tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 16, 2017 1:00am-1:34am +03
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the united states will use all necessary measures to defend itself against north korean aggression secretary of state to listen addresses the u.n. on korea amid signs the u.s. may be prepared to talk its appeal. i don't they on chile went on all this is al jazeera live from london also coming up at least three palestinians have been killed and dozens injured in courses in gaza the west bank over jerusalem e.u. leaders say breaks the talks can i move on but disagreements are opening up within the other twenty seven over migration. and zimbabwe's ruling party confirms emerson and then not well as its new leader finalizing the departure of proper gobby.
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one welcome to the program north korea has defended its ballistic missile program a self-defense at the united nations security council public session was called after pyongyang tested its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile last month but the meeting which was attended by u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson failed to come up with any decisive action to curb activity on the korean peninsula mike hanna has more now from the u.n. . the red scarf a reflection of the chilly weather outside and little warmth displayed in the chamber towards north korea. is representative listened to condemnation from speaker after speaker with what appeared to be studied nonchalance the situation on the korean peninsula is the most thems and dangerous peace and security issue in the world today. publicly at least the council has been united in imposing an extensive series of sanctions but the u.s. secretary of state questions the commitment of russia and china continuing to allow
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north korean laborers to toil in slave like conditions inside russia in exchange for wages used to fund to clear weapons programs calls into questions russia's dedication as a partner for peace. similarly as chinese crude all flows to north korean refineries the united states questions china's commitment to solving an issue that has serious implications for the security of its own citizens these charges rejected by china and russia which insisted that the ongoing joint military exercises by the u.s. and south korea made any dialogue all but impossible the music you should lean says that only two months of quiet by north korea were answered by washington with unprecedented military exercises and the listing on a tear a funding list that leads us to question the sincerity of statements that there is a preference for a peaceful solution to the crisis we're going to schools with. and with all eyes on
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him the north korean representative the period nervous his hands shaking but also unapologetic arguing that his country has a sovereign right to protect itself against what he called us aggression our position of the nuclear therefore and rewards of individuals the third with defense even meijers up with the prince. and the right of resistance and development of from the us the meeting ended with agreement on the desirability of dialogue but the vision as to how to achieve it the u.s. adamant that there has to be a unilateral freeze on nuclear testing by north korea before any talks can be possible. by kana al-jazeera united nations microphonics is a senior fellow at the center for american progress he says the white house is sending mixed messages to pyongyang. just a couple of days ago we heard secretary of state rex tillerson speak very clearly
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about the need for diplomacy and what he said was that diplomacy is very much on the table and they look forward to talking with north korea at any time but today what we heard from secretary taylor sin was backtracking from that previous statement and talking more about the need to ramp up pressure and for more preconditions before talks are ready with north korea and so again unfortunately i think what we're hearing out of the united states right now is a set of mixed messages north korea is clearly the party to blame here they are the ones that are pursuing a nuclear and ballistic missile program that threatens the united states and threatens the people of the region including our allies but at the same time the only way we're going to deal with it is through diplomacy and by continually sending mixed messages about whether or not the united states is actually open to diplomacy right now i think that the north koreans don't know what to believe when it comes to the u.s. position here and on the one hand they hear about diplomacy but on the other hand
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they hear about potential military threats and so again i think the for united states needs to get its act together and needs to be sending a single message to young about the importance of diplomacy. three people have been killed and scores of others injured in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u.s. president donald trump's decision to recognize jewish as the capital of israel protest as well basta by live rance rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas in response to widespread demonstrations harry fawcett reports occupied east jerusalem . on the outskirts of ramallah in the occupied west bank israeli forces are filmed confronting a palestinian man before shooting him three times the last as he sat on the street as they approach the troops appear to see something and move quickly away the man was apparently wearing a suicide bomb belt it's unclear whether it was
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a genuine device or a fake israeli police say he had just stabbed a member of its border force paramedics took him away. there were further clashes after friday prayers in gaza as palestinians again protested against the u.s. president's recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel the cross border confrontation bringing more palestinian deaths. earlier tens of thousands had taken to the strips main north south road to march in protest. there was she the palestinian people are expressing that they reject strom's decision and they are holding on to all of jerusalem as the historical capital of the palestinian people . at the heart of occupied east jerusalem tens of thousands prayed then protested at the al aqsa mosque. through the old city and i had damascus gate exit israeli forces were waiting for them they barricaded off the square preventing a repeat of last friday's protests where hundreds gathered on the steps still some
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tried to stay here and chant but most were pushed quickly away israeli forces have been trying to prevent a repeat of the protests that took place after friday prayers here in the square outside damascus gate last week they've barricaded off. there was a group of largely middle aged and some elderly women who'd been there chanting for some time then now being forcefully cleared. several arrests were made in these limited scuffles again the protests much smaller here than in gaza and the occupied west bank. are public or out in the al aqsa mosque compound and here at damascus gate but the occupation has a large force as well as private and undercover units. israeli forces are certainly doing all they can to quell this reaction to the trunk declaration that the anger is deeply felt and the protests go on air force at al-jazeera occupied east jerusalem well our correspondent alan fisher is in gaza with more on what's been happening there. the ambulance is evidenced by all afternoon ready to treat the injured and the wounded and there have been
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a number of them you can see the clashes that been going on don't close to the border about two hundred meters from where i'm standing the six movies know just clearly that's tires that were set alight to stop the israelis targeting people on the side of the border and the scene has been repeated in seven spots across the gaza strip. we've seen the palestinians throw stones over the border the israelis well they have used bullets and they have used tear gas we've seen several volleys of tear gas come into this field people had to be treated for both for the gunshots and for the tear gas in fact the amount of show being carried into an ambulance at a bullet wound to the neck i suspect he will be in a critical condition. we saw a massive rally in guys a house a car for a million man rally on one street the length of gas enough the size fifty five kilometers long and thousands and thousands of people attended out we saw them from hamas and fatah from
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a number of political groups and organizations but. this bill how dear said that that proved the don't trumpet united the palestinians over such a controversial decision to say that jerusalem was israel's capital we're expecting the clashes to go on for some time into the night as well and just now i can feel and taste the tear gas which is being fired that's why people are moving away you can actually taste the tear gas is beginning to by my eyes and with i think we're going to move back as well you leaders have given the go ahead for breaks and talks to move on to the next stage of negotiations they say they will not focus on trade out to make enough progress on citizens' rights the irish border and how much he has to pay to leave the dish from innocent to reason may has hailed the decision as an important step on the phillips imbecile's where he's been following those negotiations. she left early job it hasn't been easy but europe's leaders
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say it's time to start talking about the future relationship with britain after it leaves the e.u. in twenty nineteen but don't expect any dramatic early progress at this time for you twenty seven preparations. for the u.k. to get more clarity on the vision. on that basis we should. start negotiations next year none of the other e.u. twenty seven countries wanted breaks it still hope that it can be reversed somehow but they all want a final agreement and so the talks do go on but if on bret's it there is unanimity on the other issues the e.u. remains badly divided. on migration europe is a continent divided poland the czech republic slovakia and hungry will not accept the bodice refugee quotas that the e.u. agreed back in twenty fifteen the talks went on into the early hours to no avail
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do you think you should hold off either politically it was a type of political close calm but good news is that we agreed on the so-called external issues of migration protecting our borders and stopping the migrants outside them the bad news is that we still disagree on resettlement and immigration there are still many large forces who don't want to stop migration but want to bring migrants into europe and afterwards distribute them on a compulsory basis. other leaders are furious not least the one who risked her political future by admitting close to a million refugees to her country in twenty fifty and here are the usual said to him after i made very clear that i'm not satisfied with the fact that the rules we have are not working solidarity cannot just apply externally but also must be internal on this we have lots of work to do the positions have not changed but we plan to continue to work on this until june of next year. all they can agree on for now is to spend more money securing europe's borders keeping refugees out at this
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summit some of the most difficult issues confronting the continent were discussed but ultimately deferred battery phillips al-jazeera brussels. peru's congress has moved to impeach the president over alleged links to a major corruption scandal involving the brazilian construction firm older brecht politicians across the divide supported the motion to impeach pedro public kocinski for moral incapacity company owned by kaczynski is accused of receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars of payments from or direct about a decade ago kaczynski has denied any wrongdoing. still ahead here on al-jazeera. they want to make america great again this is not making america great anger in the southern u.s. as the un special rapporteur on extreme poverty finds major issues of housing and some say shit on families and civilians killed inside sudan's brutal war demanded justice.
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palace no longer quite as hot in sydney this is sort of a cold front it's a nice juices a change of wind direction more cloud in the sky so we end up with forecasts temperatures a bit more reasonable thirty one in sydney twenty four in melbourne that's been bit of a drop but you know it's not bad for summer mostly sunshine but on shore breeze on the queensland coast you'll notice it is reasonable woman purrs for that temp is about to drop more of a breeze coming up from the southwest and nineteen degrees for you without even juices walks out of the interior adelaide getting hot again thirty three degrees and forty in alice we seen forty five up in northern territory and that's probably going to be continued so that's a picture for australian our coast quite often you export from australia into new
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zealand and the trading front does just that but it's not particularly active you saw a bit of cloud maybe blowing off the high ground inside there it looks like it mark bringing showers here an onshore breeze but to be honest complain twenty three degrees in both north and south along with these in oakland and wellington quite possibly on sunday a slight increase in temperature as a greater chance of showers of rain in the south of south london but to be honest that is a bit of some. counting the cost the mouse wins over the folks we'll look at disney's acquisition of twenty first century. impact on media. net neutrality and with the changes that affect how we view. making the most of the greeks. this time on al-jazeera the strength of al-jazeera is that because we have such extensive
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network people will come to us and actually share that information with. our mind off the top stories. the u.n. secretary general antonio terry says it's time to reestablish and strengthen communication channels with north korea at a meeting on. missile program. three people have been killed in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u.s. president donald trump decision to recognize to root as the capital of israel and the e.u. leaders say breaks in negotiations with britain can now move on to trade after
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sufficient progress was made on citizens' rights the irish border and how much bigger u.k. has to pay to leave the. us president was given a speech at the f.b.i. national academy in virginia earlier on friday the white house review what it described as extreme bias against from amongst the senior leaders of the f.b.i. committee how could has more now from washington d.c. . after months of disparaging america's top law enforcement agency donald trump told an audience of newly graduated f.b.i. agents with me as your president. america's police will have a true friend and loyal champion in the white house but two weeks earlier on social media the u.s. president criticized the f.b.i. saying its reputation is in tatters his criticism is largely fueled by his belief the f.b.i. did not charge his twenty sixteen presidential opponent hillary clinton with misuse
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of classified information which used a private e-mail server will secretary of state but many believe his attacks are driven by a desire to discredit the agency best to getting his campaign's alleged ties to russia during the election he should resign immediately tonight i have filed the resolution to have bob dole recuse himself recently many trump supporters have been calling for special prosecutor robert muller the man in charge of the russia probe to be fired they point to a newly released batch of text messages from two f.b.i. agents as evidence the f.b.i. officials worked on the clinton investigation. and the probe into whether trump's twenty sixteen campaign colluded with russia in the messages turned over to congress by the department of justice and agents show preference toward clinton winning the white house and refer to trump repeatedly as an idiot this is not just
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political opinions this is just gusting on accountable bias and there's no way that could not affect a person's work the agents have been removed or are no longer investigating russian meddling or potential obstruction of justice by trump speaking recently on capitol hill the deputy attorney general told lawmakers there's nothing inappropriate about f.b.i. officials holding political opinions so long as it doesn't affect their work trump disagrees it is very sad when you look at those documents and. how they've done that is really really very the deputy attorney general has resisted any calls to fire robert mueller has said that there is no person better qualified to lead the investigation can really help get al-jazeera washington. a u.n. investigation into extreme poverty in the u.s. has raised serious issues about the quality of american highways saying it
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specially in rural areas special repertoire philip alston report will cover issues of civil way basic sanitation and the gallagher has the story you actually see them a war fly in rural alabama the un's expert on extreme poverty witnessed firsthand what residents have been dealing with the years in the states blackbelt region many can't afford basic sanitation open pools of rule sewage sit where children play it's often flushed back into people's homes and hookworm a parasite normally found in sub-saharan africa has been reported in shocking numbers residents have asked for help instead campaigners say some of being threatened with criminal charges now they may at least get recognition for some might have to come from the united nations just got a solution to a problem that the united states says we have is really really say to me i mean because. they're want they're saying they want to make america great again this is
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not making america great again philip alston spent two weeks visiting some of the u.s. is most vulnerable people activists say his presence is cause for national shame it's embarrassing that i had to go outside of alabama to get help to deal with this that's embarrassing i think that there is there are people in alabama they can solve this problem they get to have the world with they do it we came to lock up everybody for things that happen here when there are things that they people have no control over as part of his toll philip olson came here to washington d.c. where poor neighborhoods can be found within streets of the capitol building in past reports alston's pulled no punches but this may be his most sensitive mission yet investigating poverty in the world's richest nation will mean nothing if the current administration chooses to ignore his findings officially more than forty million americans live in poverty some put that figure much higher alston's already called what he's seen in the u.s. shocking and says in many places basic needs are not being met it's then up to the
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government to try to explain why it's not being met because they could afford to do it so that would mean that they're taking a political decision just to exclude certain people and not put resources into giving them a decent standard of living the un's final report will be published in the spring of two thousand and eighteen early indications are that alston's findings could make for uncomfortable reading for the world's biggest economy and gallacher al-jazeera. zimbabwe's new president emerson minute has been endorsed as the wings and p.f. party's presidential candidate for next year's election when i got took over from robert mugabe last month after the military intervened and forced his resignation the task that has more now from harare. after weeks of people wondering with his a new government what scraps some of black economic empowerment policies president made his position clear on land reform a policy that saul and c. strong white farmers and given to black zimbabweans the principles.
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not. men and women. that our group creates pulley system in. place surfboards. promise when i go is promising to tackle corruption create jobs improve cash shortages increase productivity of farms and encourage foreign direct investment by making government policies more investor friendly probably has to be very democratic. leadership style and approach from his predecessor and it definitely has to be an economic performance if you want to win the election in twenty eight of the ruling parties is not god why is there presidential candidates in makeshift
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election zimbabwe's leaders to. be credible free peaceful and transparent some zimbabweans are skeptical things are going to change they say the only thing different about sonny. is no longer in charge but the same faces are still around president is under pressure to prove his critics wrong was. international community to lift all political and economic sanctions unconditionally sanctions were imposed in the early two thousand placed human rights abuses some ins on the p.f. accused the main opposition leader morgan tsvangirai a pushing for sanctions to stage an allegation opposition members deny the m.d.c. is not calling for the imposition of sanctions on zimbabwe are calling for these to implement this enough electoral reforms that will enable the holding of free and fair elections in about six or eight months time from now another no once and to be
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patient as government and the ruling party try to improve the struggling economy. al-jazeera. a warlord has been ordered to pay ten million dollars in compensation to child soldiers in the democratic republic of congo it's almost a bangle was convicted of war crimes five years ago but the international criminal court so when i put a figure on it but how will they get their compensation under simmons explains. bangor was jailed for fourteen years at the international criminal court in twenty twelve convicted of abducting children and forcing them to join his militia with a fourteen year jail sentence came a ruling that low bangle was personally liable for compensating his victims has taken five years to put some sort of value on the trauma and suffering along with the loss of childhoods and education. the judges identified four hundred twenty
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five child victims all under fifteen years old but the presiding judge said there were hundreds possibly thousands of additional victims many of the girls were forced repeatedly to have sex with their captors and faced stigmatise ation and rejection when they finally returned but lubanga says he has no money at all so how will his victims get compensation but we're looking at huge numbers so money will always be a shortfall and what will be important is what kind of support what kind of reparations are we giving these collective preparations that will be the main issue to look at and it needs to be can state can take surely. adapted it needs to be based on what these children in their communities some of them who are adults now what they need now this is the type of collective compensation plan and here a rehabilitation center for former child soldiers the independent trust fund for
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victims which will administer i.c.c. reparations wants to go much further than this project it has a three year plan that would include schooling for all ages along with medical and psychological treatment it's meant to be funded by one a quarter million dollars set aside in the lubanga case but it's likely the i.c.c. will be looking to its member states for much of the funding and lou bangar may appeal against the compensation award his lawyer says his client is becoming a scapegoat for all child soldiers and drew simmons al-jazeera in commission for human rights says that some civilians inside sudan a being targeted for murder and rape based on their ethnicity the fighting which is seen thousands killed again after cunt after the country gained independence back in twenty thirteen hit morgan reports that from juba. a few clocks and cooking pots
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are all violet only has other displaced people at the u.n. camp in juba donated them when she arrived in september after fleeing her hometown one of our i won't i why is that our house was burnt my husband was inside we came here with only the clothes on our back we had no way to go but this un camp the soldiers burnt our houses her mother in law who was injured escaping her burning home fled with her that was when everyone was running to the bush i was injured when i was trying to flee when the house was on fire i came here with my daughter because we needed shelter and i needed treatment fighting started in december twenty third team less than three years after independence was gained from sudan dance president salva kiir accused his former vice president rick machar of plotting a coup to oust him since then fighting has largely been across ethnic lines and spread to the capital last year when a peace agreement failed four years of war has not only resulted in the deaths of thousands of south sudanese almost four million of the twelve million population
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have been displaced from their homes and the un says all warring sides have committed grave atrocities in nearly every part of the country the un also says that sexual violence targeted killing and displacement and control of how it is delivered is being used to hurt civilians the head of the un's commission of human rights in south sudan says many attacks could amount to work rhymes and crimes against humanity you have a particular way of beginning to look at whether or not something constitutes a war crime or a crime against humanity but on the face of it yes these crimes seem to have taken place in south sudan government leaders in south sudan say they are not linked to potential war crimes those who do attack civilians will be held accountable we have . that. think happened. but the happen with the individual taking the law into their own and that's when as they come to you know. to the. set first
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they are always you know taken to book for viola pony no amount of accountability will bring back her husband or their burnt out but she says justice will bring her some closure so she can move on with her life and raise her kids even more going into the room juba austria's conservative party has reached a coalition deal with the far right freedom party the agreement makes austria the only country in western europe with a far right party government freedom party won twenty six percent of the vote in october is election on a strong anti immigration plan or before we go we can bring you this sporting star of the future the u.s. toddler in this shot here has proven you're never too young to hit the slopes going for her first run in either hold this week two days before her first birthday there's no word yet on where she has planned for her second birthday.
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is top stories here on al-jazeera the united nations secretary general says it's time to really establish immediately and strengthen communication channels with north korea until you get tara's was speaking at the un security council meeting on ballistic missile program last month north korea tested its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile yet in direct defiance of international pressure and u.n. sanctions where u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson says he'll continue to pursue a diplomatic resolution with north korea but the military remains at the ready. we are not going to accept preconditions you heard others have called for freeze for freeze we do not accept a freeze for freeze as a precondition to talks we do not accept any relaxing of the sanctions regime as a precondition of talks we do not accept a resumption of humanitarian assistance as a precondition of talks so we are not going to accept preconditions for these talks
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but as i indicated in my remarks our communication communication channels remain open north korea knows they're open they know where the door is they know where to walk through that door when they want to talk through people have been killed in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u.s. president donald trump's decision so recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel medical groups say hundreds of others have been injured in gaza president trump and sweet the u.s. embassy would be relocated to jerusalem from tentative e.u. leaders have given the go ahead for breaks at talks to move on to the next stage of negotiations who say they can now focus on trade after making enough progress on sissons rights the irish border and how much the u.k. has to pay to leave the e.u. which is prime minister it's reason they hailed the decision as an important step. here is congress has moved to impeach the president over alleged links to
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a major corruption scandal involving the brazilian construction firm all the bricks politicians across the divide supported the motion to impeach bill kaczynski a moral incapacity company owned by kaczynski is accused of receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars. those are your top stories counting the cost is up next the very same things your company. witnessed documentaries that open your eyes at this time on al-jazeera. hello i'm come on santa maria this is counting the cost on al-jazeera and we can look at the world of business and economics.
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