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tv   Episode 1  Al Jazeera  November 9, 2017 9:00am-10:00am AST

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at this time on al jazeera. for twenty three years musson has collected objects he finds along the coast. enough to pull his museum enough to break a guinness world record. with the story for every object he's become an environmental activist and inspired artist and a voice for the plight of countless michael. much music such as this time on al-jazeera. over the problem and holler the headlines on al-jazeera u.s. president donald tom says hey and has chinese counterpart believe it as
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a solution to the north korea crisis called on china to apply more pressure on young and one of its nuclear weapons program but he said there is common ground on how to deal with it we agreed on the need to fully implement all u.n. security council resolutions or north korea and to increase economic pressure until north korea abandons its reckless and dangerous path all responsible nations must join together to stop arming and financing and even trading with. the murderous north korean regime. well earlier the two leaders announced a two hundred fifty three billion dollars in business deals between u.s. and chinese companies donald trump said the u.s. trade deficit with china was one sided and unfair and vowed to fix it step lassen
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has more from beijing. the united states and china have actually signed an amazing amount of trade deals of two hundred fifty billion u.s. dollars and of course that could be seen as a sort of trade off on the north korea issue which is a lot more difficult to solve here in china because china of course is very worried about the rejean mccall laps of north korea and what the consequences could be here in china so there has been designing of a lot of trade deals to maybe compensate for this donald trump also in a in a business summit which was held before this press conference mentioned again then the relationship with china has not been fear and there needs to be something done about it is the intellectual property theft should be dealt with technology transfers have to be improved businesses should be done should be accepted and getting more and trance into china all these things should be done but then he said
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i don't blame china for this very interestingly he said i can't blame a country whose sticking benefit of the mistakes basically of another country said it was my breeder who have made this relationship with china so so so wrong and so one sided so we basically was flattering president xi jinping even when he was criticizing him the un has been on the coalition it will cause the world's worst famine in decades unless it lifts a blockade on yemen fuel and food prices have skyrocketed since saudi arabia stopped imports. unless those measures are lifted and five particular steps that i'm going to run through are taken. there will be a famine in yemen. he will not be like the family in that. we saw in south sudan earlier in the year where tens of thousands of people were
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affected he will not be like the family in which cost two hundred fifty thousand people their lives in somalia in twenty eleven. it will be the largest famine in the world to see for many decades with millions of victims the u.k.'s international development secretary has resigned after it was revealed she failed to disclose meetings with israeli officials while on holiday she is the second minister to quit this week so his army as well as militia from iraq have encircled and entered the eyesore controlled town of al bookham are located on syria's border with iraq and is isis last urban area and the region this video released by prosser going to government media shows fighting in the surrounding area on saturday. papa new guinea's government has told six hundred refugees in a defunct australian run prison camp that they have until saturday to leave
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a stray or close the facility last month for the refugees say they're too afraid for their safety to move out when you're going to as prime minister is warning the ringleaders of the demonstration maybe from simply removed amnesty international has criticized that warning saying the men must get access to eight. digital dissidents is coming up next.
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at the moment we are in a state of universally deception i took an oath to support for the constitution taken out support and fed us a good start and did something that was important and was for a week act to call these people super heroes it is not so good because it shuts them up. for some people they are super heroes for others simply traitors whistleblowers like daniel ellsberg thomas drake william binney and would snowden. hackers and activists like the wiki leaks founder julian assange and the former british secret service agent an emotional they want to support the complete surveillance of our society they oppose intelligence agencies governments and corporations and for this they are threatened hounded and imprisoned. why are they
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so committed to what drives them. to. san francisco california. the cradle of our modern day. puter industry home to creative technicians and visionaries hackers and whistleblowers. in a suburb of san francisco lives the godfather of all whistleblowers. daniel ellsberg . and probably the only whistleblower that i know of who can make a living as a lecture because i'm the one who was put on trial for a hundred fifteen years i'm the one who isn't involved in the president being resigning because of his crimes against me so he made me notorious enough.
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that i can make a living here who actually. studied economics science at harvard in the one nine hundred fifty s. after graduating he enrolled like many fellow whistleblowers in the military. and of. you she courage here all right and you have a conventional sure high courage you've been trained for you've been disciplined for but you see it it happens you have the training works and people are risking their bodies and they're really. every minute. at the end of the one nine hundred sixty s. ellsberg worked at the u.s. embassy in vietnam. he became known by publishing the secret pentagon papers which proved that the us president had lied to the american
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public about the vietnam war for years. ellsberg decided to make the documents public after meeting peace activists who had refused the draft. i would not have thought of doing it if i didn't have the example of many many people . who are going to prison for nonviolent resistance to the craft. in one nine hundred sixty nine ellsberg began smuggling parts of the pentagon papers out of the government agency he worked for and copy them over the following months. a total of seven thousand pages of secret documents. in march one nine hundred seventy one he passed the documents to the new york times who eventually printed them. ellsberg surrendered himself and was charged with theft and unauthorized possession of pentagon material.
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the trial collapsed when it came to light that nixon and illegally wiretapped ellsberg. and agents had broken into his psychiatry ists office. ellsberg thereafter remained a free man. if they arrest me or indict me then i will say it was only me. patricia day next to me didn't cooperate. so happens and she i couldn't figure out why she wasn't indicted by the way because she had done the right to copy. her free card her fragrance folded paper or here i thought it was because she didn't want such a beautiful woman sitting next to me at the defense table in front of the jury.
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i would advise people now not to do what i did to reveal themselves if they can avoid it. i reveal myself for the same reason you know dear. essentially we knew that other people would be suspected and maybe even charged with cancer consentual evidence against. people who might look more more guilty than you did. in a way i would rather take the risks of democracy and the risks or should. mr daniel ellsberg.
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we have a third analyst who will be joining us from russia one of the one of my real heroes and i think many people in this room many people in the hacker community many people in america. edward snowden welcome. thank you. more than forty years after daniel ellsberg n.s.a. employee edward snowden emerges as a whistleblower in the usa now has a new public enemy number one. thanks to manning and now to you and getting more favorable publicity. in forty years is already had. because suddenly people who were all for putting me in prison for life before now realize that i was really a very good guy i was the. i was the good whistleblower and so i'm i'm totally
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of course i rejected this from the beginning that i didn't want to be a foil for. showing a badly to people that i totally admired there was a moment of hope x. hobart's conference in july in new york city. ellsberg. i was having a live conversation with snowden we have a front as america and as members of the global community and know the broad outlines of government policies that have a significant impact on lives and i think that's something that tom grant showed me how to do the right way. there was a moment where he said. very clearly very distinctly that i showed him the right way. i had always hope that it's now become a law. thomas drake served during the cold war in europe in the one nine hundred
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eighty s. with the u.s. air force which included work as a signals analyst on spy planes hoovering the soviet union so my day job is reconnaissance orbiter country. and then my my life was computers. this was it was a vast world that you're now you gave you both as a person but in your very quickly you have these both of yours dial you know chaos . gallagher's all that were. in the one nine hundred ninety s. drake worked as a software developer for the cia in september two thousand and one he was hired as a senior analyst by the n.s.a. . my first ever job as nine eleven we were working you know sixteen eighteen hour days i mean it was that those four months after nine eleven are a blur because as it was just. your network we recognized that this was
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a significant event in history. whatever you got in the fight whatever you got the labs we need it whatever tools you can use to prosecute those behind. nine eleven. do it. i was selected as the designated senior executive and say the lead up that effort to find anything we had to fight and so i did and that's where i brought to the attention of others tools techniques programs things are in the lab things are pilots things that were being dissed testbed the mantra that went out from n.s.a. by general hayden he kept going around saying we just need to make americans feel safe again feel safe even out banners. and i discovered during those first couple three weeks after nine eleven all this information that we as you imagine
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was pouring in after nine eleven literally being use to monitor and survey well and intercept u.s. domestic communications on an extraordinarily broad scale. i was finding this out within days of nine eleven and others were coming to me saying what are we doing top. among the snowden documents were figures for the u.s. secret service budget. since september eleventh they supposedly doubled by twenty five billion to fifty two billion u.s. dollars in two thousand and thirteen. the surveillance programs continued to metastasize they continue expand it in ways that still have not been fully revealed. and this became sort of the collect all mindset mentality what does that lead to well yes you.
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you have these other interesting arrangements with certain internet providers and telecommunication concerns it's a temptation is are enormous and it's like a you know give us access or back in or open it up and that's what happened i mean and now you're seeing a lot of this unfold. the national security agency n.s.a. for short the largest foreign intelligence agency in the usa has been responsible for the worldwide monitoring of electronic communications since one thousand nine hundred fifty two. some of the thirty five thousand employees weren't comfortable with the massive expansion of surveillance in september eleventh. all of the colleagues that i knew which was just a handful bill binnie ed loomis kirk we chose to retire from the n.s.a. . in late october two thousand and one they realize what was happening they could not stand by and see the subversion of the constitution and all the work that they
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had done being used for mass surveillance they left the agency i begged them to stay i chose to remain and fight from with it as long as i could i got mad at them you know so i my my objective was that counterattack i don't believe in defense you know just sitting back and being defensive i mean you have to get out there and attack so that's what i started doing that was my point it's time to attack so basically was a declaration of war. against my government. william binney mathematician and programmer initially worked for the n.s.a. as an analyst then later as the technical director of the secret service. as the boss of a six thousand strong team he developed a wiretap program that anonymously filtered and processed large volumes of data.
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by trying to do the the right thing right after nine eleven trying to make a contribution that would make a difference they refused to accept it so it was basically blocked that there was nothing i could do they would accept nothing from me the n.s.a. directors decided against the program from vinnie's team and i opted for another they collected much more data. the problem is i helped in designing the system that's in use. because i knew what was possible once they started using those programs and opening it up to massive data input on everybody in the planet so it was pretty clear that it was obvious to me how they were using it and what they're doing with it so i mean because i understood the design of the systems. and so after that when they started spying on us citizens violating the
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constitution i had to leave i couldn't be a part of all the criminal activity that was going on and that's fundamentally i call that treason against the country so i got out at the end of october following day two thousand and one. one year later binney submitted a complaint to the u.s. defense department for wasting state funds the complaint was examined but had no effect the patriot bill binney became a combative whistleblower a role model for many today. this is his friend came here intelligence possesses integrity more for two thousand and fifty two really. believe represents the patches the side that you retain to let me clear this race like tom drake and it's no use to tell you this integrity is pretty. thank you. this is yourself i was
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associates and sure you told us or worse of you. so think you know. i knew every major leader in the city you know general hayden personally and i have to say that i met. with through the taker the character since i left sid. opted out of the system his colleague thomas drake fought against the violation of civil rights from within the n.s.a. . my new for the moment i stood up to my own supervisor and i went to her and said what are we doing violating the prime directive to cannot spy on americans our war you don't understand. i confronted my boss i go to the o.
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the office general counsel i confront him and then he says don't ask any more questions. now you're faced with a dilemma i didn't give the order i'm not the one that was implementing the survey of the mass surveillance program the digital dragnet what do you do i chose to pull the whistle. but how do you do that knowing there's a master valence program and knowing the n.s.a. was targeting targeting journalists. i made arrangements in encrypted form to communicate. by anonymous lee with this reporter. then i made a decision that i would meet the reporter. that was in february of two thousand and
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seven. the journalist subsequently published a number of articles about the waste and mismanagement of the n.s.a. the repercussions were enormous but the n.s.a. let the attacks come to nothing as drake did not prove the central part of his criticism with documents. this tactic suddenly stopped working in two thousand and thirteen. edward snowden's material that stuff he took made it absolutely impossible for them to deny what they were doing because it simply laid out in their terms on their slides what they were doing and it was impossible for them to deny it. so i don't think mr snowden was a patriot. that way in a way which these disclosures. have been. have been damaging to be united states and damaging to our intelligence capabilities people ask as i see it is the patriot or traitor you know that's the headline in
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all these things edward snowden patriot or that drives me nuts the very thought you know that people could regard it was a traitor we will likely. face is the cost in human lives on tomorrow's battlefield or in in some in some some place where where we will put our military forces you know when we ask them to go into harm's way and i think that's that's the greatest cost that we face with the disclosures that have that have been presented so far. you know who was the one person in the n.s.a. who did what he absolutely should have done how many people should have done what you did. what snowden is revealing is a global trait to attention for democracy and he. being a patriot doesn't rule you know obedience to authority. putting
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aside your obligations to your people to your country for the benefit of your government is the opposite it isn't. until the revelations by edward snowden the warnings of intelligence agency critics were always shrugged off a speculation only after he had published all the original n.s.a. documents was there proof and concrete evidence provided for the first time. documents all the difference it is more risky to do that it also makes all the difference in terms of political effect snowden manning and i gave the documents less than one percent of the starting documents have been published and that's terrible terrible things those those documents do not belong to
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a journalist they do not belong to him but so so they do not belong to the national security agency they belong to history they are part of something that humanity has gone through every single one of us have been has been a victim of national security agency spying all human beings use the internet. the victims of that and the victims deserve to know what has happened to them. i think the opportunity is in producing a very broad global outrage about what has happened in every country and informing all the victims of that surveillance about what is actually happening to
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them and releasing enough documents so that all the technical industries. hackers and computer programmers can think of and other governments can work out how to protect those. julian assange hacker and journalist who was interested in computer programming from an early age as a teenager he had already hacked into foreign data systems and military networks later he studied physics and mathematics in melbourne in two thousand and six he founded the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks which publishes secret documents of governments intelligence agencies and corporations kind of ellsberg was an inside and outside was an insider. would say that i was never inside. i was. inside. you know the trail intelligence of big companies. as a computer hacker and later as an alan and
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a list analyzing their material. so i had accepted ten cents for what they were about but i never had the fear that one should work for these organizations. for people who were in the u.s. national security system it was like there are drug. drug that made them powerful because there were groups that have a lot of power and. that system has a way of talking about how the world works and how the united states empire is a good thing and i can take a long time towards that drug out of the system i don't know is what it is nearly entirely worked that out of his system but the more recent was a blow as they still have perhaps some some way to go. the only difference i have from the charges i think gloria is i think that he probably believes more
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in the value of total truth or near total transparency tonight is. still. going to have his destruction was indiscriminate with will there be an equal recovery i didn't want to be the mayor of two cities i have and have not thought lines discovers how the disparity between rich and poor is brought to the surface in times of crisis that if someone's life who they are the identity of their culture. focalize houston off to harvey at this time on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. where ever you. discover the world of al-jazeera. the best films from across on network of channels for the legacy of i'm a lot of it but i'm about the fresh perspectives and new insights. to challenge and change the way we look at the world. al-jazeera world this time on al-jazeera. and i have a problem in doha with the headlines on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump says china and the u.s.
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must unite to confront what he called the north korean menace triumphal speaking on the second day of his trip to china we agreed on the need to fully implement all un security council resolutions or north korea and to increase economic pressure until north korea abandon its reckless and dangerous path. all responsible nations must join together to stop arming and financing and even trading with the murderous north korean regime well earlier trump and chinese president xi jinping announced two hundred fifty three billion dollars in business deals between u.s. and chinese companies trump said the u.s. trade deficit with china is one sided and unfair and vowed to fix it. and other news the year one has warned the saudi led coalition it will cause the world's
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worst famine in decades unless it lifts a blockade on yeven fuel and food prices have skyrocketed since saudi arabia stopped and ports eight flights have also been prevented from landing. iran's president has one in saudi arabia it will achieve nothing by threatening his country haasan rouhani has accused the other of meddling in other countries affairs he's accuse the cell these of being behind the resignation of lebanon's prime minister saad hariri. the u.k.'s international development secretary pretty detailed has resigned after it was revealed she failed to disclose the meetings with israeli officials while on holiday but tales of her actions have fallen below the high standards expected off her position she's the second minister to quit this week. syria's army as well as militia from iraq have encircled an end to the ice and control town of kemal that's located on syria's border with iraq and is lost urban area in the region this video released by pro civilian government media shows
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fighting in the surrounding area on saturday. the international criminal court wants libya's renegade general heidi for half the to hand over one of his top commanders to face war crimes charges my father is accused of being responsible for the executions of thirty three people between march and july this year digital dissidents continues next. and wiki leaks highly explosive documents can still be published anonymously that otherwise would be withheld through nondisclosure or censorship. according to wiki leaks all documents were checked for authenticity one major aim is to force corporations and intelligence agencies to abide to more transparency and social responsibility to shed light on their well kept secrets which cover up illegal and immoral behavior. when yesterday don he was in front of it from the
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union to. a form of yvonne does dominant. make it fun fewer somebody kind of dog in afghanistan for the i thought i was sort of afghanistan's entry there's just as a rhetorical counterattack just like something out of kandahar or just to say no no no you do that. and. unfortunately the u.s. press is sort of. so vile that it preprinted it's nonsense so what he needs reveals very concretely very strong accurate documentation how the us is our own records shows that it was involved in one way or another in the deaths of more than one hundred twenty thousand people in iraq and afghanistan between two thousand and four and two thousand and ten. and the us government's
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response is maybe hypothetically as a result of this release of this material some afghan family or u.s. soldier. could face risks that's the standard accusation or like what tom drake did threaten military lives exposing corruption fraud waste and abuse doesn't threaten military lives continuing them threatens military lives the end result is that they are forced to admit last year on the earth that a single person had been harmed as a result of publications. songe demands the protection of individual privacy on the one hand and on the other radical transparency of governments and corporations but one of the motives of
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whistleblowers why do intelligence insiders step forward into the light risking their careers their lives to expose the wrongdoings of those in power. is there a common name a collective mission of this broad alliance and wild mix of patriotic exceeded service agents and our captors cyberpunks and intellectual publicists the common theme with among all of us is that we support human rights and we support the public's right to know information and especially when it threatens the public or threatens the democracy or freedom of individuals i mean that's the kind of common theme that goes through all of it i think but it's a lonely act that you come it as one person but i was convicted by the truth of what i knew so i made a conscious choice to yes violate
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a nondisclosure agreement and we also took the oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic so that means even our government if it's violating the constitution so we have we have the responsibility to stand up against that it's the moral agency you're confronted by activity that demands a response. and you're in a pious where you have access to information you have access your eye witness series such an eyewitness or you or you were brought into awareness. five. and what you had to have a specific going past him. when he's been off that mind i'm just mundus contest is conduct of one's initiative under suspicion what you've got some of us have office here then. that have tons of my fondest bits in and out of tons of.
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buses and done on site this does. have an advantage. so all of sudden bosses wouldn't need someone to fuck. off and mention the fed it is recently. this is going for from. the. high profile leaks we fun fun fun mending friends node and. it does fun but this kind of. this is absolute no definition and i know steve music will have always just i mean this to call these people superheroes is not so good because. they get it i admire that but. i'm not a superhero who thinks of themselves as a superhero me not you know we're sixteen year old. dreamer you know. you get your excuse for not doing it it doesn't take
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a shipper here and these people know that these people were going to take a ship or here with michael in the fog it was no wouldn't it is the name be on to a. few months to a month on clothes and most of whom this is. often. only sign in if it becomes act you know who would be contrarian to them because of us and we could put in who become ten of the on the inside team was going with this off. fifty push it's own somebody's khana in space on the do it's of interest because that's when all the hits because in the in the chilly here it was no intended on the english seem to be in. the thirty eight to st even i see one who seemed to give him this is i was kicked out of what i said club and when was it was no didn't and it's not in this i'm getting seen he months we'd be snowed in or does it seem under julian that it's misty to be interested in emily coming to tony's top
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of the top officer vowed not to let this be a nation. that is not tradition to have to the consequence of events. then you still have no if someone does if they think not to trust the up this with the best of a dozen slits are many identity for. when done with conflict kids design does testify to the picking but so i won't that's most in the pledge tension fad that doesn't mean we have a new mindset to most this tour. each democracy punch. each country whether it's going to be democratic or not
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knowing every she is going to private lives of all of their citizens to religious leaders there are journalists there are judges and they're ordinary people who could be turned into informants. with those people knowing almost nothing about the government the government be ok it should go to and the people being transparent you guys this is the most ridiculous i've ever seen you know you sure everybody in the country and everybody in the world we're not an invalid. and so your secret. if you don't have prissy in your communications you can't guarantee they can hold a telephone conversation or rational mellow view stuff from the internet or read books once that is known to the authorities and it can even begin to sell censor what you say and what you read. and immersion is a former agent of the british national intelligence agency m i five. he begins with
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draw a little bit feel normal life because you're told you can't mention your being a christian by five and that means that people tend to focus much more on their life within and i thought i'd say begin to socialize a lot more with other people there because you can talk about stuff. and also you end up mainly in the relationships with your fellow intelligence officers it's how i met my former partner and colleague david shayler. when schiller made the illegal practices of the intelligence service public and supported him in becoming a whistleblower. in one nine hundred ninety seven shortly before the publication of the secret documents the couple flew to france. they went underground for a year and subsequently lived in paris for to use in two thousand they returned to london or went to prison. was spared since then she fights for government accountability and campaigns for the rights of whistleblowers when david shayler
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and i ended up going on the run after playing the whistle on a series of crimes when i thought. we were very conscious of exactly how they could be termed here as an investigative yes so where every week. thought well the telephone might be compromised the computer might become placed there might be microphones in where we are living there might be a little video cameras recording what we did and also people might be turned to report against us so they're all these different techniques that they can use and this is way back in the ninety's analog we are so even at that point when we are on the run from m i five across europe we use the only sure fire way that we need to communicate to each other securely which was to put a piece of glass or ceramic on a surface and put one sheet of paper on it and then you cover it so that nothing can read what you write in the paper you don't say anything you just write what you want on the piece of paper and then you allow the other person to read that message so there is no order they can be no video and there could be no imprint under that
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one piece of paper then of course you have to get rid of that piece of paper so you have to burn it out polarize the ashes and the cost it the winds or the ashes doesn't do because we know that our computers our telephones all of that can be compromised the video can be switched on maybe the audit committee switched on mostly they can log what we write on the keyboards they can even and this comes from the snowden disclosures they can even use my queries apparently to beam into the screen and read what you're typing. we live in a digital world where little remains unseen turning privacy into another luxury good.
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bleak science fiction visions of a powerful surveillance apparatus with seemingly endless technical possibilities. now only seems a question of time how does this change our behavior if every move we make every word we say is recorded and analyzed which roles will we have to play and whose writing script. having lived with that sense of endemic surveillance i can tell you it's a corrosive to human spirit so once you lose that sense privacy and you start to self censor you start to be an effective and fully integrated system of that country supremacy in my view is the last defense against a slide towards a police state or to tell a terran isn't if you let go of your rights from moment you've lost them for a lifetime and that's why this matters is because it happened and we didn't know me or told.
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you say you have nothing to hide see and nothing to worry about i have nothing to fear you'll hear all language ok fine church heard if you're going to do with us yes well just give me your keys yes car rental car rather read of this yes you have your purpose do you use google eulogy you know what. you have facebook will give you know your passwords you have a medical records truck goes over to me to oh by the way all those bank accounts and all the records you just give me for safe keeping you can have independent courts can you have an independent press. none of the n.s.a.
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now has the potential to know every source of every journalist and every story. following the e-mails following the phones following the people with their g.p.s. with their with their rifle. this is. the op this year here and and i'm asked it of a hong. master or the general is not about to ground it's not about to ring me it's about surveillance us. it's about watching the company for everybody in the country and on a global scale. in
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harsh contrast to the recently emerged facts great public outcry has not yet been heard. now why don't people care in the u.k. it's a very easy answer partly it's cultural because he's still in love with james bond and political leaders immediately came out in defense of the intelligence agencies saying we know what they do they follow the law everyone go back to sleep don't worry so the train you sit in the u.k. it wasn't i think as i said usa brazil and germany but it is amazing how quickly people forget. in this and this does my message out as. the impertinence to mix my interest on the endorsement because well it's about persuasion and something kind of round of global swati but also cause me in bushland then having talked to the nixon burger. king in that.
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when it became known in autumn two thousand and thirteen that the private cell phone of german chancellor angela merkel was tapped by the n.s.a. the public outcry in germany was initially large until then the german american friendship had been close and germany believed to be an equal partner the united states. new friends spine and friends of course they get everybody does next i mean we caught the israelis spying on us several times what did that do to our relationship but not really anything because we know everybody does that ok if you're a leader of a country in the world you're a target everybody wants to know what you're thinking so you are a target friends and foes everybody's looking to see or trying to find out what
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you're thinking universally true i mean that's that's why diplomacy was started right back and thousands of years ago so so i mean it's nothing new chancellor merkel when she found out as to her private phone was being tapped i mean she should have and understood that from the beginning i mean or and her security should have told her that from the beginning and given her some protection since all the leaders understood it the fact that it's exposed you have to be a object maybe publicly but in reality afterward you the relationship is too important to jeopardize just for a simple thing that you already knew was happening. as you have anything i know of this dimension. this into this year that in different states in fairness there will be key leaks against the n.s.a. affair that. flows. t.v. or two on was it was a few secret. phil iced over school. kind on the mukesh cuts on the getting
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votes again to send them to before google not to only give us a visit that's owns it but my. problem in relation to ball surveillance is exactly the same as the problem of global warming exactly the same it's not a zero effect here right now individually why is global warming interested in your and why santa say interesting you call it
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a warming affects everyone because in general changing things folks ions affects everyone because it leads to a general change in the nature of say oh i say should quite a warming is invisible. impenetrable you only kind of glimpse maybe today was a bit harder i don't know if that coincidence or not. similarly massive surveillance is invisible it's conducted at these points that connect continents together or by the n.s.a. staking its fangs into google. and these are extremely thorough physical and complex technologies that everyone except specialists does not understand specialists understand it and saying everyone else my god can you see what's happening simulate relation to greenhouse gas as climate scientists understand it saying my god can't you see what's happening in the case of. climate science well there's a counter lobby which is the fossil fuel companies and all those profiting from
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that in the case of boxer violence there's the silence industry and intelligence agencies and so on and all those who are sucking down that information and profit from it and form a lot when the other direction so very similar. the fear of terrorist attacks makes the mass surveillance a necessary evil for many the much quoted if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear often legitimizes the snooping of covert agencies yet many are unaware of the actual extent of the surveillance. basically a big program which provides the raw data and then be analyzed it so it can be subjected to rules written. for. it says everything do. is being analyzed it's being reviewed it's being measured.
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but the intelligence services are not the only ones monitoring communications and processing massive data. also pride. corporations like google amazon facebook and apple collect millions of pieces of information about us to analyze and monetize. tax i think is a south that's not on sacked that. sent their watched off the signs once they went it's just there are no envious shaft in the slick not to see them washed off to thank us and let us all still had to be honest. we don't really know what exactly happens with our own digital trails our data is transferred invisibly to huge data
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centers. sublimating into a complex new identity creating our digital self. smartphones capture a communication behavior along when where and with whom we talk the data we create assembling our digital self is also of interest as a juicy source of information for the intelligence community. i don't do those coolest i phone and it's not just i phones that's all it's life it is i mean most smartphones of these days. they were tapping the fiber lines between the google servers yet. they didn't even know this is going on google the dog. i had a lot of. surveillance and. also trees had to as
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a light it came out it was flying on us and the national security agency only pose a certain there was a risk plane coming to the embassy to apply for asylum. you've got to remember that inside the intelligence community there trumpeted these things they're holding these guys up and as examples to say look if you say what's going on he's not lying even if this even if you do it for the right reasons even if you do want to the right way there will be a record. however
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i think we could see more heavy rain coming into northern parts of the middle east over the next couple days still a fair amount of cloud just talking out of turkey as in over towards the caspian sea so northern sections of iraq but in areas of iran seeing some rather heavy rain from time to time south of that general five and dry little area clout there into work you wait so that might just squeeze as a few spots of right as we go through the next day i'll say sprouting up as we go on into friday little more cloud sliding over towards pakistan towards afghanistan kabul with a high of around ninety degrees the temperatures starting to fall back that in just falling back to across the raven potentially here in doha it will more than around thirty two celsius similar values for abu dhabi and also for riyadh little bit of cloud into southern parts of amman and that will just linger here as you go on through friday maybe just pushing into the gulf of aden by this date similar values the low thirty's once again for many parts of the region said that's the case here in doha getting the low thirty's once again into parts of southern africa socrate
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around thirty two degrees little more cloud there into southern areas of south africa the southern cape the eastern cape seeing some bits and pieces of cloud and right that rain popping up for many on friday. oh is it when they're on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on saturday i'm a member of the ku klux klan but with a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile a.j. stream and one of your pitches might make. join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera the most memorable moments with al-jazeera was when i was on air . with the crowds in tahrir square talking.
9:59 am
if something happens anywhere in the world how does iraq is in place we're able to cover this like no organization. we're able to do it properly. and that is all straight. to be a child is to be innocent and careful but it comes to an abrupt end with the burden of younger children. with a mother behind bars for siblings misspend for each other and decide whether to stick together. with the family in the hope of a chance across the us mexico border the other side of the ball a witness documentary at this time al-jazeera.
10:00 am
you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al jazeera tracing the fall from prosperity to financial ruin this is precisely the movement where we are here lies that nothing was post wrote the inquiry the devastating impact to save the banks means also for save the deposits of all ordinary citizens and the failure to prevent disaster banks and political leaders are the people who needed to learn over us our gora from democracy to the markets at this time on al-jazeera.


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