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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2017 1:00pm-2:00pm +03

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jerusalem is a violation of all the laws and international resolution and i believe this mediator is unable to provide just acceptable justifiable solution to the. crisis in the middle east mr president for us to get there was the european union and other friendly states worldwide have invested in building the state institution on the state of palestine as a sovereign state and this has been tested. witnessed by all and it's we hope that all the efforts made by yourself and the european union would not be torpedoed and plunged into the unknown as a result of the illegal. settlement activities by the. occupation forces of israel. its ten g.m.t. you're watching al-jazeera. these are live pictures coming out of paris with mahmoud
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abbas the palestinian president is in the joint president's press conference with his french counterpart and they are talking about the u.n. general assembly vote of less than twenty four hours ago repercussions of what it means for the future let's continue to listen to the president on the occupied territory this is clearly stipulated in the folds geneva convention. to which israel must abide yet it is not. in addition to these violations israel the completion forces has been wreaking killing among our people seizing our land and i hear what led to the call to the end sit in of. me me which has become a household name that has been illegally arrested by the israeli occupation forces and also. this.
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activist who has been. attesting in a peaceful demonstration and he was shot and killed by the israeli occupation forces this is not acceptable in the name of humanity of mr president. the recognition of. the state of palestine is through investment in peace and the middle east it is also a contributing factor to eradicating radicalization and extremism in the region it is known to all and each that we are foreigners in combating violence and terrorism we have signed agreements with thirty three states worldwide from japan to canada. for one purpose and
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one goal it is combating terrorism simply because we wish to restore our rights and return is illusion in peaceful manner we are spreading the ideology of peace and peaceful ness not violence or war and this is what our people have been doing and as you have witnessed all the demonstrations. have been peaceful not as a single bullet was fired on the contrary our peaceful protesters were shot and killed by the israeli occupation forces we are civilized people and our response is civilized and that's why we have been protesting in peaceful manner except pressing our rejection of the occupation and. illegal practices. similarly we will continue our templar mattick
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efforts. worldwide and as mentioned by his excellent president back row we will continue our efforts to words the national reconciliation which was been triggered recently by egypt i believe it is. tough. task however we are adamant to reach reconciliation in order to restore harmony and unity among the palestinian people our unity is a national interest our unity is also a regional interest it is the to the enter rest of the region and to the interests of the world that we wish to see there in tire palestinian people united. and on one front we wish also to establish peace with israel israel is a neighboring state and we wish to live live peacefully with israel
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once peace is established with israel fifty seven muslim states will. will be willing if not forced or elderly gaited to recognize israel once a final peace agreement is science and pieces stablished with israel mr president once again i wish you a happy birthday. merry christmas and happy new year. and wish you many happy returns of the kids and we have all trust in you we respect the efforts made by you and we. bank heavily on the efforts made by you. all confidence in you and the efforts made by you thank you yeah.
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it was like oh oh. you have. been active these last few months and rapier between the iraqis in the cuts and. the syrians also with regards to israel and palestine some of us believe that you show a certain shyness we heard moment up as saying that the americans had been disqualified themselves are you waiting perhaps with your european partners to take an initiative to come out of this sam pass and pass in the name of france are you ready are you prepared to recognize recognize the state of palestine as requested by law the law of abuse moment i'll pass i would like to ask him he has just come from riyadh where you seen the saudi leaders what are you negotiating
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with front man whom we know the closeness that he has with the united states in the context of a u.s. plan that we still have difficulty in understanding the general picture. the spirit of method is not china's. view i can be accused of many things not that of being shy or nor not nor taking up my responsibilities but i believe that the situations have specific dynamics and to have an effective diplomatic policy means to understand and understand the dynamics and not to rush to believe what one thinks of what needs to be done it's what allows me the guy to have effective and sustainable action to decide today you know lack surely to recognize palestine is it effective.
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on the situation that we're looking at i don't believe so the time of speaking pick why because it would be a reaction to another you know lateral decision that's cause disturbance in the region and i don't want to express the choice of france on this important subject by way of a reaction to the united states with regards to jerusalem because we commit a big mistake of internationalizing a situation that we're not able to sort out in the field i think the us mr american mistake i've repeatedly said so is to manage unilaterally externally a solution which is between to be found between. israel and palestine i will repeat a comparable mistake even if it doesn't contravene contravene international law once i've said that on the content i have expressed very clearly in a spirit of continuity in line with french diplomacy that the solution would be
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built around the two states and the and so mechanically it would lead to a certain time of the process that there is this recognition so france would take up its responsibility together with the united nations and its partners to follow this direction but i wish to do so at the right time and at a time that would be useful to build to build peace. in the field and not by rushing in believing that one takes responsibility and that's what needs to be done when one marginalizes oneself in choosing a camp you've heard what would you say i don't follow the u.s. road map because they're in one particular camp. the americans are marginalized and i don't wish to do the same and i believe that the credibility of france is to build one position and we have one today we can speak to every month last tenth of
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december when the israeli president was here we speak to everyone we work without making any important tech to ration its we are working actively in the field and politically and so at the time when i judge it appropriate i would do so but i will never do so with the pressure under the pressure of situations which are external to the choice of french diplomacy or the relevant dynamics. that france is playing and instrumental role. it is. prudent quiet throw in the peace process in the middle east this is my opinion and however with respect to saudi arabia as you all know.
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it has strong relations since early forty's with a united states. with no problems and as a matter of fact the only issue. between the united states and saudi arabia is the palestinian. conflict it is not the prices of the palestinians only it is the prices to all the ups including so durable and it is also the problem for the middle easterns including muslims and christians. the saudis have always been telling us and this is known whatever you opt for we are backing you whatever you will to do we will support you.
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some have been an intervening in our domestic affairs yet. has never intervened and our domestic affairs yes now saudi arabia also has never has never formed toward supporting the palestinians at all fronts and i still recall the words of king solomon himself. he said to me that we will not be able to resolve the crises or the conflict less and until as over in palestinian a state is established with jerusalem east jerusalem as its capital this is the factor iterated by king salmen himself. you know what you all deserve was the palestinian president mahmoud abbas just stating go answer a question from a journalist there about the current position that both palestine and he faces in trying to forge
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a way forward he's being hosted by the french president manuel mccraw let's bring in our correspondent natasha butler who is listening in on that press conference in paris the time she was startling about that perhaps was the french president making it very clear that france doesn't want to replace a very isolated united states at the moment but france actually wants to be a facilitator to try and find a way forward that would allow all parties especially the palestinians and the israelis to talk to each other because he thinks that's where the answer lies. and that has always been the position of the french president he has said from the beginning of this crisis when donald trump made the announcement about the u.s. recognition of jerusalem emmanuel michael has said look francis position is quite clear that it condemns that decision by the united states and that the only way forward the only way that the status of jerusalem can be decided upon is by direct
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negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians within the framework of talks on a two state solution he made that very clear again today he said that is the only way forward and the france really wants to take a role there is a country that has traditionally historically had very good relations with all sides including the united states to try and bring everyone together to try and facilitate as you say talks in the future he's obviously making very clear and said a very clear message of the obviously to the international community especially to the israelis making it very clear that you know we've had the israelis here in paris we've got the palestinians here in paris paris at the heart of europe and he could potentially speak to his european colleagues something that mahmoud abbas alluded to in terms of maybe discussing a way forward where europe can help. that's right i mean the palestinians have said he made it very clear indeed that they no longer consider the united states as an honest broker in this crisis so perhaps they are looking elsewhere now at the
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moment president michael has been extremely active in this crisis as you say he's spoken to many regional leaders on the telephone he's hosted many of them here for talks at their lease a recently the king of jordan and also the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu it was during talks with netanyahu that he asked israel to try and make a gesture for peace to the palestinians by freezing illegal settlement building so there's no doubt that emanuel michael wants france to have a greater role it's trying to push europe forward on this platform as well and mahmoud abbas is here in order to encourage that support from france and from the european union for what he wants to do for the palestinian cause but i mean whether or not that means frauds or places us i mean that's another matter altogether and it's certainly a role that for the time being at least president michael has said that he is not here to take he just wants to try and help everyone come together and try and facilitate talks in the future i'll leave it there for the moment turn to tasher
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and get more feedback certainly from you as we get to the end of that press conference which is still going on that the elysee palace thank you. the palestinian chief negotiator condemned the decision by the u.s. but says the u.n. shows respect for the rule of law it's a shame to those who stood shoulder to shoulder with occupation settlements against international law and appreciate very much the majority of the international community decided in spite of the threats and intimidation of the state to stand tall and to stand shoulder to shoulder with was done farsightedness international law and the rule of law and the rule of the jungle well israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected the u.n. vote and thanked president trump. israel completely rejects this posterous was aleutian jerusalem as our capital always was always will be but i do appreciate the
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fact that a growing number of countries refused to participate in this theater of the absurd so i appreciate that and especially i want to again express our thanks to president trump an investor only for their store defense of israel and there's no more difference of the truth but we have correspondents in the region in gaza but first let's go over to how the abdel-hamid in the west bank have calls that perhaps many palestinians breathing a sigh of relief and rather pleased at what happened in new york overnight what's the reaction that so far. well certainly we've heard very positive comments from senior palestinian officials words like encouraged powered satisfied dignified world has stood on the side of the right and actually i was listening to the press conference there and you could hear from the tone of mahmoud abbas this was a man who has been invigorated who is stronger by the fact that he got what he
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wanted from the u.n. general assembly however on the ground maybe the reaction is slightly different earlier this morning i was speaking to one young palestinian and he told me so what another u.n. resolution what is it going to change for us absolutely nothing settlements will continue to expand and that's what the palestinians face on a daily basis is certain said level of satisfaction of course that the u.s. was quite isolated when it came to this declare ration but you know here in about an hour this is called scene behind me will be completely changed you do have approaches that describe will to arrive here israeli soldiers are not too far and that usually immediately turns into quite robust confrontations between the two sides and then you have to remember that ever since this declaration when all this diplomatic offensive was going on on the international level well here the daily
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brunt of the occupation continued so far you have more than you've had clashes on a daily basis they're not getting bigger in scope but they have been ongoing every single day for nearly three weeks now you have more than three thousand palestinians have been wounded a third of those hospitalized you have over five hundred that have been detained even including that young girl the best mentioned in his during the press conference at the to me me now her stories. she's sixteen she's a young activist she there's a video for me that emerged last week of her basically trying to push an israeli soldier out of her house. and eventually she slaps him well that video went viral on social media not only among palestinians but also israelis these rays became very angry saying that that video was harmful to the image of the army there
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and eventually she was detained in the middle of the night next day her mother went to see her and she was detained as well so this is what the palestinians are facing a daily basis and yet this faction that devote the general assembly but everybody here is quite realistic that that won't translate into any positive change on the ground at least in the short and middle term we'll leave it there for now hold of course join you as a situation develops in the west bank thank you let's cross over to gaza now. i'm obviously the same sort of feelings perhaps being expressed way you are but the politics is slightly different in the gaza strip to. so i mean as we just heard a saying for people here the details of the diplomacy haven't changed their lives for for years for decades even i mean here in gaza everyone who lives here describes it as a prison people can come in and there's extremely high unemployment sure to develop
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kristie and none of these things have changed for many years and they still haven't changed now so for people here hearing about further discussions in new york or paris is going to make a great deal of difference but the one thing that's resonated with everyone was from this declaration on the sixth of december that the u.s. would recognize to resume is the state of israel has caused a lot of anger we've seen protests most days since then but the biggest ones on fridays and the leaders of the factions have called today for the third day of rage as they call it people right now in the mosques finishing up the prayers and they've been called. to attend rallies one of the more we have told here there's a stage intellect set up down the street so as people come out the mosques waiting to see how many will turn up and what their leaders are going to say to them well we join you for more analysis of the what is being said and done in gaza later in the day thank you malcolm well here with me in the studio is brain hearties an associate professor of conflict management and humanitarian action program at the
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doha institute nice to have you on the program let's just begin we've had an arab league conference we've had the organization of islamic conference and we've now had the united nations general assembly all speaking off the same page what next now for the palestinians where do they go well actually the question should be asked to the international community what's next for the international community who made its position very clear as you mentioned in the arab league and. islamic cooperation and now in the united nations very decisive support and you know where to find one hundred twenty eight countries that are working on one is sure that saying no to the. administration position on this so for the palestinians i think now the question is how to deal with the harsh realities on the ground. and given the latest security general or simply.
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i think a bus has made it clear to question that they are proceeding on a very nonviolent approach he was very proud of in his press conference where was my crown saying not even one bullet has been shot from the policy inside we are very responsible party and i think what's next for him and for the before is international law is to continue to defy this. u.s. policy as biased policies with this well through international law and international organization is the problem for the palestinians is the. you can try and dollars much support with the european union with china maybe even with russia but at the end of the day they have to deal with israel and israel's main backer is the united states they are going to be that any table of conversation or negotiation question is how do we get past the impasse at the moment if there is one well yes actually to be precise actually this is not very often where
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you'll find entire europe is voting against the united states in the past yes as you said we found like china and russia are big. countries more when all of them in support of palestine but you don't find very often where your friends germany all of europe is supporting palestine and also presented on in the. press conference he made also very clear you are palestine is not alone i think this is a new situation and we have to recognize it because we don't have that often in the past and also we have to keep into consideration that the u.s. position actually it's it's that's from administration's position it's not the position of the american people it's not even the position of the establishment the latest poll came from the united states sixty three percent of the american people are against the ciampa zation on jerusalem saw there is a very clear division between the position of the of trump and nikki haley and the
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position of the american people and that's where we should look at in a positive way preceding this vote in new york we heard from both nikki haley and from the president saying that they would punish those that voted against that when you have such a large block of the international community many if not all of the muslim countries but in bosnia was quite an unusual one that. where do her how do you think the united states could. countries such as afghanistan and egypt and saudi arabia where they invest a great deal of money and i believe president trump can't just unilaterally withdraw their funding you know actually. will be definitively punishing one part of this and that part the sadly it's the united states not those countries and i'll tell you how because money international aid is leverage in international affairs
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so the countries that you are supporting financially you have leverage over these countries now when you start this financial aid you shooting yourself in the foot you're nor longer having the leverage that you can that the you can you is whether it's with egypt with jordan with the other countries but you are actually shooting yourself by by minimizing the level of influence. that you have over these countries yesterday we had jordan spokes government spokesperson saying we will not make it make it so clear we will not compromise on jewels on them for money we will deal with it without money and so actually this is the closest to us ally in the region jordan and seeing big ignored by the station it's the loser in this case it's actually the administration of losing their flaws not jordan who can survive
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and can manage at the end of the well which is the what does i'm going to thank you for your insight thank you you thank. well still ahead here on the al-jazeera news hour as a new peace deal is signed for south sudan we speak to those who need it most and the story of the south african skier tempting to make olympic history that's all coming up with tatiana in spite. of spain's political crisis looks set to continue after separate his party's won the most seats in catalonia snapp regional election it wasn't a resoundingly big unity party became the largest in the catalan parliament but the result is still a blow to spanish prime minister mariano rajoy hoary who called the vote in the hope of defeating the independence movement opposed catalan president alice moore who's in self-imposed exile said that the session movement are stronger than ever
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the last of the screen you know asked that the spanish state has been defeated and his allies have lost and have got a slap in the face from the citizens of catalonia today rouhani has sunk the three parties that have won are not in any way behind the political party to pay pay with these results in hand the situation needs to be rectified to be fixed we want you to rectify all those people you have her toy. well paul brown joins us now from barcelona and certainly a night of the results allow the politicians to contemplate what the future might have in store. indeed in a really mixed bag i mean as you say the pro unity parties the citizens party huge startling success for them frankly i mean two thousand and fifteen they got twenty five seats this time they got thirty seven but that's makes them the biggest party but it's just not enough to get a majority in the parliament building behind me and see you can for example
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a small sort of communist danica's party which has been kingmaker here in catalonia they've seen this number of seats go down from ten just down to four now they are the real sort of hardline independence party and you couldn't argue perhaps that that means people are prefer in some kind of soft independence a more negotiated independence but to talk about the interpretation of the results you know susan politics professor from boston university a political analyst political scientists is joining me judy how do you read the outcome of last night's election well i think the most important thing is to understand that while we thin the blogs there have been a lot of. movements up and down between blogs there's basically stability so that the basic political alignment of their condolences to remain i would say almost froze it cedes two thousand and fifteen so we are aware where we were but what does
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that say then for the for the future does that mean that people are going to be more inclined to negotiate and step back from the brink of confrontation with madrid or are we going to have more of the same. well i think the reading from. should be that not enough that i'm. going to like fully impose itself over the other one and the reason i want a way to address this kind of situation. however having said that i don't think it's going to be fairest because there's plenty of government has. a very hardline approach towards the situation and present the incentive to change it. because the structure of the like this branch constitution and the funniest laws leaves little room for i don't negotiate that solution so i mean there is a possible five five direct rule from madrid remains in place until a new government can be formed and it could be reimposed if the madrid government
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doesn't like what the catalunya the new government here in catalonia is doing you know we could be back having elections six months from now yeah of course this is a procedurally day with the most likely scenario because the one for five in this situation would be very costly politically costly and i wonder whether this office party that backed the first one five would back a reimportation of the one five five because that would mean definitely allying themselves with a very very very very very hard line from from i think it's not the most likely thing to happen i mean there are so many so many interesting permutations that are possible here at least who's going to be the next president among college remains in self-imposed exile in brussels and would face arrest since he stepped foot back here in spain so i think he's most likely out of the picture and the attitude of the new government in the parliament building behind me again really does depend
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how they proceed now with the mandate that they've been given and i will leave it there thanks very much paul paul bremmer the bustling. because african our south sudan's government and opposition forces have signed a cease fire deal allowing humanitarian access to civilians caught in the fighting the deal agreed after talks in ethiopia's capital addis ababa is the latest attempt to end the four year long conflict it aims to revive a twenty fifteen peace deal the collapsed last year after heavy fighting broke out in south sudan's capital juba. delighted to have this opportunity to witness the signing of the agreement on the secession of or still is and and hindered humanitarian access by south sudanese stakeholders today we are sending a message of hope. to the people of south sudan.
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is in cooma south sudan a refugee camp for the south sudanese and catherine i suppose this deal couldn't come soon enough for those that need it most absolutely and we've been hearing so hail for the last two or so days and we've been speaking to many refugees who are you know asking will this peace will this ceasefire agreement hold considering the fact that they have witnessed several of thirty agreements signed in the last four years since south sudan was a war and then soon those agreements broken almost immediately so a lot of refugees we spoke to saying that they are not holding their breath they will just wait and see what happens here is a story we did. mall of south sudan's displaced people have made their way to this transit center in nothing kenya with virtually nothing to call their own helen arrived recently both her husband and brother were killed in the fighting she now
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has to take care of her brother's eight children as well as five of her own she has a family back home a good one she tells us no more. and it's very hard for me i'm the only person now to take care of these children i don't know whether peace will come or not i'm not hopeful any more there are about a thousand refugees in this reception center all have arrived in the last few weeks this year alone more than twenty two thousand mostly from south sudan have come for help the comp is already hosting close to two hundred thousand. been given talk that will enable them to get spaces that constitute up shelters will soon meet their new neighbors some of whom have been in since another civil war with the north that ended twelve years ago. people like park peter he's ahead to those schools have closed he wants to ensure the library he students
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enjoy is ready for when they return he escaped in two thousand and four to avoid being recruited as a child soldier the very reason many boys he stitching now have fled south sudan and he knows exactly who to blame the president and his former vice president who's forces are fighting each other. so what is interesting nobody poured into. his country. this is one of khan's students around fuck eighteen years old but still in primary school. he's talking to his aunt who's at a camp for displaced people back home he's not seen ha his mother or four sisters since he left three years ago.
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and i'm young. i'm learning. south sudan has been in conflict for four years it's one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world attempts at peace overseen by regional mediators have often filled and with no end in sight this refugees continue to wait out a crisis they say has destroyed their lives. this deal this deal was signed after intense negotiations between various groups and non armed groups as well and one of the things that stands out for me in the as part of the agreement is this issue of aid workers being unhindered access to all parts of south sudan that has been a problem in the past particularly access to areas where you know people are leaving people are vulnerable people are still living under the control of rebels
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so we have seen in the past aid workers being attacked being killed even so a lot of delegates and diplomats who are in ethiopia negotiating this deal saying that this is a move in the right direction so hill but the challenge now like we mentioned is how do how will this deal stick considering the fact and it's important to know that the war in south sudan is very complicated and now we did volves numerous fighting groups some of whom are independent not answerable to anybody very very difficult to control as well so he'll it will for them we'll leave it back catherine but will keep on much train of thought because we had to have a morgan who's in the south sudanese capital of juber and as catherine just mentioned the fighting involves many different factions on different sides of the political spectrum haber and in the past few days or has been fresh fighting and that really worries anybody who now hears about a potential cease fire that's been signed
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or try to get back to her book we are having a few technical problems of course south sudan as it is quite a unique place the bit of africa we're trying to get to move on to europe now and the greek government is making a concerted effort to take refugees out of overcrowded camps on the aegean islands before the deep winter sets in of those camps were built to receive five and a half thousand people where they currently host twice that number drops or opulence has more from the island of some us. osama has waited for this moment for five months but as he finally boards a ferry for athens and a future far from his native palestine he almost seems to regret it he's one of one hundred ten refugees sailing for the mainland many have been here longer. came here fourteen months ago after i saw the fighters destroyed his house in mosul it's like
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a dream for everyone here because they spent long time i learned they were allowed to leave until they finish their procedures so i takes time sometimes but now you know they feel like they are really free when they got the audience under the e.u. turkey agreement refugees arriving on greece's eastern region islands have to stay there until their asylum case is a hood but the government may move people with disabilities families children and single women. that leaves a lot of single men behind for them boredom and overcrowding create a toxic mix some us volunteers a self organizing group raised money to create a day center for them here refugees can feel human relax socialize learn languages and burnish their resumes in english and soon they'll be able to wash their clothes just face in the can be so very narrow and there's no space where someone can do
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any anything basically any activity so having a place like this really takes their mind away from from all the tension and having it there the government has offered to build a second camp here but officials in some us like on the other islands have refused so the existing camp built for seven hundred currently hosts fifteen hundred half of them are women and children there's a scarcity of medicine clothes water and hygiene but things were even worse before the evacuation until the beginning of december this terrorist all of grove was a tent city where some seven hundred people lived trenches dug around the tents in an effort to divert rainwater a still visible the government's concerted push to shelter refugees ahead of the deep winter means that the most vulnerable populations have now been moved to the mainland. more people arrive each week the difficulty of reaching athens sends them a message that europe is lifting the drawbridge to war torn lands and that this
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millennia old migration route across the region may in future have fewer happy endings jump sort of. a deal struck between the e.u. and turkey last year to halt the flow of refugees to europe as are thousands of those refugees stranded on the aegean islands of greece now they're living in overcrowded camps as you saw in that report in squalid conditions and about to face a harsh winter now the greek migration minister has warned the situation is so desperate people could die and in the past past few years millions of refugees have streamed into europe fleeing the world's most violent conflicts and still more than two hundred men women and children are arriving in greece by land and sea every day un's refugee agency estimates that at least eight thousand five hundred people have died or been or disappeared while attempting to cross the mediterranean since twenty fifteen leonard doyle is the spokesman for the u.n. international organization for migration joins me on skype from geneva good to have
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you with assert mr doyle again here on al-jazeera i mean moving refugees to safer locations is a huge task a dangerous one what do we know about how the greek government to go to proceed with this. well i mean that clearly doing what they can and doing their best but it's a big problem for them so overwhelmingly difficult these these. hot spots as they were originally were set up with an agreement with the union and now they've been turned into defacto kind of medium term areas for people as they buy their claims are being processed and i think that's the problem is that another loud moved in and a mass of their claims have been processed and that's taking time and of course like everywhere around the world there's resistance from the local community at the local political representatives as you just heard in your broadcast they don't want them to build in numbers enter another place for people to live with might improve issues kind of cop between a rock and
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a hard place how those systems improve that over well since twenty fifteen dealing with vikrant so that means not just for safe accommodation but also staying in refugee camps and the process to try and get legitimacy to move on within europe. well i think a lot of that has already happened it's been slower than people wanted or what you have about twenty five or twenty two thousand rather refugees who've been resettled within europe and you've still got a backlog of people and then as your reporter just said with four thousand arriving every month that's a lot of people to process on top of the existing a so that they've got but i think the reality is that as long as the conflicts in you in iraq and in syria and if you don't understand other places which are producing refuse this is going to continue to be a problem it's clear that it's been a big challenge that if we government but they certainly you know they've done a lot and they're greatly risen to the challenge so they've been more than
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welcoming for these refugees which is more than we can say for many of the countries in the in the bigger picture i think we need to recognize the frontline and will italy greece spain been particularly welcoming you know. the migrants were talking about us still got to go through the process of moving all but if you or the greek government moves to safer locations cheering the winter that's all very well but what happens to the when when to ends today go back to these camps do they stay where they are what are the conversations are you having with the greek government what you know about this well look the most important thing from our perspective is looking after those who are most vulnerable that would be unaccompanied minors pregnant women people who are showing fear but abilities and need humanitarian assistance and that's where our efforts in making sure that they are supported are brought from the island in a way and put in accommodation normally enough and so our our our our mission will in our office in athens as in ensuring that many of these most wonderful refugees
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are in hotels waiting for a longer term accommodation between our current example so there are efforts underway and five thousand have been moved so far in this work of i will leave it alone and doyle are joining us from the i.o.m. in geneva thanks for your time sir thank you michael. two story cathedrals have been successfully de mind in the syrian city of rock and just in time for christmas but no traditional services will be held this year rocka had been isolated stronghold in syria since twenty fourteen and booby traps were planted all over the city the group was pushed out in october but years of fighting has left most of the city including its churches in ruins the shock. of moving we've all been made homeless my brother i tell you everyone this is what is written for us to god protect it you see what has happened to this church we used to have celebrations
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here we used to be very happy with no discrimination and the bell used to ring inside their own room and then the kids would come with me to the church apartment oh well would come and give me. proof president had republican ski as survived an impeachment vote in congress over corruption allegations it followed twelve hours of debate just ski is accused of receiving illegal payments from the brazilian construction giant vertebras he denies any wrongdoing break has been at the center of a massive bribery scandal that's cause political upheaval across latin america brianna sanchez has more from lima. this was certainly not the expected outcome for four days now analysts have been saying all along that it was very possible that the precedents of two thousand would be removed from office but the main promoter of this impeachment the popular force party did not get was a votes short of the eighty seven votes needed to impeach the
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president said about libertines. in part i think is because one faction of the left wing party that has promoted the motion to impeach the president has changed. is changed around in the last few days and now they were saying that this was in fact a congressional to advance a precedent and the other reason i think for this unexpected outcome is that to part of the members of pussy more tea party of the popular force party led by people for humanity abstain from voting at least ten members of her party abstained from voting on a key was president will stay in power until april two months longer than expected castro was due to step down in february after elections for a new national assembly but that it's been pushed back by two months because of the destruction caused by hurricanes in september and
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a speech on thursday castro again denied accusations that cuba's behind so-called health attacks against u.s. diplomats working in have found it. now the u.s. vice president mike pence has made a surprise visit to afghanistan he met the afghan leaders as well as u.s. troops stationed in the country and said the u.s. and its afghan partners had put the taliban on the defensive about the trumpet ministration wants to take advantage of what he called you aligned with the region with the rising threat of iran in the region you have. many are of nations that are engaged in something that could be described as the beginning of a new alignment. and taking the opportunity this is stuart moment as the president did. at the summit but he attended that historic summit. to call on arab countries to partner with us in the war against terrorism but also to call all the countries israel and arab countries to come together to achieve. peace that's been so loose.
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and you know between israel and the palestinians it's not been over one year since al jazeera journalist mahmud hussein was imprisoned in egypt he was arrested by egyptian authorities on december the twentieth last year while visiting family his detention has been renewed ten times since then is there a continues to demand his release now mus accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he doctors there a strongly deny he's repeatedly complained of mistreatment whilst in jail. a class action lawsuit has been filed against apple in the u.s. state of illinois after the tech giant admitted it really software updates that deliberately slow down some old i phone models social media users have long speculated that apple limits the performance of older i phones to encourage users to upgrade however the company says it made the change last year to help preserve battery life which it says to militias over time. a member of the russian
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punk band pussy riot has been sentenced to forty hours of community service for protesting outside the top security service building. allen the car has unfurled a banner that read happy birthday hang them in the f.s.b. headquarters in moscow on wednesday it coincided with the one hundredth anniversary of the creation of the czech a secret police which later became the k.g.b. and is now called the f.s.b. . australia's first naval submarine has been found more than one hundred years after it went missing the eighty one and its thirty five member crew vanished off the coast of perth point you giving it one nine hundred fourteen joining the first world war it was the first submarine lost by the allies during the war it's hoped the discovery will shed new light on why it disappeared and over one hundred three years later the thirteenth search has been successful and the a one and the final resting place of the thirty five members of the submarines crew has now been found
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in over three hundred metres of water this is one of the most significant discoveries in australia's naval maritime history have a spot on his tatyana thank you very much to help kuwait will face saudi arabia in the opening match of the gulf cup tournament in a few hours time that's being held in kuwait politics has overshadowed the events saudi arabian and amorality officials left their scheduled news conference as a thursday after taking exception to the present of qatari based channels including al-jazeera reports this was a political football tournament from the beginning the news conference held on the eve of the gulf cup became a story itself when the saudi and him r.t. teams that walked out leaving hundreds of media members confused. after a long exchange with the kuwaiti media organizer the reason behind the walkout was revealed the presence of qatar based news channels including al-jazeera. the
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saudis and him artes are part of a blockade of qatar that's been in force for more than six months they accuse qatar of sponsoring terrorism accusations the variant he denies. just a few weeks ago it looked like at this year's edition of the gulf cup wouldn't go ahead a tool saudi arabia and emirates were threatening to boycott the banned nurul event i'm in the regions of worth diplomatic crisis in years the gulf crisis saw the competition move from qatar to kuwait. the host nation where themselves are banned from international football by fifa until just two weeks ago they're hoping this story meant will help ease the tension between qatar and its neighbors it's not about football it's about something to give them footwork it's something we're going to run sport. for reporting from team is that they are
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attached to it again describes how. how how how how how they felt. going to last two weeks and also the last two years of this tournament is very close to the kuwaitis hearts they've won the title ten times the first was back in ninety seventy when it began for you know for their sort of the very very. very little is very visible this is history there are no really really believe. very very very far out of this history. this is the first official training session for the kuwaiti national team in two years and despite the press conference a drama earlier on the home team are determined that nothing will spoil their party but there will be facing a tough challenge as they're getting ready to face the only team that is qualified
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for the twenty eighteen world cup. a sixty thousand capacity crowd is expected that the opening ceremony on friday including the fee for president giani in fun tino after two years of football league style the home fans are hoping for some great football action and a fierce contest on the pitch rather than off it son hum al-jazeera kuwait city. football and politics of mixed over in spain two weapons alone a defender gerard piqué has made no secret of his support for catalonian independence on thursday catalonia held regional elections that national. hope was that i'm on a path to independence piquet who has ninety four cups for the spanish national side was one of those to make his mark one or there was a faster response but. when people are able to vote each should express their opinions and now we will see the will of catalonia and we hope it will be respected no matter the result but the outcome of what catalonia wants has to be respected in
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the english premier league liverpool will look to continue that fine form of to spending when they take on austin later on friday but although liverpool have conceded just four goals in nine games manager you are going to cop a still taking a cautious approach i don't know if there will be a lot of goals again but. we go there to do before we go there to to get as much as we can and. we know that difficult but in this moment i feel as well that it's possible we should try in the n.b.a. the boston celtics poor on a form continues that they thought another loss this time at the hands of the new york knicks one hundred two to ninety three was the final score meanwhile the toronto raptors had to come from a twenty two point deficit at one point to be the philadelphia seventy six is on birthdays demobbed arisan thing has scored a career high forty five points during the game to leave the toronto raptors to the
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win this is the fifth straight and eleventh in twelve games. around the world athletes are continuing their preparations for the olympics freestyle skiing will play a big part in pyongyang with ten events taking place including fifty cross it sees four athletes go head to head over a course of varying slopes and jump the world cup circuit arrived in atlanta and italy on thursday with switzerland marc fisher fogger leading the front in the men's final to secure the victory the women's final was much closer to germany's hardy's aka held off the competition two on her first win of the season and moved to the top of the world cup standing. now south africa isn't a country often associated with winter sports but one man isn't looking to change that five spillman spinning to become the first black alpine skier from the country to compete in the olympics and. spillman could have competed in sochi in twenty four taking up to being invited by the international olympic committee but he was prevented from doing five by south africa's games committee who said he didn't meet
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the required standard well that was met with criticism from those who believe the twenty two year old could have showcased going to a wider audience in the country one decision on his participation in trying is due next month. i think i'm a good role model to the younger kids goes being at the youthful and digs and qualifying for switching to the fourteen or so like it's a friends within the community where we live there's more children wanting to grow in this board into the development program the kids are really he was fired in the n.h.l. the new jersey devils beat the new york rangers in a shootout new jersey's brian boyle scored the game tying goal in the third period with just minutes left in regulation time boyle also came through for the devils in the fourth round of the shootout to lift his team to a four three when. also a shootout victory over in tampa bay of the lightning beat the visiting author with senators stevens down costs and breaking point scoring to lead tampa bay to
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a four three win. legendary hall of fame sports broadcaster richard has died at the age of eighty two the american with one of the country's best known sports voices he called various sports including ten super bowls and bag was found dead at his home in san diego of an apparent heart attack. and that's all this ball for now more later thanks to all of those we're the news headlines here all the news are lower joins us next to the full for another full half hour to stay with its.
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you are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u.s. response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been the criminal or if you join us on sat. in the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue that could be worth leading to some of the confusion about people saying they don't actually know what's going on join the conversation at this time on al-jazeera.


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