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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2017 1:00am-1:34am +03

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my job is to break it all down and we held the view on the stand and make sense of it. begins with but it does not in there no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat than the regime of saddam hussein this is a regime that has something to hide they had prepared a significant propaganda flourish and guess what not one w m d shite was found in iraq since the one nine hundred ninety one iraq a deadly deception at this time on al jazeera.
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america is in the game and america is going to win. president trump outlines his new national security strategy ambrose china and russia the primary threats to u.s. economic dominance. l m three charts and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. those against. the u.s. veto of the u.n. security council resolution which rejects any change to the status of jerusalem sero around the pozo is elected as the new leader of south africa's ruling a.n.c. party and likely successor to president zuma. and train carriages fall onto a motorway in washington state police say there have been multiple to.
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us president donald trump says he will assert american dominance abroad by boosting the economy and spending hundreds of billions of dollars modernizing the u.s. military in a wide ranging speech on national security trump also warned the u.s. was facing new competition on the international stage from china and russia but will cooperate where possible a white house correspondent kimberly hellcat reports populism has been a hallmark of his presidency and donald trump again struck that note as he announced a strategy for u.s. national security is an approach he says began when voters rejected the security policies of his predecessors on january twentieth two thousand and seventeen i stood on the steps of the capitol. to herald the day the people became the rulers of their nation again in a rambling and often disjointed address skimmed through the substance of his plan
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required by the defense department including highlighting a desire to pursue an almost cold war like mindset identifying china and russia as key u.s. adversaries despite working with russia recently to avert an attack in st petersburg received a call from president putin of russia thanking our country for the intelligence that r.c.a. was able to provide them there was no specific mention of the kremlin's meddling in the twenty sixteen u.s. election just allusions to china and russia as use of technology to shape a world counter to u.s. values. and only a vague mention of how trump intends to combat the ongoing nuclear threat to the united states by north korea america and its allies will take all necessary steps to achieve a denuclearization and ensure that this regime cannot threaten the world overall
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trumps message was thin on details he's laying out this case of you know the world is really bad it was really bad before i got here and now i'm going to fix it so it's not really about the strategy itself so much as you know the person president from determined to fix these problems and there was only one reference to the middle east in his remarks although his strategy specifically calls on countries to combat extremist groups like i sold locally. outside the white house for us now to me as i said quite a rambling speech for a think people around the world probably looking in and thinking how is this going to change how america behaves in the wider world. and i don't think we're any clearer in terms of those answers now to be fair there is a more depth in depth rather sixty eight polish page policy. sort of report that is being handed to the department of defense which one can assume i haven't read all
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sixty eight pages but one can assume that there are more details the more presented but certainly when you make a speech of this nature and the magnitude of it that was expected it really was thin on details and so america's allies abroad are certainly left kind of struggling to get sort of the substance that they would typically expect from one of these foreign policy speeches and i can say in spite of all of that the state department did put out a press release shortly after the president spoke say that in fact this is a speech and strategy that brings together all elements of american power to protect the american people of the secretary of state is looking forward to implementing it with u.s. agencies but the a.c.l.u. or american civil liberties union criticized the speech saying essentially what this does is send a message to the united states and the world that the trumpet ministration is really doubling down on policies it uses harmful and will sort of populism tone. you know it's almost i guess playing to his own electoral base found in some parts
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even like he was still complaining. absolutely in fact i have to tell you in the in the almost twenty years that i've been covering u.s. presidents this this speech left me a little bit dumbfounded i kept waiting for the preamble to end in the substance to begin and then suddenly the speech was over and it really was a signal that this president has been struggling for eleven months now and still haven't sat hasn't found his stride in terms of governing that he's still in campaign mode that's where he feels most comfortable but the world in washington particularly is heavily critical of this given the fact that by this time the president should have gotten through the growing pains of a new administration should be offering more hasn't and certainly notable too in all of this is is just the fact that the president really as i stressed my report lacks cohesion it seems the only cohesion in that that address that he gave to us
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was the element about himself and the successes that he believes he's made and was trying to project throughout this address you'll never get dumbfounded for long kimberly kimberly how come given as the very latest there from outside the white house. the palestinian government has described on except to pull the u.s. decision to veto a u.n. draft resolution that would require the president donald trump to rescind his recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital all of the other fourteen members of the security council voted in favor of the resolution mike hanna reports from the united nations those against. the u.s. exercises its veto and the resolution fails and then at some bastard a sharpie attacks the fourteen other members of your security council that voted in favor what we witnessed here today in the security council is an insult it won't be
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forgotten it's one more example of the united nations doing more harm than good in addressing the israeli palestinian conflict the palestinian representative is adamant that the veto is a final confirmation that the u.s. cannot be regarded as an honest broker in the region. and this resolution affects the status of the united states as a peace broker and it actually stresses its bias and undermines its role in any future peace process earlier ambassador after ambassador outlined why they would support the resolution the united kingdom will vote in favor of the egyptian text on jerusalem because it is in line with our longstanding position on jerusalem it is in line with previous security council resolutions israel the only other nation that backed the us position they can vote on this issue again and again
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and again even a hundred more times but it will never change the fact that he was a limb eve has been in or we will be the capital of israel but the matter is not going to end here even before the vote was taken palestinian leadership insisted that would take the matter to the u.n. general assembly where there is no veto such a resolution would be non-binding but it would highlight the massive division between the u.s. and the vast majority of other nations on the issue of jerusalem and the possibility too that the palestinians may now push for the international recognition of east jerusalem as the capital of palestine. mike hanna al-jazeera united nations. south africa's ruling a.n.c. party has announced its new leader with zero ram opposed to taking over from
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president jacob zuma ram opposer who is currently the deputy president zuma exwife in the vote a party conference in johannesburg tanya page with the probably several member because as the new president of the african nation our home. i. the world i'm a poster supporters erupted into cheers as he was led to the stage they have penned the hopes of the african national congress and the country on him i'm sure they'll be about the president because the president has been the member of the n.a.c. the debris the president has been in the business sector for a very long time. i'm sure all during the close in the crisis that we have economy clearly is a country who will have some improvements and i'm of course a has a hit for business and that could be what's needed to get the economy back on track so millions of unemployed south africans can have hope he helped write the
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constitution and helped negotiate the peaceful transition to democracy from apartheid skills he will need as the top six new a.n.c. officials and all his allies these are the food outcomes for the organization i think we have good widespread it is sad to create a unit in the a.n.c. . but i'm opposed and here it's a deeply divided and see one split between the politics of petron age of president zuma who said passively as the results were announced and those who feel the a.n.c. has lost its way prisons in this ten year has been tarnished by controversy there was the rape charge he was acquitted of and hundreds of corruption charges related to a multi million dollar arms deal it will take a lot to undo the damage to the party of nelson mandela the ramaphosa camp. paint on an empty corruption message policy a fresh start and a clean up more transparent style of governance and free to all his business action
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to build a stronger economy to create millions of desperately needed jobs perhaps adama poses viable and courses on it let me assume or the current president ex-wife was too tainted by association with zuma even her track record as a strong politician in her own right with a passion to promote the needs of the country's poor wasn't enough but saddam of course is task is enormous unite a divided agency and prevent its slide in support from becoming terminal ahead of the two thousand and nineteen general election tahnee a page out of sarah johannesburg. a u.s. official says at least six people have been killed in an amtrak train derailment outside seattle and the death count is expected to rise authorities say preliminary signs indicate the amtrak train may have struck something on the track before spilling over into a busy interstate she had pretense of reports. train five zero one was traveling
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from seattle to portland washington when it derailed near the town of dupont sixty four kilometers south of its origin between seven thirty and seven forty am local time seventy eight passengers and five crew members were aboard several carriages dangled from a bridge crossing into state five with some falling onto the ground below multiple cars and trucks were struck by trying cars that left the train tracks and went down onto the road the people that were in all the vehicles even though when you see the pictures it's pretty horrific at this point nobody in any of the vehicles is a fatal fatals are all contained to the train as far as the numbers go they're still working on that it was the inaugural room for the high speed train service the national transportation safety board is investigating in response to the incident president trump tweeted first to make the case for his long promised infrastructure program the train accident that just occurred in dupont washington shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly he said seven trillion dollars spent in the middle east well i
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roads bridges tunnels railways and will crumble not for long and then ten minutes later he sent his condolences to the victims of particular interest the black boxes which will indicate speed the status of railway signals and what the engineer was doing at the time of the crash dash cam video may reveal whether there was a blockage on the line in addition investigators will examine whether the track of been misaligned whether there was any tampering with the rail line or whether the high speed technology had suffered a failure she had al-jazeera. still to come on the program indian prime minister narendra modi manages to cling to power in his home state of gujarat but not without a strong challenge from the opposition and hopes to end the south sudan's four year civil war as peace talks take place in ethiopia.
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hello there is still very hot for some of us in australia at the moment there is a corner change on its way though this area of cloud here that's gradually drifting its way eastwards but if you're ahead of that it's still very hot say thirty three in melbourne there for tuesday and thirty four in sydney and in sydney the temperatures will be rising further as we head through into wednesday so this time of the thirty eight degrees here's that cool a change though it's on its way toward sydney and it will already of past melbourne by wednesday lunchtimes it will be only it around twenty five towards the west generally a lot quite a force here in perth twenty nine degrees will be our maximum now as we head across towards new zealand we've two main areas of rain here the first one is trying to clear away from the north island now but the second one is already galloping across the south island this one in the south is gradually pushing its way northward so for many of us their own choose day we're going to see a few outbreaks of rain and then that will gradually push its way across towards the north island there for wednesday so more showers here and that's only
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a small break before the next system comes along so generally the weather is quite changeable across new zealand at the moment as we head further north for us in japan with what quite a bit of heavy snow as we've seen over the past few days but it is easing a little bit for us on wednesday i think less snow to be seen. abandoned by the state social collectives are occupying space is among the people a military text working on the edge of. in the last episode of rebel architecture something. into the realm of self building in space. you really can't say at this time on al-jazeera.
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welcome back command of the top stories here on al-jazeera u.s. president don't trump has outlined his new national security strategy labeling china and russia the primary threats to u.s. economic dominance he also promised to pursue policies that put america first the u.s. has vetoed a u.n. security council resolution that would have required the president donald trump to rescind his declaration of jerusalem as israel's capital palestine has slammed the decision as unacceptable. and south africa's ruling party has chosen cyril ramaphosa to succeed president jacob zuma as a leader of the african national congress. a nail biting election in the indian
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state of gujarat as seen prime minister narendra modi hold on to power despite a stronger than usual challenge from the opposition congress party a loss would have been a major embarrassment for both modi and his ruling the heritage general to a party which has ruled the state for two decades j.v. ago pollen has more from the city comment about. people here say it was one of the most exciting elections the state of gujarat has seen in decades. there have been celebrations in the city center along with relief that the ruling party agenda third party managed to retain power. but it was a close race. for the first time in twenty two years the opposition indian national congress radek campaign that threatened the ruling party why didn't. the p.d.p. had campaigned on the issue of economic development. and people voted for them. no
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doubt the communities opposing the party have affected some seats against the people who voted for development and reelected the big pay. the rest of the country has been watching this political race closely prime minister narendra modi was chief minister of good drugs for thirteen years before taking over the top job. his support included visits to his home state to campaign on behalf of the b j p and to cast his vote mr moody would personally be greatly relieved by this victory but this is a victory which will not give great joy and happiness to the party worker this is going to be a victory reach the cannot waldon celebrate it's going to be very similar to the way that the congress is not been able to for win the elections but their workers are going to walk out and celebrate at least the revival of the party the congress party has increased its influence now holds more constituencies than before. the
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congress party managed to unite several political groups disenfranchised with the state's economy and who feel left out of its development there may not have been a change in government but many say this election has put a spotlight. on this day that in all its unemployment inflation and the fact that the benefits of good are of what's out there is economic growth not rates many people particularly in rural areas of classified as low income. despite the celebrations analysts say the b j p should take the results as a warning the party has lost seats in every legislative assembly elections since the random of the became chief minister in two thousand and one zero zero they have ceded ground in this election to showing that support to the people of cannot be taken for granted. if you go paul an al-jazeera bitter. three gunmen who stormed a construction site in the afghan capital kabul. of being killed after
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a standoff with security forces it's believed they took control of the partially built building in order to fire down to neighboring intelligence training center the three men launched their failed attack with a car bomb and rocket propelled grenades eisel is claiming responsibility for a lebanese driver has confessed to the killing of a british diplomat in beirut on saturday according to lebanese security sources the body of rebecca dykes was found by the side of a road just outside the city in the early hours of the morning it's believed the thirty year old who worked to the british embassy took a cab after a night out with friends the sources say they don't believe the murder was politically motivated south sudan's government is blaming opposition forces for the abduction of six aid workers after clashes broke out between the two sides in the north west of the country it comes as peace talks to end the four year civil war get underway in ethiopia's capital others of a haven morgan has more from cuba after more than
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a year of fighting south sudan's rival factions are finally meeting the aim is to revive a peace agreement that was signed in ten to fifteen here we have to agree on a comprehensive peace agreement and how to implement it you have to devise some of the. provisions were not were not able to implement and tried to implement. and see what will be difficult to implement. the original peace agreement was signed to end the war which started in december twenty third team that was after south sudan's president salva kiir accused his former vice president riek machar of attempting a coup tens of thousands have been killed in the fighting which has divided communities along ethnic lines. then to governmental authority on development or egads is leading the process of bringing all the sides together but each side has different demands in july two thousand and sixteen the two parties which is the
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government under president for clear and spiller mio under two to reargue which are fourth in juba and as a result they're given was violated. you know the story i was completely displaced from source or done so kind of the agreement itself on the provisions of the agreement i mean the text of the agreement and the stakeholders in the agreement have changed a quarter of the countries twelve million people have been displaced by the four year war more than six million rely on humanitarian aid for survival and the fighting has created an economic crisis that has seen an inflation of more than one hundred fifty per cent making many basic commodities an affordable one challenge since the regional bloc egads started trying to buy the ten to fifteen agreement in june this year was bringing together all the warring sides in one room many new groups have emerged through that agreement collapsed not at their meeting this year think up it's all of this about the next perhaps even bigger challenge will be getting them to agree on a solution to end the fighting which means some sides may have to compromise south
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sudan's government has made it clear it won't renegotiate the ten to fifteen agreements some analysts think compromises will depend on what's presented in the talks the different demands of the area listing and then they are promoting what does already been signed in the four shifters of the agreement then they could be incorporated in the new timelines of the implementation that is needed but if they are unclear and realistic i don't think there is any space for for any negotiating negotiations that may bring together a few different groups but hold the fate of an entire nation which has been at war for much of its existence. people morgan al-jazeera juba. military chiefs in zimbabwe have announced an end to their intervention which forced former president robert mugabe to resign their own soldiers have promised to shut down their last roadblocks in the capital and hand over to the place however metasearch reports
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from harare. when the military intervened in mid november they said it was going to be temporary they say they wanted to weed out criminal elements people who surrounded themselves around their kids as individuals are trying to destroy the country the army said that mission was called operation restore legacy they say that mission is now over this is the situation in the country is now back to normal and they say soldiers have returned to the barracks operation restore lead gussy was launched on the thirteenth of november twenty seventh. and its main objective was to remove criminals that did surrounded the former president resulting in. and disappointed in amongst our people while some of the individuals have been accounted for. the country. this notwithstanding the objectives of the operation large extent been achieved the man who announced
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soldiers are returning to the berets general samantha is now commander of the defense forces he replaced general constantino the man who played a huge role in removing robert mugabe to enter has been retired he will be redeployed some political analysts say the speculation he'll be named vice president the bobbins who have no problems with the army say that it's a good development they hope it brings more stability the army brings some kind of order into running the country but those less skeptical say nothing really has changed they say they're worried that the army is effectively still in charge the senior people have just taken off the uniform and gone into government. the presidential transition has begun in chile new leader and billionaire businessman sebastian pinera has met outgoing socialist leader michelle bachelet after his resulting win in sunday's presidential runoff in america as a solution human as the latest. behind me is the front door of president elect
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service stamping it out he had invited the international media here to his home for his first press conference with the foreign press he has said that he has been receiving congratulatory phone calls from all over the world but particularly from the conservative leaders of the region from colombia mexico argentina voiced chile's neighbor and he certainly fits into this new friend is going to the right that is sweeping through the region civil stampede is certainly the markets favored or he was and that is being illustrated by the fact that the stock exchange has gone up seven points following his very comfortable win in sunday's runoff election the chilean currency in fact has also strengthen but he is promising to maintain at least some of the social reforms that had made him unpopular with investors but popular with many chileans when he takes over in march while at the same time making good on his promise to create more and better paying jobs for chileans
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puerto rico's governor has ordered a review into exactly how many people died when hurricane maria hit the island in september because there was a made the announcement amid rising criticism that the authorities gave a much lower number of the fatalities caused by the huge storm the current official number of dead stands at sixty four at least thirty one people are dead and fourteen missing in the philippines after tropical storm karen tuck caused deadly landslides on the island of bill around rescuers are using bulldozers to dig through the mud trying to find survivors a state of emergency has been declared as jim reports. typhoon swept through eastern philippines bringing more than two months worth of rain it triggered landslides that this choice roads and bridges many communities are now cut off without electricity and running water heavy rains have submerged houses
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stranded passengers and closed airports and seaports all across the besides this region many people here have lost their homes and their livelihood. and were not able to save anything nothing not even all the flood carlos are strong it reached up to us we just fled right away several towns in the eastern part of the philippines are now under the state of emergency. many tornadoes do you see that area over there that used to be a rice field now it's all gone. there is spanish local officials say supplies of food and medicines are running out and for many. is a reminder of a painful past in november two thousand and thirteen typhoon haiyan swept through the entire province of late to at least a thousand people were killed and many more were either injured or missing haiyan
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destroyed everything in its path roads homes all wiped out in an instant that destruction has made life even more difficult for people who are already impoverished even before haiyan struck more than four years on they have barely recovered and with typhoon destruction they know that it will be a difficult few weeks ahead. on manila. celebrations have been taking place in cattle for its national day it's a commemoration of the gulf nations unification on december the eighteenth eight hundred seventy eight isea celebrations come six months into the gulf crisis saudi arabia the u.a.e. bahrain and egypt cut ties with qatar back in june accusing it of funding terrorism a challenge doha a strongly denying. and
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arms who test in london with the top stories on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump says he will assert american dominance of broad's by boosting the economy and spending hundreds of billions of dollars modernizing the u.s. military in a speech on national security in washington d.c. the president also neglected to describe climate change as a threat to the u.s. breaking the former president barack obama said the u.s. was facing new competition on the international stage from china and russia but would cooperate where possible we also face rival powers russia and china that seek to challenge american influence values and wealth we will attempt to build a great partnership with those and other countries but in a manner that always protects our national interest but while we seek such
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opportunities of cooperation we will stand up for ourselves and we will stand up for our country like we have never stood up before. u.s. vice president might pence has postponed his trip to the middle east until january it's decision comes amid worsening relations with the palestinian leaders who on monday slammed the u.s. for using its veto to stop a u.n. draft resolution that would require president trump to rescind his decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital all of the other fourteen members of the security council voted in favor of the resolution of south africa's ruling party the a.n.c. has announced its new leader with several ram opposed to taking over from president jacob zuma from a poser who is currently the deputy president now really be seen as ex-wife in the votes at the party conference in johannesburg the when i will almost certainly lead the party into the twenty nineteen election and see missteps down as president
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after his second. a u.s. official says at least six people have been killed in an amtrak train derailment outside seattle and the death count is expected to rise authorities say preliminary signs indicate the train was struck something on the track before spilling over a busy interstate those are the top stories stay with us rebel architecture is text . facing new realities if a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a trade of the stick a ship through which we can bring a legal system to bear getting to the heart of the matter i don't think we needed to walk some of my british issues to hear their story on talk to al-jazeera at this time. architect has always defined the human. from the simplistic to the greatest. rebellion is underway.
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led by a new.


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