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tv   Chinas Cyber Celebs  Al Jazeera  November 25, 2017 6:32am-7:01am +03

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he didn't say whether the navy anticipates finding survivors the san juan disappeared degas ago with forty four crew members on board they can only remain submerged for seven days and have a ministration is decided to keep the palestinian diplomatic office in washington d.c. open week ago it said the office would be shot because palestinian leaders called for the international criminal court to prosecute israel over illegals who were settlements the u.s. said that statement was a breach of its laws and response the p.l.o. threatened to cut all communication with washington the functions of the office will be limited for ninety days canada's prime minister justin trudeau has apologized to people from the indigenous communities who were forcibly separated from their families around twenty thousand children were taken from their homes to train one nine hundred sixty s. and one nine hundred eighty s. and placed in either foster care or with non-indigenous families the u.s. says it will stop supplying weapons to kurdish fighters operating in northern syria
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the decision came after a phone call between u.s. president donald trump and his turkish counterpart raja typo on the chopping ministration his arm the group since may prior to the battle to retake eisel syrian stronghold of raka turkey considers the y.p. a terrorist group those are the headlines news continues here on al-jazeera after one on one keep it or. on counting the cost crocodile economics what amazon mom and dad won't have to do transform zimbabwe's finances a modern day slave trade in libya and how china's internet giant ten cent over took facebook. at this time on a. in china live streaming has become a massive upgrades and a booming multibillion dollar business they live online to an extent to which
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people in the west would find it difficult to imagine coming up all those years or so they are the reality of did you know that much already well there is big money for the country's cyber superstars to get any attention from somebody is just a sign that you exist in a very difficult environment and endless hours of entertainment for millions of diehard fans sure have you yes yes yes yes i think. i know why he had. the great popularity can bring serious repercussions controversial life streamers attract the attention of the chinese government which is already shut down three major internet platforms and thousands of individual accounts i'm steve on this episode one of the nice meets the cyber celebs behind the great chinese firewall.
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the other. i don't know if i answer yes oh well the talk i've got time to talk or i just want my i don't know that i'm a lot of i don't know what hunger enough to. transfer me was a. year phrase. but do you know. what. the book. because you know quite a bank account got her that. she my son my son. tristan measurement on the year for ten years i don't know. what you're doing
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so but yes i sent. mail time to the yeah yeah. surely. i mean a heart attack and. i don't. mean he was here. broader good long already it's all a drink of water to go home here yes he's a good friend. so i mean. she's your girlfriend. this self-confessed unemployable young man a fortune without leaving home. you won't say how much but it's enough to buy this apartment and a couple of others. maybe i'll buy you dinner i think
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it's all going to you. as a live stream hundreds of thousands of people tune in to watch him talk sing and play the full making him one of china's unlikely superstar. i'm john on the end of my. days. now and then i'm going to play and. it's a high pressure act enhanced by a large dose of canned laughter. no sense for someone.
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that's what i wanted. thanks to this so-called great fire wall the chinese experience the internet differently to the rest of us. it's no facebook or twitter or even google connecting them to the rest of the world. stripped of everything from politics to point out. hundreds of millions of chinese turned to live streaming platforms for their entertainment. for them it's worth paying for millions of people have taken to these platforms as new social boat a way of communicating. as a way for the sort of lonely hearts these lonely young people to connect. the live streaming phenomenon has been an irresistible story of modern china for the los angeles times beijing bureau chief jonathan cayman so it's
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a technology story it's a business story it's a social story and it's a political story all wrapped into one and it's and it's very it's unpredictable. you. stream out and comedian one show you one has over five million fans. they're tuning in to his foolish antics in the same way we would consume hours of cat videos on social media so walk the dog. one of his biggest fans stops work every afternoon to watch how much time you spend watching streaming every day. let self. talk how big is. the chinese have
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a special term for streamers and their fans. who hate on these. originally applied to online gamers who may not have many social skills but who are in their element online. it turns a community of nerds into superstars what are the hold up well they're bought by whatever it is like in the hobbit when they see you know the whole scenario if you were to look at what it them over the lazy acts of violence or elbow. but that still bothered you. i don't help with. here's what one has with a gun that is a tool box where when the one that is it feels and what it will feed on it is what it. should i see in that noble that i see my god.
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show you one earns a living thanks to the generosity of his fans by him. using an online currency equivalent to china's one. child the. buyer really. really. got to be there you know what i have to. do is work. out a letter to the. today show you one fans will buy him four and a half thousand virtual lipsticks worth about eighteen thousand dollars. around two thirds of that money goes to the streaming platform from the wrist to show you why on six thousand dollars isn't bad for a couple of hours work mr wong probably doesn't need your supporters and if.
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anything why you. don't. give us what it is you don't negotiate they really do want to know for sure why you are. going to the devil you look what you're there to see so you. just run to the side. that will be funny to live. in china countless small acts of generosity by fans add up to a billion dollar industry. one
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show you one enjoys the trappings of his success he's got an assistant who chauffeurs him from his new apartment to the one he's bought for his mother from the void or. not and that's added a little bit. i was in here. just for the. i don't tie. in with him but i do. show you one had a humble upbringing his parents worked for state and factories before being made redundant. they'd hoped their only son would take care of them in their old i never imagined it would be like
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this. so it's you know you. have enough time you'll have your daughter now that's how i see that the ladies how did you feel about getting involved live stream when he was first starting out. you're looking for her name here what. you're going to. finally actually. get. that was. an alley because it's. militants have so nothing or nothing you know we. live streaming has created its own fan driven economy but in the west it's often used very differently. to broadcast protests or police
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shootings. i know. there's no citizen journalism in china. but it turns out that even online silliness worries the government what. bothers the communist party about live streaming. is first and foremost how popular it is how many people are on it it's about people having the ability to interact. using channels that are beyond the government's control. the industry doubled in size last year and the chinese government is grappling with how to control it. in the last eighteen months there's been a crackdown on live streaming focusing on morality first in the census sites.
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sexy banana e says there was one woman who gained a following for eating a banana in a sort of sexually suggestive manner and so the government issued a new edict banning the eating of bananas on that's a specific edict it was a specific edict from china from china's media watchdog that you can't eat a banana can't eat a banana suggest you can't eat a banana and i suggest of manner while live streaming. since then thousands of streamers have been banned and strict new regulations introduced. in july three major internet platforms were ordered to shut down their streaming service is impossible to overestimate the degree to which the communist party will go to maintain its grip on the discourse the government itself has hundreds of sensors and forces internet companies have their own teams of sensors that can number in the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands that are tuned to the government's
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demands they know where they have an idea of where the red lines are and it's their job to shut things down. to keep streamers on line and the money rolling in the industry has taken. thank you. young is co-founder of red media company that's a kind of factory for live streaming. and they're all.
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time to. play should. not be home yet. so. good. to have. them play. this week to. thank you ed.
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which it was horrifying. you're going to have seizing on that you're on. your neck. come until the.
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stream is done just have big government breathing down their necks i also have family on a to worry about. this or that i. often want them to know we're me. i'm a young gun you laid it out in the you know when the. bill. called it in when you were you know to my knowledge uncle of the town the from when i sing with a phone. in the industrial city of tongue shun long as struggling to support his wife and young son as a taxi driver. but he dreams of riches and celebrity. thank god. i'm there until six months ago he had a thriving career as a live stream and made these little comedy sketches with his wife.
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but it's hard for a jew so full sun to pursue a career in life streaming if his parents disapproved. and jenna w yeah you are from. you know there. have been the two men. at a bit. of a help even the other i mean they were in. by the hundreds on the unit. i asked shenlong if he could take me back to his village to meet his parents they lived through the cultural revolution when individual expression was suppressed. how do they feel about their sons ambition to be an internet star why didn't you want him to be live stream. where it was our where wishes to live wishing i hope i don't turn to the diminished heart of any and
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yet he told me yes yes i said you know i know. you don't mean. this one is there for you ask you why you. know this and also you know what are you going to throw from his parents point of view shenlong might as well be from another planet but he knows china has changed and he's determined to embrace the future you will come into whether her want to become him without all of the divine you. live with and the young. one god in ignorance and whether the when one was young and you. know no one no. not our formal kano and with only hope with a monk and then with dream your after a six month break shenlong is going to have another crack at live streaming.
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so i think. he realized that being himself wasn't enough to attract an audience. he's not alone. is alter ego needed to be more confident and spontaneous. about. twenty learning in. there. and then doing it all. year and then name of the year. of the year.
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shane long can make more than two hundred dollars streaming for a couple of hours compared with forty dollars a day as a taxi driver. no wonder he sees live streaming as a ticket to a better life. whether they're from the countryside or the city anyone can become a stream and find an audience. but can i hold on to their stardom and stay within the government's boundaries at the same time. it doesn't want to do something like that you're going. to do it i'll believe that you know they don't know about confidence and
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spontaneity can get you more fans. going too far can mean fall in foul of the senses. that's a lesson show you one learned the hard way when a live stunt brought his career tumbling down. he got drunk and then started streaming for you know in the end you know yeah i'm with this whole. playing is it about he had to put down on joe. johns yeah. breaking the government's regulations on morality xiaoyu one got court with his pants down. on and i am sure that the whole ship with. son is holy it is really you know what's going on on your hands or i see a lot of the dance of the young so i was sure it doesn't you know that you know sometimes again we'll it's a little bit of a city then there is also that. many of his fans would
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devastated. with their favorite stream and gone it was a whole lives now until my mind you know you know your. eyes are popping out with the realize that i see on a pile. of signs i will honor then you're going to get the one. show you one spent a year in limbo wondering whether he'd ever be allowed to stream again. although. runs a gun you know one guy. committed also you know the hole from which without full well you know as you know i'm. haunted all day if i'm going about here so we are. going.
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ok but actually i. wish. i was. back on line with one show you won and they usually confident streamer seems to be a little camera shy. he knows self-expression is a double edged sword. how do you got a shot of that. that boundaries exist even if he doesn't always know where i. it's almost is that technology offers a promise of freedom that can never quite be realized. yes i mean people say in china that people live in a cage here and yet the walls of the cage for many of the bars of the cage are so
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far away that people don't know they exist or don't know where they are and i think the metaphor holds true for the live streaming phenomenon. in jakarta school students are taking up weapons to fight in deadly street battles . one on one east investigates this violin phenomenon. at this time on al-jazeera. kingfish indulge your five senses transport measures employed to tackle pollution in one of china's showcase cities they say that by twenty twenty all of the tax
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changes want to be only electric. woa. and how environmental grassroots campaigns are joining forces in the us there is a global connection that is happening and we're going to utilize that power to make changes not only for today but for future generations as well. this time on al-jazeera. the nature just news as it breaks the last time senegal horrified for the world cup was in two thousand to fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage try to imagine it only seven years ago right here. now the city has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to corral a missed opportunity abroad. one day for a rival to the country club and they decide to play god. and certainly if you can
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castro said to show you right knowledge share if we could. all move or source cubans over are in this magnificent. a chronicle of the revolution and its aspirations through the prism of its architecture cuba's unfinished space at this time on al-jazeera news has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife the listening post provides a critical. counterpoint challenging mainstream media narratives at this time on al-jazeera. egypt valves fierce action after a bomb attack on a mosque in the so.


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