tv 1975 - 1996 Al Jazeera December 11, 2017 9:00am-10:01am +03
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on counting the calls the gulf cooperation council although there's not much cooperation these days look at how the region is being affected by accords in economic relations also the shocking numbers on the plastic economy and o.-m. g. twenty five years since the world's first text and counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera news has never been anything but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narrative at this time on al-jazeera. with a quick reminder of the top stories of al-jazeera violent protests have taken place
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in lebanon of a donald trump decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds outside the u.s. embassy in beirut lebanon seventy almost four hundred fifty thousand palestinian refugees. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says palestinians ought to get to grips with the reality that jerusalem is israel's capital in order for all to move towards peace the sooner the problem students come to grips with this reality the sooner we will move towards peace and this is why i think president trumps announcement was so historic and so important for peace on the quest for peace there is a serious effort underway now by the united states and all i can say as i said related to president and mccall i think if you'll pardon the expression you should give peace a chance. venezuela's president nicolas maduro has banned the country's main opposition parties and taking part in next year's presidential election comes after
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three of the four main parties boycotted sunday's vote claiming the electoral system is biased has more from caracas anybody from the government anyone who supports the government will say that the election results the results still coming in from the municipal elections are credible are bonafide the result there are elections of the popularity of president nicolas maduro who's been in power since two thousand and thirteen setting the scene as you mentioned a presidential election next year the vast numbers of opposition the people who are very much against nicolas bhutto's government will say these elections were not credible that's why many of the opposition candidates chose not to participate saying that this is a flawed process and they wanted no part of it let me get you afterward president my daughter was said these are opposition parties we boycotted the elections are no longer on the political map and he will consolidate laws that back that up which is really setting the scene for
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a big fight i think in the year to come in the run up to those october presidential elections next year when we're going to have to see what part the opposition candidate is opposition parties will choose to play or not where they don't take part in the election how they will oppose nicolas maduro government in the u.s. three democratic senators are calling for president trump to step down the allegations of sexual harassment in the past few months a growing number of women have been coming forward with their experiences of sexual misconduct by men in powerful positions during the election campaign more than a dozen women accused trump of sexual harassment the u.s. ambassador to the united nations nikki haley says any sexual misconduct allegations should be taken seriously how do you think people should assess the accusers of the president. well i mean you know the same thing as women who accuse anyone should be heard they should be heard and they should be dealt with and i think we heard from them prior to the election and i think any woman who has felt violated or felt
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mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up and does the election mean that's a settled issue you know that's for the people to decide i know that he with elected but you know women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them staying in the u.s. more evacuation orders have been issued in southern california as wind gusts continue to spread a huge wildfire threatening the coastline five other blazes in the area now largely under control the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons as a see this year's nobel peace prize in oslo the nobel committee praised i can for drawing attention to the humanitarian consequences of using the deadly weapons the group is urging nuclear powers to adopt and sign a u.n. treaty to ban the use all together. iraq celebrated its victory against isis with a military parade in baghdad follows the recapture a row of one of the last remaining towns held by the fighters last month since then
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iraqi forces have been fighting to retake small pockets in the border area that was still under eisel control on sunday iraq's prime minister hyderabadi declared the end of its wall with the armed group well those are the headlines that use continues here on al-jazeera after once upon a time in punchbowl and sorted by fire. prior to us right in front of in order to get away from the war that was happening at the top. and they came here to restart their lives. as a margaret when i first arrived at this rally i like it i i struggled. it was very difficult. i wanted to give us everything they have it. was
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a play of the beginning so much like there is it for so long. for us. for decades lebanese families come to a strange year to build a better life and escape the destruction of. that many of demonized in a new land. of an easy to. get rid of this multiculturalism because that is kind of god that's all this. been after fifteen years of immigration from lebanon anglo and arab australia is divided by the first gulf war they're being confronted with a choice between doing either our own restraint because up to now the multicultural story is both. you know out first. i already answered this question are going to start isn't this going to be your stores trailer and i shouldn't be asked about this john modestly tweets if there's
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a study. about the book about this as well. in one thousand nine hundred at tiny criminal minority become drug dealing gangsters define the you lose games we believe was. in two thousand and one. terrorism raises fears that our overall strategy and our an enemy within on the part of a terrorist or the rival in all of my five years later and our attention explodes into one of the most infamous rice riots in a strain in history don't go to the middle east to buy into the weekend of now that we have been in the eye for shock effect for so tedious for people and good still in print all of a chance to know what the hell i am that what happened on that sunday in court all of it is a black or for a country. i'm
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i live in asia one stone is what i am what i don't know i am a straw man i am lebanese i am muslim obama jordaan a child i'm all that he wants this is a story of what it's like to be live in ames and colas try and. we have a striving and this is our homeland and says where we belong and this is what we have. when i was on little kids on remember like you know my knees that were shaking up and down just because like you know i don't know when i'm going to daunt. a
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lost not only my brother i lost my friend. a last minute. to minute people and. to many people i love. he is silent and her husband calm mate. during the lebanese civil war between one hundred seventy five and ninety ninety an estimated one hundred fifty thousand people killed in the fighting involving muslim and christian militias backed by complex political alliances. a million people are forced to flee their homes. news media at that time was quite scarce our member my father had been to wipe it up at about three o'clock in the morning to two need to b.b.c. news because the lebanese civil war was not widely covered and he needed to look more information about which village was heated and what was happening.
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joe whack him family is part of the small but influential christian lebanese community living in astray since the late nineteenth century. the astray in christian lebanese have powerful connections in politics industry and the law. but they are still a tiny minority and the war is a distant problem far from most astray and lives. people were anxious and they're on the phone talk ridiculously low towers trying to get day the reassurances. that's the point where lee starts saying to the australian government you have to risk you these people are going to be annihilated. in the mid seventy's the fraser government changes immigration conditions to cope with an
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international refugee crisis and a fifteen year exodus begins. around thirty thousand lebanese people settle in astray or. son poorly educated from small remote villages. others members of an educated middle class. the decision to come to this trailer is not easy decision is a hard decision and simple reason because i love lou and i love the country were i born. journalist to immigrate to australia after ten years of war. and like many of his generation the pain he experiences leaving his shattered homeland is a by the promise of a better life. i wasn't going to spain.
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from above that this beautiful sea between the darling harbor an opera house. and since i've seen this beach or. this is my country. this is the country we all want to spin marist off life. four years later he returns to live and on to visit his family and mates his future wife now earlier. we got engaged. and then he came back to australia and i meant to come back to australia but. a port was shut down and i tried to travel on on the boat from barrett to cyprus. i remember we had about two hundred travellers and all the sudden arm bar
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started if we where. and fortunately one bomb had hit the bridge we were on so we had on brocks of flying everywhere like you know everyone was screaming and yelling you couldn't see any seeing it was pitch dark. and i nearly lost my life forces yeah. after two days hiding in a bomb shelter. or finally makes it back to her village and her family i wife from the taxi saying hello to them. like now i'm laughing. i guess. i should be saying like. thank god i'm still alive.
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my parents are rejoiced from aaa and the world is that i knew it was falling apart around them. not only was there life in potential danger but who knows what the future would hold. punchbowl boys high principle jehad deed is still a baby when his parents joined the mass migration that will radically change their lives. where i'm really proud of them is they left everything for this i give myself. to start a new life and understanding that they really were going into the online. shopping cart. to see. if your
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arriving in australia from living on and the most popular song on the radio is to maori any song jump in my car it's going to be a fairly bizarre society that you're in training and try to make sense for many muslims arriving the notion of public drunkenness was something that was not part of the culture it's a good mystic culture of self enjoyment and celebration of pleasure. so the whole social world that they are in tree is very different to what they had to experience more so in fact then any other if the communities that arrived during the previous twenty five years or so. and this is where many lebanese families will call home the white working class and immigrant suburbs of southwest sydney canterbury. bankstown riverwood
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and punchbowl. nobody seems able to say how many lebanese arrived in the last two months but it's going to be between it's a story of struggle repeated in family after family outside is fighting to survive father's battling to feed their family there were no jobs and they were turned away from one hundred houses before getting this run by saying that they had only two children. but now airing two hundred dollars in rent a family have been served with an objection noted. in the. not in silesia 1980's a strenuous model of immigrant settlement is a bit shonky what you've got is a national ideology of multiculturalism you don't yet have a well developed network of things like migrant resource centers and all those sorts of things that become very much part of the story later on in the history of settlement. or reality shows or.
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in middle of a. shadow. i know which i look. at that can then not know you and i but then level i shut out that ever. that this way. or if. i welcome a blip allowed many. the l. care family immigrants who arrived before the start of the civil war. i can imagine myself don't. get another hundred another language and i went on there and just starting up a new life new family. turbine. but like many immigrants in the one nine hundred seventy s. their plan is to earn enough to build a new life and then return home to the country of their birth. we stayed here until
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there was a knot in seventy nine so my dad thought he'd saved up enough money. missed the family back home so sold the house sold everything packed this all up and took us over the lebanon with. but the country is being torn apart by the vicious civil war. it would be normal and then all the sudden fighting would break there and it was a very surreal experience having lived there early part of my life from australia there when you see the tanks and the army and the shooting and you know and it was right around the house. when i imagine. then i had really been in. political agenda alone in. the place where we lived actually got it. the bedroom we used to share my brothers that a noise big goodnight hole that went through it not long after we were. back in
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a strange b.l.k. is settled in punchbowl. we all grew up in in one house a three bedroom house and scott straight punch bowl and that's when my aunties and uncles all to arrive and they used to divide the rooms by putting. ropes up in the room and some blankets over the ropes just to give everyone there and little bit of privacy. so there's about ten kids running around the place and the fun different families of you know the same or. a lot of them ended up after that had their first place with relatives in what we used to call house and commission flats so they were socially very difficult environments live into in terms of the exposure they had to a lot of people who had come from either broken families or low socio economic backgrounds. the housing department or fast flat in can take food.
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we end in the street. not much better then street imber. doing the wall. when a solid family move in the local community suffers from the effects of drug addiction and petty crime. it was theory and faith to raise a family it was difficult for us wrists limited english back then. it was extremely difficult ime to allow your children to guy. downstairs in play in the park if you're not supervising them and are tired like you know you would be walking around and looking at needles. in the early eighty's astray or falls into deep recession unemployment hits ten percent. the new
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arrivals suffer the highest rate of unemployment of any ethnic group one third don't find jobs and those who do rely on menial labor. or pursers wrought is in need a mother of other work an occasional. and they need to see their what. is a star in the morning before in the morning. and both on the sun's deal. they have no like a guard for six days a week you never see their with a dollar's sordello as they came out of the factory for a cigarette or whatever though it's very hard. george bashes parents natura and body land in astray or just before the first wave of refugees. order wiser's a moment it's fairly five dollars a week my ways. but if i work overtime forty five bucks they work hard to make my future because they know i have a keech i have
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a direct future for them. but for thousands of the new lebanese astray and there's a barrier to their future in the new world. the assumption that people will learn english really quickly is absolutely false and it files over and over again on the critical place files is for women. because most women if they working outside the home they're not working in environments where people speak anything other than arabic. and they are very poor structures for teaching english to women and. mothers are brilliant merope or a living is that while it isn't the level in this sort of the young medical leave. them out. must one of them. that's a lot of. belem of the. manila muslim woman that fits
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your head that the sure less than it is that that. put my name on a new governments to learn and use and you one k. . i watch skippy i watch. those two more lloyd's i watch a lot of movie how and why i watch the few movie and it enough but all the time i watch those two more life because every day she puts movie nearly forty years i watched a porch. struggling to communicate sixteen to fifteen many lebanese become targets of abuse it's. been easier to pass through what do you think are somewhat ignores you don't know what do you do about.
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it being that will become who we will. not let go of the ballot in the enugu no easy will be looked into. and the abuse continues to this day some lady came to me. and she says to me walk on i ten i listen to him to me walk i'm was a mosey before you. hold that you for twenty years twenty five years i've been here forty forty six forty three forty four years i've been a stand up before you before you mom. look some to intimidate. because i'm always a. punch bag and the suburbs of southwest sydney are a safe haven for refugees escaping the horrors of war. but in the one nine hundred eighty s. many experience racism particularly during
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a time of high unemployment. some are also so traumatized or injured or otherwise disprove that they got involved in heavy alcohol abuse drugs or whatever. within a generation a small number of astray and born lebanese criminals will turn to the drug racket and draw media attention over the use of extreme violence many come from families traumatized by decades of violence in lebanon. one cannot overstate the impact of the psychological and emotional trauma of kind fresh from. many of them including the children who are traumatized by horrific scenes they had witnessed firsthand. all the ugliness of war they had seen death they had seen
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decapitation they had seen bombing they had seen their homes and everything to do with their background uprooted so that was psychologically and emotionally extremely traumatic. i thought three men they had machine gun and there's that scenario make. me. call them then they can live on. and they know them. and for those same children and the new generation of a strain born lebanese a different kind of trauma no less insidious continues at school or school but if you know where they'll be pliant ambuhl somebody. to come in me in a friend and take the take over the courts if there's any more c.o.h. the. live in a take it away and fro it or laugh at me. cold war million dollars back in
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those days. george basher was born in a strange year but to other peoples he is nothing more than an arab outcast. i became very angry because i'm thinking up john wow odyssey to accept it is a struggle a kind of thing about the black kid about the skin so i was born. in india. but you do. i would pick a ford with with any angle shot a look at me also we're looking at the mini me off. when i look back at it i think our spirits were all races and then i recognise that the torment is there was just part of growing up. as a teenager jehad dba experiences extreme racism. playing rugby.
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there's a player in the other side and i tackle damon and his response was to call me an f. and wog and if a morgue. and more response was just a bunch of. and all not a person who does those things that i don't lose my temper but it's troubling the walk and it was agreed. no one of a sudden he's actually brought the rice is a moment and then actually hurt it's actually hurt you just think so you still no matter what we always say me as an f. and wog greasy and i just i wouldn't consent for a consent to a sign. so i hit him i got sent off in the time of the guy when i was a very popular but a lot better. i didn't think beyond a date i was in a much mentally stuffed from public school in the early years of our skill that i didn't like and those drugs i just thought they're the enemy and i'm cuppa so much
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these go in and. witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. when the news breaks it was an announcement few were expecting to hear by announce my resignation as prime minister from the lebanese government and the story builds over and i can't stop thinking about the bullies my life when people need to behead a mass exodus hundreds of thousands of rolled in just have fled ethnic cleansing in
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me in march for bangladesh al jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and live news on air and online banks love to make loans to sufferance because behind the sovereign a millions of taxpayers because us taxpayers never go away is a new one bone every single day a nineteen it is an urgent national necessity and we put it we officially requested rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow i am a sinner i'm a bad person. that's machine at this time. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the top stories here on more protests planned in the coming
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hours in lebanon after a day of violence of a donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds outside the u.s. embassy in beirut lebanon is home to almost four hundred fifty thousand palestinian refugees. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says palestinians ought to get to grips with the reality that jerusalem is israel's capital in order for all to move towards peace the sooner the problem students come to grips with this reality the sooner we will move towards peace and this is why i think president trumps announcement was stored and so important for peace on the quest for peace there is a serious effort underway know by the united states and all i can say is i said related to president mccall i think if you'll pardon the expression you should give peace a chance venezuela's president nicolas maduro has banned the country's main opposition
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parties from taking part in this year's presidential election announcement came up to three of the four main parties boycotted sunday's vote claiming electoral system is biased. in the u.s. three democratic senators are calling for president donald trump to step down to the allegations of sexual harassment in the past few months a growing number of women have been coming forward with their experiences of sexual misconduct by men in powerful positions u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley was asked about the subject how do you think people should assess the accusers of the president well i mean you know the same thing as women who accuse anyone should be heard they should be heard and they should be dealt with and i think we heard from them prior to the election and i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up. iraq has celebrated its victory against eisel with a military parade in the capital baghdad. it follows the recapture
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around one of the last remaining towns held by the fighters last month since then iraqi forces have been fighting to retake small pockets in the border area that was still under eisel control well those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after once upon a time in punchbowl station that sort of either. the school in the seventy's and eighty's were totally different from what was a school are these days there was no other choice for them. there were a minority within. a system they fold being victimized marginalized picked on and unfortunately that mentality that existed at the school developed some sense of. non belonging. and for many
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a strain in lebanese families the battles in the schoolyard turn into battles at a time. when parents speak little english and many astray in born children speak no arabic they can't communicate with their parents anymore because their parents are still living so back in in ninety seven he's in the middle east and the kid is living in a nineteen eighty's early ninety's in a strata and it's very different and that communication between the families got lost in getting called walled and camera and all sorts of stuff a school when you come home. speaking to an arabic all the time on any think maybe these guys are what maybe i am a wall maybe a. so you're falling the australian whatever i don't know. and for parents struggling with english the education of their children becomes a severe test. nine hundred bashes seven children are expected to do well at school
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but she never has an education. one day was very smart. molly office was the lead that he if you ever came second in the class you'll soon israel in croydon is a bit high student. now my mother on the other hand never ever went to school she doesn't matter whether or arabic or even english is never ever experienced in a class where it can be taught but a joke which often flow goes along as a very very strong lady in a very very slowly. i have big family. time tickets. she had her way and she came to me. what states what. i mean until i'm i carried the right. at them have to be smart you have to read it you have to do deeds have to do that but then so my heart some let more life interrupt me in my heart. that's all the time i told them i had i wanted to be
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a doctor i wanted to be say listen i want to be computers man i want to do something good for your future is. south care and his younger brother sam both go to punchbowl boys high there was probably about seventy people out of more use that actually got into a university of some sort but i was still young back then but you could choose which part you really want to take. but at school they're already on different paths. sal heading towards a university degree with sam looking forward to the lessons of the street. they're. there to. go blind or will. minimally in government as you land in honolulu. a. good friend of
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school and to bed in after those principles down your standards is when the for so on so on. trans on that i'm doing well at school and principal just want to. compliment mae and compliment you on raising me the way you have and. as morgan working out of the office our thoughts were of get away over here. there are big picture walks into the office and he was in your mother and from the from of the days of the shop and his lawyer now your son got this wonderful one two three four and looked at me like what. you're a good student i get in the car. there was another story that got another building over on. the back where you were. with them a bit of go. over after that you've given it a belligerent and harley. and read it out the live video with
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the. i'll do it i should. get a good deal of dollars i should wish to keep. and after school on the streets of south west sydney many australian lebanese teenagers drift away from their parents dreams of a university education. and drift towards the excitement of easy money from petty crime was the breaking the places for the sake of bloody getting shirts and drinks and lollies and stuff like that ought to get a hundred dollars in our ideals just it was it sounds. still star general and for us. i was hey we have a couple blogs that i should behave or get into firstly every day. when you don't have many prospects with your education we have many prospects would
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you work with have any prospects for the future we have many prospects in a community that you live in. it's really appealing to do the wrong thing get quick money it's really pretty because for that one moment you could be a little bit of a superstar. if you know a few you belong to someone or something or a bill. your ability to find someone who's a sahm i want you in the middle of the your friends. to talk when about a minority of those kids who feel trapped in the gang like mentality that it build against their teachers against the principle that it builds against the police. they looked at criminal. activities as a way out of poverty brothers in education. crime is often the first thing to flourish and it does so because of validates people's identity it gives them power in a world in which they're otherwise powerless it's very attractive for
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a lot of people to go that way. almost a decade after the exodus from lebanon begins the new lebanese astray and building a cohesive community in self miscible. the complex political conflict involving christian and islamic militias is left behind eleven on. more instead south west sydney reflects a different reality. in lebanon i was raised in and they're very open armed respectful i'm community i remember as a muslim families would go it is a christian neighbors to celebrate the christmas and then. a christian would come to visit the muslim neighbors to celebrate ramadan we have always exchanged i'm
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swedes we supported each other we've always been open respectful i distinctly remember al parish priest opening his doors to fellow lebanese who are muslim for is whenever they had confusion a complication with the law they could have been sure in the they'd festivals when there would actually have. to prepare the live animals to become that food at so and so forth. so there will all sorts of complications that they might have encountered and the christian leaders priests clergy or more than happy to help accommodate. the lebanese a strained community is a mix of christians and muslims. but here in the camber parts of the old european immigrant and anglo community still struggle with the unfamiliar face of islam. the locanda mosque
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opens in the late seventy's and for the critics of multiculturalism it is a symbol of a dangerous cultural divide. the building of the mosque creates a lot of local tension and hostility there is opposition from non muslims to its presence in fact it's one of the first of the many mosques that a challenge by local communities all over sydney. but over time that really changes partly because people who don't like it move out and people who do like it live in and so the neighborhood becomes increasingly islamic. there are prayer halls book shops how long butcheries very good lebanese takeaway is restaurant it looks a big like a small town in lebanon some years ago.
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but just as the lebanese a strain community embrace peaceful coexistence in south west sydney they find themselves under attack on a national scale influential forces question if a stray he can cope with immigrants and their farm. in ways not a culture as a as no by the federal government invites national disunity. geoffrey blainey a member historian makes a major speech and then writes a book condemning what he sees as the emerging tribalism in australia caused by the arrival of almost new immigrants. the views of the three parties in canberra very different to the views of those people who live amongst the new migrants and have to work with them. might put up one. with racist tensions rising the liberal opposition leader john howard sends
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a stark message to the supporters of a multicultural astray the only thing that can unite this country and create this country united. by sink or australian fair use to which all of us can subscribe and that is his vision of what makes a straighter unique and strong and anyone who deviates from that is seem to be honest right now and so. you know you might i mean you may do that. in australia's history and even in western history. different ethnic groups have warned the black hat throughout history of been italian mafia the japanese kemah kasi you know the russian communists it all had their decade but the arabs the lebanese in particular have worn that black hat since about the eighty's ninety's.
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ration desert storm is right on schedule. important first trial or that the world understand the big can't greece cannot invite small. i wouldn't get away with it. the first gulf war shift the media focus to arab strains. the simmering suspicions of old anglo astray begin to boil the backlash from their goal for we have not been pretty for something like that especially the female side of our community who actually bourne's a brand of the first wave against everyone that is islamic everyone that is arabic and everyone that was a job or had a funny sounding name just showed zip ugly face off racism in such
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a way that we could not cope was it at that time. i was in year twelve at the time of the gulf war and it did have an impact. and all never forget mom who was the. having her. is sort of someone attempted to take the heat off i could never understand why and then there was another time when somebody spat at her and i thought what a low act she's got nothing to do what's going on we're actually proudest drive ins for a generation lebanese astray have been struggling to find their place in a so-called multicultural country. now for the first time in our post-war history refugees are being asked to declare their allegiance arab or stray in.
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on. what happened at that time is that their community leaders and advocates with the best of intentions were continually cornered to replenish their loyalty each time that the mark of firm was held to their face it reminded me of a gun held to someone's head. i already answered this question i mean i started my nokia store sturla and i shouldn't be asking about this. it was as if your citizenships to figure it meant nothing it was merely a piece of paper this is the first time they are straining identity has ever been challenged in this sort of way it's the first time they're being confronted with a choice between being either arab. because up to now the multicultural story is your boss and now suddenly they may not be. sick or food was the start of twenty five years of pressure on this community we
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have lived. in an atmosphere like we have been and i pressure cooker. they are a big day countable and go with them proceeded peacefully until like the soft and the shadow of the gulf war and a perceived divide between anglo and arab astray or looms over an arab astray in family festival in south west sydney a fight between two young women escalates and the conflict intensifies further as more police respond it just highlights how distance as a community was from xenu cells was police and how ignored it. police officers at that time way they could have defused the situation freely is a little but there with having this attitude in your face and.
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things escalated. local dr jamal rifi is at the festival with his family. was i believe if not it. would be a different story none of this would have been. released dr used to own the bomb would be a rich tempting that. many in the arab community believe the violence ignites because the police have no respect for them. on his book asians where four people would be sitting in a car and for no apparent reason other than we looked lebanese or middle east than the pulled over and stretched out of the full cost of the law on the road. and
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it happened quite a quite a fair bit. after leaving punchbowl boys high sal al-qaeda is at university on the threshold of a management career. but he still believes he's a police target. but still remember once we were on the north shore driving around the noise it was a day off you know something we all pulled over someplace and socially. got the might the law on the ground and there was to the effect of you know this is not your area we don't want your client is don't come back. but the reality is that the police a facing a crime wife that's engulfing south west sydney and its young lebanese astray and who are often to blame i'm not saying it was a model for model citizen i did straight. to the disappointment of his parents sanal care is not interested in the family fruit and vegetable business. for sam
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and his friends. there are easier and far more lucrative ways to make money. a lot of young men that were grown up around who were doing something illegal and the police just had no way of contacting them. the most profitable illegal activity of all is the rackets known as car rebirthing . a stolen vehicle is fitted with the serial numbers from the wrecked car to give it a new identity. so i would steal a very high profile their expensive motor vehicle get a rake and rebirth. and what would pop out was a car that you could hardly til almost couldn't always remember this if i got a team together like a rebirth within a day there was big money. isn't driving around the flesh of cars and
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imagine losing money so there was just sort of. so someone else i want you so much to do and so i'm doing the same thing and i was just raising money enough to work and your job when you want. in just one year between nine hundred ninety five and nine hundred ninety six more than forty seven thousand cars a stolen in new south wales. as the racket paix the police hit back. the car wreck it is the biggest so far uncovered in australia and it has taken two years of police investigations to unravel police recovered one hundred twenty stolen cars in the value of two and a half million dollars. we would be doing right in the backyards of houses and have three and four shells there where obvious like our rebirth and even taken place. those ideas don't go with the enemy because the stop you from making your reason
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one. sam l. care is convicted of a number of offenses but escapes a jail sentence. car industry is touted. border tarring the yes'. as the needy a increasingly demonizes south west sydney as a hotbed of crime john howard sweeps to power after thirteen years in opposition. and one nation's pauline hanson is elected in queensland. get rid of this multiculturalism because that isn't a body and soul so as we are multi-racial. struggling. with the of john howard as prime minister monti council is and has been abandoned as a national audiology and so people are feeling much more comfortable in the period
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of pauline hanson about talking about race easing racist remarks calling people reisa snipes and the lebanese kids in places like punchbowl getting caught up in the back to adult dog. as hostility increases the police focus on a new source of conflict. lebanese a strain gangstas a ramping up the drug records. there was a lot of illegal activities taken place from members of our community and was no shame whatsoever. a lot of drug. smuggling cocaine heroin and people who were at that time dealing and distributing. it was
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a sense of pride because it was a why for them to make quick money these are smaller numbers but what existing they did happen. to be a street punch bowl goes from decent law abiding suburban street to a drug drive through supplying much of south west sydney over to young people with drug users there were drug addicts and their families would not. do anything about it because there was sweep it under the carpet is because i didn't want anyone else to know that their son or daughter is a drug addict. a community is in denial as drugs and cash create a powerful criminal underworld. it was a new phenomena this was the development of a lebanese organ ostrov and that model of crawling was false it was a volunteer was predicated on a volunteer and feel if people went to the police station to give them any kind of
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a formation those criminal element would know about it and they'll come to retaliate we could not trust the police at that time we wanted to but there was that sense of feel. things are a fever pitch people are short fused with drugs everywhere there are guns everywhere it's the wild west. next time on once upon a time in punch. bag they're on a short fuse they think money is easy and the place was never touched and the seeds a sound for one of the most infamous race riots in a. and history. has a strange only the names and told to go back to where they came from the alarm of missing is a struggling flag being carried in a way which on that think never be carried. no idea who i am your knowledge about
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pop culture and you hate us that much but if we knew. besieged by violent crime and drugs. confronted by ariss and integration now r r r r. traces the history of first generation lebanese australians exploring the conflicts. and the struggle for acceptance. once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on al-jazeera. hello
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the weather has broken through from europe now is the time of the year where you'd expect temperatures to be down off and it'll be cloudy not clear blue skies much of the clouds benign this is coming out of egypt out of the east and so hard actually shouldn't bring much with it just made stuff you have in blue skies twenty one degrees in beirut eleven a hanker all this snow that fell in armenia and george are in turkey still there but some of it will be melting a bit in the beautiful blue sunshine the temps are creeping up in iraq in kuwait a couple degrees from a couple of days ago but it's quite a breeze blowing down through here and that breeze carries on dion's through the gulf as the show and is quite a strong one which means a twenty three degrees might look fine to you if you live in northern europe like assure you it's part of the world this is the cult time of the year the breeze keeps going for the next two days quite a dusty one rotten through to the eastern side of it's quater and warm in western society thirty plus degrees in mecca in southern africa once again we watch the
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showers build in causal in the towel derbent in line there for jo'burg quite possibly much of mozambique is dry it's cool down a bit in cape town twenty one degrees if you want big rain think of zambia zimbabwe and tanzania. just looking real good i'll talk about shooting people are not able to shoot a gun themselves and their other countries have managed to solve this problem but you worry that this conflict could erupt into an outright open war that's of security to all the people who paid the price clearly their writeup unprejudiced setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera is a very important force of information for many people around the world when all the
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cameras are gone i'm still here go into areas that nobody else is going talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront. if you are in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships. somehow time as aiming to replace america and around the world well the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our first president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china at this time. israel's prime minister meets european foreign ministers this criticism grows.
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