tv The Beirut Spy Al Jazeera October 20, 2017 9:00am-10:01am AST
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quite provocative or is it alison whether online we were in hurricane winds full almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on sect. one but. this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. is a problem in doha with the headlines on al-jazeera the u.s.
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secretary of state has criticized the full countries imposing a blockade on gaza rex tillerson says the solving the group is on willing to negotiate despite katha bigging ready to engage. has more from washington d.c. . florence's comments in an interview with bloomberg news marked significant change in tone gone was the optimism we heard three months ago when tillerson last visited the region instead he expressed his frustration saying there appear to be a real will unwillingness on the part of the quartet of blockading countries in personal progressing with these talks in contrast saying qatar has been very clear that they're ready to engage now the fact that tillerson is returning to the region this following week and to push further these talks is a long ways from where the u.s. policy on the gulf crisis started back in june if you remember that's when u.s.
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president donald trump was quick to come to the aid of saudi arabia praising its leadership and in a shooting this blockade and trying to claim credit that was a direct result of president trump visit to the region since then the white house has been more silent on this topic while the state department has taken a lead here with tillerson returning again in this coming week the white house chief of staff has come to the defense of u.s. president donald trump's phone call this week to the widow of a slain soldier trump is accused of making insensitive remarks and during the call to the widow of the soldier who was killed in an ambush in asia earlier this month john kelly says he was broken hearted by the criticism of traumas condolences. he knew he was going to self into because he enlisted there's no reasonable list in which he was where he wanted to be exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken that was the message that was
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the message that was transmitted. it stuns me that a member of congress were to listen to know that conversation. absolutely stuns me . and i thought at least that was a good. european leaders backing spade as the cost of an crisis escalates in brussels prime minister monti honored a hole in one support from french president emmanuel macron and german chancellor angela merkel but the european union says it won't intervene in the dispute between madrid and barcelona. of course for many reasons in the permanent conductor is the prime minister mariano rajoy. hiding that the situation in spain is concerning but. position i mean the institutions and member states. clear the. room no space for in the kind of mediation
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or. their national. initiative or action. china's president is said to have his own political theory incorporated in the constitution it will be a non-issue jinping thought and has fourteen principles according to chinese state news agency shun wah the move is expected to further consolidate she's power she would be the third chinese leader to lend his name to his own political ideology mao zedong who founded china's communist party was the first day and shouting the second. kenya's opposition leaders has has decision to pull out of next week's election of iran remains on changed. the comments after talks with toppled action officials are doing the head said he would reconsider his decision to quit if electoral reforms were carried out by the election board says a free and fair vote can't be guaranteed due to political interference. togo's
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opposition says three people have been shot dead in the third day of anti-government protests at least four people were killed on wednesday demonstrators have been fighting with police in the capital demanding changes to limit how long. can stay and power. of the headlines on al-jazeera do stay with us al-jazeera world is coming up next. to.
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mine. i live in. beirut and i want to have. a message sent from beirut by cohan in the one nine hundred forty s. to the intelligence section of the jewish agency. the agency played a major role in founding israel. and the new states intelligence service would later become mossad started. last the gamble we carry already. with the same. can be false if you will we carry over the us order and call india would again are the. only other can shuttle is the one that's going to. be further up the
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lawyer who the hell up. to it going to the lokpal bill blood will trickle in. gotta be over the arabic wonder campus minister to be there for fasting she must leave a little for. curry other the other the. road if you can bear it. then i'm in with the with my attorney what i saw they come. back again feed the career and cool. a lot of businesses. the first arab israeli war started when the un adopted their resolution to partition palestine nine hundred forty seven and continued when israel was founded in one nine hundred forty eight referred to now by palestinians as. the catastrophe. the intelligence service mossad
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started up on the thirteenth of december one thousand nine hundred forty nine. it elevates the. edges of. the world from a lesser scale and most earth orbit as a scale of leverage luck and. if l m l elmore said what befell. idea to mention the latter very bluntly the fact that he would dearly love the elec. i'm with been a crime scene in my comment was that bit of jail door cinema for call her. the dumb is a little more sad come a bit of geo wellcome a big hunk. and yet all you came with. was created in faces in the the beginning of june one thousand nine hundred eighty eight. and this was during the war of independence big dave and we
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assemble a special meeting in his office and created the israeli intelligence community he declared the creation of three different organizations first military intelligence second shin bet the internal secret service and he basically took the diplomatic department of the jewish agency there you verted that to the ministry of foreign affairs and gave the authority to be the international or the foreign intelligence service of israel in charge of espionage and special assignment out of the borders of israel. but there. are a c.r.c. and mossad home and mossad your car a little. more set the mossad strategy
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to use the minister to. well the tally less at last about the. danny model of a less appealing methyl chattily but he is a master at digital i'm no comal israeli lucky or dark. never been good he learned center to bring in a sale for the year we owed. how long. they're over tell him another one pal of the had the strategy let it. mark at the at the not the on any list but what is the but what is the one a mere dig and was director general of mossad between two thousand and two and twenty eleven after diggins death and twenty sixteen prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that they can always kept a photograph in his office of his grandfather. it showed him being degraded by nazi
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officers shortly before he was murdered in one nine hundred forty two he said dagan had dedicated his life to ensuring the holocaust would never be repeated and if at the card they were in no. limit to call him an actor to do a bill i. let it on for men international what i mean i lack the betty card it in no lyman is the but it been this will israel i may have the full name of mossad is how mossad lemoore dream of it could be me who the which means the institute for intelligence and special operations now by its name alone there is a hint to the responsibility of mossad of numerous tasks completely different from each other including one when the mossad is the the only one dealing with in the
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world and this is taking care of jews in rogue states and being involved in first the establishment of a framework. of helping the jews to protect themselves physically from. wherever they reside and second help them to emigrate to israel and this is where it comes to. the end we can't and fashionable cause and found herself by and roundabout route argentina and jerusalem in the bomb mind of one nine hundred forty s. the roots she had blue eyes was attractive and classy with a strong presence. she started high society salons frequented by government officials senior military thinkers and influential businessmen as well as women looking for let's say advancement there were plenty of stories about sheila collins
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appealing to the opposite sex. and also. the one model find their way in my home and i could how. shall i met. a lot about. fear. here my head. would suffer that was one thing you know what i'm a wind i'm about a lot of the other and it was a lot farther. than the law and yet as i was about to have there's a washer well there's a car wash oh well it. and i kind of. forcing this who among us who had them a could you live in my. family her sisters.
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in the early one nine hundred thirty s. family had financial problems so her parents decided to marry the sixteen year old shoot off a wealthy jewish lebanese businessman joseph from beirut. vacation x. lived in wadi aborigines in the jewish quarter in beirut and had seven children. she was part of the years really the through says and she knew the israelis she was dying is and when she went to lebanon she feels herself not just as a zionist but as somebody who was sent not by the government by by herself because we are talking about buying nearing time when people think that they are doing something in the media to do something not what the country asked them to do but what they want. to do for the country mossad the israeli. town of
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a limit. well our story of a loved. one only already from the point of view from of mossad having very being very in huge shortage of assets in arab countries she was perfect and they had no one else. of course this was coming from from a lack of other resources because to recruit a jew living in his own city under its own identity it means huge risk for him and he suspected just by being a jew it's not entirely clear how call him became a spy one theory is she always wanted to be involved in building israel another but she was recruited in jerusalem and her marriage to kris was a front either way her husband's beirut shop gave her the chance to me travelling
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merchants who talked about fighters training on lebanon southern border the story goes she sent a message with a traveling salesman to a jewish settlement in palestine what is the article you had. the cool how to feel and i had an idea who the men by a lot and was sorry the come in canada he meant a pro i know man and second we have. because you know how to hack and at the road. feel i'm one of them at the yahoo d.f.e. that the kind we have had thrown almost to dean fi that let it america. that he been in kind here members that are all members are all now who are. weeks passed and soon i heard nothing in reply to her message to palestine.
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then a man knocked at the door saying he was delivering a message from her family. when she opened the letter it was from the jewish agency asking her to help hide a jewish man named vandar the beirut where they are which means that either. where you are that as with added the level of beheading your brother. child like the one thousand nine hundred forty six to nine hundred forty eight where the times where israeli intelligence was planted the seeds. for its network in arab countries like lebanon and syria insure cohen the connection the relations the establishment relation between israeli intelligence were established at the time soon as first mission went well and established her credentials in assisting the secret passage of jews to lebanon into palestine. she was then
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contacted by a man from the south called luther and hopped along the was to become a key figure in her spy network. he told her that israeli security wanted to meet her in a small town on the lebanon palestine border it was the first time shooter had crossed the border since her marriage in her memoirs she later roads. i travelled by jeep from beirut to that he an area i stayed in use as house until late at night his men were monitoring border patrols to secure my journey. and. and let me just. say the second had. them a high idea. mara be is nick wow it must feel are gonna this nigga muscles that are gonna yet lope be a moment here. we are at. under three
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men you that were there but. other than us had let alone many of them are done more himly are gone let's go back to the fifty's what horses really thinking about. the people who are coming to the border the people are coming to make some sabotage that i can think of that was important to the israeli intelligence but the most important thing was that she was there. that it was them that was the big success the big success they did not the information that she was she gave but that she was there and the people from here from the army could come to the prime minister to bangor yon and said we have spies in the heart of lebanon. among those who helped shoot was a french jew called george moore. she met him at
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a reception in one of beirut's palatial homes. and his wife supplied cohen with secret ink and transmission devices to help her communicate with her contacts over the border. so at the beginning they used very old methods including pigeons. with. very small papers with secret ink or coded ink that were. sent. from lebanon to israel and the answer from yes well to lebanon to shura or to other people were through the years really a radio so it's when some kind of code words or songs for example even songs of of the hell even half as it was a some kind of fair affair sign to the other people yes we got your message.
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some of them were given most machines at the beginning very very simple using very simple code and. burst transmitters that. narrowed down the time needed for the actual transmission of the message gradually enlarged her spy and support network arabs rejected the idea of jewish immigration into palestine and after the second world war the british continued to restrict entry. and played a key role in alya bet the secret smuggling of jews through lebanon into palestine i remember the day i accompanied syrian jewish families across the border i was seven months pregnant and had to do the journey with them on foot. i walked for hours when i met. they were surprised to see my big belly and didn't hide their
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admiration for. good muslim is not going around clergymen they are a homicide lab the. law of the law or. i don't know do you know whether i was me. it had a business. show like i. am young person own. when i come on your rocker at the word yet alaska reality. show what was her hello more to how. good the fact that one that the whole of her dude. must open agenda to put that she was in touch with a lot of people from the lebanese bureaucracy in order to make this work she had people inside some of the lebanese department of custom and others that could use
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any sort of forged passports to make sure that if some of these convoys are being caught. then she. is called soft pillow means that when something goes wrong you in advance you prepare some sort of mechanism that would enable you to get out of this without causing too much damage. in the early one nine hundred fifty is lebanon tightened its border control making it harder to smuggle jews of different nationalities into israel. and started moving them by sea through and mary support in beirut on a weekly journey aboard what was called the wednesday. meanwhile rumors grew about the goings on at cohan salons and their clientele. and under. janet thomas alone. there's
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a minimalist. scan what i did in. a mobile bill. of unique bar owners we are able to see the most notable ballot. john it's called there are a lot of support. that if and stuck them at the data family like in hell bennett chalk it. did. ari folman monument. going to it's a couple of more ordinary. kind of. like the one i'm worth of. a where there and stand there like my kind of. here well been athletic at the labor. market and why the obama.
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kind of that silat with our my you had their id there every month the. stories abound about beirut's lifestyle her salons and the services she offered some say she turned the rambo bar and humber street into a brothel and the olympia casino into a high level rendezvous largely for rightwing party leaders. in the. or are you holding up the bar in rio we were there was real kerridge a really new year you know for us nobody can meet him in the main thorough. roof are my enemy. at the shore the coen you can. always go
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back at the a.b.m. with them until they are mobs the idea when michael is out of it could save. you can happen just as are going on in one nine hundred fifty eight the army commander for actually had was elected president of lebanon to help deal with israel he set up. the second office the lebanese security and intelligence services. and you live out of a woman will be a lawyer how more i don't know but now all can free much man omit but smug and free would be every. day of iesus saw this but i love how you can free how about my plan your lot or how the army will eat la and northern army lambie be a monumental lot of our homes of our monitor free so large i mean but the
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numbers but nigeria is how large was a fair amount the will be able are known as the sar law the word salary senior military figures were recruited to the disease. like and twenty. tiny nine for the hunt and family how to. go in. and divert. me and my roommate and i do israeli goodness he did. they even. if the queen so. well hi hi hi and i felt like i do ok read. and get down to it but what i did have. then. with any.
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lady did than an hour biskra be that what i will do is occur with them we can mount gambier. see if the same ilk of people yeah hibs gerrish our sons about bigger bus muffy benzine should be armed our side are full of words share why the yami are bound mini act that i'm in the mood to read she's seven are part of lear armies and needs are but just in the air we are but three seattle what. musingly monday coming up in part two lebanese intelligence sets a trap for. contrived by the man with whom she had fallen in love. and nor had that i'm a kind of the but i'm a little. behind sonora lens in the follow up client the compound out i'm not bad
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for the huts shot it was of the civil war. and indian mining company is heading to australia to build one of the world's biggest mines will it be an economic bonanza or an ecological disaster. at this time i now does it. in slave abuse i'm longing for either. the plight of too many of these good after a lifetime of service a remarkable young woman breaks free. to lead the abolitionist movement of electrifying force. driven by her favorite
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recollections of subjugation. my memory is my power with this documentary this time on a. as we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to the kind of exposure and the job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health we think ok will center us to china but we have to remember that our felicia travel around the globe death by design at this time on al-jazeera. wellman is a problem and with the headlines on al-jazeera the u.s. secretary of state has criticized the full countries imposing
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a blockade on cutter rex tillerson says the saudi led group is on willing to negotiate and despite being ready to engage. the white house chief of staff has come to the defense of u.s. president don't want trump's conversation with the widow of a slain soldier trump is accused of making insensitive remarks during a phone call to the widow of the soldier who was killed in an ambush in the earlier this month he knew what he was going to self into because he enlisted there's no reason why list the a list that he was where he wanted to be exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his wife was taken that was the message that was the message that was transmitted it stuns me that a member of congress were to listen in on a conversation absolutely stuns me. and i thought at least that. european leaders are backing spain as the cotton line crisis escalates and brussels
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prime minister money on little hole received support from french president emanuel macron and german chancellor angela merkel but the e.u. says it won't intervene in the dispute between madrid and barcelona. china's president is said to have his own political theory incorporated in the constitution oh to be no no she didn't think thought and has fourteen principles that's according to chinese state news agency should the move is expected to further consolidate his power she would be the third chinese leader to have his own political ideology out of mao zedong and dang shell pink. togo's opposition says three people have been shot dead in a third day of anti-government protests at least four people were killed on wednesday demonstrators have been fighting with police in the capital there demanding changes to limit how long togo's leaders can stay in power president fornia same base family has been in power for more than half a century. kenya's opposition leader says his decision to pull out of next week's
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election rerun remains unchanged rollo during a made the comments after talks with top election officials are doing a had said he would reconsider his decision to quit if proper electoral reforms were carried out. those are the headlines al-jazeera world continues next. call hand was born of jewish parents in argentina grew up in israel but at sixteen moved to beirut with her new husband joseph. she was recruited to israeli intelligence and was part of the huge operation called baths bringing jews from europe the middle east and north africa into palestine which could only be done through smuggling until israel was founded in one nine hundred forty eight. in the late one nine hundred fifty is lebanon formed its own intelligence service knew
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dizzy and bilbo which included senior army officers like sami and then he. moved the aisle had a medical tell you the name of a karate of either you or any you with the general hook. madama no caliber of all or who know. more. food there is a little bit to your ability you would read about out. of me or to a local in the water the law mugs i mean you are being full of them and a dollar to raise. a mayor than a man and i. would rather they were not killed melia if you die hurt the area how little i learned about and worth it. and left me. while playing as much. as my. you wish to buy him
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a him in war love you a lot of command. we're going to as a mahmoud our. mahmoud zahar what was a senior living needs government official who found himself at the center of a huge financial scandal in lebannon in the late one nine hundred fifty s. . vast sums of money went missing from lebanese banks and the one nine hundred sixty one and inquiries by minister of finance rashid cut on me put them under scrutiny. of the world would learn to have a lot more than. the money in the harbor of a mahmoud i was a. lot of them as he. was. immoral have been good to hear how little of what the un muumuu had to say there are these again my lawyer the us of a lawyer who live on. the highlight
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of the. lion blood blood doesn't. know who will agree unless it's a you they are the initial of any well of who they are we weighed we all worry about. the slim but as rai yes reminded me of the law. even though i was had designs himself on shula cohanim he introduced her to a man called simon he was an attractive young blue eyed man in his twenty's and would play a big part in sweetness life. he started giving private lessons to call his children but unbeknown to her he was an undercover intelligence agent linked to the dizzy i'm below called me lad and i had. yes this movie of. the. sea for mother. was out to be her camomile.
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how about for b. my classic d.n.a. it came to. be called on a. yearly lab door. be modeled or call him. simon or me. reported to gabby a who would in the disease. his brief was to get as close to cohan as possible. with me and you claim my luck on our. side who i'm going to feed will for a silent low look at what i did. kind of touchy about a look. in her memoirs cohen later wrote i facilitated simon's meetings with israeli intelligence officers in more than one country the meetings were particularly held in rome. i accompanied him on
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a number of trips through turkey and i accompanied him on a chip to tel aviv to. on that day the cost of officer stone my passport and my return to beirut was not possible without simon's intervention he contacted a friend of hers the second passport for me very quickly. i was ten years her junior but she left fell in love with her. one hundred one her heart he got to work on dating her complete confidence as a baby for a bit of me says me live. i lead. i hate the thought water. leak and. yet it can mean i'm already in b. know you have a ten minute call but the it took a d.
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it to feel active. unfortunately. died in twenty thirteen without divulging many of the details and secrets of his relationship with sulaco hand. or the undercover plot he carried out for gabby the who would and lebanese intelligence. sami was also involved. the had the lead you who do not list them but. they say they were the only one so. far. that there weren't enough they may. when i. was there another then i was. really we. learned. that you loved us while the very deep and very little.
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dishes and how. good the little of all how will. a little one of you. know anything about his body. the co-head surveillance operation was carried out with the support of lebanese president for archie had. sammy how deep was there and other officers were discouraged as market traders and newspaper sellers to keep a constant eye on cohan meanwhile she continued to use her cafes casinos salons and sexual services to pass on information to assad's about the lebanese and syrian government says there's enough elder heading in you have to stay late you
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know who really hate him. but then they'd lose two rows. in a cell as a. little way you're doing no good. but good luck with the. lives of you and me we love you know. your name get the the bill our enemy. that is e.m.p. all officers analyze the information sheila collected and sent to israel as well as investigating members of her network and their roles. there was a lot of cross border correspondence about lebanese and other arab politicians as well as intelligence on military movements. call him world all the information in secret in and send it to massage to be
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a messengers using mountain tracks to get to israel. reza readily and in the above really high level there are limits that are the more of the who are still so the word no but. when none of it other that we were in my room it looked really i scurried. on for good and they won us the allegation one as well the bottle they. had to sell was it a little heady in regard to resiliency when they are the the game i'm going to got that it will and l. about it is a really. cold and never suspected sign and army lad then added and continued to involve him in her activities. but all the while
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the investigation was closing in on her. there cannot watch out of. the uk under there and you know not have a good yes as he is really. work really well. still yet the actor. motherhood there after. they die. and let the. then. the learned to and then i think oh but. i mean the whole thing with. after two months of surveillance the whole decided it had all the information on co he needed it planned the raid for the ninth of august one thousand nine hundred eighty one and. with play our vital role of
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a little color marshal a criminal a comic have to have a few men see her for that i had to have come a larger. almost a month well. and know how that i'm a kind of with her but i'm a little carter behind no man's ill will to work while i'm compelled by the i'm not sure i'll bad for the hot shot i was at the school who. call and was obviously shocked to discover her lover simon was working for lebanese intelligence. but she seems to have responded to the situation once confronted by that izzy and behold. doesn't know all of. the remission everything and. i mean i bit him then i'm really. really.
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you know the island million and then a miracle. mustn't ever covered our last shore like wayne why and that one. oh well she added they are all are merely oh well i mean really being come out. of the living. cut off well our can army and persian. then the man oh man the layout of. dunmore me and him give me. a year and i love the harrogate much more cash or free. thought were in your future like wayne la as using live near me i did all my little mini you know me time alone margo. the most. common sub me and you just to see. shine
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a little and submitted. a key. member where the shock of. some our. society was shocked by cohen's a rest and the revelations about her spine. at the same time. gained huge pristine from the operation and enhanced the repeat ation of intelligence gathering in the region. of. feel like and then the. high among. your daughter. and governor and. it's. him again this is the only one either the love you know yes love ninny and the
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little life and yet but you're somebody. else who's. committed to be at them with them early already i'll yell or leave just . card. had the mode of. what had. been. superman collins arrest was clearly a shock for my side and israel sex had played a big part in cohen's fourteen years as an agent code name the pearl but she was undone by her love for a dashing young arab man we have to put this in context and to say that at the same period wallace of time there were other two prominent israeli worriers that were caught vulgar lots who were taking the wrong false identity
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of a former nazi working in egypt and elie call him. it who took the identity of famous syrian businessman residing in a posh apartment just across the street from the syrian chief of staff in the capturing of these people. in the execution of early call him in the middle of central square in the mess caused a lot of reactions very emotional very dramatic ones and on that context you can see the huge headline in the israeli press. is. sad that a man was. in
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a car. so. it so. you can and you. go in and her associates appeared at a military court presided over by judge joseph three hundred. quickly caved in and admitted many lebanese and arab political figures. because of my position in the ministry of finance he said it was easy for me to communicate with politicians and entice them to disclose information they knew. was interrogated in an office at the defense ministry.
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what i would with. your love for a living in a more subtle as israeli love muscle and how to get how to get us kerry was seriously you would believe me well if any. given simile. cohen's trial began on the twenty seventh of october one thousand nine hundred eighty one and received huge media attention. but interestingly nothing came out during the trial about the many lebanese and other arab politicians who'd been caught in her clan this time webb. yes really
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really. well a good imo and the girls were on the. level of it. live interview. with. me. on the twenty fifth of july nineteenth sixty two. and was sentenced to death. but you to international pressure including from israel her sentence was commuted to twenty years. can hell if america. now for the letting her have her live got to have an answer for one second had a sense of loss at the end. of hours at the end katherine was out with a set list wow my laughter strategy a kind of. violent no look at what kind of friends are and until. then when i.
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look nearly very cholesterol bad and that go on for. free never know how to clear. them. but cohen only served six years of her sentence. the second the arab israeli war broke out in june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven israel took a large number of arab prisoners and kohan among others was exchanged for a number of syrian lebanese and egyptian soldiers. if an agent is caught. sometimes will do something and usually will do nothing to help if a warrior is caught this is considered to be a strategic. because he is an israeli citizen. and this is why
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when israel caught all these arab soldiers during the six day war it was brought up immediately to release. and the jews that were arrested in the fifty's one hundred fifty four in egypt and released them in exchange for the syrian lebanese and egyptian soldiers. the prisoner exchange deal including sulaco hand took place in the summer of one nine hundred sixty seven. she was taken to knock on the lebanese border where she was handed over to the international red cross who in turn handed her over to the israelis. and then. in the quarterly on a little brother to be at laguna. mart where you call a no call at little general ham then a no. for that if. the twenty and no one has a key
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a new car be. moved back to israel where she lived for the next fifty years and twenty ten she was given an important israeli citizenship award. because we're looking for heroes when she became here she became them here and they gave her all the medals of the country she is the hero of jerusalem she is the hero of the state of israel. and because what she was doing it was something brave as a woman not just as a man it's all over the world the stories the women especially in the fifty's and specially when we are talking in a nation buildings when you need some heroes the story of. warrior perl agent pro and she was as she was coding was one of the first disclosure of or almost full disclosure of stories. that were
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permitted. to be published by israeli censorship ever as a kid. we read the book about age and probably this was this was a main main thing at the time because she was dealing with this specific topic immigration of jews this is considered to be essential but less sensitive censorship and the administration let her story to be published and this was one of the myths that we grew up on as kids. she now call him died in jerusalem on the twenty first of may twenty seventeen age one hundred. on the twenty fifth of january twenty seven thousand lebanese security forces were reported as having made five arrests in connection with passing information to mossad. on the seventh of october twenty seventh in their jerusalem post
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reported that three lebanese nationals had been arrested for allegedly cooperating with mossad. the bar at six years after the death of gadhafi to an hour of al-jazeera travels to libya. to hear from some of those who fought his regime and contributed to his downfall. the battle of misrata at this time on al-jazeera.
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how the showers are gong the tide has gone the winds died down a little bit it's just a matter of watching temps just slowly forward as the season changes but we're still up at twenty baku twenty two in tehran and the middle thirty's down the rocky plain and not much less right on the east coast of the mediterranean and there's a lot of change that in the next couple days but then you wouldn't expect a very much change either we watch the winds and whether they have very strong winds down the end is a decent breeze going down to the gulf which comes trust you right qatar and then ends up in the u.a.e. turns around and goes back up through saturday so that tends to drop the humidity and it has been coming down the temps just in up in the middle thirty's quite high for this time of year the doha for example even forty's down in mecca now if we leave the dry arabian peninsula we're watching the season change it's been rather has been quite vicious in the last week is on the eastern side of south africa and
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show up again here deborah was hit quite badly and it's between the lines of that of being one small towns just got a few passing brought down something but to take you into south days forecast is certainly something happening in the eastern cape president of taiwan even southern mozambique on the line but swallowed but up towards zambia which could see showers as well. oh is it allison where on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york here has to address or if you join us on set a member of the ku klux klan but which broke up a relationship base is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make them actually join the global
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conversation at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where ever you are. a journey both dark. there's a very for everybody and there's a lot of corruption and beautiful beautiful lady you have to be very patient and order is also the same as ascended because i was introduced to a girl when my father and my most origin for king for how the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven and
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this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera recounts the shocking story of the assassination of count folk abene dot . the first u.n. envoy trying to bring peace to the middle east how is negotiations with himmler helped save thousands of jews from nazi concentration camps and how these mediation skills. put him at the vanguard in the quest for peace in the middle east. killing the count at this time on al-jazeera. unwilling to engage the u.s. secretary of state blames the fore.
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