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tv   Pakistan Music Lyari Notes  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2018 9:00am-10:00am +03

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recently for many a global train. mchale yes a labor force left to exploitation and xenophobia. people in power investigate. little pakistan. this time around is iraq. i know others have a problem and aha with the headlines on al-jazeera the un security council has wrapped up a special session on the recent protests and iran where the u.s. accusing pedal of stifling the voices of its people but other members objected to the mazing insisting that the security council was not the place to discuss the country's internal affairs mike hanna reports now from the united nations there was animated debate in the council chamber before the discussions began to members
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taken aback by the lack of notice from the u.s. in calling for this public debate the u.s. ambassador adamant that it was essential iran be called to account if the founding principles of this institution mean anything we will not only hear their cry we will finally answer the iranian regime is now on notice the world will be watching what you do russia had vehemently opposed what it saw as an unacceptable intervention in iran's internal affairs but also argued that the us had another motive in pushing for this meeting. used to mean put up the real reason for convening today is not to protect human rights or promote the interests of the iranian people but rather a veiled attempt to continue to undermine the iranian nuclear agreement would have an agreement that the french ambassador maintained in his speech was crucial also distancing himself from the u.s.
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decision to call these discussions with your president but it is up to the arena and to the arena. to pursue the path of peaceful dialogue a dialogue based on full respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the rain people however worrying the events of the last few days in iran may be they do not constitute say a threat to international peace and security are given speaking rights in the council iran's ambassador described the us action as yet another attempt at political destabilization following such acts of disruption take in. u.s. administration as flouting international law and this is spect in the practices of civilized behavior in international politics is that ministers and is not the spirit clearly ching for every restaurant that keeps it afloat there is
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a long history of us bullying at the un but this is. preposterous example the ethiopian representative expressed concern that what he described as a necessary debate such as this could undermine security council unity. and indeed at the end of the discussion members got up perhaps more divided and when they had sat down. zero united nations and us or do you state rex tillerson has been speaking about iran specifically the nuclear deal he says the trump of ministration is looking for ways to keep the u.s. in the agreement or congress is working on new legislation that could strengthen enforcement measures which to us and says should take shape in the coming weeks.
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we'll just talk. further. a new account of u.s. president all tribes first year in office says his middle east policy was focused on getting saudi arabia israel and egypt to unite against iran the book fire and fear he was released on friday. election officials and on dora's have rejected in a pail by the opposition to the results of november's presidential election president won orlando and landers was declared the winner last month after he now only defeated have left his candidate salvador election officials say there wasn't enough evidence to support the opposition's claims of voter fraud the u.n. is investigating an attack in the democratic republic of congo last month that killed fifteen tanzania and peacekeepers the u.n. suspects the allied democratic forces that say ugandan armed group of being behind the attack. as are the headlines on al-jazeera but do stay with us what message is
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coming up next thank you very much for watching. the on. the wall get out that it's out of. the body. should it.
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be in the guard jar. marked. by stray story. so i can't let that stop me from. from going out and doing stuff so if it if it means i need to get a guard i'll get a guard. somebody come out to welcome to video one f.m. and ninety one my name is danish and only speak about music because i actually give i'm about we're talking about hundreds of john feehery.
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so let's ask comes our welcome him on the show i do believe that you guys have been you know providing education for that special schoolyard he got well do years ago we we started giving free music education to growth kids from a school in the army which is called the current school system. it's quite a unique institution what they do is they would be a lot of attention to their students' parents as you know because obviously living in the ice for them and living in those around things and their fans come from
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a very different background. and you know a lot of these people have sort of grown up and very old fashioned backgrounds and things so you know do to see their children speaking in english and you know taking an interest in the arts let's say you know those those things are sort of very alien to you know be the older generation. of the next i think the main thing to my. own here on this side is. very good i'm not.
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a mean. live to let the liberal elite to live our lives they live. a little bit and say well but. maybe i do believe. these things like it was a little bit something that. is actually you wouldn't live live. but. the senate bill to live let it. be looked at it defeated to live but let. me.
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now. i've set up just a bit of. a leftover.
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was. he happy to say that he had come out of going to paint a moderate budget but so much for profit p.r. campaign one shot from a credible but i got e-mail about how modern pre-menstrual husseini toast about how far you've got some bomb up here suffered big me up ten years compliments of proper bearing good back to back time i got out of there gave. me the land deadbolt was. ruled. that. way.
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it's loneliness for you i mean numbing who can see you they don't know. this is a hole that knows how the issue because out you in the same. position ok let it go let my ability to see don't think i go. to a real sense of atonement tense is not the m.l.c. it's a lot. that was going to go it was simple to get called out it might be p.c. making it the main goal here tell all of these so called toronto of they did that to see when they would. you know because he was a. good time to think. of me my being is a. lot of people on the run i am me right over. there no less than. analysts who own john. and mary downs i mean this is a. man it would have been
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a myth to put it to him to get some naked. don't piss on your face that cry that. movie screening he should get on such a something if you move on. to ninety one again because somebody could be signed into medium term before come on from the do you have to come to christmas eve in the prius he bought nothing to do in going too much noticing that he cannot get yourself to mingle in a tsunami because charming in any sort of comment on the internet i'm going to school this week with interesting honesty dining out what you often see coming. that funny ninety eight is something to enjoy like getting to know me winning because the other you know made. me question the size of that you can know who can take me if i'm going to make you know i'm going to make pushy go ahead on this crowded it announced it then i'm going to tell you the big cool people and the only
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game educational system must c.d.'s if you do not give it you nobody wants to stop it musically good as it is they had you would not be ten years down. the middle maybe it was there how much they can save. you do you have the music secret. book says. they remain your go musician but yob school of law profession. music see you all are going to century. in some ways a body should with. the what do they measure of good. music suppose that we do. this mcgurk you guys are fake it will sink you as i. sleep as in those you miss a take so to. do. so much no good but with joe the enough
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of this in the good there were two big. you. see months. or so i get i will go. x. and i'm going to get. to. know. the. was. told. you.
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as soon as we got married right after that we do i think our lives the most difficult project which was the two years ago two arrows sitting one of a very watching t.v. you notice all the small reports on the boxing gloves for the id and seventy eight kate i said you like that would be an excellent credit for the police to date lisa prosecutes of the. month you know. you. live but still i went to meet the first stop was only twenty minutes late
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still don't many people know that but we did. didn't those moments was considered the boss's street. and just twenty minutes a week by scott lies the other day which is perhaps the norse war torn most conflict ridden. in the uk i cheat with a. lot of different ethnicities but a very. rich subtle shit but troubled history the seeds are. going to. leave this city which is extremely dry to see me light it up and it is a shortage of that news of happiness. and. the bad out the bad. that out and out. that out on the land that will buy
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a nice night of sigurd. the days get what the lord really were proud to live. for you get are. you going to hug me god you're going to know that anybody want to go any way you can but i. guess you will get. whatever you want to go to the very. quickly doom is gone back into minutes. time. believe.
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me. when i was growing up there was no such thing as a music school i would go do like second hand books bookstores and try to look for music books and magazines and we'd still shot you know in the dark blair holding a chord somewhere and we'd see ok where his fingers positioned you know and we'd look for those places and try to you know mix and match and play. it. was too. good.
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to. be.
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the most glaring we're not using it in the. right to dictate a good example. they were here but you could get the feeling that. the pakistani taliban had threatened to disrupt the voting process saying it's an islamic they've been responsible for the deaths of at least one hundred people in the lead up to the election but voters fed up with the country's feeble economy and chronic corruption made their way to the polling stations anyway. the election has been hailed historic for marking a transition from one civilian led government to the next without the military stepping in to take over but not even the extra security could help prevent militant violence.
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we have. been. doing it in about ten minutes. this is the number you had to do this on. the most are you. clarified it ok if. you're somebody god let's. start. from the biggest part of.
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the time game where. i think a little bit like start going to the security situation and. so there was like a complete you know there's nothing going on we would meet and discuss about you know what we should do with musicians you know what you know how do you sort of get by and so the idea for the school came out of that. on developing music developing music education and doing as much as i can and not letting anything sort of you know cause stoppage or whatever i need to do you know because there are always other avenues out there that get just stuff. this is a. politician's person and scummy so. to speak. on the concerts the censorship of the concerts i felt the crowds. the only choice for this is to preserve. the first
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for the series she would return but it doesn't take us back to so many chances i mean this was going to be only would be he votes of the internet only has he's he's a star because of the internet or he's probably pass hands first by to hit the signs are saying a lot of yeah so he i spoke to him about it do he's really affected by this your combine and he ok you tube is not opening the government keeps saying the house will open it in two months ago when next one expires and i think people are just going to been ok there's no good to face no point being a trying to like you know get them to open a door convincing them will just find other avenues there are actually no way just like this to can a job is to keep down the thing or not occupy as i think people are very isolated from each other that's far industries are not on someone who is we are critical about everything and we are critiques my father doesn't know and he doesn't know
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that i'm going to music i believe back if he figures that. there's a sword and screenwriting i perceiving that i come from we come from the society you are listening which is the most musical legion i'm not the bird in home depot no boston was on the subway this is all music but. who on earth. he. won't.
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demand. to do new moon but rude to do didn't come to do some. of them was done wrong was done hurt son and done harm done come up the sun quoted me and them on the ability shall think at night and be. playful so i sleep. and. eat and like steve. newport well been taking with them we'll go to work them for to. me go do it yet i'm ok you know both of them were young. i did them but then. you've been put here with their
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level playing field and bomb blast kidlet. my day i bled leg. didn't know his name and he didn't tell me that he had wings shells. my mother was beginning to know where i'm thinking that he would get. to the lake but not to me. he will you. just. want to go with us to see how do you think of a healthy young music yes. but doesn't that they are not saying anything. the book of those who didn't see. me are not doing this i would like to have been. gives a big. wake up with the world. cup.
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on counting the cost of a look at the economic reasons behind the rest in the middle east second largest economy plus new year new rules for european finance but that's not all well i
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asked the chief global economist at u.b.s. what's his dangerous idea counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera january. african heads of state and government. for the state of the african union where the girls say. seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best al-jazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the world economic forum what will be top of the agenda. engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headline. and in a week of special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to america's most controversial president of modern times january. explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how influenced the course
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of history with the giants of the struggle for civil rights. over the. oppressed people. continue to think that negroes. and martin luther king preached to fix this time on al-jazeera. the headlines on al-jazeera the u.n. security council has wrapped up a special session on the recent protests in iran where the u.s. accused of stifling the voices of its people. once again the people of iran are rising up they are asking for something that no government can legitimately deny them their human rights and fundamental freedoms they are calling out think
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of us if the founding principles of this institution mean anything we will not only hear their cry we will finally answer it the iranian regime is now on notice the world will be watching what you do well the us call that meeting after twenty one people were killed and hundreds of arrest of joy and days of demonstrations against the iranian government bought iran's ambassador has said that the us was abusing its power of you echoed by russia used to me booga booga booga the real reason for convening today is not to protect human rights or promote the interests of the iranian people but rather a veiled attempt to continue to undermine uranium nuclear agreement we considered unacceptable to intentionally undermine the agreement. a new account of us president of shams first year in office says his middle east policy was focused on getting saudi arabia israel and egypt to unite against iran the book fire and fury
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was released on friday but also says trump took credit for these political shakeup last year. the french president has warned his turkish counterpart that democracies must respect the rule of law during a meeting in paris it was a range of the ones first visit to france and the failed coup of two thousand and sixteen emmanuel developments in turkey are blocking progress on that but to join the e.u. and instead proposed a partnership between turkey and the regional bloc over the undefended has government for the e.u. criticism of encores crackdown on dissent is over the past year. saudi arabia has intercepted a ballistic missile fired from yemen by hook the rebels the missile was shot down of a nudge from a raging along the kingdom southern border before it could head its intended target and he says the attack is proof evanna supporting the whole thing is a claim head on denies it's the fourth such attack since november. those are the headlines on al-jazeera do stay with us as witness continues next thank you for
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watching. lee's issues have the saying that you know we've we are victims of you know the way bugs bunny is a war. so i mean there are people who are who've become hugely successful who get their art out who have an audience you know they they've managed to struggle they made it you know you're going to get your message your voice your expression out if that's what you really want to do that i would use it would.
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lead to the lead. in the lead. people toward. the end. to the change in the model. but to. me. i'm literally. i think we've had our. our children. middles and sure by now be able to continue their classes with you. the reason being is that the children have been admitted into mainstream schools where they follow a strict schedule during weekends they have extra tuition as they need to work
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extra hard to maintain their grades and schools we apologize for this inconvenience or thank you you know it's been good in school system now we've gone to work not major in three for the girls because travelling back to id has to be done. during you know doing something that is off tonight a good school day. so. i don't know what to do they've spent about two and a half years with us so that's definitely that has impacted their lives and that's not going to.
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do with just how. much you tell you who announced. by the. time you and i. on my. back in my seat is the sound you see. or c there was even a study. on ron on the phone. minutes. with john burns. mine and
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it being very. sad isn't it as you. look even on that on some sad spot that us once worked. it's not your last month and we've been. married very good dad and my dad had a good day. his. face got into conflicts that i. never you. might not want to change you know he had all of the time another sister does are you saying that if you say this with a smilies that are just murdering the already know.
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if they still. can't. live. like it's. like to make me feel like a fiend the feeling of. being. nice you study. i. think. it was nice and i had no. and how do they get that and i believe that the united have invested it's tempting because of what jon stewart and damning. study. so how do you think we can manage the studies let's try and make everybody said you want to go back to this i want to have a. look not at the cost of we've done the edges but don't you want to have to be
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joking so how can you like give me this surety if you go back to that school is not going to secure one damn i did it was my exam alone i'm doing and so i gave my english will bend in the way i am boy and so we are sitting there laughing a little in my book and this god thing and then i give them i give dad a good test to my mom didn't it become easy for you to be using driving. but then you would have to do that if you want to go back to match the you know to use if. you want to go back. we need to know just we were doing with the boys which is again risky because a lot of parents were like we don't want more where we've taken them in and we're like we've got this world just within and you know it's not going to cause. a huge effect.
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of a similar thing. that will go. to the. car yet. they are already out on. the manifold usually having to know anybody. that thinks downloading them would take him out of. good i think a little bit. of a good look at the political coming out of. our. many. families but. the funny.
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thing. is. it. if it. was. not it was able to live. the lives of those and i would. likely. end up. going to. have them and. family cabs come down.
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will give will i believe you can use water. so i thought and then to see that you ready just like you put in the steam and even on this and it just hit you start snowing not just through my body but my boy and the guy. said oh you guys party. animals apart we've got. to get those and if
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you slip and then when you. what's happening he's a good guy if you exist and instrument gunston life.
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was. he. a good this is a good move good bye. was he shocked me when i say. it was. the.
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sub. you could lose and it doesn't. believe. anything he. only. thing at. least. only because the beat. me decision making day to day i stay on the scale was so we should not should never be i say oh there will be show chill next week we are just sad because. it was a bit to. the monkeys to see because. it is
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a. message and this is the way it. was not just was a little piggy. but it was really wanted to jump to something good to need to make choices this was it will be our show we do the work this is almost it is. it is. it was. not. just on this piece. because. this is not going to go on. a sunday stuck on. a mission.
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because of the. posting stuff just thought it up to stop just that something but oh not. just that album. because they only take a head of state by not asking to see the shot hoping that it cannot run on the yard or not there's something not to come not to see michael dunn who sat near but chuckie could bonnie i did not buy any more like oh my you're welcome but i'm no. good my love my son would not go back more like the miniseries have asked my shuffle but the guy got them he might hit the spot no one missed the not old
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kurdish mob just aren't there for nobody a card that said paul marlowe you couldn't get the ninety seven. months from my side of the. they had let. me have it was. the end. of the end. thank you we had to get you. to do what you were. getting was just an audible to you the my life you. came to you to. love the you guys are really good with you you have to believe that you know
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you need to do this you have begun to think about children listening. to me. thank you. every day was shall we say to people. pushing. thank you. was. really. good. everything was going a little way down. to one school. field. i guess lol you have to be careful. to be crazy here. the same time the of if you still it's great just. like to hear see you think. it's.
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what you think you know more. goals. to be. right and what was you. being in the chair this is a great. thing it's very. had dollars and. if you had. folks like you. to be what i'm going to show you that i needed to. be good. today to course.
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ok bt i'll. make a u. k. . thing losing.
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still. a. guy like a nas and giving them some go to my muskogee to give me some said time time kid now in our garden i was up on a good bottle got to take me to house and again gigantic you want to be in time i must ave. to be setting down jobs really. still. something magical global man on the sun not just holding.
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our. oh. please.
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a little boy being made in god's sight i thought i was the baby. and i don't friend has any new yet there's a foolish family that i wish it was. friends as. if i was that built in the. plan. hi. you know larry and i have yet. we go somewhere. some way by family and. friends. like them back if.
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i'm assured that it was something back oh yeah.
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it's unlikely to travel to the bad place of the music they like and share the stage with the legend they chose. to not. ask for this time how does it. how i referred some rather lively showers just around the eastern side of the mediterranean recently things now in the process of clearing away you still see that area cloud just swirling through the levant battle fizzle out as it makes its way further inland by every cent around sixteen degrees celsius when starting to he says shouldn't be too bad want to see when the flour is just making their way
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across iraq towards iran maybe some wintry showers a possibility around northern parts of iran as we go on through sunday before most it will be settled couple nordic resources with some sunshine by route seventeen celsius of this day again with some sunshine and no shortage of sunshine across the arabian peninsula twenty six celsius here in doha looking fine and dry on saturday similar values as we go on into sunday a little more of a breeze just picking up so just watch out for some lifted dustin's and plenty of breeze meanwhile across madagascar and that's because we have trouble sites phone eva making its way right across the country sinking further south was flooding rains for a good part of that eastern side of madagascar and damaging winds the south africa is generally fine and dry it doesn't look too bad here over the next day or so the possum could see wanted to show us the next few days.
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news has never been more available it's a constant barrage that they put every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain good logical rational person crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narratives at this time on al-jazeera. you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al-jazeera june nine hundred sixty seventy six days that redrew the map of the middle east this record of victory of the ended war was the greatest tragedy in the
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history of islam fifty years later al-jazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which is still felt today we tried everything to the united nations and tried to make. contacts through different countries and it was clear that all this was to do all of the war in june at this time. the iranian regime is now on notice the world will be watching what you do the. u.n. security council debates antigovernment protests and iran that left twenty two people dead.


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