tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 25, 2017 6:00am-6:34am +03
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and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narratives at this time on al-jazeera in two thousand and one. spreads around the. arab australians accused of being enemies with them. and attacking the way of life we were treated like we all suspects we would all under suspicion struggling to adapt to their new found home. al-jazeera excuse the history and the lebanese community in australia. once upon a time in punchbowl and this time on al-jazeera. there is no peace if someone uses crude. us recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital
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cost a shot of a christmas celebrations in the palestinian territories and beyond. the soldiers there up lawyer from also coming up the reverberations of trump's drucilla move being felt worldwide we examine what christians in the west on the us think of this decision. a show of solidarity people in the philippines pull together in the aftermath of a deadly tropical storm. and out of prison but in poor health peru's former president alberto fujimori is part of. that as christians worldwide celebrate christmas the impact of u.s. president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital it reverberates across the world pope francis is presiding over religious ceremonies
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at the vatican he's been a vocal critic of trump's move and is calling for the status quo to be preserved palestinian leaders were among those attending services in bethlehem where there was also a message in jerusalem. well francis said repeating what many others said before him he's not you with that if you feel. there is not peace if someone uses crude. it was in him to include not as crude. and it's also been widely denounced by the international community the u.n. general assembly voted to declare trumps jerusalem recognition as null and void al-jazeera is how the force that reports now on a city united and divided by faith. founded by its ancient walls this tiny patch of land has for millennia borne a power that has spread far beyond the. won was.
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the stories of the three abrahamic faiths have jerusalem at their heart and the history of their sometimes tolerant often bloody relationship has soaked into the stones. and walk westward along the via dolorosa where christ carried his cross brings you after some twists and turns to the church of the holy sepulcher it's here where jesus said to have been brought down from the cross his body cleaned and in tuned with all his resurrection three days later george gently and took over from his father a secretary to the armenian patriarchate one of three denominations that manages the site he's had a bond with the place since boyhood but this is the central monument of the christians in the world i think two billion christians whether they're protestant or orthodox and catholic see in this place as the most important place where rightfully so because the defining moments of the last week of cries took place within this building but he says it's part of
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a larger religious monument to the city itself one that shouldn't be politicized suddenly this signature of. makes the issue of jerusalem contest the been so it's our duty and our mission as the residents of jerusalem both israelis and others. to link this issue of jerusalem outside contestation in his recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital the us president spoke of continued freedom of worship for all faiths with final political borders to be decided but many here see in the president's unabashed backing of israel's claim a cementing of israeli control over islam's third holiest site. so this is one of the main entrances to the al aqsa mosque compound the mosque itself is run by the jordanian backed islamic work but the entrances to it are guarded by israeli forces and they can restrict access at their will palestinian academic marty adel heidi
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likens it to a room being let out and withdrawn on a whim a feeling magnified by the trump declaration that he or thing which is my nightmare if israel today is going to translate such a declaration to implement what they claim solvent the over the city meaning to take over the site and to abort my presence and. kick us out of the of the city of god. for the muslim faith this is the most closely connected place to have a prison made here and the shortest route to god that's because it's from here that the prophet muhammad himself is said to descend to have we believe the prophet muhammad came all the way from mark extend to heaven the received his evaluation coming through jerusalem is experience historical religious message to us and to the world we belong here it's part of us it's really when you get up to the level of the skyline here in jerusalem you get a full idea of just how concentrated of the markers of the hundreds of years of
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religious history here those great domes behind me are the church of the holy sepulcher where jesus christ is believed to have been laid to rest in just a few hundred meters walk away you can see the gold of the dome of the rock which is in the al aqsa mosque compound where muslims come to pray every friday and just beyond that is the western wall. for jews the dome of the rock sits upon the temple mount site of the first and second jewish temples the western wall is the closest point at which they can pray it stones themselves said to be vested with divinity and rabbi and former opposition member of the israeli parliament the knesset lippmann says this place embodies the jewish connection to god and to jerusalem after two thousand years we would exile went from country to country cut at the continent but three times a day jews turned towards to receive them to pray twice a year in the most important moments we said next year in jerusalem since seizing east jerusalem in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven israel has been trying to
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cement that connection with archaeological work that it says proves the temple's historical existence which the united nations has ruled illegal in occupied territory. it's a necessity to counter rejections of jewish history here what we hear president we celebrate the fact that someone somewhere in the world is getting recognition to the capital which is going to our capital for three thousand years the heart and soul of the jewish people are right as an independent country to declare our capital but he left room open for those negotiations to figure out what exactly that means when we say jerusalem is the jewish capital the thousands of years to slim is changed hands the subject of a continuing struggle for control this latest chapter in that history has had its narrative shifted by the us president its eventual resolution seeming only to slip further into the future in this holy city air force that al-jazeera occupied east jerusalem lean on guatemala's president says his country will move its embassy in
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to jerusalem making it the first nation to follow donald trump's plan to move the u.s. mission there was one of nine nations that voted in support of the u.s. and israel last week at the u.n. general assembly meeting on jerusalem status the country sees an estimated eighty million dollars annually in aid from the u.s. . moment two hundred people are dead after a tropical storm devastated the southern philippines tens of thousands of in force on their homes and a state of emergency has been declared in several areas more than one hundred fifty people are missing with a huge rescue effort now under way bright as the latest from manila. philippines this christmas day assessing the damage from this storm as it moves away into the south china sea leaving a swathe of damage across a broad area of mindanao one of the worst affected provinces was in the north of mindanao which had the highest death toll the second highest casualty rate was
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recalled a little province in the south of the island so much of the island has been affected including of course as the area around morocco is this is an area where there has been intense fighting between government troops and also groups linked with i till it was a population that's already conflict affected and that now has to deal with the aftermath of this storm there have been claims that the government didn't do enough to warn people in advance that they knew this storm was coming that mindanao has in recent years been more to skeptical to storms around this time of year but for the austerity they say that they have warned people they did tell villages to move out and many people simply did not do so. peru's former president alberto fujimori has been pardoned because of his because his health is failing his supporters celebrated the news outside the clinic where he's been since saturday after a severe drop in his blood pressure which was serving a twenty five year sentence for corruption and human rights crimes committed during
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his ten year presidency. russia's best known opposition leader alex in a valley has submitted the documentation needed to run against about a mere putin in next year's presidential election there are serious doubts however that his name will be on the ballot paper really challenged reports from moscow. in twenty cities across russia from blood of all stock to moscow alexei navalny supporters turned out to endorse him independent hopefuls must gather at least five hundred people in such meetings as a criteria for full candidate status thank you easily got that in moscow alone where he had this message for the man he wants to run against. leave him i didn't know who didn't but it's you who turned a country into a source of personal enrichment for yourself your family and your friends but why should not be president any more you are a bad president you don't have opposed the program you were very young then it was
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off to the election commission to hand in his application but it's no valley is unlikely to make its own to the ballots for the elections in march he's always said his two thousand and fourteen fraud conviction was politically motivated but the kremlin is using it to bar him from the race the goal has always been to demonstrate that putin is a leader with no alternative uncontested and what they say can take advantage over anybody else and it is very important to keep this super majority this poor advantage to demonstrate that putin has so much more power than anybody else another opposition leader was trying to test the system on sunday here yashin an ally of the valley. this was unexpectedly elected head of a moscone a simple district in september but his efforts to use the modest power of the roll to approve street events was struck down by moscow city court a few hundred people showed up anyway the election is just three months away now
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and as per usual the author of teens are making it very clear that even a fairly small demonstration like this is completely unwelcome they want to allow to put up a stage show or have any battles here in the police loud speakers are telling everyone that this is an unauthorized rally. over the kremlin is confidence yashin and company don't have the mass support needed to challenge putin but is not taking any chances glory chalons al-jazeera moscow. time for a short break here now just zero when we come back turkey agreed to set up a strategic cooperation council as both countries look to boost bilateral ties. the holiday shopping season in colombia is bringing fierce competition between local vendors and chinese dealers or that stay with us.
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welcome back we'll look at the weather conditions across the americas this time some pretty heavy snow still across eastern parts of canada but that is on its way out as we head through into chews day we're going to see a dry conditions for also about bitterly cold as arctic winds minus twenty four is a maximum in when a packed house where temperatures barely above freezing in new york the coldest penetrated all the way south into georgia across texas there with dallas just five degrees as a high some decent weather conditions in miami florida meanwhile across more western areas seattle is struggling there with temperatures of just three degrees and then as we head further southwards into central parts of america no real changes here we've seen showers in recent days from panama through costa rica nicaragua and towards honduras but up to across mexico cherry not too bad to see want to two shows coming off the caribbean side of the arm and some cells are generally looking pretty good temperatures into the low thirty's for the most part consent to make of that thirty two degrees then into south america and here we've
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got some heavy rain still across more southeast an heiress course parts of paraguayan and across into brazil some showers from rio de janeiro further towards the south is looking fine and one is arizona's a thirty one russian to thirty three inches day and a fine day in santiago in chile a mix of here of thirty. some people saying that my feelings are any program that they're not real but if i think they are real don't you think south america was designed to be the world's most advanced autonomous android is one of the more advanced robots in the world can around but feel that's a philosophical question it's not a lot of play to do socially connect on a subconscious level we are creating this new kind of entity. this time on all dizzy era.
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welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera jerusalem's highest ranking roman catholic cleric says the city should be a place of peace that excludes no one his comments follow u.s. president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. more than two hundred people are dead after a tropical storm which has devastated the southern philippines tens of thousands and for some their homes in a state of emergency has been declared in several states. and supporters of peru's former president alberto fujimori are gathering outside a hospital where he's being treated for more it has been pardoned because of his failing health he's been serving a twenty five year sentence for corruption and human rights but committed during
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his tenure presidency something nine year old was taken to hospital from jail on saturday. now the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital has been met with opposition from across the religious spectrum in the west some christian groups are deeply concerned about the fate of a city which has a special status and religion and culture from london is not involved. carol concert in london's trafalgar square but it's also a fundraiser for the ablest trust a human rights organization which supports projects in the occupied palestinian territory. they recently did a walk from london to jerusalem highlighting britain's unkept promises to the palestinians in the hundred year old balfour declaration they direct an ordained anglican vicar says they are one of a growing number of faith based groups supporting palestinian rights jerusalem is a couple of monosyllable the jury says meaning is for more than just the capital
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city it's a center three faiths and a sincere woven with the identity of three different people groups so anything which happens to houses wide scale ramifications so for us to walk from london to jerusalem what other place could there be to finish that especially a call for a full rights following president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital one of the strongest responses came from the religious society of friends the quakers who called the action morally indefensible this action in east jeopardizing peace and justice and human rights by making it more difficult to continue with the peace process we work with human rights observers who are on the ground in history sloman in the west bank and they are already telling us that the situation is more tense and there are higher levels of violence cardinal vincent nichols the senior catholic representative for england and wales has said i fear for jerusalem and its people today i pray for its peace while the anglican church
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has also stressed the unique nature of jerusalem we're very mindful that we can't be sentimental about jerusalem we have to think about the realities on the ground today by jerusalem is a place where christians muslims and jews live side by side but sometimes when a cause of tension i'd wanted to be a cause of hope. for many people the politics of the holy land may seem daunting but these musicians hope they can change that perception of course many popular christmas carols reference the palestinian city of bethlehem but it seems more and more people are taking an interest in what's happening injuries. a willing to get involved. and by doing so they say they're pushing the message of peace that so central to christmas. london. well evangelicals are the largest group of christians in the united states
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and they've led the campaign to align the u.s. more closely with israel from washington and explains the influence of all beliefs in modern day politics. thank you both have shown that no other american demographic group not even jews stand behind the state of israel more staunchly then christians support grounded in their reading of the bible especially those passages regarding jerusalem christianity's holiest city it's fitting that it should be the capital of israel again as it was many many years ago and has been in the hearts of the jews for millennia some avenge aliquots even believe jewish domination of jerusalem must be the prelude to the second coming of christ the messiah is the future of the prophetic vision of a new jerusalem where god will create a new heaven a new earth and a new jerusalem and he will inhabit his throne though many palestinians are christians to avenge jellicoe those who make up one quarter of the u.s.
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population place their faith in israel's promise to protect the pilgrimage to the holy places it's an entire part of the christian faith and christians can have access to it under jewish israeli control that's not guaranteed when there is a form of government in control of jerusalem. so donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital has only reinforced his broad backing by evangelicals regardless of what they may think about his actual religious convictions was a promise that he made on the campaign trail that he has delivered as president i think for american christians this is one of the reasons why we elected him but not all christians agree zionism is a rebellion against judaism itself. a perversion of it stephen france is an episcopalian who says muslims along with the other faiths must share control of jerusalem the very. seed of christianity not to mention the prince of peace
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stand with the utmost clarity against any kind of possessiveness towards jerusalem one protestant denomination the presbyterians has gone so far as to support a boycott of israel and divest ing from companies involved with the jewish state through this let me read to read your part so the true answer to the whole story it's all right. but for most of angelic goals sympathy for the state of israel remains an article of faith tom ackerman al-jazeera washington well jordan which has a large palestinian population is at the center of jerusalem's affairs with its king the custody and of the al aqsa mosque compound king abdullah is also a close ally of america but is firmly against donald trump's decision alan fisher has more now on the deep connections between the jordanian royal family and jerusalem. it stands as a broken monument to times past and big ideas nothing more than
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a shell this was to be a palace a statement by jordan's late king hussein of his sovereignty over east jerusalem his gum t. of protection it was land here absorbed as the state of israel was born in one nine hundred forty eight and declared west jerusalem its capital the views are spectacular even on a cold winter day in one thousand nine hundred sixty five the king decided here this would be the site for the summer palace. is a tour guide who tells visitors the history of the site he considered that but he studied and specially general salim is one of his of his and the. responsibility because of that he want to be needed that to get details the first capital and the second is going to tell for his. maybe once where the plan was that this policy would be wonderful i'm a curious case it would have to team world leaders and famous think trees build
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what was slow i mean what human one nine hundred sixty seven it's stock completely and forever. jordan and the other countries lost up war the hill and palestinian neighborhoods here fell under israeli control apart from the graffiti the palace remains untouched to this day an eyesore owned by the jordanian family. it's been discussed this place could become a school or a horse spittle or some site for an international group but one expert says that won't happen i don't know what. they're going to have they say is in the next the future for the area but. we are seeing the don't live there people of jordan the king of jordan the center of the king hussein and of to to do anything and to alleviate anything in the area. so high on a hill in occupied east jerusalem there's a stark reminder of rows and battles and wars over jerusalem a place where plans were made and no time stand still alan fischer al jazeera in
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occupied east jerusalem. venezuela has freed thirty six prisoners accused of inciting violence against the state during anti-government protests maybe half of them were granted release more than a year ago but are kept behind bars venezuela has arrested hundreds of individuals in response to prolonged demonstrations against president nicolas maduro. the united nations as passed a resolution criticizing me and mass treatment of the ranger it calls for full citizenship rights access for aid workers and for refugees to be allowed to return home it was passed despite opposition from china and russia turkey says it's hiring more than one hundred thousand new public servants next year it comes a day after almost three thousand state employees and soldiers were sacked by decree of alleged links to so-called terror groups in total one hundred fifty thousand have been dismissed or suspended from their jobs since the failed coup in july last year. turkey and sudan have agreed to set up a strategic cooperation council and boost trade after
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a visit by the turkish president reza typer to want to khartoum turkey's aiming to increase its presence on the continent with a focus on the horn of africa from the sudanese capital even more than reports. for the first time in more than sixty years a turkish head of state is visiting sudan the aim to strengthen economic and political relations between uncle i'm hard to. get with this visit our relationship with sudan will be stronger than the war we've agreed on strategic cooperation between the two countries in our relations with africa sudan has a special place the turkish president arrived in sudan with more than two hundred businessmen and women and he stressed that turkey into ghana expect increased trade volume from the current have a billion dollars to ten billion dollars dollars disbursing needed by sudan which recently came off going to crash and burn after more than two decades but after the holidays we welcome this visit by our brother the turkish president will be of
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scientology agreements we also agreed to form a strategic cooperation council headed by the presidents of the two countries this visit is in a leap in the relationship between us. but sudan is only one of many african countries turkey is building a stronger relationship with the visit to sudan by the turkish president maybe it's first by a turkish head of state incidentally and independence in one nine hundred fifty six but it comes in line with turkey's policy in strengthening its influence and base in africa economically politically and militarily turkey opened its first and largest military base outside turkey in somalia last the pember and over the past three years it has expanded its diplomatic relations with more than twenty seven african countries the turkish government says it's determined to clear africa of the influence of. the man it's accuses of orchestrating last year's coup attempt in turkey. and run many schools in the continent nearly all have now been transferred to wants a recently established mahdi foundation. we think that if there are
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relations between the two countries these schools will be the bridge between them if there are schools this should strengthen it and the people as well and that's what we want with a president or do want visit to sudan ties between the two countries seem to be growing indeed as is turkey's influence and role in the african continent people morgan are just there. the mayor of qatar is in ghana as part of his tour of six west african countries just i mean been hammered out then he is there to expand economic ties while qatar remains under a blockade by for our country since june. economic support to six west african nations already amounts to over half a trillion dollars. to his ear has banned all airlines from the united arab emirates from landing in the country that is comes two days after the u.a.e. reportedly banned to new zealand female passengers from traveling to or transiting through its territory neither country has given a clear reason for their decisions. every christmas season colombia witnesses
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a tropical black friday thousands of vendors stuck up their shops with popular clothes at cheap prices but as reports business has been difficult due to serious competition from newly arrived chinese sellers. buyers crawl underneath the door of this whole sale mall and run they are resellers trying to get the most desired garments to stock their shops the model or great early rise is columbia's version of black friday which repeats itself every night at two am during the christmas season do it go a little bit old it's very hard but it's worth the effort christmases when people buy the most we don't have a life but we make good money reselling these jeans notes during the day. downtown is overwhelmed by buyers informal ban there's mixed with merchants of locally made shoes and clothes moving four million u.s.
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dollars per day. but sellers say they have been facing unfair competition from recently arrived chinese traders who pay up to treat times for their shops imported legally and sell products at half the price. we lost sixty five percent of our sales last year and i had to cut sixty percent of the employees at our factory it was impossible to compete with them merchants took to the streets as tensions rose then in october the police shut down fifty chinese stores for contraband none would speak on camera but one representative of the growing chaney's community told us they are facing racial discrimination the manager of the. rejects such accusations so you know nothing about how to call them they just call them if they come and work legally and follow the rules they are welcome but if they are doing a list of activities we will fight them but we've been hitting on colombians who contraband as well and this was thanks to the chinese invasion. what's happening
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seventy thirty you know it's only that shape of the iceberg in the last decade chinese imports in at least by almost twenty times going from five hundred billion with dollars a year more than ten billion will go soon economists rayna says colombian merchants need to learn how to compete. is that my colombia is no longer a country of cheap labor we have a per capita income of around seven thousand dollars river believes we can compete making cheaper take styles shoes or clothing at this point is hopeless. feel they have to win their protection use battle but it's unclear for how long they'll remain in business in an increasingly globalized world i listen to them.
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for a quick recap of the top stories here the sa jerusalem's highest ranking roman catholic cleric says the city should be a place of peace that excludes no one his comments follow u.s. president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. both francis said. repeating what many others said before him is not you that jews are in a city of peace. there is not peace if someone uses coup that. should include not exclude you know guatemala says it will relocate its embassy in israel to jerusalem making it the first nation to follow donald trump's plan to move the u.s. mission there the central american country was one of nine nations that voted in support of the united states and israel last week at the u.n. general assembly the country receives an estimated eighty million dollars in aid a year from the u.s. . more than two hundred people are dead after a tropical storm devastated the southern philippines tens of thousands of been
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forced from their homes and a state of emergency has been declared in several areas. peru's former president alberto fujimori has been pardoned because of his failing health he's serving a twenty five year sentence for corruption and human rights crimes committed during his tenure presidency the seventy nine year old was taken to hospital from jail on saturday. russia's best known opposition leader alexina valmy has cleared the first hurdle towards running for president against vladimir putin he submitted the papers needed to be a candidate in the election in march but there are serious down so they allowed to run last week president putin announced he'll seek a new sixty it in march as vote. on the un has passed a resolution criticizing me and my treatment of the ranger calls for fools citizenship rights suspend aid workers and for refugees to be allowed to return home it was passed despite opposition from nations including china and russia.
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antony has barred all emirates airlines flights from landing in the country that it comes two days after the u.a.e. reportedly banned to new zealand women from flying to war transiting through its territory neither country has given a clear reason for the decisions well those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after technique so that's watching by phone. from toxic milk to fake meat food scanners continue to rock china as the world turns to it for its food one when he goes undercover to expose the hidden harm in a system geared for profit one east at this time i know this iran. my name is erica it's a pleasure to meet you the voice a blink of an eye himan like responses from a machine named erica techno explores the social robots the newest generation of androids. this is tech news.
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