tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 22, 2017 2:00pm-2:33pm +03
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you are making very pointed remarks where they're on line the main us response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been the criminal mind or if you join us on sat. in the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion online about people saying they don't actually know what's going on join the colobus conversation at this time on al-jazeera. palestinian president mahmoud abbas is in paris and says the u.s.
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is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process. hello there are more of. a live from doha also coming up. parties wanting to break from spain claim victory and catalonia is regional elections. as a new piece still is signed for south sudan we speak to those who need it most. and athens offers hope for some of the most vulnerable refugees in overcrowded camps on the greek islands and now heading to the mainland. french president says the u.s. has marginalized self in the israeli palestinian conflict this comes a day after the un general assembly overwhelmingly adopted
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a resolution rejecting president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as the capsule of israel one hundred twenty eight countries voted for the non binding resolution thirty five stay. and among the nine countries that sided with america israel guatemala and honduras mahmoud abbas the palestinian presence as the u.s. is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process he also condemned trump's threat to cut foreign aid to those who went against the us. and thank you fronts and thank you for the vote of yesterday at the general assembly it shows very clearly that you mr president that france is the country of freedom and democracy it has also shown that the whole of europe supports international law and justice that is very much sought after in the middle east i have reasserted to president macron that after the decision of president trump to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and the wish to transfer its embassy the united states is
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no longer a credible mediator in the peace process we will not accept any plan on the part of the us because of the parties and feeling and because of this violation of international law. i told president abbas that i did not approve of the decision taken by the us president with regards to jerusalem and i researched my support to launch a new policy to have a sustainable policy which is between israel and palestine it can only exist through a policy that we can help to support on this point i wish to be very clear there is no alternative to the two state solution and no two state solution without an agreement between the two parties on jerusalem for. life for us and paris is a friendly meeting them between these two leaders. it was the palestinian leader the french president a very warm indeed and that's perhaps no surprise because france was one of the
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countries that supported that vote at the u.n. on thursday and france has always been very clear in its position emanuel might call a said from the beginning that he deeply regrets donald trump's decision for the u.s. to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel again today reiterating the fact that for him jerusalem sources can only be decided in direct talks between israelis and palestinians within the framework over two state solution as well mahmoud abbas he thanked for all for its help and attempts to mediate. very busy indeed in this crisis really trying to support and help us also is here because he was trying to encourage that and he wants the support of the european union and there's no doubt he will be looking to go in as much support and help as possible considering the fact that the palestinians including himself have said that the u.s. can no longer be considered an honest broker and we've seen. the israeli leaders recently are they looking to step up their role as
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a mediator in this peace process. the french president has been very involved indeed in this crisis as he has been in recent crises such as a syria the gulf crisis in lebanon what he says though is that look from us has a traditional role and historical role it has quite good relations with all sides in this crisis including the united states and that in that way it can use the opposition to try and talk to everyone to try and help and to try and mediate that's why we've seen him hold talks with the israeli prime minister as you say the king of jordan earlier this week and now mahmoud abbas it really is france's attempt to mediate that doesn't necessarily mean that the french president sees for all suddenly replacing the u.s. in any way shape or form all he has said is that he wants france to be in a position to try and facilitate future talks ok to talk about the believe that for the moment in paris thanks very much let's go over now to malcolm webb he's in
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malcolm we had people being called on to the streets after friday prayers as they have done for the last two weeks what's the scene. we got just a couple of minutes ago this was held by the islamic jihad faction and following the prayers in the mosques in this area they held a procession to gather here is a crowd of several hundred people in the street it was a procession led by masked men in military fatigues carrying flags and the whole group of people came down here chanting death to america death to israel and the speakers just started talking a short while ago and they spoke about the vote at the u.n. general assembly people speaking the leaders speaking said this was a victory but it was only a moral a moral victory and the real material victory could only be achieved by the actions of palestinians here on the ground that's what they just said to the crowd of supporters gathered in the street just so that's the response from the leaders what
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the people of gaza think of this vote in the u.n. general assembly last night. generally after decades of diplomacy and failed peace process then the ins and outs of the diplomatic procedures are really at the top of everyone's list here i mean what happens in new york and in paris. isn't like making a material difference to people on the ground but the one thing that resonated in incensed a lot of people here was ever since the sixth of december when announced that the u.s. would recognize to slim as the capital of israel something that angered very many people here something that's definitely on their radar as jerusalem was seen in many people's eyes here is the capital of any future palestinian state that's one of the reasons we've seen protests most days over the last two weeks but on fridays they've tended to be after prayers people have gathered in much larger crowds ok thanks very much we'll check back in with you throughout the course of the rest of
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friday strains from gaza. spain's political crisis looks set to continue after separate his party's won the most seats in catalonia snap election it wasn't a resoundingly victory as a pro unity party became the biggest in the catholic parliament but the result is still a blow to spanish prime minister mariano rajoy who called the vote in the hope of defeating the independence movement want to post president colors put him on who is in self-imposed exile said the succession movement is now stronger than ever and most of the screen you know the spanish state has been defeated roy and his allies have lost and have got a slap in the face from the citizens of catalonia today roy has sunk the three parties that have known are not in any way behind the political party. with these results in hand the situation needs to be rectified to be fixed we want you to rectify all those people you have hurt. panel joins us now live from barcelona in
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culver saying the media gathered in brussels expecting cause bush won't come out and speak any moment but difficult for him isn't it to. take his next move. well this is the whole problem here the challenges going forward laura both political and legal as far as kahless pushed him on he was the former head of the capitol and parliament deposed by spanish prime minister mariano rajoy well there's an arrest warrant pending for him here in spain on charges of rebellion so the moment he crosses the border back into catalonia if that seems intention then he could potentially be arrested and join other separatist leaders who already in jail facing charges of rebellion and so until there's some resolution of the legal situation here and that will make it very difficult for him for others of his cabinet ministers who fled with him to belgium to return and take their seats here
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in the capital parliament also of course the political challenges moving forward yes we know now based on the mathematics that the procession parties can if they resolve internal disagreements form a procession coalition in parliament that essentially is renewing the coalition that they already had in the previous. but we don't know what spanish prime minister mariano who is going to do about all of this he has stated a lot of political capital on trying to undermine the independence movement to stop it in his tracks and that has clearly backfired based on last night's results we're expecting a speech from him off to the weekly cabinet meeting in about a couple of hours now one way forward of course would be what the process parties have been calling for all along which is some some some negotiation some flexibility but right now there is no sign that mariano rajoy is ready to offer that what could be in the offing is a new wave of arrests and
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a new wave of legal actions. or who could potentially even stop this new parliament being sworn in your house is all being treated by people on the streets of course they went to this huge numbers. turn out but now the situation isn't any clearer to people thinking. well i think those of the things rightly that you say that we've got to take away from the election capital and society has become extremely polarized turnout was the highest in thursday's election then it is they haven't been in any of the year's elections and there is a very definite split around fifty percent of the vote went to the procession broken around fifty percent went to a blog or other parties that oppose secession and want to stay with spain so highly polarized society these celebrations last night i would describe as muted yes there
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were celebrations at the citizens party because that party of pro union and party gone to the highest number of votes of any individual party but was never about individual parties it was about who could get this majority blog in parliament or call their whole life and just seeing separatist leader. taking the stand in brussels he's about to address the media so we can just have a chance to. go to the picture actually talking just yes of course he's about to address the media there after the separatists win in the castle any of votes let's listen in. via. e-mail your comments caress the mystery to us he represents. what you mean
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we're just waiting we're just waiting for translation. of last week's. return. mean by the hand of a meal government continue to ensure it's there really. isn't. much but the more graphic go through you know you get more practical experience and violent. short of thought but there is that was. through public. support for example of the country or people will get this is exactly the contrary. of their unpopular. who is looking to. be. telling you know what i'm.
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going to punch your political. policy disagreements here. because the tension between. them is. not the one. the first president after they did i got to forget that wes and i mean eighteen and thirteen and the twelfth century. political. party hard for it so interrupt their. politics to. catalonia. we need to go so call listening that were addressing media in brussels as we were saying before he's in a bit of a difficult position isn't he because although a separatist movement broadly won in the vote and got only he himself can't return to spain for fear of immediate arrest. the
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weak position if he comes back then there is an arrest warrant out for him he could immediately be arrested that could in some senses turn him into some kind of mob to to the procession because it could work in his favor in the short term but in practical terms it could stop him taking his seat or being sworn in as the new chairman of the capital parliament and so it does give him the strategic problem of what is his next move but i think over the next two to three weeks that is when those kind of discussions are going to take place behind the scenes horsetrading between the three process session parties will also take place because they have to resolve their own internal differences to see if they can form a majority coalition block because the smallest. party they somewhat radical in their approach they say that they will only support a coalition if there is a firm commitment to move ahead with a declaration all of
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a separatist a breakaway republic and be out of the two procession parties may want to take the pace somewhat slow to give time for what they say is dialogue dialogue dialogue democracy democracy democracy some of these protesters session groups clearly want to try and force at the spanish prime minister into tools and that is why the spanish prime minister is talking about two hours time from now is going to be key as well to see if he gives any hints about the way forward from his point of view laura. ok we had before the respect seemed to have from the prime minister mariano real holy i mean this is all been a very big blow to him. hoping that it would put an end to the sepsis movement but really the situation hasn't changed so what do we think he's going to do next.
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is the deep question here because he gambled he essentially gambled his lot of personal political capital on this remember that mariano rajoy himself at national spanish level is leading a minority government and he needed to get back to back general elections to build a minority coalition to run spain and it would only take one of the opposition political parties that spanish national level to call a vote of no confidence over the way that. handle the capital and quizes to spawn a much broader political turmoil there's no sign that that will happen right now but if money. continues on this road that even groups like amnesty international have considered a heavy handed approach to their capital and crisis then that could cause political rifts at national level it could cause prime minister always government into question overall but this is really something that we're going to have to look at
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the shades of gray here and see how it plays out first of all in his speech that we expect after the weekly cabinet meeting a little later on but also in the two or three weeks that illegally are allowed for the new parliament here in catalonia has to be sworn in law ok. thanks very much for updating us there from barcelona. ok let's return to our top story today the u.n. general assembly overwhelmingly adopting the resolution that rejects president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital and for more on this we're joined by abraham freiheit he's associate professor of conflict management and humanitarian action program at institute have you with us thank you so this u.n. vote was a huge rebuke for the u.s. but we must remember that it's a symbolic one so what will it lead to well it will lead to establishing. very
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clear international position on the on jerusalem on the israeli palestinian conflict and most importantly i think it sends the strongest message to somebody ministration as ministration has thinking policy is in violation of historical positions by the international community over jerusalem and israeli policy in conflict i think as the new york times reported this the day or said it's a stinging rebuke to the us administration and actually it shows also the distinction between the position of the u.s. administration and the american people as the latest poll that came from the united states there were sixty three percent of the american people are against the trumpet ministration i think is to send these messages in terms of violation of international law. as the opposition has done is what the administration needs to hear this at the moment. because i think it's now a struggle or
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a fight between the heart of power one represented by the u.s. administration and international law and international legitimacy. of this simple very clear message that you cannot do it even if you are a stronger stronger party there is the international law and international legitimacy of these decisions that are part of not accepted ok so as the u.s. isolates itself more from this process with the palestinians saying they will not deal with them any more we see mahmoud abbas in france today they have been suggestions that france could fill that role do you agree with that i don't think so be quite honest with your no one in should ignore the importance of the united states in international relations there are two major factors that the function one is power to is legitimacy that's how historically when the united states was successful is that when combined both barack. the mind is the quick for example the
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liberation of kuwait the us had both power and legitimacy in iraq in two thousand and three however the us had only power no legitimacy and they failed the one hundred fifty thousand troops in three millions of dollars in iraq but it filled without legitimacy now france is a very is a key player in international arena. has a heavy with the decisions that are made internationally but only france without the support of the you are sort of it's difficult or good though or however we should keep in mind that this is probably one of the very few times in history where we see the entire of europe that are voting against us that it doesn't happen very often and this has given special with to this decision and we have to keep in mind that europe is not unified on its foreign policy and their
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mother fears but you're still the victim fully united jewels on them this is a power this can make difference with france and the us but again in defying they were supposed to and forcing the u.s. president to change its valuations and policy of bullying and intimidation as we saw in the united nations yesterday we have had could speak to thanks for coming in actually it's. now the warring parties of south sudan have signed a cease fire deal allowing humanitarian access to civilians caught in the fighting equipment calls for an unconditional end to the violence and unhindered access by aid workers to all areas more than two million people have been displaced in the four year long war some of them have fled to northern kenya and catherine sawyer reports from a refugee camp in cacoon. mall of south sudan's displaced people have made their way to this transit center in nothing kenya with that's really nothing to call their own helen arrived recently both her husband and brother were killed in the
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fighting she now has to take care of her brother's eight children as well as five of her own she has a family back home a good lunch she tells us no more. it's very hard for me i'm the only person now to take care of these children i don't know whether peace will come or not i'm not hopeful any more there are about a thousand refugees in this reception center all have arrived in the last few weeks this year alone more than twenty two thousand mostly from south sudan have come for help the comp is already hosting close to two hundred thousand. been given talk that will enable them to get spaces that constitute up shelters will soon meet their new neighbors some of whom have been in since another civil war with the north but ended twelve years ago. people like par peter he's a head teacher and those schools have closed he wants to ensure the library he students
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enjoy is ready for when they return he escaped in two thousand and four to avoid being recruited as a child soldier the very reason many boys he stitching now have fled south sudan and he knows exactly who to blame the president and his former vice president whose forces are fighting each other. someone is interesting nobody poured into consideration his country. this is one of khan's students around fuck eighteen years old but still in primary school. he's talking to his aunt who's at a camp for displaced people back home he's not seen ha his mother or four sisters since he left three years ago.
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and i'm young. i'm learning. south sudan has been in conflict for four years it's one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world attempts at peace overseen by regional mediators have often filled and with no end in sight this refugees continue to wait out a crisis they say has destroyed their lives catherine soy al jazeera. and not in kenya. the greek government is making a concerted effort to take refugees out of overcrowded camps on the edge and islands before the deep winter sets in those camps were built to a sea five and a half thousand people a carney has twice that number john struck last report from the island of sama. osama has waited for this moment for five months but as he finally boards a ferry for athens and a future far from his native palestine he almost seems to regret it he's one of one
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hundred ten refugees sailing for the mainland many have been here longer. came here fourteen months ago after i saw fighters destroyed his house in mosul it's like a dream for everyone here because they spent long time island they weren't allowed to leave until they finish their procedures so i takes them sometimes but now you know they feel like they are really free when they go to audience under the e.u. turkey agreement refugees arriving on greece's eastern region islands have to stay there until their asylum case is a hood but the government may move people with disabilities families children and single women. that leaves a lot of single men behind for them boredom and overcrowding create a toxic mix some most volunteers a self organizing group raised money to create a day center for them here refugees can feel human relax socialize learn languages
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and burnish their resumes in english and soon they'll be able to wash their clothes just facing the campus very narrow in there's no space where someone can do and he anything physically any activity so having a place like this really takes their mind away from from all the tension and having as there the government has offered to build a second camp here but officials in some us like on the other islands have refused so the existing. camp built for seven hundred currently hosts fifteen hundred half of them are women and children there's a scarcity of medicine clothes water and hygiene but things were even worse before the evacuation until the beginning of december this tourist all of grove was a tent city where some seven hundred people lived trenches dug around the turns in an effort to divert rainwater are still visible the government's concerted push to shelter refugees ahead of the deep winter means that the most vulnerable
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populations have now been moved to the mainland more people arrive each week the difficulty of reaching athens sends them a message that europe is lifting the drawbridge to war torn lands and that this millennia old migration route across the aegean may in future have fewer happy endings jumpstart ople us. to historic officials have been successfully divined in the syrian city of raka just in time for christmas but notional services will be held this year back i have been i saw the main stronghold in syria since two thousand and fourteen and baby traps are planted all over the city the group has pushed out in october but years of fighting has left most of the city including its churches in ruins. we've all been made homeless my brother i tell you everyone this is what is written for us to god protect us you see what has happened to this church we used to have celebrations here we used to
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be very happy with no discrimination and the bell used to ring inside their own room and then the kids would come with me to the church apartment or well would come and give me. here as president will stay in power until april that's two months longer than expected it was set down in february after elections for a new national assembly that votes being pushed back by two months because of the destruction caused by hurricane in september in a speech on thursday castro again denied accusations that cuba is behind so-called health attacks against u.s. diplomats working in havana. u.s. vice president mike pence made a surprise visit to afghanistan in that afghan leaders as well as u.s. troops stationed in the country and said the u.s. and its afghan partners had put the taliban on the defensive and that the trump of ministration wants to take advantage of what he called new alignments in the region . with with the rising threat of iran in the region you have many urban nations that are or engaged in something that could be described as a beginning of
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a new alignment in taking the opportunity this is stuart moment as the president did. at the summit but he attended that historic summit. to call on arab countries to partner with us in the war against terrorism but also to call all the countries israel and arab countries to come together to achieve. peace that's been so loose. you know between israel and the palestinians. go without as there are these are the top stories french president of money on the us says the u.s. has marginalized itself in the israeli palestinian conflict has held talks with a palestinian president mahmoud abbas a day after the un rebuked washington over making sure islam as the capital of israel a bass said the u.s. is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process back or also said there could be no two
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state solution between israel and palestine without an agreement between both sides showed up early because you don't. i told president abbas that i did not approve of the decision taken by the us president with regards to jerusalem and i researched my support to launch a new policy to have a sustainable policy which is vital relations between israel and palestine and it can only exist through a policy that we can help to support on this point i wish to be very clear there is no alternative to the two state solution and no two. state solution with agreement between the two parties on jerusalem for us to assert cathedrals have been successfully de mined in the syrian city of rock just in time for christmas but no traditional services will be held this year back i have been isis main stronghold in syria since two thousand and fourteen and booby traps were planted all over the city the group was pushed out in october but years of fighting is left most of the city including its churches in ruins. in catalonia is regional elections separatist
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parties have won a majority dealing a blow to the spanish from a summer in iraq that wasn't a resoundingly victory as a pro unity party emerged as the single largest group. south sudan's government and opposition forces have signed a cease fire deal allow humanitarian access to civilians caught in the fighting the deal agreed after talks and ethiopia's capital addis ababa is the latest attempt to end the four year long conflict that aims to revive a two thousand and fifteen peace deal that collapsed last year after heavy fighting broke out in south sudan's capital juba. proves president public could just be has survived an impeachment vote in congress over corruption allegations kaczynski is accused of receiving illegal payments from the brazilian construction giant otoh brecht he denies any wrong doing. those are your headlines of the more news continuing here on al-jazeera after inside story.
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