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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 11, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm +03

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singapore is being accused of expanding its coast and illegally dredged satins some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanished it's a big business boggling sample and they will take this there until the sand is our parent you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera. this is al jazeera.
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hello i'm come on santa maria welcome to the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes russia's president makes his first visit to syria since the conflict began and orders the partial withdrawal of his troops thousands in lebanon answer the call from hezbollah to protest against the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. jerusalem as israel's capital no one can deny it doesn't obviate peace it makes peace possible. israel's prime minister urges europe to follow the united states on the status of jerusalem. bound from elections venezuela's president bans the main opposition parties from taking part in next year's presidential election and bitcoin makes its debut on u.s. markets starts trading on a high note as well but how safe or bad is the digital currency for investors.
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start with some breaking news out of the united states new york city police and fire department are responding to an explosion in manhattan the latest we've got here as i read from the. the n.y.p.d. twitter feed is that they are responding to reports of an explosion of unknown origin at forty second street and eighth avenue and if you know new york with all of you look at that area on a map this is where the port authority building is. bus stop area bus terminal area where you catch one of the greyhound buses from if you're heading out of new york as we see the emergency services on the scene there are various reports coming out at the moment about something happening below ground at the port authority. and we are waiting to hear more on that very few details at the moment but keeping a very close eye on that one explosion. yes bitch at forty second and eighth in manhattan more on that when we get it.
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right now though we'll look at syria russia's president vladimir putin has ordered a partial withdrawal of his troops from syria he made an unannounced stop at the him am air base where he spoke to the syrian president bashar al assad russian forces have played an important role of course in supporting assad army and you know you wish them well but he goes to the general command i give russia's military presence in syria has come to an end the motherland awaits you friends safe journey i thank you so this person is now in egypt's capital cairo is meeting president abdel fattah el-sisi they are expected to discuss the conflict in syria as well which is of course into a sixth year and then putin heads to turkey moscow and ankara have been active in syria's war but they support opposing sides so let's talk to mohammed or he's live in ankara for us on this one what's expected out of this one given now that we hear
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of this partial withdrawal. well come all president putin is going to conclude his wall wind to all these three countries here in new will be holding talks with these turkish columns of the palace presidential palace and right behind me and that's what's up to talk about many issues including by latino issues such as speed between the two countries energy and defense issues but syria is going to dominate the talks the countries holding in their relationships since november twenty fifth teen kid down a jet belonging to russia is syria and then now seeing many issues i he shoots a link including the issue of whether president assad should remain in power in
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syria as well as the issue of off the city and cut each flight as the p y d which. he wants to be moved out of the picture tech pot in the political process and. also present putin announced earlier today when he visited advice is key also to. a process of moving forward to of a political process by withdrawing his troops this is a partial withdrawal of course and he's not going to withdraw all these forces going to maintain his base and also the the the naval base in tough to say. this is all part of the process of creating those. zones and dot is some of the minutes thinks the two leaders are going to be talking about later today at the very least mohammed it is a good reminder of the influence that russia has the fact that he goes to cairo and
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ankara in one day and make such big an ounce. as well. yes indeed when it comes to syria i mean russia is really. an important mission when it comes to how it has been able to assist its allies. in finishing something put in motion and bragged about when he was talking to those forces of the base saying that you'll go home victorious you've completed the task you finish the terrorists and if they raise their head again we're going to deal with them with more strikes so there is a lot going to be discussed today here in joris we'll talk to you about it again later mohamad thank you now in kabul and with us in studio again director of policy analysis but our institute this was just developing last time we spoke on the last
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news hour the fact that this partial withdrawal of troops it's a pretty major step it is or can i look at president putin has made heavy investment in syria over the past few years militarily politically and economically as well and he wanted very much to protect this investment and by making this talk to the middle east he intends in my opinion to achieve to measure object of the first one is to putting these regional parties into supporting his efforts. by bringing the syrian opposition together with the regime representative in order to have the so-called national dialogue between all the syrian parties so he needs very much the support of turkey which has very strong relations with the opposition and he needs also. the backing of egypt which also has good relations with part of the opposition and also has maintained somewhat warm relations with the regime of
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bashar assad on the other hand he wanted very much to. the support of these two original blurbs to. him was the ceasefire in the school asian zones. last month actually sent its troops inside syria to the province of one of the deescalation zones and egypt has played a very important role in bringing that asia and the opposition in the east so into agreeing into another deescalation zone and president putin will be also trying actually to convince these parties to provide peacekeeping forces in order to fill the gap which the withdrawal of the. russian forces from syria is going to create those things combined that you talk about does it point to the fact that the war in syria and i'm being very broad brush here but that the war on the ground itself is slowly coming to an end you know as you said there is still a lot of talk to be done whether it be in geneva or
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a stand or wherever but the war itself we can talk about the major confrontation in the country may have come to an end because we don't see any major confrontations over the past few weeks actually as you know better than put in has already declared victory on the war against. and also he managed to him was somehow the escalation zones between the regime and opposition in four major parts of the country. along the eastern belt of syria so yes we can talk about the end of major confrontation in the country but he it the challenge the key challenge the big challenge for putin actually is to translate these military gains into something political that is going to be the major challenge for him this is what he's trying to do actually in the conference which is due to be held in two months from now well in kabul and thank you so much for your time do appreciate us. i want to update you on the situation in new york where
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. that there was reports of an explosion at the corner of forty second street and eight that is the port authority bus terminal various reports coming out on news wires and from u.s. media what a lot of them are saying is that there has been an a wrist and that the suspect is in custody one report of a pipe bomb apparently below ground at the port authority building in manhattan there are very few details at this point it is about eight in the morning ten past eight in the morning so you would suspect that area would be fairly busy with morning office traffic emergency services on the scene at the moment why as reuters wires and u.s. media variously reporting a pipe bomb underground and that the suspect is in custody no would in a subway tunnel even there is a report no confirmation on this and no word on any potential casualties but we keeping a close eye on it we talk to a correspondent about it
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a little bit later as there are more details. now thousands of protesters a rallying in lebanon against the u.s. recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel a gathering this time in a response to a call by hezbollah for mass demonstrations that's off to the violent confrontations and buried on sunday between protesters and security forces near the u.s. embassy we will check in with zain hold on now who's live in beirut you were amongst it all the other day as i know when things did turn violent what is actually been called for today. things of a very different to the taliban the people are supposed to take part in this not valid they cover this is hezbollah territory has let is a. good step forward to. take. this massive rally that we're expecting to see terry settle to address the crowd he cuts them via video but it is likely that he may make
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a public appearance it is ma'am for him to make public appearances but your. sense to. say now this is that homogeneity for hezbollah really because now some late in the past few years it has lost a lot of popularity in our world and. many started to give it some own and started to see it as a sectarian militias. in the region but you don't see that that's long championed that has you know. the palestinians. so it does it in one way or another and it can explain the situation and one way or the other return to be seen as a resistance movement so we're expecting to hear from the secretary general in a short while and we'll talk to you again later on once we hear from him thank you say nevada in beirut meanwhile israel's prime minister is urged europe to follow washington's lead and recognized jerusalem as his country's capital benjamin
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netanyahu was speaking ahead of a may. thing with e.u. foreign ministers in brussels where he is facing pressure to restart middle east peace efforts. i believe that all or most of the european countries will move their embassies to jerusalem recognize crucial images rules work up little. robustly with us for security prosperity. we believe. that the only realistic solution to the conflicts between israel and palestine is based on two states which are as the capital of both the state of israel and the state of palestine along the sixty seven line this is our considered position and we will continue to respect international consensus on jerusalem until the final status of the oldest city is resolved to die that's a negotiation between the parties and we hope that the parties kind of gauge in many for direct negotiations with the support of the international community more
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on all of us now with dominic kane in brussels. it would appear to be trying to square a circle that the the view from the israeli government from bissonnette young prime minister netanyahu here for the first time for twenty two years received in the capital of the e.u. as it were with a cold real reception but with short shrift from the federica madine and indeed from the representation of the e.u. here that know the e.u. position very clearly it's a two state solution and now is not the time to be talking about it and to seize and capitals being moved to jerusalem where as we just heard mr netanyahu believes this is the way ahead he thinks that this is the way that peace can be arrived at in the middle east so as you say very clear differences of opinions at least in so far as heads of government and heads of representation is a concern the one thought to point out here is that there are some e.u. countries have already said that they are predisposed towards moving their
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embassies to jerusalem to what they would consider to be the israeli capital following on the example of the united states notably the czech republic saying they'll do it and indeed hungary as well so there are some e.u. voices saying the sorts of things that mr netanyahu wants to hear but definitely not from the voices here specifically in brussels and so on if you what's coming up on this news hour. we want to find a lot of choices what is the choice is how to turn anger interaction we're going to have a challenge for palestinians as they respond to the u.s. decision on jerusalem also one hundred years old and facing persecution ira henge a refugee who doesn't believe he will ever return to being on the spot the round of sixteen champions league draw has been made whole israel madrid are in for it or else the private details of some are a little bit later. on
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as as well. president nicolas maduro has barred opposition parties from taking part in next year's presidential vote his ruling socialist party did when at least ninety percent of the three hundred thirty five mayoral seats in a municipal poll have the story now from caracas. voting in venezuela is not obligatory that many still put their faith in the electoral process however several opposition leaders boycotted the vote accusing the governments of manipulating the process to maintain its grip on power. he has been a plague nicolas maduro and his regime said he should go he should resign democratically so we can have elections and choose candidates at every level of society oh yes and president that those parties that boycotted the municipal elections will no longer part of the political landscape you look at the parties that did not participate today
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a boycott of the elections cannot participate anymore that's the criteria laid out legally by the considering assembly and as the head of states i support that. a move that will have repercussions on presidential elections scheduled for october next year these are municipal elections that's all the venezuela's problems and the government is hoping some of it solutions to a focus here a country divided and then crisis within the electoral process that some hope will provide some answers. to the voting itself passed generally peacefully with only isolated reports of violence an irregularity is here the system isn't barrier bounce or technical level but it's also very advanced. of the people of mobilization of the vote. in this way the remains in crisis with inflation rampant food and medicine scarce and crime rising tens of thousands of left the country and
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many of those who remain say they have little faith that elections alone will solve their. some however are optimistic. the four countries have crises and they recover we learn from this and we move on we don't stay where we are our country is evolving. the president blames outside interference of venezuela's problems and despite his deep on popularity the opposition boycott and international criticism these municipal elections only seem to have tightened his grip on power. and there al-jazeera caracas philippines president roderigo to territory is seeking to extend martial lore across parts of the country until the end of next year says it's needed to find armed groups in the southern region of mindanao he initially imposed military rule across the area in may you to stop an uprising by isis supporters in malawi city that's after demonstrators took to the streets on sunday to protest
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about what they call a looming dictatorship bangladesh and me and mara working on a plan to send hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees back to me and while the u.n. rights groups say the plan is floored though because it doesn't guarantee their protection when they actually return child stratford has been talking to one refugee who's fled violence in me and four times in seven decades anything this time he will not go back. to salaam says he is over one hundred years old his wife will stop the big i'm going to the shelter in the coup to prolong refugio camp he says the first time he fled violence in what was then burma was when the british were fighting the japanese during will too. but he has fled military crackdowns on the ranger three times since then in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight one thousand nine hundred ninety two and two and a half months ago and this time he says he won't go back. i don't write it i feel bad for my home but i'm afraid to go back because they could kill and says there's
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no point in sending us back to myanmar because there is no security force there. rights groups say the ranger have suffered systematic atrocities by the myanmar army in recent months hundreds of range of villages have been destroyed and burned to the ground the un says reinjure women have been gang raped by myanmar soldiers. it's estimated that hundreds of ranger men women and children have been killed. but the bangladeshi a myanmar government so already working on a plan to send bank hundreds of thousands of refugees to myanmar. they say will be voluntary and is aimed to start in two months so what would the range of refugees go back to inside me and the myanmar government doesn't recognise them as an ethnic group if we do their citizenship in one thousand nine hundred eighty two giving them limited access to education and health care and making them vulnerable to
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arbitrary arrest at the un says how can a people go back to a country in which they are still vulnerable to the kind of violence and persecution from which they fled. the un says the root causes of persecution such as lack of citizenship must be addressed first. may suffer more violence one of the things we need to really underscores we shouldn't rush into this condition for return need to be addressed and we're clear conditions today in myanmar are not right for refugees to go home at the salaam says his village like many others was burned down by the myanmar military he has nowhere to go back to one man lot of people they will not allow a single room to live he says they will slowly through school please don't send this bank as bait for the monster. the fear of
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a man who has fled for his life time and time again chance traffic are just zero problem with camp bangladesh. the former georgian president mikheil saakashvili is in court to find out if he will be staying in custody this is in the ukraine with thousands of people of much of the capital kiev to protest against his detention saakashvili actually became an opposition leader in ukraine and has been calling for the impeachment of president petro poroshenko saakashvili was arrested on friday after a standoff where he climbed onto the roof onto a roof to avoid police and then was freed from a police van by his supporters saakashvili has been stripped of both his ukrainian and georgian citizenship and is now on hunger strike. stop speaking there we're just signing some documents we thought that the news conference had begun but as you heard earlier in the broadcast president curtain is in cairo today he's already had talks with. thing to be speaking now which they
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forgot. but until to the top of the. ship we do russia ladies and gentleman over the centuries the very good to the ship. and we had some discussions with his highness mr putting which we addressed to continue with the spilotro lation ship. for the. food security and support the security between the two countries
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and also a sucked the election investment by launching. industrial plants on the border of the swiss canal we agreed to inform the. ministers concerned to follow up all this project. all saudi called nation which. this is going to be the first nuclear plant.
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they didn't gentleman. in egypt a corporate and coordinate. god in the illusion event with such the national security that's the importance to bring stability and peace to the mediterranean area and ensure a good future after suffering for a long time from the wars. and
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this phase we have a. situation specially. because after the announcement of united states they are located in its embassy. which might cause. to the security and stability in the area we have spoken about. and in compliance with all the united nations resolutions and the international conventions. and we should aim to spread all the aims for the peace in the middle east.
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they didn't just. i would like to mention of the. deal india cooperate to sort out the palestinian issue. and also to preserve both parties in order to reach a just solution for for the cause and becomes one of the issues political issues
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which concern the international community and has not been resolved until now. interests which has been the. view from the start we have some big interests. in syria. and we hope to leach a solution in italy soon.
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to work together in order to. start believed see until it's a. four and cleared environment for the negotiation. so that is the egyptian president abdel fattah el-sisi there of course the russian president vladimir putin apologies for some of the delays in the translation we believe it's because of the multiple languages the fact the translations are going through our back russian and intermingle as well so that's why we've had some of those portions. of the photos he talking about cooperation and security between the
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two countries he did mention that a deal has been signed for russia to help build egypt's first nuclear power station and he also began to talk about their russia's involvement in the middle east quartet with regards to the middle east peace process which is of course high on everyone's agenda at the moment since the u.s. decision over jerusalem the other important information today is that vladimir putin has chosen to announce he is withdrawing some of the russian troops from syria so the future of syria and security there of interest to him to egypt and to turkey of course where that important will be heading a little bit later on after this. we'll move on to some other news more evacuation orders have been issued in southern california as wind gusts continue to spread a huge wildfire that is threatening coastal towns rob reynolds reports now from carpentaria. california got no respite from fires burning out of control good canyons and rocky hillsides towers of flame twisted skyward
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firefighters dropped tons of water from helicopters but high winds and weather conditions were making their jobs extremely tough the brush here is tremendous very very thick it's bone dry there hasn't been a lot of rain out here in a long time so that coupled with the santa ana winds and single digits humidities has made this fire grow rapidly and it spots ahead of itself tremendously firefighters on the ground and in the air are doing everything they can to keep this fire from moving towards santa barbara city of more than ninety thousand people. officials could not guarantee that santa barbara is out of danger we can't say it's not there are some concerns of course there have been historic fires in this area so this area is not any stranger to large wildfires here vast clouds of smoke and ash falling like snow made air quality extremely poor over
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a wide area of southern california hospitals reported a sharp increase in patients admitted for respiratory problems in a low income ventura neighborhood volunteers passed out donated face masks to residents activists say many impoverished spanish speaking residents make their living working on big fruit and vegetable farms in the area and they are particularly at risk of health problems from the smoke got thousands of farm workers making this horrific choice whether to lose the income they need to put put roof over their family's head or be exposed to the this dangerous toxic air some neighborhoods were almost entirely burned out but in others the fire showed a cruelly capricious quality destroying some family's homes but leaving next door houses intact jim cole's house survived his neighbor's house did i feel guilty wow says. almost untouched and my neighbors with whom i have
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a good relationship overwhelmed their. denial during shock can even talk with no rain in the forecast and wind is still whipping the fires to a frenzy it's nature who holds all the cards in california robert oulds al jazeera carpentaria california the hate in wind the problem over there and richard in europe the complete opposite is that what snowmageddon looks like yes well this is this is what snowmageddon looked like for the u.k. earlier yesterday we take a look at the pictures that are sprinkling of snow in places but nothing compared what we're seeing in other parts of europe at the moment we have got a really deep area of low pressure racing in across northern france bringing with it some really nasty weather so there's a frontal system you see the flow coming up from the southwest all come back to that we've had some heavy rain going through with the front as push through and the wind gusts well they're still going that's a strong discuss we've seen one hundred sixty one kilometers per hour but still up
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to one hundred kilometers per hour across northern parts of france meanwhile with outflow coming up from the southwest we've had some very warm air coming up across to the adriatic ruminated temperature rise from three degrees c. at ten o'clock to thirteen degree c. at ten thirty it's all going on really across europe is across more west now as we're seeing some really severe weather at the moment those strong winds across northern parts of france the snow on the leading edge of that system into the low countries pushing in across parts of germany still more snow on the alps but there's a real soul risk going on here which will be spoiled the quality of the snow for the skiers but there could be a flooding risk as the thought begins to set in we are also could well see some avalanches as a result and the cold air looks as though it's going to continue to dig down over the following twenty four hours thank you for that richard now we're going to go back to a top story one of our top stories of course the u.s. recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital and palestinian anger at that you with
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decision hasn't only been directed at washington. palestinian leaders are facing growing criticism from their own people frustrated after decades of living under israeli occupation. reports now from the occupied west bank. he has witnessed every clash for the past three years as so many have erupted near to patrol station where he works he doesn't join in but understands the motivation especially after trump's declaration over jerusalem. it was a real bad feeling for everyone it's like an insult but don't want to be able to do anything at all either has only been to drew's a limb twice that's how often israel has granted him permission still like every palestinian he considers it the only capital for a future palestinian state this is the closest point to jerusalem many palestinians can reach even though the city is less than a half hour's drive from this checkpoint but to go through it they need special
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permission from the israelis and that's very difficult to come by. well cohen is from jerusalem he lived abroad for several years but decided to return home so his wife and children could get their residency twenty years later his daughter who is still waiting for hers. i don't have an id i don't have any proof that i'm a living human being i might not get my papers but i'm holding on to my rights best can't refute trump's decision he won't meet the american vice president but what else can he do the palestinian authority has come under criticism for being too lenient it was established after the also accords and many say it should be dissolved since the agreement has gone nowhere it's easy to say throw it away it's not something that you threw away this is an achievement the issue is you have to capitalize on it their issue is that you should not accept what is. this or sort of you to be when i say a service provider i don't want this orthodoxy to be
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a service provider only for the people that use ability can do that mohammed's abound there has travelled far and wide but never set foot in the holy city despite repeatedly applying for a permit he thinks that palestinians now need new blood and the new vision we have a resistance movement in gaza the did nothing we have one of the authorities who believe in peace and. get nothing for us that's mean we want to find a number of choices what is the tone and who's claim that he is leader for palestinians should find this choice is perhaps for him as latest cartoons express better than words how palestinians feel these days the peace process was a ready a shipwreck trump killed it with the help of arab leaders who are a dimmer see if the united states and jerusalem was the ultimate christmas present what of that hamid al jazeera in the occupied west bank. bitcoin is being traded on
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a major exchange for the first time people can now bet on the future price of the virtual currency on the chicago board options exchange prices have surged recently attracting the attention of even the most skeptical of investors so we're going to follow the money trail for you now start of the year just below a thousand dollars by october though it had reached five thousand and then doubled its value by last month and after making its debut on the exchange the price for future bitcoin contracts ending in january has a way past eighteen thousand dollars it did fall slightly then but really this highlights the volatility that has some investors excited but clearly some investors nervous while you've. been with us now who is an economic historian at the university of cambridge in the london school of economics joining us via skype from cambridge which camp do you sit in there erica you enthusiastic about this
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sort of a bit nervous. both. so i think it's not inconsistent to be a little concerned about the you know me and i think it's a fair description you're driving the price action lately but at the same time you know big client has risen out and crashed several times or in two thousand and eleven in two thousand. when you first crossed over a thousand dollars in the last ninety percent of it's now you need to come back and show you the resilience that bubbles don't often show and so i think there are certainly is some bubblicious price activity but i think we're also seeing a signal about the fact that we are on the cusp of a new financial minds here in europe i love that you use the word bubblicious to describe that that's fantastic they tell me though for your average investor for someone who might be watching this right now and who would think well investing is usually something like a stock or maybe gold or maybe bonds or something like that is bitcoin something to
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get excited about is it something for the everyday investor. i think it is a very high risk extremely volatile asset class that is starting to gain more legitimacy and speak in safer to hold and store technology and safeguards have come a long way since the two thousand and fourteen mt gox hack which affected thousands of equate investors a half a billion dollars was lost but still even if you do time your investment wrecked we were still seeing a number of large tax seventy million dollars was stolen from a coin mine pool last week and so security is still a concern volatilities concern and generally i would still advise people if you are an investor only put into this what you are willing to lose do you think it's want to first of all how long has that coin really been around here i'm just trying to get an idea of how much of a fad it could be or if it's already exceeded that the expectations and how long it
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might last right so the paper describing that quinn was published just over nine years ago and the system went into operation on the third of january two thousand and nine so we're just about at the nine year anniversary of when bitcoin went live and that's one of the reasons that you know myself and others have come out and said this clearly is not a fad it's something that does house and staying power it's been quite resilient but at the same time it hasn't been around for the thousands the years that gold has been around it's often compared to digital gold has a two thousand plus year track record as a store of value equation has a less than one year track record because for the first year plus it was worth zero wasn't until spring of two thousand and ten when someone purchased two pizzas for the now rages price of ten thousand because when said the queen was worth anything at all. garrick harmon the first person i've ever interviewed who said bubblicious and it's been fantastic talking to you thank you thank you. the united nations has
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criticised the u.k. for not doing enough to support people with disabilities in its report the un found that government funding cuts have deprived a whole section of society of their rights not in. mary ellen has been registered disabled for twenty three years she used to work as a nurse now she relies on her full time carer and she's constantly worrying about the future. i had. two years ago the government scrapped something called the independent living fund or i.l.f. and now her local council is cutting her care payments and since the lives close the council has been raking is tied to supposedly cantering as much money to put a can into trying to cut those hours. came in and said that they would be increasing mine dependence by providing me with
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incontinence pads right in the case of put her need to be able to use the toilet because then i would be dependent on someone to help me to totally. having a carer also means mary-ellen can go out to meet friends and protest for disabled people's rights five years ago a group of organizations lodged a formal complaint to the united nations that led to an in-depth investigation and some damning conclusions in its report earlier this year the un singled out what it called the u.k. government's failure to recognize the rights of disabled people to live independently in the community it also highlighted the growing numbers of disabled children being educated in segregated special schools calling for legislation to make sure mainstream schools provide for them and it called for urgent action to fight high levels of poverty which it said would you to multiple welfare reforms and cuts in benefits. the u.k. government says the un's failed to reflect the progress it's made in empowering disabled people including getting them into work but rajan lewis part of
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a lobby group that helped to get the un to investigate says changes in the government's access to work scheme a cutting things like the specialist computer software which allows him to hold down a job despite being blind doesn't cost the there the country this is that this is the crazy thing that the access to work scheme for every pound they spend on may the treasury get spent between one pound forty one. it's a generate income for the government. paying income tax on not on unemployment benefits it's a net gain yet this game is under attack. going into a. social life and possibly the slide back into the suicidal thoughts. in the us.
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election. should be heard. but it's.
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during what's been a pretty long depression greece has witnessed the fastest growth in solar energy use in the developed world just after spain it means greece will meet its emissions targets under the paris climate change accord now the government wants to build on that success so it's preparing a law that would make it easier for apartment blocks for example to install solar panels on their rooftops reports from laughter you. greece's solar revolution came from the countryside forty two thousand homes like this one turned their power bills into checks from the power company by selling electricity back to the grid to pensioners. an extra nine thousand dollars a year have made a difference then i want my pension all over again without it we'd be printing our pennies in this economy it means i can help my children my daughters in school my son is unemployed my wife doesn't have a pension over five years household installed three hundred and seventy five
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megawatts of generating capacity equivalent to a mid-sized power station and that's not counting farmers who turned over their land to larger scale production or industrial installations in solar and wind power both of which greece has in abundance but the government quashed this revolution in twenty fourteen strapped for cash it cuts the rate at which the grid bought power from homes from fifty five cents per kilowatt hour to under twelve cents but twenty fourteen law effectively removed households from the renewable energy market until then more than four thousand homes would install solar panels on their rooftops each year but in that year the number fell to just sixty three and it has never recovered a new bill now aims to bring the solar revolution to the cities where more than half the population lives by encouraging groups of five or more homeowners to install solar panels but the twenty fourteen rate cut still haunts people like.
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whose proceeds fell by half. there's that one i'm not sure whether the broken promises of the past make it possible for investors to go forward today we're talking about an investment of about seventy thousand dollars the bill quotes a guarantee purchase price but there's also a clause allowing the environment minister to change that price can someone trust that after an entire solar economy collapsed because of a law greece still depends on fossil fuels for two thirds of its electricity that's because its power stations burn imported oil and lignite coal it's only abundant native fuel but lignite use has hove in the past ten years while renewables have doubled to thirty percent of the electricity supply if policy is consistent greeks have shown they will reach for the sun jump zero plus al-jazeera love video sun is there to talk sport lots of drawing of pieces of paper and holding up a little bit early what's it all amounted to very interesting draws the champions
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league a mouthwatering might help for the last sixteen of european football's tendency christan or now those real madrid will play in near moscow. we are gunning for the first european cup the trouble is a spy in munich forty two years ago another fascinating clash is english champions chelsea up against a barcelona. so from ation of the let's take a look at the draw hole does a ryall madrid or a mean fourth title and thirteenth in told told will face a big spending. in the last sixteen of the tempest the chelsea have been drawn against barcelona remember the blues did beat barcelona in the semifinals before lifting the trophy in two thousand and twelve while a record of five english teams progress to reform the group stage this season tottenham will face italian champions ventus premier league leaders manchester city will play switzerland basle liverpool take on portugal f.c.
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porto and manchester united face a legal side sivia while the first legs of the round of sixteen will take place on february the thirteenth and fourteenth possibles correspondent joins us live from london. first of all let's talk about the interesting ties the holders real madrid p.s.g. barcelona chelsea. versus person and absolutely fascinates me is this the time finally for the spanish giants ramadan barcelona not. they have dominated european football but of course the two clubs with the money in europe. and the city manchester city have had a rather attractive looking draw against positive switch than they would expect but can pierce jury duty bound to a couple of years ago can you. remember of course from which are going for three champions league in a row that hasn't been for forty years so what
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a huge march this is piers g.'s forming the group suggests that this is the time can i see it can i get the job done that we playing at home second because they won their group i'm brown which it didn't chelsea barcelona now has a great history doesn't it twenty twelve cho see managed to get through despite all the pressure put on them they won the trophy that year but there have been controversial matches between those teams like two thousand and nine those two don't like each other that's for sure. five english teams will represent obviously that country in the champions league a record five why are the english teams doing so well this season. well they've struggled a bit in the last few years in the champions they can it's all to do with the power of the premier league yes it's an intense they get the league watched across the globe more than any other it's a league that people really get interested in fascinated in but one those teams of
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got into the chances are that only in the group stages by and large i think it's the knockout stages they're found out is it anything to do with tiredness is that just an excuse or the quality of the players in the premier league not quite up to i think that's something cannot because the rule superstars of football when out i would imagine nine or messi they're not in the premier league so he gets the really biggest fall and this year it's because of a look at manchester city's quality a little poll with their attacking you've got these five strong teams manchester united tottenham and chose a but will one of them actually be able to go along with it that's the question the writings live from london thank you very much for that. amounted to city boss pep guardiola says his side to have proved to playing the same style of football as his former club are suckin the work in the english premier league side betoken rivals manchester united to one of four league record fourteenth consecutive win nicolas
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all time indeed scored the winner at old trafford the city moved eleven points clear of second place united. sorry to interrupt you this on a but we do have a speech coming in from beirut right now and then that we saw. or heard of telling us earlier that hezbollah supporters were coming out to the streets this is their leader hassan nasrallah speaking to the. needs. pleasant popular presence in all the squares today's present day will station. two shows although our sposi in the. distance in confronting this aggression and what to do those. who have been pleasant did this duty would like to take them. and we asked them to continue the pleasance and. the challenge confrontation dc's one of the confrontation which
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we have today we may notice some. glitches like. the. party which went to. a presence behind. this delegation which only represents this. behind. and this is called the message for the milk for. peace. to have peace those. who. break in the bones of palestinian children. the people they went out. all the villages and towns to
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demonstrate. that their response to the cause of his scholars and their leadership. for this corporal. with the palestinian had been fired but. this is a crisis this is we stops its people so they will say it's. for palestine. and also to make. plans for normalization with the enemy so the american decision. they're not paid something which is good for you. to distinguish between the good and the bad not in the gulf but in the whole muslim and arab world. and also in the contests of the. popular movement.
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to. people they went to day most eight in support of and. under the fire even indonesia and malaysia but only two people. they were faced with. the yemeni. who went in sana'a. with hundreds of thousands. inside. and they have been under fire in the meantime on daily bases by. the air forces. which is. supported by the saudis against these people.
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and now the position of the many and the two it's toward. you know the cause of this nation. before we move to the. part in the same face. in here in lebanon. there was. the palestinian and to the whole nation today in lisbon and we have we do a good for our national. agreement. god in palestine and jerusalem. and the decision the. decision. from all the libyan is without exceptions. from the is the prisoners of the deal the public. and all the delegates and parliaments members of parliament without exception. all the
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different political factions here. until you really it should be just six if you give. the speech by the. lib and his foreign minister do the india. oblique. we do when you in your name with our people. and of my word and we. insist and we promise again that's we're going to stay in lebanon with the jews and the. palestinian and its people and all the secular. muslims and christians. and. the same age and this. in the me you know
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a. good deal. of the muslims and the. and the cushions in jerusalem the births of the prophet. mohammed and so the lower there were seven. jesus piece on him today were not is. the dark in spiritual position in the will on the underground and in the seats but it's by christians and muslims. in order to defend all it's such a place is. he shook the c.s.c. and we're going to show the public.


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