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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm +03

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on the fringes of some of africa's mega city. make a slum is perched on stilts. the floor. of the city's are beginning to develop even for charity is one of the architects of the army is offering the most sustainable solution to the communities on the state of the tides of change. to continue with working all this time on a just. this is al-jazeera. i'm sam is a that i'm this is the news hour live from coming up in the next sixty minutes.
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risk is the education of half a million children one point seven million million food insecure people may not get food and cash the un condemns washington's decision to slash its aid for palestinians. ethiopia releases the first batch of opposition leaders arrested following political unrest two years ago. catalonia is new parliament sits for the first time facing the threat of renewed direct rule from the druid. and fairest smile be here with all the day's sport including rafa nadal continues his march toward a seventeen round i don't know in melbourne. for the first time in its history the un agency which provides funds for vulnerable palestinian refugees says it faces a challenge in meeting its mandate to trump administration is confirmed it's withholding half of the one hundred twenty five million dollars it was going to
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give the body established in nine hundred forty nine is the united nation's longest running humanitarian program providing a lifeline for some five million palestinians the money is also distributed beyond the palestinian territory funneled to refugees in jordan lebanon and syria goes towards health care and education where the u.s. is under was the largest single donor making up nearly thirty percent of its budget the european union the united kingdom saudi arabia and germany are the other top donors but even before this latest cut the u.s. contribution was already drastically slashed down from a three hundred fifty mark million dollar donation last year under was chief spokesman says the agency is facing its most severe crisis ever and is pledging to do their best to ensure people don't suffer. we are going to be working relentlessly to extend the donor base to find other donors to come in to fill this
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gap because our sincere hope is that we will be able to maintain services to some of the most marginal and fragile communities vulnerable people in the middle east we hope the regional security regional stability will not be threatened but that has to remain risk in light of the u.s. reduction emraan khan has reaction from ramallah in the occupied west bank there has been strong reaction already let me start with the palestine liberation organization what they've said is this once again the u.s. administration proves its complicity with the israeli occupation by attempting to remove another permanent status issue off the table the talking there about refugees now the p.l.o. central committee met on monday they issued a statement saying the u.s. was not an honest broker and privately what they're saying is that the u.s. is actually becoming part of the conflict by siding with israel prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu has long called for the dismantling of the wall for the funding to be cut and the sixty five million dollars shortfall by the u.s. is going to have a huge impact here and we are expecting more reaction throughout the day already we've heard from young egeland the head of the norwegian refugee council he says he's disappointed and we've also heard from the u.n. secretary general himself saying that this is a u.n. agency and not a palestinian agency that the holder is in the bottle but i was in a refugee camp in lebanon she sent us this update on how the decision will impact palestinians living there. the lebanese government were all warning of the dire consequences for refugees the funding was cut now it has become a reality and people are worried palestinian refugees are poor as you can see they live in so-called. neighborhoods and there's really no infrastructure and
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palestinians are denied basic rights barred from working in many professions really is not a country. that has provided them with the services that they need that is why the refugees rely on. this is just one of many clinics in the well also run schools they provide relief they provide shelter to the refugees that is why many of them under what is our lifeline and already the organization was underfunded it had. a number of services already they used to. provide. services they provide the refugees living conditions. more than. palestinians. left the country from four hundred fifty thousand the latest census shows that there are one hundred seventy five thousand in lebanon many made their way. through europe to find a better life so it's really a struggle living here many believe the decision to cut funding for
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a new. administration's plan to eliminate their right to return because gives them legitimacy. longer exists and their case. then they move to. third countries what the palestinian refugees want is the right to return to their homeland. palestinian president mahmoud abbas meanwhile slammed the u.s. president calling the actions against his people sinful. the sins of donald trump when he wrongly claimed that jerusalem is the capital of israel is a challenge to millions of muslims and christians this is favoritism for the sake of the israeli occupation for the israeli crimes for the israeli attacks on our palestinian people this means that the us has chosen to violate international law how can we trust is administrator how can we trust this superpower we will never
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trust them again we will never accept them as mediators between us and the israelis . then again the is a senior fellow at the brookings institution center for middle east policy joins us from arlington virginia by scott good to have you with us first of all you know the letter from the state department announcing this move said that the money will be withheld until i makes changes has the u.s. administration outlined and explained what changes it expects on the road to make well if it has i haven't seen those. that information i don't know that they have actually outlined what changes are reforms that they're looking at the issue has been taken out by many people for example in congress. but i haven't seen anything come from the white house on that front so that makes you wonder whether this is a move as the u.s.
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state department spokesman said motivated by concern for burden sharing mongst different nations in the world or whether it's about political pressure as donald trump's jangly the second tweet seemed to indicate. i mean it does look very much like it is about political pressure but at the same time it's very hard to imagine how such a heavy handed move would actually convince palestinians to go back to the peace negotiations under a donald trump sponsored peace process if anything this sort of a move i think objective really takes the united states really out of the game i mean we saw with the drucilla indecision and now on under what the united states is giving up major leverage that it has on two key
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final status issues unilaterally and you know part of what gives the united states a modicum of credibility is the is the fact for example that it hadn't previously recognized jerusalem and was in keeping with the international consensus and also that it was the single largest donor to under off for most of the last seventy years and so by taking those two elements out of the equation the united states has really marginalized itself and what i'm glad you mentioned that let me jump in if i may because that leads us nice to the next point i was going to ask you is the u.s. losing leverage here and it's clear from here on so that i think that you think it is and if so you know vacuums have a nasty habit of asking to be filled by by all those who will step in and fill that . well currently there is no one who is stepping in to fill that and one of the
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biggest problems really is the absence of a palestinian strategy on the part of the leadership in the in ramallah we've seen a lot of speeches and we've heard a lot of very harsh rhetoric but it's i think clear to to a lot of people that this is a leadership that has essentially put all of its eggs in the american basket for the past several decades and. and now it is sort of left. hanging. and essentially without a strategy. to leave it there good to get your analysis out of it going to be thank you now he's ready prime minister says the u.s. embassy may be moved to jerusalem much sooner than expected when you mean netanyahu is expecting the mission to be relocated from tel aviv within a year of the last month secretary of state rex tillerson said the move could take
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at least three years. plenty more still ahead on the news hour including words of defiance hong kong's pro-democracy leader says he won't be silenced by a jail sentence. the u.n. warns of more months of drought ahead in somalia with millions in desperate need of help. and in sports we look at whether the football loving nation of morocco has what it takes to land the sport's biggest event. here has released the first batch of its prisoners detained during political unrest two years ago hundreds of people were killed in a crackdown on months of protests by the country's or arm of people who said they'd been marginalized by the government hundred fifteen people arrested during the unrest and now free including high profile opposition leader good dinner where
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among more than five hundred detainees being released. from all this story al-jazeera correspondent mohammed ad out joins us here live in the studio good to have you with us to have a role of the out in the field on this occasion. you've covered the region you've covered ethiopia how significant is this it came almost out of the blue the announcement going to free political prisoners absolutely it was on and unexpected and this is he an unprecedented in ethiopia small in history. when you look at just the number of prisoners that are being released the first part of one hundred fifty released today and also five hundred but what is the more important than that is the crucial of the. prison in i think a lot of discipline know the prime minister was vague on when he would close but
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the intention to close itself was even a something significant because macon how he has been the talk of ethiopia for the past fifty years and you think about torture in ethiopia you think mike. anyone who's ever been held there can tell you of the tales of the horror that used to go on the scale of evil being this prison right absolutely just the political prisoners thought to be in their files and. but still these decision by prime minister hyla money and discipline has been praised by human rights groups and people who watch ethiopia closely because it says it's not much given the vast number of prisoners being held in prison in ethiopia but it shows the ease a genuine. desire to change the political landscape and one exam how much what happens. all those protests that have been going on for all those months of course
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have had an impact but above all. this seems to be. some sort of. movement with in the ruling coalition some who feel they can no longer continue to have a one party state ethiopian there was need to reform a more nice and this is. showing that for example the government is very keen to open up space in all mia and if they open up space in or me it means they will have to do it elsewhere as well so this could be the beginning of something that larry well this is my question is is it part of a broader political opening democracy a move towards more respect for minority rights i mean once you go down that road how far does it look like things happen very slowly in africa and particularly in ethiopia many feel that this is the beginning of something really promising in
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ethiopia but again. five hundred prisoners released is just a drop in the ocean still huge number of prisoners behind bars some of them for so long without any trial all right we'll leave it there for now thanks so much for how the other. pope francis is arriving to mirco in chile after rights indigenous rights groups torched helicopters and churches the capital of chile's are ok mia region is seen as the most complex stop of this trip through chile at least ten catholic churches have been firebombed in the past week c. and human joins us now live from to. how is this impacted the whole atmosphere in the visit. hello sami where the pope just arrived here at an air force base where the mass will take place in about a half an hour's time there are far less people here than what organizers had
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expected they had predicted some two hundred thousand would come no more than one hundred fifty thousand have arrived and i spoke a short while ago to the head of the organizing committee he says that people were having a hard time getting here and he is certainly referring at least in part to the fact that some of these groups are opposed to the pope's visit had police barricades in access roads leading up to this part of the area this has been a very conflictive this is rather a very conflictive area where these land of a small but very very radical group of people who are demanding that incest land be returned to the indigenous my pooches have been carrying out these attacks you just mentioned and so while the majority of my approach is are peaceful there is a lot of concern here about an increasingly tense atmosphere unpeaceful conflictive and they say they want the pope to address that during his visit here to the out
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kenya regions and seamless here when he's gone through all the hot spots you know like me and modern the whole issue of the ring finger that was very diplomatic and very careful in choosing his words what are we expecting him to say. in this gathering. well actually we're not expecting him to be quite as diplomatic as he was about the raid in fact he is expected to really touched on this issue very very head on he has in the past talked about the injustices that were committed against indigenous people here in the americas remember he is from argentina he is very familiar with what happened after the spanish conquest and that's one of the reasons why people here are some of them at least are angry about his arrival in fact some have said that this is like the second conquest of the catholic church which. came to the new world carrying the sword and the cross he is here to try to explain that that is not the case any longer but it is a very sensitive issue which he will almost certainly touch on much more forcefully
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than he did when he was in asia sami or i will leave you there for nothing so much missy in human and barcelona newly elected members of the catalan parliament are meeting for the first time and some aren't at the ceremony because they're in jail in self-imposed exile or being investigated for the role they played in last year's referendum to secede from spain. call him hall joins us now live from boston oh so cali got on the way how did things how are things going so far. well now sammy the first session of the new cattle parliament has now ended members of parliament have headed out but not before of course fulfilling the first main task and that was to choose the new parliamentary speaker and the seven person in the leadership body of the parliament now the reason why the parliamentary speaker is such a key position a strategically key position is because it will be him who decides the future order
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of the day the future procedures essentially say the political agenda and in this case asked was widely expected the separatist majority has imposed their candidate asked parliamentary speaker so that means that once again the capital and parliament could be on a collision course with spain's central government over this issue of catalonia trying to break away from the rest of spain to set up an independent republic let's take a look at some of the background. so far the chance of freedom for the prisoners have been in the ward as catalonia is polman to be opened handful of elected support is politicians remain in jail others fled abroad we've these demonstrations we are there anything to. keep we can stay the flame you know burning
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if someone things that cattle and we give up they don't know cut the lids. the first task the members of parliament on wednesday is to choose a parliamentary speaker next to vote is needed for the new head of the cattle government but it's complicated madrid shut down this parliament last october rested cattle and leaders for rebellion after they held a referendum to break away from the rest of spain in a snap election last month the citizens party which favors remaining part of spain emerged as the biggest single party but a coalition of separatist parties. to form a ruling majority. ahead of the new session of parliament separatist politicians headed into closed door meetings the key concern seemed to be how to press ahead with the goal of breaking away from spain. obstacles are
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a constant issue we will have to look for new solutions but we have never rejected the idea of negotiations but the only thing that the spanish state offices is prison on direct rule of the ousted catalan first minister. remains in self-imposed exile in belgium judges warn he will be arrested if he returns to take his seat in the catalan parliament. separatist parties say they will try to reinstate the momentous first minister but the pro unity citizens' party he is that would aggravate the crisis no spotting the separatists parties are used to breaking the law so it's difficult to know exactly what they will do next mr puts him own lives in a parallel universe like in the movie the matrix even a mad groups of schoolchildren continue to talk parliament this week to learn how you will make building began assault weapons and ammunition store none of the guys were predicting what might happen in the next chapter in catalonia as political
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battle. now as we were saying there the next main task of the council and parliament is to choose the new head of the capital and government that's a process that could take place some time over the next ten days sooner but happens rather than later now the separatist parties say once again they do want policy pushed him on the ousted leader of the castle and government to become the new head of the cap lang government but opposition parties here pro unity parties today in the capital and all of that said they will not accept that proposal they say that any party who wants to be the head of the calf lanka has to be here and present themselves before parliament something that these demands cannot of course do and if so the separatist parties try to push ahead with that strategy that is where the spanish prime minister mariano rajoy has said he will step in once again and take any decision like that to the constitutional court waterless means in short is that
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the crisis over catalonia his attempt to break away from the rest of spain is likely to rumble on for many more months on the all right call prime hole there updating us on the situation from barcelona. south korea says an agreement has been reached with north korea to form their first joint olympics team they plan to march together in the opening ceremony of next month's winter games and to the olympics under the korean peninsula flag former joint women's ice hockey team this follows the third round of talks between the two sides the recent thaw in relations follow increased tension over the north korean nuclear weapons program to pro-democracy activists have been jailed in hong kong over their role in protests in two thousand and fourteen joshua wang was sentenced to three months in prison for contempt of court file one was given four and a half months the judges declined to release them on bail when the pill was being
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considered. difficult holland is in hong kong. now two of the sixteen being sentenced today are going to jail that's joshua wall and rafael wong both prominent leaders of the twenty fourteen pro-democracy protests the rest have been given suspended sentences or fines joshua long was defiance before going into courts think i will go all the way but they have. well i hope to do is if we face a prison sentence a question i'm going to fight for democracy in the future the charges stem from the two thousand and fourteen umbrella occupied movement when one of the protests sites not the main one was being cleared by police payloads had ordered the area to be cleared and according to the judge joshua was wrong rafael wong and the rest of them had resisted the police clearance and this is in criminal contempt of the courts while many skeptics are questioning why it's taken so long to sentence them
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particularly since they had pleaded guilty from the start joshua long rafael long though happily to call him visions as for joshua long he's facing other charges and he's already been sentenced to prison earlier in august he's currently out on bail fighting those charges now in pakistan's opposition parties have come together as part of a mass demonstration in the hole to call for the resignation of the punjab chief minister they accused of being complicit in a two thousand and fourteen incident in which fourteen supporters of a rival political party were killed come on high that the rally. it's a rare show of strength by their combined opposition party than pakistan who are rallying behind dihedral qadri you can see the flag of the different political parties participating among them the pakistan people's party led by.
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also the pakistan tehreek e insaf led by imran khan dr tyrell project on our army. and several other political parties they have a demo on that the chief minister and the law minister of distraught in surgery because there there is one for the dead over a dozen supporters of dr cairo police action in grade four days this will be. by the budget this year which is rally. was recently the member of the now actually event already been disqualified and. some marginally in london racers know that james. how do you say to them that we are here to get justice for the martyrs of model town who were brutally killed by the orders of shahbaz government so we won't let their blood go in vain this is the final round and we will seek justice for them for the sake of our own lives.
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in the current government they have done nothing for the poor people of pakistan despite being well qualified now this is the time to get rid of this corrupt government more interested in making money for structural projects but not the people. who are a really important. right that you're obligated to do a great job continue with the. reward of revenge you have a very good guy. time to catch up with all the weather his everything looking at the us with news of snow in the deep south right there that's right sam i know you're thinking when she weather in winter but this really is unusual across the deep south of the us seen a fair amount of cloud across southern areas even a little dusting of snow in the north of mexico yesterday so that's the the extent of the cold air that's been making its way further south which in the switching see that brighter band of clout there all tucked in behind this cold front to the north
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of that that's where the really cold air is in place and you can say we see an average in the mix so we have had some unusual snowy weather it was just a little dusting maybe in a couple of millimeters also coming down here but so a couple of centimeters i should say coming down here but it did create a nice little covering across parts of the south further north where we've had high pressure in charge here we have seen it's really cold weather light winds and this was the scene around. lake michigan in chicago and you can see it makes for a pretty picture lovely seeing this one but basically culture cargo will more than minus six celsius and on wednesday in the heat of the day but even down into dallas where it should be getting up into. double figures we struggled to get anywhere near freezing still some snow around the east the sable that will pull away as we go on through with stay clear skies do come back a bit high should be largely dry bright temps is recovering a dallas to around eleven celsius but turning cold for the west. bank south and was
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still to come on al-jazeera a detained teenager has become a symbol of palestinian resistance to stay in custody till the trial we'll have a live update on the. akio ologist make or a model on the walls of the sky in mexico. and one football's all time greats makes a major decision those details coming up with father and sport. the scene for us when they're on line what is american sign in yemen that peace is almost possible in number happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people there are choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an
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activist and has posted a story join the global conversation at this time on how to zero. dark thirty.
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welcome back you're watching odd zero time to recap our headlines south korea says an agreement has been reached with north korea form their first joint olympics team i plan to march together in the opening ceremony of next month's winter games. u.n. agency for palestinian refugees as one that had come to us aid will threaten security across the region and follows an announcement by the trumpet destruction it will withhold half the financial assistance it has allocated to the body. ethiopia has released the first batch of prisoners detained during political unrest two years ago hundreds of people were killed in a crackdown on months of protests by the country's people who said they'd been marginalized by the government. and israeli military courts ruled the palestinian teenager and her mother will be kept in custody until the trial sixteen year old i had to me was detained last month when a video of her slapping and hitting israeli occupation soldiers went viral she
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faces a prison sentence for assault stone throwing and incitement for cities outside the off a military court in the occupied west bank so what's the reaction been to this verdict . well the reaction from the lawyer for had to me was it was one of protest and a disappointment what the military court heard from the judge was that as you say she will be remanded in custody throughout the course of a trial that trial due to start on generally the thirty first the justification given for that was that she presented a security threat to the israeli public a lot of the focus was not just on the slapping that was caught in that video in which made it such a cause celeb or among palestinians and such a point of protest and humiliation even for the israeli public seeing soldiers confronted in this way what was also talked about
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a great deal was her comments and the judge said that she was inciting other youths to commit attacks stabbings and suicide bombings and that she had had a record of of having confrontations with israeli soldiers in the past and had not learned from those and for those reasons she should be remanded in custody the lawyer for her was saying that that mischaracterized the true meaning of her words saying that simply these sorts of things would happen as a result of donald trump's declaration on jerusalem and she said that she was disappointed that the court had not listened to the arguments about israel's obligations under the convention for the rights of the child the judge saying that those did not apply in under military occupation the occupied west bank and also the arguments that she'd made about the separate treatment given an equal treatment given to settlers in the occupied west bank and palestinians who are routinely brought to military courts such as this all right thanks so much for that they have
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a force that they're. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson says the world must be sober i'm clear on it about the possibility of war with north korea he was speaking at the summit in cali that way twenty countries agreed to push for tougher sanctions on pyongyang over its nuclear program to us and warned north korea it could trigger military response unless it agrees to dialogue roles and in jordan reports from vancouver a show of diplomatic commitment in vancouver to ending north korea's nuclear weapons program but the meeting co-hosted by canada and the united states yielded just one new tactic for the fight an agreement to prevent so-called ship to ship transfers of outlawed goods to pyongyang on i think we all agreed together with our partners here that the timing has turned out to be really for to a test because we are seeing we we want to be clear headed we don't want to be in any way pollyanna it's about this but i think we collectively believe
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that the peaceful pressure is beginning to have an impact north koreans know our channels are open and they know where to find us but a sustained cessation of north korea's threatening behavior is necessary is a necessary indicator of whether the regime is truly ready to pursue a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the security threat that it has created. our nations must remain united on sustaining pressure until north korea takes concrete steps toward and ultimately reaches didn't. thanks russia and china were excluded from the meeting only countries that supported seoul during the korean war were invited to the gathering in moscow and beijing said this one sided event could activate tensions however two of north korea's neighbors said now was a good time as any to tell people yong to abandon its nuclear ambitions we should
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not be naive about their intent nor should we be blinded by north korea's charm offensive in short it is not the time to pressure or to reword no it's career we stand ready to provide a brighter future for north korea if it makes the right choice analysts said the bank hoover meeting won't be a major venue for resolving the north korea question but it isn't a waste of time either if the clouds can park just a wee bit with a little bit of sunshine coming in then those countries are going to be necessary whether it's to talk about verification or whether it's to talk about new forms of economic assistance to north korea that could be part of the opening process the u.s. and canada have promised to brief china and russia on the discussions held here on tuesday it's not clear whether this gathering will have turned out to be instrumental or simply a side bar to diplomatic efforts at the u.n.
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rosalyn jordan al-jazeera vancouver well as you heard earlier north korea's main allies russia and china weren't invited to the meeting but my brian is mall from the north korean border with china. there's been stinging criticism here in china of this summit with the state run television the newspaper editorials criticizing what it says is a cold war mentality asking why the united states and its allies would want to jeopardize what seems to be an improving relationship with north korea right now there's a lot of concern here in china about how the use of naval forces to enforce these sanctions around the korean peninsula might play out leading to the possibility of some accidental encounter with north korean naval forces that might escalate very quickly or also the possible confrontations between the ships of the u.s.
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navy and its allies and the chinese navy and chinese merchant vessels around the korean peninsula as far as china's position is concerned it is implementing fully the u.n. sanctions but here at places like dandong one of the most important links with north korea of course ninety percent of north korea's trade goes through china it is still very busy with the kinds of commodities and foods and goods that china is allowed to trade with north korea but we are seeing evidence as far as the chinese authorities are concerned of clamping down on some of those activities and businesses that provide north korea money such as its north korean restaurants or companies that are trading in north korea but the suspicion is always that individuals and companies are simply changing their names or changing management structures as a way of getting around the sanctions. now the u.s. president dog trump is marking one year in office in
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a few days so i looking into how his administrator has failed so far one of its biggest foreign policy challenges has been north korea and the second of our five part series kathy novak was from seoul. it was a year that saw the leaders of the united states and north korea exchanging threats of nuclear war and some rather undignified insults donald trump called the north korean leader little rocket man kim jong un dubbed the u.s. president a mentally deranged dotard they boasted about their nuclear buttons. the u.s. mainland is within the range of a nuclear strike and as you can hear bolton is put on the desk in my office at all times and sparked fears the korean peninsula could be edging closer to war they will be met with fire and fury. like the world has never seen it
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certainly has elevated the level of tension on the peninsula president trump has made this issue his most important foreign policy issue so it has brought a lot of attention globally. during trump's first year in office north korea launched its first successful tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles demonstrating that its weapons could reach the united states it conducted its biggest ever nuclear bomb test and late last year declared its weapons development program was complete in response the u.s. successfully pushed for tough u.n. sanctions including a cap on north korea's petrol supplies. other countries in this region have been faced with a delicate balancing act signed us supported the u.n. sanctions but was unwilling to cut off north korea's oil supply completely and south korea has been pushing a dual campaign of pressuring the north while continuing to promote dialogue with
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the new year came a shift for the first time in more than two years the two koreas sat down for official talks and agreed north korea would attend the winter olympics next month and south korean government is now engaging with the north korean government and dialogues and north korean delegation visiting south korean ferry so we're in a very different place than what people thought even two three six months ago so what happens next south korean president monday and thank donald trump for helping bring about the talks and both say they would be willing to sit down with kim jong un under the right circumstances though trump has previously said any talks with north korea would be a waste of time mixed signals from his administration and even the fact that a year on he hasn't appointed an ambassador to south korea has some analysts questioning what trump's policy on north korea really is kathy novak al jazeera so
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. christopher hill is chief advisor to the chancellor for global enlargement at the university of denver joins us live now via skype from sarasota in florida good to have you with us i mean it looks like in two thousand and seventeen the threat of nuclear war became more of a possibility between the u.s. and north korea you see that way going forward for the rest of two thousand and eighty. i don't see it as a threat of nuclear war i think tensions are very high and the main culprit here the main problem here is that north korea has made enormous strides enormous progress in terms of their capacity to deliver a nuclear weapon and they've also made it very clear they are pointing the nuclear weapon after the united states so you have a new president who really has to look at the situation and that will have to face the american people and in some three years and explain to the american people how was it off was a country stood off and started pointing is there was a so it's
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a very serious problem but it's a longer term problem rather than an immediate problem the u.s. president. came to power very critical of how his previous tests and previous presidents before obama handled the standoff with north korea has he been able to rein in either the new nuclear program of north korea also to break the dynamic that has persisted over the last number of years. not been able to rein in north korea or break this dynamic and that speaks to the fact that whether you're president of the united states or whether you're in a small comfort a the worst thing to do is start criticizing your predecessor it really shows a lack of understanding of the issues that they may have so i think the president comes in criticizes its predecessors and now sees that the issue is very complex
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and very difficult stuff some of the right elements tries to relations with china he's trying to reassure allies trying to forge harder for sanctions that frankly that's the real success of sanctions and he's trying to internationalize the issue suggests that it's not just the u.s. and china it's everybody's and we're all i think you find this very. thing i want as i have on the faces the north koreans over the negotiating table knows that they're not that easy to work for. yes you can time the final pulse of side we are hearing about south and north korea moving closer on the olympic issues and do you see a real full here at least between south and north korea i think that is a very positive. development that frankly kind of a ray of sunshine in an otherwise very bleak sky i think from south korea's point
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of view they want to make sure these olympic games go off without a hitch after all they've invested many a lot of money and a lot of time trying to make them. both olympics i think it's a very important for them but i think it's important also to understand that in. south korea north korea has made absolutely no commitments on the disarmament issue rather it has its. nuclear sensors but we can be a good neighbor and you have nothing to fear from us because we're aiming those weapons at the united states and finally i'd like to point out that although there's a lot of those comments in the last year often associated with the nuclear the new administration walking into over the years the united states has never threatened to act or they north korea so the idea is they need nuclear weapons to defend themselves is i think rather rather fall what they want nuclear weapons for
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somehow this invades the council the u.s. from south korea as if to say america if you start to defend seoul for los angeles at risk that's a very hostile and very aggressive policy that they are all they are following and i think it behooves this in the nation or any administration step up the game and try to dissuade the bottom. thanks for your analysis christopher hill. in our next report on trump's first year in office on first they will be looking at the sexual misconduct allegations that followed trump since the election campaign and on saturday will have a one hour special at seven hundred g.m.t. looking back at the last twelve months on the donald trump what to expect in the year ahead. the u.n. is warning somalia is facing a deepening humanitarian crisis with a prolonged drought expected to continue well into the year an estimated six
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million people are in need of humanitarian assistance across the country a drawn out conflict and consecutive poor rainy seasons have led to the crisis i was thought to be the world's largest underwater cave has been discovered in mexico and it's around three hundred fifty kilometers long team of archeologists divers found human bones and pottery from thousands of years ago scientists are hoping to piece together a clear understanding of the ancient mayan civilization full china japan reports. deep underneath the state of kuantan a ruined northeast mexico near the sandy beaches of can cool in the tourist resort on the caribbean coast scuba divers explore what they say is the world's longest and largest underwater cavern the problem with. the. stretching for three hundred forty seven kilometers the freshwater caverns are known as sea noted dust off course. the maze of underwater channels is not only
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extensive but also deep up to one hundred meters in some spots. on the sea and to see not these musclemen of the scene there are about two hundred underwater caves in this aquifer a system which we thought could be connected but we were not sure so now we know about the collection and the flows of water while play the city can put them into the way. scientists think the kids were used as a source of freshwater during the ancient maya civilization divers began exploring the mayan our coffers in the one nine hundred eighty s. mayans considered the cave sacred to the portal to talk with the gods north down a northern me email or yours and it gives us a wonderful perspective a new understanding of how the leaders of the ancient settlements and how the ancient mayans developed it all. to understand more clearly the rituals and the pilgrimage sites and finally the great spawning settlements that we know of which run along this cave system. at the peak of their civilizations in the six to ten
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centuries mayans mastered agriculture mouth's and the strong to me as well as building hospitals and sporting arenas and they're credited with creating calendars and discovering chocolate. mayans abandon their cities around one thousand years ago when spanish explorers arrived hundreds of years later they found most cities overgrown. this discovery by divers deep underwater may shed more light on what happened above so long ago. survives a may just scat. or
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spalls france time to catch up on all the action with sammy thank you so much in the last hour south korea north korea have agreed to form their first joint to lead big team in march together at next month's opening ceremony for the winter games and chang the two koreas made the agreement during talks on wednesday as well as marching together under a unified flag the two koreas will form a combined women's ice hockey team north korea will also send a delegation that will include cheerleaders artists and taekwondo players for a demonstration. here's a look at the history of the two countries at the olympics north korea boycotted the last olympics in south korea that was the one thousand nine hundred eighty eight summer games in seoul twelve years later at the two thousand sydney olympics athletes from the two countries walked together under unification quiet for the first time in an opening sam elliptic ceremony four years later they walked
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together again in athens but the two thousand and six winter games in turin was the last time the two countries did that in an olympics tennis now in top seed rafa nadal has eased through his second round of the australian open the spaniard who was beaten finalist here last year thrash leonardo mayor of argentina in straight sets of thirty one year old performance had only a slight wobble in the final set but came out a six three six four seven six winner noodles bid for a seventeen grand slam title continues against boston in to mirrors him her in the third round. see grigor dimitrov ride an epic encounter in the second round as he was taken to five sets by mackenzie mcdonald the world number one hundred eighty six just didn't have the edge over the ball bearing in the end to be true of winning this one eight six in the final set joe wilfred song of france was taken to five sets by canadian teenager denis shop a love in the second round the thirty two year old former runner up was beaten by
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the eighteen year old in the second round of last year's us open but saw with philip that happening again he came back in the decider after trailing five two to close the victory. over in the women's drawn number two seed caroline wozniak he survived a real scare in the second round the former world number one was up against melbourne park debutant a fat gratian ranked one hundred and nineteenth in the world won the opening set in thirty three minutes was an iraqi fought back to take the second and then same to match points as she battled back from five going down in the decider to close out the match three six six two seven five. the response myself you know what at this point. don't make women you know don't give it to her. when i remember someone of two firms who are sort of here you know i'm still for formal ball somewhere in the room. or in the game so i'm
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just trying to stay aggressive. fifteen year old martha koscheck has continued her unbelievable run in melbourne australia and wild card olivia russell who was in the second round the ukrainian becomes youngest player to reach a grand slam third round since look huge baroni the one nine hundred ninety seven compassionately left that lena in the next round. one of the all time greats ronaldinho has retired from professional football according to his agent a thirty seven year old has been without a club since two thousand and fifteen when he left results flamin a.z. the move brings to an end a hugely decorated career only dino won the world cup with brazil in two thousand and two in addition to league titles in italy and spain. african nations championship post morocco are getting ready for their second match on wednesday as they take on guinea the north african country are hoping that if they successfully
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host this event they can move on to a bigger challenge by staging the twenty twenty six before world cup some of most reports from casablanca. these were the seas eight years ago when south africa hosted the world cup and in eight years the continent it could once again welcome football's biggest showpiece. morrocco has surprised everyone no with their last minute bid to organize the twenty twenty six edition and the man in charge of african football has given the country his full backing. cinnabon this is the hope and dreams and says it is unfair that a great continent like africa has only been allowed to organize one world cup in a century i think it is legitimate for us to want one of our countries to make this commitment and i'm myself as a president and committed to join in this bid and. the twenty twenty sixth edition there is the first expanded the world cup consisting of forty eight countries this
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newly renovated one hundred the fifth stadium here in cousin blanka could be a showpiece venue but morocco has to prove it can handle such a big event it's building a good track record right now by hosting the continent second biggest tournament the african nations championship it's also staged the bigger africa cup of nations and the francophone games which featured one thousand seven hundred athletes and although morocco faces a stiff competition from a joint usa canada and mexico bid this confidence within the country that they can deliver the debate with we are facing is is is very hard you know we are competing against strong economies we are competing against america canada and mexico but then as i said. so to system has changed a lot of things have changed so has has changed during the last years basically in
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terms of infrastructure we are seeing more and more developments in the north african country has already had full failed bids. we see that morocco has perfectly organized the african nations championship and it can host the world cup in twenty twenty six moroccan football is on the rise russia twenty eighteen will be their first world cup for twenty years and they'll be hoping they can make it fifth time lucky with this bit of the. sun hamlisch al-jazeera casablanca world. australian cyclist caleb un has taken the lead after day two of the two tour down under he sprinter past world champion peter say jaan on the final stretch of the one hundred and forty kilometer stage in south australia even hold a ten second the lead over andre greipel thursday stage three has been shortened to just twenty six kilometers because of temperatures are forecast to reach forty degrees celsius and above. and that's all your sport for now it's now back to you
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sammy trying so hard fall well that's it for me for this news hour but i'm back in a couple of minutes with another full show so do stay with us. travel often. by trying to use local forests to provide little. blocks of only. landlocked valleys and scan the. listener eventually. discover. this faraway places close if they're going to get his cattle i always. i am doing this on the benefit of saddam people. so bad they see game ball going
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all the guys. who witness documentaries that open your eyes. at this time on al-jazeera. and. when the news breaks members of the knesset israel's parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds up they did just what the president stated in no country that is not the other way and when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of lonely men al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring the award winning documentaries and live news on air and online for centuries egypt's assault to come on power over the mild enough we aren't harming any of them out of place in a country they don't need for most of the day they get their water from rainfall
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boss upstream this dominance is being challenge by countries who want to agree to share i know some people in asia. on question that yes this circumstances have changed and changed quite a struggle over the mild at this time on al jazeera. and on certainty as the us announces a major cause of the palestinian refugees.


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