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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 11, 2017 5:00am-6:01am +03

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contents tag no this toward. the. top. was. the borders of this. whole unspeakable matter compiled testimonies a victim of the congolese mustn't. as this intimate evidence finds its way to international courts the central african republic is plunged into further. and intricate tale of a people and a nation crippled by recent history. alfred can count two of the two passengers at this time on al-jazeera. above. al-jazeera.
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carried this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. more anger and outrage over the u.s. to recognize truism as israel's capital and the sentiment is spreading worldwide. the diplomatic fallout french president warmly greets israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and urges him to give peace a chance with the palestinians. another controversial move venezuela's leader nicolas maduro bans the opposition from next year's presidential vote. was a mistake in the philippines take a stand against what they call the looming dictatorship. the head of lebanon's housefull laws calling for a mass demonstrations on monday against u.s. president donald trump's recognition of israel's capital protests will be held in
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beirut's southern suburbs on sunday protests were held outside the u.s. embassy in beirut meanwhile protests continued in the occupied palestinian territories more than one hundred fifty people were injured in confrontations with israeli forces in the occupied west bank troops live and gaza separately the white house says it's unfortunate that palestinian president mahmoud abbas's are using to meet with vice president mike pence during his visit to the region later this month and israel's prime minister has met with french president mandela back on in paris who called on israel to end construction of settlements which are illegal under international law so her has more on the protests outside the u.s. embassy in beirut. lebanese security forces are using water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowds several hundred people gathered outside the u.s. embassy in beirut to protest the u.s. decision i do magic niceness' rallies the capital of to recognize jerusalem as
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a cop to close as well palestinian of a newsgroup several hundred protesters stairs trying to reach the u.s. embassy compound but security forces have cordoned off the road preventing people from approaching further people being pushed back from the smell of the teargas people are angry there's defiance oh they're chanting. they're chanting words against arab leaders saying that they haven't done enough to to confront the u.s. decision that words are not enough they want action they want the peace process to be declared that they're calling for but they're supporting a new intifada and calling on person in the lead to stop talking and holding any dialogue with israel and people across three continents show their solidarity with the palestinians charla bell is has more on that. for many this is not a geographical issue but a muslim one is stamboul transformed into a sea of turkish and palestinian flags i feel like i should defend palestine
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because i don't know any i don't know any other way to defend them so this is what i can do this is the least that i can do president ridge of type zero to one has been one of the most vocal critics of trump's decision he's called for a summit of islamic countries a wednesday. and in asia a different language but the same words get it down but i didn't i'm he's president trump you use your brain to not push on and get beyond the limit with patient enough america please go back withdraw yourself from jerusalem jakarta indonesia the capital of the world's most populous muslim country president george who would order coastal muslim countries to unite and rejects trump's move indonesian. voiced their anger outside the u.s. embassy. and then rabbet the moroccan capital. was a yell slurs against the u.s. president with banners that reads drucilla him is the capital of palestine in the
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crowd of government ministers and officials the an army of pro palestinian protesters rolled down cairo streets cell phones held high the the muslim solidarity even spread to the embattled nations of yemen and syria was the commit live city to daraa where the syrian uprising began the global to seems against the u.s. embassy in jerusalem marched on charlotte dallas al-jazeera on the diplomatic front french president mandela macron has again voiced his disapproval over trump's decision with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and paris and a talk about war has more. the greetings were warm and friendly but this could not have been an easy meeting the french president and israeli prime minister are divided over the u.s. decision to recognize theresa as the capital of israel
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a move that has drawn international condemnation it often takes i have expressed to prime minister netanyahu my disapproval of the recent declarations of the president the united states france believed to be against international law and dangerous for peace. called on israelis and palestinians to restart talks urging netanyahu to freeze illegal settlement building as a gesture of the peace netanyahu said he was open to discussions but that there could be no question over jerusalem status and purposes the capital of france drusilla is the capital of israel it's been the capital of israel for three thousand years it's been the capital of the jewish state for seven years the israeli leader also hit out of the turkish president at a one had spoken by phone on saturday the two men reaffirming their condemnation of trump's announcement. and one is attacked is with. us what is my response. i'm not used to receiving.
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lectures. but morality from a little kurdish villagers in his native to palestinian leaders say but the united states could no longer be considered an honest broker in any future peace talks and bad things for megs both couldn't get the door open for him. to take the need but not everyone here was pleased with my girls decision to host netanyahu on saturday hundreds of protesters gathered in central paris. drucilla is not the capital of israel it's not only the palestinian capital it's the capital of all religions with for muslims christians jews. recently mediated in the political crisis in lebanon and he may be seeking a greater role in this one but if he was looking for encouraging signs there were few to be found here. al-jazeera paris precious associate professor of
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middle east politics at the university of oklahoma he joins us from norman oklahoma and thank you for your time so the u.s. ambassador to the united nations vicky haley said that i strongly believe this is going to move the ball forward for the peace process and she says it's because he meaning donald trump to draw some off the table. do you agree with that. you know that's just absolute nonsense i don't think anybody agrees with that and then miss haley and mr trump and people around you know everyone has known for thirty years that this is one of the that one of the most sensitive issues with regard to the palestinian israeli conflict along with borders along with the plight of refugees and security issues this is a final status issue and so this is an issue that the united states could have used as leverage with both parties with the palestinians and with the israelis to
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actually reach some kind of peaceful negotiation and solution with the united states has done is provided a huge disincentive for not only misrata bounce but for any arab leader to take the united states seriously as any kind of a mediator in this conflict which of course we knew the u.s. was not a neutral mediator some time ago so what should the palestinians do now it considering that you and many others say that their reality is that the u.s. cannot be the mediator the broker this going forward what should they do what can they do. that's right well they of course are in a difficult position because the united states presently is the most powerful country in the world but i think many of us have said for some time that the palestinians and the arabs need to circumvent or bypass the united states with regard to this issue that is to appeal to the international community and particularly the united nations the european union the brics brazil russia india
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china and even south africa now as emerging major powers directly and by bypassing the united states that will actually show the united states that unless their position changes and they're more even handed they could be excluded from the middle east even more than they are presently going in that direction so i think that's really the strategy from now on i'm going to international venue's the united nations and all of the lead organizations without the blessing of the united states and without the united states involved i think that provides really the best hope for the palestinians achieving some kind of justice you mentioned russia and there are many countries in the past few days that have come out and denounced this we really haven't heard a lot. from russia why is that and what can they or what would you expect them to do. well that's a big question i do think that the the russians have not had to make any noise because as we've heard the last few days the international community has made
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a lot of noise from pope francis to two recent major mr math problems of the german foreign minister and so on many usual allies of the united states that being said i think the russians benefit from this tremendously the russians see the world in a zero sum fashion with regard to the united states any loss for the united states is a potential victory for russia and i think russia's stock generally in the eyes of many has increased as a result of this they certainly can't trust the united states can't really trust russia but with regard to this issue the russians have been better. load abbas says that he will not meet u.s. vice president mike pence when he comes to the region what do you think about that approach that response. i think that's the appropriate response right now and i wish all arab leaders would have a similar response we've seen recently that the egyptian pope has also said he's not going to meet mr counts when he comes to cairo chief of us who has also said
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he's not going to meet mr pence when he comes also to cairo i wish other arab leaders including specially those allied with the united states would it would have the same kind of reaction to really show the american administration how central how pivotal our critical this issue is through our shot at joining us in the university of oklahoma thank you thank you. palestinian christians are also expressing their frustration and he then spoke out after sunday services in gaza more than two hundred thousand palestinian christians live in occupied territories in israel are recent reports. on sunday morning massing garza is a reminder that the status of jerusalem just an hour's drive from here matters to palestinian christians as much as it does to palestinian muslims the under israel's blockade it is hard for the parishioners a simple theory is to visit the site of christ crucifixion as it is for muslims to
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visit their x. a mosque compound as a ministry in. jerusalem is for the three religions we recognize it only as you tanel capital of palestine which in recent is our dignity it's the city of peace. as a christian trumps decision doesn't represent me because jerusalem is the eternal capital of palestine like. rousselin is where all prophets muslims and christians live it's a word the capital of the palestinians and will never give it up as christians we don't recognize tribes decision. simple phineas is one of the oldest churches in the world it was founded in four zero seven eight d. almost two hundred years before the birth of islam's prophet muhammad it serves gaza's dwindling community of about a thousand orthodox christians. as a couple of israel said. because it should.
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between the the buddhist. the soul the brougham of. the conflict the. confrontation and conflict may be the most visible outlets frustration anger here but for many prayer is just as powerful. but it's made al-jazeera gaza but in our head in the news hour we travel to zimbabwe's killing fields for families of allison's executed by the army twenty years ago are still waiting for an apology. california's governor says devastating wildfires go by climate change are the new normal. and manchester city take control of the english premier league what they went against their arch rivals details ahead in sport. international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons has received this year's nobel
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peace prize and also the nobel committee praised i can for drawing attention to the humanitarian consequences of using those deadly explosives the purpose urging nuclear powers to adopt and signing u.n. treaty to ban their use all together. i has been awarded the nobel peace prize for twenty seventeen a prize for achieving a u.n. treaty banning nuclear weapons and for what i can hopes to achieve global nuclear disarmament accepting the award as i can see executive directive it was finn and set sukkot thurlow who survived the u.s. bombing of hiroshima nine hundred forty five there were tears in the audience as she recounted the horrors of that day when i was just thirteen year old girl trapped in the. rubble i kept pushing i kept moving. the light and i survived. our
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light now is a ban treaty to all in this whole and all listening around the world. that i heard in the ruins of. don't give up keep pushing keep moving see the light their speech is reminded the world of the extreme threat we will live under which bitterest been reiterated june exclusive interview with al-jazeera after the ceremony we've been so close to catastrophe throughout the cold war we also had a war in iraq that was fueled by threats of weapons of mass destruction we have conflict with iran with kashmir and north korea right now look at this situation between north korea and the united states this does not feel safe past winners of the nobel peace prize or a diverse bunch from archbishop desmond tutu for his nonviolent campaign against
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apartheid in south africa to martti ahtisaari for resolving conflicts in kosovo proves that the path to peace are many but nothing threatens world peace more than the fifteen thousand nuclear weapons held by just nine countries and i can says that as long as they exist nuclear disaster is inevitable. the crisis in north korea means that threat is greater than it has been in decades i can doesn't expect nuclear states to sign the u.n. treaty immediately but hopes to stigmatize the weapons like landmines chemical and biological weapons making their use and thinkable their opponent a powerful but so are the people that i can. of course the economic impacts that individual people can have so we have a major campaign called don't bank on the bomb and we're encouraging people to call their banks or their pension funds or other financial institutions and see if they have a policy to take the money away from nuclear weapon producing companies again with
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landmines and cluster bombs this is how the huge impacts on this incentivizing economic investment in these weapons and we expect that the same thing can happen with nuclear weapons as well. the prize is a victory for civil groups in a rare moment of celebration the behind the smiles a stark message it's either the end of nuclear weapons well the world faces a very uncertain future challenger to al jazeera. and israel's president nicolas maduro has announced that the country's main opposition parties will be banned from taking part and next year's presidential election he said this on a day the country held its first municipal election since two thousand and thirteen three of the four main opposition parties boycotted the vote saying the electoral system is biased you know try and learn joins us now from krokus so daniel with so many parties either choosing not to participate or being banned for participating in the electoral process there how much credibility does it really have.
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well that really depends on which side of the political divide the people the people you speak to are from anybody from the government anyone who supports the government will say that these election results the results still coming in from the visit with actions are credible are bonafide the result a reflection of the popularity of president nicolas maduro who's been in power since two thousand and thirteen setting the scene as you mentioned a presidential election next year the vast numbers of opposition the people who are very much against nicolas bhutto's government will say these elections were not credible that's why many of the opposition candidates chose not to participate saying that this is a flawed process and they wanted no part of it immediately afterwards president my daughter was said that these opposition parties have boycotted the elections on the longer on the political map and he will consolidate laws. that up which is really
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setting the scene for a big fight i think in the years to come in the run up to those october presidential elections next year when we're going to have to see just what parts the opposition candidates as opposition parties will choose to play or not where they don't take part in the elections how they will oppose nicolas maduro his government is anybody offering up ideas solutions anything for the basics a lapse. me there what a difficult time the average voter is having. there are many different solutions no if we seem to have been very effective so far tens of thousands of venice whalers are simply leaving the country many of left in previous months going to neighboring countries in latin america and further afield how long they'll stay away from what is not clear many of the waiting until they see fundamental changes but as you mentioned the economy is in dire straits
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shortages of food of medicines even shortages of money of cash. lation is running at fifty seven percent in november and accumulated inflation this year of one thousand three hundred seventy which is very difficult for anyone who's not been to venezuela to comprehend it really means prices going up every day and there's simply not enough banknotes in the system to pay for the foodstuffs when they are available so a very very difficult situation nicolas maduro coming up with a new plan a venice whale inversion of the bitcoin which he's calling the pits role which he's saying will be implemented fairly soon with venezuela's vast natural reserves of oil of gas of gold backing it up economists are really just laughing at that idea but he seems very serious about it saying that it's a way of overcoming what he calls the economic blockade imposed by outside forces against his country so all sorts of solutions ideas being bandied around the
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country at the same time many many venezuelans simply trying day by day to make ends meet the political situation i think now more confused than ever simply because of those boycotts and then the banning of those political parties from taking part in the in the electoral process so i think certainly more complex a car in the in the weeks and months ahead ok daniel simon live for us in caracas thank you. thousands of hunger and to spend another day protesting against what they call a toral fraud the main opposition party says that will respond with nationwide protests that the current president has announced as the winner of last month's election the opposition candidate and the incumbent president have both declared themselves victorious the president has led the vote count by a small margin but some ballot boxes were recounted after regularities the opposition says the process was manipulated and. al jazeera has spoken to victims of mass killings in zimbabwe which took place more than three decades ago twenty
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thousand people died and former president robert mugabe ordered a military campaign against a rival liberation movement and then a president emerson minako and former military chiefs appointed to his new cabinet they were and government at that time andrew symonds travel to chill out show district to meet those waiting for an apology. it seems like a happy setting yet the children are playing on one of the zimbabwe's killing fields seven teachers were murdered in these grounds then dumped in a pit it was thirty four years ago they called it a military operation named. meaning the rains washing away the chance with let's go. with momo sibanda is trying to work out good luck with the bodies were buried up from where. they called everyone around the village to come here and dig new toilet but really reading graves rick told by those who saw the teachers the lined up the one of the young soldiers told him to move over yet they lined up
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again and they were shocked. there's no dignity here no respect for the dead no marc graves no way of absorbing the scale of these atrocities spread over a landmass the size of switzerland liberia sierra leone no comfort for the people and no apology. it all took place decades ago in the first years of zimbabwe's independence but doesn't believe zimbabwe's new president will ever apologize. he takes us to another village following his memories from one thousand nine hundred three to this place. even the sun can lift the darkness for those who live here. names etched in stone twenty three of them mainly women locked
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inside a house burned alive the north korean trained fifth brigade were under orders from robert mugabe his security minister was the new president emerson. and the armed forces were headed by men who now have senior ministerial posts. in march nine hundred eighty three the chronicle state run newspaper published reports about defending the fifth brigade like ning the dissidents to cockroaches and bugs the minister said the bandit menace had reach such epidemic proportions that the government had to bring in d.d.t. to get rid of the bandits d.d.t. is an insecticide. for decades victims like jane were lousy have been too frightened to talk jane still lives with physical injuries and having to watch her fourteen year old sister being raped and uncle was killed. cruel it's
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very painful as i speak it still hurts me those who took these things should come and apologize to us otherwise nothing has changed in the current. special advisor to the president have this response to our report them but we need the break to continue as the erie diggins past to settle scores from the past is if it can not be the future is seemingly to and here for it's irresponsible davis in a geo way from what should be done every country's corridor tortured history going to be living there americans does talk of the civil war the american civil war no country. but you make mistakes you make false starts back in a village deep in the bush blow most a bandit goes to pray in one hour where the prayer asked for help and comfort and the words shatter the still is. or not they carry the anger and pain of tens of thousands of. andrew symonds al-jazeera. better people than.
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still ahead on al-jazeera the u.k. government's austerity measures are letting down a vulnerable members of society and. i'm turning a page of washington from south africa on a move to regulate religion and the fears it's become commercial and so on the rolls along a single sporting event is heading into one of its most dangerous stretches. by the springtime flowers of a mountain lake leap to the first snowfall on a winter's day. allan the sun is act the temperature has dropped its proper winter now in charms breeze current are from the north it's not really harsh winter yet so eleven degrees is the max by day and shanghai and twenty three in hong kong and still an above average should do fifty there is some cloud forming you see
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where the ground rises so in you none just over the border in vietnam but nothing much is coming out of the skies that's a fairly steady picture i think for the next two days south of that we are of course he went seas was he's in pretty big showers but in the last few days i'm continuing the big shot up pretty well spread out so you got maybe a concentration in jakarta in particular so java and bali maybe seven sumatra typically potentially malaysia southern thailand on most the sumatra is much stronger was the case this time last week the concentration is more stubborn sodomites are typically the northern side of borneo that's true for the next two days but we'll leave the really wet weather to the temporary wet weather we've had recently some rainfall in bangladesh the remains of the last tropical depression is just about disappeared and you might get a bit more rain out of it maybe of more interest is the cleansing rain that's falling through well northern pakistan and india. the winter sponsored by
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cattle and race. eagle hunters still roll mongolia's rugged mountains but how long can their culture survive the modern world want to needs meets those determined to save their ancient connection to the magnificent called an eagle at this time on al-jazeera and this is different not just whether someone going for something is very rare but that's not only me trying to think it's how you approach an individual and often it is a certain way of doing it to congress and inject a story and lie out. singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline and illegally dredged satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanished it's a big business well go and you say i'm going to go take this there in the sand is our parent you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so pleasant the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation
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into a global emergency sound walls at this time on al-jazeera. watching al-jazeera and these are the top stories right now violent protests have taken place in lebanon over president thomas decision to recognize truce on this israel's capital security forces use tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds outside the u.s. embassy in beirut lebanon is home to almost four hundred fifty thousand palestinian refugees. and as well as president nicolas maduro has banned the main opposition parties from taking part in next year's presidential election he said this on the day the country held its first municipal election since two thousand and fourteen
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but three of the four main opposition parties boycotted the vote saying the electoral system is biased a national campaign to abolish nuclear weapons has received this year's nobel peace prize in all slow but a bell committee praised i can't perjuring attention to the humanitarian consequences of using those deadly explosives. more on our top story their reaction to donald trump's decision to recognize truism as israel's capital decision as caused an uproar around the muslim world and beyond turkish president ratchet type word one is called israel a terrorist state. georgia we won't leave jerusalem to the mercy of a child murdering country we won't leave jerusalem to the conscious of a state that has no value other than occupation and plunder we will continue our struggle within law and democracy with determination even before president trumps declaration the daily life of palestinians living in occupied east jerusalem was hard for them to reside in the city where they were born has meant constant battles
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with bureaucracy very fosset reports. in occupied east jerusalem the protests of the preceding days were absent on sunday the start of the working week so the more regular rhythms of life resume but the palestinians hear that also means dealing with the all encompassing nature of occupation extending residency i.d.'s or continuing with torturous applications to enable life in a city they see as their own if there was disadvantage i married or lived in the west bank but my sons were all born in jerusalem with the oldest couldn't get an id i've been applying since two thousand and two i born in that world city and if i. leave this city for five years i will lose my id to my identity and. this is a three inch country that you will never see it that you're never to see in the war . during this week's demonstrations israeli forces have been checking i.d.'s
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carrying out searches. and cracking down on any use of the palestinian flag a national symbol that they refuse to allow in protests in what israel claims is its undivided capital that flag was present in a meeting of palestinian members of the israeli parliament and others looking for ways to respond to the u.s. indorsement of the israeli claim that israel is there with the can taking the steps against against the palestinians of course this succeeded and we want another to reach some of the plans but it's still the existence of the philistines that was will sit on the floor but none of them will continue with his plans for the day to day realities of life under occupation here in east jerusalem haven't been changed by don't trust declaration when it has done is cement a feeling of stagnation even hopelessness after more than twenty years of peace process the question now is what kind of a course their leaders will chart and what kind of a hearing they'll get in the wider world are a force that al-jazeera occupied east jerusalem iraq has celebrated its victory
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against eisel with the military parade in baghdad. follows the recapture of one of the last remaining towns held by the fighters last month since then iraqi forces had been fighting to retake small pockets in the border area there are still under eisel control on sunday iraq's prime minister to clear the end of its war with the armed. katara spark twenty four typhoon combat aircraft from the british defense and aerospace company systems the six point seven billion dollars deal was signed by british defense minister gavin williamson and the cotchery minister of state for defense williamson called the sale a massive vote of confidence in supporting british dogs and injecting billions into the u.k. economy jets are said to be delivered in late one and twenty two several thousand people have marched through central kiev to protest against the detention the crimean opposition figure mikhail saakashvili the former georgian president was
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arrested in kiev on friday prosecutors accuse him of assisting a criminal organization charges he says were trumped up to undermine his political campaign against president petro poroshenko. who has been stripped of both his ukrainian and georgian citizenships is now on hunger strike. human rights day was recognized in the philippines where demonstrators say their country a sliding into a dictatorship under president robert a territory's role thousands of people including children have died since a turd had acquired a so-called war on drugs to mail allan they're going to ports from manila. there is no shortage of grief and anger here and many of those protesting voted for president. but now they are singing a different tune. sixty nine years since the united nations declaration of human rights many here in the philippines feel democracy has never been under threat like
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it is now like young people who say they are not intimidated by the president's violent rhetoric when do you bring the mood of the. state and your job was really i don't think margin this movie and making sure. i actually out of thirty. president thirty campaigned on a promise to end crime and corruption within his first three to six months in office more than a year and a half later his critics say the turd to spoil lisa have unleashed a series of killings on scene in recent philippine history rights groups say at least thirty thousand people have been killed since duke that they launched his so-called war on drugs many of them committed by vigilante groups believed to be linked to the police. thousands of filipino protesters here are calling for president. they say more filipinos are being killed in the streets like animals by
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the very same people the fine job is to protect them the administration has repeatedly denied its sanction summary killings and promises to hold those responsible accountable still he continues to attack journalists the supreme court and taunts members of the opposition but despite the widespread criticisms to still remains popular majority of those in congress are now his allies and he continues to expand his influence over the military and the police will eventually fade. from the early. history has shown us where tyrants and go. under a monument built for this country's war heroes people years say they will continue to raise their fists and speak up. they see silence in the face of evil is to be in the complex. manila former presidential candidate bernie sanders is calling
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on donald trump to step down over allegations of sexual harassment sanders joined two other democratic senators and the last week urging the president to resign and the past few months or a growing number of women have been coming forward with their experiences of sexual misconduct by men and power it's forced the resignation of men in their tame and media and politics most recently to a democrats and one republican from the election campaign more than a dozen women accused of sexual harassment nikki haley of the u.s. ambassador to the united nations was asked about that during a television interview how do you think people should assess the accusers of the president. well i mean that you know the same thing as women who accuse anyone should be heard they should be heard and they should be dealt with and i think we heard from them prior to the election and i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up and does the
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election mean that's a settled issue. you know that's for the people to decide i know that he was elected but you know women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them sexual harassment allegations have dominated the campaign ahead of tuesday's special election in alabama for the u.s. senate nationwide attention was drawn to the contest after republican candidate roy moore who has been accused of molesting teenage girls while he was in his thirty's but work out the support of president trump and his party many republican voters are split sheraton's the reports. sunday at churches across alabama christian evangelicals were weighing a dynamic could they put aside the allegation of child molestation that's been leveled at republican candidates judge roy moore and vote for him or should they allow the possibility that a pro-choice democrat might assume the state's vacant senate seat if they don't for
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republican elizabeth bashir there's only one possible option a lot of people myself included feel that roy moore is just not an acceptable candidate he doesn't a spouse the views that are important to me are a lot of younger people a lot of women as well just do not feel that he holds the same values that we do it's not just the allegations of sexual misconduct for years more has reveled in overt racism and discrimination but he often clicks in bible scripture recently he mused that life in the u.s. had been better while slavery existed these thoughts often delight a core right wing evangelical base in alabama who feel that washington has allowed the u.s. to descend into godlessness starting with allowing a woman reproductive rights more spoke at brian baptist church in late november and the past of this says there's no proof of child molestation the women should have due process and so should judge moore the problem is is because of the selection
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being so short we had don't have plenty of time for it so you're going to have to make a rush decision but she is as she feels some more voters are employing circular thinking i also think there are some self. and some sectors in terms that well i couldn't support somebody who would do these things so there's no way he did those things because i support him this race is being defined in many different ways a referendum donald trump a key moment for the republican party so the movement with key demographics like younger people and women feel they have no choice but to split with the party's extremism even if they too are against abortion but despite the consternation that's been. nationwide about style just for the us during slavery for example he does speak for a large section of alabamians there was that insular but there were certain certain principles of that top ok that was a man's word was his was his bond so to speak we value human life better that that thomas for is the white population. in some in some areas
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and if does win on tuesday night it's not as if he'll be the only republican in the u.s. senate who holds such views she overturn see al-jazeera birmingham alabama more evacuation orders have been issued in southern california as wind gusts continue to spread a huge wildfire threatening the coastline firefighters are warning the so-called thomas fire near santa barbara could become the worst in the state's history five other fires in the area are now largely under control almost a thousand buildings have been destroyed and one person was killed over the weekend abra nelson's inventory county california which has been badly damaged by the fire . you can see behind me this is kind of the worst case scenario for everyone that obviously once had a beautiful view of these rolling hills now it's nothing but a bunch of scorched rubble and the same is true of many other houses in this
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neighborhood nobody's totaled up the amount of damage yet from this fire we know that just fighting the fire has cost this county this one county a ventura where than twenty five million dollars that's just a little less than a week and you can see another another house over here again only the chimney standing the trees completely burned and a car just sort of melted in the middle of the street this is as governor jerry brown of california said yesterday on saturday this is the new normal for california still had on al-jazeera and sports. are celebrating for a third time this season and we will tell you why.
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united nations has criticised the u.k. for not doing enough to support disabled people and that support the un highlighted the role government funding cuts have played in depriving all section of society of their rights as a bob reports. mary ellen has been registered disabled for twenty three years she used to work as a nurse now she relies on her full time care of her and she's constantly worrying about the future. i hung two years ago the government scrapped something called the independent living fund though i left and now her local council is cutting her care payments and since the yeah laughs close to council that's been you a king is tied to supposedly can intervene as much money to put
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a can into trying to cut those hours social worker. came in and said that they would be increasing mine dependence by providing me with incontinence pads rather than they can't support her need to be able to use the toilet because then i would be dependent on someone to take help me to go to the toilet. having a care also means mary-ellen can go out to meet friends and protest for disabled people's rights five years ago a group of organizations lodged a formal complaint to the united nations that led to an in-depth investigation and some damning conclusions in its report earlier this year the un singled out what it called the u.k. government's failure to recognize the rights of disabled people to live independently in the community it also highlighted the growing numbers of disabled children being educated in segregated special schools calling for legislation to make sure mainstream schools provide for them and it called for urgent action to
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fight high levels of poverty which it said would you to multiple welfare reforms and cuts in benefits the u.k. government says the un's failed to reflect the progress it's made in empowering disabled people including getting them into work but roger lewis part of a lobby group that helped to get the un to investigate says changes in the government's access to work scheme a cutting things like the specialist computer software which allows him to hold down a job despite being blind he doesn't costly there that the country this isn't this is the crazy thing that the access to work scheme for every pound they spend on me the treasury gets back between one pound forty one pounds seventy this is generating income for the government bob in work up a national insurance i'm paying income tax i'm not on an unemployment benefit it's a net gain yet this game is under attack from mary ellen going into a care home would mean an end to her social life and possibly the slide back into the suicidal thoughts she's had in the past she's determined to do what she can to
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keep fighting the spending cuts that barbara al-jazeera london. now for a walk into the history books and performer has become the first person to cross the tiber river on a tight rope and trailer any slowly and so long as steel wire at the rink the banks that get all these third longest river crowds gather to watch them across the one hundred thirty five metre long table suspended cable twenty meters high he said at the end the walk was more difficult than expected because of the wind and rain not that that whatever. diverse for it now with andy thank you very much for munches the city of opened up an eleven point lead at the top of the english premier league maybe second place money united to one nicklaus also monday with the win a city became the first team to unfold seen consecutive top flight games in a single season earlier marcus rushford equalize for the home side of the david silver struck the opening goal for
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a city we tried to keep playing and we came here like we were in the stand for breach in all the game since they came here to try to win to make our jump and i'm so happy with the people say in england you cannot blame the do it complain that. you see a month just to see if you play you expect much as a city to score. great goals not to score two disgraceful goals. the list goals that you expect to see it's a wayne rooney conversative controversial penalty to earn everton a draw in the merseyside derby liverpool manager you can call it fear is that the decision the sport kate canceling out a goal from a home in silence finished one live a full stay full in the table be controlled a game and. apart from one situation and the situation designed to the game at the end that's what we have to accept. in the days of the
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game also injury one want to southampton a late header from a living as your rescuing a point don't you move above tottenham and into fifth. i'm not happy with the point because i want to treat points but overall. when you cannot renew don't lose it you know we keep going and were relentless after again a difficult start with cold cold and overall windy rainy afternoon against a team played well and discreet can contract back. luis suarez a little messy were barcelona's match winners of villareal boss of five points clear of events here in the spanish league and let's come here to stella bates and days after going out see if the champions they have a group stage they be real betis warned knelt russia dorman of fire their head coach after just one hundred sixty seven days in charge of the germany club peter bosh was sacked after a two one defeat at home to vote a bremen that left the winless in eight league games they've also gone out of the
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champions league it's been replaced by austrian pizza sterger whose was fired by colossal last week. for me serve seclusion you know of course it was a surprising situation for me and probably for you too but it's an exceptional opportunity for me to take on the responsibility here at this club with these playas it's something exceptional and i'm enormously excited to be allowed to coach this team and the stadium it's something special strong so i say become the first canadian seems to win the top prize in the north american club gang that beat the seattle sounders to nail in the analysts cup final avenging their loss against the sign off position twelve months ago telling gleason reports. there was a sense of deja vu as for the second j in a row to run two at sea and the seattle sounders took to the failed for the m.l.s. cup final but after a heartbreaking loss on penalties twelve months ago toronto looked determined to void repeat disappointment in front of their home fans i seattle had him conceded
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a goal since up type of the first though and keep a step and frye did his best to keep that run going. to run tie would finally break the deadlock midway through the second half. i hate the outdoor chipping high and to the delight of the crowd at b.m.i. i feel i and after a monday keep the hit the post to bask has made sure of victory for the heist in stoppage time with the win sealed an unprecedented travel for to run they also won the supposed to shield after scoring a record breaking sixty nine points in their regular season and the voyages cup as canadian champions there was a stark contrast in a motions from this time last year effort to run type play at and found i missed the first m.l.s. team ever to win three major titles in one season few would argue against them being labeled as the best team in the league history. and al-jazeera i only and i
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last has ambitions to rival europe's best competitions chicago by soccer and so john hollerin says the u.s. national seems fine it's qualified for next year's world cup i was a setback for the game at all levels. in my opinion the real negative impact is the lack of exposure americans are a very patriotic people the world cup is one of those opportunities that draws in casual fans or fans maybe you don't normally watch soccer or they will they will watch the world cup to cheer on the u.s. and that's always an opportunity to then bring fans into the league and into their local markets to support their major league soccer team and that opportunity is gone and there's going to be in my opinion. the facts on the youth that don't get to see their country compete in the world cup and that's a lost opportunity that the u.s. is now going to have to wait five more years they have as a proven or as a stated aim to be the best league in the world obviously i don't think anybody
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would argue that they're there yet i think when you look especially at the top end of that we were at least you know you're supposedly going to see better quality of the premier league in buddhist league. but they are getting better and they are continuing to expand there are right now four cities find the come part of the next round of expansion they do want to get to that point they just increase the amount of money that teams are going to be able to spend next year and so that is an ambition obviously they're not there yet but that is something that they're working towards trying because pace attack and spot a seven wicked win against india in the first of three one day cricket internationals leading the way with a full third saying the home side a lot for hundred twelve trying to reach in that song it's with anything just to span england's cricket coaches blasted the behavior of another player embroiled in yet another failed incidence batsman ben duckett has been suspended from playing on the tour of australia this after pouring a drink of a senior player jimmy anderson at
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a bar in perth. well to be of course i think it's fairly trivial but. in the current climate it's just not acceptable you know everyone's been warned to be even small things can be like me blown out of all proportion and. yet you see believe also being quite strict to the boys in the message it's quite simply an except to on the world's longest single sporting event is heading into one of its most dangerous stretches competitors in the nine months around the world volvo ocean race just left cape town in south africa and they're heading into the unpredictable southern ocean on route to a brief stopover in australia the race is set to finish in june in the netherlands ok but as always sport for not more lighter south africa wants to regulate all places of worship the goal is to stop it calls the commercialization of religion and other dangerous practices tanya page has more from
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a torah law. so this woman has come to profit she would appreciate the for how he takes her crutches and she walks on they consider this a miracle. the congregants believe the holy spirit is channeled through prophet pushy and that sometimes they can feel it to up to thirty thousand people come to his unlighted christian gathering every sunday to be blessed with good health and succeeds i believe pregnant with my studies but because they claim you're probably going to be fifty and i thank my son take many of the people who come here want to take something home so there's a range of items for sale posters honey and little bottles of oil all of these things have been touched blessed by the prophet and so by taking the heart and people believe they're taking a little bit of his narcotics quite into these even a stall is selling tickets for a prophetic cruise and it's at this side of pushing his church and others like it
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that have created debate commission for the promotion and protection of the rights of cultural religious and linguistic communities known as c.r.l. for short says probable people are being taken advantage of by being promised blessings sometimes for price it wants all religious leaders to be registered to stop what it describes as the commercialization of religion and other dangerous practices in the past some religious leaders have feared congregants grass and snakes and sprayed insecticide in their faces this has nothing to do with the bible it has everything to do with the individual then the visual is no court. the individual is an individual with chosen a particular. behavior profession that. while some religious leaders are opposed to the idea of any other science supports it as long as the new regulator isn't biased
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he rejects the suggestion his church is a business you see this bible i didn't get it for free. so if we see there's a question mark sitting. i hope but it has to be like. sitting in the bibles religion office and a sense of community but it can also be used against people if it is the religious rights commission says it should be a criminal offense tinier page al-jazeera pretoria. that's all for the news hour. more news on the other side of the break. news has never been more available it's a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain good logical rational crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and
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evidence is part of the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream narratives at this time on al-jazeera the nature use as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup. fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage try to imagine that only seven years ago right here. now the seat has taken over from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge a missed opportunity rotfl. scaping award. finding a new identity. and confronting the reality of racism in religion and the struggle to be accepted. al-jazeera tells the story of what it's like to be
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lebanese and call australia home. once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on al-jazeera. witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. or anger of a president trumps jerusalem move with outbreak is spreading worldwide.


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