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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 20, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm +03

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we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home al-jazeera international bringing the news and current of things that matter to you. out is iraq. this is al jazeera.
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hello i'm so raman and this is the al-jazeera news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes zimbabwe's president robert mugabe stays put as the deadline passes for him to resign or be impeached. also kenya's opposition says the supreme court decision upholding president kenyatta as election victory was taken under duress. but also chancellor angela merkel holds talks with the german president after negotiations to form a governing coalition collapsed and i'm sure the latest sports news and sad news that is has nine hundred ninety eight wimbledon champion yana novotny has died from cancer at the age of forty nine that and more coming up later. good to have you company welcome to the news hour we start in africa where
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zimbabwe's embattled president robert mugabe appears to ignored a deadline to resign so what happens now having already voted him out as their leader the rulings are new p.f. party is meeting and will push ahead with trying to impeach mcgarvie now that motion could be filed in parliament as early as tuesday frustration is turning to anger. hundreds of students protesting calling for his resignation and the pressure on him to leave is now coming from almost every direction zambia the former president and fellow ninety three year old kind of counter to harare to try to convince the gobby to step down when horrible tosser joins me now live from outside the university of harare were students have been protesting against the zanu p.f. leader it seems the voices are getting louder and everybody is joining in. today the students at the university of zimbabwe say they not going to write that they going to try to shut down university until president mugabe resigns one of the
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students in a way this issue thank you for joining us even if the president doesn't resign is looking like he's digging in at the moment what do you plan to students. very clear if the president doesn't decide. not to. go to auctions and science with science so there's no inaudible. just to teach joining in needed it was generals. to step down as soon as they started forty days about too late what is life like young. it's very difficult to be right now especially when you're. coming down ok when you've. got no jobs there's no employment so. if from one of the cases to ok so the
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days. went by if it's very difficult to get a job it's very difficult to just get it done there are living standards you know how since most people. get through to their lying on the streets no no no wait to see if you did so for some of us how do you put in a situation to. thank you very much you and your. people who are planning to protest tomorrow a peaceful protest outside parliament in the parliament and a meeting for that vote of no confidence the plan is to come and pray for the country pray for peace and. to respect the will of the people and. we'll leave it there of course for the moment until things develop again in zimbabwe let's keep our message now because it does look like we're heading down that path of robert mugabe's impeachment and for that to happen there would be a vote in parliament a two thirds majority is needed for proceedings to begin the opposition has tried
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unsuccessfully in the past to impeach mccarthy that's what's different this time is that the president's own party which holds a massive majority in parliament appears to want him to go so an impeachment process could pass but this is only the first step impeachment proceedings could take weeks to separate trial may be needed to have the garbage removed from office . he is head of the africa program at the institute for justice and reconciliation he joins me now from cape town on skype but we sort of run through the basics constitutionally of what could happen in the next few hours but just for our international viewers what is robert mugabe's official position in the government at the moment. well i think as you heard even in his rather confusing statement yesterday that he is in fact still the president and the head of state as well as commander in chief of the armed forces of zimbabwe so he
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retains all the powers if you will of the of the president of the country and what's happening is an attempt to in fact find a constitutional solution to this to this coup d'etat has in fact already set in motion a number of events that will ultimately lead to the i believe the toppling of robert did i want to talk about the definition of coup later but then we don't have this process of impeachment as the president hasn't resigned there are various you might say alternatives of what could happen who needs to come on board with the parliament for that impeachment to proceed further so how does the process work from. zanu p.f. motion that is then taken to the parliamentarians. yes indeed and that's quite
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a rare occurrence where the party sanctions its own. leaders so to speak what zanu p.f. i think will seek to do perhaps is also encourage members of the opposition m.d.c. and other other smaller formations to also vote with them in this process so as to almost kind of send a clear message that. the parliament the parliamentary institution if you will is or is speaking with one voice in terms of their request for for mugabe to step down and as you said the challenge is there might be one of. his enjoyment within parliament and women who might decide to in fact find ways to obfuscate to extend the process and by mugabe time so that he can seek a solution of some kind of
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a solution that is that is not what has been described by the by the by the military led approach and in this case so that he is meeting the southern african development community is meeting tomorrow in fact to discuss the situation and that could bring in a new dynamic if you will into into this standoff if we have those several you might see streams of thought at the moment and definitely two lines or process is ongoing at the moment one with the diplomatic side the other with possibly impeachment right now the word you mentioned before was coup it's a word that isn't being bandied around in zimbabwe at the moment because it has separate implications for the legitimacy of what is going on so a new p.f. has been pains to make sure that they go through the constitutional process as laid down in their books such they can take it to parliament and have the process of the guard be removed seen as legally binding and internationally recognized how
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important has that role for the army been to sort of take a step back and let the party zanu p.f. do its work. i think it's absolutely crucial you know zimbabwe fought the people of zimbabwe for long and hard to get the constitution that currently governs the country and there were many many challenges in the process and get to this constitution now the issue is that internationally and regionally the intern in the governmental organizations that zimbabwe belongs to the african union and the psych are in fact obliged to act if this is pronounced as a coup and so the the army as you mentioned is at pains to avoid. making that pronouncement and it's basically used this you know that notion that it's clearing out of the so-called criminal element that surrounds mugabe and so this is
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the nature of the game going forward and i think it's it's actually the party and the military working together. to almost create this this transition from power for mugabe but he is also playing the constitutional card and in fact he perhaps outmaneuvered quite a number of them yesterday when he we used to resign and basically said through the gauntlet down to them and said well they. you have it indeed if that is the case yeah that is the case and you know we can we can pontificate about what we've got is actually up to what the moment of the end of the day you know that there is a process more than likely happening at the moment and one wonders where this is all going to end because there is this chorus of opinion people kind of counter now going in to try to speak to robert mugabe and at the end of the day there has to you might say because he has to reach a dead or
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a wall where he has to say you know the people that i want supported or supported me we can no longer work together i have to go i may go i may not go. that is the rational and logical line of thinking that most normal people would take but here we're dealing with an individual who in fact has defied logic and reason in fact throughout the last i would say two decades and so one cannot presume that he will in fact kowtow to even the regional diplomatic initiative but as you mentioned by kenneth kaunda it's not clear to me what it will take. having watched yesterday statement it was it was it was quite surprising and a bit of a shock really that you have all the events that have led to where we are today and still. a man defiant even though he has been recalled by his own party
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and removed from the leadership of that party who still somehow believes that he can carry on as president until a certain point in time down the line so he has thrown a spanner in the works so to speak and the challenge now is in fact to see how this will play out where we will see what does happen for the moment to before and we have to leave it there thank you so much for your time very three there in cape town. kenya's opposition says predator who can unite as election victory is illegitimate despite the supreme court upholding the results of last month's disputed vote the repeat election in october had been ordered by the supreme court after it concluded there were irregularities in an early vote in august the opposition boycotted the poll rerun which president kenyatta won with eighty ninety eight percent of the vote. is the lead counsel for president who can yet he says kenyans need to accept the court's ruling. unfairly holding the president to a different standard you know i mean you want to look on the past and i mean there
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was a difference of one point four million but you want to election again i mean you want you got almost the same boat you got last time he has all the legitimacy you know a presidential candidate needs. politically and i think kenyans really will understand that you know this process has now come to an end and this is the result this is the final word on this process. violent protests have broken out an opposition stronghold in kenya's capital nairobi after the supreme court upheld the reelection result the army fort with demonstrators in the matter a district people threw stones at troops patrolling the area for me to miller has the latest from outside the supreme court in the capital. despite the ruling from the supreme court that upheld the results of the october twenty sixth presidential rerun the opposition in kenya says it's an illegitimate government and it won't accept the outcome of this battle that's been going on for several months now it
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says that the ruling by the supreme court was made under two wrists indicating it doesn't believe that the judiciary acted independently we're yet to hear from the opposition about what exactly it will do next we do know it's called for economic boycotts as well as a campaign of civil disobedience so far it's also supporters to remain calm say that would it would indicate the way forward at some point later in the day and now the ruling party jubilee as well as the electoral commission has of course welcomed this ruling the p.c. the electoral commission says it would use information further details coming from the supreme court in about twenty one days time to improve how it operates and runs elections wild you believe has said that this legitimizes what they've been saying all along that can you are taught won the election fair and square that's despite
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a boycott by the opposition and we expect to see kenyatta sworn in on the twenty eighth of november. i snap election may be held in germany after talks between chancellor angela merkel and her would be coalition partners collapsed the pro-business free democratic party has walked out of mouth of negotiations in the past few minutes the apposition social democrats have rejected a new coalition calling for fresh elections the chancellor has been holding talks with the president trying to stand by. what was dubbed the jamaica coalition between the green party the yellow color of the f.t.p. and the black color of the c.d.u. appears to be dead weeks negotiations since the federal election in september have failed to form a cohesive government after all didn't win a large enough majority from voters it's back to square one for marco after the pro-business f.d.p. walked out of the long run in talks. with the thoughts of an only now we have to
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deal with the facts and the fact is that we couldn't conclude the coalition talks successfully this means that we will have to inform the german president about the state of affairs and then we have to see how this develops further immigration levels climate change the future of european union were amongst the areas of contention in the felde coalition talks. and gentlemen we have struggled for hours days and weeks longer than we had planned for that's freedom or curt's we have made various compromise offers during the last weeks namely to expose his european questions of migration and education one cannot dictate the course of an entire public. the talks collapsed after mark was conservative christian democrat and its proviron says the christian social union party failed to win a majority and its traditional partner martin short's the social democrats refused
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to help the second shock result from september's election was the surge of the far right anti immigration a.f.p. mark was. widely criticized for allowing one point two million migrants it's understood the jury in the took the f.t.p. the c.d.u. in the c.s.u. party's push for a harder line on migration controls whereas the greens wants to set an immigration limit of two hundred thousand the parties also struggle to find common ground on climate change as the greens push to reduce coal generated power after twelve years warning europe strongest economy looks anything but study and the euro's taken a battering on money markets. she could form of minority government with the f.t.p.'s all the greens but she would have to win support from others on individual policies slowing down the process dramatically or she and president frank could decide to hold another election in the hope of ending or at least delaying this
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current stalemate on a hoax that algis their. well plenty more ahead here on the news hour including iraq's top court says the final say over the kurdish referendum. we will be called to the polls again to the presidential election heads for you. to get fifty percent of the vote. and in sport what nascar racing is at a crossroads as the season comes to an end in the united states. to the middle east lebanon's prime minister is to visit egypt on tuesday as he makes his way back to beirut after a two week absence saad hariri is still in france which is trying to mediate the fallout from his shock resignation. of the fourth and stayed there for two weeks prompting suggestions that he was being detained has promised to return to lebanon
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by wednesday so the latest from beirut. he's going to. return to also said that he will be attending independence day celebrations on wednesday but what is becoming clear. position is not clear because. he would come directly from france and submit his resignation. independence day celebrations and he's going to go to. the country just like. both france and egypt relations with other players in this crisis and also stressing the need for stability in lebanon and saying that the time right. now we have to remember. from the saudi capital it was against hezbollah in one way or the
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other it's. backfired because well this country came together the rival camps there because of the way in which. it was an imposed a crime outside so it seems that there are efforts to try to find a solution maybe he returns he agrees to withdraw his resignation with conditions attached to maybe the different tribal camps with. the contentious issues like as well as. militarily. lebanon's border so it is still quite unclear but what is clear is that there are efforts to try to solve this political crisis and end the political vacuum that resulted from the prime minister's decision to announce he is stepping down israel's energy minister is the first member of the cabinet to confirm secret contact with saudi arabia about concerns over iran and its admitted long room of talks have been held but isn't saying with
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whom the saudis officially denied the crown prince mohammed bin salon metaphysicians in israel two months ago. i can say that we have secret relations with moderate arab and muslim states we don't shy away from that but the other side is the one which wants to keep such relations quiet we respect the desire of the other side if we are dealing with saudi arabia or any other arab or muslim countries we have to protect the secrecy it's true that saudi arabia is not a democratic state and we prefer to work with democratic states but saudi arabia during the last two years has become more moderate it has moved clearly against terrorism and against inciting terrorism and it works with us against the expansion and aggression of iran. also says its interests are in line with israel's. i don't think we are thirty israel we think israel is that on the way. we have
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a difference in solving an issue but there's not reached a point to a war against israel because we understand that. states israel is another states and you know. brother i don't think we're going to. win there's a big. bite iran has rejected the arab league's condemnation of it saying it has no value and is based on lies the twenty two member group held an emergency meeting in cairo on sunday to discuss iran's activities in the region saudi arabia accused iran of destabilizing the region and fueling a sectarian rift but iran says saudi arabia is the one promoting differences is urging riyadh to end the blockade on cattle and to stop putting pressure on lebanon and bahrain south asia now where unsung suchi says the world is facing new threats partly because of illegal immigration and the spread of terrorism and the
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mass leader made the comments at the capital while discussing the range of refugee crisis at a summit for european and asian countries security forces are accused of violently forcing out hundreds of thousands of regular muslims across the border to bangladesh. today we are facing a new period of global uncertainty and instability conflicts around the word are giving rise to new threats and emergencies illegal immigration spread of terrorism and violent extremism. harmony and even the threat of nuclear war south korea's spy agency says a north korean ballistic missile will be able to reach the u.s. mainland to before the end of the year the south also says signs of missile engine testing have been detected. a high level chinese delegation has ended its visit to north korea the envoy discussed tension on the korean peninsula during a four day visit to pyongyang beijing has tightened sanctions on its ally and
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supported u.s. president calls the north korea to end its nuclear program. voters in chile will have to wait until next month to choose their next president a runoff elections being planned following sunday's inconclusive result in america . reports from santiago. he's back or is he most polls had predicted chile's former conservative president. would score a new reversible win in sunday's general election with thirty six percent of the vote less than expected a victory in a runoff is not assured still in his campaign headquarters the billionaire businessman who promises better times for chile sounded triumphant. we are very happy because tonight we have achieved a great electoral result we have opened the door that leads to a bit of. the results that the
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majority are not happy with the performance of their current center left government but it's not so much the chileans to the right and they are moving forward to the center after four years of major structural reforms reforms that many see as having gone too far while others not far enough. those who want more profound social change voted for badly sanchez the biggest surprise of the selection the candidate of the new left wing coalition loosely inspired by bernie sanders scored twenty percent of the vote almost time with second place candidate. the senator and former journalist who promises to consolidate the current government's reforms will face next month in a runoff he dismisses suggestions that the former president has more experience. sebastian pinera has bad experience his government was accused of corruption and
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constant charges of conflicts of interest. but a great many chileans on the political right center and left say they've lost confidence in their politicians who are seen as being more preoccupied with furthering their own interests and people feel disappointed. and then they may be and implement different things but the works don't be a key issue now is whether those who want to consolidate the current government structural reforms warts and all are more than those who want to reverse them to see in human. well it's time for the weather i hear is evident i'm not quite sure looking at that map whether it's cold weather or whether it was a bit of both actually it's a little bit of snow some very heavy rain but underneath this large area of high pressure is pretty settled here so it's dry and it's fine up towards the northwest though it has been absolutely throwing it down some really heavy rain piling in
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there just making its way across oregon washington state north of the border to think are savvier of low pressure this one that's been causing the problems here we have a quiet weather but ether area of high pressure high pressure on the atmosphere so also having the effect of blocking the rain that's trying to come in from the pacific so in the vancouver seventy three millimeters of rain in twenty four hours around twenty five millimeters that coming down in just three hours so some terentia downpours into b.c. south of the border into washington state ninety four millimeters of rain in that same period of time you see the cloud there that cloud and the rain that's making its way down across much of the pacific northwest snow of course over the high ground some significant snow falls coming in for some twenty five thirty centimeters certainly out of the cars over the higher ground there through the rockies and that cloud as you can see it extends down across a good part of california that's good news was due with the rain here fair amount more to come as we go on through chews day further east it is generally dry and
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fine but up towards the northwest and western canada it stays very distant. thanks very much overton well the rafa border crossing between egypt and gaza was to remain open for another two days it opened on saturday for the first time under the palestinian authority's control in ten years the palestinian interior ministry says about sixteen thousand palestinians in gaza are on the waiting list to cross into egypt well to talk about the significance of this let's bring in an injured. the head of the palestinian non-government organizations next to work he joins me now from gaza good to have you with us at the crossing has a story clearly has been a lifeline to garza's looking for ways to leave or enter the area without having really to deal with israel how important has the last three days been within the organizations that you've been working in. following was a third of the robin in the rough are. all over the temporary for three days now
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and we hope that the egyptian authorities will win four more days and we're looking for that still only about thousand four hundred be able to leave gaza. in the last two days and we hope it will be more in the. time in the coming days this obviously an extension an extension to that is that the an extension to the three days is not solute blessing tell me about the types of people that need that crossing the type of help that they're getting by having that gate open. the question really that we have about thirty thousand most of them. students who are in bad need to travel from gaza to outside in order to get medical treatment or to engage in the schools or in their universities outside gaza or then
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gave a kind of workout they could contracted in other works and outside so in such conditions that gaza is passing the worst worst humanitarian conditions that ever gaza witness due to the israeli blockade ruf a crossing became the main path that the b. will of gaza looking to cross so we hope that through the reconciliation between the political parties have a hand. that the that we have more and more days to will be open for access to people and to grantee so now we have thousands of students who are now demonstrating in front of rafa crossing one two three two to leave to engage in the school in the universities outside gaza and many of them they have. grants from the early universe and because we lose it they will not travel during the law the coming few days so i hope i'm calling the egyptian authorities in order to extend
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the opening of rafa crossing considering this security situation but it's also to consider the humanitarian needs that people of gaza are in bad need to be considered such conditions also that we have to remind the world how much israel is practicing. the grave violations towards the freedom of movement towards the palestinians patients according to what world help to program more than fifty percent of the palestinian patients denied access through the israeli crossings from outside the from gaza to get medical treatment and consider the danger on their lives most of them children women elders it's really an urgent call in order to. convention well we shall see what does happen certainly. has come in the coming days and weeks to
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actually now and monitor that crossing for the moment i'm joining us from a studio thanks so much for your time still ahead here on al-jazeera libya's volatile political and security situation is hurting oil production we'll tell you about its impact on small businesses. the cult leader and convicted mass murderer charles manson has died after more than forty years in prison. for the first time in nineteen years on the season ending tennis event. with peter. we are living through a technological revolution but all the machines taking over a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a chain of litigation through which we can bring in the. oxford university professor of machine learning stephen. this time.
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welcome back you're watching others arrives a whole robin a reminder of our top stories the headline given the force of bob ways president robert mugabe to resign has now passed the rulings on the p.f. party says its members are meeting to discuss impeaching with garvie he so far refused to step down. kenya's supreme court has validated president hu kenyatta as victory in last month's disputed presidential election rerun the ruling follows two days of arguments in the others due to be sworn into office in eight days time. also a snap election will be held in germany after coalition talks collapsed the opposition social democrats have rejected a new alliance under chancellor angela merkel calling for fresh elections the chancellor has been holding talks with president franklin. we can go to him now in bonn addressing the press corps. pressing the press corps about the situation so
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far let's just listen to what he has to say the task to form the government is behind may be the highest task given to parties by the voters in a democracy and this task remains. the party's apply full responsibility in the twenty fourth of september every sponsored militate. which cannot be just returned to the voters it's a responsibility which goes far beyond party political interests. and it is a responsibility towards all their tis not just their. own party. it is a moment in which we should all take stock in which the parties should reflect on
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their position. and if parliament. to serve the country. i expect from all the readiness. to form a government within the reasonable time frame those who apply for political responsibility must take responsibility when it is. kindness. in the next few days i will be talking to all the party leaders of the parties involved in the talks to form a government but also with the party leaders of those parties. where. participation in a government cannot be ruled out i will also talk to other important players within the constitution like the president of the federal parliament and the president of
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the upper chamber. and also talk to the president of the constitutional. court and. i'm convinced you know. within and out side our country. and especially in our european neighbors country. there would be no understanding in the biggest and economically strongest country in the world and the political forces were not to shoulder the responsibility thank you very much. your child is there on that live picture coming from berlin where the german president frank want to stand by as basically laid out his position with regard to the current situation in the on the german political scene after the september election that still has not allowed angle of merkel to
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find a way of forming a coalition government there was speculation that he may even suggest another election let's bring in patrick. is a professor of comparative political science at the university of the guard joins me via skype good to have you with us we were expecting possibly the president to say we have a new elections that didn't happen he's willing to talk to all parties and he quite clearly said all parties cannot be ruled out. yes indeed and i think this statement by president of germany underscoring how open the situation the president of the three possible scenarios new election and yet another round of. coalition pre-negotiation involving other parties. nothing has been settled yet. even though i think new elections are becoming more and more likely as we speak indeed i mean even if we came to
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a short while ago the social democrats also rejected a new coalition for coal as well a calling for fresh elections one wonders whether the negotiations after the statement whether the president can actually push for more to go she ations amongst the major parties or would even consider speaking to minor parties and extremist parties is that what he's saying as well. that's a very good question and i don't think that he's been wanting to. bring the relatively new far right extremist party the a if d. into play as well for coalition governments i'm pretty sure that you would not have intended to go that far i have to say i haven't been able to listen to the for wording of his address in exact detail. what he does entails. that all parties should think very carefully as to whether yet another round of
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conversations of coalition talks might be possible nothing legally that would prevent the current round of parties that have just failed to negotiate our where they left off even though politically of course that may not be in their best interest did it one of the big stumbling blocks in these negotiations has been migration numbers how much of a hot political potato is that when party leaders even merkel talks about it within her own ranks and then has to try and find a common position with political allies. it is a very tricky issue indeed and as you write this jesting i mean i'm actually and her conservative party are really torn between the two poles there on the one hand they until this morning they had attempted to find an agreement with the green party where the green party has been. softly insisting if i may put it that way
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on the humanist aspect of allowing asylum seekers that has arrived in germany already to bring their family members with them after that which is also a very christian democratic idea a family oriented policy position as you might imagine on the other hand the. mcas party is under pressure from the right end of the political spectrum where her junior coalition partner the varian c.s.u. is having more anti asylum seeker unto refugee stands and that party in turn is under pressure even more by the right expression the a.f.d. that is competing for the same voter groups especially in bavaria well we start to see what does happen certainly of the maybe coming days of litigation happened before the bible patrick and it's been very good to get your insights into the subject thank you. very much. well iraq's top court has ruled on september's
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kurdish referendum also session was unconstitutional iraq's kurds voted overwhelmingly for secession defying the central government in baghdad and non-con has more from the iraqi capital. this decision was made on monday morning in iraq he said the supreme court and nobody liked it any other way than being considered constitutional but what this does to them is it allows the bush asians to open up between baghdad and the kurdish region now a lot of what's on the table that's already been discussed but this is now a much more concrete basis and let's discuss the key things that are being discussed the border crossings who gets entry into the kurdish region. on the border with turkey the border force that will carry it. back out and. also is the issues of salaries be paid and the percentage of the nation's all right
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we're going to the kurdish region this referendum was incredibly unpopular internationally that was no real interests for this independence but i missed. the president having to actually resign this position. that referendum to place now there is a deal on the table for us and the u.n. that's going to form the basis of any negotiations it's like that and the regions but these negotiations are look forward to going to be a lot more autonomy more. and back out. over. libya's volatile political and security situation has meant that oil production is a drop sharply over the past three years but conflict is also affecting small companies move up the way he the reports now from tripoli. her own is one of many shop owner was affected by the fame in chile creases in libya with
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a shortage of the currencies in local banks. commit is from abroad is hard for him especially as prices have risen business is on the decline. we need liquidity to buy hard currency from the black market because we are committed to pay off our instalments to foreign companies our central banks monetary policy is so difficult it doesn't help us at all we don't get letters of credit from the central banks anymore the libyan dinars a value has been falling drastically in the last three years and banks have a stop to providing hard currencies to the people libya has a population of sixty million people and it's rich in oil resources but the country hasn't had a unified government and has been dealing with rival militias for the past few years many here say the oil revenue which is the backbone of libya's national
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income has been wasted. four major oil ports were located by a militia from july two thousand and thirteen till august last year that caused oil production to drop from one point six million barrels a day in two thousand and twelve to three hundred fifty thousand barrels per day last year this year it has reached it nine hundred thousand but experience say the huge deficit of the last a few years can't be easily compensated for happy. since two thousand and thirteen till now libyan oil production has lost more than one hundred fifty billion dollars that includes oil smuggling the damage of oil installations because of blocking them for a long time several oil pipes and fields have also been destroyed we have eight tanks out of one thousand tanks that have been burnt down at all said report. within ten and find political division in several areas some oil fields continue to
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be in repeatedly blockaded by tribal militias others have been attacked by isis militants until cases restraint in the country businesses like our own might remain vulnerable. to a hit and jazeera tripoli that i told me as american serial killer charles manson has died the cult leader from the one nine hundred sixty s. passed away of natural causes in hospital aged eighty three rob rattles reports for an entire generation of americans charles manson was the living embodiment of evil a symbol of an era when the country seemed to be spinning out of control his baleful stare compelling millions to make sure their doors were locked at night and to lie awake listening for intruders with murder in their minds in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine manson's so-called family a group of dropouts drifters and burned out hippies murdered seven people in two
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separate attacks in los angeles they acted on manson's orders the victims were taken by surprise at night in their homes and brutally stabbed and shot to death the gang left messages including death to pigs and helter skelter scrawled in blood the slain included the rising young actress sharon tate who was eight months pregnant on trial for the murders manson carved an x. into his forehead which he later turned into a swastika he taunted the court and at one point tried to attack the judge prosecutors argued his motive was that african-americans would be blamed for the murders thereby inspiring an all out racial war which manson called helter skelter manson prosecutors said believe he and his gang would survive and prosper in the aftermath. manson and three other family members were sentenced to death but the california supreme court temporarily overturned the death penalty in one nine
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hundred seventy two and the sentences were reduced to life in prison he gave interviews expressing no remorse maybe i should have killed four or five hundred people then i would have felt better and would have felt like i really offered society something you know if i wanted to kill somebody i'd take this book and beat you to death with it and i wouldn't feel a thing would be just like walking to the drugstore charlie manson is dead but for americans of a certain age his name will always conjure up a shiver of fear of twisted minds and things that lurk in the night. well still ahead here on al-jazeera piece we'll have more on the career of the wimbledon champion the young of the who's at the age of forty nine coming up in sport do stay with us.
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welcome back it is time to support his peta so thank you so much and the tennis world is mourning the loss of a former wimbledon champion yawn and the check died on sunday after a long battle with cancer at the age of just forty nine. yana wagner became wimbledon champion during a decade of high quality in the women's game. using an effective serve and volley style. to check prior hotel measure when the federation copied nancy nancy and it was a familiar name in the ninety's and inside the likes of steffi graf atticus sellers and mary pierce i mean some classic matches. she became most famous for her tears
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in defeat in the ninety three wooden final she leapt for one in the final set against the formidable golf before her game disintegrated and she lost she captured the hearts of tennis fans when she cried on the shoulder of the duchess of kent a member of the british royal family she also lost the ninety seven wooden final and seemed destined to remain a bridesmaid but her big day was to come a year later beating natalie tows straight sets on the famous grass a delay didn't deserve triumph that delighted millions. in the one hundred four grand slam tournament seen ladies doubles twelve overall and sixteen including mixed doubles she was also in a limb pick medalist in eighty eight and ninety six she retired in one thousand nine and was inducted into the international tennis hall of fame winning wimbledon and becoming a grand slam champion is the greatest thing ever but don't forget that is pretty much gave me everything and gave me the opportunity to travel i mean to speak
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another language and just you know to be a different kind of first and that's among thing that i will say i will always appreciate and treasure she was a popular member of commentary teams along with doubles partner martina navratilova but suffered a long fight against cancer when she finally lost on sunday yamana wagner is most remembered for those two years on wimbledon center court but also as a champion. al-jazeera. grigor dimitrov claimed the biggest title of his tennis career on sunday winning the a.t.p. world tour finals the first man for nineteen years to do so on his debut at the event the top eight players in the world start of the week in london but it came down to a battle between david goffin and the emitter of the bulgarian had defeated golf and in the group stages in the week for the loss of just two games this was a much closer affair but the result the same as the image of one in a deciding said he moves to a career high ranking of three in the world. the nascar racing season came to
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a close on sunday in the united states with the sport's biggest star dale earnhardt jr officially retiring it begins an uncertain new era for one of america's most popular sports with ratings and sponsorship on the decline in his home and reports . five tabs on n.b.c. sunday's mean two things for many sports fans in the united states and f.l. and nascar but the two american sporting giants are in a rights to stop a drop in television ratings but it is gone now all of that was forgotten for just a moment by nascar bosses as martin truex jr secured his first ever comp championship with victory at the homestead miami speedway in florida state they shipped you know to be a public shame see. the times where i thought my career was over with. but i was right in thinking i believe in me.
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with the guys the ok. nielsen ratings sure the nascar t.v. writings of dropped by forty five percent over the past decade a downward trend in sport by not limbs limited to nascar as television viewing habits and technology changes the stitching but it's attendances are also down and that only means that sponsors a pang far less to advertise during races. will see a demographic study this year's show enough confidence to be ninety four percent white it's by sits in america's southern states and skews conservative and notably older that makes the challenge of attracting a new younger audience even harder and that wasn't helped on friday when the sports are in the active female driver danica patrick announced she'll be putting out the flame on her career next season my sister told me i was supposed to.
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oh so they would. be the biggest you know it's the retirement of the school its biggest on dale earnhardt jr he finished twenty fifth in his final writes he was going to nascar's most popular drive in each of the last fourteen season the twenty seven ten season now ends at a crossroads the erased home and al jazeera with we're going to chat about this some more now with darren white he's executive director at the sense of full sports analytics and joins us from birmingham alabama daryn thank you for your time forty five percent drop in t.v. ratings since two thousand and five is a very big number the question we posed to you is why it is indeed attendance of the events of declined t.v. viewership has gone down and it really took a big hit when the recession hit back you know about ten years ago the people who
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tend to go to nascar are more blue color in nature and they have less disposable income and so it was a very difficult for for that particular to refinance to build a continued just to support the sport and so it's it is it's been difficult i mean here in birmingham we have a race called talladega that would regularly get you know hundred seventy one hundred eighty thousand people now we are or sixty seventy thousand people on average and so it's been a bit of a big change for the sport sponsors or walking away as well is that purely because of the ratings drop. it is primarily sponsors any sponsor that has a partnership with a sports property or sports into the it's all about eyeballs it's about the number of eyeballs and it's about having the demographic group that you're wanting to reach as a sponsor watch this for and love the sport and nascar is ten is tending to be an older sport folks are on average or about fifty seven years of age your average
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viewer whereas other sports you know like the m.l.s. major league soccer and the n.b.a. are much younger almost twenty years younger and so you're seeing more and more sponsors actually leave nascar to go to one of those sports a good example that is a very large retailer going to united states called target they were sponsoring one of the hottest stars of nascar a young gods you know maybe the next great nascar driver and yet even still this year after ten years with the sport they made the decision to leave nascar and to go to the m.l.s. they're now sponsoring the new m.l.s. team up in minnesota and so they you know that that's common out there how significant is it that the biggest stall dale in all jr has now retired. it's really hard to describe how important our our junior is to this. you know he represents you know probably you know not what i'm going to talladega for example the past is not in tom's the eighty percent of people wearing dale earnhardt jr you
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know gear he's loved you know fourteen years in a row he's been most popular driver he's as close to royalty as it comes you know for the sport and so and we're not just losing an athlete and her or her junior it's almost like we're losing an entire team so if you can imagine in the e.p.l. if eighty percent of people love chelsea that was their favorite and i'm going to still see them totally we have run out of time that is a wreck from the sport states we'll have another update later thanks very much peter of course that is the end of the news our back with more news on the other side of the break to stay with us until that thanks very much for your time and your company. short films of hope. and inspiration. a series of short personal stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds.
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al-jazeera selects at this time. and monday pointed well on. u.s. and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country haven't truly been able to escape the war. with over forty thousand people killed under his rule it took twenty five years to bring him to a court of law. but why for so long with such a brutal dictator considered an ally of the west you're not reporting to the congress that to the press they were engaged to
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a plant just look at al-jazeera unravels the history of chad's notorious former president the same habit a dictator on trial but this time on al-jazeera one of the really special things about working for others here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be for us as you know it's very challenging liberally but the good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audiences across the globe.


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