tv newsgrid Al Jazeera October 13, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm AST
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every. news has never been more available it's a constant barrage with every day but the message is simplistic you have the frame good logical rational person crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narrative at this time on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera and live from studio fourteen year old as their headquarters in
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doha santa maria welcome to the new screen a landmark deal in the middle of the two donald trump will announce his new strategy for iran including whether or not the united states stays a signatory to the six party deal with the bring you all these developments as they happen analysis of the impact to all involved. also on the great live in the confirmation the turkish troops have crossed the syrian border into the rebel health problems it's part of the cycle deescalation deal with iran and russia will explain that to you and how the fight against. is bringing turkish forces close to the regions kurds and you've heard about the persecution of me. but not like this on team in bangladesh brings you the story of one woman attacked by soldiers right and her child taken and thrown into a fire it is a horrifying story but it is one you need to see. and i'm such a height of i'll be looking at the international reaction to be on the wrong person
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why the top trending hash tag involves women all over the world who are protesting so twitter. you with the news great to live on iran streaming online for you to facebook live and al-jazeera dot com and as is so often the case these days when eyes are on the u.s. president donald trump who in a little under two hours will be announcing his new strategy on iran at the center of it all is the nuclear deal struck between iran and six other global powers including the united states donald trump has consistently called it a bad deal which iran is not honoring and he indicated he wanted the u.s. out of it that is despite all sorts of warnings from all the other parties involved we heard china urging the u.s. to quote preserve the deal the kremlin and russia says leaving could seriously aggravate the situation and iran's a parliamentary speaker even spoke of it leading to a quote global chaos so as we wait for all of this to come down from the president
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look i've got here james bay is joining us nice to have you in doha for a change actually so. the detail is important here we can't just say it's the u.s. leaving the deal there is a process involved here which the president may or may not announce right yeah we sort of think we know what the president's going to announce so far all the white house has done is put out this fact sheet of what they say is their new strategy on iran just a list of grievances against iran really reasons for the new strategy but in about half an hour's time i think we're going to get the first details of what comes out and then the president's speech in about an hour and forty five minutes i can tell you are pretty much think i know lots of calls what he what is going to do and he's going to decertify the deal what does that mean let me take you back to the deal which was done on a very hot day i was there in vienna on the fourteenth of july twenty fifteen this was a deal not between the u.s. and iran but between the u.s. and five other world powers and iran took painstaking negotiations now it was
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called the joint comprehensive plan of action you'll notice international deals traditionally are called treaties why was this not a treaty well. under the u.s. constitution a treaty needs to be ratified by congress and so this was a workaround by president obama because he knew he'd have real trouble getting this through a republican congress so they called it something different congress didn't like that didn't like the workaround so they passed their own legislation saying we don't really like this deal and we're going to monitor it extremely closely and under that act every ninety days the president of the united states has to certify whether the iran deal is in the u.s. is national security interests president trump twice certified yes this time we're pretty certain will know very soon or come back to you in half an hour i'm wrong but he's going to decertify he's going to think one of the important things he said there is whether it is in the u.s. national security interest and this leads into the america first matter which donald trump says it's about what he thinks of the deal for the u.s.
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regardless of the fact that as i just pointed out all the other powers are saying don't quit this is you know we need this to keep going it's a very long complex deal but it's simply about one thing which is iran's nuclear program and it was a simple deal really it was iran suspends its pursuit of a nuclear bomb in return for all the sanctions related to nuclear to their nuclear program being lifted by all of the international community by the u.n. and by the u.s. what president trump saying yes that's all in technical compliance but there are lots of other bad things that iran is doing its supporting militia it's supporting he says what he calls terrorist groups it's still got a ballistic missiles program out there these are all bad things and that's why this is a bad deal. james just really quickly sorry i'm just checking a question i've had from facebook hears someone saying here the deal was not only about the u.s. how effective can the u.s. withdrawal be when other powers don't recognize such a move i guess this is the point you made that it's six powers does the deal just
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fall apart because the u.s. doesn't want to part well if the u.s. goes in sixty days time and congress looks at this for sixty days and puts in new sanctions then that would push the deal apart but i can tell you all the president's close advisors don't want that to happen they'll be urging congress not to put in new sanctions what they're suggesting is they not moderate and change that act of congress and put in some new trigger points if iran has bad behavior so we'll wait and see what happens in half an hour and james is on the road in doha let's go on the road to teheran here is the same bus ride design any early indications from the iranians or again is that as james was saying with the americans we know what their standpoint is and we're just waiting for confirmation of it all. well that's exactly right in the same way that we've known what donald trump's position is on iran since he before he even became president we have it's a matter of public record how iran is expected to react in the last several weeks all of the main iranian leadership on the political side as well as the military
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side has started singing from the same hymn sheet they are saying that any new sanctions and is violations of the deal of the nuclear deal will not be tolerated and the playing on protecting anything outside of the deal the ballistics missiles program they see as a matter of resource security is a matter of domestic and regional security and they have been pivoting away from the united states and to their european partners to russia in hopes of saving the deal and i'll come to why they want to save the deal in a minute but even the so this morning the speaker's parliament larijani said in moscow is the same as he said before leaving around that he hopes that russia will help in saving the deal and so there is a lot of motivation for this government that the tide of the deal to its own domestic to its own people is as a solution to a lot of problems is a very good thing to do was signed two years ago it's a great public popularity so it's in their interests to save it but other than the
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. political pledges made domestically with the deal is done for the iranian government for the country is that it's done two things it's brought iran back in to the fray into the club with nations out from the woods if you will and the other thing it's done is it's giving iran a chance to sit across more leaders and have them see themselves as they see themselves which is a country that has thousands of years of history and one that can be negotiated with the soft problems not necessarily dealt with through these threats of course are saying sions samus army thank you for that from teheran or a quick chat with sorry not to say get an idea about how some of this is playing out in london and just generally sorry how all these different representatives from these different countries are reacting to this well. you have been backed into the story is only going to actually get bigger now the hashtags you want to be following all iran iran nuclear deal j c p a and of course that's the initials for the the the official title of the deal now most of the online reaction has come out
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of the us which is of course natural but lots of thoughts from politicians there like this one here now this is on congressman cole bill foster now he tweeted as the only ph d. physicist in congress i know that any attempt to throw away the iran deal will make our country less safe now interestingly few people have responded including his salmon he replied that he makes the point that as much as the u.s. doesn't trust iran some iranians oppose the deal claiming that the us also can't be trusted so there's just trust clearly on both sides now in september iran's foreign minister made it clear the deal is not negotiable now he said a better deal is just pure fantasy about time the us stop spinning and begins complying just like iran did and iran's ambassador to the united kingdom says it's not up to the u.s. to certify if iran is complying that roll goes through a nuclear watchdog which is called the i.a.e.a.
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or the international atomic energy agency now russia has also been tweeting about this and the foreign ministry there says that sergey lavrov and the u.s. secretary of state have discussed the deal there of look lover of told rex tillerson that iran is abiding by all its commitments and this is something that several countries have been saying now the e.u.'s foreign policy chief fredricka more greeny she was one of the nuclear chief negotiator and here's what she had to say about this. we are live in the entrance times in the world for once that we have an agreement that is functioning that is working that is the living the worst thing you can do is trying to dismantle it also because you would show the way to others that making deals actually is not what it because the message that america would send to the rest of the world is that america cannot be trusted upon now we've also had reaction from china and germany thereby signatories to the deal with the p five plus one. really who. we believe the iran nuclear deal plays
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a critical role in preserving the international nonproliferation regime and safeguarding peace and stability in the middle east we have the relevant parties can continue to uphold and follow through the deal. we have a great interest in the continuation of this international community if one country an important country like the united states comes to a different conclusion as appears to be the case we will work even harder with other partners to maintain this cohesion. now of course not everyone agrees with the nuclear deal that was struck during the obama administration with iran now people like she's been tweeting and she says that united nations nuclear watchdog which i mentioned earlier not cannot verify if iran is actually sticking to the deal and she posted this and this is had a lot of comments on this this picture iran could be designing a nuclear bomb right now and we wouldn't even know it now i would love to hear from
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you you at home and i'm on twitter. you can tweet me with the hash tag a.j. news good code thank you for that surrounds they wrote columns put together the what you need to know on the iran deal if you want to get further into the weeds on this one like for example as we've said the actual name of the iran deal is the a the joint comprehensive plan of action so all these questions answered here and also down the board there's a talk to al-jazeera i think an interview with the iranian foreign minister there it is mohamad zarif he says the u.s. is addicted to sanctions what you need to know about trump and the iran deal is that dot com and so many comments coming in as we put the contact details on screen futures further to what sarah was saying there from i think it was patriotic pieces tweeted in and said you do know iran has been testing ballistic missiles which is one thing they were not meant to do so i say pull the plug thank you for your comments and on facebook facebook dot com slash a.j. news grid for the live feed. who says iran is not the enemy.
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remember that was a made up country which donald trump came up with to keep the comments coming in plus uncivil five hundred one four nine is the what's that number the hash tag is a j news grid. right what should we do next to syria the turkish army has crossed the border and begun setting up observation points in that province turkey has sent its troops there as part of a deal with russia or iran to create a deescalation zone or originally we were told the soldiers would be advancing south to central italy to fight the armed groups. but if you have a look at this map here this is the live you a map this is our home after syria i'm going to zoom into the area we're talking about here were all these icons are. what we're hearing is they're actually moving east so if you follow the green line they're moving that way instead of going down to this area here which is city itself now the key here is that on this area here close to those yellow areas in marked in yes are the areas mountain yellow those
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are the areas where the kurds are we talk more about that in a moment. has more now on turkey's military operation in italy province. turkey's cross border operation is under way these are soldiers from a special unit tasked with setting a surveillance post in it live province. turkey aims to enforce a cease fire agreement that was signed last month. president. said the move was crucial for turkey's national security. is it our front here we have to take our precautions no one has the right to tell us why are you doing this where the country with nine hundred eleven kilometer border with syria where there was that under harassment and threat no one has the right to tell us why did you do this. turkish soldiers are seen here in.
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a village on the border with. not far from areas controlled by they why p.g. syrian kurdish faction turkey has repeatedly insisted it won't allow fighters to expand further to worse the northwestern provinces of. thank you this is a delicate operation for turkey. is mostly controlled by hate and. if formal qaeda affiliate. with jaques the deescalation agreement vowing to fight to the death it's not yet clear if the group will be turkey's next target. was all new. people are changing this. referendum process.
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of the kurdish more. than border off to syria to. on thursday egypt and opposition fighters a cease fire agreement in the east of the. rebel stronghold in the syrian capital damascus. the deal is would allow the rebels to get humanitarian aid in their besieged areas but would also allow government troops to shift their focus to the east where they are on the move against isis the military campaign in syria poses many challenges for turkey and qatar as stated goal is to ensure a ceasefire agreement holes in it but it's real motive might be denying the kurds access to areas like the coastal province of la taqiyya. on turkish border with syria right so we're going to talk about deescalation zones because it's a phrase which does keep popping up at the moment when it comes to syria basically
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these are areas where rebels and government forces are to stop all fighting effectively creating a cease fire there are for the escalation zones which were agreed at the syria talks in a stana. from the north province those parts of homs province that they stink and one covering the provinces. a little bit further south on the border with jordan there are just for the record two and a half million people in these zones russia iran and turkey are acting as the guarantors of the zones they are in charge of securing them and controlling them the syrian government must allow humanitarian aid into the zones as well as to restore electricity and water services russia meanwhile will continue to fly over the areas but it is forbidden from carrying out any air raids important thing and hashim alluded to this is that not covered in the deal are armed groups like i so and. which of course has links to al qaeda fighting against these groups can continue in the zones. so let's try to make sense of it all with myth and go to
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chan who's a columnist monitors turkey pulse he's also a former turkish military advisor in istanbul for us nice to have you with us deescalation zones this is all going back to a standard this is where there are agreed. is turkey doing exactly what it should according to those. rules laid down in the sun i just noted that as we said before they going in quite close to the kurdish areas and i wonder if they're doing this as much to keep an eye on the on the p.k. . that's right i mean first have to say there's another surprising move i mean turkey is yesterday night simulate a deployment into syria is a negotiated outcome in accordance with our stand our talks or right now turkey has been in the i mean we see the initiation of the second phase of turkey's appropriation inside syria for almost a week in turkish intelligence and military elements they have been doing
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reconnaissance in. trying to look for good spots for the establishments of gauze. militar of spores in in the north of there but also they have been negotiating with daws are armed groups controlling north of it they have. been trying to assure them for a sort of peaceful be trouble so yesterday in military deployments mark the end of the negotiations plus reconnaissance phase of the operation right now we will see their establishment of around fourteen observateur the military also run will be run by turkish military from the province of border a province of turkey or turkey to the. parker saw this fourteen minister out
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supposed to be not only maintaining the cease fire and also monitoring to cease fires in the north of also they will the game to isolate or conte in. control to count on. these are two strategic objectives do you think that one it can all work this alliance of so many different players turkey iran russia the rebels you still get ice a lot of racing is where all the steve think the theory of death deescalation can work. yeah this is the. one million dollar work question. not the best of your fears of what we are talking about highly complex security and why i want and all actors including cause state actors you know and also state level actors regional actors global actors they have high stakes so. very simple the separation of good guys arm in those
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moderate elements within the flanks of. us from those bad guys or from the radical elements it's so easy to say this but how to translate this separation of good guys from the bad guys into executive military plan so this is the key issue right now i think those soldiers been asking themselves and also what we are talking about we're right now highly complex very kind of hybrid the setting in which you know. the russian elements and also turkish there and also we are talking about those substate screw ups so we will see about. have to say this this will be a very long process i think what we are talking about their very long process you know you disappear a separation is going to. long maybe months or years but at the end
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of the day. having stake in the west of your affairs is they don't want becoming. there is a shot of it there preachin. there has been trying to refrain from that we thank you for your time and your thoughts on that story. scuse me as we've discussed that the turkish forces who have entered syria are skirting pretty close to those kurdish areas so i just want to put that on a on a wider map of the region so that we can broaden things out once again from al jazeera dot com who and. where are the kurds the area that we've just been talking about is this part of syria here the border with turkey but if you go just a bit further east which of course got all these areas which colored in which are kurdish areas the most contentious being this the semi autonomous region in iraq and it's right here that we're going to focus or thereabouts where things are looking increasingly tense in iraq's kurdish region cook his forces are reportedly
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mobilizing after accusing baghdad of sending its troops to areas near oil fields that they control the kurdish regional security council says iraq's troops have been seen south of. there but baghdad denies it's planning a military attack on the region tension has been rising between the two governments since the kurdish secession referendum of course last month let's check in with charles stratford covering events for us from erbil the latest from you charles. well what we're hearing now i see the latest line we are hearing from the peshmerga forces is that they have so they describe voluntarily withdraw all from air chiefly three villages that they have controlled since two thousand and fourteen south of kirkuk to put greater distance between themselves and the rocky and shia militia forces that we understand moved closer towards them earlier today so the peshmerga
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say this withdrawal is to try and deescalate to try and stop and even sexual potential friction clashes between the two groups but as you say it has been a very tense day here for the kurdish regional government it was in the in the morning hours that the k r g security council said that iraq the forces and shia militia groups were moving towards their positions south and west of quetta cook our sources in kirkuk confirmed those kind of allegations made of course they are all key government have completely denied that prime minister hydra law abiding saying that this is not part of any future military or on operation in that area and the head of iraq's joint military command center also refuting these allegations but of course when you look at kirkuk this area that is so
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strategically important because of the oil wells around there and the fact that it is in these disputed area the fact that the kurds say they are not going to whistle and hand over control of kirkuk then being in control of it since two thousand and fourteen in the context of this recent referendum this controversial referendum you can understand just how nervous the kurdish regional government here is you that's what i want to quickly ask you now that we i want to wake since the referendum and the the noose that sort of been tightened around the chaos since then the pressure that's been put on them i mean are they effectively isolated now or at least heading that way. well i certainly feel that way i mean we spoke to the k r g head of our relations cover days ago he said that they felt completely isolated and very much let down by the international community especially they said look look at the efforts that we've put it in fighting i still over the last three years around
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one thousand seven hundred fighters killed in that battle the k r g hosting is believed to be around two million internally displaced people pressure from turkey pressure from iran and these comments yesterday from president president urged president bush and saying that turkey eventually wants to take control of the border with the k r g and with the baghdad and the terror on government so the k r g of feeling incredibly isolated and very nervous about what they describing as this latest escalation around kirkuk thank you charles stratford in erbil here at the line for having a look what's going on we've got to get still lining up in washington d.c. to talk about iran shortly here we've gone justin trudeau canadian prime minister he's on a regional tour at the moment he's in mexico at the moment speaking to the senate there he was in washington d.c. yesterday day before anyway moved down to mexico now to address politicians then
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let's get some other international news now here is maryanne demasi in london. yes we begin with sneeze from south africa where the supreme court of appeal is out how the high court ruling to reinstate hundreds of corruption charges against the president jacob zuma they date back to before he took office in two thousand and nine zuma says he's disappointed by the court's decision and denies any wrongdoing tanya page has long. it took less than fifteen minutes for the supreme court of appeal to reject the president's latest attempt to avoid corruption charges. dismissed with cause. the charges relate to allegations during a multi-million dollar deal from the one nine hundred ninety s. they were controversially dropped in two thousand and nine clearing the way for jacob zuma to become president the reason given by the prosecutor at the time was that secretly recorded phone conversations showed political interference last year
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the high court ruled the decision to drop the charges was irrational and they should be reinstated some legal experts say with the supreme court's now dismissing his latest appeal the ruling must be enforced his action over the last decade smack of a desperate attempt to avoid this eventually these actions of a man who has a lot to answer so in this light leaves a gentleman i'll be writing to the national prosecuting authority that there's not that worked of public prosecutions. insisting that in fact jacob zuma be served with an indictment and appears in court. but the n.p.a. the national prosecuting authority sees it differently it says that because the supreme court didn't explicitly say the charges are reinstated that means it's able to reconsider the investigation that judge lewis. instructed and
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it is one of the girls that we put them up told. the court had not instructed him to reinstate the charges it must matter to the n.p.a. for the consideration this is an important decision but because it's being interpreted differently by the opposition democratic alliance which is doggedly pursued the president and the n.p.a. it's not as decisive as it might seem ultimately there are still several options available to president zuma who has always strongly denied the allegations. the national prosecuting authority says it will do the right thing and follow the law but some opposition parties say it's current here is an ally of president jacob zuma making the prosecution of a president who is facing mounting opposition seem unlikely tinier page al-jazeera plan from time south africa. at least two protesters in kenya i've been shot dead
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in more demonstrations against the electoral commission police used tear gas to disperse opposition protests in the country's three main cities kenyans a jew to vote in two weeks time in a rerun of august presidential election which was allowed by the supreme court opposition leader called out of the race this week he says the election board had failed to institute reforms to guarantee a free and fair vote for media miller has more from nairobi small scale protests have continued in different parts of kenya and that's despite a ban on protests taking place in the central business district of the three main cities the opposition says banning these protests is unconstitutional and they want to continue. ending electoral changes from the electoral body now we understand that at least two people were killed in the bondo town in the western part of kenya when a group of demonstrators tried to storm
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a police station that's when police opened fire now the concern is that there could be excessive force by the police in these demonstrations if we look back to demonstrations in the week immediately after the august eighth elections a human rights bodies released a report saying at least thirty seven people were killed at that time and it's only all of these cases besides to that police report indicates a police used excessive force we expect to see more demonstration in the coming days as the electoral commission prepares for a rerun of the presidential of vote on the twenty sixth of october. firefighters in the u.s. are continuing to battle wildfires that have already killed at least thirty one people across the state of california dry windy conditions are making it difficult to bring twenty separate blazes under control hundreds of people have been injured and four hundred are still unaccounted for around three and
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a half thousand homes and businesses have been destroyed what's been described as the most lethal fires in california history investigators believe it may have been started by toppled power lines. and tens of thousands of penguin chicks have starved to death in antarctica and what experts are describing as a catastrophic reading season this is the second bad season in five years for the breed of adelie penguin with all but two of the chicks dying experts say it's caused by an unusually high amounts of ice late in the season with adult and winds having to travel further food. from london for now seen about half an hour's time acted out. yeah yeah yeah. yeah yeah. yeah.
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yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. they had their dot com and what's trending as well plenty of for ryan today of course the iran deal featuring heidi rippin just survivor we've got that story coming up for you it is one you need to see and interesting story as well from yesterday actually u.s. and israel withdrawing from unesco un body which obsessed a world heritage and preservation of culture so plenty of you to have a look at here at al-jazeera dot com.
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now. that within just story. there's really no delicate or tactful way to introduce this next story because it is brutal and harrowing and it confronts you in a very different way i think it's from bangladesh where as you know hundreds of thousands of muslims from mainland now live in refugee camps and it's the story of just one of them a woman who suffered almost unimaginably here is. in cause is bizarre. for resume a big home there is nothing but pain. my baby was in my lap and when the soldiers hit me and he fell out of my arms then they pulled me closer to the wall and i could hear that he was crying in after a few minutes i could hear that they were hissing him too she tells us soldiers from me and mars army had set a fire outside the house they were in and then the unthinkable.
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my baby was thrown into the fire and then they raped me these are pictures of resume a son sadik he was one and a half years old and very playful a happy child she still can't believe is gone. i feel like i'm burning on the inside. then she breaks down. as she wails in agony resume screams out for her mother. a mother who is also no longer alive when her village of tula tooley in the district of rakhine state was attacked resume says her parents two sisters and brother were killed as well. having fled man maher regime and her husband now live in the coop along camp
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in bangladesh resume honorific story is similar to what we've heard from many other survivors refugees who shared their terrifying account of having been brutalized by soldiers and me and mars army many described witnessing mass killings gang rapes beheadings and numerous other atrocities human rights investigators are accusing me and mars government of carrying out crimes against humanity a charge me and mars government denies with more than half a million rohinton refugees having fled me and more in the past six weeks medical aid and psychological support is in very short supply it's one reason rifi is so worried sometimes she says her head feels like it's twisting and that she can't to liberate it so sometimes she looks at the photos of our baby and she screams and cries every single day she. says that until they have money resume i can't get any more treatment for the head and jaw wounds she sustained when she was also beaten by the soldiers and so resume
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a sits alone and traumatized longing for a family that perished and a home that no longer exists. at the could to prolong camp in cox's bazar bangladesh and soon as we have the video uploaded to you tube i will tweet it out. i think you should share that if you want with your social media networks because it's one. of many powerful stories that we've had from bangladesh but one that i really think needs to be saying ok so want to go back to the iran deal just had an email here from chris sheridan who's our white house producer in washington d.c. he says and more details have come out on donald trump's plan for the iran deal what we're hearing is that iran would no sorry the united states would not be pulling out of the deal but would be asking congress under the iran nuclear agreement review act which is what james was telling us about before to come up with a solution congress should have sixty days to figure out what to do there also new
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treasury sanctions against the iranian revolutionary guard which will not be declared a terrorist organization apparently and rex tillerson is saying that the u.s. will deal with diplomatic situations with iran after congress figures out what to do so i think the short stories there is that this is being kicked to congress it's going to capitol hill they will have sixty days to sort it out and then rex tillerson is talking about some possible diplomacy there so let's talk to trita parsi about this regular guest with us on al-jazeera the author of losing an enemy obama iran and the triumph of diplomacy also the president of the national iranian american council what do you make then based on what i just said there trita about the u.s. not pulling out of the deal but taking it basically to congress is this just well given donald trump was so anti the deal but he's doing it he's choosing to do it this way giving it to congress. well in reality he is pulling out of the
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oh just because he's going to congress doesn't mean that he's not doing it i think the trumpet ministration is trying to sanitize the language that they use in order to give the impression that what they're doing is actually not killing the deal but that is exactly what they're doing right now senator cardin and corker have introduced legislation that would unilaterally change the terms of the iran deal any effort by any country to unilaterally change the terms of the deal is a violation of the deal so donald trump has triggered a process that is leading to the violation of the deal which very likely will also lead to the collapse of the deal unless the european and the other powers in this deal really stand up to trump right now and prevent him from going down this road for this is the thing trita the opposition to this idea of the u.s. leaving the deal including and i've actually got an article here which i just want to show to our viewers really quickly from the new york times barack former israeli
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prime minister and defense minister who said. this would give iranians a pretext for resuming their drive towards a nuclear breakout capability if america decides to pull out no one will join the not the chinese not the russians not even the europeans i mean when israel is also saying or an israeli prime minister former israeli prime minister saying you shouldn't leave the studio why is donald trump's so hard line almost about this. that's a great question and it's something that everyone in d.c. is trying to figure out right now because all the logical explanation as to why he's doing would be doing this don't hold up the deal is working the iranians are not violating the deal. everything that the deal was supposed to deliver so far has been delivered so why is he so adamant about killing it particularly when his own secretary of state certifies that the iranians are living up to the agreement when
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his secretary of defense says that the u.s. should stay within the deal when his chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says the same thing there one thing that seems to be at least a potential explanation for this is that donald trump simply cannot stand certifying the achievement of barack obama the that is a very big part of it is in the world trita parsi joining us from washington thank you so much for that. quick comment that's come here from facebook live ebenezer's said i don't know why the european countries believe the deal with iran is working iran is already a nuclear weapon nation so they should stop deceiving themselves always pleased to get your varying comments with the hash tag a.j. news. now something different that many of us find ourselves going to the doctors and being prescribed antibiotics to clear up simple infections things like the common cold i did it last week if you heard me on air last week and frankly today is well you'll know why but there is a concern that over using antibiotics may be doing more harm than good and there
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are warnings of a wait for this post antibiotic apocalypse if the world doesn't find a way to combat drug resistance a global conference in berlin on so-called superbugs has revealed each year about seven hundred thousand people die worldwide due to drug resistant infections including at hiv tuberculosis and malaria if no action is taken in system a to ten million people will die each year by the year two thousand and fifty they call it anti microbial resistance this is when bacteria viruses parasites fungus develop a resistance to medicines which were previously able to cure them the u.n. says it's developed because of the over use and indeed misuse of antibiotics in humans animals and crops in fact it's estimated one in four antibiotic prescriptions are not necessary hundred ninety three countries have signed the un declaration to tackle the threat of microbiology resistance call for a case study on antibiotics used to take me to china which is considered one of the
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worst offenders devika pollens in hong kong with this report. prescribe. over the counter without a prescription in fact. at a local pharmacy with no questions they're used to treat. other things and you can also get stronger. like. the last resort drug. when bacteria will not respond to any other antibiotics. the city is a breeding ground for superbug. the government. superbug infection every eighteen minutes in public. we must curb the use of these over the counter sales soften the politics because that was one of them most common cause of causing
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these drug resistant bacteria these need to be control to be. because otherwise have all the patients suffer and second open equally important to control to others restrict the use of antibiotics approach through use and also in the farming industry china. and. most people here are getting there. and that is going to prove to be a much tougher issue just as currently there are no regulations in mainland china. if you go to houston now here's dr peter hotez who is dean of the national school of tropical medicine the the baylor college of medicine thank you for your time just start of the bend do you agree with this theory that it is about the overuse the overprescription of antibiotics that is leading to this truck resistant
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infections. absolutely first of all thank you for having me on and you know your report specifically mention china well it turns out that over the last few years there's been about a thirty percent increase in antibiotic use but seventy five percent of that portion of the increase is due to the brics countries brazil russia india china and some extent south africa so china and india which account for a huge percentage of the world's population and those countries you can buy purchase antibiotics over the counter and it's not just any antibiotic these are some of the very advanced antibiotics when you don't have any alternatives so it's not just the number of antibiotics that are available but the type in there that are available and then you compound the fact that it's not just human use it's the use in livestock because when you give subtherapeutic doses to cattle and other livestock what happens is that will promote the growth of the cattle they're
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actually growth promoters but it's introducing massive amounts of antibiotics into the environment and something that hasn't been mentioned yet is fish farming which is also a heavy use of antibiotics so the brics countries especially we're seeing this massive increase just as a little aside one of our viewers angus that just actually ostend city was interested to know about how antibiotic use in animals affected this angus i hope you got. from the doctor doctor which is how do we know what to do when i say we i'm talking about we as patients and the doctors who prescribe as well for example as i indicated before i went to the doctor last week because i was feeling rotten i had a chest infection and i've been on antibiotics since then i mean i could have toughed it out i might get more sick from that how do we know it was a person when to make the call about when we need antibiotics own laws. well well the key is to rely on evidence based medicine so for instance we know that a lot of ear infections for instance or sinus infections could actually be viral in
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nature that caused by a virus instead of a bacteria and you don't need an antibiotic so you have to be very judicious and prudent not just to hand over anna biopics to every patient who walks in the door not feeling well so it requires a lot of education on the part of physicians and on the part of patients as well and of course the pharmacists to really keep antibiotics behind the counter and not make them so freely available is and it's it's this has to be universally practiced in every country fortunately there is been some global action over the last year or so the united nations held a high level summit in two thousand and sixteen to create global policies around and a biotech use the world health organization has created a road map together with the organization of animal health and the food and agricultural organization and the drug companies are working together in a meeting in davos last year to agree on
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a declaration for how they're going to proceed with developing new antibiotics so there is some hope that that we can avoid that antibiotic apocalypse that everybody is hearing about and so worried about dr pedo it is really interesting talking to you about this thank you. medical program to cure looked at this issue of antibiotic resistance two years ago actually the full show is online at al-jazeera dot com it takes you from the hospitals of the u.k. to the caves of south dakota with a searching for new drugs plus identifying drug resistant tb in south africa it is comprehensive and eye opening the curators in the documentary section which is search for antibiotic the cure. to the story that got a lot of people talking this is the sexual assault allegations leveled at the powerful hollywood movie producer harvey weinstein the chorus of women speaking out about his alleged inappropriate behavior is continuing to grow thirty women have shared their experiences about him with four of them actually accusing him of rape it's prompted a global investigation there are police in new york and the u.k.
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looking into these allegations some of the way though that this has snowballed from hollywood actresses into a whole movement almost about women being hurt it's quite extraordinary isn't it correct come on in fact so much so that women are protesting to boycott twitter for twenty four hours and all escalated when twitter suspended the account of us has risen again and this is her just have a home and she's one of a number of film stars that have come forward and accuse hollywood producer harvey weinstein of alleged sexual misconduct and in rose's case she's accused him of rights and said she's one of many now she posted this on her instagram she was informing her followers of a message she received from twitter saying that she's been blocked from posting anything now she also called on women to be her voice on twitter have since responded to that explained rose's account was only temporary they locked now the
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reason well because one of the tweets in created a private phone number which twits a says violates its terms of services people are accusing the platform of silencing rosenau with many joining the women boycott so it's a campaign in fact celebrities are also joining it and it's not just women but men are taking a fan of the seminar no chrissy teigen says she's joining to stand against sexual assault as well as online threats and abuse and mark ruffalo now with many calling this also a human issue but people like john yadav are crushed. the effectiveness of this campaign in fact john he also says if women are boycotting twits a friend who is trending has also tweeted she says that silence is the right form of protest to silence not as criticism against. all of this sensitive issue there are questions around what exactly is the platforms harassment
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they are there is that it makes test cricket more accessible and it breaks down barriers to the casual fan but i'm confused well a bit so i'm and it will translocate through anyway international cricket set for a major overhaul of the game's governing body approving a new test championship and a one day league the i.c.c. is also given the all clear for a trial a four day test matches traditionally of course test the schedule to last five days it's hard the changes can increase interest in the longest formats of the games often struggles to attract the same size of crowds we see quickfire see twenty concepts. well the change to one day cricket will begin in twenty twenty one with thirteen teams competing in the league it will also be used as a qualification process for the world cup as for the test revolution follow me on this one nineteen's will play six series of test matches over a two year period three at home and three away will then be a test championship final to decide who is the world's best seen that championship will start in two years' time and follows other innovations like day night tests
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all designed to boost attendance this let's talk now and soon i got a pretty who is the assistant editor e.s.p.n. cric info i got great to have you on that test match cricket needs saving doesn't need saving and will this help. thanks for having me firstly years i don't think this match cricket needs saving is just needed to be present and promoted in a different fashion and as with dimes the way it was has been played the broadcasters and the sponsors have been making human cry about. that not being packaged nicely so if i have to put it it's been packaged in a different question and as you see for the test cricket the i.z.'s putting that on a trial basis starting with the boxing day test which starts between south africa and zimbabwe this december twenty sixth so yeah it's a different way of packaging i would say. the i.c.c.
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bringing in this change to try and make test match cricket more lucrative are they still worried that young players will become t twenty franchise players rather than international test players. it's a concern not just of the i.c.c. but the member boards also with the cannot stop it no one can stop it any more in fact every board and importantly the smaller nations the lot the top level the top four or five but the bottom five was seven nations even including of ghana stan they're investing a lot in twenty twenty leagues because that's where the money is to host the biggest problem of hosting a test match or a test series is the amount of money the host board loses because the broadcasters are normal paying them he usually mounds the only the broadcasters only come forward when the top three or four nations are in fact it has to be australia india and england outside these three countries no broadcasters willing to pay for
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a bilateral series a big amount of money so where do you pay the money from that's the question as far as your question of players losing moving to twenty twenty leagues you cannot stop them there are many examples recently i can point out but the more it's all in the public domain no. knowledge is this format simple enough it's designed to bring more fans in but it all seems quite complicated what's what's your take on it. because i'm an insider in a way because i'm a stakeholder because i cover cricket so it's not complicated to me but it's simply put what does he have done is that reduced to the most common word of the most popular word in our today was context the i.c.c. is providing context to test cricket what they're doing is removing all kinds of unnecessary bilateral series between countries which were they were competitive players under the original league structure called the future top doors program
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which is valid to two thousand next year it would only eighteen i think so what they're doing now is they're giving the option for all the countries to play three home series and three away series they still to work out how many orpen and each country each of the top nine countries will play but i think it would be about three between three and complicated. to jump in there but we're about to run out of time and ever thank you so much and i got lots of reaction to this on social media you can get in touch with those of course to give your opinions michael vaughan is saying i believe test matches need to try new ideas you have lost a drama on the fourth day i.c.c. if given the go ahead as well former england captain they are trying for a test match is another nail in the coffin is the format's continues its slow demise i hope it doesn't fall to pieces test match cricket still my still my favorite form of the game let's get back now to come up here here andy and nicely handle with
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a few. well so what do you get in touch with us as we've been saying all day thank you for your questions as well direct questions for our correspondents and guess which has been great. twitter facebook whatsapp is all there and i just tweeted that mama june report as well the one from bangladesh so if you go to my favorite. you can find that there will be yourself from there to get in touch with us through some of the story ideas we're looking on all platforms for your contributions. and we will see you right back here in studio four to no doubt to zero fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. tomorrow. in the house trying to era when news coverage consists of a punchy headline a five second sound bite and an easy solution. to delve deeper fox's
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challenge the status quo expose double standards and debate the contradictions join me mad the hot sun for a new season of the show the frank loved up front. but this time i'll just iraq. you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al jazeera on counting the cost a scandal made in japan kobe seal admits that it fakes data on a boat as used by the world's biggest makers of planes trains and automobiles plus a bubble trouble why the i.m.f. is signaling danger ahead for the global economy if those proceed to counting the
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