tv newsgrid Al Jazeera November 21, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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and drive from studio city t.v. here al-jazeera headquarters in doha to girl welcome to the news grid demonstrations outside zimbabwe's parliament as impeachment proceedings begin again stop because longest serving leader the recently deposed vice president his own still calling for robert mugabe to go has been tipped as the man to replace him so is it really the beginning of the and formal gobby we'll be asking zimbabwe's opposition leader what the fix also on the bridge to russia with love syrian president bashar assad makes a red visit abroad thanking god amir putting for in his words saving his country putting says the focus of the syrian conflict has now switched from military operations to the search for a political solution but will the divided opposition be on board and countdown to qatar's world cup it's exactly five years until football's biggest spectacle comes in the middle east reparations for kick off are well underway but qatar's plans
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have been hampered by an economic blockade imposed spies on its neighbors will hear from the qatar twenty twenty two g.'s about whether it's all still on track for every one hundred people killed in brazil a staggering seventy one of them are black i'm sort of looking at why brazilians have been mocking awareness day now you can sweet me throughout the show i'll fight a fight an. elite. with the news grid live on air and streaming online through you tube facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining us the moment is many in zimbabwe had been waiting for has arrived impeachment proceedings against him battle president robert mugabe are underway there were demonstrations outside zimbabwe's parliament as a ruling zanu p.f. party submitted its motion to impeach mugabe the party accuses him of allowing his wife to use super power and being too old to lead the powerful war veterans
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association has applauded the efforts seem pollution impeachment. we want that that unity between the two but the political body of war through that people choosing or presently be required to midan can be educated with speed so that it is often but we as the people as well we do all vigilance we need with what we call the traditional approaches that will serve to get the quote of the. world. joining us now on the news great from harare is in bad ways opposition leader morgan china i thank you very much for being with us on al-jazeera mr chang here i am magine the m.d.c. is on board with this impeachment motion because you have tried on several occasions to impeach president mugabe the question though is will it pass because there are still many within zanu p.f. who support mr mugabe are you hopeful that this motion will pass.
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well. quite awful that this this impeachment vote to pass the numbers. a combination of. overwhelmingly produce the requisite is a result i don't foresee any problems in the process are you working with any particular zanu p.f. faction to see president mugabe removed the war veterans association i know has reached out to you are you working directly with. the war veterans organizing solidarity much which we supported and we believe we are of the same mind we don't want to be there to be trapped into the zone of your factional wars but we believe that together. we
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can produce that it was. as you say mr chang your eye this crisis is really an internal panic party matter at the end of the day isn't it i mean it is a zanu p.f. succession issue what would you as the opposition bring to the table to diffuse the crisis what is the m.d.c. offering zimbabweans well first and foremost. is the nuclear factionalism that is what is brought to this country where it is today and that we have always said that. we did it to return this country to legitimacy. to free and democratic elections. to acceptable. international norms and standards so the m.d.c. is an alternative even since its formation is always advocated for that position yet but but what specifically mr shanklin like bringing the legitimacy that you
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talk about bringing the legitimacy then bringing out on it what's missing what do you respond for instance to your critics who say that your movement has failed to produce a counter-narrative an alternative that speaks to the material conditions of zimbabwe and what are you going to offer them to improve their conditions were we in alternative movement we are not the government is that enough till we have proven that given the which would just hold on we have proven that given the opportunity the m.d.c. is able to produce the material requirements to help the people of zimbabwe in this case you cannot blame us for four for the all missions of the. so the legitimacy question and bring in brings. to work together to ensure that our country benefits not from the party status but
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from the confidence that will come out of it do you think that elections can be held in zimbabwe given the current political crisis elections are due to be held in april. can they be elections in april and can they be free and fair. well elections under the current conditions of course will not be free and fair and by the way the maximum period under which we can hold another election is as far as august and that gives us almost eight months so in our discussions with our colleagues in the zone we have we have to agree on the process is that we need in the reforms that are necessary to create the conditions for a free and fair election. and i'm sure that zanu p.f. must realize that it cannot continue perpetuating the same conditions that existed
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. because indeed even if president mugabe steps down doesn't necessarily mean that change is coming to zimbabwe does it i mean if the constitutional process is respected zanu p.f. will still hold up the reins of power and you know the vice president mr imus and will be leading the party and eventually the country right so what again my question is what do you offer as an alternative to zanu p.f. for zimbabweans because there are those who say you haven't really offered anything concrete that you are spawned by the west what is your message to zimbabwe is today please the question of being that we've been a friend of the west is an old mantra that has been used to discredit. but the fundamental issue is that we are a democratic movement we are providing the alternative to the. extralegal abuse of office and all that and that's why it is important
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that if you do was to take this country forward and it turned this country to more democratic and open society then it needs the m.d.c. more than more than them does it is them mrs john dear i thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us morgan chang. opposition leader leader of the movement for democratic change m.d.c. was joining us on the news great from harare thank you now the deposed vice president of zimbabwe imus and my god why is someone we're going to be talking about a lot and hearing about this crisis in zimbabwe continues to unravel al-jazeera sandra simmons takes a closer look at the man to take the top job two leaders one side by side who became sworn enemies this is how an extraordinary sequence of events started this is in relation to tell me nation. of employment vice president
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emerson my god had been sacked by robert mugabe and accused of being unreliable disloyal and deceitful speculation pointed towards grace mugabi the president's wife as being behind the move the two had publicly fallen out in the jockeying for position over who should succeed ninety three year old mccarthy. that highlighted the two factions splitting the ruling party at the time the military and the war veterans loyal to. grace mugabe's. dubbed g. forty one fled abroad but his supporters planned their response and it was dramatic. the head of the defense forces warned the army would step in if the purges of politicians it favors didn't stop now as later armored vehicles rolled into the capital harare we wish to assure the nation that he's excellent to the
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president of the republic of zimbabwe and commander in chief of these i'm up with defense forces. g. mugabe and his family safe and sound and the vast security he's got and teach many of my gob is long term supporters had clearly abandoned him. that. should have been recalled from is it as the president and first. stayed quiet a tactic that didn't surprise observers of the man who has been nicknamed the crocodile for his style in dealing with opponents he is a one man who is not to be allowed to use culpability when you look at it when it wants to attack his person is cold blooded you don't tell you that cause until
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the person is not knowing what is going to happen then. number. one guy had been a powerful and loyal member of mugabe's inner circle serving as justice minister speaker of parliament and vice president his supporters praise his business acumen and hope he can improve zimbabwe's dire economic situation if given the chance he's also suggested reengaging with the west after years of international isolation under the gobby andrew simmons al-jazeera. or south africa is closely watching all these developments in zimbabwe so let's cross over to our correspondent in johannesburg tanya page tanya unconfirmed reports today that emma said my god who is said to be in south africa has made a statement about the situation in his country is of course very crucial to this
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process that's going on in zimbabwe what's even saying well in the statement that was reportedly issued by his office as it is he said that he was afraid wary to come back to zimbabwe or to make his appearance public for fears of his personal security i think that gives us a sign obviously of of just how assured he is of how strong and how solid his position is although we saw on monday that for a support given to him by the governing zanu p.f. party which wants him reinstated as vice president after he was sacked obviously by president mugabe we can't really confirm all of the contents of that they did because as i said it was the statement issued supposedly by his office and i think the fact that it wasn't given on camera or over the phone makes it its validity
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questionable but it does tell us a little bit about i guess the frame of mind of this man who's clearly quite central to developments in zimbabwe yesterday tanya we heard from the powerful war veterans association in harare who called on the south african president jacob zuma is currently chair of the regional body to call on mugabe to step down and now we're hearing that president zuma will be traveling in fact to harare is he likely to heed that call from the war veterans association you know asking mugabe to step down what is he going to be saying in harare. well we know that it is not only south african president jacob zuma who's the chair of the regional body said but also and goal is presidential order in c.e.o. who will be going to harare on wednesday they have been meeting in angola today to discuss this emergency situation and other than saying that they're extremely concerned about what's happening there and announcing this visit they didn't give
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any details about whether they would be delivering a message to the president and what that mrs might be it would not that would be a break if you like and from said extradition and traditionally it takes a very cautious approach quite a minimalist approach it wouldn't want to be seen as sitting in a sort of a precedence however it would seem most likely if there were to be a swift exit of mugabe from the presidency that certainly from statics perspective they would want that to be choreographed in a way that abided by zimbabwe's constitution and allowed him as high a level of dignity as possible tanya page in johannesburg thank you very much for that tanya don't forget we've got a special page up on al-jazeera dot com on this crisis in zimbabwe all the latest updates a timeline that sat dated reaction analysis it's all there on al-jazeera dot com and we're getting a lot of comments today on the great about the situation in zimbabwe abdul here on facebook saying it's time for mugabe to go
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a transition government is the only solution another comment from also on facebook who say or ask such me who can replace mugabe there is nothing different about the others he says and one last comment this one on twitter from tend to says i'm glad we're finally going to have a fresh start to tend writing to us from zimbabwe thank you very much for your comments you can keep them coming used news great and all the other ways to get in touch with us on your screen right now. we're going to stay in africa and head to nigeria now at least fifty people are dead in movie in the northeastern state of adam allah in an attack by bomber police say the bomber targeted worshipers arriving at a mosque for morning prayers has claimed responsibility but buckler amin is active in the region i mean his wrists is following developments on the nigerian capital of. the attack came as washing clothes were gathering for early morning prayers movie sort of has been relatively calm since its occupation by boko haram and later
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they were chased after one month stay in the city so the city itself is not quite a way from the boundary of that border state the epicenter of book insurgency we've seen in the last few weeks or so how book one of fighters from the forest the senate the supporters have invaded communities like medically like. the headquarters of medical itself and have killed a lot of people they attempted in the last one week particularly to retake the time but what repelled by the military so a lot of people still believe that fight is belonging to boko haram although the group has not claimed responsibility have infiltrated communities that are not far away from the boundary with border state so we probably will see the rise in the number of be people who died or who will die because of the severity of injuries the sustained in the early morning such acts the security services say they're stepping up their operations in the north east of the country to come things down
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and to finally defeat boko haram but over the last few months we've seen how bookworm has adapted and continuing to target soft targets in the northeast of nigeria. and i want to point you to this excellent documentary airing right now on al-jazeera book koran behind the rise of nigeria's this is an investigation into the origins and ideology and its bloody rise it's a very powerful documentary do watch it if you can't if you can't catch it on t.v. you can always watch it online at al-jazeera dot com now here on the news grid we've been closely following the plight of myanmar's working a minority as sixty six hundred thousand of them fled to bangladesh to escape a brutal crackdown at the hands of myanmar as military or now a new two year long amnesty international investigation has likened the treatment of rohingya to a pot fight here is some of the disturbing details that stand out in the report it says myanmar's segregation of the rohingya confined them to an open air prison the
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report adds that the authorities are guilty of being openly racist and it labeled rakhine states a crime scene that's where the military stage its crackdown while european and asian foreign ministers have discussed the rohingya crisis on the sidelines of a summit in myanmar al-jazeera scott hyder is following developments from young gone. it was a meeting planned before the recent run ins a crisis that sent more than six hundred thousand refugees from rakhine state here fleeing for their lives into bangladesh the crisis became the focus of scorn ministers and representatives from more than fifty european and asian nations gathered in me in march capital in april. as the leaders were wrapping up their final day of the two day talks amnesty international and build a report on the plight of the ranger in myanmar. after two years of research digging into the roots of how the rich have lived in myanmar the human rights watchdog concluded it was apartheid like the author of the report told the
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government's reasoning for the ranger treatment is not only unjustified it's criminal in relation to the ongoing system of apartheid that we describe in our report i think the world is way too willing to buy into their restoration presented by the authorities about the need to combat terrorism about the need to establish security and that's why they felt it was a very important moment to remind both and young our officials and their international counterparts that absolutely no considerations feet security or the need to combat terrorism can justify the ongoing crimes against humanity to justify the system of apartheid and back at the foreign ministers' meeting myanmar's leader on song she said that her government is working with bangladesh on an agreement a repatriation for those who fled over the last three months the bangladeshi foreign minister will stay on after the meeting in myanmar continuing with the negotiations repatriations working toward a memo of understanding or demo you this is why we have going to be having
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discussions to do for tomorrow and the day often and we hope that this will result in him oh you then so i could which is to enable us to start the safe and volunteer return of old who's not on the board it won't be an easy process as many fled quickly as the violence escalated they won't have the documents to prove they lived in rakhine state many regions of villages were burned raising the question if they are repatriated what conditions will they think and what are the guarantees that violence won't get. al-jazeera the anger on. and our social media producer joins us now so what's the conversation online about this will follow there's actually been a lot of people talking about this for a long while now but there seems to be a shift in that conversation from outrage over the persecution of their anger to a sense of urgency and a need for action by politicians and individuals alike now and what's becoming actually the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world now amnesty international
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tweeted this it's a reminder that. able to access basic education or even health care that they've been isolated and more crucially denied citizenship plus they've been locked in their villages and camps effectively an open air prison now actually is kristen davis a new a goodwill ambassador has visited a camp in a video she shared with her followers she told them the rangar in urgent need of funding and aids. many of them came without clothes they had to flee in the middle of the night and so it's quite impressive that they is really getting to the people i think that is something where you really realize how how little it takes to make a big difference to these people's lives.
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over four thousand families are run by children so the children have brought their siblings across the border and are now in charge of these these babies these children for the rest of their lives. these people have been through difficulties that we cannot imagine and that the very basics are needed so anything you donate is so meaningful. now in the last twenty four hours several politicians have been talking about the hunger crisis online and i actually pulled out a few but here is again london mayor city called sweet to the british government must take action he also rates we to this and it's i'll just show you here it's a suite by adults or is in a she's also a british politician who also happens to be a doctor and she has tweeted that she's returned from bangladesh having heard firsthand accounts from their hand and she says we need to call it what it is and
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that is a genocide and there's a picture of her attending to one of the injured children now she's also been tweeting about it has lots of politicians including swedish foreign minister. she has tweeted that during her meeting she had met with me and she just in that picture there and she's also met with bangladesh prime minister. to discuss the crisis and she's talking to both sides there but apart from that she also tweeted that she has met with the rangar people themselves. the women if you just have a look there there's a use of the e.u. commission fredricka more green as well so lots of politicians that have been keen to point out that they're also meeting with the people at the heart of this crisis and in line with that a u.s. congress that location has also concluded its trip to meet the u.s. democratic senator jeff merkley he told reporters in yangon were profoundly disturbed by the violent and disproportionate response against the hanger by the
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military and local groups of course he's referring to the main mark military there now in early november u.s. lawmakers proposed to tonk it sanctions and travel restrictions on the memo military officials over their treatment of course that get to come into fruition and have you seen the number of politicians are sharing their photos of meeting of the minds daters but it's actually left many people asking what are they actually doing to solve the rangar crisis now we know this is a story many of you i'm going to arrive years at home are following quite closely you can always get in touch with me with your thoughts tweet me off ali my twitter handle is at sorry sorry thank you very much for that now after getting on for seven years of war in syria there is hope from some sides at least that fighting may be nearing the end present a shot assad rarely leave syria but he's flown to russia to thank his major military ally for what he called saving his country the kremlin says president putin told us that the fight against on groups is close to finishing and the
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russians say assad's visit was to ensure he agrees to possible peace initiatives publicly from other we just had a meeting with president vladimir putin and i passed greetings and gratitude to him and to the people of russia for the efforts which russia put in saving our country i particularly emphasize the role of the russian armed forces and the sacrifices you have made to reach this goal thanks to your efforts and the efforts of our allies many syrians could return to their homes and i would like to express gratitude to you for what you have done on behalf. off of all the syrian people and in what looks like a major setback for syria's opposition the head of the largest school backed by says he's been forced to resign riyadh he job was the leader of syria's main opposition bloc called the high negotiations committee mohammed jonjo and reports. syria's opposition has for years been fractured. the formation of the high negotiations committee or h. in c. in december two thousand and fifteen was
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a belated attempt to speak and negotiate with a more unified voice. backed by saudi arabia the agency is considered the main bloc for syrian opposition groups which is why the resignation of the group's leader in riyadh his job at such a critical time is a surprise it's no doubt that today the fight against. is needing to end then and war is that practically over and every part is getting ready to go into the negotiation table. the agency is made up of several military and political opposition groups and has consistently called for the removal of syrian president bashar assad as the basis for any solution to the war his job a former prime minister of syria who defected following the two thousand and eleven uprising is among a number of other officials who have stepped down ahead of an opposition conference in saudi arabia and a new round of u.n.
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sponsored talks in geneva it could be that the saudis had a particular replacement in mind it could be that he was frustrated that things were going nowhere and didn't want to go through a sort of farcical display at these meetings until now the main rupture within the opposition has been between the agency and two other dissident groups the moscow and cairo platforms which have close links to russia and are tolerated by the syrian government. while some wonder if the agency will survive analysts suggest his job's departure doesn't necessarily mean the end and that the group can still play a vital role in trying to forge a political solution to syria's war now the question for them is to come up united and to have to make their voice here and to try to recover diplomatically what a military leader they were not able to achieve his job announced his decision to
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step down on monday without explaining why in some ways it's a bit of a p.r. sort of position it plays well to the a western audience a play as well to the other powers in the region to make it seem like they're someone speaking for all of these groups when in reality they don't so i think that there's a certain frustration that anyone would have in that circumstance while divisions within the syrian opposition have long been just one of the numerous obstacles in the ongoing attempts to in the war in syria the question for now at least is what and who comes next my mage i'm doing. well joining us now on the news great is mr possum imadi who is the opposition syrian national coalition is ambassador to its lee he's via skype from rome thank you very much for being with us that's been a lot of talk lately of restructuring reinventing the syrian opposition russia has said today that the resignation of riyadh a job as head of the opposition coalition will now help unite both the internal and
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external opposition on a more constructive platform do you think that's the case is there a plan for the syrian opposition going forward that's in line with the current situation in syria. well there are so many misconceptions in your report to begin with mr. resign you cannot resign from an institution in which you don't work in. this institution has finished in the mandate was for one year it's only two years it just continued by people now he was not invited to. come. because of many reasons their decisions have been to. maybe s.m.t. and there have been so many people who are. not happy with his way of leadership in the commission itself because they resign. so. save
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those who are not content with the way let the negotiations moreover now there are more people. in riyadh saudi arabia to decide who to come who to be in the conference this is something is happening today why is this noise down so he. was going to react if you if you allow me to interject here who is going to this conference in libya and riyadh and you say that i'm going to count them i'm going to kind of first of all become a lesion. called a nation committee and from syria the. council in the city and then a council their platform. group. there are seventy independent people representing the various factions who she's in syria the
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various people let me just ask you this mr emadi based on the mahdi one of the difficulties of the syrian opposition has been agreeing on the way forward on what they want in the future syria mr. the job was. as one of the hardliners because he wanted bashar assad out he didn't want bashar al assad to be part of the future of syria is this new opposition that you're talking about that's going to be meeting in riyadh on the same page as far as whether or not assad should stay in power. this is missing isn't all compared with some of the people who are going to attend it would be up to but there is a lot of missed information by the media trying to show that those people are going to give in to pressure to staying in power this is wrong this is not going to happen nobody will accept bishop said we all all the opposition want to shout as an to go except of course this most complete home which is not a position at all they want as at the state they want them to stay if they want
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them to stay why they don't go and live in syria what should they be on the side of the opposition they should be on the side of jeffery and the negotiations on this side of the delegation of pressure i said well since saudis have accepted perhaps the pressure only talks we were rushing and invited them out of position the so-called position because they are not a musician at all but they were only seven people among one hundred forty four tell me what are they going to do i have some news from inside and they have been trying to wreck the negotiations about the final communique they threaten to throw they want to end this clause about bashar assad not staying in power to be removed and nobody accepted that all the people maintain that this global should be included in the final committee and i can tell you and till now there has been no agreement on the final communique they all all the people there won't be ashamed to be out of
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syria in that international period only the platform of moscow want him to say it sounds like this is rather cynically the north korean opposition thank you so much for speaking to us mr bassam imadi member of the syrian national coalition and former ambassador to sweden thank you very much for your time and there's an interesting opinion piece on al-jazeera dot com by my book how assad won the war could he have done it without russia and iran it's an interesting perspective on al-jazeera dot com that. watching us on facebook live coming up. that. they could tell the world what war is lie ahead here on the great lebanon. border with israel a day before an absent prime minister is due to return home to stay with us.
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how the seasons change in this part of the world you've probably noticed he's been reading and studying afghanistan is clouded by running from iraq into the mountains of central iran a line that takes your eyes dancer q eight central saudi more showers flowing through the eastern med to the levant and there probably dry up and given a sunny day on wednesday seventeen in beirut. but the snow in turkey southern caucasus not line brings you down the green line which is rain through baghdad says central and eastern iraq down towards cuba right now that rain could be substantial actually the first proper rain of this season and it keeps going slowly south leaving the sunshine behind still there is snow forecast to turkey it's a couple days and gets colder and colder non-christian i'm sure will be single figures the potential of rain in saudi arabia has been realized already but as yet a bit more in the forecast it comes out through kuwait probably bahrain and qatar
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get a few spots thirty seconds most likely day in a line of suggestion goes back to the middle is saudi but beyond that it's fairly dry however following it could be quite a breeze coming down through the gulf twenty nine is max in die hard with cloud and a bit of rain the side of this change season but the science of that is still fine and warm. captaining a leading youth team at sixteen years old takes determination. to that staying on top of your game at school. the whole family bands together and shares the sacrifices necessary for a son to have a shot at becoming a professional footballer. my tunisia home game at this time on and just. al-jazeera as award winning programs
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take you on a journey around the globe. expert analysis. it's all about who's in charge who controls the resources and documentaries that will in your eyes it's a technology story it's a business story it's a social story and it's a political story all wrapped into one it's unpredictable television that truly inspired us only on i'll just see that. the big
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. headlines on al-jazeera and the stories trending on al-jazeera dot com top trending now what is behind the cause. it is really sounded relations that number two zimbabwe's political crisis crowds gathering outside parliament in harare as and b.'s begin impeachment proceedings against president roll up gabi at number three to syria conflict in president assad's rare visit to russia today assad saying to put in thank you for saving our country old stories and much more on our website c.n.n. dot com. here with news great on al-jazeera we've got people watching today from iraq thailand uganda thank you so much for being with us don't forget to connect
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with us using the hashtag a genius great on social media you can also add the number will be coming up on your screen very shortly prost nine seven one one seven four other four ninety four one four nine is a number moving on and lebanon's prime minister saad hariri is on his way to egypt just said day ahead of his return home he'll be meeting with the egyptian president . and that meeting is the latest high level talks hariri has had since he struck resignation while he was in saudi arabia more than two weeks ago which cast doubt over lebanon's political future and the situation awaiting him when he gets back to lebanon is this the army chief has ordered troops to the southern border with israel they have been told to prepare for threats of the israeli enemy and its violations joining us now for more on the situation in lebanon and the wider region is to assess come bonnie's who is a senior fellow at the century foundation and author of a privilege to die inside hezbollah. he is live from beirut thank you very much for joining us. first of all
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why is saad hariri going to meet the gyptian president. the best we can understand is that there is a back channel diplomacy underway spearheaded by france and egypt to find some graceful way out of the impasse that by all accounts saudi arabia created we we've heard from various sources that the egyptians along with the french are trying to figure out what kind of what kind of deal they can broker between saudi arabia and iran that will be palatable. and to hariri and enable lebanon to sort of limping back on the stable footing with the prime minister instead of devolving into a vacuum that would result if he really goes through with his announced decision to quit there was an arab league meeting in cairo just a few days ago are the gyptian and saudis on the same page when it comes to their different positions on these crises in the region whether it's syria and yemen the
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political crisis in lebanon do they see eye eye to. very clearly not and and some of us. sort of laughed at the plight of the saudis who spent so many billions putting installing c.-c. in office and propping up his regime only to find him time after time breaking with key saudi regional foreign policy priorities he refused to send troops to yemen he refused to back their line on syria and now he very clearly broke with saudi's position on hariri so and when saudi sort of forced by all appearances this resignation by riri egypt was one of the first and clears voices demanding that he be allowed to travel freely and return home and they've shown that that there are they're eager to see to use rather this crisis to reestablish egypt's prime is seen as a diplomatic prayer player and you know it's clear that egypt does not punch in the
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weight class that its leader thinks it does but this crisis does show that politics matter and that no matter how much money saudi arabia brings to the region they need the support of a state like egypt and when egypt breaks with them they can't really they can't really hold their line coming back to saad hariri he's going to egypt he is due in beirut tomorrow wednesday he said he would make his position clear once he returns home what are the expectations there from the different political factions we've heard a united stance in these last two weeks from them do you think they could be some sort of compromise that could see harry reid stay on as the prime minister of national. in part that depends on whether the lebanese are free to decide this or whether the outside players most especially saudi arabia insist on calling the shots if it's up to the lebanese i think it's quite clear that they will agree to
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some kind of band-aid solution where he stays in office takes back his resignation and they move forward to the elections in the spring which are going to recalibrate the entire political balance here anyway. complicating factor is whether saudi arabia insists on some kind of face saving achievement and the stage has been set by that a little bit biased on this role a speech yesterday where he said apropos of nothing that his ball was now ready to withdraw its troops from iraq and that i think can be interpreted as a figure not a fig leaf and all of a branch to saudi arabia where they could say ok well it was willing to reduce its regional footprint a little bit and we'll accept that as a goodwill sign and and allow ritter to return to his post tuffy combat is very interesting to talk to you thank you so much for joining us on the news great to nasa combine it is with the century foundation he was joining us there from beirut thank you now for something that's off the grid and monday was block awareness day
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in brazil and as i understand it has been a huge there's been a huge conversation online sorry about this tell us more about how this may be coming out of brazil brazil promotes itself as a harmonious blend of races but the reality is that the jockey your skin the less chance you may have of getting ahead than now the word concierge which means awareness in portuguese was used in more than one hundred thousand tweets and not just in the past twenty four hours now almost exclusively out of brazil most of the tweets focus on the importance and need for this day now some rights henry tweeted is it still black awareness day or is it white awareness day because if white people were aware we wouldn't need black when. this day in the first place and the twitter handle tio so rahman tweeted pictures with captions for you to find the day of black awareness are necessary for you to say that we need the day of human awareness for you that say that white people suffer from racism and also says here
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are some visual reminders of the need for the day and the month of black awareness now those pictures were tweeted more than five thousand times highlighting brazil's slavery past and it's important to go back so here is some facts and figures for you now the country imported more african slaves than any other we're talking about five million slaves here and brazil was also the last country in the americas to abolish slavery and as a result brazil still has one of the largest black populations in the world second only to nigeria now to november the twentieth is significant and it was chosen to mark that awareness day in brazil because it's today's umberto spawn maris died and he's the seventh sent seventeenth century brazilian war who fought to free slaves now hundreds of protesters were on the streets on monday to also highlight the injustices faced by the afro brazilian community now the united nations says
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a young black man is killed in brazil every twenty three minutes and that's why it's launched a new black lives campaign in the country last month now the brazilian government has also made efforts to address the issue is implemented affirmative action which are policies to ensure that historically excluded groups of races are given equal opportunities now in brazil that means that at least one in five government jobs must be given to a person of black all mixed race half of all sports in brazil's federal universities are reserved for students coming from public schools low income families and who are of african indigenous descent now that's led to problems of its own afraid of impostors the government set up tribunals where people have to prove their race. qualifies them for affirmative action now a country is mixed as brazil the policy has proven difficult to enforce but if in brazil let's hear from you send us your stories your videos stop and you can also connect with me on folly as well why it's what's
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a handle is. thank you very much for that joe has a sports coming up next on the news great tuesday marks exactly five years until the twenty twenty two feet or world cup in qatar but how preparations going ahead of the event we'll find out more coming up in just a few minutes but first a snapshot of the world better.
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it is here with countdown to qatar twenty two absolutely yes a lot of people excited in exactly five years from now council will kick off the first world cup host in the middle east but as plans for the largest sporting event ever held in the region the country is caught up in a major following out with its neighbors a political and trade blockade imposed by saudi arabia bahrain the u.a.e. and egypt will be lifted soon and those countries will allow their fans to travel in twenty twenty two and the richardson has one story. x. or in this case chevy marks the spots the spanish world cup winner standing on what will be the center spot when cattles world cup kicks off in five years time despite
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a political dispute which is seen nearby countries imposing an air sea and land blockade on cats are officials insist their preparations remain on track and that the events has the potential to pull the region closer together to recognize that powerful what it means for people going to see our people is like a dog and i say our peoples the arab world the middle east and will always be worse and will always continue being worse we suffered abuse yes we suffered abuse it we ever regret it now will never agree with five years to go and so kick off organizers at taking the opportunity to urge the blockading countries to allow their people to enjoy and benefit from what will be the middle east's biggest ever sporting events a tournament they say was designed to promote unity shouldn't be used as a political. a smaller scale events has already been hit next month cattle is due to host the gulf cup but three of the countries at all with cattle saudi arabia bahrain and the united arab emirates have decided to pull out setting
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a potentially worrying precedence for twenty twenty two doesn't send out the right signals and i think it actually going to have to sit down. and think very carefully about how they're going to we have. these three countries. in terms of how that might affect. on the outskirts of catalyst capital doha grass fit for a world cup is being grown already two years of research has gone into developing the ideal turf the man in charge of the project once the work being done here was a benefit all countries in the region we are thinking here qatar is a part of the world. just like decide to not be a part of the world. and our legacy from a plan from the beginning is to share as much as information and benefits with other countries so even if they don't think that they need it here in qatar we
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think still we are brothers right now growing the perfect grass looks to be significantly easier than cultivating political harmony the hope is that in five years time qatar will be a focal point for football and nothing else. and he richardson al-jazeera. are some breaking news for you now on our top story on the news great today we're hearing from several news sources from the associated press notably that zimbabwe's president robert mugabe has resigned according to the parliament speaker n. zimbabwe he received a letter from president mugabe that basically stated that he was resigning. with immediate effect. as president of zimbabwe and therefore the parliament speaker. suspended the impeachment proceedings that were underway in parliament today against president robert mugabe again if you're joining us on al-jazeera some breaking news out of zimbabwe where the president
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a long time leader robert mugabe has resigned he submitted his resignation letter to the parliament speaker which who has now suspended the impeachment proceedings against the embattled leader robert mugabe. the ninety three year old has served as president of zimbabwe since the end of white minority rule in nineteen eighty and we understand that he has now resigned as president let's bring in our correspondent in harare harm. quite some important news here tell us about what's happening and the what is the situation of president mugabe. the i could hear part of your question on the streets. people hearing that he has.
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children. the. reading the words the. rest of. you very much i see a huge crowd behind you i see celebrations underway and big crowds behind you let's just remind our viewers of what's happening right now in zimbabwe news that president robert mugabe has resigned he submitted his resignation letter to the parliament speaker in its mugabe is said to have said i have resigned to allow the small transfer of power my decision to resign is voluntary on my part and i have resigned to allow the transfer this resignation in me i fictive really immediately apparently hiero wish basically suspend the impeachment proceedings that were underway in parliament right.
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yes that is exactly what happened i think the president was under no much pressure not just from his. from some people in international. news and. relieved to some people here they were wondering how long this was going to take it was starting to drag out but it's the news has spread and if you look there people are running outside parliament onto the streets new snowy filtering into zimbabweans that president mugabe has resigned respecting more people to come on to the seat as they come out of the offices as they finish work as new starts spreading i understand how people waited so long for these this news right there waiting for eternity to happen on sunday when he was address the nation and it didn't and now it's happened it's a how the very very happy in the end how in fact we have the announcement from the
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speaker of parliament when he announced that president gabi had resigned he is what he said. the old. book. was. quality that wasn't very good but that was the speaker of zimbabwe's parliament benda announcing the resignation of longtime leader robert mugabe mugabe submitted a letter of resignation to the parliament speaker parliament was actually debating
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a motion to impeach a robert mugabe and now the president has resigned with immediate effects they have been while scenes of celebration outside of the parliament building in harare our correspondent is there at the atmosphere is incredible where you are higher i imagine because this is really a historic moment for zimbabwe. it is. that it had the feeling that. so many people are. waiting back in one thousand eight scene when. it was made people write and for it you are getting. thirty seven years later. he was now turned into people didn't want to anymore now that he's finally gone breathing a sigh of relief looking forward to a new beginning in zimbabwe again one day because it's just being just filtering in
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right people so you know you won by and why and i agree speak with people on the streets of harare greeting and cheering the military there we're seeing a military what looks like a military tanks and soldiers standing on it and they're being celebrated it looks like by the people of zimbabwe the military quite instrumental in how things have unfolded. wondering if it was ever going ok. so we've been leave it there for you now the force will continue to follow the events in zimbabwe very closely here on al-jazeera as news of robert mugabe's resignation continues to filter out people as you can see celebrating on the streets of harare some
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