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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm +03

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right. i'll just. see you're fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha. welcome to the new spirit a fifth day of anti-government protests in iran and reports solve at least fourteen deaths in hundred arrests haven't been seen in more than eight years and president rouhani has told his people they can demonstrate what he says is unacceptable that
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is fine it's also on the grid what looks like another blow to the two state solution israel could party has approved a draft resolution calling for the annexation of large parts of the occupied west bank those would be the parts illegally occupied by israeli settlers from arab and he's exploiting the tension the end of the explosions and kim jong. un his threats against the united states but this time he adds an ominous footnote saying not only does north korea have nuclear weapons which could lead to the u.s. but that the launch is always on this time. china says instead it was being a dumping ground for foreign waste and its ban on importing rubbish to reduce pollution has thrown the global waste into industry into chaos i'm satisfied and you can tweet me throughout the sharing your thoughts using the hash tag a.j. . you're with the news grid live on air and streaming online through you tube
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facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com fourteen deaths at least that is what we are hearing from iranian state media this monday after four days of anti-government protests now a fifth government backed channel says security forces repelled quote armed protesters who tried to take over police stations and military bases have been dependably verified we must fight regardless the situation is tense it has prompted president hassan rouhani to tell the iranian people on sunday to remain peaceful in their protests as a lady's. a social media blackout didn't stop protesters from gathering on iran's streets for a fourth day and posting these videos by the iranian government says people have the right to express their discontent but violence is unacceptable the iranian state media says some social media sites and messaging apps such as telegram have
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been blocked to keep the peace. on saturday there were also pro-government rallies our own take it we cannot predict the time when the protests will come to an end but the protests will shake the people in power who must give priority to people's demands and needs. to know what i'm going to find the state of the economy and rising prices sparked the initial protests austerity measures after years of sanctions have led to a twelve percent unemployment rate but anger has also shifted to foreign policy protesters are critical of the government support for the syrian regime of bashar al assad has bola in lebanon and hamas in the occupied palestinian territory. the iranian government says foreign entities are fomenting violent and deadly clashes among the dead two people one a boy hit by a fire truck in what's been described as an accident authorities say it was stolen
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and abandoned in. through investigations we came to know there is a clear role played by the foreign intelligence agencies and the government open session in these killings the police never opened fire on the protesters now did cloven a great role in the in washington d.c. outside the white house people called for the removal of president has been rouhani president donald trump tweeted that people are quote getting wise to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism rouhani fired back. him who is down on this man who today in america wants to simplify as a people has to go to but a few months ago he called the nation of terrorists. these are the largest protests in almost a decade although sunday's protests were smaller than the previous night there are calls for people to continue with the demonstrations natasha going to al-jazeera.
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they're fascinating pictures to look at by a couple of things i want to flag up the way down to zero dot com on this we've got this first of all the five things you need to know you know this gets put to get a pretty sharpish when a story like this starts to develop and at the bottom if i just keep going down there past donald trump we've got a recent edition of inside story looking at what has triggered the latest protests i would also suggest though that you go back in time a little bit go back to the big protests of two thousand and nine back then people in power had an on the street documentary called inside the protests and last year we revisited that on rewind this page i'm showing you here where the filmmaker told us that the movement was far from finished and maybe he was right have a look for yourself rewind is in the documentary section at al-jazeera dot com. maybe you want to get in touch with us on this story or any of the stories we've got coming up that you saw in our opening sequence here come the contact details for you hashtag news grid as ever if you're using twitter at a.j. english the call out is they you can reply to the thread there with the hash tag as
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well we keep an eye out for your replies at facebook dot com slash al-jazeera the live stream is up and running hello if you're watching there do send us your comments or hop on your phone plus nine hundred four five one triple one four nine is the whatsapp number ok and we're going to return to the around story a little bit later in the newsgroup but right now what's being called a blatant aggression that's palestinian president mahmoud abbas saying that describing a draft resolution by israel's look could posse calling for a large parts of the occupied west bank to be annexed now the vote was held on sunday i have to point out it is nonbinding but it carries some political force given the could is the party of prime minister benjamin netanyahu what land we're talking about have a look here we're going to do a little refresher here starting with this map from the palestine remakes interactive this is the basic outline today you know this one israel gaza and the occupied west bank if i assume in a little bit all these areas which i'm going to highlight these are the built up palestinian communities will include gaza there of course as well so immediately can see how much they've been condensed and compressed over the years then i'm
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going to go to this map here which is the more detailed u.n. map again all the light areas those sort of yellow areas those are those same palestinian communities i showed you before but if you see anything in red any shade of red some talking here over in the east in the sort of more remote parts of the territory built up areas most of the middle of course further down in jerusalem there are a lot of these red areas as well these are all illegal israeli settlements there are a lot of them and you've also got if i just come up here bear with me for one second this dark red line going through the middle of the screen right now that is the israeli separation wall it doesn't follow this green line which is the internationally recognized border it in fact as you see in places like here and here it. cuts into the west bank to accommodate those illegal settlements keeping them on the israeli side of the wall other thing to note is that the draft resolution didn't actually specify which areas would be an it could be any of those dark red areas let's talk to our correspondent in west jerusalem on this one talk
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to us mohammed first of all about where this goes on the israeli side further into the knesset. welcome all that really is the big question today look this vote that happened yesterday it was interesting the run up to it for several reasons number one in the days leading up to it you had members of the likud central committee stating to the press here that this was actually a binding vote meaning that they believed that them voting on this referendum and that if it passed that would mean that prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as other likud members would then be compelled to take this referendum to take it to take it then to the knesset here in trying to get it passed into law in fact the matter is we spoke to many analysts yesterday and this is not a binding resolution that's been borne out after the vote even goes then you
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started seeing people here talking about the fact that that vote that the resolution was not binding it was largely symbolic it was really interpreted here as a way for the liquid central committee to rally the faithful to really make sure that they held on to their core supporters their hard line supporters especially in light of the decision by u.s. president donald trump to recognize drew slim as the capital of israel there were members of the likud central committee that said that if not now when would they do something like this something they hope to do for quite some time what exactly comes next nobody really knows because we've not yet heard from prime minister netanyahu whether he endorses this or not there is a strain of thought here that says that he really wants nothing to do with this it's too much of a political headache and while he did not block the vote from happening which theoretically he could have done at the same time many analysts here believe that he does not want to deal with having to try to take this to the knesset at a time that is fraught with so much tension because it would just make things here so much more uncertain and really be seen as an inflammatory thing to do right now
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and a modest immune reaction can you take us through some of us. well palestinian president mahmoud abbas has said unequivocally that this is you know this is unacceptable we've also we've heard from the who we've heard from hamas we've heard from islamic jihad today all of them essentially decrying this as the end of the oslo accords basically saying that if this were to go to the knesset in its current form that this would end the peace process that this would mean that any hope of trying to find a two state solution for the crisis here would no longer be viable that's really the sentiment throughout all the palestinian factions that we've heard from today as of last night even before the vote happened we were speaking to palestinian lawmakers and they were saying much the same thing they were saying this is really the wrong thing to do it's the wrong time to try to do something like this and they also told us that this essentially is something that would have such negative
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ramifications and again it would just signal that the peace process here is dead once and for all germs in west jerusalem at m i gem germ if you want to connect with him on twitter thanks hermod. we go to tel aviv now getting lazy with us columnist with the how it's newspaper in your opinion how important is well this whole story that we're talking about because it's clearly an inflammatory move but as mohamed just pointed out as well prime minister netanyahu doesn't seem too interested in it because of everything else that's going on at the moment. you know if you isolate this resolution from last night you might really claim that it's a totally unimportant resolution because it has no practical meaning it's not a bill in the parliament it's just the resolution of a of a gathering of a party gathering but one should see the broader context of the broader context is
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that this is illusion reflects the real intentions and the real reality on the ground israel wants and exceed those to the annex a them they fucked over fifty years ago it never had an intention to put an end to the occupation to give up those the tories and this resume lucian just reflects the nation intention of the nation a sentiment and reality and reality is that the occupation is here to stay and you should better realize it so are we looking at almost a season if you like for such events given again as mohammed said donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital and to move the embassy there eventually if there is some. it's a good time to push through more or try to push through more controversial things on the israeli side. absolutely because israel can go wild now because israel can because there is no one to stop israel and in many ways one
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should see also the bright side of this resolution because it puts an end to the mess carried it shows the real intention the real plan and it shows interface also the reality and the meadow effect is that there is no peace process and there was never any intention to give up the territories and the two state solution is the and one should realize into draw the conclusions instead of continuing to say again and again two state solution peace process knowing that this train left the station long time ago but they will that they'll keep saying it won't and i'm when i say they i mean all sides i mean the israelis the palestinians the americans whoever they will still lean on that as you call that masquerade of we all support the idea of two states but with x. y. and z. conditions on it they're going to keep saying it. absolutely because that's the best way and the most secure way to maintain the status quo war to deepen and
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strengthen the occupation and to make the whole slate because everyone agrees on the two state solution it's wonderful israel even the prime minister had agreed upon it and now we can go on building settlements do nothing for putting an end to the occupation do everything possible to make this reality irreversible and nobody has any complains because this slogan of two state solution is still on the wall that's exactly the mess carried which an able the occupation to continue for solo get in there are always interesting talking to you we thank you so much for your time just quickly i showed you that map from palestine remakes a little earlier if you've not seen it before remakes is an entire interactive site which lets you jump into the al-jazeera archives effectively you're going to access pictures and videos and maps and then you can edit them into a story that you want to highlight about the israel palestine so drenches so far has been you know four and a half thousand of these remakes is made by well anyone out there it is unique it
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is award winning it is palestine remakes and it is in the interactive section and out to zero dot com. to north korea now where a new warning has been issued to the united states by the leader kim jong un himself kim says his country's nuclear forces are no longer a threat they are a reality and added they were capable of reaching the u.s. mainland and that the launch button was on his desk now whether all of that is true and of course we don't know but this is the long held fear that north korea could put a nuclear warhead on one of its long range missiles in this case we would be talking about the orange line and the green line would see here which are the go down a little bit further the fourteen and the type of dong two as well they clearly have the continental united states in their range but could also go for the south past hawaii and even down here into the south pacific where there is the u.s. territory of guam but while it was all threats and rhetoric for the united states
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kim had a surprising more conciliatory tone full south korea learns that he has all the details from kim jong un's new year's day speech. this is how north korea welcomed the new year with a fireworks display much like the rest of the world but it is leader kim jong un's new year's day address that is drawing all the attention if two thousand and seventeen was marked by fiery rhetoric and rising tensions because of north korea's nuclear ambitions two thousand and eighteen may bring more of the same. corners from that the u.s. mainland is within the range of our nuclear strike and the nuclear button is put on the desk in my office at all times they should clearly on their stand but this is never a trash what a reality kim has called for the mass production and deployment of more nuclear warheads and missiles but weapons experts agree that north korea may not yet have
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the technology to miniaturize a nuclear warhead and mounted a missile that can react to the atmosphere while kim speech made no mention of the new kid atmospheric test he reiterated the claim that north korea is now a nuclear power in stark contrast to the hostile remarks to the united states is the conciliatory overture from kim jong un to south korea he's even suggested dialogue between the two sides something south korean president proposed several months ago and which north korea ignored. we should actively create an atmosphere to move forward with the national reconciliation and reunification improving ties between the north and the south is an urgent issue that not only the north and south want to see what everyone else wants he suggested north korea is prepared to send its athletes to participate in the upcoming winter olympics and paralympics in next month. south korea has responded to these proposals positively saying it hopes communication which has been severed between
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the two sides for nearly two years can be restored so whether in south korea's presidential office wall comes north korean leader kim jong il's new year's speech today which expressed willingness to send a delegation to the counter olympics and proposed talks as the egg knowledges don't need for improvement into korean ties but analysts say the olive branch may be a ploy to gain some political ground north korea wants to drive away she returns hold on washington at the same time try to dilute the impact of economic sanctions north korea is facing its toughest sanctions yet including a cap on petrol imports as punishment for its nuclear and missile tests last year kim jong un speech while it seems to lay open a path to dialogue with south korea is proof that north korea's nuclear ambitions are here to stay florence li al jazeera seoul thousands of people have marched in hong kong venting their frustrations over china's tightening grip on the city this
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is a yearly rally but as david upon reports now many fear twenty eighteen will just be another disappointing year for hong kong's democracy movements. defend hong kong the theme for this year's rally those taking part say the protest has particular resonance after year when people's rights were violated repeatedly israel will be cautious about history because. we see the dettori asian loose in the rule of law in hong kong so we believe we should stand here to protest the future of the various posters depict their grievances they are protesting against the jailing of three young pro-democracy student leaders and also condemning a change in legislative council procedures that would enable the government to push through unpopular loss without opposition and they are angry at a plan that could for the first time allow mainland chinese law enforcement
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officials to operate on hong kong soil i'm afraid at a pop up becoming and other parts at china. where you are just as directly got on top by the government that there isn't and if we don't know not many we know. so i want all clock freedom prints to. come out in march like this would be unthinkable elsewhere in china where the government cracks down harshly on any kind of dissent but with new security last proposed unlikely to be implemented next year many fear that they will not be able to express their anger or criticize the government so openly in the future but there are those who feel beijing has hong kong's best interests at heart dozens of people held their own rally holding up hong kong and china flags they say they represent many in the city who would rather stay out of politics. people like susan kwan who has been running this two food shop for forty five years business is brisk on the first day of twenty eighteen for the sixty four
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year old she says hong kong people have a lot of freedom and democracy shouldn't be a priority i don't know if you've got that you've got china is a very strong country we shouldn't upset them if you haven't done anything wrong there's no need to be scared of the chinese government. the rally entered civic square with protesters surrounded by police they are defiant almost euphoric to be here in front of the government offices which had been closed to the public for nearly three years this is where the landmark twenty four thousand pro-democracy occupy movement began and this is where in the past activists have held rallies and one against the government they hope it's a sign the twenty eight thousand will be a year when the government will listen to their concerns if you go palin are jazeera hong kong. so that's on there the basic trash that is a nice segue for us are this another story to do with hong kong if extern result people's traffic in plastic triads mainly about china and china doesn't want you waste anymore it's going to have a significant impact on your country in fact few years china's been
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a dumping ground for it cause young foreign rubbish but outsole changes of the first day of twenty eighteen now twenty four types of waste from the likes of the u.s. u.k. and hong kong all banned from entering the country why well china's environment is suffering and so are its citizens with better health but the ban will have massive right precautions on the global multibillion dollar waste disposal and recycling industry and countries who rely on china suddenly trying to find new markets to get rid of their rubbish now the european commission has even trying to convince china to delay the van and of course hasn't happened but to put this into context since the nineteen eighties china's been the world's largest importer of waste and process of recycled materials so much so that on average it processed around seven point three million tonnes of plastic rubbish a year the whole of the world's recyclable plastic so why is china doing this well
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in the eighty's china needed ways to feed its manufacturing industry which we're all familiar with but it paid the price and now it's actually a plan to become green and energy efficient now in july in china switched on the world's knowledge is floating solar power plant and today invests more each year in wind hydro and solar power than any other country on earth as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases it's launched the world's largest ever mechanism to reduce carbon and on monday introduced is first ever tax protect the environment and cuts pundits in this charge now while the rest of the world thinks out what to do with its waste campaigners say it's a good opportunity for governments to tackle the issue and a green peace east asia campaign a says this regulation will send shock waves around the world. and forced many countries to tackle the out of sight out of mind attitude we've developed to wards waste now the world cannot continue with the current wasteful consumption model based on infinite growth in a finite world rather than find new places to explore waste governments in the
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private sector must find ways to simply reduce the amount of waste we are creating but what do you think do you think it's time your government does something to reduce its waste maybe you are one person who likes to recycle so get in touch with me and we want to heo story you thanks our this is big at the moment in a plastic recycling very very big issue one other point i want to make to do with china. as you know we are an international media network with our roots here in the middle east it was actually seventeen years ago on this day that al jazeera dot net launched that is down to series arabic news website today is the point i'm trying to make we take another global state with the launch of al-jazeera in mandarin it is the first news website of its kind from an arabic news provider where not targeting the chinese population of one and a half billion people and tying in with the content which is already up on chinese social media platforms that way when we chat it is also can i say a fitting tribute to dr. who's on to beijing bureau chief he oversaw the project he
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said lee passed away last week the u.r.l. is chinese don't al-jazeera don't net it is up and running and online right now so get out there and help us spread the word. now a few of your comments just before we hit the breaks that she'd been a lot coming through particularly on iran north korea as well i did like this comment on facebook here north korea's toward the great lessons of the countries in the world especially the road countries or dictatorships if you don't want to be invited by america it's nuclear weapons that's a simplistic look at it but maybe we need to take simple looks at things also on iran we've got lots of questions here and i've got a guest coming to the studio off the brights i'm going to save those questions but this comment here on twitter it's not the iranian opposition always waits for a new u.s. administration to test the waters in the hope that the new administration may catch on and deliver what unquote freedom coincidence or not more of your thoughts and questions on iran to come off the bike is that we have a guest in studio with us with the news grid on al jazeera if you're watching us on
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facebook live with the story if you have a growing number of young muslim women who are finding creative ways to incorporate the hip hop into some colorful fashion play that is coming up next and also ahead the wage gap between men and women we know it's a very real problem iceland is doing something about it from today january first twenty eighteen that story in a moment. i recall telling a bit of disturbed weather in the forecast for the middle east over the next couple of days little area cloud just so spilling out of that east and sort of the mediterranean into the levant you can see that cloud just nestling its way across syria lebanon jordan all the way down into israel further north we have seen some rather lively showers into turkey they're making their way further west was the coming back in behind there to choose day that will change a few. central parts of iraq easing over towards iran back that around nineteen
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self just to see a few flurries of snow to the northern part of the country over the high ground as we go on into whedon's stay here comes our next batch of disturbed weather pushing into the levant by road around eighteen celsius is struggling to get into double figures for a laptop with the cloud and the rain just coming in off the map but sort of the wet weather across the arabian peninsula temperatures picking up again in doha to around twenty seven celsius the early morning mist and for that we've seen recently should clear away at least for choose day maybe a little more misty as we go into weather say the winds for lighting but i think that breeze should be enough to keep any fog problems at by meanwhile we've got some very heavy rain coming towards madagascar at the moment a possibility of us typical cycle of pushing in here with some wet weather stretching its way to northern tanzania. a nation where corruption is endemic now embroiled in
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a battle to hold the power to account. how does this radical transformation occur during that i mean you know nobody really that if you want to go shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people at this time on al-jazeera. in two thousand and eight al-jazeera documented a groundbreaking scheme. preparing some of india's poorest children for entry into its toughest universities. ten years on we return to see how the students and the scheme of helping change the face of india. super authority at this time announces era. i
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have managed. the headlines and i'll be there dot com and what's trending today in iran is right at the top there as you might expect there. tax economic reform in the u.a.e. and saudi arabia will be talking about a little bit later from london it is
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a fascinating story in this part of the world more on iran there is so much there for you to check out whenever you want to out of the real point you look at the something new out of the box. let's talk about iran very pleased to have ali for telenor job with us here a visiting fellow at the brookings doha center very fortunate that our viewers have had plenty of time to put in some questions to us so i'm going to throw some of those at you alie on facebook and said this was bound to happen with a and these are his words despotic regime running amok through the region ignoring the basic human rights and economic social needs of the iranian people now that's an extreme view but what he seems to be saying is that the iranian people have been ignored here and eight years or so after the last protests they've decided to rise up again as it is that the easiest way to look at this all is not wrong certainly the fact that has been a lot of discontent by many iranians views of the iran's domestic situation there has been a lot of socioeconomic problems with
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a lot of people living in poverty in iran and also a lot of frustration over the political system and the lack of democratic structures in the islamic republic and also the choice that people have also have always had between the bad and the worst when it comes for example to the presidential elections and i think it's so there's been a lot of discontent simmering under the surface for quite a long time i get that feeling as i look at these pictures now i'm sort of having flashbacks to two thousand and nine you know that crushing of the social media movement with the attempts to crush that and the violence on the streets and all that are you in a mindset that it could get back to that level that it could scoop up a whole lot more discontent i mean it's actually i mean you can compare it but there are also differences too that the two thousand and nine green movement there have been much more involvement for. the middle classes from the higher middle classes perhaps and also the agenda of the green movement although the lot of
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participants were from all over the place were very much dictated by the reformist faction of the iran of iran's political elite this time around we see not so many people coming out but yet the geographical scope is much larger and we see a lot of people from you know lowest social strata so this is perhaps the difference and it is interesting isn't it i want to widen things out and i'm going to do that with a question from one of our viewers on what's happier unfortunate hasn't sent a name here so if you do. send in a question on their own what's happened well here but anyway is there any foreign interference in this latest iranian political instability from america israel or iran's classic enemy saudi arabia it's a good question because rich politics in this part of the world at the moment it is so intertwined now in one cannot exclude the possibility that there are some elements within iran who might be supportive from outside forces and there are a lot of outside forces who might want to see some kind of you know might want to
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intervene in the iranian political scene somehow but then again i think it's an in total exaggerated claim because you know your line is a very large country and there are structural issues that has been that have been there regardless of foreign interference so i think and and also you know the the government and also the state institutions try to portray those protests only being a result of outside of interference and this is in my view not correct what about president rouhani we have seen him come out and speak and say yes you can protest but keep it peaceful we don't want violence he is obviously a very different leader to prison at the age of he was in power during the last protest is he handling this well do you think. i think not really i mean he has been not really being able to address the concerns of both socio economic and political is what about before that what about handling the actual protests issue now because that the risk of it getting out of control is there and this is what
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he's got to stop that happening i mean the reality is that what has been also been portrayed by a lot of those slogans being chanted by the process this is that president rouhani is viewed to be part and parcel of the entire system to which you know many iranians feel a lot of criticism so he's not really being seen as someone very different from the rest of the elite although a lot of people did vote for him in the last elections but as i said earlier the choice the choice is always been between bad and the worst and so the general idea that we have on iran's political system that there is you know the reformist or the centrist on one hand are now centered on the government and the more conservative elements on the other hand and those two factions a very different from each other disses probably not very adequate commonalities a much stronger than the differences although those two factions have always
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engaged in competition when it comes to daily politics just as final thought and as we watch these pictures that we were watching these pictures there from the streets of tehran in my mind i keep sometimes i think oh completely saying this or should we just understand that this is how it is now it's not the arab spring let's be very clear about that but it is maybe not surprising that we're seeing this sort of thing happening in iran. i mean it's early to tell if we can compare it to the arab spring i mean there are certainly a lot of similarities because also during the arab spring. you know the socio economic demands and the political demands were both very much present and there are also slogans within the protestors among the protesters that very much reflect the slogans that we have heard during the arab spring so calling for brad calling for social justice so this is something that sounds familiar some know so but it's early to tell if we can you know make that his court has struck a comparison or not the fact of the matter is also during the arab spring there
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have been a lot of different from you know different you know people from different backgrounds being on the streets and this seems also be the case today in iran fascinating stuff isn't ali thank you so much we don't use educating you with answers. all right then what are we going to do we're going to go to london now for some more news of the day merriam the mozzies. s. that's right come all the u.n. secretary general has the president of the democratic republic of congo to step down in accordance with an agreement made a year ago the u.n. mission in the country says at least seven people were killed by security forces on sunday in a crackdown on protests against joseph kabila alice reports. in the democratic republic of congo catholic worship is pray this sunday they pray with a political purpose they want president joseph kabila goal i think it was just it was
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a very good thing these guys looking to get. started for. their prayers were heard by security forces in kinshasa twenty seventeen ended as it began kabila second term as president ended in december twenty sixth saying he refused to step down and the un says konga least security forces killed forty people who protested the decision four hundred sixty were arrested. one year on they marched off to mass twelve also boys and priests were among the dozens arrested tear gas was fired into churches. the hospitals filled with protesters once more like yourself in mind that i was if your term is over give opportunities to others to run your son of the country you belong in the senate give the others the opportunity to lead maybe they'll do it better than you
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did. catholic bishops brokered peace talks between the opposition and government with the agreement that could be low would leave office at the end of twenty seven tame but he's still in power and now the catholics and the opposition are united how do you see me coming in shooting one because it's not just simply because we have upcoming we have come here in order to the way to pray for all we mission. opposition voices can be heard by ending the fractured country from all corners even in the troubled east a thriving battleground between rebels security forces say they use of force is justified one police officer was killed and this police station was taught. my protest is coming from. we're in need of peace i assure all of our government authorities that our city government is in peace people should sleep calmly because we as professional police we are doing our job. president kabila says he
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was staying in power until december twenty eighth because of delays in voter registration. meanwhile appear to be becoming increasingly impatient charlot ballasts zero zambian soldiers are helping to fight the spread of cholera in the capital the outbreak has already killed forty one people in the soccer and more than fifteen hundred have fallen ill since september some markets and restaurants have been closed after the disease was found to be spread through contaminated food the united arab emirates and saudi arabia are both introducing a value added tax for the first time a five percent tax is being applied to most goods and services both gulf states are trying to diversify their economies away from a reliance on oil and gas the other g.c.c. members cattle kuwait bahrain and amman have delayed introducing the tax until early next year also saudi arabia is raising petrol prices by around fifty percent
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at least for a few will now cost thirty seven cents the world's largest oil exporter is trying to save money by removing fuel subsidies it wants to eliminate its budget deficit by two thousand and twenty three pakistan's government is also increasing fuel prices blaming the state of the international lockett the move is expected to particularly affect the poor and as a report could lead to bigger troubles as well for the economy. the people are too large are already calling it a new game from the government of pakistan to its people and it's making headlines across the country and eleven point seven five question dr wendy. the government is saying that the move is justified because of the rise of international and that the president. and many regional countries are for the people they trade on except. for the. gift of praise
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from the government it's in justice for the poor people who are suffering due to inflation in the country being a government employee i can still survive but i'm good about those who find anything to eat and with billy supermoon by this move are due to frequently are raising of petroleum prices it's becoming difficult for takes to dry words are so far the public because people can't afford to eat so the government should take notice due to the raising of petroleum price prices the whole market prices become i mean stocks are good start or is educated higher price said of you will have a knock on effect on everything including daily come or dedicate transportation costs and their share of falling rally of the rupee against the dollar already created inflation that people cannot cope with the opposition is calling it a government failure and while the country's finance minister and the proclaimed of
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friend are hiding always a country the economy. and then trouble. that's it for me phenomenal from london in about twenty minutes i'll see that lovely marion thank you for that too a world first now which is happening in iceland in twenty eighteen it becomes the first country in the world to make it illegal to pay men more than women at work basically he is how it will work both government agencies and private companies employing more than twenty five people will face fines if they can't prove pay parity this is in a country which has been ranked they were the most gender equal nation by the world economic forum for the past nine years the icelandic government plans to completely eradicate the wage gap by twenty twenty one thing out a bit last year four of the top five best performers in the global gender gap index were nordic countries the other country interestingly rwanda elsewhere though discrimination is getting worse sixty of the one hundred forty four countries
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measured so their overall schools decrease water on yemen was last year's worst performer pakistan syria chad and iran there as well let's bring in sort of hard on this one this is perfect social media territory isn't it yeah it will of course i mean come on that affects everyone and there's been several successful social media campaigns going around the gender pay gap simply because no matter where you are in the world you can relate somehow one of them is by the united nations and for years it has campaigned for women's equality including pay if you check out the hash tag is using it stop the robbery that's because the un calls it the biggest robbery in history and says is a worldwide lack of knowledge when it comes to women knowing what they should really be earning in compared to men doing the same jobs now let's watch one of that video campaigns. good to hear. you continue putting a ban for a dollar a good thing for seventy seven cents so you can pay bana a dollar more for the exact same shiny seventy seven same shining school thing the
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same degree yet still shining valedictorians overseas and who is better or the same with the exact same you have the same skills. globally let them get paid seventy seven cents for every dollar and make i think i would win them over i make twenty three cents less. for him to go because. your sentiments are so true to themselves and. what i told you that the cheap route robber but you guys are robbers. because you don't look like a robber and i don't i'm not i don't want to be. quite incredible in this day and age where people's lack of knowledge on the reality of gender pay gap has been picked up by google trends and in the u.k. for example the top search question on this is the gender gap real wealth we call
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the how is the gender gap a calculated what is the gender pay gap as well as the quite a few questions there but to get the message across the un has used a twitter campaign as well where you can put your tweets in just that it will send it and it appears on your twitter feed with twenty three percent of the letters cuts out that's roughly the difference between one man and a woman and that just kind of helps you understand what that gave. to me represents and this is what it would actually look like just if they refuse that nazri now in fact the current average means women have to work three more months every year to break even with their male colleagues and there's a financial times calculates which i want to show you hey i've already filled out the details here. female how do you work professionally when if we go all the way down to the bottom let's say for example and say i'm running twenty thousand and some british pounds his soldiers put in for tax and then next show the pay. and
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they go say five i. twenty thousand three hundred thirty two per year that's how much a man is earning more three hundred and thirty two british pounds so do you think company's employees are doing enough to fight the keep a guy we want to know your thoughts wherever you are in the world these are the details just hit the hash tag is aging news current thanks are we going to discuss it even further now with pfizer so he knew is a senior researcher on economic inequality with the new economics foundation joining us from london nice to have you with us i feel this is a two edged sword particularly the iceland example because it's great that it's happening but i have to make it a war that's not right. wow you would say that you might not have to make a law that you could take soft measures like naming and shaming companies for instance or like what the u.n. is doing but the problem is is that progress has still been so slow people more aware of it and they are angry about quite rightly but when you look at not just
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pay but you look at political representation gender disparities in health and education. by the world economic forum so that it would take one hundred years one hundred more years before we would close that gap so sometimes you have to use those blunt instruments when we are not making the progress we should be making then that's exactly where government incent intervene why is it done if you had me listing off those countries a little bit earlier but why are those nordic countries for example doing so much better where you are in the u.k. or if you're in the united states or straight or all these other developed western countries there's no excuse for them to not be up there as well. well no there isn't an excuse and the reason why there is no it countries to well is because gender equality isn't just about one policy measure of course right so of course we have to be doing something about pay but the thing that those countries also have in common is that they have things like cheap childcare they have decent maternity
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policy and paternity policy so parents can share time off work so women on disproportionately burdens by that and they can go back to work without the worry of the costs and they also see much better economic inequality wage gaps overall so in more equal countries there is less gender disparity so there's a big thing there about not just looking at this issue of gender pay but thinking more broadly about political representation and thinking more about policies and education and childcare and trying to do something to make sure that the richest and the poorest that that gap is lower overall and the reason why that's particularly important for women is because women are disproportionately in the low paid sect is so women women so-called women's work which is very annoying but the kind of care sectors except they tend to be lower paid so in countries where they have a higher minimum wage or more rights at the bottom and higher wages overall that disproportionately affects women in
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a positive way do you feel social media is helping that it's really making a powerful difference i'm thinking again where you are the u.k. there was the b.b.c. women not long ago about the pay disparity it's the british broadcasting corporation it's big when it happens and it grabs the headlines in the way again do you think it's a way to keep this in the headlines. yeah i mean i think those types of campaigns and raising awareness is important i think it's why governments take action often governments are pushed by by the public but i think it's you know going back to that point that we have to be careful here that we don't just make it an issue of sometimes it's about you know if you have gender despite gender equality in some sectors where the pay is really low what you're really altering for is equalizing misery what we want to do is lift up everyone and make sure that we may not get paid as much as men and that no one's getting that very low pay at the bottom so you know you call that a country like rwanda. obviously there's
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a lot of poverty that's not the kind of gender equality we want the kind of gender equality one is one where men and women have a decent chance in life and get paid well and then what sector they're in and that they are you know for the same to ok so get paid the same i mean that's a basic but overall structural things that need to change in our economy and when we look over twenty seventeen the richest five hundred individuals saw their wealth grow by a trillion dollars meanwhile we've seen wage growth globally in a lot of countries even decline or store so we've got to do something about overall levels of wealth distribution income distribution to help with the gender issue it's a big issue i'm glad we could talk to you about it finds us again joining us from london. if you want to get in touch with us and send in more comments and questions please do so contact details on screen for you know has sky day news grid as ever on twitter facebook and whatsapp as well and i said before to include your name because we do want to mention who is sending these comments and also try to be
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tweet and a little bit later all that stuff i spoke of. al-jazeera for the live stream and still ahead on news read for our facebook life here is how an italian astronauts for this brought pizza not to the international space station that's coming up in a second and then sports the post season lineups been confirmed for the n.f.l. we're looking at who can make an impact in the playoffs. they say will scott years in palestine they also have odds chief architecture these new styles are that's where the d.l. advisement reveals the role of architecture in his radio few patients everything in this plan a rama to use a tactical tube with n.p.r. the picture of the patient just need to know how to decode the architecture of fine that's part of the rebel dr texture series this time.
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with bureaus spawning six continents across the globe. to. al-jazeera is correspondents live in greens the stories they tell. you see are fluent in world news. my i'm. a i would like to the new spirit son of a loose happy new year happy new year not even to pretend i know anything about american football you go here for. the business and of the n.f.l.
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season has arrived we now know which teams that have made it to the postseason which begins on saturday with the wild card matches let's see what seems to have made the cut this year's playoffs include eight teams that didn't make the postseason last year new england and pittsburgh the top seeds in the a c. and they get buys into the second round of the playoff games the patriots are the reigning super bowl champions philadelphia minnesota lead the way in the n.f.c. the eagles clipped home field advantage throughout the playoffs while the minnesota vikings could get to play super bowl fifty two at their own stadium well one team not in danger of making the playoffs where the cleveland browns the bronx joined the two thousand and eight detroit lions as the only team in n.f.l. history to lose all sixteen of their regular season games their campaign and then
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with a defeat against the playoffs. or drawing us now in the us a sport is a us broadcast in my costs and live from london but first of all the pelvis line up is in the what's the big story on who made it. i think the biggest surprise has to be the buffalo bills who just squeaked in you often have teams needing other teams to lose in order to qualify but the bills had this odd combination of needing the baltimore ravens to lose which they managed to do in the last minute of their game and the tennessee titans to win which they did in a very ugly game against the jacksonville jaguars who already clinched that division so by virtue of creating a four way tie with nine and seven records the tiebreaker swung in buffalo's favor they get a game next week that might who are the favorites who d. think which team on going to make an impact. well the bookies like new england
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because as you said they have home field advantage in their conference throughout the playoffs the defending super bowl champions on paper they are not as good a team as they were last year they were supposed to be better but they've had a lot of injuries to retirement and they the roster just doesn't look as strong as it might be but you can never underestimate bill belichick as a coach or tom brady as a quarterback pittsburgh have played really well if they can stay healthy antonio brown their star receiver is out right now but they're hoping that week off for the bye week will help him he'll be back in time for the playoffs and in the n.f.c. minnesota who as you said would become the first team in super bowl history to play the super bowl in their home stadium are looking very good right now they're a balanced team between off and defense they are at home they will play in bad conditions which a lot of teams can't deal with his well the big surprise are the los angeles rams and they will have an interesting battle against atlanta who were the defending
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n.f.c. champions and lost that super bowl to new england last year with a lead twenty eight to three the rams last year were terrible a new young coach and shaun mcveigh a new old defensive coordinator and wade phillips they're strong on both sides of the ball they could be a real dark horse might briefly we were talking about the cleveland browns can we say that they're the worst team in n.f.l. history i'm not sure because there were some pretty bad teams early in the tampa bay buccaneers time and if you go further back there were some bad ones but i don't think there's been a team that was as bad for two years in a row as cleveland won when last year the wins this year and their coach who jackson may still keep his job if he doesn't he's been rumored to take the cincinnati bengals job if marvin lewis gets fired there mike carlson live from london thank you very much for that. thank you. well shortly after the cleveland browns are completed just a second that not to sixteen season in the n.f.l.
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history to tear up to do with comments on their season even the team made fun of themselves by posting this there is is sums up the somber if not the comical a situation that his video zooms into hollywood actor ben affleck who looks. somewhat sad during an interview well one fan that tweet to decide has to go call and saying one thing you cons all against the. arguably the most consistent team in the n.f.l. something no playoff and all of the cave the round the wanted to see off the record breaking will this season the crowd funded the per ray they'll feel the team's perfect season is set to go ahead the next weekend in cleveland one fan not very happy about the parade the has tweeted this picture saying and embarrassment to the city it's time to throw up the rate well i'll be back with more at eighteen games for now i hand you back to kemal lovely thank you for that son of that soon news
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grid for this first day of the year twenty eighteen to get in touch with the one quick comment i just want to fire at you before we go on the pay gap this is what people should be talking about when it comes to real policy regarding women not how they dress and it's an effort to get to market. trend. by trying to. pull charts. band-aids and scott. i think.
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it's fun when they seem. to get the cattle i always. you are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u.s. response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on say you know you will first just wakes up in the morning and say i want to cover the world of darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what's leading to some of the confusion i like about people saying they don't actually know what's going on join the colobus conversation at this time on al-jazeera june nineteenth sixty seven sixty is their redrew the map of the middle east the record of victory. in that war was the greatest tragedy in the history of islam fifty years later al-jazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which are still felt today we tried
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everything to the united nations to try to make. contacts through different countries and it was clear that this was the door of the war in june at this time. at least fourteen people reportedly killed in anti-government protests in iran the president has said rouhani calls for calm. hello i'm maryam namazie in london.


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