tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 15, 2018 2:00am-3:01am +03
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the trillion dollar debt it's not just about the banks it's not just about the government to real people. and. the arrival of refugees is debated in european parliament's. but the journey itself is little understood. to syrians document the route that is claimed so many lives searching for sanctuary part one people in power on al-jazeera. this is. a low and welcome to this al-jazeera news hour live from. multimedia this coming up
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in the next sixty minutes turkey's president says a military assault on a kurdish enclave in syria is imminent. the palestinian president denounces donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as a slap in the face and calls for an internationally led negotiation was. seven years on from its revolution giudice and showing their discontent on the streets as they demand economic and social reform. and chile prepares to welcome pope francis but not everyone is happy. but first the turkish president. has evolved to launch a military. aeration on
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a major kurdish stronghold in northern syria he's pledged to attack africa in the coming days it's controlled by the y.p. g. that's a kurdish group that is considered by turkey to be terrorists will shortly after his announcement the y.p. g. shelled as it is that's a city held by turkish backed forces there are already reports of turkey street movements both along the northern syrian border and at the edge of what p.g. held territory well the move comes after reports that the u.s. coalition is planning to assemble a thirty thousand strong border security force in northern syria and that could include the wife the u.s. has previously supplied arms to kurdish fighters so turkey is condemning that move with president ever one warning the u.s. not to interfere in turkey's operations. god willing in the coming days as we will continue the operation to purge our southern border from terror which the
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first step was taken with the euphrates shelled operation and no i was afraid. it's genuine and we expect the market to support turkey and its legitimate outlets we expect our friends to display an attitude to pathetic and this is sheer survival letter so sensitive and so critical for our country during the african operation i hope these powers will not give rise to error by appearing on the same side as the terror organizations. are we can talk to bill schneider now his professor in public policy at george mason university he's talking to us live from los angeles thank you for talking to us we've often seen have we the potential of the two nato allies turkey and the united states clashing within the theater of syria but this perhaps more than any other time presents a real danger. it's a real danger because the turks are threatening to invade northern syria and
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destroy the kurdish forces there the y p g the united states is building up a border security force with in alliance with the y.p. ji the problem is the kurds the united states knows and has discovered that the kurds are the most effective fighting force against the assad government and against the islamic state in syria and they've been very successful at that that's the american purpose but the turks regard the kurds and the y. p.g. as a dire threat they label them terrorists and so does the united states and they are determined to destroy the terror of the kurdish military force so there is a real conflict of interest here and as there has as i mentioned before several times have been these moments of potential conflict doesn't have particularly in this syrian equation what about the actual presence on the ground of u.s. forces because the turks have said that they are going to launch a military operation against africa and in particular other american soldiers that
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are involved with the wife. i'm not sure i haven't researched that but i know that there are two thousand american soldiers on the ground in syria two thousand so far and the united states is proposing to train a thirty thousand strong local militia force to serve as a border security force whether americans are actually enough for it or not i don't know but that is a terror to a kurdish controlled province and the united states has labeled the kurdish forces the p.k. k. the kurdish political party as a terrorist force. and what specifically is the objective then of this thirty thousand strong full force. specifically i can answer i don't know because bill by and large the islamics they forces do not hold
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any territory any longer in syria the kurds have been very effective in limiting their territorial strongholds but they are still a very serious threat and a threat also to the government of assad the government of assad is crucial here because it's it regards the kurds as an enemy trying to overthrow it at the same time the kurds are fighting the islamic state it's a very complicated situation and russia and iran are allies of the assad government in syria so you've got about five competing interests going on all at the same time all prepared to fight in this provides for a very dangerous situation all right bill schneider live from los angeles thank you now a syrian government pushing to it leave provinces will surround one hundred twenty thousand people out of their homes in the last few weeks but as these newly displaced people see places a century many of them continue to face danger. now
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these are pictures that were captured by an outrageous crew they were filming it all this time also has in. and as you can see a missile hit very close to civilians many of them all very people mothers children and elderly people as well they'd earlier fled from all the bombing attacks in in hama and they've come to this particular area to safety as they were correspondent milad fardy you can see him you've just seen him he's among the men women and children trying to find cover. well aid agencies say that they're pretty much overwhelmed by the scale of need in syria and they're warning that it's a bombardment continues a million displaced people will start amassing close to the turkish border seeing them cause the early reports now from rahma refugee camp that's in northern italy in syria. up till carry mohammed lost his home when the syrian government bombed
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aniston hama in december he arrived in ram a refugee camp in adler province fifteen days ago with his wife and five children the fifteen year old former stays he had very good business back home but he had to leave it all behind the family went to singe our first taking refuge in a cave but the safety they found there didn't last for long and government forces were advancing on the area abdel and his wife sharon asked say they were afraid of being killed and i'm not happy i'm not used to living like this here you don't feel free we are sleeping with our children one ten now we were hiding in a cave when the regime forces of pants towards our lads we were afraid they would kill us and left in the after the bombardment in the east hama a lot of people moved to sunder who faced few bombardments of deisel of the regime started their fight we had to leave again and stay out in the world sleeping under
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trees aid organizations came to us to this camp but you see this is not home. the camp was built only a couple of weeks ago and is already full five thousand people are here but still more are arriving every day most of them are poor families from eastern how much as the weather gets colder the main fear here is illness hygiene is a major issue so much of the prevention falls on the women here as they are the ones responsible for feeding and cleaning in dire conditions. the primary needs are tents and things like marshes blankets on carpets also. some sort of specially needed by children and women you name it the people in syria need it even finding a nail clipper is an issue. survival mother cation is the priority here many of these children have been on the run from the bombings for some time some of them haven't been to school in years they're left to think again and escape from the sad
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reality of their homeland people have managed to escape the regime's air strikes and the fight against i still they were able to find a reference here in these camps in northern. for now they're safe but no one knows what will happen if your syrians come to the region saying i'm pissed all over al-jazeera northern adlib. they're saying shamal new the palestinian president mahmoud abbas labeled donald trump's peace efforts the slap of the century he was addressing the p.l.o. central council president reiterated that he won't accept the trumpets ministration as a mediator in talks with israel and called for an internationally led process president trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital as part of worldwide condemnation of protests across the region but rival palestinian groups hamas and
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islamic jihad they didn't turn up for the meeting and say there's a lack of agreement on how to deal with washington imran khan is our correspondent in ramallah. it was a very strong speech from president bush about he said that drew slim was the jewel in the crown the eternal capital of any future palestinian state criticizing the u.s. president all the time for removing jerusalem from any future palestinian state via tweet he was also very critical of these very critical languages let's just take a listen to what some of that language sounded like. and will never see as i drive down the aisle we say that politically driven person is our capital in our religion it's how capital idea graphically it's our capital. but it was removed from the map with a tweet from mr trump as say you. were now we say no to trump we won't
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accept his plan we cited a deal of the century is the slop of the century. but it was just about jerusalem it was also about the palestinian factions as well he was very critical of islamic jihad and hamas for not coming to the central council meeting he said that this was about politics and this was about the future of jerusalem the future of the palestinian state no he did criticize the senate budget for the positions he also said that this was a toy where the palestinians needed to get together because jerusalem is the religious cultural and political capital of palestine so very strong words coming out from the president but we did ask but this isn't the end of the central council meeting throwing ahead to monday now there will be to these decisions that will be issued they will we shape any future negotiations and how those decisions will be implemented because. ok we can speak to mohammed a waste now his
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a political analyst on palestinian and american affairs he joins us from washington d.c. thank you very much indeed for taking the time to talk to us i'm just wondering a huge amount of pressure on president mahmoud abbas he's denounced donald trump in very very strong terms indeed but practically speaking where does he go from here. well the writing was all over the walls and the wall and the separation wall between the palestinians and the israelis and the blockade of gaza mr abbas did not see all this did not see it since he took office in ramallah says the death of the late yasser arafat mr one of us should not continue to cease from mr mr brown is not capable of reaching even if he'll in the united states. republicans and the democrats so i don't expect anything to come out of this administration let's look at
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a more stable administrations beforehand ok. all right but ken i do want to jump in there because we really need to talk about about the here in the now and this is who you have got to deal with he's been awful if we understood from the speech he confirmed that there's been an offer of abu dis as a prospective capital for any future palestinian state so this is the first detail as i understand it then of what we expect to be the new american plan. i appreciate what you are saying but i would beast was offered in two thousand by bill clinton and who don't record for yasser arafat and it was it wasn't so and mahmoud abbas did not come up with anything new in fact did not talk or negotiate with any palestinians or what he wants to do or what he's trying to do or what grampus trying to do is to get the gulf arabs the ones with the lot of money to open up
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their countries and they are their airports for the israelis in order to force down the throat of the palestinians by threatening to cut down bit aid from the gulf and from the united states because he's already cut will be the palestine i thought it be and he's now are threatening to cut it also to be the owner so now and then we have history with the united states government and there wasn't anything delivered to the palestinians since ninety ninety three says also accord so nothing is being negotiated all there except over the view of the century for israel and some arab states who are willing to cooperate with the israelis against other arab states and locating gaza that is located because of cut out of position on b. policies of mr mr gramp and the israelis i'm a mortar option there are more don't turn to to have any talk about the the the great plan of the of the century feel like which is shoving some of kind of so it's
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ok a slap in the face as he's already said but it's like shoving down the throat this idea has been concocted in washington as you say with the complicity of arabs some arab states what option does mahmoud abbas have. you know i have said just a thought many of the top palestinian leaders not to chase after sweets and after what mr graham say's or any promises from mr trump the best thing for the palestinians to do now is sit back and wait him out wait mr crump out because mr trump have no political experience no negotiating experience in politics maybe you know how to negotiate to build a hotel or bill because seeing without fail but he does not have the experience he does not have the power even and the full around the world in order to bring give peace a peace that will be good for everybody at ups israelis for less indians and jews
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but if they continue to chase it to the chase the weeds of mr graham they are nothing they are serving nobody but most of them come south mr trump is temporary and they should not need or see it and pressure like this they should leave them alone let them do whatever because let's remember it we've is non-binding it and agreement and that pressure is binding no matter what pressure was applied on the palestinians so let it go just continue keep on going keep on living try to make it difficult for israelis door all over the palestinians in the west bank and make it for difficult for the egyptians and the israelis to blockade gaza mohammad away spanking. excuse me now president trump says he's lost hope for negotiations on the deferred action for childhood arrivals program is better known as darker now it is twenty twelve it's protected hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to legally work in the u.s.
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well president trump ended the program in september congress has until march to renegotiate it but president trump tweeted earlier on sunday that and i quote data is probably dead because the democrats don't really want it they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our military ok let's go live to our correspondent patty culhane who is in washington d.c. or right it seems very much as a as far as the president's concerned this dacca this program helping the so-called dream is is dead in the water. wouldn't think maybe that's not the case i mean keep in mind just because president donald trump or claim something to be true doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be true i mean remember it's just days ago where he publicly said to the democrat and republican senators in the white house if you come up with a compromise you come up with
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a deal on immigration i'll sign it doesn't matter what it would say just give me a compromise they brought in a compromise and he said that a sign that this legislation would be incredibly popular the vast majority of americans believe that these docket children as they're called these dreamers should be allowed to stay but it's not just about impacting them the president is also taking away this status that allows people from el salvador and from haiti to stay in this country although they've given them some time to get out in the case of el salvador and it's not necessarily clear that this is fact going to go through there's a federal judge has come out and said the president can't take these dreamers out of the country so it's going to wind its way through the court system there's a bigger impact here though because the country is running out of money this is apparently what the u.s. congress does they set a deadline and that is this coming friday where the government will have to shut down if they don't come up with either what they call a continuing resolution which kicks the can down the road for a bit or an actual budget republicans are in charge of the white house the house of
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representatives the senate but they cannot pass a budget or a continuing resolution without democrats in their own lot of democrats now who are saying especially after these very inflammatory comments racist comments from the president of the united states that they're simply not going to sign off on a budget until they get an immigration deal so it is sunday night in washington the tweets have stopped it is quiet enjoy it for a moment because the next five days are going to be pretty intense and i'm just wondering what kind of deal do we have any idea as to what kind of deal would it be acceptable to the president and indeed to congress. well you really want to get rid of this lot what he calls the lottery system what it's called the lottery system basically people from countries can submit their name if that their name gets picked in a lottery then they're allowed to come to the united states and get out a path to citizenship he wants to get rid of that but this all goes back to those really explosive comments that he has reportedly made where he used
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a very derogatory term to describe the entire africa el salvador in haiti basically saying we don't want people from those countries being able to get into the lottery so it wasn't just that he was making this really crude research remark it was that it was impacting policy but still the country for days has been focused fixated on whether he used this swear word to describe these places and we've seen a democratic senators in the meeting come out and said yes he did say it we've seen a republican senator come out and basically say yes he did say it without coming right out and saying it but now we've got all these other republic two other republicans have come out and said no he didn't say that and that senators a liar so really the hardiman now has become whether or not the president did in fact make this incredibly racist statement and it's been fairly illuminating we've seen republicans take some tack some have come out and said this is disgusting never been said it's not helpful others are now so taking different tact saying that that if the president did say it he meant to say it in private and so somebody
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betrayed his confidence by letting it out there perhaps used a somewhat less inflammatory lord and this some republicans are coming out and say well you know i talked badly in private and then others are saying he's just saying what a lot of people think so this is become not just a discussion about immigration but about whether or not the president is in fact an apologetic racist. never without controversy thank you very much indeed. lots more to come on this al-jazeera news hour including twelve million tins of baby milk in eighty three countries the true scale of a sound monella scandal is beginning to emerge. widespread vaccination efforts are underway to prevent the spread of cholera in zambia. flawless white a perfect performance census double olympic champion to pyong chang peter will have the data.
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for hundreds of people have been protesting in the capital tunis to mark seven years since the revolution that sparked the arab spring batters hashim a whole bar reports many of the issues that brought people back onto the streets back then a still causing problems today. a day of national unity until it is yeah people from all walks of life conversion of happy bookkeepers square to commemorate the two thousand and eleven pro-democracy movement that brought the end of president. and his government and spread across the arab world the event comes at a time of uncertainty there have been protests nationwide in response to austerity measures recently implemented by the government many here say those measures will
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not improve the lives of the poor and could make things worse. if the parties celebrating here today don't represent us the youth for them the revolution is just a pretext to get power but it's still the old elite that govern us. things got better after the revolution it's true we've got poverty and unemployment but that's something we'll fix one day but i want to say the post-revolutionary is better. these young performers have a message to send they want the government to listen to their concerns about unemployment poverty and lack of opportunities in their country. in a visit to a poor neighborhood in the capital president. he has promised to tackle deepening economic problems well as a real kind of the revolution was about freedom and dignity but it's
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a revolution of is led by the youth and we need to listen to them they say we have done nothing for them there are six hundred twenty thousand unemployed people in tunisia this year will be devoted to solving their problems. and that these are. police at the center of the capital to prevent any scuffles that could turn violent at this critical moment today on this anniversary of president but not his resignation to his yes say they want to set their differences aside and remember those who lost their lives to handle autocratic rule but the millions of people had hoped the revolution will bring about prosperity feel frustrated over their government and worry about their future. turnus. right now we can hear from us on a binge of a two takes us through the events of january twentieth levon and tunis is moves towards a democracy since then was this was that uneasy in capital
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seven years ago when protesters made history. with simple demands and joblessness and improved prospects for young people there sparked a regional arab spring uprising. they persevere and ended the rule of physicians in a lab in banally who had been accused of corruption and rights abuse but also began an era of political uncertainty less than i'm not prepared to be the person who takes decision this which result in the loss of life. and the conservative islamic party banned by benelli was on its way to win elections. we have seen the popularity that hinata has around the country. and after a turbulent nine months the ushered in a democratically elected government in october two thousand and eleven. there were more demonstrations a year later despite a ban on protests and the challenge for to his ear is security and law and order
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especially on its borders but then geria and libya. three years after the revolution demonstrators took to the streets against economic hardship a new technocrat government was still failing to improve living conditions in two thousand and fourteen. but the new zealand's did get a new constitution hailed as an important step towards full democracy. the two thousand and fourteen elections brought power to the secular new that tunis party which later formed a coalition government but the conservative enough the party but the security situation failed to improve. the lives of twenty two people including twenty one foreign tourists were killed when a gunman opened fire at a museum in the capital tunis. in june thirty nine people nearly all of them foreign tourists were killed in a gun attack on a five star hotel in sousse been easiest tourism industry has struggled to recover since then. people were out on the streets once again now they didn't feel safe and also had no jobs in two thousand and sixteen tenn a build
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a two hundred kilometer barrier along its border with libya to try and keep out fighters and refugees but in march fifty five people were killed when dozens of fighters stormed through the town of bint girl done near the libyan border attacking army and police posts last may president the sipsey ordered the army to protect oil facilities in the south after protests planned to destroy production. to libya has made major advancements in achieving democracy in improving its institutions but on the streets the economic hardships which sparked the protests seven years ago still continue. and job aid are there. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has begun a six day visit to india to be strayed ties and discussed new delhi his decision to scrap a defense steel and war memorial has been renamed after the israeli city of haifa where indian soldiers fought for the british during the first world war india is israel's largest arms market about earlier this month the new render mady
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government canceled a half billion dollar order in order to buy israeli missiles and last month they voted for year in resolution calling for the us to drop its recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. aviation officials are investigating why a plane skidded off the runway so their force in turkey the pegasus airlines flight had just landed in travis zone near the black sea when it set off the runway and plunged over the cliff age something just a few meters about the war since age one hundred sixty two passengers and six crew were on board or were safely taken off the plane and no serious injuries or injuries were reported. so come on the al-jazeera news hour. on. the catholic pope speaks out in defense of migrants he says fear and doubt should not determine our response to new arrivals. no hope for survivors after
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a burning in rainy an oil tanker stranded in the east china sea finally sinks. and in sport find out why one of the graces of all time doesn't feel like he's the favorite to win the australian open. welcome to look at the weather across the americas and in north america cold weather refuses to relax its grip as minus twenty four is a high in when to pack the snow further south and this is a cold front and so this is going to push through into the southern states so dallas texas not looking too bad a monday with thirteen is a nice one but it has three to choose day with all the recent snow and it's going to drop to freezing so pretty chilly across many areas not too bad it is above freezing here but look at the snow across the rockies some rain some heavy rain in
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fight for the coast of california with some francisco seen some wet weather the los angeles should stay mainly drawing down into the caribbean region we've got some heavy rain for panama and costa rica up towards nicaragua and honduras the islands of the caribbean the cherry not looking too bad there will be. a few showers around but still a good deal of drawing bright weather but up through the isthmus we've still got further heavy rain likely join the course of choose day but north west towards billy's and through mexico it should remain dry and fine into south america here plenty of showers across the amazon basin peru and bolivia seen some heavy showers some rain still around for parts of paraguayan some showers to rio further towards the south it should be drawn across much of argentina with highs of twenty five in bonus areas. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century. influenced the
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course of history so he did not get enough credit for ending the budget you want to be the big historical figure but he was mandela the biggest con the all the prisoner and the president who came together to apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to face at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. every.
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time for sake a look at the top stories here it out is here the turkish president roger tie a better one has vowed to launch a military operation on a kurdish stronghold in northern syria he's pledged to attack african in the coming days it's controlled by the y.p. gee that's a kurdish armed group considered by turkey to be terrorists. saying shame on you president mahmoud abbas has labeled donald trump's peace efforts the slap of the century at a meeting of the p.l.o. said to council president i've asked reiterated he wouldn't accept the trumpet ministration as a mediator in talks with israel and president trump says the doc
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a program that protects young undocumented immigrants from deportation is probably dead he says it will expire in march unless he gets funding for border terms democrats are refusing to accept. six chilean catholic churches have been vandalized in three days all of them on the eve of pope francis arrival in the country the most recent attack was in the capital santiago and resulted in graffiti saying down with the pope he'll be in chile as part of a six day tour that will also include peru two countries where there have been several sex scandals involving the catholic church in america editor lucy and human has more. it used to be standing room only inside this cathedral in southern chile . but these days not many are singing the praises of their bishops one batter us appointed three years ago by pope francis. outside the cathedral
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other members of the flock demand the resignation of the bishop who is accused of covering up sex abuses by chile's most notorious pedophile. priest the pope may be smiling down at these people but they're not smiling back this used to be one of the most faithful catholic cities in all of chile but now these faithful say that they are sad and angry at their pope. accuses him of betraying his promises to go to the end of the vatican still covers up abusers and to boot in chile it rewards them with promotions and positions abroad the severity we expected from the pope isn't there it's unacceptable that a bishop like barrows who covered up sex abuses he put in charge of our diocese while the protest continued we caught bishop leaving through the parking lot he has long denied any wrongdoing but they did the questions about the calls for his
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resignation they knew to him that there are many other people charge work many blessings to you than. one who calls himself a survivor is one of those who accuse the bishop of facilitating abuses against them by this man father finance. behind these walls abused scores of seminarians while preparing dozens of priests and five bishops including bishop battlers he saw when the priest when he addressed the people's genitals he was watching there's really the pastor monye of how he was present and. the pope doesn't acknowledge that pure talk no action his zero tolerance falls zero tolerance. but just last week ahead of his trip to chile and peru the pope ordered the vatican to take over an elite catholic group
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in peru after years of charges that its founder seen here sexually and physically abused scores of chilled. and adults i thought are until now what we've had a dramatic gestures maneuvers for impact and damage control aimed at improving the church's image that may not be enough to satisfy victims like one could loose and other critics who insist that while the pope is here they'll continue raising their voice to hold the vatican and its leader accountable you see in human al-jazeera a sudden southern chile and pope francis has marked the world day of migrants and refugees with a special mass at the vatican the un's refugee agency says more people are currently displaced than ever before peter sharp reports. in the five years of his papacy probe francis has stressed time and again christianity is mission to welcome the vulnerable and the marginalised and on
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sunday at this mass and some peter's basilica to mark the world day of migrants pope francis invited refugees asylum seekers newly arrived immigrants and their families to join him in prayer to celebrate the special day highlighting the fear and suspicion that has so often blighted the lives of those looking for a new start when internal carli of all the. local communities are sometimes afraid that the newly arrived to disturb the established order will take away from what has been long labored to build up in the newly arrived also have fears they are afraid of confrontation judgement discrimination and failure these fears a legitimate having doubts and fears is not a sin the sin is to allow those theories to feed hostility and rejection. pope francis is speaking out at a time when wealthy western countries are tightening their borders even though
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there are more displaced people on the move than ever before dress by the pope is important for two main reasons the first is that we've seen all too few world leaders willing to stand up for refugees in fact of sin quite the opposite over the course of the last two years we've seen a hardening of the refugee rhetoric. references in his address pope francis leaves on monday for a week long visit to prune chile he'll be taking his message of compassion for the uprooted people of the world along with him and in malaga in spain on sunday the latest reminder that this crisis is not going away there's another one hundred nine migrants from morocco including nine pregnant women and sixteen children were brought to shore peter shop al jazeera. an earthquake on the southern coast of peru has killed at least one person more than sixty others have been injured president
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kaczynski visited some of the damaged towns the seven point one magnitude quake was centered in the pacific ocean but it felt more than it was felt more than five hundred kilometers away in the capital lima a member of the cattery roll family says he's being held against his will in the united arab emirates check up dollar bin ali al phony release a video saying that if anything were to happen to him katter is not at fault he's been living in saudi arabia since the blockade by some of katter's neighbors began last june the u.a.e. denies the allegations and says he's free to leave whenever you chooses katter's foreign ministry says it's monitoring the situation and will stand up for all its citizens is the video message from shaikh of delavan ali al thani. so look i'm going to go hello i'm currently in abu dhabi i was hosted by shaikh mohammed bin
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i'm now confined to my residence i'm not allowed to leave i fear anything may happen to me and then the blame is put on qatar therefore this is to notify you that in all cases i suffer any harm because our cannot be blamed i'm currently hosted by shaikh mohammed and he shall be responsible for anything that may happen to me finally i want to salute the qatari people the saudi people and everybody in the u.a.e. and all the people of the gulf. people in the democratic republic of congo are facing three separate crises all at the same time there's a military operation against an armed group accused of killing peacekeepers and widespread flooding has destroyed many homes all of this during a major cholera outbreak catherine sawyer reports from the capital kinshasa it's hard to imagine just a week ago holmes a student here this is a neighborhood on the outskirts of kinshasa when floodwaters came crashing down
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from a nearby river many people didn't even have a chance to rescue their loved ones and belongings. months shows me what you mains of the two bedroom house he shared with his wife and three children he says he knows he should take his family to higher safer ground but they're still here despite the obvious danger for. i am afraid because he still leaning but they don't have any money to move them we've got no help from anyone moving from here means lending the house. but the rains are expected to continue for the next three months and this means more trouble for country that is facing a cholera outbreak the worst in two decades about a thousand people have died since last year more than fifty thousand from across the country have so far been affected. the government has declared cholera
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a national emergency and set up treatment centers the government has set up this facility here in calcutta the most affected area in the city we're not allowed to go to the wards where the patients are because of the nature of the disease since november at least thirty people mostly children have died in kinshasa alone. cholera is highly infectious also easy to treat if detected early but with the poor health system and financial problems doctors are overwhelmed. our government international appeal for eight million dollars has not helped less than two million has been raised and. only few countries in africa can deal with situations like this by themselves this is why the government launched an appeal for help in november and declare a national disaster. so here health is focus on prevention talking to
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anyone they can about the importance of good hygiene and visiting centers like this one oddly enough. they are preparing themselves for more difficult times ahead in this rainy season catherine song al-jazeera kinshasa. and they bring zambia is also fighting to bring a cholera outbreak under control at least seventy three people have died there since september the government says it's made enough progress to ease some emergency measures but not in kenya that's where there was rioting on friday and it's where the outbreak began a focal point for the government's anti cholera campaign as well where they are to holland has more. a simple procedure to gather against a killer disease lilienfeld he is one of the millions ambience being vaccinated in an intensive campaign to contain a cholera outbreak she's from a township on the outskirts of the capital usaca with the outbreak began in late
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september she says she didn't his attempt to join the queue when we hear those breaking news. we've heard so bad so now. they're voting for. my family when they did. there we did. most of those lining up here live in or around lusaka we nearly all of the cholera deaths have been concentrated in about three and a half months almost three thousand people have been in for. did cholera is a bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated food and water it thrives in unhygienic conditions. the government brought in tougher mergence images earlier this month to try to bring the outbreak under control and it deployed the army to lead the cleanup of public spaces like this marketplace in lusaka. local people joined in and didn't some cases even helped close down some marketplaces completely
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to stop food and drink being sold in unsanitary conditions but within days some were defying a curfew. and on friday there was rioting in kenya with street vendors saying the measures were hurting the only source of income. chango runs an electronics store in wonderstruck a market he says his business has been affected but he has little time for those resisting the government see if it. up and you know a nearby were just across the town and. it was really shocking to find the armed forces they are here to help us make sure that our environments are clean and then some people come on such a road to bunning traps which is a limited budget because instead of the places they wind up begin corpses of color allowed to break is a did a disease the government says sufficient progress has been made so far for it to reopen a school and shops that have passed center taishan chicks and it's plain to second
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round of immunization but that alone won't likely be enough the long term task of educating zambians on proper sanitation and hygiene will be critical to eradicating cholera maidana hond al jazeera. one of the world's biggest area companies says it will pay damages to families affected by its contaminated baby milk french company tallis was accused of trying to cover up the extent of salmonella contamination at one of its plants it's admitted the problem affects eighty three countries where around twelve million tins of powdered baby milk and now being recalled the trash about live reports from paris. after weeks of silence over the contaminated baby milk powder scandal the boss a french company like tallis has responded to critics who say the manufacturer covered up the extent of the risk emanuel binya has told
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a french newspaper our priority has always been to handle the crisis and make sure that no more children become sick we have never minimise the risk of salmonella we consider that there was no breach of procedures on our side in december like tallis began recalling some of its baby milk products in france it had discovered the salmonella bacteria in this factory in the northwest but it's only now that the extent of the contamination has become clear like tallis has now withdrawn twelve million tins of baby formula for more than eighty countries salmonella can be deadly for young children and dozens of families in france say that their children became sick after drinking luck telus baby milk they have found lawsuits against the company saying that it tried to hide the risks and failed to help it klepper of and families were lied to shamelessly and that the fear was spread by the telephone helpline number which was provided at the time or can you believe an operator who
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tells you that your milk is not affected but then three weeks later you learn that it is. the french president demand or mark or says locked alice could face penalties and on friday the finance minister said the government would do everything possible to end the crisis elected he's opened a lot actually will take back all the baby milk products manufactured at cow regardless of their production date from wherever it is being sold in particular from supermarkets and chemist the aim of this radical step is simple not to avoid delays problems in sorting but is in the risk of human error like dallas his boss says his company has launched its own investigation and will pay damages to the salmonella victims for parents the focus will be on making sure their children are not exposed to the life threatening bacteria natasha butler al-jazeera paris. the iranian oil tanker that's been on fire in the east china sea since last week
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has now sunk the tanker was carrying nearly a million barrels of oil when it collided with a cargo ship as china correspondent adrian brown has more from beijing well according to chinese state controlled television the senshi sank at around noon local time on sunday before it went down there was a large explosion and also a large plume of smoke more than a thousand meters high these pictures were recorded by china's coast guard now the century was involved in a collision with a hong kong registered freighter the crew of that freighter all survived all twenty one crew members sadly the crew of the century were less fortunate so far only three bodies have been recovered the senshi was carrying a cargo of one hundred thirty six thousand tons of ultra light crude oil known as condensate what concerns groups like greenpeace is how much of that crude could potentially leak over the coming days weeks or months we know that some of the oil
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has been burned off but not all of it now this vessel has gone down in waters that are part of japan's economic zone so presumably japanese authorities will now be investigating to see how much of their waters have now been contaminated because of course fishermen in that area depend on those waters for their livelihood. still to come on the al-jazeera news hour the former australia football coach explains why he did the top job in his country as he takes up a new challenge. the controversial leader of islam had his cock he is one of the most one internists in history. come to terms on his alleged extra judicial killings by israeli intelligence and mossad says being called in the must post is only death if someone tried to. immediately seemingly intention was shut down the border kill him in
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damascus at this time on al jazeera world. al-jazeera for me is different because there's a maturity about its views in the newsgroup generally europe also has a channel but the pads the risk of a story will. go over the top of the north going everyone else is or is setting out a good place to deal with the reality on the ground that the reality on the ground can only become the the magic of the people that's what we do nothing else we do well.
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all right it is time for this well she's now his pizza. thank you very much runaway english premier league leaders manchester city's seemingly unstoppable charge to the title as finally hit a speed bump after twenty two consecutive games without the feed thirty were long lost beaten on sunday by liverpool at anfield the reds charged into a four one lead in the second half thanks to goals by alex oxalate chamberlain rebirth of a mean year saudia monterrey and mohamed fell are and despite a late surge by thirty you're going tops men held on for a four three victory. you need really good football team to do that and. saying got i have a plan so and that makes and sense to try it and they tried really hard today. it was just a joy to watch my first. graduation for the liverpool for the victory. it was a good game for ball game the start well we were not precise with the ball we lose
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a lot of walls. one reason why because you're so aggressive without the ball in we had a little bit problems tool to control that that when fires liverpool into third place and they only trail majesty united on goal difference right now so he still with a very comfortable overall lead vo united they face stoke on monday and it's been just over a month now since angie pasta cobley quit as the head coach of the australian national team after guiding them to a spot at the world cup but the former socceroos boss has already found a new job he'll take charge of japanese league team yokohama if merinos inevitably the big question was why he chose to leave australia before they played at the biggest football tournament in the world. everyone in australia wants reason. look. from our perspective i had a fantastic four years as national country when you coach your own country with
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the highest honor and. you have a nice four years we won the asian cup we you know we qualified for a world cup and i just felt it was the right time for me. to try new adventure there are three group games on sunday in the african nations championship taking place in morocco the competition which exclusively features players who play their club football in domestic leagues in africa has already seen an upset the ivory coast were beaten by namibia zambia and sudan also opened their campaigns with victories britain's anthony joshua and new zealand's joseph parker will fight it out in a heavyweight unification belt in march in cardiff joshua holds the i.d.f. and w b a title belts world parker is the w.b. o.b.l. told the packer is undefeated in his twenty four professional fights well joshua has won all of these twenty pro fights by way of knockout the winner of this fight is likely to take on the young say while the who holds the w.b.c.
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version of the title. the jacksonville jaguars are heading to the a.f.c. championship game to face super bowl champions the new england patriots they got there by beating the pittsburgh steelers in a pretty close contest forty five to forty two it won't be a surprise result for some but the jag us have a decent recent record against pittsburgh they went into the game as one of only two opposing teams with a winning record at heinz field since two thousand and four when the steelers drafted the quarterback ben roethlisberger now stephanie pets a handful has revived these dacor rarely campaign the frenchman one stage eight on sunday in bolivia it follows a disastrous saturday in which he suffered mechanical problems for stuff for around an hour and lost these overall lead to handle has won the rally. car category seven times previously but right now he trails overall leader carlos sides roger federer says he's too old to be considered one of the favorites to win the australian open
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as he gets ready to defend his title the thirty six year old is in good form ahead of the tournament this week the one nine hundred time grand slam champions opening matches on tuesday when he plays levine years oh years bed and having no expectations was it was so nice after all these years i was having expectations like this year again but with age i feel like you know i played down my chances just because i don't think a thirty six year old should be a favorite of a tournament should not be the case so that's why. i see things more relaxed you know later stage of my of my career one of the best snowboarders in the world shaun white is heading to his fourth winter olympics thirty five all right put your hands together for sure it was our final competitor here today. the two term gold medalist qualified to pyongyang in spectacular start in colorado on saturday he scored a perfect one hundred for a second time on the half pipe he's the only snowboarder to ever achieve that
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whites winning running to do two of the toughest tricks on the halfpipe the double back twist twelve sixty and the front side double cork fourteen fourteen just listen to the reaction see was sure why don't the final score the fact. you are right i'm far why are you i do it was right and that's all the sport for me i'll have another update again later on. don't go anywhere i'll be back in just a minute with more of the day's nice. al
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jazeera is swear every year. the sams in archaeology graduate from iraq is also a part time going to billings pergamon museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous ishtar gate in bubble most of the people he's showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several billion museums taking part in the project called multicultural meeting point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasize the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture office in a language he had been because i've been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that mrs ford to me the great thing is it's not just about museums about forming a new life it is
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a part of life it's culture. it is the stuff of family. wonderful migration minutes and generations of hulda's good logic minds altering the landscape moving is the stuff of mine. a stunning portrayal of auditing life and one woman's determination to save the community. rushes one hundred. at this time down to zero. turkey's president says a military assault on a kurdish enclave in syria is imminent.
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