tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 9, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03
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it sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses it's like trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask that question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just nominee director we're doing a investigation into. ukraine could you a bribes you've been corrupt and i've been not corrupt i did just what the president say challenges here investigations the only gods at this time. zero. of them today went on this is the news hour live from up and coming up syrian government forces ramp up the pressure on. liber two of the last rebel held areas.
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trumpet ministrations says more than two hundred sixty thousand immigrants from el salvador have to leave the u.s. next year. runs a local winfrey's golden globe speech gets fans and stars urging the former talk show host to run for president. fears of an environmental disaster of china as a burning tanker carrying around a million barrels of oil fluorescence to explode. i'm joined again how will you day's top sports stories including felipe continue signed on to start his new multimillion dollar contract banish giants boss alona. syrian government forces have stepped up the pressure on to the last areas held by rebels both of which were declared the escalation zones last year syrian and
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russian planes have been pounding targets in italy province killing at least twenty four civilians on monday the province is home to two point six million people almost half of whom have fled fighting elsewhere in the country the syrian government is also intensifying attacks on the rebel held the mosque a suburb of eastern ghouta it managed to take back their only military base in the area of rebel fighters. well new fish shows the aftermath of some of the latest air strikes over a madeira area in eastern good according to the syrian observatory for human rights three people including one child were killed on monday too much an odd plane are also reported to have been targeted east and go to is home to around four hundred thousand people under government siege for more than four wheels on the cash game reports now on developments in the province. a sound all too familiar to many syrians as the war enters its eighth year the concern in italy province is just how large the scale of the death and devastation could be
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syrians here remember what happened in two thousand and sixteen when government forces regained control of aleppo once syria's biggest city. then the mole i was tempted you'll bashar we will look leave we will die in syria we are all civilians why do they do this then america then the arab league then the security council. it is the largest remaining rebel stronghold in syria during peace negotiations it was designated a deescalation zone or safe haven for civilians. has been anything but since the government began its offensive in october to recapture the province civilians have been killed in increasing numbers one of the latest attacks was a car bomb explosion killing at least thirty people. in the last week alone the turkish human rights group i h h says more than one hundred thousand people have been
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forced from their homes and the problem this is. the story of this union cut out of true or not it's not controlled by the syrian it's music. regional agreement on the first one. the syrian observatory for human rights says in the last two weeks the government has regained control of sixty villages in its lip including singe our affiliate but that's just the government we have liberated singe are fully this is since our school and these are green silos sinjar has been liberated from the gangs of joe but on this road the syrian government is keen to make gains in northern syria the kurds control all but a small area of territory in the north and dream of it becoming their homeland they're also hoping for a seat at the negotiating table during russian sponsored peace talks later this month the success of those talks is already in jeopardy more than forty rebel
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groups including previous attendees say they won't be going natasha going to al-jazeera well the spokesman for the un secretary general says civilians are being forced to flee into areas already overcrowded with on the displaced family. the un is deeply concerned for the safety and protection of tens of thousands of people in southern italy but in rural hama in northern syria northeastern syria where ongoing hostilities have reportedly calls hundreds of deaths and injuries of civilians tens of thousands of civilians already in dire circumstances have been recorded is displaced since the first of december due to the fighting with the onset of winter save shelters among the biggest concerns as many families are fleeing into areas that are already at full capacity into communities with depleted resources well for displaced syrians the dangers of war extend far beyond bombs and bullets an
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increasing number of falling victim to preventable illnesses and know that homes from it's a lack of basic services and clean water is causing a rise in water borne disease osama bin job aid explains. this shop may look closed. but step in and you're in the makeshift home of the ali family. the plastic sheets are an attempt at protection from the cold weather and the blankets are supposed to divide the space into rooms for the many members of this extended family i barley helps out in the kitchen which is outside the shop. his family was forced out of their home in the countryside of homs province in northern syria he lost one son and his brothers were arrested by pro assad militias this is now home on a very good for our every aspect of life is difficult and harsh there is no medicine if our child falls sick or cannot treat him we don't even have warm clothes the feel of that story reverberate throughout syria six million displaced
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people. the countryside in homs has been besieged for years and desperate living conditions have been deteriorating. in the town of there's no running water. those who can afford it rely on water tankers but if. we bring the water from the wells in the city seventy five to eighty percent of the water is not clean and drinking that brings water borne diseases. the number of hepatitis patients has increased now it's four or five times higher last month nearly forty cases in kafr la were mostly children or teenagers this little girl has been diagnosed with jaundice her father thinks it's due to what they have been consuming. she has liver disease because of the water and also vegetables being grown with sewage. in this cluster of villages that have been multiple deaths attributed to bad water mohammad
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finds it difficult just to sit up these days just like my whole body hurts after the tests the doctor told me i have liver disease the reason is unhealthy vegetables grown using sewage and tankers transporting contaminated water. nearly seven years of war in syria has decimated its once respectable health care system. and as other basic amenities like water and electricity become scarse the more people are dying of preventable diseases some of the job aid is there the u.s. government has announced plans to raise the protected status that allows more than twenty two hundred and sixty eight thousand immigrants from el salvador to live and work in the u.s. salvador insane migrants rights group staged a protest outside the white house after the announcement that the protection was granted in two thousand and one when el salvador was hit by two major earthquakes immigrants from el salvador have until twenty nineteen
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a face deportation. this decision you know where he was frequently unexpected but he's real. and he makes me sad i never had membership but you didn't call me. crying because of business issues i mean what are we going to do well it's not just salvadorians in the u.s. who are upset by trump's and then spent many living in el salvador rely heavily on money sent from relatives in the u.s. so the move could have a devastating effect on the country's economy if you look at the events are not in the national level it will have an effect because and so it will be sustained by the mission cease from the us it will be a lot of coal blooms but. it's shocking it leaves a bad taste in one's mouth because it will always affect the durance those who receive money from relatives the situation is bad well pascall he has more now from washington d.c. the department of homeland security says in eighteen months two hundred sixty two
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thousand five hundred people are going to have to leave this country and go back to el salvador they can even say how many kids could be impacted it's likely many of them are parents to children born here in the united states so they're there for american citizens they are giving them eighteen months to basically figure out how to go home after that they lose their work permits likely their jobs and they risk deportation now previous presidents both democrats and republicans have continued the program even though it was initially because of their earthquake the terms of ministration saying that has been repaired what previous presidents allowed the permit program to continue because el salvador is such a eight economically depressed country with such a high crime rate trouble administration says those artificial factors there and in the program put it out there that of course congress could fix it if they don't well president trump says they have to go. well u.s. billionaire has pledged thirty million dollars to help get more democrats elected
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to the house of representatives in the midterms hedge fund manager tom styer once the democrats to win a majority in the chamber to remove donald trump as u.s. president he's already spent millions of dollars on national adverts calling for the impeachment of trump that he says he won't run for office himself twenty eighteen is going to be a straightforward debate between two radically different visions of america i'm going to spend rallying americans behind our vision a just inclusive prosperous america my fight is not just in california my fight is in removal is in removing donald trump from office and from power and that starts with taking the house back in twenty eight people close to former talk show host oprah winfrey say that she's considering running for the u.s. presidency in twenty twenty the hash tag oprah twenty twenty began trending on
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twitter on sunday night and she gave a speech at the golden globes awards in hollywood alan fisher has the story the new day is. best known for a talk show which read to billions of dollars no the talk is of oprah running for president for too long women have not been heard or believed if they dare to speak their truth to the power of those men. but their time is up. comments at the golden globe awards in hollywood and several standing ovations was described as inspiring by those in attendance and brought the hashtag oprah twenty twenty trending on twitter but while the idea has growing support the media giant has already said she doesn't want to run for office wondering if you've narrowed down your shortlist of b.p. candidates. and how she's lost her mind. donald trump went from a hugely popular reality t.v. show to the presidency his star power in name recognition his brand helped
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significantly several democrats have been named as possible candidates for twenty twenty. cory booker joe biden elizabeth warren and kiersten gillibrand are just a few of the names being thrown around none are as well known as oprah but one political analyst strikes a note of caution i think that's a very huge and tremendously for someone who has operated as a media personality moving into the space of governing we are we're already seeing how that hasn't worked out as many people had hoped it would oprah has done nothing to them don't speculation of a presidential run but there's still two years before the race for the white house starts to get really serious. alan fischer al-jazeera washington well bill schneider is a political analyst and a professor of public policy at george mason university joins me now from los angeles hi there bill great to have your company as always so right now at least today anyway who knows which way the wind will go it could be trump out even with
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oprah. she certainly represents an alternative and in many ways she's the polar opposite she's a woman women's consciousness has been raised not only by trump certainly by him but also by the events of the last few months. and i democrats and liberals generally are just furious i mean they are enraged by donald trump he challenges their most cherished values of diversity i mean collusion and that's exactly what oprah winfrey addressed you know her speech here in hollywood last night i'm not there are lots of things in a bill that are hampering in response to a presidency like we saw at the golden globes last night it's almost a kind of a challenge if you like people doing what they can that's right but remember trump is a divider unlike all the presidents before him made no pretense of healing the country he is a deep divider he polarizes the country and the world he can leaves everyone on
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edge and as a result oh there's a counter reaction among progressives democrats liberals who say we can promote someone a candidate of our own who can match him as a divider that could be oprah winfrey but there are plenty of democrats progressive democrats who willing to take him on it's been predicted i wouldn't indorse this prediction that we could have more than two dozen democrats running for president for the nomination in two thousand and twenty can terms of the past few days bill i'm thinking about michel you know controversial. i mean it's been an extraordinary kind of few days has in it we talk about impeachment it when it comes to trump as if that would be an easy thing to achieve but where do you think the american public is at right now. well americans are disillusioned with trump and he has a very poor rating the lowest of any president on record americans would like to get rid of him not from barely because of his if yalit cheat but because of his
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temperament his personality and the fact that he's confrontational that's a very bad trait in a president he wants to provoke he leaves everyone on edge and a lot of americans say look we agree with him on some things we know why he got elected but we just want this division to stop what is the democrat fight that i'm going to like bill you mention that we might have a number of candidates running but you know i guess a lot of people when we look at that kind of that list would struggle to recognize who those people are so you know what kind of candidate can take to task because he is so divisive yes well it would be someone who obviously very different from donald trump that's what always happens in american elections you know what it's what we had the party that's out of the white house has to find someone who offers a quality that people want that they're not getting from the incumbent president i mean that was jimmy carter in one nine hundred seventy six who offered more our honor after watergate and that was bill clinton who offered empathy after ronald
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reagan and george h.w. bush well after don't trouble it's possible that americans are going to want someone who's a professional who knows what he or she is doing and who has experience in government that's not very typical but it's been known to happen that happened when richard nixon got elected nine hundred sixty eight after the charm all of the one nine hundred sixty s. he looked like someone with deep experience who could hold the country together something like that could happen again it's too early to make confident prediction . joining me from the census bill thank you. well adding to the president's war three people have been injured in a fire at trump tower in new york the headquarters of president on chung's business empire the new york fire department was called out at around seven am to tackle the blaze one of those injured was a firefighter the penthouse on top of the sixteen story tower was donald trump's main residence before he moved to the white house. coming up on al-jazeera they say
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day after the rising price of bread sparks protest in sudan. under pressure from two of its own investors to do more to car boeing smartphone addiction amongst children and tennis star andy murray makes and i'm not i'm smiling about his long term hip injury joe we'll have more details on that in sports. the body of a crew member has been recovered aboard the iranian oil tanker that collided with a cargo ship in the east china sea thirty one others still missing well the time it was carrying about a million barrels of oil and there are fears it could explode there's some long. concern is growing that the burning tanker could explode and cause an environmental disaster if the ship sinks around a million barrels of oil products could be dumped into the east china sea so far the spills been contained by emergency teams the iranian tanker son she was sailing
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from iran to south korea when it collided with a cargo ship off the coast of shanghai late on saturday the twenty one crew of the hong kong registered c. of crystal was soon rescued but most of the crew of the old tanker remain missing and according to iranian authorities only one body has been found. china's foreign money she says who's to blame for the collision remains unclear which is should we hold on we are currently still investigating the cause of the accident we're also very grateful to other countries who actively participated in the search and rescue work of this maritime accident the tank i had one hundred thirty five thousand tons of light crude oil on board based on tonnage the accident has the potential to be the worst environmental disaster since nine hundred ninety one when two hundred sixty thousand tons of oil leaked off the coast of angola imran khan which is a. french president in my call is on his first visit to china where he's europe's
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on a ship with beijing into the twenty first century back home that chinese president xi jinping in beijing after starting his trip in ancient capital of hujan where he wants to china and the e.u. to work together to share the benefits of increased trade and find ways to meet the challenge of global warming. it is it's up to europe in asia to france and china to define and come up with the rules of a game where we could all win or lose i have come here to tell china that i am determined to move the euro china partnership into the twenty first century so that it fits in this new framework that we need to define together europe will embrace this new strategy because it is now aware of its role and its place in this century it will get involved on all of the main topics yes my friends what i have also come here to say is that europe is back well that is the director of the china national association of international studies he says relations between france and china become more important to something. traditionally china
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has attached a lot of importance not only to u.k. but also to france and germany in europe and china french relations have always been very important falls in terms of trade economic relations but also in terms of political relations the two countries share actually many similar views on international relations both france and china are probing the member states of the security council of the united nations and the two countries have been called to duty lead positions are many important international issues for years and i hope with the braggs it happening as we speak china french relations will remain very strong arm and will take on new tire measures going forward because france and germany for example remain the two most important e.u. member states as far as china is concerned heavy rain and melting snow have forced
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the closure of one of europe's most important shipping routes the rhine river in western germany has risen to dangerous levels between the cities of cologne to soft and borne and it's expected to peak on tuesday the rains a key shipping route for oil and gas well gary increaser investigating the killing of a prominent businessman in broad daylight peter very stuff was shot outside of company's office in a market this trick of the capital sofia forty nine year old on one of the country's biggest daily businesses they also have ties to bulgaria's ruling center right party. at least two people were killed after protests broke out across a dam over the rising price of bread one of the dead was a high school student who was killed during protests in the city of janina days of arrested a prominent opposition leader confiscated needs papers in an effort to clamp down on the unrest demonstrations began in the southeastern city of sennaar on saturday after bad prices there doubled the price fall of the government cutting subsidies
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in an attempt to prove cornering well bad well then sell is a student protest and activists he says people are angry because they were never consulted over the budget cuts the government will discuss the issue of the budget it is a political bond most only want to discuss it in the people and it is in the prices have just come suddenly in the night no one was expecting this huge amount of grace in the price of fuel of we don't brag of everything. people are talking about certain demands will just. stop in this project stop being this treatment of the government to the people with this weight come to the military budget cutting the national security budget which is already taking more than seventy percent of the two thousand and eighty but did. also altering the
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basics of the life of the people of all so if the government did. do what people are looking for people who look to overthrew the regime egypt's announced that it will hold a presidential election in late march former prime minister ahmed shafik will himself out running late on sunday despite a nineteen his candidacy six weeks earlier shafiq was widely seen as a serious challenger to president abdel fattah el-sisi new york times report says the government may have encouraged him to withdraw it came from the latest of a series of leaks as jamal al sheil reports. despite being arguably the most powerful institution in the country egypt's military intelligence appears to have its weaknesses on sunday the new york times said it had received older recordings of phone calls made by a military intelligence officer the leaks are just how the army tightly controls and directs media outlets in egypt. in the recordings an officer named
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a chauffeur who really makes a number of calls to talk show hosts and other famous president instructing them on what they must say in the wake of president donald trump's controversial decision to recognize drucilla as the capital of israel by beloved dog and i'm letting you know the position of egypt's national security regarding the issue of declaring jerusalem the capital of israel there have to be compromises if you reach a point where jerusalem becomes the capital of israel and ramallah becomes the capital of palestine in order to end the war and avoid more death and we could probably do that aside from showing how egypt under president opted for the has c.c. is apparently willing to accept and supports israel's illegal occupation of jerusalem the leaks also demonstrate just how little media freedom there is transcripts of a second set of audiotapes were published in the new york times on monday this time focusing on the upcoming presidential elections in egypt in these clips the same intelligence officers heard talking about former prime minister ahmed shafik who
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had announced his intention to run for president suffix desire for the top job led him to be placed under house arrest and then deported from the united arab emirates where he'd been living in exile his lawyers say he was detained as soon as he landed in cairo coincidentally on sunday evening shift tweeted that he was withdrawing his candidacy just twenty four hours before egypt's electoral commission was due to publicize the timeline for the twenty eight thousand election this isn't the first time leaks of emerge from deep inside egypt's military intelligence in two thousand and fourteen polls involving sisi himself were made public including recordings of how the united arab emirates funded and orchestrated the protests which paved the way for the military coup in egypt five years ago. for some the recordings further prove how sees egypt controls the media doesn't support the palestinian struggle for liberation for others it simply confirms what they've normal along either way it's a reminder that even the most feared security apparatus inside egypt has its weak
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spot. in watching the news here on out is there a still to come. course to secure another historic term in office has anyone got what it takes to unseat russia's vladimir putin. a small this simple solution the choice is trying to tackle its big homelessness problem in sydney's famous opera house lights up to celebrate a stray us ash spring. welcome to international weather forecast now we've been seeing some pretty unsettled weather around the western side of the mediterranean and indeed is still looking pretty changeable at the moment now we've got another area of low pressure pushing in across parts of the iberian peninsula we've had significant snowfall it still remains pretty cold temperatures of five in madrid on choose day house where
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temperatures are actually not too bad for this time of the year as we head through into wednesday temperatures recovering in madrid and the rain eventually dying away central as lot of cloud but temperatures not too bad in eastern areas maybe rather chilly temperatures there subzero in moscow throughout the day as we head into north africa there's a lot of cloud around quite a strong southerly wind in fact there be some dust lifted up off the sahara and carried into parts of europe so some of that rain is going to contain quite a bit of dust but for north africa itself the most part dry and fine though we have got some showers just threatening the coast of morocco at times and that continues it head on through into wednesday algeria to could see some rain this coastal region now as we head into central parts of africa it looks pretty fine some showers a good bond but otherwise across much of sun. west africa is looking drawing fine sunshine and not gonna use them for southern parts of africa are tropical psycho continues to move away from madagascar.
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this is. his self appointed time. to create sustainable housing for the rule. to bring in trouble came to vietnam's space. to convince developments that his dreams are attainable but changing minds can be as good as altering space a. rebel architect to continue with meaning the city at this time honored disease. and hundred forty one on the. u.s. and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry river beds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have
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been truly unable to escape the war. remind of our top stories here on syrian government forces have ramped up their offensives into the last rebel held areas air strikes have killed civilians in the damascus suburb of go to and it's the province. of deescalation so. rights groups have been protesting against the u.s. government decision to end the temporary protected status of more than two hundred sixty thousand immigrants of el salvador and there are fears an oil tanker burning in the east china sea out to colliding with a cargo ship could explode one body been recovered box thirty one crew members are
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still missing. now iran's warning that it will we consider whether to cooperate with the un's nuclear watchdog if the u.s. doesn't stick to a deal it signed with world powers back in twenty fifteen president don the top us refused to sarrasin five a deal which saw a lifting of sanctions in return for iran scaling back its nuclear program same both ravi has more now from tehran. leaders in iran are again gearing up to defend the nuclear deal finally signed in two thousand and fifteen after years of delays on monday president hassan rouhani had this reminder donald trump has failed every time the white house has tried to confront iran. and the foreign ministry warned washington not to do anything it might regret. we have to wait for their decision as for run stance we've made all the necessary predictions about any scenario and all options for different situations are on the table depending on what the united
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states decides to do. at a security conference in tehran attended by foreign dignitaries and regional allies iran's defense minister told them that the u.s. is orchestrating artificial conflicts in the middle east to create perpetual war and they've said we understand well why do us especially the us are pursuing iran and hoping this is a total american story that says for the progress of america's economy staging wars is inevitable so from their perspective it's necessary to produce permanent war and tension to sell weapons. iran's foreign minister zarif is scheduled to meet his european union counterpart later this week in brussels the e.u. has been a vocal supporter of the nuclear deal and talks are expected to focus on how to save it from collapse in the face of u.s. threats there is broad international support for all sides to remain committed to keeping iran from restarting its nuclear enrichment program but the fact that it
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would only take a few days to do so will no doubt be on the minds of iran's enemies as well as its allies same bus route al-jazeera. on tuesday north and south korea will hold their first high level talks in more than two years they were meeting is expected to focus on north participation in next month's winter olympics in chiang. enthusiastically beisel but some are questioning whether bellamy to any will progress foreign. yes. this was the last formal face to face meeting between north and south korean officials in december two thousand and fifteen the two sides discussed reunions of families separated by the korean war and economic cooperation . that is make a good start and open the great path to unification. despite the initial optimism the talks broke down and in the two years since north korea has fired more than forty missiles and conducted three nuclear tests to escalating tensions on the
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korean peninsula but at the start of this year north korean leader kim jong un unexpectedly proposed dialogue with the south and. the focus of the discussions due to take place on tuesday at the truce village of panmunjom will be on north korea's participation in the two thousand and eight winter olympics in south korea next month and on improving into korean ties the last time north korean athletes visited the south was for the asian games in two thousand and fourteen. sporting events have been useful in providing diplomatic openings between the two koreas but ultimately led nowhere and some analysts are skeptical of north korea's true intentions this time because of the effectiveness of the incoming sanctions in north korea fires the value of south korea as an alternative source of financial relief and using their pension. as punishment for its nuclear
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weapons testing north korea has been subjected to increasingly tighter sanctions including one that effectively slashes its petrol imports by ninety percent. but kim has vowed to continue with his country's nuclear program calling for the mass production and deployment of nuclear warheads and missiles alternately there is no guarantee that north korea's peace often sort of will continue north who are north korea can easily make a change of attitude after the end of the winter olympic games south korean officials are aware of that and preston wingy in his caution against expecting too much from the upcoming talks but engagement with north korea remains the best option to easing tensions on the korean peninsula florence living al-jazeera so that to me a putin is expected to stay in office for another six years after the presidential election in much but russia's tightly managed political system has failed to mobilize forces many say they'll skip the vote in the latest of our series looking
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ahead to the big stories of the year war issuance reports from moscow. the exhibition is called super putin thirty artists presenting vladimir putin various heroic depictions it opened at a moscow gallery home the same day the president announced his bid for reelection it's the kind of post modern political display you quickly get used to in russia one's never quite sure how seriously all this is meant to be taken. the real life ready made putin is expected to comfortably cruise to a fourth term in office this year he's running as an independent candidate even so putin's most publicly vocal critic is being barred from running against him alexina valley has called for nationwide protests in response the writer. that's come out to the street for yourselves feel rights feel future for the fact that we do not want to lose another six years this action needs to be carefully planned and we
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will hold in cos the entire country on sunday january twenty eighth less threatening to russia's carefully constructed political order is cassini a sub check she's the daughter of putin's former political mentor the journalist and t.v. personality comes with liberal opposition credentials yet has been admitted to the race in the field. if sacred processions and many million st pres are allowed opposition rallies should also be allowed as well as the atheist rallies carnivals and gay pride if church marriages are allowed civil l.g.b. t. marriages should also be allowed analyst andre kolesnikov says these decisions make political sense my violin is dangerous for this very stable construction a stable model for the political system. check who's the new figure in this field is acceptable because she's not dangerous she can be
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such a person who can announce some liberal ideas but has the same time to discredit. liberal jews because she was a girl from the party not more then they're all the communists and nationalist l.d.p. are candidates in recent years neither of these parties are provided any genuine opposition to the policies of the government to work only in the electorate doesn't seem enthused recently honey fifty eight percent polled russians said they were thinking of voting a comparatively low figure for this country as super putin knowingly acknowledges russian politics is a one man show but beneath the debatable humor there's a contradiction if a superhero patrol huge is ready to vanquish russia's external enemies has no credible domestic challenger then why should people bother voting for him in march superheroes do not lose elections but if turnout drops significantly next year then
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the kremlin loses some of the legitimacy it needs to support an aging political system will reach allan's zero. apples and a new pressure this time from its biggest investors two major shareholders who control two billion dollars worth of shares of sense unless it's of the company urging it to address concerns over smartphone addiction in young children they said paying special attention to the health and development of the next generation is both good business and the right thing to do they cited a study which says sixty seven percent of teachers surveyed a finding the number of students distracted by digital devices in the classroom is growing seventy before seventy five percent of them say students' ability to focus on studies has decreased and the lesson mentions that u.s. teenagers spend five hours or more day on smartphones seventy one percent more likely to have a risk right if it's suicide and ninety percent of teachers surveyed say the number of students with emotional challenges has also written. well joining us now from
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the u.s. city of seattle is to away belief from restocked an organization that supports people addicted to digital technology and their warm welcome to the program thanks very much for your company just how far in this particular dark tunnel are we how pervasive for children has smart for digital addiction become. just really depends on it's getting more and more pervasive you know it's been only you know smartphones up i phones live around ten years but i see the numbers are well into like fifty to sixty percent of like adolescent children you know twelve to fourteen have smartphones and between like fourteen and eighteen it's pretty much like ubiquitous around like eighty percent so it's it's expanding rapidly and it's very. clear that it's becoming more and more of
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a problem for both parents and teachers and even a lot of the children themselves report that they have a hard time controlling their use as well and that was going to be my question so we heard there's some figures about what teachers think is happening for kids but what do you see happening what are kids telling you that they feel about their lives you know easy the smartphone. just depends you know the predominant population i work is a little over like adolescence or like early adulthood but they got smartphones pretty young and the ones that got their smartphones younger you know between the age of like seven and twelve reported that they felt more anxious more depressed and had a harder time relating to their peers when they did get into high school and try to really create better social skills so the ones that i've worked with have said like their earlier they got it the harder it made it for them to kind of enter great and . more normal social circles but also it affected there you know impulse control
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you know when you turn your phone to satisfy your boredom or anything that really is bothering you you kind of create this habit of doing so and then you can eventually turn to it and diction to self soothe and cope with the stressors that comes with being an adolescent and a child in this day and age. so we know what works in terms of less thing that you know of time that kids spend on smartphones when i'm a parent of two you know very small girls and in my has me reduce their exposure to this stuff you know enormously but you know a sight of what parents can do you know do we need government and intervention you know rather than just the king apple and saying you sell these devices you know do we need to really start to do something here because i think everybody agrees there's a problem. yeah i think there needs to be some restraint you know we wait until the child is like fifteen or sixteen in the united states to learn to start to drive and you know that we take that as
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a huge responsibility and we have restrictions on smoking and we have restrictions on drinking so it to me with all the science that's coming out about the potential addictive qualities that smartphones and you know internet and technology can have on and developing minds i think there nestle should be at least some restrictions i don't know how far those restrictions should go but i do believe you know i i am not personally when i have children of the age to have a smartphone going to give them something to their fourteen or fifteen because not only do they want to be at a certain age but a certain development in their maturity too because there's so many things that children don't quite comprehend around the risks you know sexting became is becoming more and more of a problem and you know online bullying and there's just a lot of consequences that i think younger children just don't have the capacity to understand so i think it would be advantageous to restrict it to like fourteen or fifteen if possible total rehabilitate joining me live from seattle total thank you
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well just a few four years ago detroit became the biggest city in american history to file for bankruptcy today it's undergoing a renee sons of thousands still homeless so detroit a few other cities are experimenting with a surprisingly simple solution john hendren explains. detroit is a city of many ironies the streets of the motor city are largely empty what was once the fourth largest city in the u.s. could fit boston san francisco and manhattan into its footprint but no longer makes the top twenty in population and since more than half of its two million residents fled after the one nine hundred fifty s. it is a city of both thousands of abandoned homes and an epic level of homelessness but a faith based charity here has a small solution to one of detroit's biggest problems tiny houses a reverend fittingly named faith has written the book on them if you could leave
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your children the way my parents left to me and the sky's the limit i mean you really could become middle class that's the happily ever after that long right now in august detroit's cass foundation built the first seven homes from bungalows to frank lloyd wright style to tutors that low income buyers can pay off at a rate of two hundred fifty to four hundred dollars a month in just seven years for keith who spent twelve years in prison home means a fresh start and. twenty more tiny homes like his are going up here this year across the u.s. homelessness is concentrated in areas like detroit but now there's a movement with cities from san francisco to new york building tiny homes like these to give a little piece of the american dream to many who have stopped dreaming since motown came roaring out of bankruptcy downtown glitters and rents are high but here and
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across the u.s. homeownership is at a fifty year low detroit doesn't have. a housing shortage problem. so far diminutive. play only a small role. in solving a colossal problem i'm able to calm him with a key and close the door not madness stays out. but for those now living in close quarters all the room it's a big deal john hendren detroit residents of a small time in the u.s. state of washington are being urged to evacuate is a slow motion landslide heads their way the hillside above union gap in washington state is slumping at a rate of forty cents a minute is a week in geologists say almost a cubic kilometer of rock face could collapse by the end of february. still ahead on.
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sealed and delivered felipe pitino is a boss alone a player. joins the spanish giants on a five and a half year contract for a fee of one hundred ninety two million dollars that's the third most expensive transfer of all time it's a move that was months in the making if not longer and the brazilian was joined by pass the president just that muddy up at de mayo at a presentation at the nou camp it came just days after his move from liverpool was announced. i'm going to. like to think the president oversee barcelona the directors who had so much patience i would like to think liverpool for the five years i had there and the directors my god who understood what i was doing my dream and they tried very hard to convince me to stay to the fans showed five years with me think you. found showed up at the nou camp to welcome the star and getting your offer a hint of some of the skills he can offer is the first. the decision was easy
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because this is a barcelona it is the best team in the world with the best players many big ideas of my play for this club big idols of mine are playing here right now. but fans will have to wait a little longer to see the new signing in action despite passing his medical tests confirm the twenty five year old has a fine injury he won't be able to make his debut for at least another three weeks the new camp will be waiting tatyana sanchez al-jazeera and the berries announced that he has successfully undergone surgery on a hip injury in melbourne the former tennis world number one hasn't played since wimbledon in july and withdrew from last week's brisbane international. but the thirty year old insists he isn't done yet and hopes to recover in time for the grass court season later this year and. now day after winning the title in brisbane mick carey also experienced what it was like to lose again but this time it was only an exhibition games to me he teamed up with lleyton hewitt after both lost
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their singles matches hoping to save face unfortunately for kerio seek out a ball to the face instead that's what you get standing too close to the net. after a sympathetic couple from alexander sparrow of curios picked himself up dusted off his bruised ego and here hewitt beats vera of and grigor dimitrov in the doubles it was pretty good practice for hewitt who's coming out for time at the age of thirty six to get your story in open in the men's doubles. cricket's ashes series of teen australia in england concluded on monday as the second most attended in the long history of the contest a total of eight hundred sixty seven thousand spectators saw at least part of australia's four nil series when they won the fifth and final test on monday by an innings of one hundred twenty three runs city's famous opera house lit up sales in green and gold to celebrate both the men's and women's ashes victories south africa
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beat india in a tense first test in cape town eighteen wickets fell on day four and india was set just two hundred eight for victory but proteas bowler vernon philander took career best figures of six for forty two as india were bowled out seventy two one short of victory target. defending champion stefan as ancyl has taken the overall lead after the third stage of the dakar rally in peru the frenchman finished just behind stage win at nasa here of cattle but that was enough to give him a three minute lead ahead of compassionate sold to pray there was trouble though for two time champion that he roma the spaniard rolled his mini just a kilometer before the finish line he was able to finish the stage with his co-driver but later had to be flown to hospital in the capital lima with head and neck injuries and that means his challenge for this year's title will end because he was unable to drive his car to the overnight stop. the biggest sports event
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in asia has taken place the national championships in traditional wrestling is a fight for christie but combat says get some surprising assistance at least holman reports the third in asia second largest cities into an event that is as much about culture and pride as it is competition this is the national championships of traditional wrestling held once every year was the eight teams representing each of the shows eight provinces have come together to compete in front of thousands of fans of the dutch that this traditional sport dates back to harvesting seasons in villages used to fight after collecting their crops if your rival of the military council in one nine hundred seventy five he thought the wrestling to be the sport the police all the youths together in the national competition was introduced. of fifteen wrestlers are helped by their coaches and to some this sorcerer is the role of the sorceress is to write
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a play spells will never slows and perform rituals primed to each fight but different competitors have their own theories on how to best achieve success oh the sport requires physical strength training and a mix of cleric some luck is needed to see those as some rest. as for lion sorceress who resort to black magic engine but we rely totally on the holy koran which is the laws of worldly secrets. thanks very much to those who can make it to the stadium this is very much a television event to swallow. was it was the boy's view is on spectators sawhorse province in to win this year's title after beating the defending champions. as prime minister brushy recently on hand to present the victors sword along with the twenty thousand dollars check for and from there it was time to celebrate with the people of simba
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and start planning on how to wrestle back the title again next year lease home and i'll just era some or some celebrations there but for now it's back to chile in london so thank you that was so much i'm in argentina where dozens of cultural festivals are in full swing the mambo festival claims to be unique and a series of all reports men dedicate years of their dream of dancing their. this mall city of level of there in the central province of the court of the law is transformed every year by my lambo. danced exclusively by men who train for years to be able to compete here. your mother. has a way of life it is choosing a lifestyle it's not a job it's a passion. for him with the with the. dancers from argentina's twenty three provinces travel to the most important competition in the country it requires skill
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strength and a lot of street. the dancers are dressed like they go out the traditional horsemen but once roamed the land. they come along behind me straight away to take out to eat and fight. with one another back in the seventeenth and eighteenth century to the brim of the knife. he takes for these people as a way of preserving argentina's tradition. he's a teacher from the southern province of nokia and this is his first time at the competition. it is very difficult for us to be here especially when you don't have a lot of financial support only your family sometimes you want to abandon it all. he explained the two different style that they need to excel at if they want to win
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the biggest price what's unique about the competition is that the winner cannot compete ever again in the same category. i was champion seven years ago he started to dance when he was ten years old one of the lol but what if there's a body when you win you also have some sadness because you want to continue competing but at the same time being a winner means so much is like retiring and being champion all in the same night. it. is a symbol of masculinity and unlike other argentine dances like campbell women have yet to join in with a lot of women who want to dance and some categories where they can liken couples dancing that they're not allowed in the main competition. character and style. as the dance itself and even though it has changed over the decades it has not lost
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our investigates exposes and question the use and abuse of power around. at this time. was different from other channels because we're not just there when something happens we are there before it happens we're there while it happens and we say we do have a permanent basis and a lot of places are such that. the back ground being in love of god is very important it's about syria it's about lebanon it's about the power struggle between iran and saudi arabia it's all there and that's the challenge. of. gang life this was our foundation. i tried to do some different. it was the best day of my life.
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could've gone on forever. pay the price knocks at this time. well look i'm. now you. know some of it i like. syrian government forces ramp up the pressure on. two of the last rebel held areas . hello there i'm going with some of this is al jazeera live from going to also coming up the jump administration.
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