tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera January 10, 2018 6:00am-6:34am +03
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the photographer is something very strong to communicate with someone an ambitious young artist from the mean streets of mozambique to set out to reveal the unseen truth about his country. of the muslim people don't like to see israeli do because did no good in college change. in the new african photography mario must allow at this time on al-jazeera. believe. moving forward south korea's president says he's willing to meet north korea's leader kim jong. il i'm down in jordan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up raids across villages in the west bank after an israeli settler shot dead in the occupied
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territories. steve bannon steps down from the right wing breitbart news after a public falling out with donald trump. and from files to floods thirteen people are dead in southern california as heavy rain triggers mudslides and destroys homes . south korean president moon jenkins says he's willing to meet north korean leader kim jong un if he's serious about denuclearization it follows marathon talks between officials from the two nations on tuesday the first in more than two years moon says that while he is committed to improving relations pyongyang must be open to discussing its nuclear program. i keep myself i've been to any made including this summer with north korea if it's helpful for an improvement of self north relations or a settlement of the north korean nuclear issue but to have the summit some
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conditions must be established i think a certain level of success must be guaranteed and kathy novak joins us live now from the south korean capital seoul cafes so the south korean president now saying he would meet the north korean leader how much progress has that been in these talks so far. well it was a significant shift because of course these talks happened after two years of no official communication between north and south korea so these went ahead without any preconditions to talk about north korea's participation in the winter olympics next month and the fact that these two sides were able to talk to sit down and all in the same room is being seen as significant progress and they were able to come out of that meeting after just a day with some agreements to send a delegation from north korea to the olympics as south korea has been pushing for because monday and has been saying he wants the olympics to be the piece of limb big city says that he wants this to be
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a turning point for peace on the korean peninsula and they want to seize momentum going forward to have more talks with north korea for south korea has proposed military talks to defuse tension at the border also propose more talks to consider the possibility of family reunions for those separated by the korean war as soon as next month down in terms of the bigger picture kathy how difficult has it been for mungy in to balance the game of deescalating tensions with the north and trying to keep his main ally the u.s. . it is a balancing act because the policies do differ somewhat when it comes to how to handle the north korean nuclear threat south korea has been pushing forward with a policy of dialogue of engagement whereas the us president donald trump has been more forceful with his rhetoric and has also been saying that there should not be any talks without preconditions that the talks must be about denuclearization and
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he has been pushing forward tough sanctions and pressure but monday and says those actually go hand in hand that the south korea and the u.s. agree on the way forward and that they do share the goal of denuclearizing north korea and when jane says sanctions and pressure are precisely to bring north korea to the negotiating table and we saw the culmination of that in these high level talks he says that donald trump actually did do a lot to bring forward the peace talks and he thanked donald trump's for his effort on that front but he doesn't knowledge that there is a dilemma for south korea because imposing sanctions and pressure does run the risk that north korea will in turn escalate its launches a nuclear test because the sanctions and pressure make the government there quite angry so he says that is the real dilemma the real balancing act and one that south korea must take prudently. thank you now the israeli army has carried out
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raids on a number of villages close to the occupied west bank town of nablus thirty five year old israeli settler was shot dead authorities say the father of six was killed in a drug by shooting when twenty two bullets were sprayed at the college he was driving the army has declared the area to the southwest of not a military zone there are reports of scrimmages in the villages of tel and samarra such as throwing stones at possum cars in the village of buddhism has more from western lucilla. well the israeli military says that this thirty five year old man a rabbi from the illegal outpost of about gilad just southwest of nablus in the occupied west bank that he was in his vehicle on route sixty the main road near that illegal outpost where he lived and he was shot dead from a by a from a passing vehicle the military not saying whether it was one gunman or more but there are reports that twenty two bullets struck the vehicle that he was shot in the neck and chest taken to hospital where he was then pronounced dead the military
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responded by declaring a military zone southwest of nablus israeli soldiers entering two villages tel and sorrow there were confrontations with local palestinians in those villages before the military the soldiers withdrew to the entrances of the villages they also carried out raids within nablus itself western neighborhoods of nablus seizing security cameras as this hunt for the suspects in this incident continues israeli settlers as well gathered around a checkpoint at least one area throwing stones at palestinian vehicles in response so pretty tense situation in the hours after this shooting novelis itself is surrounded by illegal israeli settlements and outposts has long been an area where there have been clashes between palestinians and settlers the last fatal shooting by a palestinian on israeli targets took place in september when a man entered at a checkpoint at the entrance to an israeli settlement shot dead three israeli
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security forces members and was then shot dead him self the difference in this instance the perpetrator or perpetrators are still on the run and since then we've had the donald trump decoration about jerusalem so the whole situation in the palin's palestinian territories is more tense there have been weeks of protest. turkey's foreign ministry has summoned the ambassadors of iran and russia to protest against the violation of a deescalation zone in syria turkey is reportedly accusing the syrian troops of breaking the agreement in their push to retake opposition held areas of the province russia iran and turkey agreed on four deescalation zones in may last year in an effort to end the seven year war moscow and tehran support the syrian government while turkey backs opposition groups well another deescalation zone is the damascus suburb of eastern ghouta the syrian government's bombardment of the rebel held on claims intensifying rebel fighters are desperately trying to cling on to the territory even resorting to talks with syria's ally russia four hundred
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thousand civilians are struggling to survive the winter with medical and food supplies now running low natasha going to aim reports. the fog of dust from buildings reduced to rubble was still thick as people began transporting the injured and pulling out the dead twenty three people were killed in strikes in eastern guta on monday night. now you know if you made the drive to be the warplanes didn't stop day and night they shell only civilians and target residential neighborhoods and markets in the eastern ghouta is a short drive to the capital damascus which is remained relatively calm throughout the war but the lives of the four hundred thousand people here are very different the never ending stream of bombs has created shortages of everything from food to fuel. the last two weeks have been especially intense one hundred twenty six people are estimated to have been killed since december twenty ninth. the new i five
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a man on that video who demand the international community stops the shelling of innocent civilians we don't have any food or mates in here and use kuta we under siege for a long time and we hope god will help us. syrians contemplating leaving their homes are faced with a dilemma for example the displaced who sought refuge in opposition held in lib are in danger again it is the largest rebel stronghold and government forces are in the midst of an offensive to regain control tens of thousands of civilians already in dire circumstances have been recorded as displaced since the first of december due to the fighting with the onset of winter save shelters among the biggest concerns as many families are fleeing into areas that are already at full capacity into communities with depleted resources people in eastern guta fear if they leave their homes they'll never be allowed to return the un is accusing the syrian government
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of implementing a policy of force displacement to radically alter the demographic makeup of areas previously controlled by the opposition natasha going to aim al-jazeera. up to one hundred migrants suffield drowned off the coast of libya after their rubber boat was punctured only sixteen survivors were found by the coast guard in the city of zawiya migrants and two other boats trying to make the perilous journey to europe but also rescued in total the coast guard picked up about three hundred migrants time for a short break here not just when we come back cracking down on crime online nor combating hate speech in germany is facing much criticism. for the first.
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welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the americas it's certainly less cold across north america thinks the winds though generally coming in from a southerly direction so quiet across much of the eastern side of the united states still some saying this is for parts of canada but temperatures rise and therefore would have paid minus two but there's another area of low pressure further towards the west developing and is that pushes in when a pace going to see the winds turning to the north once again to minus twenty two is a top temperature and plenty of snow across the upper midwest through towards the great lakes but certainly temperatures rising there for both washington and new york further south and into the caribbean region and showers still likely across parts of cuba and through into wards the bahamas we've lost that link through into parts of central america we've had heavy rain for panama and costa rica is looking generally dry here over the coming days and eat up through the rest of the isthmus it looks generally draw in fine nice day mexico city with highs of twenty three
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heading down into south america still quite a few heavy showers likely to be affecting parts of bolivia some localized flooding possible powers maybe not fairing quite so badly we've got some rain across parts of paraguayan but once you get further south it should be largely fine across europe why and into argentina with highs of thirty two in buenos aires. this is the architect of. the self appointed time. to create sustainable housing for the rule. to bring in john. king to vietnam's space. and to convince developments that his dreams are retaining the changing minds can be as good as altering space a. little architecture to continue with greening the city at this time on our dizzying.
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welcome back a recap of the top stories here on al-jazeera a south korean president says he's willing to meet the north korean leader kim jong un whom proposed a summit to result differences between both nations and the pyongyang's nuclear program follows audible talks on tuesday. israeli army is carried out raids on villages close to the occupied west bank town of nablus soft on israeli settler was shot is to clear the area to the south west of the trees. and up to one hundred migrants are feared drowned off the coast of libya after their rubber boat was punctured only sixteen survivors were found by the coast guard. the u.s. president donald trump's former adviser steve bannon has resigned from his role as
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executive chairman of the right wing news website breitbart it comes just days after a round of remarks bannon made about trump and his son in the recently published book fire and fury in its ban on coal the twenty sixteen meeting between donald trump jr and a group of russians treasonous don estabrook as more from washington d.c. . well steve bannon and breitbart are both saying that he left the his position at breitbart but there's a lot of speculation in washington that he was probably pushed out. one of the investors and one of the board members that breitbart is a republican a billionaire republican donor by the name of rebecca mercer she hopelessly called bannon out last week over the comments that he made in fire and fury so there is speculation that she probably had something to do with his leaving the breitbart news. this afternoon what is the political future for steve
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bannon kind of hard to tell right now he appears to be rather toxic this was a man who had a very meteoric rise started at breitbart in two thousand and twelve sort of led this nationalist movement and helped get president trump elected and then was part of his staff now he's fallen out of favor with trump he's lost his job at breitbart and he's also lost a show a radio show on sirius satellite radio so he sort of lost that platform for that nationalist movement but washington is a city where there are a lot of second chances he was working to try to get some people that were running for the midterm elections or what did he may have to step aside at this point because of his relationship with president trump but again this is a town of second chances he's likely to step aside lick his wounds and maybe really emerge over the next several months u.s.
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president donald trump is once again said that he wants a border wall along mexico as part of the immigration reforms he also says a bipartisan solution is needed to protect some seven hundred thousand so-called dream of immigrants so far the republican controlled congress failed to reach a deal on their status but some dream is used to refer to people who are under the age of sixteen when the end of the u.s. illegally a deal which protects them from deportation expires in march. iran supreme leader ayatollah ali harman a has blamed the western powers for the recent unrest in his country and i also suggested tehran's regional rival saudi arabia had funded some of the demonstrations he says iran's enemies took advantage of economic problems to try and destabilize the government same as robbie has more from the capital tehran . when empty government protests began last month iran's supreme leader said he would speak about the unrest at an appropriate time knowing
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his would be the final word. on tuesday ayatollah ali khamenei blamed foreign intervention by iran's enemies for the demonstrations that resulted in the deaths of at least twenty two people you. see that even according to evidence there's a triangular part and it was formed by the u.s. and zionists the money came from a wealthy government it appears in the gulf they had element one henchmen hide of millions but his plot he also had a warning for anyone seeking to use these demonstrations to overthrow iran's government you failed he said and you will fail in the future too. in his speech the supreme leader said that what he calls foreign agents who are behind the anti-government demonstrations adopted the slogan of high prices knowing that that was something that would resonate with many iranians so many acknowledged economic hardships faced by iranian fans and admitted the country had work to do to
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solve its own problems. but people struggling to pay their bills say there needs to be less talk and more action to improve living standards you know most effective the so these protests are because of economic problems people are frustrated they have to pay rent they have university students and their families to sally's are not enough for their expenses that. there's been some economic depression in society for a while job opportunities have decreased god willing it will get solved bush did not do this or the more for economic problems were a preliminary cause but some people and some foreign agents misused the situation to create tension with one man who didn't speak to us on camera said iran's leaders have been blaming foreign countries for domestic problems for years and that it's natural for people who are frustrated with their leaders to take to the streets after all he said that's how the islamic republic of iran came to power in the first place same bus robbi al-jazeera run police into his ear fired tear gas at
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demonstrators in the capital who stormed a supermarket during an anti-government protest demonstrations have been taking place since monday when people rallied in more than ten towns against the government's plan price and tax hikes since the measures are necessary to reduce its ballooning deficit and satisfy international lenders but the prime minister youssef to head says twenty eight will be the last year of economic hardship for the political analyst because minority says the protests are a sign the government must address people's concerns with we see the tax increases in the new budget coming to be now and this is going to a lot of people nervous and. upset their country we see kind of the arab spring which number one for the people itself carries worries also for extra investors carries that same old view of the middle east of trouble and not a safe place to invest so the government really needs to do something about this in order to fix to change expectations and help the country flourish. more than two
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hundred people have been injured in a train crash in johannesburg the second in south africa in less than a week the commuter service hit the back of another train stuck in a station after breaking down so africa's rail regulators blaming human error after a signal failure last week eighteen people died when a train hit a truck on a level crossing in free state products. flooding and mudslides caused by a powerful storm in southern california have killed at least thirteen people thousands of others that have been forced on that homes robin's reports from los angeles. torrential rains moving inland from the pacific ocean devastated the very same parts of california that were ravaged by wildfires last month the only words i can really think of to describe what it looked like was it looked like a world war one battlefield it was literally a carpet of mud and debris everywhere. deadly mudslides
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raced down canyons in montecito near santa barbara leveling homes and destroying everything the fires left on harm i heard the rumble of the rocks and looked over the river and the trees are just coming down true true true you heard of a little baby. cable. dug down out of the food and the right can you. got it out of the bottle that's no. hope that's ok to. a car lay stranded the fate of its owner on known rivers of thick gray muck course through upscale neighborhoods and roads were overwhelmed including the major north south coastal highway one hundred one the recent fires stripped steep hillsides of brush and other vegetation that normally anchors the earth in place firefighters say the burnt landscape makes the soil more
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susceptible to giving way without warning in heavy rain what happens once the ground gets saturated the soil it starts giving it's kind of like building a sand castle at the beach says out sand get saturated with water it's going to slough off and that's what we're seeing here behind me. as crews work to clear roads and move debris word came that several residents had died. in the floods thousands of others were under mandatory evacuation orders the death toll is expected to rise rob reynolds al-jazeera well sensuous at least twenty nine people are dead after cycle own battered parts of madagascar over the weekend tropical cyclone of a tour through the southeast of the country emergency officials say the region of how to is the worst affected further north many parts of the capital and on a reef remain flooded of across into madagascar on friday bringing with it winds of up to one hundred ninety kilometers an hour twenty two people are still missing and
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more than seventeen thousand have been displaced. heavy snow has trapped an estimated thirteen thousand tourists at one of switzerland's most popular ski resorts the snow full stop lifts and block ski runs in that train service is also halted some people trying to leave the resort had to be airlifted to nearby villages. bad weather and a fire a complicating the search for thirty two missing sailors off the coast of china they want to board an iranian oil tanker which collided with a chinese cargo ship on saturday fires when burning on board the tank of a three days and is preventing crews from getting close to it aging brown has more from a shanghai. the drama is happening some one hundred sixty nautical miles out in the east china sea it's happening in international waters which is why the response has been international south korea has sent a number of coast guard vessels u.s. military has sent an aircraft to help in the search for the thirty two missing crew
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members from that stricken iranian oil tanker now at the moment there are two operations taking place one to put out the fire the broke out on the tanker the other of course to find those missing crewmembers now the tanker was carrying more than a million barrels of ultra light crude oil noted condensate it's very toxic it's also colorless odorless which means it's very very hard to detect the priority now is to prevent the ship exploding and then sinking and of course that would threaten a real environmental catastrophe in the meantime officials in shanghai say there is no evidence that this accident is affecting traffic going into or out of the port shanghai of course is one of the world's busiest ports officials also say that an exclusion zone is now in force which means that no vessel can sail to within ten kilometers of the accident site and it's possible there is this rescue operation
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continued that exclusion zone will be white and of course in pakistan is granted bail to a cleric accused of inspiring armed groups so he muhammad will be released from jail on medical grounds he's been in prison for eight years on charges of sedition terrorism and training pakistanis to fight u.s. forces in afghanistan french president emanuel macross hailing his visit to china as the beginning of an historic partnership he joined china's president xi jinping in promising to promote free trade and combat climate change and vision sharply at odds with that of u.s. president donald trump robin wright has more from beijing. china and france are hailing this visit as a new era for strategic partners xi jinping and emanuel mccraw signing multi-billion dollar trade deals from aerospace to nuclear energy projects and reaching what they say is common consensus on a range of issues from climate change to international security.
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we have made an agreement to improve global issues we are faced with climate change and terrorism china will be working together with france so we can have a win win situation and develop a new strategy that helps everyone in the world we have both agreed to have open and deep communications macross says his visit is a recognition of china's role on the world stage and she's preeminent position as chinese leader this is mark rance first state visit to china as president and he wants the trip to become an annual event to highlight the deepening relationship between china and europe are growing stronger as their respective relations with the united states become more unpredictable and strained and i think. it is time for european leaders including the french president jacques rogge to really
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balance off their leashes against the united states with their relations with china macron began his visit in the ancient city of scheana one of the starting points of the ancient silk road. his full support for what president xi calls his belt and road initiative of new road and rail links seen as the modern day equivalent of connecting east with west is popular here macro will also take away from beijing the recommitment to the paris climate agreement seen as crucial after the united states walked away from it in doing so france and china are positioning themselves as global environmental leaders setting an example for the world to follow briard al-jazeera beijing. now it's one of the world's largest cities where you surprisingly don't have to take a test to get a driving license on the roads of mexico city three people are killed on average
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every day and thousands of trucks got some reported well now reckless drivers around the government pressure to steer away from bad habits david. it's a typical tuesday morning in mexico city and parents drop their children off at school it's a chaotic scene on the prize make up in her rearview mirror another leaves her car in the middle of the street an argument breaks out after a man backs into a vehicle that's being double parked. mexico city is one of the world's most populated metropolises every day more than five million vehicles clogged streets. road accidents are common more than a thousand people die in crashes every year traffic accidents are now the leading cause of death for children between five and fourteen years old the government says this must stop as much as wanted to traffic related that's unacceptable because
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they can be prevented we can do this in steps through new regulations infrastructure that knowledge use and training. officials have already reduced speed limits and installed traffic cameras now efforts to change driving culture are focused here this is one of the government offices in mexico city where people come to get their driver's licenses or maybe i should say where people come to buy their licenses because all you need to bring here is a piece of government id a utility bill and pay the equivalent of forty dollars and within five minutes you're walking out with a license to drive it's just that easy. but this is changing starting in two thousand and eighteen and drivers will have to take driving courses run by internationally credited schools before applying for a lie. it's a big change but one that many residents say is necessary but. i still feel a little bit nervous even though i try to control it but i feel
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a lot safer by taking this course will help me avoid getting into accidents but. changing the habits of millions of drivers will take generations but in one of the world's biggest cities the cost of doing nothing is simply too high david mercer mexico city. now one of iraq's oldest working cars has gone on display in the city of basra the ford model t. been known by the last autumn governor. says he had some reconditioning over the years but he's amazed it still works. all right time for a quick recap of the top stories here on al-jazeera a south korean president says he's willing to meet the north korean leader kim. moon proposed a summit to resolve differences between both nations of the nuclear program it
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follows high level talks. i keep myself i've been to any maidan including the summer with north korea if it's helpful for an improvement of self north relations or a settlement of the north korean nuclear issue but to have the summit some conditions must be established i think a certain level of success must be guaranteed the israeli army has carried out raids on the villages close to the occupied west bank town of nablus after an israeli settler was shot dead is to clear the area to the south west of not less. up to one hundred migrants are feared drowned off the coast of libya after their rubber boat was punctured only sixteen survivors were found by the libyan coast guard. flooding and mudslides caused by a powerful storm in southern california have killed at least thirteen people some houses in santa barbara county were completely leveled many more were damaged forcing thousands of people to leave recent fires have made the area vulnerable to
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flooding more rain is expected on wednesday yes president donald trump's former advisor steve benen has resigned from his role as executive chairman of the right wing news website bright but comes just days after a public round of remarks bannon made about trump and his son in the recently published book fire and fury turkey's foreign ministry has summoned the ambassadors of iran to russia to protest against the violation of a deescalation zone in syria turkey's reportedly accusing syrian troops of breaking the deal in their push to retake opposition held areas of it live province police intimacy as capital fired tear gas at demonstrators who stormed a supermarket during anti-government protest demonstrations against tanks and price hikes began on monday with rallies in more than ten towns. heavy snows trapped thirteen thousand tourists at one of switzerland's most popular ski resorts the snow falls stop lifts and block ski runs in matt some people have been airlifted to
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nearby villages but those are the headlines these continues here on al-jazeera after rebel architecture stature and so much of africa. news has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narrative at this time on al-jazeera. architect has always defined the human. trump the simplest struck just to the greatest monuments to the bottle and rebellion is under way. led by a new breed of aki ted that puts people before. the text using the tools of that trade to the structure of the surrounding. country to find a profession. it is.
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