tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 3, 2017 12:00am-1:00am AST
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makers of the outback at this time are not just. this is a really fabulous news from one of the best i've ever worked in there is a unique sense of bonding where everybody teams in but something i feel every time i get on the chat every time i interview someone well often working round the clock to make sure that we bring events as i currently as possible to the viewer that's what people expect of us and that's what i think we really do well. zero. hello i'm maryanne demasi this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes
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a spanish john dramani is nine former catalan ministers in custody over the region's push for independence. the british prime minister hosts the israeli leader benjamin netanyahu on the one hundredth anniversary of the balfour declaration but in the palestinian territories it's a base a milestone thousands took to the streets in protest also ahead. donald trump nominates dr jay powell as the next chairman of the federal reserve making him the most powerful central bank in the world. and i'm joined again in doha with the sport. sixty. one giant leap for the houston astros he went from the pov of baseball jerks to world series champions.
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we begin in spain where the fallout of a council and his declaration of independence has led to eight for my catalan cabinet members being sent to jail another is being held pending a fifty eight thousand dollars bail and the region's deposed leader card is in brussels but prosecutors also seeking a european arrest warrant for him all the abdul hamid reports now from madrid. thank you both yes in the catalan capital barcelona in support of the regional leadership summoned to face justice in madrid i feel very very very sad and sadness always ends with some anger but first of all i feel very sad this way of governing a country like spain is not we don't deserve it neither spaniards nine of the fourteen members of the ousted regional government arrived at the court not knowing if they will walk out free. the catalan deposed president remained in belgium in
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defiance of the court order his lawyer says he is still willing to cooperate with justice but from overseas if the. justice. i have. been issue. belgium or the video conference it's possible to do the there are no permits to do and search. charges range from rebellion to sedition and abuse of public funds to finance a referendum they could receive up to thirty years in jail if found guilty they were doing hearings taking place at the same time while ministers of the now the government where appearing in front of the national court just a few meters away this speaker of the dissolved catalan parliament and five other
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people were standing in front of the supreme court their session got adjourned for a week the defense arguing it didn't have enough time to prepare. the parliamentarians were allowed to walk free although they will be put under police surveillance tougher rulings were handed down to the ministers of the ousted regional government all but one were remanded in custody without bail pending investigation catalan separatists say the legal procedures are politically motivated a separation of powers in a spain is now a fiction because all powers in spain are working in the line of the spanish government and this shouldn't happen in a western democracy this is what we are calling on the wall. because. it goes now through saving that along and helping catalonia because the future of europe at the stake now in catalonia. as. the madrid court emotions ran high among
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pro independence supporters they had travelled from barcelona in a show of solidarity. there are plenty of catalans who still regard tuesday moment and his cabinet as the only reject amid government of capello without the honey but tricked. let's go live to david chaytor now he joins us from brussels and david karl is pushed him on spoke earlier on this evening what did he say. first of all i've got to give you the news that we're hearing from his lawyer here in brussels that the arrest warrant against him has now been issued but yes you're right there was a pretty recorded interview with the deposed catalan president somewhere in a hotel room somewhere in brussels we believe we don't know but it was recorded and sent out by t.v. three local catalan station let me give you an idea of what he was saying now i'm getting translations in cattle and so he said that along and ferocious repression
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awaits us we cannot we can we have to fight without violence with peace and with the respect he said. he also expressed his support for the families of colleagues now in prison behind bars in several prisons in madrid. he also said that i demand the end of political repression he called the release of his vice president all of his cabinet members he also said that the the twenty first of december elections which of course were called by the madrid government will now take place in the climate of repression that word again and imprisonments. he also said instead of going for dialogue they've gone for oppression this act violates the basic principles of democracy he said. and the decision to imprison cattle and deputies is a grave mistake. and he ended his interview by saying long live catalonia so
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an extraordinary fight back now now coming and as you can hear the main idea is repression repression repression mario of course david we know at this point that eight members of the deposed catalan cabinet have been jailed carlie's put him on is in brussels he is refusing to leave belgium and now comes news that iraq has been issued for him what is the process that how is the warranted forced if you like. well i mean i am the the european arrest warrant was when she came into force in the european union after the nine eleven attacks in the united states in new york and is supposed to make the whole idea of extradition much easier within the twenty eight states but what essentially it means is that the decision of whether he will be granted asylum or extradited back to madrid will
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be taken by a belgian court now these proceedings could take anything up to a month or even sixty days of his lawyer. is very experienced in this because he's handled the cases of the basque separatist movement etta and he knows exactly what to do and he believes that with the support of various ministers here within the belgian government that he can essentially he believes pretty strongly he can gain asylum here in belgium for the deposed catherine president so that's where we are the arrest warrant is issued it will be delivered and then no doubt the belgian authorities will have to find out exactly where are the pows the catherine present is which hotel he's staying in they'll probably have to try and rest him and if that happens of course he will then appear in the courts the lawyer will get him in jail. and then the whole court process will start so this fight back on this
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attempt to keep a government. government in exile here in brussels will continue but a lot of a lot of speculation about way here is will he try and avoid that to rest will he try and change his hotel we've been seeking me here and there mariam today but apparently he was some way in in the brussels hotel he issued ducked statement on a pretty recorded interview i'm now the belgium authorities will have to try and carry out. the rest warrants don't have to serve it on him and then we'll see a long and complicated legal process without very experienced lawyer back in the future. well thank you very much david chaytor with all the latest from brussels where the cap and leaders lawyer says that the arrest warrant has been issued for carlie's please don't want. now israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is attending a gala dinner here in london with his british counterpart to reason may to commemorate
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the hundredth anniversary of the balfour declaration the declaration signed in one nine hundred seventeen and endorsed by person led to the establishment of the jewish state of israel and the dispossession of palestinians from the one wanna be phillips reports. his invitation to downing street on this day to israelis an affirmation of friendship to palestinians an insult to reason may says that britain is proud of its support for israel doubtless. at a lecture in london organized by the british jewish community a leading historian says the balfour declaration should be celebrated as a lead to the birth of a great country for all its problems and troubles for the acts obstinately liberal zionists like me ardently wish were not in the act for all the demolition. and terrorist atrocities on the other side that make a share them further and further out of reach israel still stands as a living breathing debating thriving rejoicing democracy on the streets of
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ramallah very different sentiments. to many palestinians balfour even britain itself are synonymous with treachery imperialism and broken promises the man the country that set in motion a century of oppression. not all british politicians are believe yes to that at another london gathering the main opposition party says the government's policy towards israel and palestine must change. the opposition labor party's emily thornberry said there's no better time then for the british government to recognise the state of palestine she said that the labor party if elected is ready to take that step the british government is not about to apologize for the balfour declaration no matter what the palestinian authority would like
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a british government minister said this centenary is being marked with pride and respect but also a degree of sadness sadness because as the british acknowledge when it comes to israel and palestine so much is still unresolved the is. reilley and british prime ministers spend the evening at a dinner to mark lord balfour declaration but the british are careful with their language because as rival demonstrations suggest there is too much division and anger for britain to truly celebrate this. part of the phillips al-jazeera lancaster house in central london. well terry's main benjamin netanyahu met a dinner tomorrow the anniversary of the declaration palestinian president mahmoud abbas spoke on local t.v. he said while the people of palestine can accept the hatred prejudice and injustice that the declaration has caused stein is still committed to a two state solution with israel abbas said palestinians are suffering under the
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israeli occupation but are still determined to live in peace on the balfour declaration is seen as the precursor to the forced expulsion and displacement of millions of palestinians from their land and its myth when met one man in gaza who remembers the final years of the british mandate in palestine at the age of ninety four mohammed al hayseed is almost as old as the british commonwealth cemetery in gaza it's the final resting place for thousands of soldiers killed as they fought for empire in one nine hundred seventeen and then in the second world war a permanent reminder of britain's pivotal role in shaping the destiny of today's palestinians. and. from the beginning the british mandate it was obvious they love jews they supply them with everything including weapons tanks food everything was they put pressure on us the law was that every single bullet was found in the hands of a palestinian he would be hanged immediately. mohammed fought with other palestinians
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against the arms zionist groups that attacked the villages before the creation of israel. at first we didn't really know what balfour meant only later did we realize they've been given a national home to the jews at a time we were not really able to win the war and with the jewish armed groups simply britain fait with the jews and gave them our lands to establish their own state and we had no other choice but to flee and leave our lands mohammed would be among the seven hundred thousand palestinians who fled walked in one thousand nine hundred forty eight had just become israel the augmentin of the. one hundred years after the promises made by god for the military being behind our land our homes our farms you know we were refugees depending on food aid no electricity no water under siege. as mohammad think they'll ever be peace here they killed us left us hungry term into a refugee how can there be peace he asks. bernard smith al-jazeera gaza.
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about and this news out from london the cia releases hundreds of thousands of files it captured during the raid that killed osama bin laden we'll take a closer look at what they reveal. president donald trump calls the new york truck attack suspect to face the death penalty and then a bit later on the wild number one rafael nadal fights for of course a final spot in paris details coming up in sports. now u.s. president donald trump has named powerless his pick to lead the federal reserve is a multi-millionaire who currently serves on the bank's board he was one of five candidates interviewed for the role including current chair janet yellen his term finishes in february alan fischer reports. it is my pleasure and my honor to
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announce my nomination of jiro hm powell. to be the next chairman of the federal reserve this is the man donald trump wants to steer economic policy in the u.s. if confirmed drone poll with the next chairman of the federal reserve a position many call the second most powerful job in the government inside the federal reserve we understand that monetary policy decisions matter for american families and communities i strongly share that sense of mission and i'm committed to making decisions with objectivity based on the best available evidence in the long standing tradition of monetary policy independence the decision to replace janet yellen is not a surprise but it is a break with precedent the last three fed chairman more automatically be appointed even by presidents of the opposite political party i think it's very much a political decision it's a very much a desire for president trying to say that he is replacing current fed chair janet yellen because she was appointed by obama and is essentially
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affiliated with the democratic policies but many people will know the name of the new fed chair not many people will care there is a new fed chair but the position holds enormous power over pensions over savings and over job prospects across the united states the fed steers economic policy in the u.s. while it sets interest rates its job essentially is to maximize employment and stabilize prices and janet yellen to control in twenty fourteen the u.s. was through the watch to the financial crisis in a first year g.d.p. the best way to measure a country's economy was a two point six percent unemployment was six percent inflation was point seven percent according to the latest figures g.d.p. is up to three percent unemployment is down four point two percent and inflation is just half of one percent with a record like that many observers doubt there will be radical change with a new person in charge it seems in appointing power it's going to continue. the
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federal continue in its route of pursuing lower interest rates and the president seems ok with that beyond that he had that expressed interest in what's going on in the federal reserve poll is a lawyer but he has served as a fed governor for five years and is now set for one of the biggest jobs in washington on global finance alan fischer washington. the cia has released four hundred seventy thousand files that were captured during the raid that killed al qaeda leader osama bin laden in may twentieth levon they include letters videos photos and audio files all of which give an insight into the plans and workings of the armed group our state department correspondent rosen and jordan reports. according to the cia the man in this wedding video may well be the future leader of al qaida homs a bin laden one of the sons of osama bin ladin the video is one of hundreds of
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thousands of materials taken during the raid on the al qaeda leader's home in a bought a bought pakistan on may first two thousand and eleven the cia says it's trying to give the public as much insight into his operations at the time u.s. special forces captured and killed bin laden i think it's important for everybody in both united states and the rest of the world have access to these so they can make their own judgments rather having to rely on the interpretation of any government including that of the united states included in this the fourth release of materials from a bottom bod bin laden's personal journal and our policy documents videos of him practicing speeches and what the cia calls propaganda material. some of the big issues dominating material includes al qaida split with isis over religious and operational policy bin laden's plan seems the arab spring uprisings for al qaeda is benefit and his plans to rehabilitate his reputation in order to get more support
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from muslims worldwide to see some of the documents also apparently reveal a much closer link between al qaida a sunni inspired group and iran a shia country government experts say that includes be important in light of the current u.s. policy toward terror on long term strategically the government of iran sees it as a threat true both the state and to the shia religion however short term tactically if they can gain advantage particularly against the united states they will cooperate with al qaeda including sheltering leading al qaeda figures if information is power then the international community now has more insight into how to operated in two thousand and eleven the challenge will be determining just how relevant this information is today rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington. scott was a special agent with the u.s. state department for ten years he's now vice president of tactical analysis at
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stratfor all joins me via skype from pittsburgh thanks very much for taking the time to speak to us why is this new material being released now i think it's really a effort by the u.s. government to try to be transparent certainly they still haven't released everything but this huge cache of information is is that an effort to at least try to be transparent and show not just the american people but the world kind of a little bit of you know pulling up the curtain behind what was happening with bin laden and al qaeda and yet so much has changed since the death of a solid ben larding including the very nature of the organization which he founded what do these documents reveal about the way it evolved or will spread or adapted. well first of all as a little bit of a caveat i haven't had time to wade through but a handful of these documents along with the past documents is going to take us
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probably months or years to get through everything but i think that it is important you know while obviously you know we're not going to have any sort of huge surprise out of this but what we are doing is is you know pulling in more details about things we already knew you know more details about the relationship between al qaeda and iran ians more details about the interrelationship between various al qaeda figures and so while we're not going to have any big huge surprises there's still a lot of information and very important information that can be mined from these documents and put together to provide really a better picture of his ideology their operation and really some of the personalities that are still out there running the organization today. and you mention one of the interesting things to imagine these documents though i know you say you haven't read everything in detail. potential revelations about their
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relationship with iran which of course iranian government has. always been and need tonight but in terms of the information as a whole to what extent do we have to treat it with some skepticism in terms of its objectivity and accuracy. well you know obviously anytime you receive anything from any government you need to be careful but as we've seen with the past releases much of the stuff is verifiable or relates with other information this been you know previous released or obtained through other sources you know we even were talking about the relationship between al qaeda and the iranians we have information going back about that relationship really into the ninety's so it's not like a shock at all that there were interactions between them and this is just providing you know more details or you know more pieces to that puzzle and what how can this new knowledge how can this information be used to or apply to counterterrorism
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operations now and in the future well i think that really understanding. as an ideological movement you know looking at the letters the discussions the arguments the debates internally that they are having over important ideological issues operational issues really helps to to provide more insight and understanding about how they're going to behave in the future but it can also provide insight into ways that their ideology can be countered perhaps even places where wedges can be placed between various you know ideological camps in the jihadist movement so i think that there's a wealth of information there not only for practitioners and certainly you know the cia and the u.s. government and their allies have had this information sense may have two thousand and eleven but i think going forward just for you know civil society academics and
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you know c.v. practitioners as well. as presidents have to assess for stratfor thank you you thank. a group so warning that the threat of cholera is a ticking bomb for the range of muslims who fled myanmar or than six hundred thousand people have crossed into bangladesh is cox's bizarre by the face sanitation and a lack of hygiene facilities in makeshift camps we on mars army launched a military operation in iraq kind state after attack police posts and an army base . for refugee chief says it's time for the united nations security council to come up with a solution to end this crisis speaking to al jazeera filippo grandi recalled his recent visit to refugee camps and bangladesh the could dish ans the physical conditions of this huge out floor in a very poor area without proper shelter proper sites without enough water without
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enough sanitation reminded me of those tragic moments in the ninety's when we had to deal with those emergencies i mean unsung suchi has visited rock island state for the first time since the military crackdown was launched in august florence lowy reports on that. this is also on two g.'s first time in rakhine state it's a renewed military offensive began in august accompanied by government officials and prominent business leaders she visited several villages and spoke to people there including both muslims and buddhists all of us want to live in peace she reportedly said adding that everyone will have to try hard to achieve that analysts say there's a wider message is trying to put across i think it's all designed to give the appearance of some kind of stability and a normalcy that simply doesn't exist there and again i think this is her. dissolve tree attempt at spin to convince the world that everything so kind and that she's
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in charge of the situation. these are the scenes that would have greeted the myanmar and her entourage house after house destroyed by five entire villages once home to a hinge of families deserted the government has refuted allegations that its troops are committing ethnic cleansing is defend the military operation as a legitimate counter offensive against a group of fighters it calls a terrorist organization the spokesman for the rakhine state government told al jazeera that our sons but the two bomb drobo shows that the region has known stable . villages misspoken to say they don't believe have changed things on the ground or that more than six hundred thousand people have crossed into bangladesh since august and the exodus hasn't stopped gloriously al-jazeera. and watching out there are still ahead for you asylum seekers refusing to leave and now closed detention camp up new guinea resort to desperate measures to survive. i'm not finished
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this fake news no jewish fake news it was a totally phony story. on of donald trump's favorite phrases is named the word of the year. on the defending champion all blacks face first at the next rugby world cup it's tough opening match as joe will tell us in sport. still a big cold puddle sitting over west and russian puddle of air that is and against his oldest of has been coming in from the atlantic he's just being batted off and going surface again. and there's also a cool coming into portugal and spain or a change of change of season still quite warm in madrid is still the teens now
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going back up to the teams from suits. and back to england and you'll notice back into double figures only just in warsaw and berlin viewers up to fifteen to the cold. time being everything's been diverted away which means we got rain rather than snow and ice rain is diving down with a bit of snow at night maybe of the higher ground maybe hungrier mania but otherwise it's just a mild and mucky actually i think be a good description both by day and by night set in the middle maybe and switzerland maybe northern estates or you get quite foggy and quite cold at night the weather in portugal and spain increasing like to be cloudy and occasionally when the rain rather more concentrated last attempt to march just in madrid by the time we get to saturday that's rain throughout spain portugal and sudden france that could be many quite significant for the rest of europe just a bit of a mild spell then actually fairly quiet.
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up to the to understand a very different way way down because we don't need. in india women as old as seventy or define their having maybe one of these elderly mother asks how old is too old. this time and how does it. for years japanese have gone into the country's lush course for what they call. green or forest bathing thirteen years ago dr lee was one of the first to conduct research on forest bathing he concluded that the essential oils the trees produce to protect themselves from germs and bugs can boost the human immune system with a lot of fine to side or essential our lives found in the forests my research has shown that far as trying to size reduce stress hormones. in the future the time may
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come when doctors prescribe the forest instead of medicine. welcome back you're watching the news out quick look at stories making headlines spanish judge has issued an arrest warrant for ousted katla. quoting to his lawyer eight former cast line cabinet members have been detained and a knife is also being held pending a fifty eight thousand dollars bail. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is attending a gala dinner in london to mark the santini of the balfour declaration and person promised the creation of a jewish homeland in palestine. and u.s.
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president donald trump has named jerome powell as his pick to lead the federal reserve is a multi-millionaire who carney as a member of the banks. now u.s. president trump says the man charged with carrying out a new york city truck attack should get the death penalty back in the grinches appeared in court charged with terror related offenses eight people were killed and several more injured when a truck drove through a bicycle path in lower manhattan on tuesday candlelit vigil has been held for those who died christensen was at the scene of the attack in lower manhattan. twenty nine year old saifullah appeared in court late on wednesday to face two charges one of providing material support to terrorist organization i sold the other for using a motor vehicle to kill pedestrians and reading more about what he's been telling investigators from those court documents including the fact that he admitted he was inspired by eisel videos that he saw online he told them that he felt good about
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what he had done and he asked if he could hang a flag in his hospital room investigators are still questioning a lot of suspects or a lot of people in to try to find out more about the suspect in this case he's the only person that's been arrested or charged so far but late on wednesday the f.b.i. did announce that they were looking for another person of interest another man from his back a san someone that they found shortly afterwards again not a suspect at this stage just someone they want to talk to they're saying they're trying to find out of the man has any links to other people in the area could be dangerous if anybody else was involved in if there are any direct links to isolate overseas at this stage no indication of that that we're getting from investigators . hundreds of refugees have been forced to dig wells in search of water in a tense standoff on papa new guinea's man a silent about six hundred refugees have barricaded themselves inside
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a film australian run prison camp because there was read about attacks from hostile locals new zealand's prime minister will meet her australian counterpart on sunday to discuss what role her country can take to resolve the crisis under told us reports. these videos sent exclusively to al-jazeera by refugee give a glimpse of life now inside what was the mount of silent refugee prison the men collecting water in we been when it rains they have also dug a well. it's hot and humid with no electricity the air conditioning all fans the men sleeping outside officially the prison is now a naval base and the refugees trespassing hello is this is andrew exum a safe from al-jazeera. but despite fears soldiers could have them one refugee told us naval personnel are actually helping them recharging their phones so they can stay in contact with family and the media well. you know.
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what. but other locals seen as a threat australia wants refugees to move to this accommodation in the local town but while some looked ready other housing is still under construction and refugees say none of it is protected from papua new guinea and who they fear will break in and attack them those fears are unfounded says the australian immigration minister who's critical of political opponents and pressure groups like amnesty i want to close medicines quickly as possible but it doesn't help when you've got the greens and others who are telling people not to engage not to move a very difficult situation even worse i put that to one refugee is its principle that is making you stay where you are are you being to some extent stubborn you don't want to be pushed around by australia and.
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you know what. the refugees are pinning some hope for new zealand its new prime minister said on thursday her predecessors offer to australia to resettle one hundred fifty refugees still stands. it rained heavily on thursday meaning the refugees could have a shower one refugee wrote on social media that it showed mother nature's kindness under thomas altshuler so. throughout the past decade more than eight hundred journalists have been killed doing their jobs that none of the cases solved and then the second is the un date and impunity for crimes against journalists in mexico two thousand and seventeen is set to be a record year for the number of journalists killed john heilemann reports. eleven killed so far this year just for doing their job because one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists among them about there is
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a middle slava breach internationally renowned reporters who investigated government corruption and organized crime now they're gone but it's not just that there that's worrying press freedom groups it's what comes after f.e.i. was murdered even in these two high profile cases months later still no one's been arrested one of the main consequences of the impunity is that journalists start censoring themselves they stop reporting on organized crime to stop reporting on corruption and as a result entire areas in mexico basically have no serious journalistic coverage or if that's the gate of journalism go. free speech groups estimate that ninety nine point seven percent of verbal or physical attacks against journalists go on punished in mexico. ricardo sanchez is the special prosecutor for crimes against free speech. what's going on.
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this is a very complicated issue the federal government and attorney general's office know we face a big challenge in beating the impunity. we've created a group to execute arrest warrants with the federal police and get people before a judge so we're doing important work i recognize we've got a long way to go we're working hard with the state governments. to sin a lower stay in the grip of crime is one of the most dangerous for reporters. martin didn't fled after getting threats it still bothers him that the articles he and other journalists risk their lives for make little impact in an often openly corrupt society. i think sometimes it's kind of a suicidal calling you wonder why should we run these stories because we know things aren't going to change. martin and around five hundred other journalists are in a government protection program that free speech groups say authorities themselves
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are actually responsible for the majority of attacks on the press and not really doesn't bode well as we head into what's going to be a fiercely for election season if politicians are willing to use violence against journalists and if there are virtually no consequences for doing so that spells bad news for the more chris a john home and how does it or mexico city. al-jazeera is demanding the release of its journalists hussein has been in an egyptian prison for more than three hundred ten days is accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny my mood has repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail he was arrested in december while visiting his family. now a term made popular by u.s. president donald trump has been named collins dictionary's word of the year fake news will be printed in the next edition the phrase which is frequently used by trump and his allies to criticize media reports a seen
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a three hundred sixty five percent rise in use since two thousand and sixteen. it's defined as false often sensational information disseminated on the guise of news reporting is a small sample of trump and the word of the year i'm not finished fake newsman who is big news who is a totally phony serious that we don't want fake news for the news but the fake news just fake it's fake it's made up stuff like call the fake is the enemy of the people the fake media is trying to silence. you are fake do go ahead. all right so for more on the fake news phenomenon let's speak to meredith patterson she's a technologist and journalist joins us live now from los angeles thanks very much for speaking to us so we we heard the term being thrown around in a number of different ways there is a statement as an accusation and of course this can be done with any time but
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what are the implications in this case talking about president trump and his supporters and the way in which this term was used during the course of the election in two thousand and sixteen what are the implications of fake news being dipped the term being deployed to describe news that is often the complete opposite that's very real and very accurate. so i would describe that usage. in two ways number one as a thought terminating cliche and number two as a costly signal of loyalty. there's a there's a there's a psychologist robert l. to meyer a canadian spent pretty much as entire career studying authoritarians which of course many people have characterized as and one thing he talks about when he describes authoritarian leaders is how they will demand that the their
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followers just agree on question unquestioningly to statements that you know are you know often in many cases you know untrue on their face and so i i think you know what what you're seeing here from you know the from trump and his supporters is that basically they're forming their own cheering section. and i think according to one recent poll it but it's a co morning consult poll more than three quarters of republican voters some seventy six percent think that use organizations do create or invent stories about trump and his administration what does that mean for elections politics the debate in the country. well i mean the media and via the state of public discourse in this country is in trouble.
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for a lot of different reasons but you know quite possibly the most important one is just the sheer amount of information that we are besieged with from you know from all sides these days you know as the internet has grown a social media has expanded the amount of information that we're exposed to is just as grown exponentially. and. so the the economist herbert simon once famously observed that. information is that which consumes attention. you know attention is a very finite resource for people and you know we've moved into an age where there are so many demands on our attention you know it's difficult to figure out what to trust and. you know in previous decades.
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there was less competition for people's attention from three main networks and you know major daily newspapers it was it was there was more time for for sober and reasoned discussion of topics and now you know there's there's a lot of competition to be the first out with a story because being the first being the first to break a story means getting you know the most clicks and therefore the most ad revenue this is a this is a real problem for the quality of journalism you know it creates a race to the bottom when you know when the incentives are set up that way is there a genuine concern about fake news on on both sides of the political divide to do you see it. as being very prominent within one particular political grouping with the other. i mean. it's it's
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difficult to it's difficult to look at the entire spectrum again just because there is so much information i mean i feel like i get explore the exposed to more concern about this from the left than i know than i do from you know from people on the right. but at the same time. you know. it's. i'm sorry my mind has gone blank. no. you know what it's. it's definitely a kind of a complicated subject and it's one where we need to choose our words very carefully but nonetheless fascinating that this has been picked up by collins dictionary i think the usage of the term has increased some three hundred sixty five percent
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since two thousand and sixteen so definitely a term that we've heard a great deal over the past few years and will probably continue to hear about as time goes on but thank you very much for sharing your insight with us really appreciate it meredith patterson well now the number of children in nigeria dying of pollution related illnesses is on the rise all operations in the delta region of being blamed for searches say sixteen thousand and france died in two thousand and twelve and that figure continues to rise amid interest reports. for many fishing communities of the delta having children was a blessing from an early age they could help with the work but that's more difficult than. fisherman i.b.m. says his children began suffering from strange illnesses with fatal consequences. the pollution from the air the water and the fish we eat has killed two of my children the rest of the family for me down to the youngest everyone is ill it's
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all because of the oil with no savings he can't afford to take his family to see a doctor. for many who eventually get to hospital it's almost too late. doctors in this hospital say more than seventy infants and children are brought here on an average day with complications from pollution this is just one of dozens of hospitals in rivers state and in front of death have been roaming crees as the pollution gets worse. and this is why the rivers and the creeks are talked with crude oil. the fish are contaminated the farmlands too and even in some semi urban areas of the delta drinking water from the tap is a huge risk as underground water is not safe. we not only look at the effect on the respiratory system worth a try to look at the kind of us crisis to blood him
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a religious problems have a civilities and yet i was there was one of these i think that even function tests experts say it's hard to get an accurate number of infant deaths here caused by pollution related illnesses many cases aren't reported either because the parents can't afford to pay for treatment or because of the remoteness of why they leave many communities in the delta region i'm left with little or no choice they have to rely on a polluted environment to eat drink and to breathe how many trees al-jazeera in nigeria's delta. for this hour taking a look at the tate modern's new exhibition center bracing the french impressionists view of london. and french club mail and the hopes of another team in the europa league show have the details in sports.
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shows and now the u.s. for. maryam thank you very much will schools and offices across haste and well cars on friday to allow as many people as possible to turn out for the houston astros victory parade is the first and they'll be championship title for that same who will celebrate in their home city the astros comprehensively outplayed the l.a. dodgers in game seven of the world series and his home reports. this is the judge that all high school players and fans three months away in a title contest up to six really games of the world series game for.
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the houston astros were away from harm and that might have given them the upper hand in dealing with the pressure and a two run harm run in just the second inning that put them five nothing comes. to the you. know stays the don't just have won one hundred forty games during the regular season and boast only by annual payroll of two hundred fourteen million dollars but this stoppage show you da fish proved ineffective and their hearts of the phone's dwell series titles of nine hundred eighty eight by a thread that was. was that run in the sixth inning would prove to be allies only contribution on the school board as the astros claimed a five one victory. was actually my best friend she was just doing. believable it's indescribable you know when you get to spring
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you know who you have you see what you have and there's there's a there's always that thought of you know we could do it but one hundred sixty two plus games is a lot of games and a lot of things have to go right in order to get here and you know our our team believed in each other all year and we fell short that was a good ballclub over there two great teams fight against. just in case you won't series wasn't enough to celebrate houston star carlos correia made it a night to remember the he's going for him to. thank you maybe the happiest man in the world thank you merriman. thanks. that's a wedding to plan for but next stop for the us stories when we home to houston. a
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big parade will take place in the city on friday something fifty five years eliminating harlan i just era. to football now and ever since dream of playing european football has been ended after suffering a loss to little in the group stage at the europa league they were beaten three no with all the goals coming in the second half everton ended the match with ten men and with the other group a game of the night finishing in a troll it leaves everton at the bottom of the table and they'll progress they won't progress now to the right end of the next stage. wasted a chance to make the knockout stage with two games to spare as they were held to a goal a stroll by a k. athens in the other selected matches and on goal helped the l'oreal to a two mil win over slavia prague which went to the top of group a also or so far being held to a goal a strong red star belgrade his goal is to between let's say oh nice well sociedad short of repeating their record six bills rushing avoider but they do only the
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macedonians three nil in the dying moments on the terrace now rafael is out has runs to the paris masters quarterfinals the spaniard four tout a three set win against your required public six three six seven six three was the final score also through juan martin del potro the arjun time beat robin house in the state in straight sets to advance seven five six four was the school he needs to reach the semi's in paris to keep his hopes of course occasion for the season and the world tour finals in london. by del potro hasn't taken part since two thousand and twelve despite already making it through to those finals both gary and grigor dimitrov was unable to reach the voters in the french capital he was beaten by american john isner who has to win the title to make the finals seven six seven five seven six was this. kind of a task has also reached the quarterfinals of the first time in his career the spaniard overcame fifty dominic tam of austria six four six as the plans for that
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match. and the schedule for the twenty nineteen rugby world cup in japan is outside it throwing up a mouthwatering encounter for the defending champions new zealand open their campaign against fellow heavyweights south africa the two time defending champions by the springboks on september the twenty first in yokohama a day earlier host japan kicked off the tournament in tokyo against the so far unconfirmed european team has yet to qualify and that's why you support for now about to marry i'm in london. thank you now in paris came under siege in the franco-prussian war an eight hundred seventy one unexpected consequence was the number of artists escaping to london as refugees an exhibition of their impressionist work opens on thursday in the tate person gallery jessica baldwin takes a look impressionists a surefire way to attract crowds london one of the most illustrated cities in the world put the do together and what's not to like. tate britain is showing french
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impressionist who came as a refugee artist to london in one thousand nine hundred seventy they looked like london with an outside designer is if you look at this painting for example by my mooney of hyde park and he got very interested with the fact that people were allowed to walk on the grass in the country interest is in the sheer expanse of these pockets of nature within london at a time when paris was you know bombarded by the persians paris was under siege and badly damaged in the franco-prussian war the wounded soldier by james t. so has never been seen in public before nor has his watercolor showing a mass execution in paris in one thousand nine hundred seventy one escaping the violence in london provided a sanctuary the english aristocrats proved interesting subjects but many of the frenchmen were transfixed by london the grime the din at the time the largest city
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in the world the city's river the thames held a special fascination with its pollution grittiness and fogs the houses of parliament had just been completed with what was then europe's tallest building a powerful symbol of the british empire the houses of parliament along the river thames became an obsession for monet at one point he was working on a hundred different calluses at the same time trying to perfect the light the mist and the fog that enveloped london and for the artist became his ensuring impression of the city jessica baldwin al-jazeera london. here's the tale of a have made a break for freedom at an israeli before apparently changing her mind security camera footage shows the female hippo heading out of the gate while the security guard looks on helplessly and after a brief taste of freedom she turns around and heads. this is the same.
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airline we don't believe in boundaries we believe in bringing people together the world's better that way. it is a right for all of us to go where we need to go to feel the things we want to feel . to see the people we want to see. that's why we'll continue to fly the skies providing you with everything we can and treating everyone how they deserve to be treated we do this because we know the trouble goes beyond borders and prejudice all the travel teaches compassion the travel is a necessity. the travel is a right for all remember that this world is full of ours to explore. and it's a strange thing for us to be a part. cats are always going places together afghanistan has the best geology both men resources and i remember but why are they so poor
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that most of you guys are trying to form a government that we may have the toughest in life essentially delaware the more we let close down the more they push back we knew it was coming the question was do we sit back and wait or do we surprise them with a preemptive strike on the board at this time i'm just you're. a spanish jogger amman's for my class minus doesn't cost to be over the region's push for independence.
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