tv newsgrid Al Jazeera January 31, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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what makes this moment this era we're living so unique this is really an attack on itself is a lot of misunderstanding a distortion of what free speech is supposed to be about the context it's hugely important. to be civil for all it's all about. this stage for a serious debate. up front at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera . and live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha for the back to gold welcome to these great kuantan a mole back in the spotlight donald trump announces keep the controversial u.s.
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military prison in cuba open a major reversal of his predecessor's policy it is first state of the union address the president raised the prospect of prisoners being sent to guantanamo so could we soon see a return of the old practices of human life so he's also on the grid the orphans of mogadishu and multiple bombings in somalia's capital have left thousands of children without parents and nowhere to go and explore what's being done to help them and the security challenges somalia's government continues to face and who's on the move and for how much rumors abound on the final day of europe's transfer window it's one of the biggest days of the year of a football fan to find out which top player their favorite team will have a live report from london. for the war be considered a public health problem one group of turkish doctors has been arrested for saying so and for criticizing a popular war i mean. it. i
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am the air with news great live on air and streaming online for you to facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining as guantanamo the u.s. military prison in cuba has long been a symbol of human rights abuses during the so-called war on terror it's been notorious for its treatment of prisoners including reports of torture abuse and the prolonged detention of suspects without formal charges former president barack obama vowed to close the infamous facility within a year after taking office but while many prisoners were released obama was unable to keep his promise to shut down guantanamo altogether now his successor donald trump has signed an executive order to keep open the u.s. military prison in cuba trump announced a decision in his first state of the union address say the u.s. may send more detainees to guantanamo. progress to ensure
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that in the fight against isis and al qaeda we continue to have all necessary power to detain terrorists wherever we chase them down where ever we find. and in many cases for them it will now be. now why is gone to animals so controversial let's start from the beginning the u.s. rents a facility from cuba and it was normally used as a naval and coast guard base for the americans the prison colloquially known as get more opened on january eleventh two thousand and two to hold prisoners captured during president george w. bush's so-called war on terror in response to the nine eleven attacks the facility has been controversial since its opening with human rights groups complaining about conditions there amid allegations of torture some prisoners are reported to have been subjected to extreme interrogation techniques like waterboarding and sleep deprivation joining us now on the news great is chain senior managing attorney of
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the guantanamo project at the center for constitutional rights is via skype from new york thank you so much for being with us president trumps announcement about keeping guantanamo open is not really a surprise because during the campaign he talked about his desire to load it up with some bad doods he said what first of all will change in practical sense at the detention facility now that this executive order has been signed. absolutely nothing all right and this is this is one of the amazing things about it you'll remember that a year ago the first draft executive orders relating to guantanamo were being leaked out from the white house to the press to gauge reaction those orders were those direct orders were very very detailed this one that was released last night says hardly anything other than that he plans to keep it open and that he plans to basically see it all policy decisions to the military you know to the generals who he's always you know gushing about who are so numerous in his administration
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other than that there's there's not really any statement about what type of prisoners might be brought there in the future or really much about of anything about what he intends to do with the people who are there now let's just take a moment and talk about the number of detainees in guantanamo seven hundred eighty people have been held there since two thousand and two many without charge or criminal trial some of the high profile prisoners include khalid sheikh mohammed the alleged mastermind of the nine eleven attacks who was charged with war crimes one hundred ninety seven detainees were either transferred repatch read it or resettled during the obama administration including canadian twenty fifteen he was arrested when he was just sixteen years old and spent ten years will president obama as we said was unable to make good on his place to shut down the facility because of concerns over the fate of some of the prisoners deemed too risky of being freed forty one prisoners are still being held at the military prison today the executive orders says that the u.s.
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is planning on sending more prisoners there president even talked about i saw prisoners what's your reaction to that and if you know they're planning on sending eisel prisoners to guantanamo does it mean that they're holding them somewhere else already. right. a couple interesting things about that you know first of all he also announced that he seems to think that the war against eisel is almost over . on the other hand we had make more commitments of ground troops in the last year about five hundred kind of special operations troops in addition to the four hundred visors that were there when obama left office so there is a chance that they might capture somebody in an infantry action or special operations action and then have no place to turn them over to they probably won't want to turn him over to the syrians iraqis probably won't take them if the home country doesn't want to take them and prosecute them that's the kind of person who might be taken to guantanamo but you know as that war winds down i think that's increasingly unlikely and so the bigger question becomes what to do with those
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forty one men who are left only thirteen of them are charged the rest of them everyone seems to agree will never be charged five of them are cleared for release and it costs about ten million dollars a year to hold the mc one talked about now entering their seventeenth year in detention and the one thing that was clear up till now before the executive order before last night is a trump has no intention of letting anyone go no matter how simple or benign the allegations against them are does this new executive order shady leave the door open do you think to more new abuses being committed at guantanamo. i think any time you detain somebody without any legal rights. without any kind of oversight from the courts in the way that you would have in the civilian system when they're charged criminally in the united states that is a system that's ripe for abuses so you know certainly the worst days of abuses like kuantan m o for most of the people who aren't on a hunger strike are long behind us but by the same token this kind of rhetoric that
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we see from this president certainly i think you know has a tendency to encourage the worst in people at the at the sort of field level all right thank you so much for speaking to us shane cat is all of the guantanamo project at the center for constitutional rights via skype from new york thank you so much for your time well let's not bring in our social media producer andrew chappelle what's been the reaction online andrew to president trump's kuantan amman osment. well there's certainly been a strong reaction from both sides of the aisle regarding trump's one ton of the decision and rights groups have also foist their condemnation of this decision amnesty international has called this executive order quote cruel inhumane and a direct threat to human rights while the american civil liberties union or a.c.l.u. says this facility cost taxpayers more than four hundred forty five million dollars a year just to detain the forty one men that are there now so they they say the notion that guantanamo is worthwhile would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic and
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that's in addition to the incalculable human suffering now supporters of president trump are backing this decision online like scott pressler here he says these enemy combatants should not be able to further radicalize our american prisons now trump said that hundreds and hundreds of prisoners from u.s. custody have been released from u.s. custody and then they've gone on to carry out more attacks he gave an example of an isolator of a baccarat al baghdadi but fact checkers say that that statement is false in several different ways and to the larger point the u.s. government says that of the seven hundred and twenty eight detainees from guantanamo bay detention facility who have been released approximately one hundred twenty two have gone on to commit additional criminal activities studies have also shown that radicalization often takes roots in prisons the harsh conditions in the prison often feature in propaganda material and even featured in bin laden's essays several u.s.
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army officers have warned about the counter effects or the later on effects of keeping such facilities open. in two thousand and ten former u.s. secretary of state general colin powell said that it gives radicals an opportunity to say you see this is what america is all about they're all about torture and detention centers and organizations like reprieved they represent eight detainees that are currently at guantanamo bay they're calling for courts intervention to stop his order so let us know what you think you're do you think guantanamo is doing more harm than good or do you agree with trans decision you can tweet us your views using the has tag news grid or message me directly i'm at. andrew thank you for that and an excellent documentary on guantanamo on our web site al jazeera dot com was a bag was detained under suspicion of terrorism in pakistan he confessed to being a member of al qaeda in two thousand and two and spent almost two years in detention in guantanamo yet was never convicted of any crime now in confession the story of my bag he talks about the forces that he believes led to his confession
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it's a gripping first hand account watch it if you can on al-jazeera dot com i let's now bring in our white house correspondent kimberly halakhah to talk about reactions to president trump's first state of the union address kimberly he came he spoke but did he conqueror. well certainly he set out to try and move the dial given the fact that the president's approval ratings have been pretty stagnant this past year about thirty eight percent essential of those who supported him in the u.s. election what donald trump needs in order to win approval for his policies is to win over some of those skeptical populace and also the skeptical democrats who sat stone faced throughout much of his speech well the president was for speaking the republicans were standing repeatedly clapping and cheering loudly but the republicans rather the democrats did not and that is certainly a concern for the president because he needs in this election year to help the
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republicans who are trying to win back their seats in both the house and the senate so going into this we had a very polarized political climate folly and it seems that that is the general consensus coming out of this speech donald trump certainly spoke about this new american moment he extended an open hand to his opponents he sold his highlights that he sees in the past year about the economy historic unemployment rates that have reached new lows but what donald trump did not succeed in doing is selling himself continues to be a concern that he has a combative manner and despite those reaching out in the in the speech certainly it's an odds with what we've seen from his own behavior in this past year thank you very much for that kimberly kimberly hawk at large forests in washington d.c. and we've been getting a lot of comments on president comes decision on guantanamo one here from is a ban on facebook who says i never understood the real reason for want on
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a most existence me in cuba if they want to keep the prisoners why don't they keep them on u.s. soil in a very good question is about thank you for another comment here from a ralf on facebook who says obama kept it open after making an election promise to close it and we've talked about that and you could. people's comments coming by the way just connect with us on social media using the hash tag a.j. use great now on to other world news end to british lawyers are calling for sound eurabia to be suspended from the un human rights council after investigating the obvious or a detention of activists in saudi arabia though submit their report to the council in geneva it accuses the saudi government of targeting human rights activists and political dissidents who try to exercise their right to sleaze speech rodney dixon is one of the report's authors he hopes it will encourage countries to put pressure on saudi arabia to truly reform we were commission to look into
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exactly what has happened and present a legal report or as an army recommendation is that step should be taken by the general assembly to suspend the government of saudi arabia from the human rights council it being completely contradictory and ironic for a government with systemic patterns of abuse as we highlighted in the report to be sitting on the council and in fact previously to have have chaired the council we are hoping it will go over not as many states to recognize the problem and to confront the government about the situation in the jails and in that way put pressure on the need for real change not suppose a reform bill but real change and then what we are hoping of course it depends on the states in the general assembly is that suspension will act as a major lever or the government to clean up their act to make a proper new start are joining us now is ahmed bench mc who is communications and
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advocacy director for the middle east and north africa at human rights watch he's via skype from new york thank you very much for a time sir saudi arabia ironically it currently has a human rights council how likely is it that they'll be suspended and you know how's the u.n. general assembly going to be happening this issue you think. well i can speak for the u.n. member states where i know is that we in human resource and his defense and national have called for to suspension immediate suspension of syria's membership rights on the un human rights council since more than a year actually this back to june twenty sixth. because of the atrocious human rights violations and the laws of war relations that the coalition led by saudi arabia was committing in yemen this call now is for another reason but it's also a good reason because dissent is suppressed in saudi arabia and in a very frank and. i mean that the saudi authorities are not even high in their
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motives what's most extraordinary is that the government doesn't hide his motives that inclination to suppress free speech just look at the charges against their human rights activists why do you think that these various calls from your going is ations and other human rights groups are not having any effect i mean do you think that this threat of suspension from the human rights council might put any sort of pressure on the saudi government. i think the saudi government is sensitive to its reputation across the world i think crown prince mohammed bin some man is trying to brand himself as a reformer someone who is going to change or bring about change and a whole poor young saudis by tick in its decisions like a lot of women to drive opening cinema and so on but what we see is that this cannot hide the real situation of human rights in the country and the fact that multiple activists i mean please fifteen according to our accounts and maybe more now that this new report has emerged are jail soley for the human rights activism
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and this is absolutely not acceptable and i mean the efforts of the crown prince to brand himself as a reformer cannot fly in the face of such blatant human rights violations let's talk a bit more about the alleged abuses that are being committed the two lawyers in their report say sixty one people were obvious for a detainee or disappeared by the saudi kingdom's authorities are these isolated incidents what sort of abuses are we seeing. i got the rest the report part is true or john because it was it has just surface and we didn't to get those specific claims what i can talk about is the background of human rights of other nations and the repression against human rights defenders and activists in saudi arabia i can tell you it is fierce until today at least fifteen noted human rights activists are behind bars including where in the world in italy one of the only good english but always will have openly and others and these have been jailed the only for peacefully claiming reform and human rights i mean again look at the charges facing
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. some of their opinion we were the two latest rights activists who were sentenced to jail fourteen years and seven years respectively when you look at the charges it's incredible i mean they have been jailed for quote but to submission in forming an association and announcing it before acquiring the necessary license or make international human rights organizations hostile to the kingdom by publishing them social media reports about ticking the these are the motives for which people are jailed who fourteen years and seven years especially when saudi arabia this is really serious i have been trying to question here from one of our of us do you think the human rights situation in saudi arabia right now is worse under this new crown prince or is it improving a little bit under the new crown prince. it is definitely not improving many people are jailed for peaceful activism what is happening in yemen is absolutely atrocious i mean billions of people who verge of famine the worst humanitarian crisis ever
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because of a many a blockade a new or an air war effort got violates all the or many of the. laws of war and this is all under the guidance of this same crown prince who runs himself as a reformer so no we can definitely not see that the situation is getting better thank you very much for speaking to us i'm a bench emcee of human rights watch joining us there from new york thank you for your time thank you all right time now for a check of the day's other news his barbara starr in ireland and you sent a hi barbara hi folly the european union is giving an extra fifty three million dollars in aid to palestine following the u.s. decision to withhold its funding the e.u.'s foreign policy chief for that he come again he need made the announcement at a donor's meeting in brussels the u.n. is warning that gaza's economy is on the verge of collapse the additional money
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will go towards giving palestinians better access to water and energy we know the more we can achieve progress on the ground the more this can help prevent violence and the more this can help also receive a political process so in this context we believe it is important that the palestinian authority is committed to unite the west bank and gaza on the one single and legitimate authority. heavy explosions have rocked the yemen's capital sanaa as the saudi led coalition targeted weapons stores used by the who the rebels who control the city according to local residents there were at least five raids by coalition warplanes on wednesday saying in yemen in the southern port city of aden around forty thousand civilians are stranded without aid now they'd sort refuge in the city during the three year long civil war only to now find themselves trapped after fighting broke out over the weekend between secessionists and government
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troops the government remains blockaded inside the presidential palace and the u.n. says it's too dangerous to distribute aid. the pakistani government has recommend that afghan refugees be given a five month extension to their refugee status the announcement dispelled fears of a large scale repatriation there are currently more than one point four million afghan refugees in pakistan kamal hyder has more now from the refugee camp in the shower. only going to change and read the united states and worsening relations between no one is gone and buggered don i've created a new problem for the of one refugee the buggers going to their deeds refugee camps spread across the country catering to about one point four million registered of one refugee and an equal number of undereducated refugee i've become much security threat pakistan is pushing pressure now that the these refugees should be taken
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back into atlanta sun and so that once that is done then we will be more able to say that we are not allowing any centuries within its own territory more than three point five million afghan refugees who have been living in pakistan for the last thirty or forty years now and also and taliban and other actors which admittedly act is against the afghan government odd part of that whole refugee community that lives and they go back and forth and that pulls in august on into this because they are dead from hair inserted radar that able to use as a safe country and then carry out their doctor across the country the interior minister and the intelligence chief of run it on already had in progress down got there rising tensions between their two countries the budget going to be telling that of iran counterpart there to dish time for the aged average age to go back or didn't david huge logistical issues the biggest problem at the moment is that there
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is the winter break. all the centers are temporarily suspended and cashman centers in afghanistan and repatriation centers in fact this time as far as funds are concerned there is. donor fatigue there are competing priorities so yes that does prove to be a challenge that you and it's your faces and yes it does appeal to the international community to continue to provide assistance to the afghan refugee situation as a bug or county government is likely to give a few more months repaired reagent of the of round refugees but. that they cannot go back to a country torn apart by conflict and go back to a country where drag nothing to them was a look was so moved. we can't afford to go back to work torn country where we have no shelter no jobs and above all no peace so how we are going to survive we want to
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go back happily one situation allows. many of one refugee are already come back from of running down complaining that their government is nor doing enough. reporting there a leading swiss islamic scholar has been questioned by police in paris over allegations of rape and sexual assault a french judicial official says two lawsuits have been lodged against tariq ramadan who denies the charges french media reported last year that two women had filed complaints against from of them from the alleged rape in two thousand and nine and the assault in two thousand and twelve the scholar has taken a leave of absence from oxford university where he's a professor of islamic studies he's written several books on the face and on the integration of muslims. british business leaders of kicked off a three day trip to china by signing thirteen billion dollars worth of trade deals
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they're being accompanied by the u.k. prime minister to resign may met the chinese premier. in beijing for talks about a possible free trade deal after the brics it earlier mrs may and a husband were treated to a performance by traditional dancers in the central eastern city of new. the french president the man well the crowd has warned the turkey against launching a full on invasion of a free in northern syria turkey has been attacking the kurdish region for more than ten days and several hundred people are reported to have died including civilians a freeness controlled by the y.p. syrian kurdish group that turkey considers a terrorist organization stephanie decker has more now from the turkey syria border . solidarity with the people of africa this protest is in the kurdish run area in northeast syria where people say they feel betrayed. we condemn the turkish state we condemn russia because had it not been for russia giving the green light turkey
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would not have been able to attack a free russia and turkey your fate and will be at the hands of the heroes of the y. p.g. just like the end of ice. in africa and funerals are held for fighters from the people's protection units. turkey considers the y.p. g a terrorist organization but fighters from the kurdish group across syria make up the backbone of the u.s. backed syrian democratic forces crucial and the most effective in the battle against until. this is said to be video jim that is an area close to the border with turkey that has been heavily targeted sources have told al-jazeera that most people in these areas have fled due to the heavy bombardment. and the u.n. estimates around fifteen thousand are now displaced inside the region of africa and we're also told there been civilian casualties after random shelling in turkey denies this and says it only targets why peachey positions turkey's offensive is
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now well into its second week the village with the smoke coming from it is inside syria now turkey has been shelling these border areas on a daily basis i was also supported on the ground by free syrian army fighters this is the syrian rebels that turkey supports and they have a presence here in turkey along the border. we spot a few free syrian army fighters on the side of the road they're rarely seen this openly in turkey turkey has brought many of these f.s.a. fighters from syria and they are now waiting along the border for orders to advance we managed to speak to one of them who tells us the battle won't be easy record that. we're facing quite a few challenges first the weather didn't help us as it was foggy and raining second the why p.g. has advanced snipers that's why we are taking it slow and trying to control these mountains first. turkey say with the moment is to secure its border area with after the. air strikes and artillery can be heard all along this area but we're told that
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the y.p. g a well prepared and know the terrain this could be a long and difficult fight stephanie decker al-jazeera on the turkey syria border of more on this story let's go back to doha and andrew. thanks barbara since turkey launched that air and ground offensive on the kurdish y. p.g. and northern syria there's been a wave of patriotism that swept the country with high levels of support for this particular operation and turkish authorities have also targeted those who criticize the war mine and one professional association has run afoul of the government recently after it released a declaration calling war a public health problem the turkish medical association or t t b says it represents eighty percent of doctors in turkey that's around eighty three thousand members and they posted this message saying that war is a human made public health problem with the facts of destroying nature and humankind and threaten social life each armed conflict each war brings along human tragedy caused by irremediable problems in terms of physical mental social and
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environmental health no war peace now and after posting that last week they started receiving some threats over the phone by e-mail and on social media and they requested police protection which was denied that on sunday president. accuse the turkish medical association of treason in a speech to ak party members or to one referred to the t.c.b. as a quote gang of slaves and servants of imperialism he said the no to war cry by this mob is nothing more than the outburst of the betrayal in their souls and i am a see international says the ministry of interior filed a criminal complaint against the t.c.b. accusing them of making propaganda for a terrorist organization and also inciting the public to hatred or hostility and on tuesday a turkish prosecutor ordered the detention of eleven senior members of the medical association including its chairman. these attacks are not about what we said in that statement we can see that we have seen many people tested with democracy and
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human rights none of them could win the turkish medical association will continue to fight for our health. after the arrest doctors gathered outside of the office to recite a physician's pledge not to use medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties even if under threat now tensions between the president and this particular doctor's association have been brewing since the operation began last week he called them terrorist lovers saying that they had nothing to say whenever there are domestic attacks the t.c.b. affiliate in istanbul responded by saying it was patriotic to oppose bad wars now medical associations around the world are now calling attention to this and calling for their release that includes the world medical association of physicians for human rights there are there's a turkish hash tag that's being used which is we're with you have many organizations that are using that to show solidarity meanwhile politicians from the
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main opposition republican people's party that's called the c.h.p. have called the operation illegal these arrests are part of a larger crackdown in turkey under operation olive branch ken roth from human rights watch says that it's not terribly up again to post online messages criticizing the operation yet more than three hundred people have been detained in turkey over the past twelve days for posts critical of the operation just on social media so it's a sensitive time and many turks support the operation but do you support the actions of the authorities here tweet us your thoughts using the hash tag news great or you can message me directly i'm at andrew thank you very much for that this is a news great on al-jazeera if you're watching us on facebook coming up next food on the indian ocean island of zanzibar where the spice trade has defined the keys for hundreds of years and stayed ahead on the grid for the first time in one hundred thousand. super more and blood more well. the world to
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the human fascination with battles to stay with us. welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the levant and western parts of asia it's all looking fairly quite here recovery in temperatures after some cold and snowy conditions tehran is back up to nine degrees celsius by not too bad at eighty is fine around the eastern side of merde trendy pretty good temperatures beirut eighteen degrees on thursday and not a big scene if we can change expected through friday so what are the arabian pincher what is all looking fine here temperatures still up to thirty degrees for mecca a little bit of cloud around the southern portion the red sea might just be wanted to showers around but nothing of any real concern with a little bit of a breeze blowing down through the gulf area so we've sort temperatures of twenty two here in doha which is very pleasant so let's head across into southern parts of
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africa where we've still got some heavy showers affects in parts of south africa and you see there on the eastern cape in particular that area of cloud beginning to push away knossos the isolated showers possible for durban but otherwise fine cape town look at highs of twenty four degrees some heavy rain further north into parts of zambia lusaka looks fairly wet and harare in zimbabwe could see some showers also subjects on the eastern side of madagascar we were as we come down through botswana and across namibia where the conditions are looking dry and fine and respected a high of thirty three degrees celsius in winter. i am doing this on the benefit of saddam people. so bad they see the importance of the outcry.
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witness documentaries that open your eyes. at this time on al-jazeera. when the news breaks members of the knesset israel's parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds. up and they just what president say in our country that is not other way and when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of lonely men al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring the award winning documentaries and live news on air and online.
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i am on al jazeera and the stories trending on our website al-jazeera dot com the stories you're looking at at number one they are not a sense of president trumps first state of the union address which is been described as divisive by a spy some also trending u.k. lawyer is calling for sound theory good to be removed from the un's human rights council a story we covered on these breaks here today and at number three their story
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that's generating quite a lot of controversy and a spot under being in riyadh the breakup of an eight month old baby which has a lot of people up in arms about what authorities are doing to punish such crimes also trending the diction opposition calling for a boycott of the upcoming presidential election read about those stories and much more on our web site al-jazeera dot com. i'm not to talk about what i am for joined us and it's all about the transfer deadline that's exactly right for the one of the most important days of the year if you're a football fan and if you're on twitter it's probably hard to be avoiding hashtag it deadline day this map is showing the concentration of global tweets of the annual january transfer window through by so also plays officially comes to a close most tweets are coming from the u.k. and the u s at the moment followed by nigeria and kenya we've combined it with all the tweets with the day's biggest deal and that was the move of japanese football
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of america obama a young. now english premier league side arsenal announced these transfer from germany's brasil dortmund on their twitter page that is where the announcements are made these days that had fifty thousand likes and counting and they launched their own hashtag yo peer already they are sharing images of him in an arsenal jersey the money shot for supporters if they appeared ready for this it's because it's kept fans in a frenzy for several days with rumors of the impending move now flighting tracking website flight radar twenty four said the thirty two thousand people were following the path of a private jet from dortmund to london on tuesday they believed that it was carrying a bomb a young for the record they do say that pope francis lights attract more and maybe this one describes you a quick summary of what deadline day is alike for truth or users who don't like football let's check not to leave you willing us covered several transfer deadline
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days over the years leading us from london be good to have you with us on news good outside of the major transfers done in january so for why is transfer deadline day itself such a big deal in england. well where they revolves around the english premier league the world wants to see the world wants to consume you seen on social media what a big deal it is two hundred sixty five days a year this is one of the biggest days for it people are desperate not just to see the sausage if you like of football but i want to say this is a lot i want to talk about it they want so enjoy was around the periphery that desperation to have the right player people want to talk about these things wherever you are in the globe and that's why the money revolves around the premier league hundreds of millions of it being spent in this transfer window and of course there's billions to play with over water that money eventually goes to suppliers
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wages and there's always the thought of is a really big there will be done this been big deals today there have been bigger ones the difference really between england face spying a fraction of the money is spent in spying but what happens is you talk about it because you want to really be part of the biggest too far from the transfer window this container from liverpool to barcelona also sorry i mean it's over the top five leagues your very own home what it used to pay the money being spent completely twelve hours guys in the premier league that's why people are tracking trains doing and that's why people are checking restaurants and cafes and tweeting and saying i'm saying this player he might be going to this camp leave there is a theory that suggests transfer deadline day was turned into a made for t.v. event by a british broadcaster how true is that theory. well it's partly true in that it already existed as something that people were interested in but it's revolved around a lot of on a channel called the sky sports news i started to work as
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a sports editor for sky news its sister station on the supposed best there but sky sports news is just bore and it's all about what's happening and pushing the actual live sports coverage with such things as transfer so this is one of the to be days out of when the transfer window closes in the summer i what i've done is they've made the absolute most of it over the years so if there is a yellow stripe on screen as it's called with the latest breaking transfer then the man presenter wear yellow tie the fame i was and is very yellow dress i mean i think this kind of thing as we've seen with other stories today is getting a little bit outdated some of the drama was removed by the fact that he used to have funds around saying what which players going where what behind the broadcaster at the ground and i'm certainly used to that but i got to remove that because people were getting so wound a they had to put them in the safety of the grounds of the stadium so i think some
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of the drama has been removed and it's best days are gone i mean yet the english premier league itself still goes from strength to strength and still that bubble hasn't gone bust lou we're going to leave it there thank you so much a pleasure as always to have you with us on news good now but that we haven't touched on yet is money just how much cash is being spent the answer is a lot yesterday the english record for the most january spending was broken as it hit three hundred and fifty six million dollars and it's obviously climbed past that today the figure breaking deal came from manchester city who signed athletic bilbao defend the emmerich la porte for a club record fee of eighty million dollars how about obama young arsenal broke their own club record too in that seventy nine million dollars deal. just a separate bit of sports news to finish on a big announcement in the past couple of hours from formula one who say that good girls are no more in the sport we're going to examine the small closely on
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tuesday's news grid and if you want to share your views on that decision i'm on to it's a piece on the school statement you can also use the hash tag a.j. news good bye for now i'm going to return you to funny thank you so much for that pizza you know with the news great on al-jazeera coming up next five us on facebook at look at one of the first big comic book movies in the u.s. to feature a predominantly african-american cast but first a look at the world weather.
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the and. welcome back we want to take you to somalia now which has suffered countless bomb attacks over the years but the twin explosions in mogadishu three months ago where the largest and deadliest ever a massive truck bomb blast in the capital of somalia then another the same day killed more than five hundred somalis the on group al shabaab said it was behind the explosion al-shabaab which has between seven and nine thousand fighters still controls large parts of somalia it was forced out of mogadishu in twenty eleven after an offensive of the african union troops has imposed a strict version of sharia law in areas under its control and assad's by the group of left many children without parents and no one to care for them algeria summit or
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miller has this story from mogadishu. medina mohammad plays with her three month old grandson hussen his grandmother is looking off to him because his mother was one of the hundreds killed in the twin bomb attacks in mogadishu last october house and was just eleven days old when the bombs went off as well as hoskins mother two of medina's other daughters and niece were killed their bodies were never found. the most difficult thing is that i've been left with twenty children to look after and really old now and a calm provide for them a cumberland house is a can do anything for the only real surviving right now is money from lucia's prince not enough for all of us. the truck bomb blast and a second attack later the same day killed five hundred and ninety people injured
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hundreds more and orphaned at least one thousand five hundred and forty children in most cases their extended families are looking after them no one claimed responsibility for the attacks but police isp. becht al-shabaab fighters may have planned it the truck bomb blast completely devastated this area where a popular hotel once stood since the last summer business owners have come back running a makeshift restaurant some of the customers here were injured in the explosion but people here say they want to support the hotel that for them it's a show of defiance qatari small is part of a local fundraising group as the injured were rushed to hospital the group began collecting money to help them families and local businesses affected five million dollars was raised very remarkable this city has gone to cut deals in this city and the problem so are going to be able to get all of them
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together every problem came was not of for the international community or other people or other government come to form their own self and then be hoping to. following the explosions tens of thousands took to the streets condemning the attacks. latina and her grandchildren are a small part of a large community of survivors still in recovery she says despite the pain and loss all have family can do is move on for me to malaya al-jazeera mogadishu. an extremely challenging security situation for somalia's government i want to show you this great info graphic on our web site al jazeera dot com here you have a map of africa knife you zoom in on the horn of africa and then on somalia you can see the number of attacks carried out by al-shabaab in the last decade three hundred sixty a staggering number if you scroll through the years you can see that in twenty
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levon for instance there were dozens of attacks with numerous casualties while in twenty seventeen there were less attacks into it than into an eleven but it was still the deadliest year for somali civilians you can find that map on our web site al-jazeera dot com now venezuela's economic and social crisis issuing a major increase in crime not just at home but also in neighboring colombia the collapse in venezuela's currency has made cross border smuggling a new critic of business for criminal gangs there is alice on the run pity went on a night patrol with colombian special forces on the hunt for smugglers it's shots ring out over to simone believe or bridge the vote in colombia and venezuela as people dodge and run for cover. in the last four months at least fourteen gun fights have erupted in the border town of. the gun battles have left forty people
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dead as colombian in venezuela and crime groups fight for control of the lucrative contraband of goods on the spores lawless border the mayor says people are terrified. with that in which we need the national government to wake up about the effects of venezuela's crisis we are being told we need to prepare for what will come what is not what will come it's already here. since been this way when president nicolas maduro shut down the border last year to all but foot traffic violence has increased tenfold venezuela's i pray inflation is too profitable at them station for the gangs. in two years the colombian peyser has increased forty times in value over diminished wayland believe cross border smuggling once limited to petrol now extends to scrap metal fruits meat or anything that can fetch three times its price and many sway. colombia's response has been increasing police presence on the ground. so we're going to look for trucks full of contraband in
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this area probably informants already warned the smugglers of our prisons so the trucks can be hidden in one of the trails in pitch darkness and complete silence the officers patrolled true a maze like collection of ever expanding trails but it's like finding a needle in a haystack at this. columbia special forces are on the lookout here on the river which divides bin it's from colombia this is just one of over one hundred forty known crossings that smugglers use to move goods into colombe of course it's practically impossible to control all of them despite the police best efforts. but experts say the fight is also undermined by the lack of collaboration between the two countries and exacerbated by persistent corruption there is no doubt that the border is being sold to the highest bidder this area is in the hands of criminal
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enterprises dedicated to drug trafficking large scale smuggling extortion kidnapping human trafficking and it has been activated by the closure of the border the rise in crime is just another side of be increasing economic and social crisis and been a swell that has no end in sight i listen to them. and as you heard there from a sondre with venezuela's economy on the brink of collapse a number of venezuelans crossing the border into colombia is on the rise and you find another great report on the crisis venezuelan refugees in colombia were facing deportation threats alexandra spoke to them from the border city of where many venezuelan sleeping rough and in fear of being deported watch that report on our website al-jazeera dot com now a rare celestial event has been racing the night skies in parts of the world here are some of the latest pictures from the sun jealous the three point lunar eclipse means the moon appears much bigger brighter and redder than usual it is the first
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time in decades that the event has taken place alessa about this celestial trifecta scientists call it first we have a super moon that's when the moon is relatively close to earth at the same time we have what's called blood moon which is because of the red color and orange color of the morning and finally we also have what is being called a blue moon which is the second form on in one calendar month now it is there is wrong reynolds is in the scientists with more need it. as the earth's shadow fell across the moon it dark and people waited anxiously and then there were. dozens of gasps of delight as the lunar eclipse reached its point of totality the moon turned a eerie shade of blood red and stayed that way for the better part of an hour now the moon is emerging from the earth's shadow and people are begun to
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leave the area as the sun comes up but there was a definite energy in the air here and many people said that watching this put them in the mind of putting everything in perspective here seeing a political turmoil and division in this country and around the world watching this celestial a vent made them realize they said that human affairs are not be all and end all of existence and that there's a very large universe out there that goes on without us all right misspeaks more about this not to francisco diego is a senior research fellow at the department of the department of while at college london has some find out more from you about this saffron sysco first of all what makes this event so special and so fascinating to many people why this fascination
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with the sky at night. it is an amazing coincidence really. the eclipse up inside the moment of the of the super moon where the money's also at the parity which is closer to the earth and therefore appears a little bit larger than usual so it's a major coincidence and the third coincidence is the way we divide our year in days and months yes coincides that this month we have two full moons one of the beginning of the month and now on another one there is another one coming in march as well we have two months in march two full moons in march so the second moon in march at the end of march will be also a blue moon why is it called blue moon who knows i mean this comes from hundreds of years ago and it is a major thing from from some classical superstitions etc right i want to ask you i guess about the. the fact that people are so fascinated by
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these events i mean what you describe is spectacular and what we've seen of course is amazing to a lot of people but why this fascination especially from people in the west time magine people people in places like los angeles and so on what is it about the sky that makes people you know so excited. well it is it is fascinating to see a phenomenon that we don't see that frequently a total lunar eclipse is is very spectacular because. it's like a sunset if you like if you were of the moon or the point you will see the sun behind the earth and the air it will be surrounded by the other speed of the earth will appear as a appears when the sun sets right and that is the light that illuminates the moon and then makes the moon rare to see this thing in the sky i have seen it so many times right especially for a pair of binoculars the moon you can see the moon like a sphere it looks like a three dimensional because of the effect of the shadows on the light at that moment francis cutscene
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a obviously people are fascinated by old is that i wonder if it's people all over the world that are fascinated by it or if it's just a western phenomenon well what your or your presenter said in los angeles is very moving and very true that when you observe a celestial event like this one everybody can see it most of those in matter where you are doesn't matter where your beliefs are your nationalities. kind of unifies humankind and certainly this phenomenon has been seen i saw the satellite pictures on most of asia was on the middle east they were clear that they have seen this these eclipse all together as a single nation and that is very important just one last question before we let you go francisco you know if we didn't tell people about these celestial events you think they'd be as interested. well you need to know all this is going to happen but if you see it without knowing it's even more spectacular because it caught you
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by surprise and to see an event like this not eclipse or an alignment of planets or this things that we see in the sky it is going to be very it really touches how our our really unsisterly saw i mean we have this embedded in no in our culture as we know in the way we fear when we see these events that though completely out of our control even today that we know all the physics and all the signs behind this event we still feel i have seen so many so i thought of solar eclipse as for example when that comes when the shadow of the moon comes in a total solar eclipse and you're in the middle of the field and then you feel that fear that our ancestors felt because they didn't know what was going on we still have that fear so it is very spectacular all going very lucky to be able to contemplate this event thank you so much for talking to us francisco diego from university college in london thank you for your time now we'll end this news great with some breaking news that we're just getting on al-jazeera right now and
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a smile hania the leader of hamas which is in control of the gaza strip as you know and the deposed palestinian prime minister has been added to a u.s. treasury terror unless we'll have more information on this story in our next news bulletin from london the center with my colleague barbara starr from the fully back to one home team here at al-jazeera thank you for watching. february on al-jazeera south korea hosts the twenty eighteen winter olympics can
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records be broken. we'll bring you the latest from pyongyang china the big picture examines the present day crisis in venezuela by exploring the divisions rooted in its past senior officials will meet to discuss the biggest security challenges facing. we'll be live from the munich security conference partition borders of blood looks at the troubled legacy of the events that shaped the indian subcontinent and in a series of special reports we look at new trade and travel routes which are opening up the wild february on al-jazeera. paint the scene for us where on line what is american sign in your mind that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there people that there are choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an
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activist and just posted a story join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera ahead of the september twenty fourth national election survey showed job and a satisfied with the state of the economy this is easily the start news biggest tech success story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera. and to keep open the detention facilities in guantanamo bay thank the orders america's controversial prison in cuba to remain open to reversing the obama promise.
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