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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2017 5:00pm-5:34pm +03

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right. now all jews are. where every.
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and it has also shown that the whole of europe supports international law and justice that is very much sought after in the middle east the united states is no longer a credible mediator in the middle east peace process that's the message from palestinian president mahmoud abbas. called the streets and united hundreds of palestinians a bethlehem in fresh and trump protests. plugs in the rubble you want to al-jazeera live my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next thirty minutes exiled for my capital on president. says he's ready to meet with spain's prime minister mariano rajoy but on one condition also lawsuits are filed against apple after it deliberately slows down old i phone without telling its customers.
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is there a french president about rollback or says the u.s. has barred generalized itself in the israeli palestinian conflict he's been holding talks with president mahmoud abbas in power it's now a day after the u.n. general assembly overwhelmingly adopted the resolution rejecting president trumps recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel one hundred twenty eight countries voted for the non-binding resolution thirty five abstained among the nine countries that sided with america work israel quite a while and of course honduras and the palestinian president say that the u.s. is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process while the cars and thank you from some thank you for the vote of yesterday at the general said. it shows very clearly that you mr president that france is the country of freedom and democracy it has also shown that the whole of europe supports international law and justice that is very
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much sought after in the middle east i have reasserted to president macron that after the decision of president trump to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and the wish to transfer its embassy the united states is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process we will not accept any plan on the part of the us because of the parties unfeeling and because of this violation of international law sharply. i told president abbas that i did not approve of the decision taken by the us president with regards to jerusalem and i reassert my support to launch a new policy to have a sustainable policy which is vital relations between israel and palestine it can only exist through a policy that we can help to support on this point i wish to be very clear there is no alternative to the two state solution and no two state solution without an agreement between the two parties on jerusalem. has more from paris. well the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas greeted the french president amano michael very
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warmly when he arrived at the least a palace and that is perhaps no surprise from one of the countries that supported that u.n. vote on jerusalem at the general assembly on thursday and emanuel my call is always been very clear about france's position he has condemned donald trump's announcement that the u.s. will recognize. jerusalem as the capital of israel mantel my call says that false position has always been the same that it really supports a two state solution and that it wants the status of jerusalem to be negotiated by israelis and palestinians within the framework of any future talks now as for mahmoud abbas he thanked him at all michael for his support there is no doubt that he is looking to go on as much help as possible in this situation and he is looking to france he is looking to the european union especially as the palestinian saying pleading that the united states can no longer be considered an honest broker. in
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a study by washington d.c. for u.s. reaction but first let's go over to malcolm where but in gaza when we joined us short while ago was smoke billowing behind you and some clashes what seems to be going on. that's why we're more of the same just a couple of hundred meters from the edge of gaza city which is over there and then hundred meters over here is the border with israel you might be able to. hold up the mikes more gunfire they've been firing at the protesters hundreds of protesters gathered at this point trying to get as close to the fence as they can. trying to plant palestinian flags throwing stones in one place they did actually get up to the fence we were told they managed to damage one of the israeli security cameras the israelis have been returning with some gunfire and volleys of tear gas masses of tear gas the plumes the white smoke that you might be able to see over there is tear gas and then the plumes of black smoke from tires which the demonstrators have set on fire volley after volley of tear gas has been fired at them but they
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persisted sometimes the crowd breaks up and then it always really gathers the al-jazeera team has breathed a lot of this tear gas today they'd be able to fire it quite long range so they can get people even quite far away from the fence but that doesn't seem to put off the crowd here which seems to be growing large and this is one of about six or seven points along the separation wall along the fence where protesters and demonstrators have gathered and this is what's happened every friday for the last two weeks. what would have been called days of rage by political leaders here but this is and every friday ever since president trump called for us to said that the u.s. would recognize to use them as the capital of israel and of course we were expecting this sort of incident as you say after friday prayers but leading up to those friday prayers what was the reaction from politicians where you are in the gaza strip from the public at large over events in new york overnight.
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well from the leaders of all of the political factions they said they welcomed the vote the u.n. general assembly in favor the motion that was passed there but for normal people on the street then the diplomatic dealings i mean this is you know the diplomatic dealings have been going on for years even decades and haven't achieved anything for the people here geyser is still close to the wall and the fence around here mean that people can't get in and the economy is crippled forty percent unemployment electricity is off most of the time and none of that throughout numerous peace processes has changed and still nothing's changed the diplomatic details are really at the front of everyone's mind here but what has been front of everyone's mind for the last two weeks or more is the u.s. move to recognize israel's capital as the capital of israel that's been very controversial here and that's why crowds people are gathered here again today and clashing with the israeli israeli soldiers along the border there we'll leave it
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there for the moment will monitor events with you through the day let's cross over to washington d.c. and our correspondent in our bureau there tom back in. the united states certainly the white house or the state department had time to digest what happened at the u.n. general assembly nikki haley taking some rather interesting action from the. well the first thing that she said after the vote was to invite the sixty four countries that had not voted for the resolution or abstained or simply didn't take part to a thank you reception right after new year's day beyond that the state department hasn't elaborated on what kind of retaliation financially or otherwise following up the president's threats might we see only to say that there are various options being explored so right now we don't really see whether there is
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a follow up in any specific circumstances against those countries and ironically some of america's most important allies in the middle east led by egypt which was a co-sponsor of the resolution. the egypt of course would be would be hit severely if there was some kind of financial payback for the for the vote yesterday but right now we are still awaiting to see whether there's any substance to the threats made by the president and the u.n. ambassador of course that's all it takes is it have been. since that decision tom has been talking about sort of the global isolation of the u.s. on this particular issue with the humiliation of the white house is now facing how can the u.s. move forward as an as it wants to in the israeli palestinian conflict when the
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sides now have become just so polarized. well you recall that the day before the president made his announcement recognizing jerusalem as the israeli capital the president had spoken to mahmoud abbas and promised first of all invited him to the white house in the new year and had promised that there would be the framework for and an american plan for a comprehensive settlement including the determination of jerusalem in a final status settlement sometime in the first half of twenty eighteen it's hard to believe that there's any prospect for that to be followed up given the fact that the palestinian authority president today and in his christmas message said that said that the united states simply will not have any role as far as the palestinians are concerned in formatting some kind of settlement the other thing i think we ought to be watching is that there are there the palestinian authority
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gets two hundred fifty million dollars a year at least in the budget proposed for this year and twenty eighteen and it will be interesting to see whether there will be any kind of retaliation against the palestinian authority who of course also voted in favor of the resolution we'll see what does happen suddenly coming out of the moment tom thanks very much. let's head to europe now spain's political crisis looks to continue have to separate his parties won't be buying seats in catalonia it's not reach an election not to resoundingly victory as a pro unity party became the largest in the council on parliament but the result is still a blow to the spanish prime minister brown of the whole cold of votes in the hope of defeating the independence movement. look at them being. what is clear from yesterday's results is that nobody is able to talk in the name of catalonia unless they take into account the whole of county lonia what is clear it is that catalonia is not monist its clueless and we must cultivate this
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diversity as a virtue and as a richness. these elections show that it's plural and we must respect that there's a clear structure in the society from the radicalisation it will take time to mend and this must be the first obligation of all the political actors the necessary reconciliation must come from a legal manner respecting the rights of the majority and the minority it is now up to the political parties of catalonia to offer the solutions that the catalonian people deserve well call tunnel is our correspondent joining me now from barcelona i mean we've heard from both. today and he said that he's open to talks side of spain and the whole he has said that he's open to dialogue within the framework of the law is quite confusing but is it the same thing. well that's the key question both sound as if they expressed willingness to talk but i think the underlying all this the devil is in the detail and i think neither are prepared to talk to one another the spanish prime minister mariano rajoy has come out in
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a press conference and said that he doesn't see why he has to talk to carla supposed him on thursday both because he is in self-imposed exile and there's an outstanding arrest warrant for him but the mr hoyer also says that carlos pushed him on isn't any longer the head of the capital and government that's why he has nothing to talk with him about and then if you look at the detail mr our choice speech he says dialogue within the framework of the law well within that framework that is really been his starting position all along and mr hoyer always said that the law does not allow for any kind of referendum on the secession of catalonia from the rest of spain i think what this is really doing is just restating old positions and that over the next days and weeks there will have to be some intervention from some other side to see if they can bring the two parties together so i'll be dealing with how does the legal situation stand as it is because the rest of the succession of leaders i mean it does affect the political reality on
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the ground because one wonders whether they will be sworn in all remain in jail during this period of time while perhaps the representatives are legally allowed to represent them in the council in parliament. absolutely this just adds another layer of complexity into water already was polish to a very complex a polarized society polarized political positions but then to that that a number of process session leaders are in jail. pending trial for rebellion and others have left the country because they fear being arrested as soon as they settle back in the country and that does throw out the question how many of those who were elected under the democratic rules of the game will actually be able to be sworn into this paula men come the new year there are some precedents in the posture in other areas of spain of regional politicians being sworn into the
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parliament being brought to the parliament in police trucks before they can be sworn in i would suggest that if we start to see politicians being brought in in polly's trucks to be sworn into this parliament then that really will raise international questions about the quality of spanish democracy at the same time however if college bustamante tries to set foot back in spain the spanish authorities have been very clear he will be arrested these legal questions have to beyond said ahead of the deadline for swearing in this parliament which is january the twenty but as lot of legal and political work to be done before that can go ahead to follow those events with you call for the moment thanks for joining us. well still ahead here on how does there are new deals announcing during talks on the syrian conflict. and why cuba's leader raul castro has delayed plans to step down we'll tell you want straight up to the bright.
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alec temperature wise in shanghai and hong kong and chong do is just a little above average at the moment chengdu the most obvious about should be about eleven but if anything the humidity will make it feel back down to normal the next day or so as the northerly breeze tucks in shanghai down to twelve from g.'s to fifteen it is snow we have in the mountains in the west of sichuan butler in chengdu itself have been watching the air quality in the northern indian play particularly in delhi you'd think from this cloud he might be hint of some movement but i'm afraid not is to all the hazardous or very unhealthy officially say and nothing's going to really change that i'm afraid in the next day week month or so this is the quiet northeast monsoon but mostly itself he's not very weak he's just quiet winter weather at the moment temperatures as you see them as where they
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should be and he showers a lot to be inserted into possibly still in town again they weren't amount to much we have seen recently clouds streaming out of north east africa particularly egypt on a southerly breeze that has lifted temperatures even in riyadh to or rather above where they should be that will probably reverse changed a couple of days but in the immediate future hit kids will miss to twenty nine degrees on sunday. you are making very pointed remarks where on line the main us response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been the criminal mind or if you join us on saying no evil person just wakes up in the morning and say i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion i like about people saying they don't actually know what's going on join the colobus
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conversation at this time on al-jazeera. welcome back you're watching officer i'm so ho rahman a reminder of our top stories french president about all micro says the u.s. has marginalized itself in the israeli palestinian conflict he's been holding talks with mahmoud abbas the day after the u.n. rebuked washington for recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel the palestinian president said the u.s. is no longer a credible mediator in the peace process also spain's political crisis looks set to continue after separatist parties won most of the seats in catalonia snap regional
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election it wasn't a resoundingly big tree as a pro unity party became the largest in the catalan parliament. russia iran and turkey have announced deals covering prisoner exchanges and de mining talks on ending the syrian war now they've agreed to meet again in the russian city of sochi on january the nineteenth with the aim of bringing both the government and the opposition to the negotiating table so you're going to get has more from moscow. there's been a two pronged approach to the finale of these talks for now and that is russia turkey and iran agreeing that on the practical side they will be dealing with issues such as de mining areas in syria which have been affected by the fighting as well that includes unesco sites as well and also dealing with the coordination of trying to free people have been captured and prisoner exchanges as well but also
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the look ahead is towards what is going to be happening in january twenty eighth and that is the syrian national dialogue congress talks in sochi that has been thrown open the defense minister has said that opposition groups should attend that as well and has said that people from ethnic backgrounds from different ethnic backgrounds different religious backgrounds as well as opposing armed groups are invited to participate that are tentatively armed groups have said that they would participate as long as there is a commitment towards the geneva resolution and that of course is really throwing forward the situation trying to ensure a political resolution to all of this and paving the way eventually to holding elections in syria to north africa now libya's rival parliament. again this
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time over the head of the country's central bank now while the house of representatives is into brooke elected a new governor to the bone to the internationally backed government in tripoli has rejected the decision of to what he reports. libya's biggest department has picked it's a choice to lead the country since. he's supposed to ripley's govern. closed term has ended after five years and faces accusations of mismanagement the libyan d.n.r. has lost much of its value over the past few years but the decision to elect a new governor has been rejected by the head of the high state council which is based in the capital tripoli in a comment on his twitter account abdurrahman swiftly rejected what he considers the parliament's you need at or
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a decision and called on the current governor to stay in office. the high state council is keen to carry out the spirit of the libyan political agreement which is based on balance and partnership i personally believe that it's better if we support the current presidency council to reshuffle its cabinet and solve the financial and economic problems in the country. the united nations support the mission in libya has urged the parliament to de freyne for making decisions on its own that's because according to the so-called agreement which was signed in morrocco two years ago the two rival parliaments are supposed to agree on major decisions including the role of governor for the central bank but that's becoming increasingly difficult but in a good general hurley for have to close forces controlled most of eastern libya and
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backed the eastern government has dismissed this agreement and refuses to support the internationally recognized a government in tripoli now. says the seventeenth of december what is so-called higher that i give him and is void and consequently all institutions created by that agreement are void as well such institutions has never been fully legitimized since they want. it's unlikely the newly elected governor of the central bank of libya will be able to assume his new position without the approval of the high street council this case has shown their political rivalry and instability created by the country's two competing parliaments but for many here what's really mottos is bringing back political and
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financial instability. so police. scuffles have broken out on the streets of between separatist protesters and police an indian administered kashmir the violence occurred during a demonstration against the killing of three civilians earlier this week by security forces police say the victims were caught in the crossfire and during an army operation testers dispute that claim saying they were targeted. the warring parties of south sudan have signed a cease fire deal allowing humanitarian access to civilians caught in the fighting the agreement calls for an unconditional end to the violence and unhindered access by aid workers to all areas war than two million people have been displaced in the four year long war that some of them have fled to northern kenya where catherine saw reports from a refugee camp at coomera. mall of south sudan's displaced people have made their way to this transit center in nothing kenya with virtually nothing to call
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their own helen good arrived recently both her husband and brother were killed in the fighting she now has to take care of her brother's eight children as well as five of her own she has a family back home a good lunch she tells us no more. it's very hard for me i'm the only person now to take care of these children i don't know whether peace will come or not i'm not hopeful any more there are about a thousand refugees in this reception center all have arrived in the last few weeks this year alone more than twenty two thousand mostly from south sudan have come for help the comp is already hosting close to two hundred thousand. been given talk that will enable them to get spaces that constitute up shelters will soon meet their new neighbors some of whom have been in since another civil war with the north that ended twelve years ago. people like park peter
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he's a head teacher and those schools have closed he wants to ensure the library he students enjoy is ready for when they return he escaped in two thousand and four to avoid being recruited as a child soldier the very reason many boys he stitching now have fled south sudan and he knows exactly who to blame the president and his former vice president whose forces are fighting each other. so why. yes. someone is interested not be put into of course address what matters is country. this is one of khan's students who run the fuck eighteen years old but still in primary school. he's talking to his aunt who's at a comp for displaced people back home he's not seen ha his mother or four sisters since he left three years ago.
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the region. and i'm young. i'm learning. south sudan has been in conflict for four years it's one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world attempts at peace overseen by regional mediators have often filled and with no end in sight this refugees continue to wait out a crisis they say has destroyed their lives catherine soy al jazeera. and not in kenya. cuba's president will stay in power until april two months longer than expected raul castro who was due to step down in february after elections for a new national assembly but that votes been pushed back by two months because of the destruction caused by hurricane in september a year from last year. in two thousand and seventeen we have been witnesses to a serious and irrational deterioration of relations between the united states and
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cuba our country is absolutely not responsible for this setback i say again categorically that cuba did not and does not have any responsibility whatsoever with the incidents they have alleged to have affected the health of diplomats accredited persons or other foreign visitors lawsuits have been filed in the us against apple after the company admitted to deliberately slowing down all the i phones shelob alice has more. ten years a better life phones and in mr may should one point two billion so the i thought has become a household name but when the i phone eight released in september customers complained the old phone slowdown in the next three months google searches for the keywords i phone slowed jumped about fifty percent users speculated apple had slowed the phones to push them to upgrade on wednesday ethyl admitted it has
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deliberately slowed or would i phones explaining that as i phone batteries agent degrades they can overload and unexpectedly shut down slowing the phones if the company stops the overloading it affects the i phone six success and seven models our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of the devices last year we released a feature to smooth out the instantaneous current page only when needed to prevent the device from. didley shutting down it was a perfectly legitimate software fix but the problem was they didn't tell anybody they do have a stunningly good reputation for many things but open this isn't really one of them in the tourist league secretive and then the court action began to law students in california filed a class action lawsuit then people from four different states filed in
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a chicago court more are expected they say they never can seem to allow apple to slow the or i phones and the demanding replacement phones and compensation if a nationwide class action gets the go ahead would apply to all people in the u.s. with i phones older than an eight if you have software floors and trying to hide them or those things then security researchers like the one who found this and. will find it and they will publicize it and there's already a lawsuit in the states you know this is within a day of it being confirmed and i'm sure there will be others around the world. the i phone is estimated to be the most profitable piece of technology to hit the market if apple continues to benefit it may depend on whether they come out of this saga unscathed shallop bellus al-jazeera.
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you're watching al-jazeera i'm still robin these are all top stories french president says the u.s. has marginalized itself in the israeli palestinian conflict he's been holding talks with mahmoud abbas the day after the u.n. rebuked washington for recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel the palestinian president said the u.s. is no longer a credible b.d.a. to in the peace process sharply a pretty diverse coup i told president abbas that i did not approve of the decision taken by the us president with regards to jerusalem and i reserve my support to launch a new policy to have a sustainable policy which is vital relations between israel and palestine it can only exist through a policy that we can help to support on this point i wish to be very clear there is no alternative to the two state solution and no two state solution without an agreement between the two parties on jerusalem spain's prime minister mariano rajoy has rejected former catalan leader. call to meet him a day after separatist parties want to major majority sorry in regional elections
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but it wasn't a resoundingly big dream as a pro unity party emerged as the single largest group roy says he'll make an effort to hold talks with the new catalan government south sudan's government and opposition forces have signed a cease fire deal allowing humanitarian access to civilians caught in the fighting the deal i agreed after talks in ethiopia's capital addis ababa is the latest attempt to end the forward a half year long conflict it aims to revive a twenty fifteen peace deal that collapsed last year after heavy fighting broke out in south sudan's capital juba. russia iran and turkey have announced deals covering prisoner exchanges and d. binding during talks on ending the syrian war they've agreed to meet again in the russian city of sochi at the end of january with the aim of bringing both the government of the opposition to the negotiating table and a class action lawsuit has been filed against apple in the u.s.
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state of illinois after the tech giant admitted it released software updates that deliberately slowed down some old i phone models social media users have long speculated the company limits the performance of all the i phones to force users to upgrade apple says it made the change last year to help preserve battery life which it says diminishes over time those were the headlines the news group dissolve in thirty minutes time with folly but next it's the stream to stay with us. kenyan elections intractable war in syria refugee crisis troubles in venezuela and tensions on the korean peninsula and al-jazeera news special looks back on the biggest stories of twenty seventeen trivialize our families who lived through them.
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from the well why refugee crisis to the fall of the old times and barberin now rather than a guardrail.


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