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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2017 12:00am-1:01am +03

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much money does the richie get those people put up that. one german and i'm not the new jim and it's at this time on al-jazeera. on the surgery a scar. a bunker shot or monument towards destructive powers. there's amid the ruins the defiance to resist. and somehow survive. people in power investigates how this suburb of damascus has refused to crumble under the might of assets only. part two of this time. this is.
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our i'm so tired and this is the news hour live from london coming up. america is in the game and america is going to do with president trump outlines his new national security strategy and browns china and russia the primary threat to u.s. economic dominance. goes against. the u.s. veto the u.n. security council resolution which rejects any change to the status of jerusalem. several ram opposer is elected as the new leader of the a.n.c. and the likely successor us president of south africa. on train carriages fall onto a motorway in washington state they say there have been multiple. one time hummus with all the day's sport including australia are celebrating as the ashes returns down under after they beat england in the famous cricket context.
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u.s. president donald trump says he will assert american dominance abroad five boosting the economy and spending hundreds of billions of dollars modernizing the u.s. military and a speech on national security in washington d.c. the president also neglected to describe climate change as a threat to the u.s. trump said the u.s. was facing new competition on the international stage from china and russia but would cooperate where possible we also face rival powers russia and china that seek to challenge american influence values and world. we will attempt to build a great partnership with those and other countries but in a manner that always protects our national interest but while we seek such
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opportunities of cooperation we will stand up for ourselves and we will stand up for our country like we have never stood up before. trump also said the u.s. cannot be truly safe without having more secure border we must protect the american people the homeland and our great american way of life this strategy recognizes that we cannot secure a nation if we do not secure our borders so for the first time ever an american strategy now includes a serious plan to defend our homeland it calls for the construction of a wall on our southern border ending chain migration and the horrible visa and lottery programs closing loopholes that undermine
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enforcement and strongly supporting our border patrol agents ice offices and homeland security personnel. well that's going now from our defense correspondent political hyun who is joining us with analysis and guests from washington d.c. posse of course this speech wasn't the whole strategy of i think that something like sixty eight pages long but what he said the substance of what he said was it any surprise. you know it really was and of course there's a little light reading here if anybody wants to peruse it this is a basically congressionally mandated every president has to come out and say this is my national security strategy and in the right after that we hear a lot of things from his aides and they were really sending a much tougher message then we heard in that speech they said he was going to really go after china and russia those are things he hasn't actually done while in office but what you just heard that one little sound bite from him is really the only mention even there he talked more about cooperation so let's get a panel of experts who know
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a little bit more about this than me in the story to me in the studio are alexander hitchens the research director at the program on extremism at george washington university and ambassador david mack he is a former deputy assistant secretary of state for near east affairs gentlemen thank you for joining us i was struck the aides all said in the run up to the speech that he's going to really go after russia and china that's what he said on the campaign trail let's just take china for example he has china of raping the u.s. on the campaign trail but hasn't really done that in office has he invested or will you know when i hear from what he said was competition and partnership where we can now that's going to work out in practice very possibly toward situations in which we have spears of employment and we cede to the chinese. the primary role for example dealing with korea or. taking the leadership of the trade in east asia. so when the president withdrew
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from the trans-pacific partnership he wasn't increasing competition with china because that. it was the vehicle that was going to put china on the defensive instead he heels on that and says we're going to compete with them really tough in bilateral trade. but that's kind of a misreading of what our asian allies were expecting from us and similarly in europe in the middle east he has basically let the syria let the russians call the tune in syria and to a certain extent he's backed away from some of the hard line positions that were taken in the obama administration with regard to ukraine and alexander only bring in this you know one of the themes from this speech is everything was horrible before i took office i was elected now everything's great again. because you know america stayed in the world and he said america is respected in the world now more than it ever has been i have been looking at the polls that's not the case pretty
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much anywhere but russia. well i think it. is that is in the world the feeling is that you know post war on terror the u.s. has taken a hit as far as its reputation but i think the general message is that we want to see the u.s. at the forefront of maintaining the global liberal world order is an important one and we don't want that to change but withdrawing from various treaties and organizations isn't going to put america in a position to be able to do that and is leading vacuums open to a lot of other rivals and competitors particular middle east ambassador you were mentioning that it's unusual that issue of borders would be brought in obviously this is a core to trump support among his base that build a wall it's probably not going to get built i think we can all agree that congress is not going to spend the billions of dollars to build the wall how significant is it in your mind that that became part of a pretty central part of the speech general he's playing to his base here and it's
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a domestic political calculation that usually wouldn't have made its way into a national security document like this it's very very specific points that i think play to a certain part of his base. that that really don't quite jibe with the rest of it and you know and if you look at the fourth point among his four major points that is expanding u.s. influence abroad now how is he going to do that well he's withdrawn from the paris climb a tree he's withdrawn from our trade negotiations in the pacific and just recently in fact today he's basically ceded leadership on the middle east or had already seated leadership in syria to russia and the u.n. security council there in the capital or because of the embassy me well yeah the u.n. security council today took a position fourteen to one against us we were the one that voted for it now there are fifty seven other states that have recognized jerusalem as the capital of
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palestine so how's that for leadership you know i think there is this disjuncture. he hasn't figured out yet how he's really going to exert u.s. leadership abroad well i want to ask you alexander this is your area of expertise to his supporters made a big deal about the fact that neither president barack obama or george bush would call it radical islamic extremism there was a reason they did it and there's also a reason he did could you explain all of that well under obama there was almost an official policy among the administration and members of it to not mention words like islam is a missile missed jihadist and that was an attempt to you know was a good natured attempt to try and say look we're not at war with islam here and muslims but i think you can say that but also calling the threat what it is and i think that a lot of people kind of got frustrated that they were being kind of treated infantilized i mean no serious academic who looks at the isis al qaeda does not use the word jihadist and islamist like that is in the lexicon of expertise on this
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topic so we should be willing to treat people like grown ups call things what they are one of the same time making it very clear look jihadism islam is and these are things that are certain forms of a religion that the vast majority who follow it are not a threat but i think actually using those terms defining the threat properly is a very important part of it not just going back on the border issue. really in point to keep in mind i mean of course every country needs to cure borders and the united states has pretty secure borders but the fact is if you look at the i.o.c. related terror threat the united states it's mostly from people who are radicalized in america not people who are sent in who crossed our borders and committed a terrorist attack of course nine eleven is the major exception but in the recent era of terrorism that we faced it has been a domestic radicalization issue and vaster real quick very briefly does this change anything or does it just kill a lot of trees. yeah i think i think that the emphasis the reemphasis
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on border security is a little bit unexpected and. the. ambivalent views of china and russia are ones that are going to everybody's going to be looking at that now how do we end up dividing spheres of influence with china and russia that's going to be a new issue going forward gentlemen thank you so much for joining us i think the bottom line here is the speech where the president wanted to project strength showing america's role leading the world while if you've just listen to our experts it did anything but that that's latest from d.c. for now now back to sue in london thank you patty well al jazeera say the political analyst moment bashar joins us now in the studio with they document in his hand. and in the document it says the u.s. will no longer turn a blind eye to violations cheating or economic aggression is this strategy going to make america more aggressive in the wider world well that's certainly the threats
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and i think the threat of what what now is clearly an issue of economic nationalism is the way president trump phrased it is economic security is national security well you know some twenty five years ago it was economy first stupid stupid you know so it's not really the first time that we hear of this whole promoting prosperity economy comes first you cannot really win internationally if you fail economically also so forth but i think. you know this economic security economic nationalism is part of this three layer strategy that we've seen in these fifty eight pages so economic nationalism probably means taxing missions abroad in order to talk to the cut taxes at home perhaps it means tariffs perhaps it means also a trade war moving forward so there is a you know there is an implicit threat to china and other countries that present
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trump reckons they are not respecting. fair trade with the united states i think the more alarming form of national we've heard from him is first populist nationalism and that's based on the issue of fear you fear mexicans you build the wall you fear the muslims you feel foreigners in general if you're terror and so so forth so there's a lot of a lot of language a lot of phrasing about populist nash nationalism and why he is going to run that america secure again and the last which is even more alarmist than that is the belligerent aggressive nationalism and that's the one that he phrased it as peace through strength seven hundred billion dollars plus military budget and the idea that there's a war on terror there's probably a war against north korea a war against iran and so on so forth if not in action at least by wards for the time being but be that as it may there is this sense that it's on all three levels
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populist nationalism economic and national ism and village of nationalism. what prison trump is doing is basically saying america not just first america alone he's basically saying and he actually emphasized that we are pulling out of the paris of course we're pulling out of the d.p.p. the trans trans a pacific partnership and america's been putting a lot of things so unlike previous presidents who also put america first who also what prosperity first also put american security first except the way that prison trump was doing it is not through the international order that america built after the second world war not through the multilateralist world that america defended through the last you know thirty forty years he's doing it through american nationalism and i think that's where the digital just picking up on the ambassador one of the guests that patter had there a former ambassador talking about whether or not you can still be
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a world player still be out there but still almost being more isolationalist and you're not going to be still involved in places like syria leaving that to the likes of putin's russia how much involvement is america still going to have in the wider world the whole talk about the middle east peace process that still broke recording to the white house the rest of the they how was looking up and going you can't be any more why does this sit you know it is. what's the word amazing to hear president from saying america is leading again first of all as if it wasn't leading before and seconds leading again it's what the same hour what america was isolated in the united nations security council it was one versus the other fourteen members so america not only is not leading america is isolated as we've seen today i mean the chinese and the russians and the iranians and a whole other countries latin americans brazilians certainly the french and the
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british are laughing out a president trump and he says we're getting again because certainly america is not leaving again if anything america is not force actually in so many ways it's theirs trump first america or no second or third and so on and so forth so in a sense you could say that america is losing by that their respect around the world is losing confidence around the world is losing trust around the world and when and when and when when an american president says interests lead to a common cause with other nations basically leaving american values the liberal values all of that to the back burner that is really a major change in american policy always gets that to get your thoughts about senior political analyst. still to come on the al-jazeera news hour indian prime minister in iran draw modi on issues to cling to power in his home state of gujarat but not without a strong challenge from the opposition. we'll tell you about the billionaire
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conservative now in charge of chile. and more silverware for football icon leo messi find out what he's in for with out and support. the palestinian government has described us on acceptable the u.s. decision to veto a u.n. draft resolution that would have required president donald trump to rescind his recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital all of the other fourteen members of the security council voted in favor of the resolution describing the vote as an insult on an embarrassment to the u.n. u.s. ambassador nikki haley said america would not be told by anyone where it can put its embassy what we witnessed here today in the security council is an insult it won't be forgotten it's one more example of the united nations doing more harm than
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good in addressing the israeli palestinian conflict today for the simple act of deciding where to put our embassy the united states was forced to defend its sovereignty the record will were flecked that we did so proudly today for of knowledge and a basic truth about the capital city of israel we are accused of harming peace the record will reflect that we reject that outrageous claim for these reasons and with the best interests of both the israeli and the palestinian people firmly in mind the united states votes no on this resolution. palestinian leaders are now planning to call for an emergency meeting of the u.n. general assembly the palestinian ambassador to the u.n. says the u.s. can no longer be a peace broker in the middle east as it has wholeheartedly sided with the israelis that the. united states chooses to disregard international law and to ignore the
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international consensus chooses to stand with the israeli occupation at the expense of our rights in the just nature of their cause with this veto the u.s. has missed an opportunity to correct a legal decision with regard to jerusalem and it has persisted in its historic sin this resolution to fix the status of the united states as a peace broker and it actually stresses that bias and it undermines its role in any future peace process mike hanna is out the united nations for us my current extraordinary quite aggressive tone really from nikki haley there after voting vetoing against all the other members indeed yes it was almost a threatening tone where she said we shall not forget clearly she decided to fight back making the point from her idea that the u.s. had its own sovereignty being abrogated she quoted that as one of the reasons for the veto but also the fact that the u.s.
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can decide wherever it wants to place its mission in any city in the world not taking into account the special nature of jerusalem but clearly she got on the offensive also accusing the u.n. as she has done in the past of continual buyers so she puts it against israel so certainly although she was the only member of the security council that actually voted against this motion she was clearly arguing strongly that the u.s. sent every right to do so and as i already mentioned now it's being called for an emergency un general assembly by the palestinians this is that what will happen effectively. yes it does it appears as though the president of the general assembly has given his go ahead not clear exactly when that will be happening but it's probably going to be later this week now this is significant because there is no veto in the general assembly so a very similar resolution could be introduced and passed in the general assembly
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the point is though is that such a resolution is not binding therefore in the end it has no real impact and no real legislative effect but what it does do and what the palestinians are clearly intending to do is first of all demonstrate that the vast majority of nations have no intention whatsoever of moving their missions within israel and secondly that the u.s. is increasingly isolated on the international stage because of its position on jerusalem my kind of that giving us the latest from the united nations. south africa's ruling party b n c has announced his new leader with zero ram opposed to taking over from president jacob zuma ram opposer who is currently the deputy president zuma exwife the cathars alma the remains zuma in the votes at the particle fronts in johannesburg tanya page with family member and the new
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president of the african nation our home. several of them of posters supporters erupted into cheers as he was led to the stage they have penned the hopes of the african national congress and the country on him for they be about the president because the president has been the member of the n.a.c. the debris the president has been in the business sector for a very long time. i'm sure all during the close in the crisis that we have economy clearly is a country who will have some improvements but i'm of course a has a hit for business and that could be what's needed to get the economy back on track so millions of unemployed south africans can have hope he helped write the constitution and helped negotiate the peaceful transition to democracy from apartheid skills he will need as the top six new a.n.c. officials and all his allies these are the food outcomes for the organization
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i think we have good widespread it is sad to create a unit in the a.n.c. . but i'm opposed and here it's a deeply divided and see one split between the politics of petron age of president zuma who set passively as the results were announced and those who feel the a.n.c. has lost its way prisons in this tenure has been tarnished by controversy it was the rape charge he was acquitted of and hundreds of corruption charges related to a multi-million dollar arms deal it will take a lot to undo the damage to the party of cement now. to all of them of course they campaigned on an empty corruption message policy a fresh start and the clean up more transparent style of governance and straighten out his business actually meant to build a stronger economy to create millions of desperately needed jobs perhaps adama poses viable and causes honestly meaning zuma the current president's ex-wife was
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too tainted by association with zuma even her track record as a strong politician in her own right with a passion to promote the needs of the country's poor wasn't enough but saddam of course is task is enormous unite a divided agency and prevent its slide in support from the coming terminal ahead of the two thousand and nineteen general election tony a page out of sarah johannesburg. or joining us now via skype from johannesburg political analyst and author. who wrote the book when zuma goes i am very grateful for you is joining us on an alj is there are so is tony a said he has a head for business does this mean we're going to be seeing a very strong stable economy if indeed he does become president. well i think he does have that the reputation of someone who understand the basics of pique anomic see the dogs have a very good relationship with the private sector after you get through with south africa's currency there and actually picking up i gave measure currencies so one
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could say that the election of them of course are to become the president of the a.n.c. it's one step in the right direction but both of our members who are serving with the ins and other top six leadership of the a.n.c. that is the top leadership of the n.c. this constitute ten steps backwards and i don't think they are not helping at all they rescinded jubilation in south africa bobby said before but i believe that the south africans are is lifting up one of these they will realize the next day that actually the top six that she will have the a.n.c. is cause we did it with men with that one man with great potential and are the four . people there who have been aligned with that than just of whom are who have been part of corruption network in south africa gov dodd itself doesn't inspire much confidence oh indeed and that oversee there are still some very much supporters of jacob very much does he have to face
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a contingent that will not be behind him. it is going to be good to guard the men on which the african national congress where also the tradition of the party and looking at they no trial system being followed in south africa is that i'm controllers whoever controls the live us of our within the party they truly that the ones that are going to be able to ensure if there will be a court year it's within government or they will hold those who will be writing governmental ends on so the secretary general of the of the a.n.c. the newly looked as the to general of the n.c. is a well known. ally the deposits of attorney general excellent he served under our prison jobs was top there sixty votes you've been so yes made it returned the chairperson of the party it is the very same person will also serve under the leadership of that than jobs it is going to be very difficult to look up when the business and people are to stop ward from what the project of me is that i'm up with a particularly if those projects might look like they're going against that
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interest or even put in jobs must directly very good to get your thoughts thanks very much for joining us ralph my take. so to come on the al-jazeera news hour hopes to end south sudan's four year civil war as peace talks take place in ethiopia plus. cycling the refugee crisis i'm joined a whole of these are beds and trends recovered from the refugee camps are being made into bags and backpacks while the refugees who are themselves making a new life here in greece. underscored there's a surprise went out on the slopes and it's in the sun i don't have the details flicks.
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hello there rain and snow has been pounding parts of western europe you see it on the satellite picture here gradually sinking its way southwards this area of cloud gave some of us some very wintery conditions and is dragging in some cooler air behind it as well as it works its way southwards though it is breaking up a little bit so you can't really see it very clearly on the choose a chart it's this remnants down here over the northern parts of africa are behind it it certainly is cooler so eleven degrees is the maximum in madrid but at night will be dropping down to below freezing for the eastern parts of europe that's where we've got most of the wintery weather on tuesday by wednesday though it gradually begins to fizzle out so just this area of cloud really left with just one or two like to flurries of snow in fact as we head through the next day or so there's some heavy downpours across the northern parts of africa we've two systems really the first one is here stretching it's up through syria and then there's another one behind it that's giving us heavy rain over parts of libya then there's a third one this is the remains of what's going on over europe giving us some heavy
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showers over parts of area and tunisia that system then gradually slips its way towards the southeast sort of joins up with what's going on here say for many of us in libya does look pretty west over the next couple of days a bit further south for many of us here across the central belt of africa it's dry except for a couple. abandoned by the state social collectors are occupying space is among the people a military is architects working on the edge of the mill. in the first episode of law and could take some of the adults who have chosen colleges even into the realm of self building in space. you really all kids have a face time on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. with every you're. welcome back remind of the top stories here on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump has outlined his new national security strategy labeling china and russia the primary threats to u.s.
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economic dominance he also promised to pursue policies that puts america first. the u.s. has vetoed a u.n. security council resolution that would have required president donald trump to rescind his declaration of jerusalem as israel's capital palestine has slammed the decision as all acceptable. and south africa's ruling party has chosen several are opposed it. to succeed president jacob zuma as a leader of the african national congress. a u.s. official says at least six people have been killed in an amtrak train derailment outside seattle and the death count is expected to rise authorities say preliminary signs indicate the amtrak train may have struck something on the track before spilling over into a busy interstate she had her town see reports. train five zero one was traveling from seattle to portland washington when it derailed near the town of dupont sixty four kilometers south of its origin between seven thirty and seven forty am local
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time seventy eight passengers and five crew members were aboard several carriages dangled from a bridge crossing into state five with some falling onto the ground below multiple cars and trucks were struck by trying cars that left the train tracks and went down onto the road the people that were in all the vehicles even though when you see the pictures it's pretty horrific at this point nobody in any of the vehicles is a fatal fatals are all contained to the train as far as the numbers go they're still working on that it was the inaugural room for the high speed train service the national transportation safety board is investigating in response to the incident president trump tweeted first to make the case for his long promised infrastructure program the train accident that just occurred in dupont washington shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly he said seven trillion dollars spent in the middle east well roads bridges tunnels railways and more crumble not for long and then ten minutes later
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he sent his condolences to the victims of particular interest the black boxes which will indicate speed the status of railway signals and what the engineer was doing at the time of the crash dash cam video may reveal whether there was a blockage on the line in addition investigators will examine whether the track of been misaligned whether there was any tampering with the rail line or whether the high speed technology had suffered a failure she had al-jazeera. a nail biting election in the indian state of gujarat seen prime minister narendra modi hold on to power this fight a stronger than usual challenge from the opposition congress passing a loss would have been a major embarrassment for both modi and his ruling general party which has ruled the state for two decades to plan has more from largest city amid the. people here say it was one of the most exciting elections the state of gujarat has seen in decades. there have been celebrations in the city center along with relief
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that the ruling party agenda third party managed to retain power but it was a close race. for the first time in twenty two years the opposition indian national congress had a campaign that threatened the ruling party why didn't. the p.d.p. had campaigned on the issue of economic development and people voted for them. no doubt the communities opposing the party have affected some seats against the people who voted for development and reelected the big j. page. the rest of the country has been watching this political race closely prime minister narendra modi was chief minister of good drugs for thirteen years before taking over the top job. his support included visits to his home state to campaign on behalf of the b j p and to cast his vote mr moody would personally be greatly relieved by this victory but this is a victory which will not give great joy and happiness to the party worker this is
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going to be a victory which the cannot walton celebrate it's going to be very similar to the way that the congress has not been able to for win the elections but their workers are going to walk out and celebrate it please the revival of the party the congress party has increased its influence now holds more constituencies than before. the congress party managed to unite several political groups disenfranchised with the state's economy and who feel left out of its development there may not have been a change in government but many say this election has spread a spotlight and say that in all its unemployment inflation and the fact that the benefits of good or of what's out there is economic growth have not made many people particularly in rural areas of classified as low income. despite the celebrations analysts say the b j p should take the results as a warning the party has lost seats in every legislative assembly elections since
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the random of the became chief minister in two thousand and one zero zero they have ceded ground in this election to showing their support to the people of good cannot be taken for granted. the bigger pile an al-jazeera vittra. and the president elect billionaire businessman sebastian pinera hopes to increase growth with plans to expand the economy but supporters of the outgoing center left government social reforms warn they'll fight back if piniella tries to roll back on them now latin america editor lucien human reports from sunday. a chilean traditional socialist president michelle bachelet visited sebastien the day after his election to offer her full cooperation in the transition just as the former president had done four years ago after she was elected putting on a brave face but she is leaving chile in the hands of the same conservative.
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democrat and i have said that i will hand over my birthday. to whom every selective democracy is democracy. the news was welcomed by the markets the billionaire businessman victory boosted the chilean currency and the local stock exchange alarming rather absently i was fruit and vegetable market most say it's been yet has close ties to big business to convince them to vote for him when i mean. as he says better times ahead that business has been stagnant these last four years so a change is good. but not everyone believes that will put their interests first. and how could people have voted for thing for a man who will be governed by the whims of big business. back at home the president elect also receives the national and foreign press while his foreign policy will
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differ a little his domestic priority will be to halt many of by chile's structural and social reforms even will support but he said if we are going to recover the leadership and dynamism of our economy and that starts by restoring growth and reestablishing investor confidence which used to grow by more than ten percent a year when i was last president he then went in to receive more congratulatory phone calls mainly from like minded latin american leaders election clearly consolidating the regions shift from the left to the political right with the niceties over now comes the hard part that will have to walk a fine line appeasing his conservative political base while at the same time assuring those who did not vote for him that it will not come at their expense you see in yemen al jazeera sunday. the chiefs in zimbabwe have announced an end to their intervention which forced former president but the governor to resign the
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armed soldiers have promised to shut down their last roadblocks in the capital and turned over to the place or metastasize reports from harare. when the military intervened in mid november they said it was going to be temporary they said they wanted to weed out criminal elements people who surrounded themselves around their kids as individuals trying to destroy the country the army said that mission was called operation restore legacy they say that mission is now over this is the situation the country is now back to normal and they say soldiers have returned to the barracks operation restore early gussy was launched on the thirteenth of november twenty seventh. and its main objective was to remove criminals that did surrounded the former president resulting in. and disappointed in amongst our people while some of the individuals have been accounted for. as cuba the country. this notwithstanding the objectives of the operation have
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a large extent been achieved the man who announced soldiers are returning to the berets generals by name is now commander of the defense forces he replaces general constantino the man who played a huge role in removing robert mugabe to enter has been retired he will be redeployed something little analysts say mistakes elation he'll be named vice president the barbarians who have no problems with the army say that it's a good development they hope it brings more stability the army bring some kind of order into running the country but those who are skeptical say nothing really has changed they say they're worried that the army is effectively still in charge the senior people have just taken off the uniform and gone into government. south sudan's government is blaming opposition forces for the abduction of six aid workers after clashes broke out between the two sides in the northwest of the country it comes as peace talks to end the four year civil war get underway in
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ethiopia's capital others are about him a morgan has more. after more than a year of fighting south sudan's rival factions are finally meeting the aim is to revive a peace agreement that was signed in time to fifteen here we have to agree on a peace agreement and how to implement it you have to devise some of the. provisions. were not able to implement and tried to implement it is. difficult to. do. the original peace agreement was signed to end the war which started in december twenty fifth that was after south sudan's president salva kiir accused his former vice president riek machar of attempting a coup tens of thousands have been killed in the fighting which has divided communities along ethnic lines. then to governmental authority on development or egads is leading the process of bringing all the sides together but each side has
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different demands in july two thousand and sixteen the two parties which is the government under president for care on the spill are myo under the to reargue machar ford in juba and as a result there goodman was violated. you know the story was complete displaced from source or done so kind of the agreement itself on the provisions of the agreement doesn't mean the text of the agreement and the stakeholders in the agreement have changed a quarter of the countries twelve million people have been displaced by the four year war more than six million rely on humanitarian aid for survival and the fighting has created an economic crisis that has seen an inflation of more than one hundred fifty per cent making many basic commodities an affordable one challenge since the regional bloc egads started trying to buy the ten to fifteen agreement in june this year was bringing together all the warring sides in one room many new groups have emerged through that agreement collapsed not at their meeting this year think up until august obama the next perhaps even bigger challenge will be getting
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them to agree on a solution to end the fighting which means some sides may have to compromise south sudan's government has made it clear it won't renegotiate the ten to fifteen agreements some analysts think compromises will depend on what's presented in the talks the different demands of the area listing and then they are promoting what us already being signed in the four shifters of the agreement when they could be incorporated in the new timeline so the implementation bodies need but if they are unclear and realistic i don't think there is any space for for any negotiating negotiations that may bring together a few different groups but told the fate of an entire nation which has been at war for much of its existence. people morgan al-jazeera juba. celebrations have been taking place in cattle. for its national day is a commemoration of the gulf nations unification on december the eighteenth eight
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hundred seventy eight this year's celebrations come six months into the gulf crisis saudi arabia the u.a.e. back rain and egypt cut ties with qatar back in june accusing it of funding terrorism a challenge doha a strongly denied al jazeera journalist mom and her saying is approaching his first anniversary in prison in egypt he was arrested in egypt on december the twentieth last year while visiting family is detention has been renewed ten times most recently for another forty five days al-jazeera continues to demand his release mahmoud's accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al-jazeera strongly deny he has repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail the greek government has begun closing some of the many refugee camps set up in the past few years it's part of its policy of integrating the residents into the community on feet account north of athens was closed in early november and has
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journey home reports some of its residents found a novel way of both making a living and helping the environment. while busy continues to store those on the refugee route into europe in a little warehouse north of athens some lives a changing for the better right know yes. i'm. happy now i'm ready to have you have. come a spring. here refugees from afghanistan pakistan and iran run a business making bags and backpacks using old tents and other material from the camp they want lived in i can't afford like a movie i take care of my children better as long as i have a job here. i have to stay here lisa campbell founded the ngo that set up this business what it does is give them a reason to be able to stay here because they are safe here their kids can go to
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school here they have medical care here there are there are reasons to stay angry if you have a job. the greek government has closed a number of refugee camps on the mainland preferring to try and integrate refugees into society all that remains of camp is the sitemap and whatever these budding entrepreneurs could salvage this is a pile of beds recovered from a recently closed refugee camp this canvas will soon be turned into designer items it is if you like upcycling of the refugee crisis this business turning a lot of misery into a little bit of hope and happiness made in greece here or at least the exercise in integration is going well so i think it's a great improvement for the area and people can get to know what these refugees and organizations are doing. but lisa campbell knows they're really only scratching the
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surface of a much bigger problem i want to know that i've done made a difference in these lives. and maybe the example somebody else can pick up and maybe other people can do the same thing to help those thousands upon thousands of others. but it's a start and the bags are selling like hotcakes online. al-jazeera or not fit to greece. still to come on al-jazeera. is helping communities with no access to bank accounts. could be set for return to the n.f.l. and american rock. business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places to get the.
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business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together.
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woman two point five billion people worldwide don't tell a bank account that means they have no access to services like loans or insurance but now a small startup inside the goal is hoping to change that by combining saving with new technology. they get together every month harder and money in hand for two runs a fruit stall cells chickens clothes they're all working women and yet none of them have a bank account and banks one gallon tease people work off our trade they make it difficult for women we don't have millions just to five hundred thousand there are
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ten thousand central african francs max financial institutions see the poor as unreliable prone to debt and unlikely to pay back loans for traditional banks to go on low income earning customers is costly and not worth the risk two point five billion people across the world have no bank account in africa more than a half of the continent's population are financially excluded this is especially the case in the francophone region where eighty five percent of the population have no access to banks. the economy is booming people continue to trade and save but without bank accounts they put their monthly savings into a communal pot. each month one of them gets to take home the sum total of this cycle continues until everybody has had to turn to get the one thousand dollars saved together they call this eighteen it's a widespread saving practice used across the continent for centuries. tontines gives me time to think and plan ahead if i kept the money in my pocket i would have
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spent it without thinking and never saved this much this nigerian entrepreneur believes providing services to poor women saving as a group is not a risk but a safe bet you do tontines with your friends your family your mom sister or brother so there's a really really low. for you two for you to default or not right and that's why twenty one because every developing country does it a form of default rates or wanted to use. and so bernie and his sister created an online platform it brings don't teens and financial institutions together providing services traditional banks refuse to offer to poor women depending on their repayment rate each one thousand gets a score like a credit rating the higher the score the more services they are offered i'm going to say i mean if there's an emergency someone dies we don't feel the costs and the more we have insurance we have health care things we never thought we could get
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after year middleton has just five hundred customers it's still not profitable getting banks to invest in african startups is difficult to but with so many without a bank account and getting don't teens bernie believes there's an untapped potential in the region. for these women don't teens are time to come together save share their body and celebrate things you just can't do easily in a bit. nicholas hawke al-jazeera to car. oh let's get all this for with some of the. thank you very much who is with cricketer australia are celebrating regaining a one of the biggest prizes in the sport they secure the ashes against england with victory in the third test in perth and were giving some hope on the final day off the water leaked through covers on the pitch it caused a three hour delay to the start of the play but australia returned to claim england's last six wickets and win the match while the margin was an innings and
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forty one runs as the all says took on an unsaleable three male lead in the best of five series hazelwood took five wickets in that second innings at the fourth test begins in melbourne on boxing day. it's been amazing couple of weeks and. really enjoyed every moment of it. you know what with putting so much time the preparation. and everything that's come with this series it's been huge and you know that everything's worked out and we've been able to get that and back. you know all the emotions just came out at once and. you know i'm just so pleased and happy. for the group. spitz really disappointed i think one of the most restrained things is that we haven't been blown away we've not been completely outplayed we've we've had some really good performances just not long enough and simple as that
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really. earlier we spoke to the lead pretty much under a not for neutral perspective on this ashes series he's a former editor of worse than the india and says steve smith performance was one of the winning factors for australia. you don't want all the big moments moments when the games have been in the elements they're big players have stood up and been counted steve smith the captain was crucial in business in the first game and again i think his ability to adapt to conditions me earlier this year he came to india which is an extreme need to go to so many of the malls this thing that he made two hundred exceptional batting in very tough conditions and he's gone back home and made these really made runs in england in the past in new zealand so all over the world and just said ability to keep churning up the road so consistently i think is what sets him apart from others and the test match that so i think it's definitely
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well on the way there. you'd probably want to give him a couple more years to prove themselves in a couple more big series but right now you car with the body of work these put together in the most especially of the last four seasons for one hour spain has celebrated its best days at a best place at an awards ceremony embar salon a bottle star for what here now messi was honored for being the spanish knicks top goalscorer during the twenty sixteen seventeen season neta thirty seven goals then and already has a leader leading fourteen this season message teammate to anderson yes that was named the most valuable player of spain's national team both are gearing up to play real madrid and el classico on saturday. on a special play a real madrid at home and the one we have a big advantage over that cannot second in the league at the moment so it would mean we would have a significant lead and there is of course still
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a lot of the season left obviously it would be fantastic to end the year with a victory and it would make a happy christmas for us. meanwhile the suspended president of the spanish football federation has tried to stare up fears that fifa could ban spain from taking part in next year's world cup. who is currently under investigation for corruption was speaking three days after football's governing body expressed concerns over political meddling in the spanish federation believes they need to play by the rules or to avoid putting spain's place russia twenty eighteen at risk. what does the government do with this spring's participation in the world cup risk when the players have earned it on the field they know it's not for and against the for regulations well for me is simple the main cause of their actions breaking the rules is to unfairly remove me from the presidency. conker pernick hasn't been able
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to find an n.f.l. team to play it for since becoming synonymous with the national anthem protests over racial injustice but he may just have found an answer to by team himself the former san francisco forty nine ers star has expressed interest in taking over the carolina panthers with rapper sean combs combs tweeted that he'd like to become the first african-american majority owner in the n.f.l. franchise was put up for sale by jerry richardson who is under investigation for workplace misconduct and be a star seth carr also said he'd like to join in the takeover. another russian athlete has being handed a lifetime million picked banned for doping violations or. has been stripped of all of the two gold medals he won in sochi in two of the fourteen his team mates alexander. has already been banned for life by the international olympic committee
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the decision comes two weeks after the aisle you see russia from taking part in next year's winter olympics because of a state sponsored doping system well it's a busy competition season for the world's best ski races on monday men's parallel giant slalom took center stage in front of a packed crowd in italy and there was an upset asked me this might also be tough favorites marcel hershon henrik christoffersen. and that's it for me back to sue. thank you now that is it for me for this news hour but i will be back and i went with much more of the day's news don't go away.
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stunning images from the niger delta through the unflinching eyes of a look up photographer. george also did an artist on a mission to demonstrates the good and the bad to his beloved homeland documents the effects of the black gold that both feeds and disfigures his country and showcases the traditional monarchs caught between a modern wild and the tribal culture the new africa dug outs this time on al-jazeera. we have a news gathering team here that is second time now they're all over the world and they do a fantastic job and information is coming in very quickly all at once we've got to be able to react to all of the changes and al-jazeera we adapt to them. my job is is to break it all down and we held the view on the stand and make sense
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of it. the war on terror begins with but it does not in there no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat than the regime of saddam hussein and this is a regime that has something to hide they had prepared a significant propaganda flourish and guess what not one w m d shite was found in iraq since one thousand nine hundred ninety one iraq a deadly deception at this time on al jazeera. america is in the game and america is going to win.


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