not something you talk about. as a child i attended the close relatives gathering after she was caught. it was then that i wondered have i been copped. to my relief my mother told me that she chose not to. when i think about the severe health risks involved in f. g. m. i can't help but wonder. why does this practice continue in so many countries.
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and what would it take for to start with. and how do some manage to change my own health how to choose towards cutting while still preserving their own culture. you know and then there are more personal questions like whether my mother has been cut. i've never asked or. i'm determined to find out more about the different reasons why f. jam continues and to understand better what's needed to end the. i've come to somaliland because together with the rest of somalia it has the highest rate of female genital mutilation in the world. is banned in most countries but here it's still legal.
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in somaliland children mostly caught between the ages of six and eight. after come to the afghans of our geisha the capital to meet a traditional cutter. known as been cutting girls for over forty years around twenty five a day attack peak. how many girls have you got what you look about and what type of cuts have you performed on the girls and i couldn't father why entirely. your little yeah. yeah and this italy good new chorus. when i. said that would you for. now. why entire this
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week so i thought i'd see him well also chuck. norris shows me the most common cotton somaliland the chorus the most severe foreign ikhwan. what do you do this for oh how does that rock and. so you put it in the classroom. because. you don't you the knife my. ass so i am. telling you how to work on his i don't know. which i want to. just read. so i can and i can so and i can you show me how do you determine. how big the hole should be that you leave.
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this is how big the opening is only this but well good luck once and you're supposed to urinate from this when you're a teenager mr asian go through this whole. over ninety percent of girls in somaliland are cut by traditional cutting. unlike nora most have no medical training. most girls and women here have had the for rooney and i want to know the consequences and. i'm a bit the senior midwife at the local hospital ground you have a very beautiful thank you very much she was born in somalia but moved to sweden as a result of the civil war. nineteen ninety nine i decided to come back to prove something for most people because i most needed here how have you been
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involved in the fight against yeah. cases which will help those who have fibro fibro decide to let. which is which form is the collective blood. the blood if the space is very small the minister. if the mantle in the ghetto gets them in a station there will be something left in the uterus this will form. this becomes bigger people who see this she has. a baby in her stomach so the doctor takes out this and the girl will be ok. i have help from the megan maternity hospital in arkansas. and. i want to live it was priceless we're going to see her stand. two days a week and of counselors coming out educational outreach work in the community.
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or from. some of them were you given. my life. there how. that's how i really actually got. what i was going to say. so do it how do i. do want to discover how stories with the counselors. she's eighteen and pregnant with her first child. she'd have to fire on
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a car. like . me. they're not. going to. go to hell i'm.
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going to. go ahead and i'm. going to go. have a. so why do you think somaliland have the highest percentage when it comes to f e m
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globally it takes time to leave the culture grandmothers and mothers as they still hold on with the suturing and if g.m. is special the grandmothers are very very close are they are there they will look leave it there was a lady who had three girls she came to me at the hospital i told her go back to the home and see i did the ration she is very killer for describing mother when the guests are going to the toilet toilet she goes after them she listen is the most of their. oh because when the girl is circumcised there's no nice with with how do you want it because it is like a dog is going to be. she cried she said all my daughter to get saddle you need to like a boys what you did you did nothing do you think that eventually
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people will abandon this eventually but to do is take time. as i watch these young people at a wedding reception i wonder how many of the men would be willing to marry an uncut woman in the future. for saying a local journalist posted an m t f g m message on social media i was curious to know why i did facebook where you said some men believe after g.m. deduces a woman's sexual desire they say this increases her appeal what made you write this i want to talk because it's
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a problem for them. to say against the down human. of the goddess a human in our midwest where and you will get my do you want to my family of copper uncut uncut ok are you married know you want to be someone who is cut or non-corrupt. who you really. should target some of. the other kind of. my heart in liverpool your. case all that i in a lot of time which are two. i am a woman. i come from a culture that also practices that i'm not cut. i know other women based on what other women have told me that is there is no there is no good in it if they tell you this is hurting us this is literally killing us and we need to
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stop we do then listen. the committal. heard. the dog whistle. i'm surprised that a young man should feel so strongly about holding on to this tradition when so harmful if ever g.m. is to end changing men's attitudes will be essential. to have not done university hospital collects detailed information on trends in female cutting. medicare since two thousand and two all antenatal patients are asked what kind of cuts have had and if they intend to cut their daughters.
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this is rare. in two thousand and two ninety seven percent of female patient had undergone the pharaonic cut and most intended the same for their daughters. but that has changed. went into type. one they calls. it a brisk cut. one is the one that there's a little bit the tip but tied to a dakota how fast can a truce we know or cuts doesn't have any benefits. i just. want to try and. introduces me to a friend who's at the hospital on a post natal liver birth order days ago so there are interesting
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verse of the circle the stuff. of the midwife and know the harmful effects of for only cutting from passing experience. something else among voters at that time. so if you. when you want to your innate i can't. close quote. my for the tour secondly you are a coward while you cry you talk. the festival the way i feel and that sixteen year. the minister we should secondly. i feel. a lot of bad. to see this problem since all this there's some cycle communication i feel when i see linda took on the question with a merry go round. to go for the cut and never fuck that to
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me. fred if it. did you feel any resentment towards your mother and your grandmother yeah but to the mother ship her to the question. as i'm leaving somalia i feel privileged to have met a woman who share the stories with me. but i'm overcome with emotion as i realize virtually every women here have been caught. and what it actually means. i've always known about the numbers and the facts and the figures but when you come face to face to all women who've gone through it it seems like the woman who have to endorse this and the children were after indoors as you go through cycles of pain.
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for what. has happened to so many women and girls like my mom. i'm so happy that. i don't know why she didn't come. but i'm so grateful. because my life would have been so much different because i feel blood. over the go through the pain. to go through that and they're not to be able to do something that's a that's a god given thing to peek. you can't pee. and then your premise to ration and then when you have to have sex you don't enjoy it and it's like painful . and then you have to give birth and then it just continues. i'm so grateful that. i didn't go through that and when i meet. those women who have to go through it.
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i've come to kenya to find out more about a totally different culture. that over forty tribes here with diverse cultures and traditions. the majority don't practice the cuts at all. but several including the masai cutting has been a centuries old tradition until recently. today meeting twenty eight year old nice and getting. myself managed to talk to me rather kit f.e.m. and have village of my young not. traditionally
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for the messiah cutting is a rite of passage marking the transition from girlhood to womanhood usually between the ages of mine and fourteen. the ritual involves some most of us. we lost i feel god through his release because of what i used to see gas even if they're trying to be strong but you can see that definitely in a lot of other leading who saw this call me and nice with the only gun in her village who refused to be cut. off my classmates who are from this community all of them up and are going. and they didn't they were not able to go or. they have to find a husband for you. so right now almost all of them have three four five children and a. jumble. what's
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your name my name is oh what a beautiful name have they been a second thought. you know they have been fact i'm saved how do you feel about not being caught. so what would you like to do when you grow up. ok thank you and. as a result of nice's determination to end no young girl has been cut here since two thousand and twelve. the messiah and a patriarchal society. and i first had to persuade the young warriors called moran's to help and the practice. recruiting douglas the leader of them runs was a beginning. what did you do nice to make them change their opinion about that jim douglas was there first doesn't work cept my while the resistance was there from
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all over but then again i had another trick because when i go to them i'll go with someone like that last so i'll make sure that he talks before i talk so what did you do to persuade them around in the community. it was very hard for us to continue the boys because they say that they can not. because even god is not sometimes they'd she's not a woman then if we can even example of some of the dead that we have seen in the community they said ok it's true and let's forget it i think it took more than five years what them just to accept and now we decided to come up with some time until we came up and i prayed i said if the pentagon from this community and we want them to upgrade to become a woman we bless them then we look at the same cow that we celebrate hold together but we didn't cut so that's what we've come up with.
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douglas bring some of his friends or morons to meet me. yeah we mix of moderate to more than ok and i did more than do you know what actually happens when i cut you know get along get what you call your hair and i'm very sorry and i would literally move it yeah when you're loving anyone i go. i don't know and i'm like yeah. i don't know. that i haven't gone down and i mean you know when you you know we want to. you know nice truth i'm around a graphic video over to you don't go with a knife. you know what i did that.
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we were. going to just think how do. you want to learn when they're going to do you have a daughter. how would you feel if someone said she needed to be cut and that we were going. well i think it was one of the powerful tools we've been using when they want the issues of female genital mutilation and there was another very persuasive infanticide for the young warriors. when we see if there's a more as we talk and talk about six you see most of the mortar rounds out of most of them then they see if they sleep with the gun is very sweet insects now that's what also contains most of them what i have to say we don't need to go yeah ok so there's a bit of. meeting them
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a fire in the mine yeah gives me hope. if one woman can change attitudes in one village perhaps with time it's possible to change entire countries. you see how. terrorism people of all faiths fell victim to a suicide bomber in manchester but if the bomb was indiscriminate was the placing of blame this is nothing to do with us this is about an individual who. could do this unless they were completely manchester's muslims responded to challenging questions in the aftermath of the. people in power manchester united at this time.
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the sum and age old part of spanish culture no one i can stop thinking of i didn't know the bullies in my life but others about barack sport and a symbol of central government by what we should and carry on something that goes against the morals of got along the sides it is that in the capital a nationalist perspective the believe the present spanish culture that. catalonia has lost full fight at this time on al-jazeera wild. there's a problem in the headlines on al-jazeera the palestinian group hamas says it's reached a deal on governing gaza with its rival fatah they've been meeting in cairo since tuesday to discuss the implementation of an agreement signed six years ago that has
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more from west jerusalem. people so far are extremely scarce will be a statement given to alexis. by thomas a little heard if not an iraqi just said that the two sides agreed to the folks in cairo we are in egyptian help and that there would be for the details of the news conference to turn gnc place in the kenyan capital have used tear gas to disperse opposition protests calling for changes to the electoral commission confusion is mounting over this months for paid presidential vote officials say opposition candidate rolla didn't go will be on the ballot despite his withdrawal on tuesday spain's prime minister has given. them on time to one day to say whether or not he's declared independence the spanish government says it will take away the region's political autonomy if it goes ahead with secession. u.s.
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secretary of state rex tillerson has called on turkey to provide evidence for accusations that local u.s. embassy and link to the two thousand and sixteen failed long employees detention has been at the center of a diplomatic crisis between the two countries. a u.n. report has found me almost on the torch tons and crops in the state to stop the hunger from the churning the report based on interviews with the hendra who escaped the details killings torture and the rape even of children. severe flooding in vietnam has killed at least thirty seven people in that forty missing rain has lashed several provinces in central and northern vietnam this week triggering. flash flooding and landslides iraq claims eisel has infiltrated culver city under the control of the kurdistan regional government prime minister head of a body says he wants to send investigators to find myself fighters the libyan coast
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guard has rescued seventy five refugees who were stranded on a rather boat woman and four children were among the survivors of the headlines on al jazeera al-jazeera correspondent continues next. of kenya is home to a tribe named practiced f.d.m. for centuries as an art of passage. from here to medium to larger son who's devoted her life to ending if she am in her home country of west. she is married with two young children. twenty eight she's one of the few women often age in this county who haven't been cut. really in another escape
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what's happening is that i witnessed a stage of the cut that her kids are not allowed to witness as a young girl as an eleven year old and this community indian is performing to a status. which is a slate cut. yeah that's done in public with the presence of men and women and young girls and young boys and this year yes we see it but they just you know like a slight cut just immediately after the first day that women are taken to and then that are taken to a sacred place like a bush so we sneaked in and what i just saw on the second stage was so shocking my cousin was laying down there in a pool no blood yes and women were pinning her down in her dimitrios completely you know there's one of us who really butchering half life you know how you cut pieces of meat. i was expecting it's not to do this just that yeah but she was doing this you know yes with a knife yes and she was screaming but us claims were being covered by the women
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singing and you know the trying to talk to cover her screams as she was helpless what was left to their horse just like red flesh yes i still can't believe that this is something that we're still debating about. honestly. it was this traumatic experience that my doctor refused to become a motivated how to set up a charity to help and of jail. we're heading to the village of sandwich with one hundred sixty girls are preparing for an attorney to right of passage ceremony. we just saw me to be there because intelligible to us and to know that they did it to . the trip to sandwich from the till of the house takes two and a half hours through mountain passes on bumpy roads. to school
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and the full school. for the wellcome when we get makes it worse or. in the pocket culture cutting traditionally involve the celebration in which the whole community takes part. the girls are having their dances for the alternatives harmony. is real life come in and it was beautiful i don't expect to see the focus committed love and seeing and hearing we want people to know that we love our culture we know we love every bit of it only but from the cut yes business we're going to feel this is such a thing for in here. the teachers are from the same community. the girls receive food days of lessons before their graduation day.
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today they're learning exactly what have jam involved and the health complications using modern. about the madonna not. want to become us do. you know. when you have been caught you put into seclusion for one month whereby your thought how to become a good ways how to treat your husband how to cook so we do the opposite to we bring the girls in here we teach them that. their children's rights work you know we did them about health implications of them so it's basically same same thing without the card to but a different teaching because you want these girls to be important people in the
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society other than that. don't tell them her colleagues have had to work hard to change the attitudes of parents. in the pocket community a cut girl can bring significant economic advantage to a poor family. a girl is made of a man brings dowry into end of couse and i'll tell you that's it for this community the price is quite high especially if the girl is young and cut most people tend to my idea that it has to all the men when they bring good number of calls as much as many of the tickles because of poverty situation they're tending to their girls when they're still young and then they marry them when they get there is quick quick quick quick quick well so much an uncut girl worse but on cut girl you can actually be given away at her for a price. yes for they might even give you away for free
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because they just want to get rid of your body and you know. that tomorrow's graduation the girls will sing and dance to some composed by a local musician lucky to. have a personal reason for wanting to. know you think it's time. to make you more of them because. no one helped my me. but i want to know he will gnaw. at the. journey. he said to. me. what was the name of your sister. living in.
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government and more local morale. around here have been largely infective. around his village and the villages around. most of them are still being cut i mean not to be able to reach out to everybody this is a big big big lie and you know it's a big county. i find out from them to know that one of her younger sisters run away to be with friends. i know. but i wonder if the older generation
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a mother and grandmother supported her decision she takes me to meet them. and i you. could look back. over them. i wanted other more. i would. i'm not going to do you know i'm going to go. so it's not for me so she wrote her
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thing in the forest. so you are against it because of the law but in your time if there was good. we want. more than life here well as you know what they. want i want you to know the meaning of the william. do you know. what i'm gonna think why were you me. got a commercial. meeting them till of crime other makes me appreciate why the key to ending f. jamming with is keeping girls in school. that way bands
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don't have to rely on a diary to help support their elders educated girls can pay for their own cows. today the time to right of passage is being held in the market square. hundreds of people from many different religious have come to with miseducation.
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that was. a find out that some of the girls have made great sacrifices to be here today. and that many of your friends here doesn't have you today. it's just you here no one else from the village. for the commune they would become. like. are you here today. they're not here. for any here just along with. let's go and join. with another go who catches my eye the minute someone. even last impression on me.
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the presence of dignitaries here is a testament to them till the success it means i'll turn to the process of the stop of approval of important. the vast majority of people are christian in the graduation ceremony and with the blessing. patterns and elders stand behind the girls that belong to their villages . nah. you're there was wonderful and touching to see all the community leaders and the pattern especially the fathers down the ground the young girls symbolically it was
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like saying we have your back we have your back with the boat you and was a forty decision not to be caught it was wonderful to see. just wonderful. i wanted to meet. elissa girl i know to starting a family she ran away from him after her father began beating her mother believing she was a responsible for its refusal to be cut. you know get. what you need. to. what i knew. diminish. in all who don't live.
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under the. law. again a more nimble more molong that with only one. are going to. so your family have shandor the push their way bowling only to meet the burden on you. what do you say to young girls who are about to attend the alternative rite of passage or do you say to them any what have i done i look really one eric i don't know me or many the good. as you would do in your brother when you know committed the cow. was cute i see a little less because i'm in the den and we eliminate and near iran again while i'm
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not one you're going with on the blogs again we're going to have it in ag so ideally i thought i did that there was neither of you gentlemen so what are your hopes and dreams for the future but you know i'm grown man and i do want to double the energy not the one i'm an overgrown eugen i generally are pretty nimble on this is slow will. cure does your job. crew be in school what is. our main course then an arc i am i'm a lan. are you you're some of the beaches. no meeting a lonely lonely morning all of a sudden my non minion there lit and a good. nandini like guardian american and i was a dragon burn in an enemy and he was able to rock on the back of that's
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a tough question. i think you are very very because i can't imagine giving up you know you live your whole family behind your siblings your father and your mother. i don't know what i would have done then again or than all together let it does he get sick when it that rudy was your dear one by merely a man. you know. what i see when i look at you i feel someone i can see a lot of sadness in your eye but i can also see strength and determination so i believe that one day you'll have your own family one day you have your degree i believe that you will achieve all of dreams so. spending time with them to learn has been an inspiration to me through had resilience and example she's inspired so many others like elie i'm sure in turn
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that element do the same yet. i believe kenya my sorts john to my family in sweden it's time to face my own taboos. yeah. back in stockholm i meet up with my all childhood friend and fellow writer trance trade with china to china. my space we're. actually at them again. neither of us know enough about why the cut is performed in our own culture i'm going to introduce you to some ladies like our parents' generation you know that generation that doesn't talk and i think is going to be interesting because they work with the subject you know let's go. with merit and i share our eritreans. they support women in the diaspora and sweden
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just for our story you. missed on our last one interactions about year history you know your mom. from then into last tilden in freedom for whom down there in muncie who's almost say it is so impossible we feed our entire barnett or do whole a public arena wonderful protestant all. my life or to me that are your land and the hundred of control. a contritely era we know nasa share in our system and it did have a lot of your if you are the young that our phones protest on here were to leak or mostly mad men we only hope. there about all of that the heart in your teen your real bar alexander streak at the heart. really you want your dick that they say it
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or. they sent about it all figured out eritrea that is for the pervert folks to rule at the heart of it's about to be i'm a little harder with afrikaans probably i'm her last mc yeah. she has to order and mom for mere o'meara india and pakistan kurdistan iraq latin america and. america because i was given the guardian when he would put up a normally taboo subject. in the congo are the kind of out of multiple good. school no we didn't that we hadn't uplifted over to my la concha through the heart of the man that had over three months and all those men. in their car young far out . there. have been at the grove. that's.
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what i want candy and that's all i'm addicted dorrit fans i'm a mom across thank them that they're evident. the proton them and order them and i think they make a mirror and saw for four hundred million or flick or given a small guilty and doesn't go far from the end of them so it's not going to throw it out to the. men they're sick. or that they're for this stop us so on the whole year called scope and their approach. of the only. exit are so many tales got the no. protests of the day dot com there were forty i should get off the ship maneuver or go to the front i think this court did what it would be hard in to. that except that.
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although i've always known i've not been caught i never asked my mother why i left him is not a subject to discuss but today we're going to talk about it. it took a lot of convincing to persuade my mother to take part in this film. my father and sister refused due to the taboo that's the subject. there's a personal question i need to ask my mother that makes me uncomfortable. so i start with the easy one. little bottle. nose and wish i knew which milk with which they had been i would add. yarn in the kind of rule which moctar love and that's a deal where. the tradition and quota were denied that would prevent both voted like the last out of. fifteen like announced but i would like an individual to
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buy her mom must have a market and a market that them in and around the. i'm sure what i would what i'm the guy that got me but i have now got. a lot of air travel from what i had to had the only car marketed it was a lot of my kind of going to when i'm in the home look i thought it what does an open mind about toxic. close and hunger look for a lot of stuff to get the launch of the shop off. and sacking whatever were. right for you so i don't buy that the fact that i would be a lot harder on and it had him all bent out harder for us out of the fact that i will not meet with him if. the only risk enough for lardy a come on has i love it so i think you and i from the road might be left alone or
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do you know him for all god bless the victims from a in my heart if i me and do have the t. and on the outside and far. you what i'm talking about so i did a fifth after less than a month my fish my fifty but scum america. not loss leader what a man would it do you know that much i did not. need to lead me without the id i need to know why does why the idea got into much i have to for you must have had a lot of. muscle or say. i feel such a relief after speaking with my mother i know now that she did not endure the worst form of g.m. . and i feel proud of my parents' decision to end the practice which meant that i did not endure it and in time neither when my daughter took.
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this journey cements might be as g.m. will and one day change will come but it must come from within. from those who understand that the richness and uniqueness of culture does not depend on traditions harmful to women. a family business handed down from generation to generation but when this funeral director retires will his son continue the tradition i don't think he was actually built for it just like i don't feel like i was actually built for a difficult choice for an al-jazeera producer caught between two worlds well it's really five tending to the dead to the living get better an intimate portrait of an industry most encounter only fleetingly al-jazeera correspondent death in the
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family at this time. hello again let's look at the weather across the levant and western parts of asia. moving through the caucasus us given one to two showers a day this little bit of weakness left behind the potential is still there for the odd shower coming on the eastern side of the black sea otherwise very fine conditions cooling off generally across this region backed up there thirty three further south kuwait city thirty five degrees so the side of the caspian sea some showers are likely to run will probably stay dry there might some twenty five and as we head on into friday generally similar conditions expected and across the caucasus is likely to have cleared stage here in the arabian peninsula start to get more of a breeze picking up coming down through the gulf region. and dust in places but it's also clear in the humidity that really sticky air it is being blown away so
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it's feeling slightly more pleasant on the other side of the potential are still looking pretty warm for mecca medina temperatures there around about the forty mark give or take let's head into southern parts of africa is fine here for the most part that for normal area of low pressure is now moving wire into the indian ocean so much quieter weather left behind i'm pleased to say so durban looking bright highs of twenty two should be fine for the north into the maybe a bit of patchy cloud but otherwise plenty of sunshine highs of thirty when talk. well is it alison whether online we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new u.k. has to address or if you join us on set. but with a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global
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conversation at this time on al-jazeera. china's property. fields become cities rivers water parks forests. mostly empty. yana brings international performance the illusion of a thriving metropolis and the myth of an in the boehner bill economy chinese dream a witness documentary at this time on al-jazeera. thamel that could end a decade long dispute between rival palestinian factions hamas says it's reached a recount deal with fatah.


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