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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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fama shrimp now the thief has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential chalice to khorat a missed opportunity ross. my name is in some people saying that my feelings are only programmed that they're not real but if i think the real and they are real don't you think so erika was designed to be the world's most advanced autonomous android which is one of the more advanced robots in the world can or about feel that's a philosophical question it's not a lot of what you do socially connect on a subconscious level we are creating this new kind of entity techno this toy zero. elaine. and live from studio three a team here at
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al-jazeera headquarters in doha for the back to go welcome to the news great prayed for peaceful coexistence pope francis uses his traditional christmas day message to call for a negotiated two state solution to end these really palestinian conflicts tensions in the region have been high since u.s. president donald trump recognized them as israel's capital will the pope's message help ease them we'll have a live report from roll. on the grid a diplomatic spat over the skies to spend slice by emirates. a public outcry over security measures in the u.a.e. targeting tunisian women several of them say they were prevented from flying to the gulf country and more rights groups say it is discriminatory explore where this leaves relations between the two countries and anger and protests in peru after the president on and former leader. maurie on health grounds is admired by some
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peruvians for fighting malise rebels but for many his rule is synonymous with human rights abuses and rampant corruption. what happens when julian assange twitter account people last seen on social media and i'll be explaining why i'm so it's going to get in touch with real life comments on facebook throughout the. age a new spirit. elite there with a news group on air and streaming online for you tube facebook live and al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining us but francis has used his traditional christmas day message to call for. jerusalem and dialogue between israelis and palestinians it was a second time that the pope has spoken up publicly about jerusalem since president controversial decision to recognize the holy city as israel's capital as speaking to the faithful in st peter's square the pontiff acknowledged the growing tensions
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in the region and call for a negotiated solution to end these or any palestinian conflict could he. not that we see jesus in the children of the middle east who continue to suffer because of growing tension between these rallies and palestinians on this festive day let us ask the lord for peace for jerusalem and for all the holy land let us pray that the will to resume dialogue may prevail between the parties and then to go she added solution can finally be reached one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two states within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders. and live to hear is peter shop who's at the vatican forest joins us now live from there on the news good peter the pope has been very vocal about his opposition to president trump's jerusalem decoration and he's again a call for a toothpaste allusion to the crisis tell us how his message was received.
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with the words he used when he first heard about president trump's move to to give jerusalem as the capital for the israelis was profoundly concerned and he's worked untiringly really the last ten days trying to get this on agendas all across the world in the u.n. and with his meeting with with them with the king and for of of of jordan i mean drew some lies at the very heart of the of the of the conflict between palestinians and and israelis and a two state solution is a nonsense but the international community over the years have stressed that you cannot have you cannot start to change the status of jerusalem which is in effect what trungpa suggesting without a negotiated settlement they go in that order so where. there is an impasse there
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and and the views that the pope has been given today and his is fears they have been shared by western christian groups worried about the fate of of jerusalem and that in barbara's got more from london. carol concert in london's trafalgar square but it's also a fundraiser for the ablest trust a human rights organization which supports projects in the occupied palestinian territory. they recently did a walk from london to jerusalem highlighting britain's unkept promises to the palestinians in the hundred year old balfour declaration they direct an ordained anglican vicar says they're one of a growing number of faith based groups supporting palestinian rights jerusalem is a couple of monosyllable. gerson's meaning is far more than just the capital city it's a center of three faiths and a sincere woven with the identity of three different people groups so anything
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which happens the high seas wide scale ramifications so for us to walk from london to jerusalem what other place could there be to finish that especially a call for a full rights following president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital one of the strongest responses came from the religious society of friends the quakers who called the action morally indefensible this action in east jeopardizing peace and justice and human rights by making it more difficult to continue with the peace process we work with human rights observers who are on the ground history sloman in the west bank and they are already telling us that the situation is more tense and there are higher levels of violence cardinal vincent nichols the senior catholic representative for england and wales has said i fear for jerusalem and its people today i pray for its peace while the anglican church has also stressed the unique nature of jerusalem we're very mindful that we can't be sentimental about jerusalem we have to think about the realities on the ground
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today by jerusalem is a place where christians muslims and jews live side by side but sometimes when a cause of tension i'd wanted to be a cause of hope. for many people the politics of the holy land may seem daunting but these musicians hope they can change that perception of course many popular christmas carols reference the palestinian city of bethlehem but it seems more and more people are taking an interest in what's happening injuries. and are willing to get involved. and by doing so they say they're pushing the message of peace that so central to christmas the with. the al-jazeera london. and peter the pope's christmas message also touch on other pressing international issues like the refugee crisis in the world today i hear he's made the defense of migrants and refugees around the world
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a major theme of his papacy has. yes he has and he has put that issue which is been with us for sman a couple of years now in the eyes of the children and if it was effective and it was moving says we see jesus in the eyes of the young children forced to leave their countries on their own easy prey for the traffickers and of all those forced to immigrate the risk of their lives that could easily end in tragedy it was it was a moving message and throughout it was it was brought in by that by the eyes of the children which was which was effective and moving at this time of the year here shot thank you very much for that you were shot reporting there live from vatican city and now while billions of people around the world are celebrating christmas in the comfort of their homes the realities stalky different for the world's most
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vulnerable people every minute nearly twenty men women and children all being driven away from their homes because of conflicts or persecution the number of displaced people around the world today stands at a staggering sixty five point six million more than twenty two million of them are refugees people who've been forced to leave that country to escape war past occasion or natural disaster most of them are coming from just three countries south sudan of ghana stan and syria and even while many syrians have left millions have stayed behind and continue to enjoy the ongoing war now in its seventh year we spoke with one family struggling to survive in the rebel held and gave of eastern ghouta just outside the syrian capital damascus at least four hundred thousand people are living there and the government siege with limited access to food and medicine al-jazeera is in a harder has their story as part of our series looking at the year's biggest news stories through the eyes of families affected. makes
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a living selling but ever he can find he was once a farmer and owned his own land. now he's among the millions of syrians this place by the war and they're able to survive without assistance. i'm not ashamed to say this there are days when i'm able to provide food for my family and there are other days when i'm not able to do that the other day i had to take two of my children to the hospital because they didn't have enough food to. mohamed lives in. an opposition controlled area that has been besieged by government forces for years the siege has been tightened even more recently food supplies are scarce and shortages have sent prices soaring at least four hundred thousand people live in east on the outskirts of the capital the united nations has been demanding unhindered access and warns that many of syrians there face severe
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problems in getting enough to eat. the aid that reaches us is not enough is specially for someone like me i have to take care of seven children and my. only under siege it remains a war zone even though a russian guarantee deescalation deal was supposed to silence the guns and allow aid in. the building. fears for her children she is also afraid that her family could face further displacement the government has been using what is known as the surrender or starve strategy and it is applying it. and. if given the choice to leave or stay and live under the regime's rule i will choose
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to leave i don't trust them they will eventually kill us. they starved us they killed our children. rebels and refused to surrender but government pressure is growing already hundreds of thousands of syrians have been bused out of their towns and villages and taken to the rebel controlled province of idlib in the north the syrian government calls them reconciliation agreements for the opposition those deals are forced settlements and. i don't think those who are forced to go to it will ever return to their homes this is sports displacement who knows who they will give our country to it's been almost eight years since government forces began to question popular dissent from a position of strength the assad leadership is imposing its own peace but it is a peace that is unacceptable to many syrians who now fear not having a place in their own country. now there is concern the syria
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refugee crisis has eclipsed the plight of other vulnerable people around the world the united nations refugee agency says the world needs to do more to help millions of refugees in sub-saharan africa it holds smaller than twenty six percent of the world's refugee population the number has increased over the years because of conflict in the central african republic nigeria south sudan eritrea and somalia libya is a main transit point for many of those wanting to get to europe the un e.u. and african union have launched an emergency repatch radiation program after reports that migrants and refugees in libya were being sold as slaves or hear about the situation in libya in just a moment when we hear from mahmoud correspondent in tripoli but first the situation in south sudan over four thousand south sudanese have crossed over to neighboring sedan since a civil war broke out there in twenty thirteen let's speak to al-jazeera skipper morgan who is in khartoum sudan's capital i have
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a many south sudanese have found refuge in sudan but i know that getting access to them is not easy is it. well yes indeed fully most of them live in bordering on infinities bordering the sudan south sudan border and security has made it very difficult to access to access these refugees but what we do know because we've been to these cancer overall times what we do know is that these refugees are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance there they have complained to us over all times that they are suffering food shortages that they're suffering shortage of medicines and that they need better education for their children and it's not just here in sudan that the refugees are suffering let's let's not forget that south sudan's refugee crisis is termed termed as the largest refugee crisis in africa since though there want to genocide more than twenty years ago so there are there's a lot of refugees are not just in sanaa not just in sudan but also in neighboring uganda d r c a rwanda story kenya and if europea south sudan's refugee
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crisis and i was created more than twenty two million people. more than two million people have been forced to leave their homes the unicef says that most of them are children and women are more than sixty percent of them are children and many of them have been separated from their families and from their homes and they are at risk of being kidnapped or recruited into armed groups and being. being forced into child soldier and fighting in south sudan's conflict so their situation is quite dire a lot of them are needed in need of food a lot of them are in need of water and a lot of them have suffered traumatic xstrata experiences some of them have talked about sexual abuse about physical and mental abuse as well so yes also runs a refugee crisis is quite extreme in africa and maybe around the world as well thank you very much for that he behaved the morgan our correspondent in sudan's capital khartoum there now fountains of these people who are trying to make it to europe and dying as they try to cross the mediterranean and many of them actually
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stuck in libya which is the main transit point for many of these refugees and migrants from sub-saharan africa here's algiers mom would have to have a hard with this report from tripoli. this is the libyan coast were made grants and refugees usually sail of to europe the usually take rubber boats in a very bad condition and usually boats capsize in the mediterranean and so many migrants die in the sea the libyan coast guard says it's their job to do to arrest duce migrants as long as they have sealed off libyan sure and as long as they have been arrested and libyan tutorial workers before the migrants and refugees reach this coast they take a tough journey in the desert they first get smuggled via the southern borders
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of libya and the take the tough journey through the libyan desert during that tough journey the face so many. violations they face violence and including extortion exploitation and in some cases rape also the libyan coast guard says that they usually transfer the migrants are after the arrest them and libyan territorial waters the usually transfer them to detention centers and the detention centers the supervisors there deny committing any violence against the migrants and they say on the contrary they provide they provide them with food and health care now the european human rights organizations and united nations human rights organizations including also the international organization for migration help those migrants who voluntarily voluntarily choose
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to be deported back to their own country. recently the u n h c r has transferred one hundred sixty migrants including those vulnerable migrants including children women and miners the u.n. has recently transferred them to italy. and if you have time watch these excellent many documentaries refugees between worlds in israel turkey and greece tells you the stories of refugee children from eritrea who have ended up in israel and syrian children stuck in greece this is part of our al-jazeera select series some very powerful heartbreaking stories of suffering watch shows documentaries on our website al-jazeera dot com. and as always we'd love to hear from you on this story and others we're covering on the news great today you can send your comments to any of our online platform suite is that a.j. english or on facebook at facebook dot com slash a.j. news great you can also whatsapp us on number prost nine seven four five zero one
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trip or one four nine all the ways to get in touch with us on the bottom right of your screen right now don't forget to use the hash tag a.j. use crates moving on to other world news then tunisia is demanding a public apology from the u.a.e. after several tunisian women were bod from boarding emirates flights in response the emirate allies says been banned from landing in chinnis the u.a.e. says it has information that women travelling on tunisian passports might commit what they call terrorist acts the incident lead to angry reactions online and in media outlets in tunisia let's bring in our social media producer. this story actually is a lot of it is happening on law and tell us about what people are saying people have been nazi tweeting from both sides and people are not it's happy in fact there's a lot of outrage coming from cynism from citizens while the u.a.e. says the ban was temporary it hasn't stopped people from venting their frustration
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online calling it discrimination and you might be familiar with bob marley's song no woman no cry on women's rights well that has been turned into a hash tag called no woman no fly and if you just take a look better as the hashtag and then go the emirates logo with no women no fly just underneath them people are calling on people to boycott emirates airlines in protest now using that same hash tag. called the ban an x. of sexism and stupidity adding that it's not only an insult it's an is in women but to all women why it's of course there's outrage not just from to mrs but women as well online but not everyone shares his opinion that she will most people criticize amorous and lines other have also others have also defended it and matt is one of those people he. tweeted saying to nyssa appreciates the u.a.e. government and its people nearly has the right to take any measures to protect its territory but at the same time it says to new zealand cannot stand now to assume
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women seen as confident international airport on friday described their situation they called it chaotic and i also called it unfair take a listen. we should do something but i don't care about emirates i'm only transitting through the u.a.e. i came here and there's chaos and they're saying tunisian woman under the age of thirty cannot enter its planes home only knew what he really loved everything is legal i have my views that my husband is a resident there so i'm going to visit him i write here only for men to come and tell me that any woman who wanted to museum passport is banned from porting this airline now despite mary's car cation on friday the bomb was only temporary and restrictions hand been lifted that's a nissin ministry of transportation responded to that on the same day with this statement which can be found on facebook and it's called it a violation of international laws and regulations that govern civilian aviation and the other person that had tweeted on this is actually anwar got a guy
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a foreign minister from the he's the spokesman and he tweeted that there are any how to take the necessary procedures and that they highly value to his young women and respect them as well and emirates airline has also jumped on the bandwagon when it comes to responding to this and they sent out a statement on sunday saying that they will stop the service between terrorists and by as instructed by that sin is in authorities we would love to hear what you have to say on the story if you've been caught up in this is a.j. news great you can also message me directly. on twitter sara thank you very much let's further explore the relationship between tunisia and the u.a.e. which has been somewhat complicated in recent years the u.a.e. traditionally has been tenacious second largest trading partner in the arab world but after the twenty seven anti-government protests in tunisia ties became strained in the u.s. policy its investments in the country the iraqis did not back the ennahda party that became part of the governing coalition after the revolution in tunisia in the
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past few years tunisian businessmen and foreign workers living in the u.a.e. have been facing difficulties doing business and getting work permits for more on this. let's speak to assam a car dealer who is a journalist and political commentator of the middle east i website he was the first to break the story of the tunisian women barred from flying the u.a.e. over security concerns thank you very much for joining us asama when you first heard about this story what did you think was behind this decision by the americans well thank you for having me initially the my first reaction was to think that this must have been some sort of security decision however there was no official statement released the very first thing that we heard was when the foreign minister tweeted on sunday the e-mail that was sent and distributed lines on the friday which was eventually leaked to the media showed the very. this on organized e-mail
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though a few type there were many typos and the people on the ground in the airports the people in the u.a.e. is transport ministry could not even confirm neither could the security officials confirm any reason the has been a lot of spec there's been a lot of speculation you know as to why this decision happened it's important to take into account the history of the of the relations between the two entries the before we look at that the emirates at first didn't interact as you see it didn't disclose the real reason as you say it prevented the tunisian women from flying to dubai and abu dhabi and now they're saying that tunisian women they had concerns at some tunisian women people with tunisian passports anyway that women were perhaps going to be committing terrorist acts what do you make of that. well i along with a lot of other commentators you know take this decision or this this specific statement that she is in women we're going to prepare for terrorist attacks in the country
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with you know a lot of scrutiny children as young as two years old will be i'm barred from flying i mean not many people would consider two year old threats and officials or even informing families that even if you are one month old female baby you wouldn't be allowed to fly and you wouldn't be allowed to enter the u.a.e. territory and so a lot of a lot of analysts would would put right down in that this is a political political decision especially when you consider that airlines like the emirates and airlines like it had they used as sort of. a you they used as a form of soft power right to form by the u.a.e. rand so this is clearly a political decision and the security the security decision explanation does not does not sit well with the narrative that we've been shown a political decision you say tunisia had been trying to repair ties with the u.a.e. which were damaged after the twenty eleven revolution where do you think this incident leaves that and to what extent does the current climate in the gulf the
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g.c.c. crisis play do this all. well it's important to look at the history of the relations off the twenty eleven revolution it's quite easy to dismiss the the the weak relationship between the united arab emirates and should is as a result of a lot of coming to power when in fact the reality is the united arab emirates considers the arab spring and the revolutions that swept the region of the twenty eleven a threat to its national interests and the reason being because of the monarchy system that they have and as a result you know their being claims that the united arab emirates have been seeking to undermine tunis is a nascent democracy and we saw in twenty fifteen a very public spots emerged in june is this political scene when it emerged that the united arab emirates had actually reached out to beijing i did subsea who is actually you know the current tunisian president and at the time he was the leader of the opposition and this was after the egyptian coup so what they've done is that they had apparently reached out to him and they offered to buy him out in order to
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ostracize another function is in politics and quote unquote in order to try and bring about the trinity and slush egyptian scenario into an it's better card to subsea refused and in twenty seventeen that form a tradition president most of that is ok he was elected of the thousand and eleven revolution actually made these claims in an al-jazeera interview where he said that the same people who are behind the egyptian coup actually attempted to the to do the same in so it's quite clear to say you know that the united arab emirates have been seeking to undermine his democracy so on the hundred louis so this decision is the most expressive yet and the most in your face ever since the two thousand and eleven revolution in the recent times from a card you want to leave it there unfortunately is a running out of time thank you so much for steak you very much listen mccarty thank you for having the middle east news website he was joining us there from london thank you very much and let's not cross over to london and i knew center there lauren taylor is here to tell us about the day that a news story. fully thank you very much russian opposition leader saying the valley
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has been barred from running in next year's presidential election the central election commission says he's ineligible because of a past criminal conviction novelli has responded by calling for a boycott of the march vote polls show president vladimir putin is on course to be reelected comfortably meaning he could remain in power until twenty twenty four of which sharon's is live in moscow with more there so this decision perhaps not a surprise but still disappointing for the money. not a surprise at all i was speculating with some colleagues yesterday that perhaps just maybe there might be some kind of shakeup possibly of russia's tightly controlled electoral system in the perhaps they wanted to breathe some life into what everyone assumes is going to be putin's march towards a fourth term in office in march twenty eighth but no the electoral commission voted twelve four one abstention to bar me from the
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race now it was a heated exchange at times with me saying that nobody was holding a gun to their heads the they should do the right thing for once in their lives and stop manipulating the elections the panel fired back the valley was. brainwashing kids. he was basically politically irrelevant anyway and that he was disrespecting the election committee so basically that's where we stand now and he's going to go away he's going to make an appeal to the constitutional courts he has always said that the constitution allows him to run that as long as he's not in jail or of sort of disrupted mental abilities that he can stand it's of course unclear whether the election committee yet swill sort of the
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rule of the constitutional court will go in his favor or or against him i suspect given russia being what it is that they'll probably march in step with the election committee he's also said that if he is ultimately barred from running that he is going to ask all of his supporters thousands of them to boycott the elections next year ray charles thank you very much indeed. at least four people been killed in a bus crash in moscow the bus was seen careering down stairs that lead to a metro station he to eating several people in the way police have ruled out a possibility of it being an attack saying it could be a mechanical fault or that the driver lost control of the vehicle afghanistan's parliament has summoned senior security officials after at least six people died in a suicide bombing in the capital kabul explosion happened near an intelligence agency building in kabul's shah neighborhood it's aca reportedly approached the
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agency's entrance on food before blowing himself up eisel has claimed responsibility thousands of people in the southern philippines are spending christmas in emergency shelters after tropical storm tembin left a trail of destruction landslides and flash floods have so far killed more than two hundred people robert wright has this update from a gun city. here in the city of iligan as darkness falls people here as elsewhere in parts of mindanao are assessing the damage from the storm that passed from the landslides that happened from the torrents of muddy water that overflowed the banks of rivers the river here in l.a. gand it overflowed its banks people had been told to evacuate and it washed away their homes they were living alongside a river that six years ago had a similar flood that washed away this bridge still people return to live here the fact is that with a growing population in mindanao people do tend to occupy vulnerable places
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riverbanks hillsides and so on the problem now for rescuers in mindanao is trying to reach more isolated communities especially with the destruction of infrastructure washing away of bridges roads that are closed or simply have been washed away the problem is trying to reach more remote communities with heavy equipment to continue the search for survivors and sadly as time continues it is now less a search for people alive it is more a search for bodies as the death toll mounts here in this part of mindanao there is also the added problem of the conflict that has been happening just a short distance from here in morocco we this is a fight between government forces in groups linked with i so it's not known just what impact this storm will have on the security situation or on the search for a lasting peace but certainly for people who've been displaced from the area of the
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fighting and have been in temporary accommodation here in their league and it certainly adds misery upon misery not only can they not return to the area of conflict that they've been evacuated from they'd simply don't know if they have any homes to go back to. school for me for them meant back now to flee and there you are and thank you very much and still ahead on the grid mess. second. on artificial intelligence known from the looks at how developing countries economies could be threatened with financial collapse we'll explain why the disdain. the warmth has gone from the levant from northern egypt had what three or four days of temperatures well above average but it's gone with the clattered which looks a bit like a frontal system so it should be reasonably woman the heart of iran that's hard to
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tell whether it's going to be to be honest but it's still forty in kabul and ahead of it all there is rain or snow up in the hindu kush and took been a stand and beyond so a change then to fresh air and well normal weather throughout iraq and the levant that egypt the might be a coming change after that with a wind back as a southerly but temporary we've got to drop down to north as it executes to change so as riyadh sees a mexico only twenty two there are twenty five that'll be followed by north westerly which you will feel it will certainly clear away any of the fog has been around the the coast of u.a.e. in the last couple of days and be a fresh feel altogether proper rains been falling recently in zimbabwe in malawi and in tanzania and you can see it on the satellite picture that's still going to be the focus of the heaviest seasonal rains the next day or so if you're south of that but swallow and certainly south africa it really is quiet with big open blue skies enjoy the sunshine.
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i and the cuckoo. cuckoo. cuckoo. cuckoo. cuckoo. i am all just here and the stories trending on al-jazeera dot com at number one
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there besides christmas what else is celebrated in december find out when you read that article also trending tunisia banning emirates flights after several tunisian women were denied entry a story we covered on the news break today and also. number three that same story no women no flights and a twitter roll over the tunisia u.a.e. spies read about those stories and much more on our website al-jazeera dot com. with news feed on al-jazeera and we've got people watching today from mogadishu and i roby and new york thank you so much for your company don't forget to connect with us sending your comments and questions to us in our correspondence on all of our social media platforms used to hash tag news great moving on and there's been anger and protests in peru after jailed former president alberto fujimori was pardoned on health grounds i am. dozens of his opponents gave vented their anger near the presidential palace on sunday fujimori was serving
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a twenty five year sentence for corruption and human rights crimes committed during his decade in power some protesters chanted kill if which you morry while carrying photos of those killed while he was while he was president here's my honest sanchez's report from the. wounded. he spent years in prison campaigning for his release. never acknowledged most of the crimes for which he was sentenced to twenty five years. the former president always claimed his innocence for the murders and disappearances by a government sanctioned death squad critics say the government was the most corrupt improve in history. mr pender squirted the seventy nine year old former leader with the defeat of shining path rebels and then a nine hundred ninety s. rians where at the cusp of unarmed conflict that killed thousands of people supporters also say for him what he helped save the economy from collapse for years
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his children campaigned for his release aim he was ill and frail but he didn't have a terminal illness a condition for a humanitarian pardon president alan garcia denied him the freedom he craved. my greatest pain is to acknowledge there for part of the population for him or he was able to victimize himself looking for a depressing image presented himself as a hostage of the judiciary. an opinion poll in may said fifty nine percent approve yes favored letting him go supporters say it's time for him to have a quiet life. to stay at home live serenely enjoys granddaughters enjoy the people who love him and be free to decide to do whatever he wants. many peruvian school for years oppose the presidential pardon were open to release if he asked for forgiveness for the crimes he committed but for the families of the victims
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gesture was never enough. families of the victims say they feel betrayed. promised he wouldn't pardon for he money to win votes. to win justice for more than two decades. but. they don't care about our stuff about our desolation and the pain we still endure and we will never find peace. he's old well i'm old too and i haven't found justice yet he must complete a sentence despite his release from facing another trial a case is pending for the deaths of six people if convicted for the money faces another twenty five years in prison. families of the victims see they won't stop demanding justice and hope to see him behind bars again but yes i just want to see . and sarah has been monitoring the trending hashtag fujimori what people say
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exactly how i was actually trending worldwide and the reaction online has been pretty strong with hashtags like indulged to insult being used which means the pardon is an insult so you get a picture of the rhetoric on line but a majority of tweets are expressing actually shock and anger at this pardon and we've been reading a few online accounts from people sharing their stories on social media under fifty mores a leadership and job is one of them he's one example he talks about the curfews parliamentary death squads living in fear saying we will take the streets no justice no peace and also a lot of the online chats senses around accusations a deal was made to protect president problem kusin scaife from impeachment over allegations of corruption now those accusations are coming from politicians like veronica just a she's a former presidential candidate and leftist politician and in this tweet she says to save his own skin the president cuts a deal with fischer miri supporters she also called his decision to pardon would
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you morry as treason now lots of work that's being bounced along our own online quite often but you saw video of protesters earlier but this one here will be showing use of our parts is that by a victim's mother her son her very last was killed during the last massacre in one thousand nine hundred ninety three plus three other. all of i want to allow you to mock our pain i haven't forgotten the loss of my son would have turned thirty five today i will fight for justice even though christmas should be spent at home with family i will be here on the street to protest is part of. and this video which will be playing that they go rates way to several times on social media as well and shows fury son kent is the moment he broke the news to his father about the pardon candy who's fought for his father's release tweeted this video and wished everyone a merry christmas now for maury is a pretty divisive figure improved despite the outrage against the pardon his
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supporters have been keen to get heard they've been celebrating the latest news outside of the hospital where he's being treated and he's admired by some peruvians for his fighting against maoist rebels in proving the country's economy and that's what they say but let's listen supervenes around the world both for and against the pardon i am against problem two former president of the fujimori because it does not comply with the requirement not follow the due process too many tire in part on we cannot build national reconciliation without justice we owe it to the victims to their relatives not to party. i don't think it is i have to take public which inskeep i have to take him because he put his pants on to give freedom to my chino when i was seventeen years old squared directed by pretty murderous regime chased me and pointed me with
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a gun here. we haven't had a nice time yesterday finding out about this and we are asking for the international community to intervene once again because. they're a democracy and our stake here. jesus made a miracle by giving freedom to the cheney to thank you god thank you lord we want love and peace in this country we've had enough hate we need peace love and reconciliation. committee i'm a victim of food humility my parents died because of him this pardon is not acceptable especially when there are prisoners dying in prison cells from terminal diseases. so seems quite a divisive critter figo base christmas day in many parts the world and national stop you from getting in touch with us the hash tag is aging. the handle so get in
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touch sarah thank you very much for that the economy and the fight against corruption will be key issues when i billions vote in a presidential election runoff on tuesday former football song george way is taking on vice president joseph because i the winner will replace ellen johnson sirleaf africa's first female president who has ruled liberia for twelve years and i think a look at the two rivals in the race for liberia's presidency george way who received thirty eight percent of the votes cast in the first round in october will be up against because who got twenty eight percent the fifty one year old has carefully crafted is image as the prole poor candidate he spent his own childhood in the slums of monrovia rising to become the first african to be named fief as world player of the year in one thousand nine hundred ninety five in two thousand and three way return to liberia and became a senator the following year before unsuccessfully running for president in two thousand and five he was also the running mate for the main opposition candidate in twenty eleven now his rival joseph walker i is the former head of liberia's state
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run petroleum refinery and i agree culture minister. the seventy two year old has served as president ellen johnson sirleaf deputy since two thousand and six but his twelve years of service haven't secured him said it's backing she's endorsed john way instead al jazeera is mommy is covering these elections for us in liberia joins us now from monrovia the capital is going to be a tight election or is there one candidate that stands out well fully if the results of a full held in october anything to go by where the lead here. of walk twenty eight percent but a lot haas happened since then. the more than two dozen other candidates who did not make it to the ronald of
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been been. expressing their support for the company it's a lot might give walker more than he got in the force from good where is popular with the youth of this country who amount to up to six the pos of the population of the country but is where his support base of walker is banking on his experience told me years of the vice president under ellen johnson sirleaf and also being a bill cut for more than forty years so it's experience vases popularity with the young people of this country and it will be interesting to see which one wins indeed it will be thank you very much for that mohammed outdoor life or as in monrovia and the ex-wife of charles taylor liberia's former president a man serving a fifty year prison sentence at the hague for crimes against humanity is george way is running mate joe howard tayla seems an unlikely choice of running mate sarah
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spoke to her about liberia's difficult past and the future that interview on our website on dizzier dot com now to a story off the grid wiki leaks founder julian assange just twitter account is down and sour is here to tell us about the reaction an outrageous has caused online using whatever judas songe is involved it will always be worldwide trending in this is one of those stories because his twitter account disappeared on sunday and the reason actually still remains unknown and that's what people have been talking about online thousands of tweets in fact by social media uses mostly out of the u.s. reacting to that disappearance and they're wondering what's going on some have come to the conclusion that his account has been deleted deleted whether he did that were not people see it to be known but others have said that twitter has actually suspended the account now james haire for example has tweeted saying why what's what's a band of songs when he was prepping to drop something big who is twitter trying to
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protect by this drop of information and. i have another suites here from shaaban he says a sign is an important political perspective and in no way violates the platform policy and immediately restore fairness honor account is required and this is what the person is added now social media users also raise concerns about solar safety is a cat went offline just days after an alleged robbery at the madrid office of wiki leaks lawyer balts assad gaza now a lot of speculation as you can tell and in fact schaller also hey she says that it highlights the fact there is no confirmation of his son's account being deactivated or didn't need to buy twitter and no conclusions should be made we want to know if you're following this story can you find out what the mystery is so you force with us using the hash tag a.j. news grid you can message me directly as well thank you very much for that sorry the world bank is warning artificial intelligence could trigger the collapse of
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economies in developing countries it's feared that robots making clothes and footwear were undercut the cost of human factory workers in nations like bangladesh and vietnam lawrence lee has the details in his second of a five part series on artificial intelligence. every day all over the western world goods are delivered to hungry consumers most of them manufactured hoffa whirled away over the seas by people who often earn virtually nothing and while the fourth industrial revolution the age of robotics and automation promises radically to alter the lives of people in the rich world it is by no means clear whether any of the benefits will be passed on to the world's working poor. some global brands are discussing whether to reach shore manufacturing from asian sweat shops to europe where three d. princes might make clothes or shoes the world bank has projected that in some african or asian countries up to eighty percent of people might lose their jobs. if
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it's true that many workers and many of them young women particularly textile and footwear industries opportunity going to be out of a job or their work is potentially radically reduced then to what extent will this lead to social unrest to social destitution and essentially a fundamental crisis at the heart that society others ask why someone who owns a factory in the far east would bother investing in expensive robotic technology but it's far cheaper to keep paying workers a dollar a day to machine like that at the moment will be well beyond the reach of a factory owner in bangladesh or in china or vietnam for that matter. secondly a machine like that is likely to break down fairly often because it's it's a very fine piece of equipment if it breaks down the whole factory and then many in a factory the entire factory comes to a standstill social unrest is already
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a fact of life it could get far worse so to the continued and probably growing movements of people except the west they may want to move to might be suffering job losses itself as automation takes over. if the future of the developing world is to be decided in places like this then frankly it looks pretty bleak either it seems robotics will increasingly be used to take jobs away from no three different associated with places like asia although the same workers will continue to exist on the same person for their version for years about the worst thing of all is that nobody seems to be talking about it there is however a growing understanding of how automation can help in emergencies here at southampton university in southern england drones are being tested to fly medicines or food into dangerous or difficult places it's simpler and potentially more effective than throwing bags out of planes you can send lots of little bits of aid
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to lots of little areas and it's trivial and straightforward. pinpoint as in other words take the aid to where it's needed dropping it centrally in the rich world robotics could take away many current job spot it could also create new ones which haven't even been trumped up yet but for those in the workshops of the world it could be disastrous and it's coming only al-jazeera london and in part three of his series on artificial intelligence lawrence lee will look at the emergence of driverless cars and trucks advocates point to estimates that driverless vehicles will save more than one million lives a year but what will happen to the hundreds of millions of jobs linked to the automotive industry that report will be broadcast on al-jazeera on tuesday. arliss find out what people are talking about in sports today is tatiana they might have a folly thank you very much you might be surprised to know what christmas day is a huge occasion for the world sports boscobel is very popular at the spas of the
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n.b.a. take to the court and was a seventy year old tradition with december twenty fifth often featuring a rematch of last season's finals and this year is no different the champions the golden state warriors face the cavan cavalier with monday's five games set to be viewed in over two hundred countries one player expected not to feature because of injury is golden state stahmann steph curry see seen here however main man of cleveland bron james should play his cave inside have the third best record in the east and will be looking to avenge their four one finals dropping by the warriors who a second in the west let's see just how much of the world are interested in christmas n.b.a. are you just sitting around talking to the biggie putting let's say the hash tag n.b.a. xmas is being used on twitter in our trends map here it shows that there's been plenty of chatter in the us in the past twenty four hours there's quite a lot in europe as well and some pockets of conversation in south america africa
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and east asia as well earlier we spoke smart marc batchelor editor of the end base was illustrators who expects n.b.a. on christmas to become an even bigger occasion than it already is. this is really a great day for watching television or at least having a t.v. on in the background. you know if you're up at six o'clock usually it's cold out nothing's open you can't really go outside so you sort of hope. so it's really sort of an eye peeled they just have to have the t.v. on while you're doing whatever you're doing and the n.b.a. has really seized on that and turned christmas into really a daylong basketball celebration the n.b.a. has had has a real advantage over say the n.f.l. in the n.f.l. every team doesn't play every team every year in the n.b.a. they can set the schedule all over they want it so they will pick. the best rival three games they can and there are some great team rivalries like today will see
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the cavaliers play the warriors in a rematch of the finals will see the wizards play the celtics and those are two teams that have had some had some real issues in the past. so it's a chance for the n.b.a. to really showcase what it does best and that is sort of the superstar matchups that northerly league match so you know in sort of turning it into this daylong appointment viewing. you know the main into something that's bigger than just the game because you know the teams will wear special christmas uniforms players will break out their special christmas shoes i think they're even christmas socks this year there are criticisms a couple years ago stan van gundy who's the coach got fined for suggesting that they really should have games and christmas. you know it's hard to find people are going to be incredibly sympathetic towards the players and the coaches who are making an awful lot of money off of the games on christmas day i think where the
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criticism become more of allen or when we're talking about people who work at the arenas people who normally wouldn't be working on christmas day who have to come in . work at the concession stands or work in the parking lot or be ushered those are the people who are really sort of inconvenienced by it and i think when people suggest that maybe this isn't the best idea that's what they're talking about all that said it just seems like it's it's so popular with so many people who are impacted by that that i don't think it's ever going to it's ever going to slow down. i k well let's see who else has been talking about christmas day n.b.a. on social media platforms as well cleveland star marla bron james posted this message on his twitter page he said being away from my family for the holidays for work is the absolute worst love why do i wouldn't change it for the world but that
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doesn't change the fact of how i'm feeling at this moment then there's this tweet from ben wilson who says some traditions will never die and he uses that trending hashtag and be a xmas big fan there and out as there is a very iron sports correspondent the helmet posted this on his twitter page he said the no and miami heat colors anymore but there's nothing like seeing best friends king james and dwayne wade back together wreaking havoc on christmas day no gold stars for guessing who's the hell support as always you can get in touch with us you think the hash tag a.j. news great or tweet me to write k.s. time tatyana i'll be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now i'll hand you back to fully thank you very much for that tatiana that's it for this hour news great we'll leave you with christmas celebrations from around the world thank you very much for watching.
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was chris was. or. are. are. a.
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carcinogen. for years japanese have gone into countries lush force for what they call. forest baby thirteen years ago dr lee was one of the first to conduct research on forest bathing he concluded that the essential oils the trees produce to protect themselves from germs and bugs can boost the human immune system.
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in the forests my research has shown that forest reduces stress hormones. in the future the time may come when doctors prescribe the forest instead of medicine. documenting st john this. summer was inspired to transform perception. and capture the fibrin sea of the emerging black youth culture now is one of the people. from the. same time the new african photography. this time on al-jazeera. his christmas message to call for peace. and dialogue.


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