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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  November 7, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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provoking debate the corporate taxes not job growth on the barack obama the well. that's not true chuckling the tough issues restrictions on media freedom of the tree killings. giving the road. but challenging the established line every single one of the three thousand people who was killed was a drug dealer yes how do we know that you didn't try them didn't prosecute the one saying join. up front this time on al jazeera. this is al jazeera. and live from studio fourteen here in al-jazeera headquarters in doha santa maria welcome to the news things rarely settled in the middle east
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but right now tensions are of a new level saudi arabia is accusing iran of a possible war by supplying hurt these in yemen with a missile fired it's also what odds with lebanon's government backing the resignation of prime minister saad hariri coming up we're going to try to piece all of this together as divisions in the middle east become even more pronounced also on the donald trump in south korea and the u.s. still isn't ruling out military action against north korea over its nuclear weapons program but trump one that the issue of trade go either we're going to wrap up his trip to song as he moves on to beijing and qatar opens its new national library but it's not how you and i remember going to. air opera form unserious three d. printers music studio so it won't be a quiet library but that's exactly what the people behind it want. smog so thick you can't breathe we're talking to many of you in delhi suffering from the worst air in india we're looking at how higher c o two emissions are impacting pollution
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and climate change how is the air quality in your city i mean a hearty modest. connected. with. streaming online through you tube facebook live and common even for the middle east a region used to war conflict and political instability these are tense times saudi arabia's crown prince mohammed bin salman is accusing iran of what could be an act of war by supplying the rebels in yemen with a missile fired. in turn in iranian backed who is a warning saudi and the u.a.e. that their airports are within firing range and could be the next targets lebanon is also an issue prime minister saad hariri remember he wants to resign but he's been in the u.a.e. for talks after making his initial announcement from saudi arabia saudi is now warning it will deal with lebanon as quote
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a government that has declared war against riad hariri himself takes the position of the u.a.e. and saudi both iran and hezbollah stabilizing the region it's pretty complicated. beirut with all the details. it has been three days since lebanese prime minister sato had announced his shock resignation he made his statement in saudi arabia and hasn't returned home since instead he traveled to abu dhabi a saudi ally in the anti iranian camp for talks on an escalating political crisis back home but the crisis extends beyond lebanon's borders saudi arabia has made clear it wants to curb iranian influence not just here but across the region riyadh is accusing iran of what it called direct military aggression by providing hutu rebels in yemen with rockets used to target the kingdom saudi officials have also said the very presence of hezbollah in the lebanese government amounts to
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a declaration of war. the number of saudi arabia through its stretch when the lebanese government and people to finish off his blog it's an invitation to civil war there's a new front saudi israel and the us against iran. iran has proxies across the middle east in iraq it controls paramilitary forces that are stronger than the state in yemen saudi arabia is in a quagmire unable to defeat the iranian allied hutus in syria it has revolutionary guards and hezbollah troops supporting the government iran has now secured a land corridor or stretching from to her on through iraq and syria all the way to lebanon where saudi arabia hopes it can change the balance of power. saudi arabia. law it is even classified as a terrorist organization but now is stronger language and threatening action in the words of the statement of surfer gulf affairs there will be those who will force
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hezbollah to return to their caves in southern lebanon. curbing hezbollah's influence and power won't be easy it is not just an armed group it is a political party with strong popular support but as of late it has extended its influence beyond lebanon's borders. hezbollah's arms its this is to send troops to fight alongside syrian president bashar assad's forces have long been issues of concern among some lebanese factions but it has long resisted calls to disarm and to withdraw from syria it's not clear what action saudi arabia will take. riyadh has a number of options to restrain his below but those options will just target as below and the shia sect will target all the lebanese economic pressures very possible but i don't believe saudi arabia can pressure has a lot militarily calls for unity are growing louder but lebanon is a deeply divided country in a deeply divided region the political crisis is only worsening and any solution
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will have to be part of a regional deal said a. beirut. so this is a trade i was expecting mao and bush are to pop up from london and he's right here in the flesh. to say you know and so there's lots we can talk about let's just start with what looks like saudi arabia taking or trying to take back control of the region can i can i broadly term it that way well it would be a bit of an exaggeration but there are loud exaggeration on the fifteenth. look all in all it is in a mode of an offensive defense it's been on the defense in a so far as it's concerned because it considers iran has been on the offense for the last four five years and at least since iran became more and more involved in iraq iran became more and more involved in syria and lebanon and in yemen yemen next door to saudi arabia saudi arabia presumably felt more and more isolated and more and more contained by iranian influence and hence for the last two and
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a half years since mohammed mr mann became minister of defense he took the offense in order to try and contain iran and he even threatened to take the war to iran to stomach a republic so all in all this is an attempt by saudi arabia to read gather its will meant them and to to really get on with this proxy war if you were in the middle east views of iran the bottom line here and if you if i'm allowed to bring in a bit of a subjective angle into it on two wrongs don't make a right in the middle east and i think the iranian regime in it in the way it's expanding its influence and the saudi regime and the way it's expanding them for once whether it's the one or the mother to slam whether it's the shiite or the ayatollahs in iran the two wrongs do not make a right in the movie that doesn't mean that everyone else has to fall in line behind one of them we see. it's not lebanon we see saad hariri doing that if you
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want to fold in the g.c.c. crisis we know cut there is on the out with everyone well it's in with iran but does it have to do we have to have two very clear sides like this but that's exactly the problem in the gulf crisis the problem of the gulf crisis is that qatar wants to be an independent sovereign nation it doesn't want to take sights what it doesn't believe that on this issue or that issue for example the war in yemen you know when many many thousands people die tens of thousands you know facing an epidemic the country is destroyed at one point you say like the american congress is working up and say look we cannot continue to support this war the problem yes i mean and this is a very important question i think that's what happened in lebanon i think that the lebanese sort of the the iranians and the saudis demanded of lebanon to take sides basically right i mean they forced harry reid to send. an ambassador to damascus while the war was going on bashar assad who think is a process these and now. one of the more conservative people in iran making his way to lebanon basically making ultimatums this i think for saudi arabia base
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in forcing how do you to put so all in all this proxy conflict is and is escalating in a way where they're asking people are you with us or are you against us as if people in the middle east cannot be sovereign cannot be democrats and long want to be you know associated or supporters or loyalists to or fighting on behalf of the republic of iran and the kingdom of saudi arabia how risky or dangerous or otherwise do you see the lebanon situation as being we are used to political instability in lebanon there was a time when they were going through by the president's old prime ministers quite regularly how significant how worrying is this in this wider conflict a wider disagreement you describe across the region judging from what just happened the last seventy two hours it's terribly worrying but it doesn't have to be that way it doesn't have to continue to be that way but be that as it may have. for the time being the vacuum in lebanon i think will lead to escalation i think the way
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saudi arabia made that decision the way her really made that speech from that place riyadh with that tone talking about cutting the hands of iran and staying away from lebanon for this time all that means that there is a void that's going to be very difficult to fulfill in the process the hezbollah leader in lebanon tried to poor cold water on the whole affair and say look we will try to manage our affairs with outside. that's not true lebanon is in a is in trouble now and people need to save it because if it's going to fall prey to this proxy conflict between. so yes i mean iran i just hope it will not become another yemen now i mean we all hope anything wouldn't become another yemen moment pleasure talking to you nice to see you with us thank you lebanese politics can take a bit of understanding so this is quite handy lebanon's power players explains not only who the politicians and parties are but how they fit together because you know in lebanon certain positions can only be filled by certain religions or sect so if
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you search for lebanon that al-jazeera dot com click the in for graphic filter you will find it there. and you can get in touch with us as well of course if you want to hash tag a.j. news grid is how to do that be that twitter facebook or what several airlines are up and running will remind you of those of course throughout the course of the show one more thing i can find it here that i want to talk about and still related to the saudi situation this comes from u.s. president donald trump who is of course on his tour of asia but clearly watching the middle east as well he tweeted this i have great confidence in king solomon and the crown prince of saudi arabia he said they know exactly what they're doing some of those that are harshly treated have been milking their country for years been harshly treated would be referring to the various princes and ministers who were arrested on sunday over apparent corruption charges. but in asia on his trip donald trump met the south korean president when j.m. in seoul as they worked to rally international pressure against north korea trying
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to get in there warn the u.s. and its allies will take military action against pyongyang if needed tony burke he sent us this report from seoul. donald trump arriving in south korea on the second and perhaps most delicate leg of his asia tour it brought him to within forty eight kilometers of the border with north korea following his war of words with its leader kim jong un there were fears president trump's presence would provoke some sort of response he described north korea as a worldwide threat that requires worldwide action but his tone was more measured than in the past and he called for pyongyang to come to the negotiating table he said all of a little tools will be used short of military action but he also stressed america's military capability as we work together to resolve this problem using all available tools short of military action. the united states stands prepared to defend itself and its allies using the full range of our unmatched military
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capabilities if need be south korean president moon jay in said the time was too early to talk to the north but promised a bright future if it gave up its nuclear and missile programs. of the united states has strong sanctions on north korea and i think it will have an effective impact and with china joining the united states it will bring force to the sanctions on north korea with all these international diplomatic policies i think when there are changes being made it will bring north korea back to the negotiating table trump is the first u.s. president in twenty five years to be treated to a state visit with the first since ronald reagan not to visit the demilitarized zone the border with north korea instead he went by helicopter to count humphreys the largest u.s. base in south korea he spoke of the close relationship between the two countries but all that we've built in the decades since our soldiers sacrifice side by side
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in the struggle for freedom our alliances more important than ever to peace and security on the korean peninsula and across the in the pacific region. thousands of pro transporters lined the streets of seoul all those who oppose the u.s. president were kept corralled behind police buses south korea's liberal government is pulling out all the stops to make this visit a success they know they can afford to alienate present. states. depends on a good relationship have a joint news conference trump announced that south korea wants to buy billions of dollars worth of military equipment from the u.s. which would help offset the trade deficit between the two countries and a five year old free trade agreement will be renegotiated trampin. first lady milan you were greeted by children and a korean pop star at the blue house and later had what's known as
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a friendship walk through the gardens with president moon and his wife the day ended with a defiant threat from north korea reaffirming its resolve to strengthen its nuclear power rhetoric but no action so far so good the trumps first day in south korea tony berkeley al jazeera so. and while trump is away in the u.s. senate banking committee is meeting on capitol hill we're looking at the bipartisan north korea sanctions bill which aims to get all nations to work together to isolate the regime of kim jong un and make sure that pyongyang is as it were closed for business we've got rosalind jordan to talk us through this one from washington d.c. can you explain at all in layman's term exam exactly what's going on heroes. well let's see if i can try to us summarize pages of this draft bill which is being marked up that is congressional language for making the final changes and amendments so that it's something that all one hundred members of the u.s.
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senate can vote on basically what this bill does is incorporate some of the changes that were put into place when the u.n. security council passed two sanctions bills earlier this year they are now going to incorporate those u.n. sanctions into existing u.s. law they're going to have basically in force the embargo against anyone purchasing material from north korea including iron ore and or oil and other raw materials it's also while going to basically toughen us penalties for banks and other financial services companies that do business with people or institutions inside north korea that have already been sanctioned and basically those come with pretty stiff fines the other part of this law if it passes will help the international community do more to cut down on human trafficking that is something
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which human rights activists have been particularly worried about regarding north korea and so basically what this u.s. bill would do is basically give more support from washington to the un's efforts to try to get north korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program and to try to abide by international human rights standards i know it's a little bit down the road but would there be any question about it not possible i can't see that they would be much opposition within the senate trying to tighten the screws on north korea. well put to is notable about this legislation is that it is coming with bipartisan support both democratic and republicans have been working hard on this particular piece of legislation saying that it is important to said a united message to the government of pyongyang that the u.s.
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does not tolerate does not condone its foreign policy its military strategy or its human rights performance and so this is something that is very likely to be passed by the u.s. senate if there are similar legislation coming from the house it's likely to be passed as well and it's very likely that the u.s. president doll tromp would sign it this is a rare moment especially given that the u.s. congress is usually much more focused on domestic issues than it is on foreign policy issues but there is widespread bipartisan agreement here in washington that north korea represents an existential national security threat to the united states and to its allies and so we could expect this legislation could be wrapped up in the next few weeks and sent to the president for his signature jordan's in washington d.c. with the latest on that one. our first chat with leo tonight i mean you could look at north korea pretty much any day i suspect what in particular view from turning
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on this to the right well what we want to do is compare north and south korea's response online to trump's visit for example in south korea trump and korea are trending even social media star put cotto he was writing about donald trump areas you may recognize him from viral you tube videos but since north korea is offline off social media we took a look at state media to compare how the north and south are covering donald trump's visit the two countries had a different take for example while covering some anti and pro trump protest that happened in seoul before and during the president's visit if we look at the headlines in north korea we see that they're focused mainly on. protests in the south the demonstrations were hardly reported on and all the few times that they were both the pro and anti trump sides were mentioned now when it came to the analysis of trump's visit south korean media had a more positive outlook with headlines like trump praises cooperation with saul or
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how the two leaders hope to quote resolve conflicts here in the north korean issue the pealing times however says that the meeting between the u.s. and south korean president is a mad strategy and they went on to call donald trump an extraordinary lunatic we also noticed how both sides cover the current tension in the reason region north korean headlines focused on using threatening quotes like saying that washington may face total destruction if an attack against kim jong un happens but it's a different scenario for newspapers in seoul publishing mostly reassuring headlines calling for peace and pushing away the possibility of a war and finally take a look at this become piled the most used words in the articles that we analyzed when it comes to north korea you see words like wow. war military saying sions nuclear but if you take
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a look at south korea's media and the keywords they're using you see presidential office north korea and u.s. and trump also the word welcoming but we want to know what do you make of these varying accounts in the media coverage you can tweet me directly at leo harding a.j. easton a so what's up message or as always you can use the hash tag a jane is good quality a perfect illustration of two sides to every story isn't it have a little page for you here we just remind you about our interactive team compiled all our info graphics on south north korea and put them in one place so you've got the history of the two careers you go nuclear capability of north korea where you've got all sorts about destinations and even the economy trade partners etc just puts you in the picture on what is of course a very important story these days have a look for north korea all you need to know around to see right dot com let's see what is happening in the live wall at this point. frederica mongering either the a use foreign policy chief currently in washington d.c.
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i'm told and is going to be speaking shortly probably about the iran nuclear deal we're talking north korea but of course iran carries on as well in the box next to hit its attention with more international news for us from london i say high command thank you i fell says it carried out an attack on a television station in kabul which killed at least two people and same thing as an assault on media freedom in afghanistan jennifer glass reports from kabul. for our shamshad was under some attackers inside security forces outside trading gunfire and grenades when the attack at the front gate started just before midday many members of staff ran out of other exits some jumping from the second and third floors like i doubt it would be as out of court we condemn this attack because it was on a group of innocent people working to provide entertainment to afghans we also give
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poor underprivileged afghans a voice to show other afghans how they live troops and police arrived quickly what is becoming almost routine in kabul a bomber at the gate followed by attackers on foot the compound is also home to a mine awareness museum there were children inside rescued by security forces but the intended target seemed to be the t.v. station that's on oil. unfortunately this attack shows how difficult it is for afghan journalist to work in the media here now and safe life is for them that this attack happened just a kilometer from the presidential palace and shows the government is unable to provide security for afghans and journalists. security is a main concern for all afghans hampering the economy halting education making life in general more difficult. nato is expected to announce later this week that three thousand more troops will head to afghanistan expanding their training mission here to sixteen thousand their job is to support afghan police soldiers intelligence and
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logistics officials tell stem the flow of attacks here jennifer glass al jazeera kabul. the united nations has called for an end to what it calls a catastrophic aid blockade on yemen heel prices increased by over sixty percent and cooking gas prices doubled after saudi arabia cut all aid access to the country the un says it's looking at whether the closure constitutes unlawful collective punishment and diplomatic editor genspace has more on the humanitarian situation in yemen is one of the grave is still in the world it's so bad a child under the age of five dies in the country every ten minutes from causes that should be preventable twenty million people out of a population estimated at twenty seven million are in need of humanitarian assistance but it appears for now all international aid is being cut saudi arabia
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has announced it's completely blockading the country cutting all sea and land links its reaction to a missile fired towards riyadh by the who these who control a large part of yemen including the capital sanaa to u.n. flights into the country have already been blocked and we're trying to see whether we can get our normal access restored and we're hopeful that we will be able to continue our normal operations we once more. underscore to all parties the need for regular humanitarian access to all parts of yemen that are in need when the u.n. says it's hopeful its aid can soon resume that's only based on the fact that the saudis current blockade is said to be temporary when you look at the words the u.n. is using it's clear they're treading carefully the reality is that saudi arabia has been making restrictions on the aid medicine and food allowed into yemen for years
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. after facing conflict and an ongoing cholera epidemic the conditions in yemen can only be described as done there looks to worsen even further. al-jazeera the united nations and application to restore electricity food and water services to the man lost island detention center and pappa new guinea has been rejected by its supremes court six hundred refugees are refusing to leave the formal australian run facility despite it being closed last week they say it's not safe for them to move to new accommodation in the local community as it for me for now back now to come all endo lovely thank you for that so few of your comments and questions coming through the contact details on screen for you while i go through them. who is this hussein on twitter at i j english said why did the prime minister of lebanon resign when he was in saudi arabia i think the short answer there is that he knows where his support is coming from it's an income from saudi arabia and then
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backed up by the fact that today he's traveled to the united arab emirates as well which is a very strong saudi ally as well so i hope that answers your question they also had a comment from america on twitter who said saudi arabia ought to end such rhetoric it's not helpful to achieving friendly relations with other countries please kingdom of saudi arabia don't start a war those kind they're on twitter at a.j. english you can reply to our tweets there pop a hashtag a j news group on as well went to facebook dot com says r.j. news group as well as the live stream where you can comment as you watch and the what's that number is plus nine seven four five zero one trip one for not coming up for a facebook live view with one eleven year old on a mission to bring lego to kids around the world you see that in a second and then also on the grid bringing aid to where it's needed most what humanitarian workers are doing to make sure health and supplies get through.
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hello it's been raining across the levant across iraq to iran the white top clades and i where it's still raining are a bit further north of the mountains up in azerbaijan not iran but the chances are we've got some rain further south into northern side going across iraq not a huge amount of first break through the winter rains now when they've gone the temperature can return to about middle twenty's but when it's raining and they come down a reasonable amount to what you might actually quite like twenty nine still the forecast in baghdad about twenty two in tehran in the green stuff of course is the showers here which might be as far south as kuwait but probably not it's probably still going to be dry here and further south throughout the arabian peninsula but we've got a quite a good breeze now as the northeast monsoon sets in following the southwest that tends to enhance the rain is certainly a good line to the somali coast but the whole is edging towards the amount of coast
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as well as you might get some rain in and southern yemen where these coastal yemen in the next day or so we see is a pretty big showers in south africa and the late spring we've got a few want to clouds here but to be honest most the time it's still big blue skies has very few showers around there's the raw or in the east. witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. we here to jerusalem bureau cover israeli palestinian affairs we cover the story
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with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we don't dip in and out of the story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman it's also very important to be a journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the united nations and global diplomacy for al-jazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks have been and what happens there matters.
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the headline philadelphia we're dot com and here is what's trending as well i haven't been filming a b. and b. consensus and so much to one park on the side story. i mean there's plenty online about sealed up on the but why is google celebrating pat. i don't know if i might read it myself like if there's something new you're looking for it too out of iraq com and what's trending. now your time on humanitarian workers have made it almost impossible for them to live to deliver much needed aid organizations including the international red cross and red crescent say in syria particularly and elsewhere humanitarian aid is being used
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actually as a weapon of war. has our report now from the turkish city of on polya where aid workers from one hundred and ninety countries are trying to find solutions to those challenges. yes. when people from conflict zones need to be taken to safety it's these workers and volunteers who get the job done this footage was shot by mohammed for can an aid worker who's been volunteering since high school a day in a job in syria means they go shooting with government representatives in armed groups and helping get the wounded to safety. but he says he's understood more about the chaos of war and the importance of being there in moments like this child is pointing to what appears to be a russian drone just hours after his whole family had been killed in an airstrike that came from that he thought that it was just a toy or something to get the answer turns it's what seems to be a noble task is not risk free more than one hundred humanitarian workers have been
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killed this year in conflicts worldwide syria has been a high risk area for more than six years and the war isn't over the government and armed groups have abused access to humanitarian aid. limited access to that area if you look at the medicine. i mean basically it's entered to that area this is what is. next is used as a people and that's one reason why fifteen hundred aid workers from around the world are in turkey delegates of the gathered here from hunger like these to try and figure out the best ways to tackle the challenges that humanitarian workers face and how best to carry out humanitarian work in parts of the spirit week of threats in the face not just from state but non-state actors from across the globe . with tight safety there's the constant risk of being manipulated by the different sides in the conflict it's hard question that you are asking but it is also a question which is more than one hundred fifty years old when the i.c.r.c.
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was founded this was exactly the debate in the nineteenth century the criticism that we would create an organization which would probably instead of abolishing war and i think today we are more aware in the situations that you described that. we. human and terry an imperative of helping people survive in the most difficult circumstances. with an increasingly polarized and expanding conflict. their job of making tough decisions keeps getting harder. and. so you saw in that reporters there peter mara who is the president of the international federation of the red cross and red crescent well the outgoing president actually i'm pleased to say we have got the newly elected one with us from rocca who is joining us from in turkey congratulations first of all sir thank
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you for joining us. that's a tough job that you've got if i can put it that way and i wonder how you feel about taking on this job in these times. we live in. of course is a huge responsibility the great donor i i tried to bring the voice of the volunteers the bring the voice of the people who every day part of a time a part of their life for. today family today friends today in order to take care of humanity this will be my duty and this is this is what i have done in the last year for the italian red cross that we continue to do at international level for is very important that the voice of the world on. bringing those needs.
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today to the most powerful of the this is this is our priority for us do you have speak of the volunteers do you have enough of them do you have a problem attracting volunteers who are willing to themselves into these situations . normally if you look for example an experience like in syria the number of volunteers as you increase despite the difficulties this by the challenges and despite the facts are there too many times they have been targeted because there is a lot of empathy in the human beings and there is still this capacity of course we must be able not only to attract but even to retain that building an accountable national society accountable organization in which they can feel respected and protected that. we do need this reporter all the actors but first of all we have to start in to build a. really transparent organization i'm just looking at
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a question here we broadcast this program on facebook live and some of our questions viewers i should say send and questions. and one of her regular viewers has made a point about so many things health care systems famine epidemics war affected civilians there are so many things what would you say is the most acute situation right now which you and your teams face. or you but you know you're touched. as we are having of course people on people on the move often he's the consequences of many day of the of the challenges that you have mentioned and that and this is the front line that i think about what we are doing and what we are facing in bangladesh. new town of six hundred thousand people are being built in only a few weeks people live in terrible condition and these are not. in our times and of course this is our front line which we are. our staff.
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is on the front line to provide. everything because they did they need everything. in that situation and we are very concerned for the agency for the good condition of this shield because fortunately we had to leave and we are doing our utmost to but the need is huge easy man's in there sometimes. we do feel that the international community is not doing enough. good luck to you in your new role thanks for joining us on news good. a year ago almost to the day talked around zero spoke to the outgoing president of the as you saw. and a big part of that discussion was about staying neutral in a conflict zone and indeed as you see the headline there talking to terrorists james by conducted that interview in november of twenty sixteen still very much relevant talk to up to zero in the documentary section no the show section actually
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zero dot com. moving on world leaders and scientists are meeting in germany of course for the annual u.n. climate change conference got twenty three and of course any number of things to discuss on the issue but rising sea levels extreme weather floods these are very topical think of all the recent us hurricane season and all that brought so that cities looking for ways to strengthen their defenses they are turning to the netherlands for the answers are has our report now from rotterdam. a city which at its lowest lies six meters below sea level has for centuries had to work out how to keep the people dry if you didn't know how to do it nowadays you wouldn't even notice the wall at the end of the bridge is actually a levee against flooding the road raised above the level of the houses to keep the water from the other side the spaces they used as basketball courts and open air theatres but they're also huge basins to capture rainwater the thing they figured
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out is how to make flood defenses work for cities we must add quality to the city and that's good and that can be done in an integrated way so you can choose for a concrete wall but you also can choose for. a landscape in the shape of a levee with lane on top of it and that's that's an end in quality but it's also creating more flexibility. to meet the netherlands was forced to address is geographic weakness in the one nine hundred fifty three when a huge storm pushed the north sea inland nearly two thousand people died they realized they had to do something enormous to protect the entire dutch seaboard this giant barrier is the first line of defense for rotterdam it's the dutch a full forty years after the great flood of nine hundred fifty three to complete the infrastructure necessary to keep the north sea out of the netherlands and of course river in rotterdam every day some of the projects are going on of course it's all underpinned by a belief that you have to work with the water rather than against it and of course
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the political will to make it happen. a stream in rotterdam the chinese are visiting being shown a pretty open space that's actually a flood place and they're impressed and want to copy it. because it's carefully designed we could use some of it in china we have already implemented some and we are hoping to work with the netherlands much more they are the only ones that the amsterdam was a conference thirty global may as a listening to the mayor of rotterdam tell them spending on prevention is far cheaper than having to evacuate their cities but if you do the math and you see the amount of money that you pay off in the aftermath to repair the damage there will be i think more money than we spent at prevention. building a resilient system of water defense. in a year when hoost and found itself in the water in the us president disavowed the powers claim it's a cold the overarching message is this even if you don't believe in climate change
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think of flood defense as a business opportunity the moment we deny we will die but the moment we embrace the opportunities also climate change brings us and we can see the added value for our environment our people but also the economy for many people the evidence of twenty seventeen is that the terrifying prospect of the sea taking over is beginning to come true the better news is that the duchesse figured out at least some of the answers and very many others are listening to lawrence li al jazeera role to them and look at another side to climate change or what have you got well the cause of it a cause of a lot of it pollution it's a major reason that climate change exists and that has other adverse effects as well as an especially bad day in delhi in india it struggling with its worst smog in twenty years take a look at this dark heavy gray smog it's not a blank screen and just screen is actually a city behind that it's
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a mixture of smoke ash and pollutants a million school children did not go to school on. thousands reported sick for work and there were long lines outside shops that were selling face masks the president of the indian medical association says that they are calling this a pollution epidemic and that people need to stay inside thousands online are using the hash tag smog to talk about this and this is one of the most popular posts at the moment just easy caption here what a selfie in delhi it looks like right now just whole bunch of grey smog we asked many of you in delhi to also take selfie style videos to let us know how the smog has impacted you this is what some of you had to say. hi this is the site from new delhi and as you can see the nice board is all over the city and it is very very harmful. for all of us here and advise that he has been issued by the government for all of us to stay home. if there is no
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necessity book outside and as you can see it's going to be. night in some time and. the situation is like this and whole city is suffering from this deadly smog. of egos and. one more piece i think you stand to hate and do something and it will be very difficult to live in the city it's. been like that. india ranks third in the world for pollution behind china and the united states and the difference between india and other countries is noticeable especially if you look at this picture taken by someone on twitter taking off in delhi on the left landing in hyderabad pakistan on the right quite a comparison many are also posting pictures of trees saying that there need to be
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more of them in the city this of course is not. a new problem delhi has been struggling with pollution for years in two thousand and fifteen delhi imposed a car restriction so private vehicles were only allowed on the roads on alternate days but is this enough we want to hear from you and whatever city you may be in especially if you're in india you can write me directly at leo or use the hash tag a genius grant of the thank you cuttings now on of the most popular forms of entertainment for children and grown ups can i just say they can be cute they can be funny they can be educational but in the past month chinese children have been watching an online cartoon launched by the state run chinese society of education what it's aiming to do is prepare young people for what the government says is a growing espionage threat adrian brown takes us through that now from beijing. well on the face of it this appears to be quite a sinister development national security now part of a child's education in china
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a pilot scheme has been operating in several cities including beijing in which children are being encouraged to do their bit for national security in one video a child watches as his father attempts to email photographs of chinese rule ships going overseas magazine just as the grandfather charges in ranting and raving about foreign spies what are spies and your child spies says the grandfather of people who are sent to collect information on us in times of peace they can harm china's development in the times of war they can lead to our computer dying if it is a reminder of a similar campaign that took place a year ago when posters was all over beijing showing for a man trying to seduce a chinese woman to persuade her to spy for him now online there's been quite a bit of chatter about this some people say this latest campaign is
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a throwback to the cultural revolution when friends and relatives were encouraged to spy on people they believed to be counter revolutionaries it is a further reminder that under xi jinping national security remains a priority interesting is never quits made its way to you tube as well so we had a troll through the comments section with a mandarin speaker and actually picked out a few. it's interesting to see how sort of outspoken vocal people were they said i wouldn't be surprised with this one comment i wouldn't be surprised if we had another cultural revolution we are steering backwards in history another one the safest country is also the most dangerous country everyone's a cop everyone's a spy and one more here it's nonsense that normal citizens can find spies this is just a prelude for everyone to spy on and tip off neighbors friends and relatives. right stuart really interesting maybe you've got a view on that do get in touch with us hash tag a.j. news grid as ever still ahead for you on the grid combining the old with the new here in doha our groundbreaking library opening today mixing books with
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a whole lot of technology.
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now the humble. keeper of the written word and one of the last bastions of silence or so it was cut as new national library opens here in doha this tuesday and books are really just one part of it i think computer kids own coffee a music studio there is almost no chance of a place like that being quiet but as matheson found out that seems to be the point
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when emotions are reduced to him oh geez and a handful of tweeted letters scattered across the internet can inspire the world or plunge it into despair words have weight and print is still powerful if you recall that the first word in the qur'an is read i think that that's really going to be leading the people to use this library to operate and to understand the resources in a region in a country that has a long tradition of loving the written words this is qatar's new national library these shelves can hold around one point two million books racks of history fiction and reference sit alongside computer music studios three d. printers stages for musical and feared her performances and on a lower floor out of direct sunlight ancient texts for researchers to study. this is the heritage library it's got over twenty six thousand printed books over
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four thousand nine use scripts it's got over thirty thousand photographs and over twelve hundred moms but the staff here at the library know that if they wanted to be a success they have to appeal to a different type of reader as well children to do that they're banishing what used to be a basic requirement in libraries silence we think of our library as. a noisy place so it's a noisy children's library and we encourage children to express themselves however they feel we believe in learning through play and this is why you can find a lot of toys here in the library that supported their cognitive development in addition to their love of reading. since the one nine hundred seventy s. economy has been driven by its vast oil and gas reserves but eventually those will start to shrink the new qatar national library is part of a plan to move the economy to one based largely on knowledge and education but this
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is a tremendous investment and it's an investment not just in this building but it's an investment in education and research for the country i think it's got a huge role to play in creating the next generation of of readers students and we hope leaders too for the staff of the new national library the printed word either real or in cyberspace is key to qatar's future rob matheson al-jazeera with a visit i would think summer's here to talk sports what's all this. park or are you familiar with no not at all well thinks by the men mario and intended as. far as a battle going on over the control of one of the world's most dynamic street sports park or it's a discipline that were actually it's run climb and pull off acrobatic moves as they make their way through an obstacle course now the first ever park or world cup series event just finished in john to china it was staged by the international
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domestics federation the f.i.d. who are trying to push for the sport to be part of the olympics now critics of the f i say the body has no historical connection with park or and it's trying to hijack it to for its own gain leading the fight against them is park or earth a group federations who are against the sport being part of the olympics and who say they represent its grassroots and heritage well the international gymnastics federation failed earlier this year to get parco to the twenty twenty elim pics in tokyo expected to make a fresh bid to be at paris twenty twenty four and have responded to critics who feel they have no business being involved in park or from its original in france park or has now spread around the world the park in gaza started a decade ago in the khan yunis refugee camp after youngsters viewed clips on you
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tube this is a group of palestinian children used in damaged buildings there to practice their moves. well in pick international federation may lead to reaching new tears for the development strategy while complying with the philosophy and culture of earlier today it represents if that from both of the sides wrangling over control of parco met and those on switzerland and why the international gymnastics federation declined our invitation to comment the man leading the protests against them a u g m a no good joins us live from. eugene first of all why are you on the happy that the gymnastics federation are getting involved in promoting palko when it's very clear from our point of view from member national federations point of view no small community point of view gymnastics has no connection or lineage. or is not gymnastics is an independent sovereign sport that has been developed over
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the last two decades in various parts of the world and as you've outlined on your own report it's spreading very very rapidly across across the globe in terms of but eugene wouldn't you say like parco you're saying it's not a sport but if it takes part of the lympics games it will give it a perfect platform to gain popularity and maybe funding as well. just to clarify parco is a small price not just a small it's much much more than that. it is a discipline it is a philosophy for some people in terms of that and as an example the sport of park or the part merrily noncompetitive practice of the sport park or has been recognised in the united kingdom as a sport its own right and our member national federation pocket u.k. has been recognised by the various sports councils and the government as the national federation for that sport so it's very clear that. and i use that term
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collectively for park or for running an auto department as it may well be known in various parts of the world. is a separate sovereign sport in its own right that's been very clear from the communications that come out from. member federations and also from various parts of the international community that i've received letters of support for pocket position and also letters. stating that they have concerns fundamental legitimate and substantiate concerns around figs encouragement intercompany separate small agent did you have anything in your meeting. we've been lobbying the. fig for a number of months to have a meeting and we're grateful that they finally facilitated a meeting we've had some robust dialogue today unfortunately of reach a point reached the point of there isn't any consensus there because we're just
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a completely different points of where were out. there was some frank discussions as part of the spark that today then we'll have to see what the future brings into in terms of the. executive you know thank you very much for that. thank you now all. news for the discipline has appeared in other forms of for many decades have a look at this vintage clip. doing some crazy moves in monte and thirty new york city other versions of the sport to a developed beisel just doing a course training where you can tell us what you think about talk or tweet me at santa on the school back for more about eighteen g.m.t. but for now i had you back to come on thank you santa reminds me of that program. like an obstacle everyone in my. well it'll do for this newsgroup if you want to
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get in touch with there. but we're up and running on sunday but look for the call outs on twitter we do you can reply to this right with the hashtag you keep an eye out for those facebook dot com. not just for the live stream but plenty of extra content going up there as well what's up and running. comments questions. meanwhile we will see you back here in studio four fifteen hundred. expect.
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november on al-jazeera. in a historic visit the pope will travel to me in my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the i had. a new six part series about extraordinary lives of the common people from across to new zealand. as the u.s. backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bonn to restate that commitment. from the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories and award winning film. as tensions on the korean peninsula remain high president trump in a box in a five nation tour to east asia november on al-jazeera.
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for twenty three years musson has collected objects he finds along the coast. enough to fill his museum enough to break a guinness world record. with a story for every object has become an environmental activist and inspired artist and a voice for the plight of countless migrants. such as at this time on al-jazeera . saudi arabia ratchets up its rhetoric against iran accusing it of direct military aggression through yemen.


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