tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera November 8, 2017 12:00pm-12:34pm AST
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oh i'm adrian finnigan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the u.s. calls for fairness and transparency to saudi arabia carries out its anticorruption drive. sexual harassment scandals ministerial slip ups and stalled breaks it talks what's next for britain's embattled government. and hash tag two hundred eighty characters why twitter is doubling its one hundred forty character limit and what it means for the social media platform. u.s. president on the trump has arrived in beijing with a message for china's president xi jinping get tough on north korea early a truncated speech in seoul where he called out china and russia by name to put pressure on pyongyang the president also called on north korea not to underestimate
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the u.s. today i hope i speak not only for our countries but for all civilized nations when i say to the north do not underestimate us and do not try this we will not allow american cities to be threatened with destruction we will not be intimidated lived out of beijing al-jazeera is a dream brown is one of the chinese going to make of what donald trump was saying in south korea on north korea adrian. well i think given trump's language in the past they will see his comments in south korea as actually being quite measured there was a strong warning there from president come to north korea but no warning of imminent war and i think what china will be hoping for is the language can remain restrained joining the talks between president xi jinping and president front which
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will take place on thursday after the official welcoming ceremony at the great hall of the people the chinese like diplomacy to be conducted in a sort of cold deal convivial way they don't like you know fist being banged on the table they don't like yelling like diplomacy to be conducted as i say in a very quiet way china i think has been yielding in some respects to the united states we have seen a number of concessions actually during the past few months china has taken efforts to try to freeze north korea out of its financial system but the united states still believes the chinese companies are enabling business with north korea and i think what worries china is that potentially the united states could perhaps sanction a chinese bank and what worries the chinese unsettles the chinese is that one of their big five banks could be locked out of the u.s. financial system which of course would be
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a financial disaster for that particular bank so yes i think we're trying to see during these talks where the two sides can try and find some common ground it's very important that the president xi and president trunk get along together because the decisions they make will ultimately of course affect all of us around the world but certainly north korea will be the dominant theme during their talks president from believes that china can do more china insists that it's actually done enough and behind the scenes i think president xi will be saying to trump look you know we have been trying quiet diplomacy for the past few weeks there have been no nuclear or miss. tests carried out by north korea that is proof perhaps that the diplomacy is perhaps beginning to work president trump was very critical of china on the campaign trail before coming to office a year ago what else are they likely to be discussing.
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well they're going to be of course discussing trade and that huge trade imbalance between the united states and china china still exports far more to the united states than the united states takes from china but complicating all of that is the fact that president trump launched a number of months ago an investigation into chinese trade practices the fact that american companies here in china are being forced often to hand over their intellectual property sensitive data in order to gain access to the china market and the united states president is saying that simply is not on we want our tech companies to have greater access to the china market you know facebook and twitter are still locked out of china crump wants to addressed but i think his hope that the united states is going to get the sort of access it wants to china's market is going to be full on that is not going to happen as a result of this visit and certainly the trade balance is not going to be reduced significantly as
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a result of this visit i think what you will see adrian is that china will announce a few orders it will announce that it's going to invest in the united states it's going to create jobs i think especially in the energy field that will give president from something to tweet about and he'll leave china perhaps a happier man adrian many thanks adrian brown their lives in beijing. the u.s. state department has called for transparency in saudi arabia's anti corruption drive dozens of prominent saudi businessmen and princes were detained over the weekend as part of an investigation led by crown prince mohammed bin solomon but as was lynn jordan reports now from washington critics see the detentions as a move to consolidate power in the kingdom. the saudi government has been very busy lately and it has foreign leaders and financial chiefs trying to figure out why on november fourth king solomon put his heir apparent in charge of a nationwide corruption crackdown crown prince mohammed bin saleh then ordered the
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arrests of numerous prominent saudis including relatives such as the billionaire investor prince waleed bin there now being held at the ritz carlton. president donald trump applauded the arrests on twitter saying the king and the crown prince quote know exactly what they're doing some of those they are harshly treating have been milking their country for years even so the u.s. is calling on the kingdom to follow saudi law we encourage them and i just want to say this one more time to pursue any possible prosecution or corruption cases in a fair and transparent manner however the u.s. says riyadh did not tell it the arrests were coming it also says no one expected lebanese prime minister saad how do you date to resign on the same day your speculation the saudis pressured to quit in order to send a message to the group hezbollah and to its supporter iran riyadh's regional rival
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the united states strongly supports the legitimate institutions in the lebanese state we expect all members of the international community to respectfully those institutions in the sovereignty and the political and independence of lebanon we do regard as as you all know has fallen to be a terrorist nation the arrests and the political changes in lebanon calm has been solid increases his role in the government he backs the saudi led war against the who these in yemen and the ongoing blockade against got some wonder whether all this could ruin the crown prince's plans to diversify the oil based economy they also wonder if the trumpet ministration which like saudi arabia doesn't like iran might be too supportive of bin solids actions i was advising the president i would say maybe this is the time to use some of that influence he built up with your successful trips to the region your good friendships to try and put the brakes on and stop what the saudis are doing as it happens the president's son in law gary cushion a recently visited saudi arabia white house official suggested it was to discuss
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peace efforts between the israelis and the palestinians it would be interesting to know if the saudis own foreign policy came up during those same discussions. rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington was ruslan reported that the billionaire investor prince i'll believe bin talal is among those who were detained ten days before he was targeted in that corruption crackdown he expressed his support for saudi's crown prince in the u.s. media interviews. and for support of it yes and the fact is being right now saudi arabia is in a mix of a major overhaul and change on all fronts economic and financial social entertainment and even political so really. we always heard about the so-called arab spring in certain other countries so this is our version our saudi version of arab spring our piece for. out of spring so what's happening right now is that the evolution frankly speaking i use it aboard this evolution is happening right now
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a very peaceful one in saudi arabia russia has rejected the findings of a un inquiry into a chemical attack in syria in april un investigators concluded that the syrian government was responsible for the use of sarin gas in the rebel held town of concha koon more than eighty people died many of them children examine the movements of aircraft the bomb crater and samples of the sarin gas the british aid minister pretty brutal has reportedly canceled a trip to africa and is returning to london amid accusations that she discussed secret deals with israel the u.k. government is struggling to contain a series of scandals that threaten to further weaken prime minister to resign may his leadership leave barca reports. the british prime minister had promised a strong and stable government to lead britain out of europe the recent weeks have been anything but teresa mayes battling a string of crises some with grave implications for more than just the government.
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a blunder by the foreign secretary boris johnson could see one british woman imprisoned in iran have her sentence doubled as the danes the gari radcliffe has been jailed for five years accused of spreading propaganda about the regime johnson complicated matters by claiming she'd been teaching journalism in the country so gary radcliffe had worked for the b.b.c. and thomson reuters foundation but insisted her trip to iran had been a family visit. everybody in this house wants to see is now salute the gari release johnson is now planning to travel to iran before the end of the year. another scandal involves international development secretary priti patel she was forced to apologize after holding twelve secret meetings with a sarabi officials including prime minister benjamin netanyahu all while she was meant to be on a family holiday it's believed she suggested summer britain's aid budget go to the israeli army to help injured syrians being treated in military hospitals the
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political establishment is also been engulfed in a sexual harassment scandal that forced the resignation of defense secretary michael file and is it right because you're investigating the deputy prime minister damian green teresa mayes closest allies also been accused of sexual harassment and of having extreme pornography on his computer he denies the claims under normal circumstances these areas where the may deliberately or not could be grounds for dismissal for breach of this the ministerial code the governs m.p.'s conduct and behavior it's currently under review but of course these are normal times to reason may have very few close allies left were ever you look you see a political crisis sometimes there was sexual harassment sometimes there were secret bilateral deals sometimes to do with their own gaffes and ineptitude and so the kind of statements that they put out you were looking at their sort of only scam they were that is hitting the government day after day after day and those who
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are loaded to reason may already very very few. you slipping away watching all of this from brussels where breaks it talks are at a standstill the leaders of the e.u. the view from europe's of a british government sinking deeper into turmoil and of barca al-jazeera london. deposed catalan leader ahmad has vowed to fight to regain his region's autonomy he made his first public appearance in spain issued an international arrest warrant for him to push what is in belgium fighting attempts to extradite him as john howard explains. from his place of exile in the heart of europe catalonia used to post leader carlos preached to mark is using every platform he can to issue an election call to arms the word independence hardly appears but. spain has carried out a coup d'etat against the legitimate government our colleagues who are now in prison have been subject to mao treatment by the spanish authorities and spain must
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now respond to international justice. the change of tone reflects how much and how fast things have changed for the independence movement probably independence is going to have a secondary role i mean this doesn't mean that people are going to forget what happened the last month but at the same time in their minds of the politicians are now also the whole society we are starting to think about this process as something that you need more time in other to to make the underpinnings of the neo con trip that new country now under the thumb of central government the independent republic they proclaim less than two weeks ago has been stand the most urgent task now lifting direct rule by madrid restoring catalonia is autonomy before deciding what to do next much will depend on the far left coupe party supporters of independents and previously kingmakers in parliament who may yet decide to boycott all disrupt
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december's election but here too the tone has changed. are people aware that this is very difficult right now yes but people are also aware that the way to achieve our sovereignty is with the republic. it does seem that those who support independence in catalonia are beginning to accept that their dream remains a distant one journal al-jazeera barcelona a weather update next year on to zero then us democrats rally in support in local elections we look at what implications that could have for the republican president and a former philippines president is facing corruption charges will tell you why. hello
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it's been raining heavily in sumatra singapore southern thailand recently we've now tropical depression four when they see if you can spot it not easy but the amount of rain is hundred ninety minute wait is on the edge of sumatra in twenty four hours obviously flash flooding territory there's more rain to come in this general area but it is easing if anything the circulation to the south they all notice and it's off land but the still potential for heavy rain i think in somewhere like java or northern borneo that looks like the place to concentrate on with the sweeping circulation the south and by a bangle suggesting is still active here as well not will sweep into northern sumatra very big showers yesterday in queens and you can just see them disappearing destructed stuff but that's all quiet and down the next systems on its way through right harvell straight it looks more cloud than rain occasional thunderstorms might happen the temps differences obviously twenty nine hours a forecast for a cloudy adelaide and twenty one in melbourne
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a happy slow rise in temperatures say for sydney not much more in brisbane all the time person joining more or less sunny weather middle twenty's and this is the forecast now for friday it still looks warm in adelaide and even better for melbourne that's a ten degree rise in two days enjoy your early bit of summer. ambitious endeavor to create drought proof crops amazing to think that the plan b. so i hear that in the. heat and international efforts to combat the pests that threaten me so they bring in there's the. obvious just like a doctor might see a prescription you're doing the same thing you're writing a prescription for the farmer and six blows inspiring advances towards farming for the future. al-jazeera.
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hello again the top stories this hour on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump is meeting china's leader xi jinping in beijing u.s. and chinese foreign side nine billion dollars in deals as the president began his visit trade talks and tension with north korea will bail the agenda with the two leaders sit down talks later. the u.s. state department has called for transparency in saudi arabia's anti-corruption drive dozens of prominent saudi businessmen and princes were detained over the weekend as part of the investigation led by crown prince private but. the belgian and spanish governments are expected to answer questions of a cattle at the cattle and crisis on wednesday
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a day after the posed leader. made his first appearance as he fights extradition to spain over that succession crisis he told supporters that he would continue to fight to regain capital odious autonomy. thousands of protesters have rallied in central kiev in support of opposition leader mikhail saakashvili the former georgian president announced plans to reform the ukrainian political system and to remove politicians immunity from criminal prosecution of his supporters called for president petro poroshenko to step down and for anticorruption call to be established. that the elections in several u.s. states with two new governors elected along with several big city mayors at least say that the results are a test of president donald trump's popularity and may determine whether the republicans will hold on to their senate and house majority in next year's midterms mike hanna reports from virginia. the new governor of virginia is democratic ralph
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northam it's a major victory in a state where republicans hold a two to one majority in the legislature a blow to republican candidate. who received strong support from president trump and a warning to republicans that the democrats threat could intensify in the crucial midterm elections next year. comes in a. different. republican campaign has been run at a grassroots level taking a leaf out of the trump playbook that led to his victory a year ago. that election indicated an antipathy among voters to traditional political leaders and in this campaign organizers maintained it was necessary to campaign on issues not individuals who are really surprisingly i just campaigning for it like the republicans were democrats and were just saying please go on like
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what you believe in the single issues and i think people are really encouraged by that because they're seeing we execute the issues and not just the person it was the democrats too focused on energizing the voter base working on a bottom up rather than top down print. simple gathering support. some more. there is no doubt that this democratic challenge is very different from those in the past and the virginia state elections two years ago more than forty republican candidates were unopposed this year democrats are contesting all but twelve of the seats this is a massive increase in political participation republicans maintain control of the state legislature but democrats made inroads into their majority people are talking about this is a wave alumni me tell you this is
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a tsunami was an indication perhaps of lessons have been learned from the massive defeat suffered a year ago and a sign that public support from the sitting president could prove to be a political curse mike hanna al-jazeera virginia well as mike said their president trump an initially had supported the losing republican candidate in virginia now though he appears to be distancing himself before the result was known trumper tweeted edulis be will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of the m s thirteen and crime will be gone vote today a.s.a.p. but don't appear to change his mind in a tweet a few hours later saying that jill s.p. worked hard but didn't embrace me or what i stand for. the un's international labor organization will decide whether to follow up on complaints about the treatment of migrant workers in qatar last week katz announced plans to introduce minimum wage
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and to allow the monitoring of labor practices by trained inspectors it's also expected that cattle will sign a bilateral agreement with the un making it the first gulf nation to do so let's take you live to geneva shall is there so what exactly is being discussed at this meeting and is this complaint against cattle likely to be upheld. well there are two main. points to today's meeting which is about to convene in the next half an hour or so the first is the international labor organization will be deciding on of complaints that were filed by eleven different workers against couplet with regard to workers' rights that's been ongoing now for a couple of years this investigation by the united nations looking into it what we understand although it hasn't been officially decided however is that these complaints will be dismissed after the house investigated the way in which qatar
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has attempted to revamp and change and improve the. lives and laws governing workers in the country and therefore will dismiss these claims as far as we understand which is pretty significant considering the amount of bad press that has had throughout the past couple of years particularly with regards to workers' rights and laws as the spotlight increased on the high with regards to the build up to the twenty twenty two world cup so as far as part that is concerned this will be a vindication that its government has indeed been taking the right steps towards improving the life of migrant workers who currently number in the hundreds of thousands in credit all right so what is actually going on with the labor situation in cattle at the moment we talked about this you mentioned the did you labor laws the minimum wage that's been brought in. well that is something very significant timing for a gulf country to introduce minimum wage is something unheard of and specially when
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it's something to do with when it's a minimum wage that will be implemented on foreign workers they all have minimum wages for their own nationals in order to ensure that their g.d.p. is always amongst the highest in the world but for them to actually take this step to introduce minimum wage for foreign migrant workers that is something that is being welcomed across the board but on top of that there is. one of a kind deal that's going to be signed between. being represented by its labor minister here which will put in place what they're call these technical agreements this technical agreement will put in place a procedure for the ilo to have constant access to labor sites to have constant access to the way in which labor laws are governed so that in the future particularly as these projects these massive infrastructure projects continue if there are any complaints be it's by individuals or by rights organizations they can go directly to the ilo in order to ensure that things are rectified so it is pretty
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significant turn for the better as far as these organizations are concerned jamal many thanks indeed in geneva. an anticorruption body in the philippines has filed criminal charges against former president but he no kino he's accused of mishandling a twenty fifteen police raid with forty four commandos died they were killed by a large number of rebel gunman who were the targets of the raise the killer is accused of allowing a suspended police chief to be involved in the planning of the operation he's facing charges of misuse of authority as well as graft and corruption juggle a dog and is following developments below. just like most filipino politicians a former president preferred working with close friends and close allies and at that time the former police chief of police e-mail was in fact suspended over charges but he was present at a meeting when the mammoth sap and the raid was planned thereby bypassing the
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hierarchy of the philippine military and the battalion commanders on the ground in magen don now that was a major error for president benigno aquino that had very grave consequences it weakened his leadership his popularity and caused this integration of the liberal party that eventually led in a way to the victory of president would be good to tary did it also cause the delay of the peace deal with the very important rebel group in mindanao the more islamic liberation front the raid happened at m.i.l.f. there retore gore videos of how the special action forces were killed that had actually turn public opinion against the war islamic liberation front and the bangsamoro piece the i'm in a until now that peace process remains pending it also in many ways caused a rift between the philippine military and the philippine national police a senate inquiry was in fact presented it was live on television that actually helped. the public actually see just how reckless this decision has been however
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this case has been downgraded it is bailable by about a thousand dollars this has been down. graded he has now been charged over asser patient of his chain of command which is a question really because he is was in fact the president then and he had the story as to who it should be a science so he's unlikely to go to jail anytime soon twitter is doubling the one hundred forty character limit that means that longer tweets for those who struggle to condense their message on the micro-blogging site the company announced the changes will be effective immediately and i hope start reforms. have you ever struggled to write a tweet in just one hundred forty characters and would a few actual letters help you express yourself better that sentence was the length of a standard tweet one hundred forty characters now though twitter has doubled the number of characters available to its millions of users to two hundred eighty characters
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twitter said that those who tweeted in languages like japanese korean and chinese were able to express themselves in around double the amount of information with a single character compared to uses who spoke in english spanish portuguese or french the carriage expansion follows a series of trials by twitter during which product managers notice longer tweets so more likes retreats and using gauge went but is this twitter expansion a sign of a crisis of identity in one sense yes it changes twitter in another sense it doesn't i think the biggest issue that surprised a lot of people though is this is where twitter is putting its energy in truth twitter is facing stiff competition in the social media world set up in two thousand and six twitter currently counts three hundred thirty million users but this pales in comparison to the new kid on the block instagram which has more than twice the number with eight hundred million uses but this pales in comparison to
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the king of the social media world facebook has around two billion uses its hopes the twitches evolution will help attract more users and increase growth unlike twitter facebook is considered more accessible because of its lack of constraints but that doesn't twitter's most chronicled user donald trump since election november two thousand and sixteen the us president has tweeted two thousand four hundred sixty one times and as of tuesday including retreats and deleted tweets this adds up to on average about six to seven tweets per day had a hawk's there. there is plenty more video along with the latest news out of the us is at the web site take a look at monza zero dot com. it's
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good to have you with us adrian filling in here in doha the top stories on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump is meeting china's leader xi jinping in beijing the u.s. and chinese firms signed nine billion dollars in deals as the president began his visit trade talks and tensions with north korea will be on the agenda when the two leaders sit down for talks later the u.s. state department has called for transparency in saudi arabia's anti corruption drive dozens of prominent saudi businessmen and princes were detained over the weekend as part of an investigation led by crown prince mohammed bin solomon the billionaire investor princella believe bin talal is among those who were detained just ten days before he was targeted in that corruption crackdown he expressed his support for the saudi crown prince in the u.s. t.v. interview. i'm for support of it yes and the fact is being right now saudi arabia is in a mix of a major overhaul and change on all fronts economic and financial social entertainment and you know political so really. we always heard about the so-called
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arab spring in certain other countries so this is our version our saudi version of arabs being our peaceful. out of spring so what's happening now is that the evolution frankly speaking i would use it. it's happening right now a very peaceful one in saudi arabia russia has rejected the findings of a un inquiry into a chemical attack in syria in april un investigators concluded the syrian government was responsible for the use of sarin gas in the rebel held town of can shake hoon more than eighty people died many of them children the british aid minister pretty patel has reportedly canceled her trip to africa and is returning to london amid accusations that she discussed secret deals with israel its national development secretary has apologized for an unauthorized meeting with israel's pm prime minister rather benjamin netanyahu in august one of a family holiday at least four people have been killed in an explosion at
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a turkish paint factory it happened in the northwestern bursar province a gas build up in a generator is being blamed sami said and is here with the news out for you in a little over twenty five minutes on al-jazeera right after earthrise next. germany is hosting this is climate talks the president from those united states out of the paris agreement what enough of the global efforts to tackle climate change in depth analysis on live reports from the climate conference in bonn and from the frontlines of global warming climate s.o.s. on does he get out. the big.
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