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tv   White Buses  Al Jazeera  October 25, 2017 9:00am-10:01am AST

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here in iceland a pioneering a new technique to reduce emissions earthrise looked at new ways of preventing air pollution at this time and al-jazeera we're here to jerusalem bureau covered israeli palestinian affairs we cover the story with a lot of internet. that we don't dip in and out of the story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman it's also very important to be a journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the united nations and global diplomacy for al-jazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks then and what happens there matters. you're watching al-jazeera i'm still raman these are all top stories china's communist party has revealed its new seven member leadership team headed by
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president xi paying premier league to chang was the only want to retain his spot alongside she who broke with recent precedent by failing to include a clear successor on choose the she became the most powerful leader in decades when the communist party added his name and political ideology to the constitution when workers are shot. back socialism with chinese characteristics has entered into a new era the new era must showcase these new faces i need to have new actions in twenty eighteen we will have the fortieth anniversary of opening up it is a very important thing of determining the fate of china forty years of reforming and opening up has led chinese people to their moderately prosperous society and are becoming richer and richer we need to draw from this experience and continue to modernize the governance and system of china under thomas has more from beijing. the single most important point to make about the new members of the standing committee is that none of them seems to be
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a chosen successor to sheeting paying all of them are already in their sixty's and by convention because of the retirement age in the communist party one of them would have needed to have been under fifty eight years old at this stage in the cycle to take over the xi jinping in five years time and then see how to fold to ten years and that is not the case changing thing has made it clear that there is no rival to him in his innocence. in terms of the introduction he gave these men as he brought them out well he talked about a new look for new achievements in the new era that a new era favorite phrase is coming up again he talked about the flourishing of all our endeavors possible under this new team that would never take a breather in terms of policy he talks about opening up and reform continuing foreign investors into china will like the sound of that and he talked about continuing to rid the party of what he called the virus that has infected in the past that seems to be a reference for an ongoing anti corruption drive tuesday was all about policy
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getting his thoughts enshrined in the constitution wednesday now he's got the people around him he wants to achieve that but she brings power well that seems a short now the u.s. has to accept refugees again but with tougher vetting measures the trumpet ministration has ended a ban on new arrivals but people from eleven countries regarded as high risk will be restricted to a case by case basis now these countries haven't yet been identified gabriel is under has more from new york. refugees want to come to the u.s. will now need to provide even more information for not only themselves but family members as well addresses where they previously lived phone numbers email addresses as well dating back ten years and not just five years also and this is significant . applicants applying for refugee status and u.s. will now have all of their social media accounts scrutinized saudi arabia appears
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to be trying to break away from its ultra conservative image with the crown prince pledging a more moderate and open country but haven't been slow man says he wants a society that accepts all religions and moves on from its strict past and destructive ideas. we would like to return to what we were before a country of moderate islam that is open to all religions and to the world seventy percent of saudi people are younger than thirty and honestly we will not wait another thirty years before dealing with extremist ideas we will not spend the next thirty years of our lives dealing with destructive ideas we will destroy them today and immediately the kurdish regional government in iraq has suggested freezing the results of its session referendum which triggered a confrontation with the central government the kurds say they're ready for talks with baghdad and want a cease fire kurdish peshmerga forces have been fighting government troops near a major oil pipeline the u.n.
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secretary general has praised peacekeepers in central african republic who are struggling to contain violence between religious groups but human rights activists say the u.n. isn't doing enough to address accusations that troops have sexually abused children those were the news headlines i'll be back with more in thirty minutes we continue with killing the count here on al-jazeera. a small estrus north of jerusalem. today it's derelict and abandoned. but for years kalandia our airport was the gateway to palestine.
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on the morning of the seventeenth of september one thousand nine hundred forty eight a white plane carrying un and red cross markings landed here. with the first arab israeli war already raging across palestine the un mediator count funk album a dog had come to jerusalem. that same afternoon. as it passed through the israeli controlled part of the city. his convoy was ambushed. by. the way and three guys with machine guns came out. to us i went up to the fourth quarter. third one went directly to the third. shot through the
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window. by five p.m. come bernadotte was the day. the assassination was carried out by and that stream missed zionist. lahey. fighters for the freedom of israel. i don't think anybody in israel should hear about the death of their little. turn to be an enemy of the state of israel and of the zionist dreams. yet only three years earlier bernadotte had made another jet. flying into nazi germany on the biggest humanitarian efforts of world war two. he would save more than thirty thousand prisoners from the concentration camps meet
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a third of them. then the dog was not an enemy of the jews and there is nothing to suggest anti semitism in his entire record. this is the story of how peace can be frustrated by explaining. how assassination turned the tide of history. with consequences that still scar the middle east. this is the story of killing the cow. the village the school in the french riviera. in the winter home of camp bob tailed
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by a member of the. youngest son of count falcon. he . but a loves this place where his father and mother first met in the late one nine hundred twenty s. . the riviera was and still is a favorite holiday destination with the ripped from title android families from around the world. in the winter of one thousand nine hundred twenty eight king gustav the fifth king of sweden was spending his holidays here. but at the back of his mind he had a watery. his nephew fork about an adult. his
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uncle was the king and he was every year down here on the riviera and he had met what he thought a very nice american family that had a young daughter. my father was by that time over thirty and i think he's uncle felt it was time that folco got married so he sent for him. and they were put together and my mother told me it wasn't a big success in the beginning. but it became quite positive after some time. and he proposed later on that she accepted. and that's how it started. in the autumn of that year falco crossed the atlantic in the company of friends and relatives from sweden's royal family. this was big
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news in america the first wedding of european royalty on american soil. foca bernadotte and estelle manville one marriage on the first of december one thousand nine hundred twenty eight in pleasant new york. fifteen hundred guests attended the wedding party on the private estate of astellas father a millionaire american industrialist. the father of the bride holds a wedding and then quite a few of his friends came over the. territory prince ghost of all the of he was there and some of his brothers was at the wedding and another friend of my father's and of course
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a lot of americans were in the wedding party. after the wedding as stole sailed to europe with folky to live with her new husband in the swedish capital stockholm. this was the world that followed stuck talent for mediation a to. gallant which would take him to the center of politics. in the same city almost thirty four years a. count felt had been adults of these borg had been born two days into the new year of eight hundred ninety five. his father prince of scott bevan adopt was the son of king oscar the second king of by sweden and norway. at school in stockholm focus showed himself to be practical rather than
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intellectual a gifted linguist he spoke fluent english french and german it was a talent he would put to good use in later life. in one thousand nine hundred eighteen he graduated from the military academy of college. a skilled horseman he rose to the rank of major in the elite dragoon cavalry unit. but not long after his marriage he was forced to resign his commission on medical grounds. shortly after when the goons were absorbed into the swedish ami but no doubt decided to wrench the drug god and his units form
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a headquarters. estelle the millionaires daughter transformed this military office into a luxury a swan fit for a prince. but in one thousand nine hundred thirty four family life a dragoon godden was struck by tragedy. the couple's third son frederick died shortly after his birth. two years later that eldest son gustav died. he was just six years old. yet after the loss of two of his sons for kemp an adult decided to seek
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a new role in life. there. in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven he became the head of the swedish scout movement. he had two sentences to guide his life. the first was we have not come to this world that will be happy ourselves but to make other people happy five hundred years of the second war was what is possible is already done the impossible house. find. good causes became the new focus of an adult's life. yet the utopian world bernadotte and sweden were living in was about to end.
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on the first of september one thousand nine hundred thirty nine. the second world war began when german troops invaded poland. the following year it looked turned to sweden snipets. by the summer of one thousand nine hundred forty the nazis had occupied by just norway and denmark. king
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got the time of sweden incredibly active at the age of a seventy one attended the recent maneuvers held by his son in swedish armed forces were put on alert read and threatened by the nazis and the russians look stunned offensive. soon been a dog. was mobilized. and with his country in fear of invasion he began working to integrate the scouts into sweden's defense plan training them in anti aircraft well. and as medical assistance. but sweden's defenses would not be put to the test. germany did not invade sweden for at least two reasons sweden was not of very strategic importance in the second reason is that sweden was quite willing to
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supply the german armaments industries with the necessary or materials i in particular. and sweden at least in the first part of the second world war was leaning towards the nazis the even allowed the german navy to cross swedish waters. the allowance of german after ains to violate the space it's really so officially they were neutral in the gloomy mean to what's germany and that was easy for the germans i mean they got almost everything they want. me but securing nine hundred forty three the tide of war would change dramatically. the seemingly invincible nazi germany now found itself losing on several fronts.
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the allies have been victorious in north africa. and had landed invasion forces in southern italy. on the eastern front. the red army had begun a huge counterattack. pushing the german troops back west. from nine hundred forty three all woods and soon as the swedish government sends all recognized the germany is going to lose the the increasingly towards the allies so a change in this week at it you. back. in october one thousand nine hundred forty three the swedish red cross by now under the energetic come on default given adult. organized
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a prisoner of war exchange between the western allies and nazi germany but the swedish pole took off and. a year later a similar intervention the total of prisoners riprap treated to over ten thousand. on their way home at lunch i felt thankful you sweetie for the vital part played by that country in the organization of the external. file cabinet dot had successfully established sweden's role as an intermediate member. but in germany there were other prisoners in even greater need the swedish count skills as a mediator. ally they were appointed by airport
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to get right big allied armies warning of an overcoat to fight. and. as allied troops pushed towards from east and west. they began to encounter concentration camps. tens of thousands of prisoners living and dying in desperate conditions. january nine hundred forty five soviet troops entered. the largest center of the nazi industrial killing machine with.
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rumors were circulating that hitler had given orders to heinrich himmler the commander of s.s. troops for the liquidation of concentration camp. there was to be no evidence left behind. no prisoners to tell the tale. quick and decisive action was needed. through six years of neutrality during world war two sweden had remained a country of peace. unlike its neighbors norway and denmark. nothing has been able to stop the danish saboteurs were continually playing out factor buildings starting fires directing trains and so. those called resisting the nazi occupation had been removed
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to concentration camps in germany. in the resisting ideology of national socialism they were a reason as long as they were not jewish people who had been put to germany into concentration camps out of political reasons because they resisted in norway or in denmark they were in the eyes of the s.s. and they were ok many of them were able to understand and to talk german which made them more human to the s.s. because they could talk to them they could give them order they were understood. exploiting this special status but not taught and the swedish red cross had already managed to get more than seventy thousand possible food and clothing to scandinavian inmates in nazi camps. the
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danish government had lists of the prisoners that had been brought to german concentration camps the list was a privilege because people in denmark knew where who was in which concentration camp and this meant that the relatives knew where their loved ones were and that the government was able to send packages packages with food and with clothing to people personally if you sent packages to a concentration camp without a special name on it the s.s. just took them and never gave it to the prisoners but when the official packages from the red cross came the s.s. gave them to the prisoners and that made danish prisoners they had more to eat and they had a better situation by february one thousand nine hundred forty five privileged treatment had been overtaken by the threat of total liquidation. as the situation
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in the camps deteriorated the swedish government stepped in. those identified as scandinavian in turn in german concentration camps to be rescued by a swedish red cross expedition. was the man who would believe. the relations between sweden and germany had by historical memories been very good before the war but i think actually that they were priest of a member of the king's family. to take on this work. i think there must have been. the man but an adult would have to impress was heinrich himmler the commander of the s.s. the notorious paramilitary defense falls
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a leading member of the nazi party he had risen to become a minister of the interior and by now the second most powerful man in germany. and it was orders it was him who had set up the concentration camps controlling them through his s.s. troops. this was the man with whom bernadotte would have to negotiate to secure the prisoners release. but how to reach him that was the crucial question. felix keston was himmler's personal masseur. a baltic german physician he lived in stockholm but traveled regularly to germany to treat him as chronic abdominal cramps. felix cast an act as a kind of intermediate tween band i bought it him and as soon as that our daughter offered you know this kind of deal. in the sense that this might be
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a chance that only to rescue him to save him as a person against revenge of course but also maintain and even increase his power he still had power you have the power over the lives of the prisoners. keston gave a green light to stockholm himmler had agreed that sweden could send an envoy to germany. on the sixteenth of february one thousand nine hundred forty five bene dogs embarked on one of the most courageous humanitarian efforts in history. as style accompanied her husband to stockholm is brahma airports as count falcon bernadotte boarded a german airplane to but. it was a journey into.
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this situation was desperate from the point of view of jim and woody and. from the point of the view of the nazis. of course ben i don't want you to. take advantage of this and to pressurize the author to concede they were nice of some prisoners. but to achieve this bernadotte would have to take a crucial step. negotiating face to face with. the man who controls germany's concentration. november on al-jazeera. in a historic visit the pope will travel to me and my bangladesh bringing more focus
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to the plight of their agenda. a new six part series about extraordinary lives of the common people from across tunisia. as the u.s. backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bonn to restate that commitment. from the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories and award winning film. as tensions on the korean peninsula remain high president trump mbox in a five nation tour to east asia nov on al-jazeera. as we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to the frustration the job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health comes we think ok we'll send our you waste to china but we
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have to remember that air pollution travel around the globe death by design at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. with every new. facing realities the president said that there would be a complete audit a hundred percent audit that audit hasn't happened getting to the heart of the matter so are you saying then that the future of the g.c.c. will be in doubt. here the story. on talk to al-jazeera at this time. you're watching al-jazeera i'm so whole raman these are all top stories china's communist party has unveiled its new leadership team headed by president xi jinping
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premier league chang was the only want to retain his spot she broke with recent precedent by failing to include a clear successor the team will be in place for the next five years from work on social. do you want to see that socialism with chinese characteristics has entered into a new era the new era must showcase these new faces and need to have new action in twenty eighteen we will have the fortieth anniversary of opening up it is a very important thing at the time and in the fate of china forty years of reforming and opening up has led chinese people to their moderately prosperous society and are becoming richer and richer we need to draw from this experience and continue to modernize the governance and system of china the u.s. has to accept refugees again but with tougher vetting measures the trumpet ministration has ended a ban on new arrivals but people from eleven countries regarded as high risk will be restricted to a case by case basis now these countries haven't yet been identified the kurdish
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regional government in iraq has suggested freezing the results of a session referendum which triggered a confrontation with the central government the kurds say they're ready for talks with baghdad and want to ceasefire kurdish peshmerga forces have been fighting government troops there a major oil pipeline. so i'd be appears to be trying to break away from its ultra conservative image with the crown prince pledging a more moderate and open country mohammed bin still man says he wants a society that accept all religions and moves from its strict past and destructive ideas. the u.n. secretary general has praised peacekeepers in central african republic who are struggling to contain violence between religious groups but human rights activists say the un isn't doing enough to address ickes ations that troops have sexually abused children people in thailand are gathering for the start of an elaborate five
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day funeral for king jr day who died last year and a quarter of a million people are expected to line the area outside bangkok's grand palace to watch golden chariots bring the late king's body to the crime a tory and complex and we'll be following events in thailand and china closely throughout the day all of our details on our website at al-jazeera dot com. ravensbruck germany. ninety kilometers north of burlington. county you place. yet this name is in from. synonymous with one of the most notorious nazi concentration camps. specially built to house women.
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by nine hundred forty five over one hundred thirty thousand female prisoners passed through russia has been. polish women with the largest group incarcerated here many of them. more than ninety thousand died in ravensbruck seventy percent of those here to this day the deserted houses of the s.s. guards remain. homes of offices under the command of one of the most feared and powerful men in germany. heinrich himmler. the man with whom count foca bernadotte would have to negotiate to secure the release of scandinavian
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prisoners. on the one hand band of dogs wanted to save as many prisoners as possible on the other hand in negotiating with the needy nazi like him well. to some extent implied recognizing him. as a kind of partner. so it's a dilemma it's a catch twenty two threes. but for bernadotte there was no choice. on the nineteenth of february one thousand nine hundred forty five three days after his arrival in germany he was taken to what was then a sanatorium at home and they can not fall from robin's broke he was brought here to meet him at his villar in the sanatorium grounds.
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at the negotiating table in the flatly rejected burned adults proposal for the release of all scandinavian prisoners. but bernadotte achieved one major concession that norwegian and danish inmates should be moved to a camp where the swedish red cross would be able to support them. the camp was called noida in goma. was the camp which was nearest the danish border so he hoped that one of the similar with whom he was negotiating would say ok take all the scandinavian prisoners back home and then he wanted to be as near to the danish border as he could and this was why they chose as
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a place. three days after meeting him the doctor was back in sweden working hard to assemble a rescue expedition. three hundred volunteers were quickly identified. officers and soldiers from the swedish army. red cross doctors and nurses. among the burn adults one system. swedish transport vehicles were to be allowed into germany to collect scandinavian prisoners from other concentration camps and move them to annoy government. allied forces by now in control of the skies over germany were informed of the plan
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. you're their response would give the whole campaign its news. burn it up spoke to some. of the allied forces and said ok we're doing this rescue actions and us and then the soldiers said no we can't guarantee you that so it's better if you take the bus it's white or if we can see which buses belong to your rescue action. and so they decided on painting the bus as white. and they decided to put the swedish flock to paint it on the roof so that the planes could see these anon german buses but is going to neighboring buses. on march the eighth one thousand nine hundred forty five the first column of swedish buses that white paint still wet boarded a ferry in the swedish court of moma.
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four days later the vanguard of the expedition reached the place than adults had chosen as its headquarters in germany. free drinks through. the casa was owned by prince of telephone business grandson of germany's on chance . his wife and married tang boom was swedish. by name with. the fall and it. meant a familiar than a dog other words but a little bit foggy about. my mother was friendly with the bernadotte family. especially with copernic dr who came here a lot to negotiate with the representatives of the third reich. when he did that vulcan bernadotte always stayed here overnight. he got on with my mother all rather
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with my parents very well is good for. fun bismarck's castle home free throw shooter was ideally placed close to the danish border and just twenty kilometers from south. and here in the ten tallest. of the young for the school. board. the white buses were headquartered in the xuxa involved forest and time here in the free drinks room where she under sent out to various different areas of germany to pick up prisoners from the concentration camps. and to try wherever possible to take them back to scandinavia simply. the first phase of the evacuation started on march the fifteenth the white buses divided into
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two platoon. around forty s.s. and give stop only as officers were attached to the expedition. the first platoon headed east to the camp at sachsenhausen over three hundred kilometers away. yelm us on a swedish red cross volunteer accompanied them as a motorcycle escort. no matter the call from home. when we finally arrived in socks somehow some. call the gates were opened yeah and a lot of norwegians came out in a fairly orderly way. that were there don't they were go first. and when they took the first steps
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more to preserve the towards freedom. that was an experience there would open a huge experience for really. the second white house's platoon headed south to duck out shan barrack at mauthausen. they took with them the detailed lists of danish and norwegian prisoners being held in nazi custody. the list tell the people from the rescue mission to know whom they searched in which camp so they took the lists and went or drove into the concentration camps and they could read out mr anderson mr young and so on must be here so we search for him and
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he is to come to the bus and we take him with us so it made it very easy in that part for the rescue action that the lists were there. but within two weeks the white buses campaign had become a victim of its own success. by late march more than four thousand five hundred danish and norwegian prisoners had been evacuated and brought to the noise and government camp. which was over capacity even before the first white bus arrived. had been billed for two thousand five hundred prisoners and at the end shortly before the scandinavians were brought here there were fourteen thousand prisoners. so the camp was totally crowded and the people were dying. because
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no one had a known bed and there was not enough to eat and so on. the germans insisted that if the evacuations were to continue the swedish buses would have to transfer two thousand inmates of noise away to other camps. on the twenty seventh of march the swedish yielded to the german demaio. the white buses designed to save scandinavian prisoners one now carrying hundreds of others to an unknown future. as far as we know not many of them made it because they were so ill and dying that many many of them died during the transports in the swat buses to other concentration camps. and this was
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a problem for those going to neighboring prisoners knowing that those people had been brought away in order to give them space. they hadn't asked for this. they were not guilty but but they felt they were guilty because their. better life was. made other people do. this terrible task completes the white buses could return to their job of collecting more scandinavian inmates from camps and prisons scattered across nazi germany. and by the beginning of april one thousand nine hundred forty five some seven thousand danish and norwegians had been brought together in one gamma. but the ultimate purpose was still to be achieved getting older scandinavian prisoners out of germany and away to safety in sweden.
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once more count full cabana dot the driving force behind the expedition returned to germany. himmler agreed this time to the transfer of the six and of old female scandinavian prisoners. by the eighteenth of april more than twelve hundred six prisoners had arrived in sweden.
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the following day british forces arrived at the river elbe practically within sight of knowing. by now german control of the camp that evaporate. the beautiful boat and. go through go through with it for a year before. the german soldiers did i think most of them running ahead at that point the war was almost over there was nothing they could do it. and it wasn't easy being a german soldier that. if they were out on the streets they would tear off anything which mocked them as being a german soldier or. in the chaos now engulfing germany evacuation of the camp became a matter of logistics rather than a mission. danish busses had now joined relieving
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exhausted swedish volunteers and. by a promise to n.t.'s hitler's last birthday four thousand three hundred norwegians and danes have been rescued from new and gamma. most were brought to a reception center set up in a spot in the swedish city of ram lesson. today this memorial beyond the waves in the grounds of the spa is dedicated to the efforts of the white buses expedition. but the white bus volunteers
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were not finished. the bus drivers who came from sweden and denmark they told us that it was very cruel to see other people other prisoners who were non scandinavian just standing there seeing their white buses seeing the red cross and laughing and yelling and thinking they would be rescued no because red cross buses were arriving and then they had to say no sorry we are only taking the scandinavian prisoners. bernadotte wanted to try to save those they have been forced to leave behind. to return would mean facing a danger. allied air forces were attacking virtually anything that moved on germany rather.
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on the fifteenth of april the white buses left free drugs on their most dangerous mission yet. a long trip south to terezín shot in what is today the czech republic. there were another you know that it is. over we stayed overnight. and there were four hundred jews i think it was families we were picking up there and. they're not there you know the saw and during the night while we slept they loaded up the buses they were everything was ready there were there were some complaints when baby carriages but instead we had to throw them away. i remember.
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after a perilous return journey they achieved what looked impossible just weeks. in fact you waiting for one hundred twenty four danish. the jews didn't come for us this is a fact it's nothing to make us about because a situation was and i should understand the situation in germany also under what conditions they could squeeze the s.s. and himmler about other couldn't stuff way of saying well i'm coming here to i want to rescue videos i could do that but after a while quite a number of those were rescued. bernadotte snecked goal was ravensbruck and the release of french women held there . with the advancing soviet
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army just days away himmler unexpectedly agreed to the evacuation of the entire camp women of over twenty nationalities. their orders. when they pulled the sca. over there were many polish women on the other one in and among them there were three women that were a while their pregnancies were well it oust. to their way and so one of the new doctor there was someone asked the guards how come there were so many pregnant women over the book. and the germans thought it was a holy spirit to go. if they fit in they own all. we have this chief medical officer with us on hold some was a snake and he told the person in charge one of them would probably become
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a mother during the night for him to over that all those. who live. it. would do in the way the dome indorse. did so they fitted out a bus which they called. they fitted it out like a maternity ward and the three women were kept in there. with anyone who told them . and one of them kate birth. thanks. in the closing days of april the white buses transported some ten thousand women to a suite. at
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the end of the month. with soviet troops battling their way into berlin i don't fit . the war in europe had just a few days to run. on made the first the swedish white buses came. to mt. all except one volunteer. this man's got rid of course to document that. out of it so if you've got
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any of that. on your path he said many shows. are weak i'm not sure and if you're on here that's forty eight outs on a week out consultations legate of thing instead of. say. you. know not have. offered me. or add father here. or you. accept. anything. you don't you get. out of it that that be in the news that. i don't argue with me you don't need me.
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after the german surrender the buses would return to bring another ten thousand prisoners to sweden. of thirty thousand lives saved by the white buses at least ten thousand jews. in the months that followed count foca bernadotte was honored by countries whose citizens had been saved by the campaign. jewish organizations were among the first to celebrate his achievement. bernadotte was now an international star. three years later he was called on again. heading this time to the middle east
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which had been plunged into a war. of white plane with u.n. and red cross markings was carrying the brave count nephew of the swedish king organizer of the white house's campaign on a mission that would see you his face. was on his way to palestine and to his death at the hands of the jewish militant.
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welcome to look at the weather across the west and asia and the levant now you can see this area of cloud pushing its way across turkey us give us a really quite nasty thunderstorms across western areas but at the moment it's sort of stalling in the area so through much of wednesday ankara will see some showers but further towards the east it should be largely dry and fine fine on the eastern side of the mediterranean generally maybe cyprus seeing a few showers around the caspian sea sunshine twenty five in tehran and temperatures quite pleasant effort by data thirty four thirty three for kuwait city heading on through into thursday still looking fine across much of the region and the rain across western parts of turkey seems to be gradually dying away so let's head into the arabian peninsula for the western side looking fine there from mecca medina with temperatures into the off of thirty's temperatures in the mid thirty's on the other side of the gulf and the fairy light winds at the moment humidity sort of fluctuating a little bit but jerry's looking pretty pleasant now through the rest of the year
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we're going to see loved. weather conditions here in qatar as we head into southern parts of africa we've got fine weather for the most part might just be the. particular for the eastern cape otherwise it's bright there is this line of plaid across namibia through botswana into south africa might just be the old shiloh but it should be largely dry. november on al-jazeera. in a historic visit the pope will travel to me and my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the i had. a new six part series about extraordinary lives of the common people from across tunisia. as the u.s. backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bone to restate that commitment. from the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories and award winning feel. as tensions on the korean peninsula
10:00 am
remain high president trump mbox in a foreign nation tour to east asia november on al-jazeera. or is it a listen when they're on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on sect a member of the ku klux klan but we struck up a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile into a stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. and else its new leadership lineup for the cementing the power president and.


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