tv newsgrid Al Jazeera November 2, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm AST
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provoking debate. job growth in the barack obama that will only. chuckling the tough issues restrictions on media freedom of the trick. given the rule give me crap challenge. every single one of the three thousand people who was killed was a drug dealer yes how do we know that you didn't try them didn't prosecute the one sort. of from. zero. zero. zero zero. zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero and live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha for the bout to go welcome to the news spreads protests and celebrations to mark one hundred years since the balfour declaration the netter change the middle east
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paving the way for israel's creation israeli prime minister is in london for a celebratory dinner but for palestinians before is a cause of decades of suffering and they want an apology from the british government but our extensive coverage including reaction from ramallah and london. also on the bridge new york suspected truck attacker faces court in a wheelchair accused of killing eight people near the world trade center but even as investigators build their case against my fellow sidewalk noirs a questioning if tweets from president donald trump could impact a future trial right spain why and on a day dedicated to ending crimes against journalists we'll tell you about the most dangerous places in the world to be a reporter the u.n. estimates nine hundred have been killed while doing their jobs in the past decade but only one in ten cases has led to a conviction and it's not just the world's conflict hotspots where being a journalist can put you in danger i mean or schapelle tell you about an. that's
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the number of threats to reporters in the land of the free. and. going to be with the news grid live on air and streaming online for you to facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining us with a few paragraphs in the stroke of a pen the foundations were laid for the creation of israel and one of the world's most intractable conflicts it's exactly one hundred years since britain endorsed the establishment of a jewish homeland in the middle east israeli prime minister benjamin its now is celebrating the occasion with the u.k. leader theresa may but as they dine protesters will gather to demand that britain had knowledge the suffering they say the declaration has cause for palestinians they've already been demonstrations in other parts of the world including unsurprisingly the occupied west bank thousands marched through ramallah to the british consulate smaller demonstrations took place in occupied east jerusalem and
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gaza solidarity protests were also held in countries including turkey syria soph africa and jordan now our team at south put together an explainer of what the balfour declaration was and what it did this is how palestine looked one hundred years ago when the british made their promise about a national home for the jews the ukase then foreign secretary author balfour issued the statement during world war one it was included in the terms of the british mandate for palestine after the ottoman empire dissolved the mandates allowed for jewish immigration from europe to palestine during the one nine hundred twenty s. and thirty's jews made up a third of the population by nine hundred forty seven a year later the mandate ended the british left and the state of israel was proclaimed what followed is known among palestinians as. the catastrophe zionist military forces expelled three quarters of
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a million palestinians from their homes as a kid. most of the country let's go straight to our correspondent in ramallah in the occupied west bank carry fosset carry the palestinians view the bomb for decoration as a historical injustice how has the day been marked in the palestinian territories. well as you might expect it's been marked largely by protest across the occupied west bank in cities up and down the entire territory there have been protests here in ramallah there was a march to a british cultural center by many hundreds many of them young schoolchildren and students in in gaza as well there have been protests in occupied east jerusalem there was a delivery of one hundred thousand letters from students to the british consulate there expressing their feelings about the legacy of the balfour declaration and we've had a statement from the palestinian president mahmoud abbas in which he called for an
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apology for the recognition by britain of the state of israel and as well as that compensation to the palestinian people compensation in terms of material compensation political and moral and so that is that is the message that's that's coming from here whether it will change anything as far as the british government's policy is concerned is doubtful britain continues to express pride in its role in the creation of a state a homeland for persecuted people as the british foreign secretary roche just a few days ago while also restating its support for a two state solution historians differ as to the decisive nature or otherwise of the balfour declaration the creation of the state of israel what is clear though is the differentiation that there was in its language between the jews who were promised a national home and the palestinians who weren't even named and only civil and religious rights were supposed to be safeguarded in the event they weren't
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palestinians still living this history very much in present day one hundred years later yeah and we'll be exploring the historical legacy a little later in the program harry fawcett in ramallah thank you very much for that let's cross over now to bybee phillips in london bonamy protests in london as well but also a celebration. well for the british government fully this is a very delicate diplomatic situation it's in and i think it's captured in the phrase of one foreign office minister today who said that britain will be marking marking i stress not celebrating the balfour declaration with pride but also with a degree of side in this sadness because the british government acknowledges that so much remains resolved certainly for the palestinians the fact that binyamin netanyahu has been invited to downing street and there will be
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a big dinner in london tonight is an insult but the fact of the matter is that the british government is proud of its friendship with israel it sees its alliance with israel as extremely important to its strategic interests whilst it does remain committed to the idea of a two state solution and the government sources are telling us that the reason they will try and use tonight's dinner to press the israelis in particular on the question of building of illegal settlements in occupied palestinian land whether that have any success or not in that regard is a different matter of course the reality is that britain was a preeminent global superpower hundred years ago and it doesn't have that sort of influence anymore the rock dissenting voices within the governing conservative party and certainly on the opposition benches in the houses of parliament behind me who would like to see a more radical change in british policy the opposition labor party arguing that now
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is the time for britain to recognize palestine and that would in some small way the labor party argues for the legacy of the balfour declaration but that is not official government policy at this point in time. the houses of parliament thank you very much for that bonnie. bring in our social media producer and what's a conversation online i imagine a lot of people talking about this store and with stories like this i usually go to an advance search feature on twitter plug it into local trends but if you happen to go on and you search for palestine you end up having a bit of an issue even if you type in the occupied west bank on twitter's regional trends it still doesn't appear this is despite the fact that nearly three quarters of countries worldwide now recognize the state of palestine so in israel at least however twitter is defining it several of the top trending conversations today revolve around the balfour declaration now many people are still talking about
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prime minister may's decision to mark this and ten or a with pride as she told parliament last week mohammed here has one post saying that. and he really captures the sentiment of a lot of posts that i've seen today that while you are celebrating with pride many people are still feeling pain now earlier in the day there was a hashtag that was trending in israel has tag make it right and it was trending throughout the region the palestine liberation organization was one group that used it to say that the declaration can still be made right with some amount of humility and courage a similar message from solemn here he lives in ramallah he's directed those comments specifically to the british foreign office and the foreign secretary now others are using this hash tag to direct their criticism at the palestinian leadership to make it right by accepting israel's existence that post here from the mire he's a former spokesman for the israeli army so lots of comments there we want to hear
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from you as well so be sure to send us your thoughts you can tweet me directly i'm at enter chapelle or just use the hash tag a.j. newsgroup and thank you very much for that now while many of us have been taught about the buffalo decoration in history class one man lived through the british mandate and san remembers still is he is there as bennett smith went to meet him. at the age of ninety four mohammed al hay sea is almost as old as the british commonwealth cemetery in gaza it's the final resting place for thousands of soldiers killed as they fought for empire in one nine hundred seventeen and then in the second world war a permanent reminder of britain's pivotal role in shaping the destiny of today's palestinians. from the beginning the british mandate it was obvious they love jews they supplied him with everything including weapons tanks food everything they put pressure on us the law was that if a single bullet was found in the hands of a palestinian he would be hanged immediately mohammed fought with other
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palestinians against the arms zionist groups that attacked the villages before the creation of israel. we didn't really know what balfour meant only later did we realized he'd been given a national home to the jews at the time we were not really able to win the war and with the jewish armed groups simply britain favored the jews and gave them our lands to establish their own state and we had no other choice but to flee and leave our lands mohammed would be among the seven hundred thousand palestinians who fled walked in one thousand nine hundred forty eight had just become israel. one hundred years after the promises made by the wall for the military being behind our land our homes our farms you know we were refugees depending on food no electricity no water under siege. as mohammed think they'll ever be peace here they killed us left us hungry term into
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a refugee how can there be peace he asks. burnet smith al-jazeera gaza. all right i want to tell you about some of the comments we're getting on this story already lots of comments one here on facebook live of us saying i feel that the palestinians will remain a deprived community without recognition of their land the u.k. will not change the u.k. recognizing that their role in their fate will not change this it's up to israel and the big boss u s a thank you for your comments you can keep them coming using the hash tag a.j. use crates i'd like to bring in now richard falk to the news great he's the former un special rapporteur on the occupied palestinian territories and he is live from santa barbara in the u.s. state of california thank you very much for being with us how would you characterize the implications effects of the bar for decoration how did it play into your experience as a un special rapporteur for the palestinian territories well the balfour
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declaration is really the point of origin of the israel power stern conflict. and as earlier guests of yours have suggested the british played a role particularly in the early years of their mandate in biasing their administration of palestine in such a way as to strengthen the jewish presence there and to subjugate the arabs are palestinians that were the majority population this was part of the british colonial mentality of divide and rule that was quite helpful to the zionist movement in building up not only a demographic presence in palestine but also in. gathering military capabilities and in then surely turning against the
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british the scientists decided at some point in the late one nine hundred thirty s. that they wanted to make palestine ungovernable so that the british would leave right they would then expel enough of the palestinians so that they could keep palestine both jewish and democratic right that's always been the puzzle facing the zionist movement to do those those two things they couldn't cope with that demographic situation that existed there and still keep their political expectation which writings right as well as being a jewish state we talk about britain's role here they are those who will say that it's who are the two brave to blame the british and colonialism but the united nations the organization you worked for was the one that actually adopted the
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partition of palestine in forty seven thirty years after bar for what about the responsibility of the institution you worked for. this great responsibility by the united nations and the british responsibility is essentially his stark and doesn't so much bear on the present reality where the united states and the u.n. i think bear the main burden of responsibility from the perspective of how the situation deteriorated how the palestinian ordeal seems without any and and the un again violated the idea that by one thousand nine hundred forty five and certainly by nine hundred forty seven had gained international stature namely that the
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a resident majority population has the right of self-determination right and the partition arrangement that was super imposed by the u.n. denied the people the majority population of palestine at the time right of any right of self-determination any put this patient in the decision one hundred years on palestinians are still suffering and they tell you where does ation yes and i just want to get one last thought from you they they are living under occupation the palestinians today we have a peace process that's going nowhere if you were still the u.n. rapper to war today what would you do differently what how would you resolve this crisis. i would emphasize that the precondition for getting peace for both peoples is to end the apart hate structure by which. israel is subjugating and
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dominating and fragmenting the palestinian people not only in occupied palestine but in the refugee camps of the neighboring countries in. the involuntary exiles around the world that you have to get rid of this apart structure if you want peace between two peoples that could then equally share this holy land of palestine thank you so very much for speaking to us and sharing your views and experience with us richard falk former un special rapporteur war in the palestinian territories joining us on the news great from santa barbara thank you for your time we appreciate it i'd like to bring in now our senior political analyst marwan bashar for a look at the bigger picture here marwan you know we talk about the balfour declaration today and you know the consequences of it but there were thirty one
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years of history between the bar for decoration and the not by the declaration of the state of israel thirty one years so to what extent can all the weights be put on that moment in one thousand nine hundred seventy i think might you seventeen was a starting point not more than that it was an important date because the colonial power at the time the superpower the world superpower at the time where the sun never sets the british empire decided even before controlling those territories to promise them to the jewish people. but it was it was an opening chapter of many more chapters to come because britain over what it is presented in terms of western powers continued to be complicit against the palestinian rights in palestine through the partition and on to british support for israel between one hundred forty seven and nine hundred sixty seven leading to the occupation of the west bank gaza and east jerusalem britain continued to support even when france after one
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thousand nine hundred seven decided to boycott israel so throughout either britain the superpower of the time or the united states the superpower after the second world war continued to support israel's expansionist policies in palestine against the rights of the palestinian people and throughout the hundred years. they were both speaking on both sides of their mouths right on the one hundred speaking to it . like we are today celebrating the before the collision on the other hand saying just marking right before the exam and what do you make of the british government's reaction to recent days lack of. sensitivity that well i guess that's why i think that every end the fact that she's not ready to acknowledge the consequences of the balfour declaration what does that tell you it's really sad and for me if anything the lack of leadership because then of the day you could you know again speaking both out of their mouth they could speak loudly in favor of palestinian rights and recognising the set of palestine that's already recognised by some hundred and
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thirty countries around the world it's not difficult for britain to do that but i think this is certain cynicism on the part of british elites and british leaders we've seen it hundred years ago and we continue three to see through it and we see today whereby for all kinds of mischievous reasons they would not just face the facts and say it. arab weakness by the way arab weakness that was then and continues to be today is a good reason for them to support the zionist movements with that being even the lip service to the arab you mention the word complicity a moment ago and i wanted to put to you what norman phil finkel shine told us earlier we spoke to him and he says the palestinian leadership demanding an apology from the british government is a pointless exercise he says he says they are trying to deflect attention from what is a real problem today in the region and that is the occupation and he went as far as
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saying that they were complicit in the occupation what do you say to that well of course there are criticisms since the oslo process the p.a. the palestinian authority headed by a president abbas continues to secure israel's interests without getting an independence for palestine but having said that no i don't i don't agree with finkelstein on the other point meaning i don't think these are mutually exclusive you can't resist against occupation of palestine at the same time demand apology for that the clere should look we just recently a few years ago we've heard the french apologizing for their history in algeria right we heard the americans apologize for the history of the slavery why doesn't the u.k. apologize for its history might have a question here from one of our viewers on that precisely abraham was says my great grandfather was born in palestine while most israeli jewish great grandfathers were in europe that said we can't change the past only the future what would an apology change in practical terms to the suffering of the palestinian people you know
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a lot of the things going to change like now the fact that israel is there or the fact that jews immigrated to israel and supported by the by western powers and so on but the the moral weight of an apology is important because what the palestinians cannot change certain things on the ground at least they're the historical narrative and the moral responsibility of the west for the sun. soaring needs to be recognized in order for them to be able to mend their wounds and move forward in the end of the day none of us can move forward knowing that the past is the present because colonialism wasn't only one hundred seventeen cronyism continues in palestine the throws it wasn't always in the news of it the the tragedy continues in palestine so an opinion knowledge moments and by the way i don't exactly agree with the whole new thing that we're going to sue them whatever i think that's a bit weak but an apology has a historic political weight and i think it's important for the palestinians to hear
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the british elites say we're sort of for your suffering and we will recognize your right for so that admission in a state and we don't think that negates our support for jewish rights in general and very interesting to talk to you as always thank you so much for joining us on the news great and you know our al-jazeera world program has a special episode airing about the balfour declaration it's on next at six g.m.t. on friday or you can watch it any time on our website al-jazeera dot com moving on now to new developments in spain where the state prosecutor is asked a high court judge to issue a european arrest warrant for the. jamal and that's after he failed to show up alongside other sites menaces for questioning over their part in the region's independence bush budget mount is currently in brussels and elsewhere a separate hearing for six out of lawmakers was postponed for a week as spring in al-jazeera as i meet who is in madrid for us where there were
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lots of hearings today or will speak about those in just smaller first tell us about this arrest warrant for poor jim and that's been requested do we expect it to be issued very soon. well we do expect the judge to come out with her ruling. shortly this afternoon certainly. could it be issued yes it could be issued because at the end of the day. was summoned to come to dinner. that did not happen the moment he is seen as someone who defied a court order so certainly it could happen now is a lawyer in belgium. didn't feel safe to come here and he said that there were actually mechanism for him to appear in court by video link it has happened in the past with some basque separatists who were also represented by that same lawyer back in two thousand and ten at the moment. he says
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that he is now representing the government in exile and he says that he made the choice of staying in brussels simply because he wants to be able to underline really the shortcomings of spanish democracy and spanish justice. in madrid thank you very much for that and we have a special page up on al-jazeera dot com with all the latest updates on the crisis we've got a timeline that's constantly updated and all you need to know on the crisis and their push for independence on al-jazeera dot com. not to the united states and president donald trump has reiterated his call for the new york city truck attack suspect to face the death penalty investigators say sir paul told them that he was inspired by i saw and colt feel good about what he's done the twenty nine year old
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imagine he drove a truck down a new york city bike path on tuesday killing eight people live to a christian tsunami who is in new york christian we've heard from attorney general jeff sessions a short while ago tell us about what is said and the latest in the investigation. that's right well twenty nine year old appeared in court for the first time late on wednesday in his wheelchair of course is recovering from gunshot wounds to his abdomen he faces two charges now one. providing material support to a terrorist organization i sold the other using a motor vehicle to kill pedestrians and he could face the death penalty for those charges as a result of court papers and comments by the prosecutors we're learning more about in his state of mind he did tell investigators that he felt good about what he'd done apparently yashin hand and i saw a flag in his hospital room he did get inspiration he said from watching eisel
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videos on live we know that the f.b.i. has been questioning a lot of people in this case they were looking for another respect man they announced this late on wednesday and almost as soon as they made the announcement they found the gentleman they're not saying he's a suspect just a person of interest someone who may have information about. what he was doing in the days leading up to this event they haven't said anything more about what they've been getting out of this man but we know that they're looking for possible connections to either other people in the united states who could have been involved or a direct link to isolate overseas so far they've said no indications of that but this. investigation is still ongoing and moving forward very rapidly president trump meanwhile has been tweeting a lot about this chris said blaming a basically this on the justice system he tweeted this the new york terrorists was happy as he asks to have an isis frog in his hospital room he killed eight people
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badly injured twelve should get a death penalty this is quite unprecedented christine will this tweet interfere with the judicial process. but it's very unusual for a sitting president to weigh in on an ongoing court case because it could be seen as trying to influence the court which is supposed to be independent of politics of course and it could be a problem for prosecutors potentially if the defense tries to argue that they couldn't get a fair trial and that sort of thing but at this stage it's also possible that the defendant could be sent to guantanamo bay the president said that he's open to that possibility where he would be charged in a military court and not a civilian court the u.s. attorney was asked about that and he said that's a decision that's way above his pay grade of course he serves at the pleasure of
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the president and his predecessor was dismissed by the president so course he's going to be a little careful about what he says there he does have the earth it is possible he said right after charges are made in civilian court there's precedent to later bring this to a military court so that's also out there in the realm of possibility but you know a lot of people here in new york a lot of attorneys will say that the civilian courts are actually very well equipped to handle a case like this he could face the death penalty here in the united states yes the defendants do have more rights in a civilian court than they wouldn't a military court but they've also got pretty good results on terrorism trials here in lower manhattan like a nearly. one hundred percent conviction rate for most terrorism related cases here ok christine thank you very much for that update christian salumi life or is in new york. after watching us on facebook live coming up meet the surface who are helping to clean up on ocean and still ahead on news great australia is to stop
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a humanitarian emergency unfolding after closing one of its off shore asylum seeker prison camps we'll tell you why these men are going to desperate measures to stay there to stay with us. hello there we're seeing a fair amount of cloud across the middle east at the moment and showing up fairly clearly on the satellite pictures that drift its way across the caspian sea the spring is a few show outbreaks of rain but not a great deal to it really on the charts for friday just a fair amount of cloud with a few pockets of showers but as we head through into saturday that's when we're going to see it begin to pep up so this time for some of us in iraq and iran we're likely to see some fairly sharp shows times during the day there's also more cloud working its way ahead of it and that's edging its way towards q a could bring us the old thundery downpour now a little bit further towards the south here doha where ahead of that system so
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thirty four degrees will be our maximum and no major change really as we head through saturday maybe just a degree or so down but really the cloud staying away to the north of us for now further south you can see the cloud here runs a lot less so we might just squeeze out the old shower here but still we get to around thirty degrees that i'm so what's a southern parts of africa plenty of sunshine in the east impossible but in the west where there's more in the way of clouds here it is over and go illustrating down into new baby it is giving us a fairly sharp outbreaks of right and we're also seeing somewhat weather over cape town now this is tim's edging its way eastwards should be a bit brighter in cape town for friday will get to around twenty degrees but the cloud will still be with us with giving us some heavy rain there in angola. subzero temperatures extreme altitudes deadly drugs. this is where the hard part because of the extraordinary journey from the ocean to touch
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a keystone braved what an ordinary joint of the would do high of there's no oxygen . just to experience life simple pleasures. risking it all in the kurdistan of this time on al-jazeera. everything do is being analyzed it's being weighed and it's being measured that's one of those insurgencies are they a toss to do things in secret that are unlawful or politically embarrassing all of the colleagues that i knew chose to retire from the n.s.a. we could not stand by and see all the work that they had done being used for mass surveillance digital dissidents at this time on al-jazeera.
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the headlines on al-jazeera and the stories trending on al-jazeera dot com our website two stories say on day on the dead that i love interest on. out of view day of the dead a unique understanding of death and also mexico's day of the dead honors quake victims at number three the cia every leasing trove of documents from the bin laden
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raid in pakistan and so what balfour means to do is critics of israel our top story on these great here today those stories and much more on our web site al-jazeera dot com. news great on al-jazeera we've got people watching today from uganda from ethiopia as well as india thank you so much for being with us remember you can have your say on today's news by sending your questions and comments for us in our guests on facebook live facebook dot com slash a.j. news great on twitter as well at a.j. english is our handle don't forget to use the hashtag news great you can also what's up us the number on your screen right now seven four five zero one triple one nine. hundreds of refugees have dug wells in search of water as their ten standoff continues on papua new guinea's minus island about six hundred refugees have barricaded themselves inside a former australian run prison camp because they're worried about attacks from hostile locals algeria's andrew thomas reports from sydney. these
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videos sent exclusively to al-jazeera by refugee give a glimpse of life now inside what was the man i saw in the refugee prison the men collecting water in we leave panes when it rains they have also dug a well. it's hot and humid with no electricity can the shining all find the men sleeping outside efficiently the prison is now enable bikes and the refugees trespassing hello is this is andrew exum a safe from al jazeera. but despite fears soldiers could have them one refugee told us naval personnel are actually helping them recharging their phones so they can stay in contact with family and the media.
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but other locals a seen as a threat australia wants refugees to move to this accommodation in the local town but while some looks ready other housing is still under construction and refugees say none of it is protected from papua new guinea and who they fear will break in and attack them those fears are unfounded says the australian immigration minister who's critical of political opponents and pressure groups like amnesty i want to close medicines quickly as possible but it doesn't help when you've got the greens and others who are telling people not to engage not to move a very difficult situation even worse i put that to one refugee is its principle that is making you stay where you are are you being to some extent stubborn you don't want to be pushed around by australia and. you know what. the refugees are painting some hope for new zealand its new prime minister said on thursday her predecessors offer to australia to resettle
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one hundred fifty refugees still stands. it rained heavily on thursday meaning the refugees could have a shower one refugee wrote on social media that it showed mother nature's kindness andrew thomas altshuler said. when our multi view war here on the news great taking a look at the different pictures the news agencies are feeding as both the associated press and reuters. giving inspectors right now boston owner these are supporters of the catalan leaders who are currently facing sedition charges in madrid they're appearing before hearings in madrid and these people here who are their supporters are waiting to hear the outcome of those hearings as. prosecutor in madrid the spanish capital has also asked for an arrest warrant for the ousted leader counted spurge amount who is currently in brussels so live pictures from boston are the capital of catalonia right now though let's check in with our
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colleagues in london he is loren taylor with a look at the day's other news snoring thankfully eight million miles later has visited record in state for the first time since a military crackdown forced more than six hundred thousand range of muslims to flee nobel peace laureate has been facing international criticism for failing to speak speak up in defense of the ranger with the u.n. say are the victims of ethnic cleansing orange mary reports. this is all signs to cheese first time in rakhine state it's a renewed military offensive began in august accompanied by government officials and prominent business leaders she visited several villages and spoke to people there including both muslims and buddhists all of us want to live in peace she reportedly said adding that everyone will have to try hard to achieve that analysts say that's a wider message the myanma leader is trying to put across i think it's all designed
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to give the appearance of some kind of stability and normalcy that simply doesn't exist there and again i think this is. dissolve tree attempt at spin to convince the world that everything so kind and that she's in charge of the situation. these are the scenes that would have greeted the myanmar there and her aunt to watch house after house destroyed by fire entire villages once home to ruin your family's deserted the government has refuted allegations that its troops are committing ethnic cleansing is defending the military operation as a legitimate counter offensive against a group of fighters it calls a terrorist organization the spokesman for the rakhine state government told al-jazeera that own sense is that the two bombs all bush shows that the region is now in stable but we're heading to a village with spoken to say they don't believe have changed things on the ground or that more than six hundred thousand people have crossed into bangladesh this august and the exodus hasn't stopped largely al jazeera yangon. the british prime
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minister has named chief whip kevin williamson as the new defense secretary he replaces michael fallon who quit on wednesday ever allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior is the first resignation as sexual harassment scandal at westminster in recent days are legations have been made about m.p.'s conduct including my own many of these allegations have been false but i realize that in the past i may have fallen below the high standards that we require of the armed forces that i have the honor to represent i have reflected in all my position in government and i am therefore resigning as defense secretary newly released documents recovered from osama bin laden's pakistan compound showed secret dealings between iran and al qaeda and nineteen page unsigned report that was included in the release of former cia says iran offered al qaeda money weapons and training to
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hit american targets in saudi arabia iran has long denied any involvement with the group in arden was killed by u.s. forces in a raid on his compound in twenty eleven. a libyan armed group that's holding the brother of the manchester arena bombers says it's up to libya's general prosecutor to decide whether to extradite him to the u.k. on wednesday british police issued an arrest warrant for her ability and prosecutors asked libya to extradite him he's facing charges of murder attempted murder and conspiracy to cause an explosion question whose brother sound man killed twenty two people at the end of an ariana grande a concert in may is being held by the rather special terrors force in libya that's it for now back to fall into lauren thank you very much every year the u.n. sets aside november second as a day to draw attention to the low global conviction rate for murders and violent crimes against journalists it's estimated that between two thousand and six hundred
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twenty sixteen nine hundred thirty reporters and media workers were killed while doing their job around the world and unesco says ninety percent of murder cases remain unpunished syria is one of the most dangerous countries more than two hundred journalists and citizen reporters have been killed there since the start of the war six years ago. now iraq syria mexico may be the deadliest places for journalists in the world but members of the media across the planet have been targeted in twenty seventeen and countries with some of the most restrictive media environments and those with the most liberal so many people are sharing those kinds of stories online in the united states there's been an unprecedented level of threats to journalists and media outlets this year you know you'll see these pictures of a journalist who was attacked by a mob at an anti fascist demonstration in berkeley this was in august now anti fascist as well as white nationalist protests have been the most dangerous for
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journalists to cover this year but also there's political events such as this one here this is a reporter in virginia who was thrown to the ground by police last saturday while covering a campaign for a candidate or the outs of governor now more than fifty journalists have been attacked or arrested while just doing their jobs this year that's according to the u.s. press freedom tracker that's a joint effort by the freedom of the press foundation and the committee to protect journalists i spoke to peter stone earlier he's the managing editor who told me about the most dangerous place in america to report from and twenty seventeen. the most dangerous place to be a journalist is probably st louis missouri since september the police in this city have arrested ten journalists who were covering for and against police brutality and have used physical force against a further three june with many of the a very violent with some journalists reporting that they were pepper sprayed in the face by police even when they were already lying down on the ground and had their
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hands tied behind their back now in many of those cases that he mentioned there were press freedom groups there who took up the case with state and local governments and for the state of missouri they've decided not to press charges so he told me that there is some good news perhaps in that case but in other parts of the world like turkey it's often a very very different case it remains the top jailer of journalists worldwide even more journalists are jailed in turkey than in china and according to the twenty four press freedom group there are about one hundred seventy journalists currently in turkish jails and according to the website turkey's purge they've been tracking this number as well more than three hundred journalists have been arrested since twenty fifteen so turkey's ranking on the world press freedom index has also gone down steadily it currently stands at one hundred fifty five out of one hundred eighty countries on earth now since the failed coup in twenty sixteen president government has carried out a massive purge of media outlets especially those who are allegedly glynnis or pro
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kurdish media outlets forty eight reporters were in court just last week including seventeen journalists from turkey's main opposition newspaper come here yet many of them face terror charges and their trial has prompted ongoing demonstrations like the one you see here another wall street journal reporter was sentenced sentenced in absentia last month now here's ellen off is a turkish journalist who's been at at the forefront of reporting on this crackdown on media he told us how dangerous it is to report from turkey. there are certain topics that are absolutely off limits to reporters there's no way that any reporter could cover them and get away with that without being jailed intimidation rights and pressure against a critical media and reporters are increasingly growing turkey continues to be the leading jailer of journalists in the world present are one is not only cracking
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down on dissenting and critical media and jailing journalists but he's also building his own loyalists media. now many of you have been sharing your stories with us as well telling us about the conditions that journalists face in your countries and the united states and cameron in kenya for example keep sharing those stories with us you can tweet me directly i'm at enter chapelle or just use the hash tag it's a news group andrew thank you with me now is john yearwood who is chair of the international presence you say executive board the organization that works it offend press freedom welcome to the news great thank you so much for coming in so i mean attacks against journalists are not new journalists carry the message the truth that some people find disturbing and don't want to hear the attacks are nothing new is it different though in these last few years are we in a new era where this is more intolerance towards janice well thanks for having me on i think you're right and you was just talking about the situation in
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turkey i have just come from istanbul where i was in one of the courtrooms for eight hours a few days ago trying to get some of our colleagues in in turkey release what we have seen is a deepening of this animosity towards the press and turkey is exhibit a we there are more journalists as has been said in jail in turkey and then anywhere in the world and we're seeing that right in countries around the world and it's you know you mentioned turkey but regardless of the country or the situation when you for instance see the u.s. president donald trump in a tweet and i mean hitting a journalist. that doesn't help does it i mean this coming from the u.s. president himself it absolutely doesn't help and you know was depressing thing about that is that other leaders in countries that are repressive around the world has seen what the president of united states is dead re wild and feel that they
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have a free pass to do the same thing which puts journalists in those countries in in really dire dire jeopardy. the numbers released by the international press ensuite your your numbers are quite staggering seventy one journalist according to your numbers have been killed this year it is our accountability you know and we've seen many journalists at least a half dozen killed in the last month alone if you look at what's happening around the world what we're hoping is that through the support of the u.n. and other global organizations we can get some real focus and attention on prosecuting right first investigating arresting then prosecuting those responsible for crimes against journalists i want to put a question to you that you know some of us in the news are more asking earlier today we all know that corrupt governments don't like journalists. but what about
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the people that we as journalists is supposed to be setting. what is the reputation of a journalist today well depends on where you are and also the public's interaction with journalists for the most part if you're interacting with journalists on a regular basis i don't feel the trust you feel to turn a circle i don't mistrust it feels like before people trusted journalists today it's different isn't it well part of the being of the constant barrage of criticism that we've been seeing from the some leaders attacking the press but i think when you look at what happened in united states in recent months i look at what that the store in texas texas for example you know to what's happening in puerto rico and you look at what happened in florida the people have come to trust the journalists who are telling those stories so you went when the public in iraq and journalism but i was on that and then again joining here would when the commons dictionary
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says it's considering adding the term fake news this year what does that say about journalism in the work that we did well i think that's fine at the term fake news because there's something called fake news it's just not what we do. ok thank you very much thank you for speaking to us john yearwood of the international press institute joining us here on the news group thank you very much but coming up next joe is here with the sports and if you'll wake you up in houston it wasn't a dream the astros' a world series champions for the first time and there was a proposal to ask coming up.
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thank you. actually when sports joe is here and it's going to be a big party in houston no doubt absolutely yeah i am pretty sure that baseball fans and he said i wake you up right now and pinching themselves but it is real. it's just. up to six thrilling games with the l.a. dodgers they won pretty easily game seven of the world series five one was the score line at dodger stadium as the asteroids clinch the biggest prize in baseball a naturally social media just lists of how to look at this because it shows you all the most talked about words phrases in the hashtags on twitter at any given time and in the united states you can see astro's dodges world series champs game seven and even the spanish hash tag. but we're going to focus specifically on the hashtag
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on history was adopted by the astros team as the hash tag with its own emote right through the playoffs and it was tweeted some two hundred fifty thousand times over the past twenty four i was thirty four percent of those tweets naturally as you can expect came from houston that was also a big concentration of tweets in proto rico as well where a number of asteroids plays off from but his the top tweet using that hash tag number member j.j. wants he's the and a fellow player for the houston texans that fundraise more than thirty seven million dollars for victims of hurricane harvey in august he kept it simple but well champions hash tag in history his message in. it's been retreated more than nineteen thousand times and like fifty three thousand times while other notable historians tweeting basketball player don't drape jordan he says that while he placed the l.a. clippers that he says that the most important thing about the win was after the
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flooding caused by the hurrican just a few months ago really put he stood back on track now our very own richelle carey has also been talking nonstop about the all strange astros she's changed her profile picture to show her love of the team that well the houstons a sense to well champions came as a surprise to many women actually predicted it back in two thousand and fourteen this was the front cover of sports illustrated a when they publish an article three years ago about the team relying heavily on statistics but how did the people of houston take in the moment his a whole lot of happiness for you. hey hey.
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hey. hey hey. look i mean seriously very quickly i think. that a. record of. the uk and some ice but as he saw heads there and he sed in this morning well just in case winning a world series wasn't enough twitter also lit up after astros star college career and showed a memorable night for his girlfriend to take a look. it's one of the biggest threats and i like a lot of it is
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a competent light and right now it ought to take another big step in my life thank you not only is it i mean everything it will. you marry me. right. from american baseball to american football and can you believe it a pizza chain is blaming these pictures behind me of kneeling n.f.l. players for taking a slice out of its profits a move specifically papa john's c.e.o. john schneider says the league is to blame for not stopping the players from protesting racial injustice will many out there a calling. his comments e.s.p.n.'s bill bonde well tweeted this graph that shows that profits have been going down since well before the peak of the protests the
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company's stock was actually down around thirteen percent since those comments on wednesday but while papa johns were on the list of sponsors some were boycotting their decision now to turn their backs on the n.f.l. has been a cause for celebration for some conservatives take a look at this because ryan phoniest says negative consumer sentiment was what happens when you go against america and cartoonist ben garrison thinks that this move by papa john's means president trump who's against the kneeling protests isn't winning streak the n.f.l. is commission down there roger goodell actually winning some to two points to nil against the n.f.l. we can get in touch with me on twitter i'm at joe get your oscar show hashtags a.j. news great i'll be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now it's back to philly joe and i thank you very much for that before we go some live pictures from boston oh no way. arriving home from madrid to adoring crowds at the. train station there are they were summoned to the spanish capital to
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answer questions in court about their part in the attempt to gain independence forecast known yet as punish prosecutor has asked are just to issue an arrest warrant for the cost money to commas as well as one of his ex minister this. is great join us again tomorrow from fifteen hundred g.m.t. from me for the back to one whole team thank you for watching. or is it alison whether online we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty
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six hours these are the things that new u.k. has to address or if you join us on set. but. this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. november on al-jazeera. in a historic visit the pope will travel to me and my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the region jeff. a new six part series about extraordinary lives of the common people from across tunisia. as the u.s. backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bone to restate that commitment. from the heart of asia one when east brings captivate and stories and award winning film. as tensions on the korean peninsula
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remain high president trump embarks on a five nation tour to east asia november on al-jazeera. in india women as old as seventy or define their range having maybe one east meets these elderly mothers and asks how old is too old to give birth at this time on al-jazeera. with al-jazeera his eyes and ears on the ground in southern africa identifying the crucially important stories for an audience that is incredibly to others. prosecutors demand the jailing of sacked catalonian ministers and an arrest warrant is requested for the ousted leader.
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