tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera February 3, 2018 8:00pm-8:34pm +03
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the palestine national locust was first founded in the one nine hundred thirty s. but has had to be revived in twenty ten always very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories. it's like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the first time they performed using their identity al-jazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra at this time. six african migrants are injured in a shooting in italy in what police believe is a racially motivated attack.
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oh and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up in corsica as islanders call for war tommy confronts. syrian rebels say they shot down a russian jet over the pilot is dead. anglo world trade routes laos invests billions of dollars in a high speed rail link connecting it to china and thailand. we begin to lay west six african migrants have been injured with wong in a life threatening condition in what appears to have been a racially motivated attack the group of five men and one woman were targeted in the dry funny shooting in the central it's holly in town of mature author states of arrested a man who was wrapped in an italian flag and during a fascist salute is a former merrill candidate for the far right northern league party well earlier we
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spoke to italian journalist lorenzo luzzi who described what happened. this has been a day of terror literally for much at the small student town in the middle of easily the the car and now for a male a blackout from a stopped around twenty minutes to one today in front of the monument of the fallen of much after the fall of the second world war his name is look after you need twenty year old man he gets out of the car dressed in black with the italian flag ship on his shoulders and he does the as you said francis salute and then he hands him self to the police for now what a house though he has. put panic into the whole city we as to say we heard of many calls for from the population to the police around a few minutes past eleven in the morning because it's exactly than when he started shooting in the air they really need the first shots with is
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a glick gun four were directed toward a foreigner man. probably from northern africa sat in front of a supermarket than as a fed the first cold start to arrive at the police station and the attic to the caribbean eerie and look at the rainy moves toward the center of the station of the city first in front of the stadium then toward another supermarket in arrives into a bakery in front in the town center of it are full of people having their breakfast in the morning he says a young guy black guy outside any shots issue thick and then in front of the of the station where he wants a woman and then he goes on and on france's president emanuel last roll heads to the french onion of corsica next week when nationally some calling for more time to make it all is that victory image elections in december let me change my port so much jack you. it in. the full
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independence may still be a distant dream but nationalism has found a renewed force on this island the family here not so long ago just singing the corsican national anthem was enough to get you beaten up by the french police here now the islanders are demanding official status for their language. the all. expression of course you can roots was rapidly merge with the expression of political demands so the singing became hard for the political authorities to accept and not only the french but also some corsicans were supporters of greater france the confrontation then became violent extremely violence very external. the brutal struggle for course going independence lasted for four decades before weapons were finally surrendered three years ago the political fight to the ballot
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box is proving much more successful. a coalition of nationalists now commands forty one out of the sixty three seats in the corsican assembly one of their key demands is for the return an amnesty of what they call their political prisoners held in jails across france. to some say. what happened in the election last december was an earthquake it wasn't just the usual renewal of they are simply the corsican people revolted of a an absolute in my you're ready for corsica nationalists that's the fact there are thirty disempowers have to think about. the nationalists have already served notice on president macron warning him that unless he starts listening to them then the hard and conflicting times lie ahead for paris and corsica corsica was the birthplace of napoleon the man macro's most often measured against in terms of his youth and grand visions the french president is due on the island next week will he
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choose a compromise will he defend the integrity of france and its language. and on saturday hundreds of nationalists protest as in corsica's capital talk to the streets demonstrating ahead of the president's visit. again from the rally in a jacket. the nationalists were keen to show president emmanuel mark on one thing that of course is not an administrative region of france corsica's a country a nation and a people and most of all they wanted corsican as a fishel language of the island this is one of their main demands it's a very emotional demand but it's not that easy for president macro because under the article two of the constitution it says that the republic has one language and that language is french there are other demands to which they're very keen to push through to start opening
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a dialogue with present about and that is what they call their political prisoners the people sent to prisons across france during the forty forty years of armed struggle for independence for corsica they want them repatriated to corsica they want them in the prisons here and they want them amnesty that again is a very difficult problem for paris and and last but not least they want to change in the property rules here in corsica they want to make sure that the so-called rich boys who are in paris and elsewhere in france don't just buy their holiday homes here because that is causing a huge pressure on house prices for the actual people who live in corsica and the economy is one of the main problems here that they are being caught very much in the night as they say by the french. economy is in very poor state one in five
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people here live below the poverty line there's been a large exodus of the young people the younger generation from the island to france for their education and for employment they want that to change and they want more help on state spending from the french economy itself and they also hope to open this main. dialogue without the background of violence but through the ballot box to get the amendments to the constitution they need to form real autonomy on this island. rebel fighters in syria say they've shot down a russian jet over italy province the pilot has been killed russian forces have been carrying out ass strikes on rebel held areas with at least seven people killed in aleppo on friday jets also targeted the rebel enclave of eastern ghouta near the
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capital damascus government forces have besieged the area for five years and the bombing by russian jets in it live provinces supporting a major offensive by syrian government forces it's aimed at recapturing a strategically important road between the cities of aleppo and damascus the troops have been fighting opposition groups for weeks then moving northwest trying to cut off a rebel supply line the road between aleppo and damascus connects some of the few remaining opposition held areas of syria at least two people have been killed and nineteen others injured in attacks on turkish towns near the border with syria. turkey says the rockets were fired from a russian enclave inside syria where there's been two weeks of intense fighting turkey launched an offensive to clear the region of syrian kurdish forces known as the white p.g. which they claimed is a terrorist group seventy deca has more from the turkey syrian border.
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turkey has been focusing on pushing the y. p.g. away from its border areas with africa and there's been heavy outgoing artillery not just now as you can hear but really throughout the two week period that this offensive is now carrying on it's not any easy flight the f.s.a. those the free syrian army fighters they've been pushing along these borders as well along with turkish soldiers they've taken some areas but there are still certainly pockets of wife. along these border areas and just briefly also particular when it comes to the civilians inside these areas we understand that from those villages most of them have fled further inside to syria to seek chafey but very very difficult for them because no aid can get in to are freed and as you can hear along these villages along the border it is a very ongoing campaign mean wrong day for a syrian army says it will investigate allegations its finances mutilated the corpse of a female member of the wife p.g.
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pictures paying tribute to burying kabbani are being circulated on social media a video same by al-jazeera appears to show free syrian army finds a standing over her body in a village near the turkish border president donald trump is claiming complete vindication in the russia investigation after the release of a memo claiming the f.b.i. and the justice department is on unsubstantiated evidence to spy on a trump age but democrats say the memo is aimed directly in the investigation into russian collusion in the twenty sixteen election tama kumon has more from washington d.c. . democrats in congress say that now that the republican memo has been released it's time for their version of events to be released for the president to allow its declassification and so that the public can see just how selective arbitrary the republican version of events was but ultimately their question here is how this
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will affect the moeller investigation the president was asked point blank whether in fact he will now ask for the firing of the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein who the republicans accuse of having authorized this continuation of this surveillance of under a court order and the president said cryptically you figure that one out subsequently white house officials said no the president is not looking for any changes at the highest levels of the justice department but nevertheless that cloud still hangs over the justice department with the president's continuing tweets against both the f.b.i. and his own officials in the justice department sela head on al-jazeera a scan here has to introduce a new school curriculum for the first time in three decades some parents on not convinced it's enough. on why this remote tribe and into the zia is under threat.
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hello there we've got a fair amount of cloud that's making its way across the middle east at the moment you can see making its way across turkey edging its way eastwards toughening its way through parts of iraq so we also cloud them with us as we head through sunday not a great deal of rain that the rain really just in the far north western parts of techie elsewhere just quite grey not too cold either we're looking at a top temperature in beirut of around twenty or twenty. and degrees there were actually sinks a little bit further southwards as we head through the day on monday twenty one there in baghdad but the east it's cooler for us here six degrees is a maximum on monday in kabul and for el monte will get to minus six before the south end here in doha it certainly feels cold if you are out in the wind but that when should be as we head through the next few days so we'll go from twenty two to
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about twenty three on monday but monday will feel warmer as they'll be less of a breeze this area of cloud is making its way away from oh man so it should be a bit brighter for some of us here as we head through the next couple of days even further towards the south and for many of us in the southern parts of africa there's plenty of wet weather stretching down from angola all the way down into the eastern parts of south africa heavy downpours likely here it's gradually pushing its way northward but unfortunately for cape town there's no rain on the horizon.
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welcome back remind all of the top stories here and i'll just say there are six african migrants have been injured with one in a life threatening condition and was appears to have been a racially motivated it's dark and instantly the group of five men and one woman were targeted in the drive by shooting in the central italian town of much around. hundreds of nationalist protesters and corsica's capital have taken to the streets calling for more tanami just days before the french president is due to arrive on
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the island and rebel fighters in syria have shot down a russian jet over italy province the pilots instead russian forces have been carrying out ass strikes on rebel held areas with at least seven people killed in aleppo on friday. now laos is investigating is investing rather billions of dollars in a high speed rail link being built by a chinese company it will run from you now an insolvent china to the laotian capital before eventually connecting with another line being built in thailand in the third of our reports on global trade routes wayne hay reports prabang and laos . these normally quiet previously untouched hills of northern laos and they are filled with the sights and sounds of heavy construction around the turn of the one problem rapid progress is being made on a chinese built high speed train line it will cut through here and cross the mekong river on its way from southern china to the lao capital vienna. the communist
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government of law says it wants the landlocked country to become land linking beijing sees this project as a key part of its delta road infrastructure plan linking china with the rest of asia europe and beyond when this line is completed it will run for more than four hundred kilometers more than sixty percent of which will consist of bridges and tunnels that makes it a very expensive project one that some say laos can't afford experts worry it will add to the government's already heavy debt loads the cost of the project is six billion dollars with most of the money coming from chinese grants and loans this is significant because. ours. is only. fifty percent of g.d.p. and this project really big in five years time so about in we can expect around ten percent of public investment just for this process.
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one of the stops will be just outside long providing which is a unesco listed talent for its unique lao and french architecture there is concern the new project will attract too many tourists putting a strain on the town's facilities and infrastructure. but many people in small businesses here survive off the tourism industry so the prospect of more visitors pending money is welcomed. about three years ago there were tourists but now there aren't as many so we are earning less money so we're looking forward to the trade. happening but i. some studies have found that china will receive most of the economic benefits from the large projects it's involved in around the region laos is one of asia's poorest countries so when the railway is finished by late two thousand and twenty one it will be hoping its beginning this meant will start paying off straight away wayne hay al jazeera long provide laos
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the cattery defense minister says saudi arabia the united arab emirates had intentions to invade his country last june and the beginning of the gulf diplomatic crisis. mohamed al a tear told the washington post that cats house girls neighbors have in his words tried everything to destabilize the country saudi arabia the u.a.e. egypt and bahrain qatar is with cattle and imposed a blockade after accusing it of supporting terrorism capital has strongly denied the allegations a un human rights body is calling for the immediate release of an al jazeera journalist from jail in egypt saying his imprisonment violates international laws mahmoud hussein was jailed almost fourteen months ago for what prosecutors said was broadcasting false news to spread chaos and al-jazeera deny the accusations are saying has repeatedly complained of mistreatment while in prison. archaeologists
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in egypt have announced the discovery of the tomb of a priest s. which is thought to have been more than four thousand years old the discovery was made on the gaze of plateau around twenty kilometers south of the capital cairo experts say is the to bet a prominent priestess in the fifth dynasty in the twenty fifth century b.c. the tomb has some rare and well preserved all paintings. argentina's once booming biofuels industry is suffering after its main market the u.s. imposed a tariff on imports the move is part of the trump administration's america first policy to ensure u.s. produces don't lose out to foreign imports so is about reports from now from were sorry or. six years ago this factory was producing sixteen thousand tons of bio diesel fuel a month now it's down to about six thousand in. the industry will grow there's no
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investment it worries us that the united states will stop importing or bio diesel the interest it was cruel to export not only to fulfill internal needs. some say factories located in the province of santa fe argentina's first victims of donald trump's america first approach to foreign trade the us announced a seventy two percent tariff on imports of its biodiesel american officials accuse argentina of fairly subsidizing the country's biodiesel industry at the expense of u.s. producers. the decision is arbitrary unjustified and illegal they discarded all the arguments presented by argentina argentina has an export tax on the being and a different one for bio diesel it is not a subsidy this is one of mr trump's protectionist policies. almost ninety percent of argentina's biodiesel is directed to the united states cutting that flow has impacted almost thirty companies here and pull jobs at risk argentina is one of the
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world's top soybean producers and bio diesel here is also produced with this crop it is a crucial source of income for argentina because it provides the u.s. dollars but be economy desperately needs dollars that help keep the trade balance in check since taking office president has been trying to open up argentina's economy in the us that that argentina is trying to open its economy in bio diesel is one of the products that exports the most by losing its main means we will have to look elsewhere argentina cannot afford to lose markets if it wants to get its economy back on track. environmentalist have long questioned the cost of argentina's reliance on the so you have the entire areas of the country's forest have been destroyed to grow what is known here as green gold experts say biodiesel is different in. the united states and europe request
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a sustainability test so that the story of being used for bio diesel can be checked argentina has been certified and credited for this. argentina says it will file a complaint against the united states at the world trade organization in the meantime factories here will have to find new overseas markets if they are to save the industry and precious jobs. as. argentina the u.s. secretary of state is in argentina on the second stop of his five nation tour of latin america rex tillerson is expected to meet is a luncheon time counterpart on sunday is using the tour to improve relations between the u.s. and its allies on friday him at mexico's president to ease worries over donald trump's comments on immigration and trade is also looking to drum up support for washington's tough stance on venezuela's president nicolas maduro. a judge has
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ordered that the passport of brazil's former president lula da silva be returned to him it was taken just last week just before it was about to go aboard a flight sharif you know pier for a un conference where fears he would seek asylum abroad the silver was convicted of corruption last year and sentenced to twelve years in prison. assembly all change for school children in kenya a new curriculum is planned for the first time in thirty two years but some parents say the new teaching methods are both ambitious and expensive critics say the government also needs to build war schools buy more books and employ more teachers catherine sawyer reports from nairobi. there's a new way of teaching in this public school classroom. class to children on the outskirts of the capital are part of a pilot program for the new curriculum to be rolled out next year it focuses more on life skills technology natural talent and less on final exams many parents and
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teachers say it's a welcome change from the old one called eight for four but also ambitious and expensive for its not to feel the government a need to consult even the donors because as you have seen. the nonsense and just the same with it for for starters it's a horse of a good system because we had walked ships students who had to be trained on home science on things that they can do with their own hands but then a defeat of the because of lack of funds primary and secondary education in public schools is free but they are crowded and there's not enough teachers or books so many parents who cannot find space in government schools or afford expensive private ones bring their children to even more crowded cheap community schools like this one in one of nairobi slums our salary scale or zero it is we are still low because the supplementary school whatever we get to be our school fees is not
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enough to get off of it it says i maybe i would say we begin by telling them that we only issue a talk in here. that whole can is just about a hundred and fifty dollars a month at the highest the teachers here are more fortunate than in their the schools which pay much less for more work this is. one of the men was new to the world there were more i think in the face of thanks to decide to leave the room right down and out with them than i have right now we've installed a. spanner if it is expressed in these direct of a child education rights group shows us findings of research done last middle school pupils in dozens of government schools nationwide were tested on literacy and comprehension most well below average you had it in a close where you have maybe fifty children twenty of them can actually land at the
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base here today there are many thirty cannot so you keep getting the twenty every day you're moving one remotely and they have the idea that's going to. their left way behind them the cards you know and there is a problem of the back of your primary students prepare for their final exam at the end of this year. their teachers tell us they're all trying their best with a little they have catherine sorry al-jazeera nairobi kenya. the indonesian government is coming under increasing pressure to help remote jungle try as much people from the east and papá province lived relatively undisturbed until midway through the last century now having croce into modern life is threatening their way of life that's a step vasily a pause from the as much kind of i guess they are still came to me wrong from some parts of their history. children in this remote part of eastern indonesia are dying
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of disease and hunger a measles outbreak is claiming lives infecting children's bodies week from malnutrition decades ago people were proud and feared worriers well known for had hunting and cannibalism those traditions have now gone and only on this play in museums but the rest of the tribes unique culture is also in danger of being lost with. our culture must not disappear we have abolished bad traditions and are focused on the good parts of our culture we still like killing and eating people that was clearly not a good sign of our culture but our sculptures our cultural festivals we need to protect them they can't disappear the bad things have been taken by the winners of . modern day good stuff replace what nature used to provide in the jungle instant noodles and ice cream are on the menu instead of baked forests are no longer
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a source for food city style garbage is seen everywhere here it becomes painfully clear how a unique culture is rapidly disappearing instead of psagot trees plastic waste dominates the habitat of the earth my people many say it's a sign that indonesia needs to act fast if it wants to maintain its diversity and preserve this centuries old culture because of the lack of good nutrition diseases spread quickly many children have died because medical post in remote areas are unmanned. church leaders estimate the figure could be in the hundreds but. we have to realize that this tragedy is a very important lesson to us it shows how we have failed their brothers and sisters and not managed to bring welfare and health care to them it shows that a lot has to be done imo church workers provide information to villages about healthy food but proper education facilities are seriously lacking we visited this . only one teacher present the head of the school have not shown up for work for
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four years the government admits its approach has failed. in that of and see what we found is that the services we provided were not enough they did not reach the right people and were not effective or it was the wrong approach all together now we are discussing with several ministries to see what is the best approach that suits their cultural and level of development. president joker suggested relocating the more than one hundred thousand members of the tribe to a town but that was immediately rejected the government now sas it aims to preserve the culture and provide the medical care and assistance needed for the people to survive on the land they have always known step fastened al-jazeera agates bopp want.
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to watch al-jazeera let's get a reminder of the top stories six african migrants have been injured with one in a life threatening condition and what appears to have been a racially motivated attack in italy the group of five men and one woman were targeted in the dry fi shooting in the essential italian town of much year after police have arrested a man who was wrapped in an italian flag into a nazi salute is a form of mayoral candidate for the far right the only prophecy. hundreds of nationalists protesters in corsica's capital and jackie o. have taken to the streets calling for more autonomy corsicans were fighting for independence from france twenty years ago for claude and knock was assassinated in one thousand nine hundred eight nationalists have now taken control of the island's regional assembly. where essentially what the nationalists want to do now they have control of the courtroom family is make a very clear message to president marc wrong whose jews arrived here on the island next week and that message was that this is not just
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a minister this region of progs corsica is a country corsica is a nation of course is a people. a confidential u.n. report has accused north korea of supplying weapons to syria the dosia also details how pyongyang and nearly two hundred million dollars last year by exporting banned materials around the world in violation of u.n. sanctions it indicates that north korea exported coal to china malaysia russia and vietnam president donald trump is claiming completely indication in the russia investigation after the release of a memo claiming the f.b.i. and the justice department used unsubstantiated evidence to supply on a trump aide but democrats say the memo is aimed at directing the investigation into russian collusion in the twenty sixteen election rebel fighters in syria say
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they have shot down a russian jet over the province the pilots has been killed russian forces have been carrying out strikes on rebel held areas really seven people killed in aleppo on friday those are the headlines inside story is coming next. it's coy and in freefall the cryptocurrency hits a record high towards the end of twenty seventeen but in the last month it's lost almost half its value what's behind that and can virtual coins ever be trusted this is inside story.
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