tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 4, 2018 5:00am-6:01am +03
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heavy rain in bolivia we've got a lot of flooding and that flooding is now raging it's way down the wall right down the river and this is what we're seeing in the northern parts of argentina there's a call that if we wait a little bit longer we can see a lorry that being brought down by that floodwater more showers still to come as we head through the next few days gradually they are pushing their way northwards but some of them again on sunday could be very heavy. i really felt liberated as a journalist was. getting to the truth as i was that's what his job. this is al jazeera. and i'm about this and this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next
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sixty minutes a russian fighter jet is shot down in a rebel held area in syria's it led province. italy's prime minister condemns a drive by shooting targeting african immigrants. is a vindication for trump the u.s. president says a republican memo on the russia probe proves he's innocent. all aboard senegal's only passenger train as we take a look at the grand plan connecting east and west africa. a russian fighter jets being shot down over syria's northwestern adlib the province russia's defense ministry says the pilots managed to eject but was killed in a ground fight near the town of solid head russia has retaliated it says it's killed thirty fighters in the area in dozens of airstrikes there's been heavy
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fighting going on in it live for weeks the u.n. says around one hundred thousand civilians have been displaced but there's confusion over who exactly shot down the plane a group formally linked to al qaeda says it's did it but al-jazeera sources in turkey suggest both the turks and the russians are blaming a moderate group of backed by the u.s. stephanie decker reports from the turkey syria border. a lot of work well this is a russian fighter jet shot down by opposition forces. i mean remember the pilot manages to eject but he didn't survive. for these syrian fighters it's a huge symbolic victory. russian the syrian government have intensified their bombardment of province over the last two months government forces a slowly capturing territory in the south what is the last remaining syrian
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province under full rebel control. they're inching closer to the city of soccer which lies on a strategic road linking the northwest all the way to the capital damascus territory that is now almost fully under government control. and in syria's complex web of regional and international allegiances some say this offensive has been well planned and has further implications been there are some people who are in fact wondering if there is a tacit agreement between the russians and the turks whereas the russians would actually give the green light for the turks to act in against the kurds in exchange for darshan's and allies actually to capture parts of this of this. the government offered the meaning of that all between the mosques and thereby. that offensive against the kurdish controlled district of africa is now into its
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third week turkey's backing fighters from the free syrian army against the kurdish people protection units. turkey considers the y.p. g a terrorist organization even though it's the united states is most effective in fighting i still turkey has been intensely to areas there is a base just right behind us and this is in line with what politicians here are saying the first phase of this operation the post the y.p. . away from its borders. all along that border a steady stream of military movement vehicles i mean and buses packed with syrian f.s.a. fighters this is a very visible operation but it's also a difficult one the white p.g. know the terrain well and they have been preparing for this it's the latest frontline in a war that year after year it simply changes its form and never seems to end stephanie decker al-jazeera on the turkey syria border ok let's take
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a closer look at the two groups of could be involved in the dining of this plane high attack iraq samore h.t.s. is an alliance of rebel groups it's claimed claimed responsibility for the attack now it's dominated by al qaida is former affiliate in syria which used to be called the almost a front then those naso which al jazeera sources understand is being blamed by turkey and russia its name translates as the army of victory and it's linked to the free syrian army the groups being backed by the u.s. which advices the director of the center for political military analysis of the hudson institute he's joining us now live from washington d.c. thank you very much indeed for your time as always do you think first of all talking about the incident involving the aircraft is this market changing tactics of equipment levels for the rebels or do you think this is actually just been a lucky shot. so far i would tend more towards the latter i mean
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some reports say it was brought down by machine gun fire there are couple of reports out there saying were shot down by a missile the rebels are not known to have a surface to air missiles of this kind of range that's possible they managed to get one on the black market or something but it machine fire is caught is pretty constant but for the most part during the russian air campaign has not had many casualties the rebels shot down a helicopter they did have a successful sabotage raid apparently with drones a few weeks ago at an air base but shooting down an airplane i think is the first time it's occurred and for now i would just say it's a one off incident i wouldn't if it is a curse on a regular basis and that really does mark a major change in the nam except the campaign given the do you think that this is going to embolden the rebels sure this is one factor that will perhaps incurred some of them but i don't think it
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will have much effect on the at the campaign i think for what will happen is the russians will perhaps now keep their planes that a higher level that would mean that there perhaps will be fewer rebel casualties more civilian casualties but for the most part it's not going to have a major impact if it's just one downing of a plane as i mentioned earlier russia and turkey who seem to be blaming us back to a rebel group for the dunning the plane in the freeness we were mentioning before we've got russia and turkey on one side we've got the u.s. about why p g on the other does this latest incident bring us any closer to a situation where russia and turkey on one side good to be facing off even just diplomatically if you like with the u.s. on the all those. well it's very convenient to blame the u.s. for their and so i suspect that if you mean if they make such a formal statement just saying it was
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a us the us gave the missiles to terrorists and the terror shot it down in turkey in russia are going to unite against the us sure but the evidence does not at the moment present that the turks as hard as russia turkish u.s. relations really complicated their crisscrossing ties with the kurds with the two country is three countries on other levels so i am sure they want to avoid a repeat of what happened two years ago when the turks were blamed for shooting down a russian plane so we may see them blame the us but beyond that i'm not expecting any formal action as we mentioned before has been a retaliation by russia. do you think that is going to be a one off if you like a retaliation for this isolated incident or is this going to be a stepping up of the russian campaign well the russian campaign is pretty extensive there are lot of bombs a lot of civilian casualties is only
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a lot of rebel casualties as well what may there are reports again this is all a bit spotty at the moment but there are reports that the russians used cruise missiles launched from their full tilt in the caspian they've done that periodically symbolically it's kind of a costly way to to to wage this kind of war it's that it's cost less and just by using airplanes i think they would prefer to just continue their arrow bombardments rather than launch savile's of missiles into syria so for now again i don't think it will have much impact on the campaign plight who is traveling around all flight wearing us on the russian pilots may be more civilian casualties in there if they respond heavily but i'm not i don't see yet a major shift could you get your thoughts on this which advice thank you very much indeed as always. well more now on the offensive enough for union turkey says eight of its soldiers were killed on saturday in the fighting and chorus says some of them died when their tank came under fire from kurdish forces the losses make it
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the deadliest day for turkish troops since the operation is calling all of branch began more than two weeks ago the syrian government has dismissed u.s. accusations it's used chlorine in an attack on rebel held eastern guta as lies without evidence the volunteer rescue group called the white helmets says three people were killed in thursday's attack on the enclave and many more were injured if that's true it would be the third time in a month the chlorine is being used by the syrian government the u.s. has accused president bashar al assad's forces of producing and using new kinds of weapons to deliver deadly chemicals italy's prime minister has condemned a racially motivated drive by shootings saying hatred and violence will not be allowed to divide the nation six african immigrants have been injured in the central italian town of much of africa police have arrested a man who draped him self with an italian flag and had been making a fascist salute peter sharp as more. this was
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a drive by shooting that italian police said was racially motivated firing from this vehicle the gunman is said to have targeted foreigners on the streets in a shooting spree that lasted over two hours. it took place in the central italian city of much errata the mass said six people were wounded all of them black one with life threatening injuries a twenty eight year old italian name does look at try any was arrested by military police draped in an italian flag he reportedly wore during the shootings. turny had no previous criminal record and his motive for the shootings is unclear he did stand as a far right candidate for the northern league in recent local elections but received no votes in the count the italian prime minister was quick to condemn the shootings i mean to kill me now if not for son i will call now i'm with you what's rimmel behavior cannot have ideological motivation criminals are criminals will start to
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set up but to call it meant to serve it over to your state will be particularly severe against whoever thinks of nourishing the spiral of violence let's stop this let's stop this right now. tensions in mature outer had risen this week following the discovery of pamela musto pietro's body she had run away from a drug rehabilitation center on monday and police said she'd met a nigerian drug dealer the next day he was arrested by police. more than six hundred thousand mainly african migrants have reached italy by boat over the past four years and the center right block says the vast majority have no right to asylum and as promised mass expulsions if it takes power peter shop al-jazeera on as peter just mentioned the man arrested for the shootings is a former mayor or candidate for the right wing northern league there earlier we spoke to in the morning who studies modern european history he says italy's right
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wing parties are increasingly highlighting the immigration issue ahead of elections in march. they are pushing a lot towards this and the immigrants' agenda rhetoric because you tell in any case is getting as we all know huge influx of immigrants refugees from from africa from libya especially and so on so this is in any case creating tension as in the rest of the western globe i mean it's not just an italian story is a why there is a much wider story the point is that since the nine this some of these political forces and the immigrant forces are within the context of and these are power that works in the context of the moderate center right in italy and this will not disappear the rhetoric will not disappear because this case will will make the. tension even stronger did that they've been in power already with silvio berlusconi since the in the ninety s.
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. they're not of the league has been one of them one of the major coalition party in any case the implemented some tough team ignorance lowell's so i mean in theory yes they can they can win election i mean if we look at sort of it's today electoral surveys the center right is leading but we don't know with a proportional electoral proportional system if they will get a majority or not so things are very unclear now and so far but these parties have been already influencing italian politics since a very long period now the problem is that for years and probably even today a good part of the italian media as well as never consider them as far right out of refugees in germany have been protesting against hate crimes in the eastern city of corpus it follows two recent knife attacks by syrian teenagers refugees say the incidents being used by far right groups to stoke tension in the area far right supporters have also held a demonstration to protest against what they say is
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a rising crime by migrants. but more ahead in the news hour including what's in a name the decades long dispute between greece and macedonia. argentina's bio diesel industry is in decline is it feels the pinch and donald trump's america first policy. and austin's big spending in the january transfer window seems to paid off immediately father is going to have all the details in the sport. israeli forces have killed a palestinian teenager during a raid in the occupied west bank israeli police say they were searching for a man in janine who they say killed a rabbi in a drive by shooting in january israeli security forces shot dead another palestinian man and injured several others during raids last month which they also linked to the shooting the military has raided homes and bulldozed farm properties
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in the area twice in the past twenty four hours at least eleven soldiers have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in northern pakistan the soldiers were playing volleyball in a town in the swat valley thirteen others were injured hyder has more from islamabad. what are the reports coming out of rigid meds and also just about ten kilometers from home the main center of swat valley which is in the literature of the attack area said to have been a suicide bomber who penetrated into a ground inside the military camp where the soldiers were playing what they bought and then dead there naked and we are told that it's eleven soldiers including a captain with kate is thirteen other than wounded now it should be remembered that back in two thousand and nine even that some of the pakistani military had driven out the swazi dollar bond from this area they get the deadliest attack since then
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on the military and they need more help was the level where they're leading the slightly taller barn and now the overall commander of the city get another one progress on there have also taken responsibility for today the tide. the u.s. president says a republican classified memo released by congress clears him in the probe into links between russia and his presidential campaign he says this memo totally vindicates trump probe but the russian witch hunt goes on and on there was no collusion and there was no obstruction the word no used to because after one year of looking endlessly and finding nothing collusion is dead this is an american disgrace and i was written by republicans on the house intelligence committee it was released on friday and it says the f.b.i. and the justice department abused their powers by using unsubstantiated evidence to spy in a trunk eight the f.b.i. had argued against its release saying it has grave concerns that the document
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contains what it calls material emissions of fact democrats on the committee want to release their own memo in response they say the republican memo is aimed at derailing the special counsel robert miller's investigation into the campaign's alleged links to russia and gallacher is following developments from washington d.c. for us. well there are a couple of key questions here as to what will happen or what may happen next and chief among those is a concern that president trump will use this memo as a pretext to fire robert mueller the special counsel who's in charge of the russian investigation democrats say if he does that it will cause a constitutional crisis we know of course that he wanted to do that back in the summer but held off on that decision because some senior members of staff threatened to resign themselves the other question is now hanging over the future of the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein he is involved in the russian
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investigation president trump has been talking about him in very negative terms and it's not sure what will happen to him but the attorney general has been backing him up and of course the f.b.i. have been backing up their own people saying play hard and tackle hard because they are being permanently attacked by the president it really is an unprecedented situation you have a sitting u.s. president attacking his own intelligence community talking about this russian investigation as a witch hunt and saying this memo really clears his name it does not this is far from over we're not sure what will happen next but the entire nation if not the entire world is watching very closely indeed mexican police have arrested three people on suspicion of human trafficking they found about three hundred central american migrants being transported in dangerous conditions in two separate states almost two hundred people from guatemala honduras and el salvador have been found crammed into tractor trailers without food water or proper ventilation in the
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states of tamale pass and very close. hundreds of thousands of people are expected at a rally in the greek capital in the coming hours over the use of the name macedonia by the neighboring former yugoslav republic greece want to allow macedonia to become a member of nato or the european union without an agreement on the matter both governments have signaled they're willing to compromise but convincing their voters may be a more difficult matter john psaropoulos reports. this is what happens when you the slavia broke apart a quarter century ago and its southern most state claimed independence as the republic of macedonia a million people gathered in the cell and the capital of the greek region of macedonia outraged that a non greek nation should lay claim to ancient greek heritage that is still the dominant view here today. they're trying to inherit all of macedonia and alexander the great this is a farce it's all happening because the americans want them and nato early attempts
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at compromise came to nothing the government in the former yugoslav macedonian capital scorpio refused to relinquish the term macedonia and greece rejected the use of even a composite name that included it such as northern or slow of macedonia one hundred countries recognized the new state including many nato and e.u. countries concerned for its stability and survival but greece has cited its own security concerns as a vital part of any agreement the government would be called upon to remove articles in its constitution but implied claims its territory article forty nine talks about protecting macedonian minorities in neighboring countries article three leaves open the possibility of changing the country's borders in two thousand and eight the greeks vetoed former yugoslav macedonia as entry into nato undeterred the government in scope erected statues to ancient king alexander the great and his parents but now there's
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a more moderate government in scope here willing to compromise over the name and greece's official. has changed to accept a composite name that includes the word macedonia but as far as greeks are concerned these are legal niceties that skirts the real issue which is national identity but the. name symbolize something. and we say we're going to have the same surname that means we have the same father and same right this is not and we're not obliged to get with us professor dorcas agrees that a nation comprised principally of slavs has no historic claim but says charity is in the greek interest we don't like them being called go calling themselves macedonians bed. they call themselves and they need an identity can we convince our macedonians public opinion that giving them a bit of identity from ensign's home history will not places in
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the talks that reopened last month or over the country's name and do not address identity or ethnicity but as both peoples see the two issues as interlinked reaching an agreement they will accept appears a difficult jumpstart ople us al jazeera finance. thousands of people have been protesting in togo against the country's long serving president voting nothing bay says he's against opposition proposals to restrict presidents to two five year terms massively has been in power since two thousand and five talks on constitutional reform are expected to be held later this month there are ambitious plans for a railway line to connect east and west africa the route will run through ten different countries it's hoped it will boost trade on the continent but the trans african railway line could take decades to complete and the final part of our series looking at new global trade routes nicholas haq reports from types in senegal in west africa. onboard the five fifteen train from the car to chess most
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passengers are on their way home after a long day of work in the city. the fifteen minute journey home always seems a bit longer than the morning commute. after years writing this train was fun so has learned to enjoy this moment free from distractions. for a minute on the walkie talkie i get time for myself here if i drive to work it would take me at least four hours and i'd be stuck in traffic trains are still the quickest safest and cheapest way to travel. they call it the little blue train the locomotive was bought from pakistan the wagons from india. the parts were brought to senegal and refurbished in the one nine hundred seventy s. it's the only passenger train left in senegal all the other lines including the historic train to mali were bad and because they were too costly to run much to the frustration of commuters and railway unions alike. unfeasible. privatizing the railway lines was a clear mistake
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a country cannot grow without developing its roadway system but now we are excited with the steps in to go and other sites are taking the african union has an ambitious plan to connect the port of the car in the west to the port of djibouti in eastern africa linking ten countries many of them landlocked it's called the trams african railway project just said there are seven thousand eight hundred kilometers of unfinished railway the tracks alone will cost thirteen billion dollars to build. it's an enormous amount each country is tasked with finding its own financing for their part of the railway. chinese companies have signed deals to rebuild former colonial rail lines that were abandoned by the french both in the car and in djibouti it's the start of an epic engineering project that will take years to build and promises thousands of jobs across the continent. there are no roads or highways connecting the west of africa to the east nor is there a direct flight between the car and djibouti in fact no one has ever tried to
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connect both coasts of africa neither the french nor the british the former colonial powers. construction hasn't started yet but the prospect of reopening the century old tracks has got many excited and hopeful abound in train station may get a new lease on life and for the many passengers like so who use this every day. it may not be the end of the line for the five fifteen train from the car nicholas hawk al-jazeera yes senegal. and that was the last in our series on global trade routes over the past four days we've also visited key trade routes in the u.s. state of alaska thailand and laos you can see all of those reports and all those it is a you tube channel that's you tube dot com forward slash al-jazeera english still ahead on al-jazeera thousands rallied on the island of corsica calling for greater political autonomy plus. changes in the air for
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kenya's education system but not everyone is happy. and india's teenagers make history would be under nineteen world cup but it's going to all the details of this fall. from the flowing on in the winds to an enchanting desert breeze the way. hello there the temperature is a slowly recovering now across the southeast in parts of china was a a top temperature of only three degrees on sunday there in shanghai but i think on monday will get to five and hong kong will be up to fourteen so not a massive improvement yet but at least the temperatures are heading in the right direction further west of the hanoi temperatures will be improving slightly as well will get to around eighteen now if we had a bit further south we can see we've got lots of showers here actually for the
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northern parts of the philippines we're not doing too badly at the moment quite a bit of sunshine and i think that's going to stick around as we head through the day on sunday the heaviest showers where they'll be in the southern parts of the philippines stretching down through borneo and down towards java but if you look further west it does look like k.l. and singapore may well get away with a droid day as we head through monday also dry for most of us across india at the moment as well but still a problem with visibility and pollution in the north you delhi there at twenty two degrees for the south the force of question lanka more in the way of cloud to a more outbreaks of rain it has caused quite a few problems recently more wet weather still to come here if you look at the chart for monday there you do notice a good deal more cloud on it that cloud is stretching up towards the foothills of the himalayas we will see some snow here but elsewhere largely dry. the weather sponsored by cats are always. we have here as if data we know the products of from buying everything that you're doing that's really where the power of the all
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powerful internet is both a tool for democracy and the threat do you believe that any of your companies have adana fide the full scope of russian active measures on your platform in the echo chamber world of fake news in cyberspace the rules of the game left changed there are no precedents people in power investigates this information and democracy at this time. more than seven decades ago a country was split into rebated but didn't get in and now the time. to demarcation all it took was a pan a map and a collapsing empire and when the british had to draw a line they pulled it in six seven two hundred have been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors partition borders of blood at this time.
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you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour russian fighter jets being shot down by rebels over syria's northwestern province russia's defense ministry says the pilot managed to object but it's been killed near the town of. italy's prime minister has condemned a drive by shooting targeting african emigrants wanting hatred and violence will not be allowed to divide people but he's arrested a man who'd been making a fascist salute after six people were shot in my shit outta the us president says a declassified. released on by congress on friday totally vindicates him in the probe into links between russia and his twenty sixteen campaign the man has been bitten by republicans in the house intelligence committee but the f.b.i.
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says it contains material admissions of fact the u.s. secretary of state is in argentina on the second stop of his five nation tour of latin america rex tillerson will meet argentina's foreign minister on sunday he's using the tour to try to improve the u.s. relations in the region and friday he met mexico's president in a bid to ease worries over donald trump's comments on immigration and trade minister wants to shore up support for washington's tough stance on venezuela's president nicolas maduro robert valencia is a latin america reporter for newsweek magazine and he says donald trump is comments are complicating tillerson strip. it's a very difficult circumstance for secretary tillerson for one reason the country's in implementing sanctions against venezuelan officials obviously it's not in the u.s. interest to establish economic sanctions for the country as a whole and obviously tillerson was talked out of the idea of suggesting that.
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venezuela militaries will actually turn against my little because of the history of governments being overthrown in latin america for decades one of the things that i want to point now is twelve hours ago we've heard president trump saying that he would consider cutting funds to countries that poor drugs in the united states obviously we're talking about colombia and tillerson is going to colombia so he's not going to have an easy job to explain what trump just said moments ago and colombia is a very important south american hourly ally if not the most important ally in south america because israel is just right next to over this well and so it's very important for for tillerson to give a great explanation to president juan manuel santos and all colombians who basically expect funds to fight drug scene colombia but at the same time a country that has been able to. in a way retain the populist wave from coming from this whether another we have
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elections in colombia so that's the plays out very well so i what i mean is that tillerson is not going to have a very easy job now the trump made the comments moments ago at the office of border of customs and border protection in northern virginia argentina's once booming biofuels industry is suffering because its main market the u.s. is imposing a seventy two percent tat often imports the move is part of the trumpet ministrations america first policy to ensure u.s. producers don't lose out there is a boat has been speaking to people in the savio in argentina. you've been hit hard by the us tell us what you know. six years ago this factory was producing sixteen thousand tonnes of bio diesel fuel now it's down to about six thousand and. the interest rate won't grow there's no investment it worries us that the united states will stop importing or bio diesel interest it was credit to export not only
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to fulfill internal needs. some say factories located in the province of santa fe argentina's first victims of donald trump's america first approach to foreign trade the us announced a seventy two percent tariff on imports of its biodiesel american officials accuse argentina fairly subsidizing the country's biodiesel industry at the expense of u.s. producers. the decision is arbitrary unjustified and illegal they discarded all the arguments presented by argentina argentina has an export tax on the sorry a being and a different one for bio diesel it is not a subsidy this is one of mr trump's protectionist policies. almost ninety percent of argentina's bio diesel is directed to the united states cutting that flow has impacted almost thirty companies here and pull jobs at risk argentina is one of the world's top soybean producers and biodiesel here is also produced with this crop it
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is a crucial source of income for argentina because it provides the u.s. dollars to be economy desperately needs dollars that help keep the trade balance in check since taking office president has been trying to open up argentina's economy in the not that argentina is trying to open its economy in bio diesel is one of the products that exports the most by losing its main means we will have to look elsewhere argentina cannot afford to lose markets if it wants to get its economy back on track environmentalist. have long questioned the cost of argentina's reliance on that so you have the entire areas of the countries for ways have been destroyed to grow what is known here as green gold experts say biodiesel is different in. the united states and europe request a sustainability test so that the story of being used for bio diesel can be checked
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argentina has been certified and credited for this he. says it will file a complaint against the united states at the world trade organization in the meantime factories here will have to find new overseas markets even there to save the industry and precious jobs. as. i didn't hundred thousands of nationalist protesters have marched on the french island of corsica demanding more autonomy from paris so today's protest comes three days before french president emmanuel mccall is due to visit the area has seen violent separatist campaigns in the past but recently nationalists have joined mainstream politics to push their case of a traitor has more. nationalists were out in force on the streets of the capital a show of defiance against the description of that island as just other ministers region of france and message corsica is a country
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a nation and the people. are very important day for the people of corsica because friends doesn't want to listen france has not answered our demands and doesn't want to dialogue. the island is one of the poorest regions in france one in five live below the poverty line the younger generations are leaving to find jobs and education they cannot afford independence but they want significant changes in. the. nationalism has found a renewed force on the either the. day or. so long ago just singing the chorus commercial anthem was enough to get you've beaten up by the french police here now the islanders are demanding official status for their language. of course you can roots was rapidly was the expression of political demands so the
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singing became hard for the political authorities to accept and not only the french but also some corsicans were supporters of greater fronts the confrontation then became violent extremely violent very extreme and. the brutal struggle for corsican independence lasted for four decades before weapons were finally surrendered three years ago the political fight to the ballot box is proving much more successful. a coalition of nationalists now commands forty one out of the sixty three seats in the corsican assembly one of their key demands is for the return an amnesty of what they call their political prisoners held in jails across france to proceed to some say very terrified about what happened in the election last december was an earthquake it wasn't just the usual renewal of the absolutely the course people voted lie an absolute in my york city four corsica nationality that's the fact that there are thirty parties have to think about your
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party a long campaign of violence failed to achieve anything for the separatists but now they have a nationalist majority in the congress and they believe that they can obtain victory from the ballot box many of the young people here feel that their victory could still be stolen from them and they're determined to open a real dialogue with paris corsica was the birthplace of napoleon the man the french president is most often measured against in terms of his use than grand visions will macron choose compromise or will he defend the integrity of france and its language. chaytor zero course the british government's introducing new rules which will allow so-called suspicious assets to be seized the times newspaper reports that the measures target unexplained wealth often connected to money laundering u.k.
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security minister ben wallace has told the paper the government will investigate foreign nationals with more than seventy thousand dollars in assets if they can't adequately explain how they got the money london's banking and property markets are propped up by hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign money authorities suspect some of that cash is laundered robert banning to and is the executive director of the global anti corruption organization transparency international he explains the scope of money laundering in the u.k. . there is an interesting figures around the u.k.'s national crime agency says that the round one hundred billion dollars. the money that comes through london stays in london every year so you can scale we also know that there are at least forty thousand properties in london whose owners the simply other day so there is certainly hundreds probably thousands of people this will apply to when the national crime agency or other similar will source and see that somebody and property whether it's a physical property like
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a house or other types of property that seems to be in excess of what they could. legitimately and quite intense that wealth the national crime agency can ask the court to freeze the assets and then the person who owns the house will be asked to prove where they got the money from the palestine liberation organization has moved to cut ties with israel people the leaders met in ramallah in the occupied west bank on saturday they've ordered the palestinian government to draft a plan to cut off political economic and security contacts there's been growing tensions since december when u.s. president donald trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel the palestinians want east jerusalem to the big in the capital of a future state qatar's defense minister says saudi arabia and the united arab emirates had intentions to invade his country last june and the beginning of the gulf diplomatic crisis khalid bin muhammad i'll tell has told the washington post that qatar has gulf neighbors have in his words tried everything to destabilize the
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country saudi arabia the u.a.e. egypt and bahrain have cut ties with qatar and imposed a blockade after accusing it of supporting terrorism doha strongly denies the allegations. are you i'm human rights bodies calling for the immediate release of an al jazeera journalist from jail in egypt saying his imprisonment violates international law while hussein was jailed almost fourteen months ago for broadcasting false news to spread chaos both he and al-jazeera deny the accusations hussein has repeatedly complained of mistreatment one imprisoned elizabeth wurtzel is with the committee to protect journalists and she says many countries are using vaguely worded anti state laws to imprison journalists when it comes to imprisonment we're seeing those numbers rise over the last few years and two thousand and seventeen was a historical high in terms of the presidents that we've documented worldwide so it
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so in that sense we're seeing. it it's an extremely precarious time to be a journalist particularly if you're a local journalist and. you will you're covering you know your local communities your you know her. from the countries where we see repressive tactics. in terms of violence we're still seeing journalists attacked routinely and we're seeing still seeing high numbers of journalists killed you know last year we did record a small drop in in numbers of journalists killed and journalist murdered this is a welcome development but this is also a drop following years of historical highs in that area as well the president of the maldives yummy noble go home has signaled his unwillingness to hold early elections unrest has gripped the country since the supreme court ordered the release and retrial of political prisoners the ruling also reinstates twelve m.p.'s who were expelled for siding with the opposition once they return the ruling party
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will lose its majority. a new school curriculums to be rolled out in kenya for the first time in thirty two years but some parents say the new teaching methods are too ambitious and expensive critics say the government also needs to focus on building more schools employing more teachers and buying more books catherine sawyer reports from nairobi. there is a new way of teaching in this public school classroom. class to children on the outskirts of the capital are part of a pilot program for the new curriculum to be rolled out next year it focuses more on life skills technology natural talent and less on final exams many parents and teachers say it's a welcome change from the old one called eight for four but also ambitious and expensive for its not to feel the government a need to consult even the donuts because as you have seen. they do need a little finances and just the same without it for four started with the horrors of
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a good system because we had walked shops students who had to be trained on home scions on things that they can do with their own hands but then a defeat of the because of lack of funds for primary and secondary education in public schools is free but they are crowded and there's not enough teachers or books so many parents who cannot find space in government schools or afford expensive private ones bring their children to even more crowded cheap community schools like this one in one of nairobi slums skin or oh we just we asked him because he's a complimentary school whatever we get to be our school fees is not enough to cut off for the teachers and maybe i would say we begin by telling them that rick only issue i talk in here. that whole can is just about a hundred and fifty dollars a month at the highest the teachers here are more fortunate than in that the schools which pay much less for more work this is one of the moment when you need
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to feel everyone more i think in the face of the injustice to decide to leave the room find down and out of you to do them for you cannot cope with you right even so they. expand if to express and this director of a child education rights group. shows us findings of research done middle school pupils in dozens of government schools nationwide were tested on literacy and comprehension most well below average you're teaching a class where you have maybe fifty children twenty of them. there are many not so you keep getting that twenty every day you're moving one remotely and they're the yes that's going to. their left way behind they're not catching up and that is a problem. back at work when your primary students prepare for their
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final exam at the end of this. their teacher they're all trying their best with a little they have katherine saw al-jazeera. but as you have there are lots of challenges to keeping children in school that's been the focus of a conference in san marcos antoninus is the director of the global education monitoring report it's published every year by the un's cultural body you know asco he says donations from the international community are essential for education to be more widely available only one in two children complete primary school but the car in the dictation agenda is not limited to the primary education it extends to secondary education in this country only thirteen percent of children complete secondary school and if you look at the poorest go only two percent do so so to achieve higher access of course the key constraint is poverty. and that is
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a major constraint but countries also need capacity and that's where financing comes to play a major role and that includes financing by donors by the international community and that why there was a gathering here in the car to extend and increase the pledges to finance international education. still ahead analogy. on paul reese in public when hagen where the danes bring home only the second winter olympics medal twenty is after winning the first.
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of the final century. discover a willful would winning programming from around the world. challenge your perception if you were to design a propaganda system and you could not build a better platform than facebook. documenters debates and discussions this country that was once that the wealthiest in the region what went wrong how did we get to this point alger's real.
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ok before the sport let's talk about olympics of an entirely different sort of the rural games in the indian state of punjab there you're going to find competitors lifting bricks with their teeth and towing cars with their hair thousands of people i mean it's time to the alternative sports event which was founded in one thousand nine hundred thirty three other events include truck to racing handstands on glass bottles and so on spinning the flag for the rest of the sport his father thanks very much arsenal's move to break their transfer fee record on deadline days seems to have paid off they thrashed everton five one in the english premier league on saturday a record signing a balmy ng found the back of the net but aaron ramsey was the real star of the day the welshman helped himself to a hat trick as arsenal established a three no leave inside the first twenty minutes ramsey's performance in this match
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impressed as manager arsene wenger i feel dorismond between ten and fifteen goals at least. he didn't do it don't you know because. i think you're right sometimes he looks much the real only difference i see he doesn't draw you know. which one he may be but the secret to be efficient earlier manchester city took a one nil lead against burnley thanks to dan yellow but burnley caused a surprise result with an eighty second minute equaliser cities still lead the league standings by thirteen points though. i'm delighted that we were. well. into the global. you know we have to. screw gold and. the games we will do no good way we're going to put elsewhere alexy sanchez scored his first goal for manchester united to help his new team to victory over
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huddersfield bournemouth victory moves them into the top ten and southampton are out of the relegation zone arlin scored a last second drop goal to beat france fifteen thirteen in paris as the twenty eight hundred six nations rugby championship kicked off on saturday and wales are off to a flying start after they crushed scotland thirty four seven in cardiff tries by gareth davis staffer evans and lee halfpenny help the welsh blow the scots away and what has become known as the cardiff curse scotland of doubt failed to win in the welsh capital since two thousand and two two time wimbledon champion petra conveyed of a has reached her first final of the season in st petersburg the wild card was made to work hard by fifty julia shores but a bit of a outlasted her german opponent seven five four six six two to advance bidding for her twenty first career title consider will face defending champion don't of it and
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from the final. three time n.b.a. champion le bron james has denied reports that he's going to ditch the cleveland cavaliers to join arch rivals the golden state warriors the cavs forward who can opt out of his current contract this summer spoke out following reports on e.s.p.n. the us network claiming he would meet with golden state in the offseason if they opened up sufficient fowler e space to land him the bronze cleveland side lost to the warriors in last season's finals and have been under par this season they do have the third best record in the east but i've lost twenty out of fifty games. to go on stage. conversation is a non-story on the other conversations of the non-story my focus right now on this team and trying to figure out how we can get brett before n.b.a. finals before champs if everything else. is not about this team you want to ask me about this team i can answer good bad or ugly place for the rest of the season i asked about the no no of no other team. earlier i spoke to the scores and news
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editor victorian huge and she told us why this rumor transfer has got everybody talking and i think people are really wound up just because of the names involved we're talking about the best player in the game and lebron james joining the best team in the league in the golden state warriors so everyone knows or people think that that's not really fair and you know that would just create one huge powerhouse that nobody can defeat so there's that it's the names and also the history between these two sides obviously le bron has met the worriers in three consecutive n.b.a. finals winning in twenty sixteen but losing in the other two so i think the rivalries there and you know nobody. like it just the optics of joining a rival i think are also another reason why people are like no don't do that andy have won the under nineteen cricket world cup for a record fourth time after beating australia in the final the australians batted first summer all out for two hundred and sixteen jonathan marlow seventy six was
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the top score is the indian bowlers share the wickets among themselves india's chase was relatively easy mangold cholera head and unbeaten one hundred and one to help his country to victory with eleven point one overs to bear the next under nineteen roll cup is scheduled to take place in south africa in twenty twenty. now there are just a few days to go until the winter olympics and pyong chang annual expect to see scandinavian countries perform well but there is one odd one out and that denmark they have just one winter medal to their name paul resupport from copenhagen. denmark in the winter olympics is the undisputed champion among sports poles apart from the skiing and ice hockey cultures of its scandinavian neighbors here in copenhagen medal hopes are made of stone after killings olympic debut twenty. is
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ago gave denmark that only place on the podium we had one medal it was in ninety eight and it was. very proud of that no one has been able to that medal in any way despite every family so that's why it's very special for us it's special as more than just a memory in the era before nine hundred ninety eight danish curl is how to play and skating rinks that medal may have been a hard act to follow but it did what in danish terms was a winter sports revolution the creation of this club after nine hundred ninety eight men the first time at least some danish winter olympians to train for the games in their home country curling remains the exception denmark's top medal prospect elena regress trains most of the year at speed skating rinks in holland and norway. the best danish cross country skier martin mullet lives in greenland on
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the great alpine hope christopher followed up far away in norway. trina christie won silver with the curling team twenty years ago and distil one of the only danes to outdo their scandinavian neighbors in the winter games when we won the medal we were higher in the middle statistics than sweden was four for twenty four hours and that was very special for mark it's a great feeling but of course we hope every time there is a new orleans winter olympics that there will be more about denmark has slipped down the rankings since the heady days of ninety eight but when a single medal means so much every olympics is a brush with destiny. all race al-jazeera copenhagen and we've been given a bit of a glimpse of the main contenders for the women's olympic downhill event on the slopes in germany american lindsey vonn edged rival sophie again of italy by two
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hundredth of a second to clinch the eightieth world cup win of her career on saturday it was vons second straight downhill when after course here to italy two weeks ago the thirty three year old is chasing her second a lead the gold after winning at the bank over. and that's all your sport for now more later. jordan is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all the stories i wrote about this and thanks for being with us from. learn to read so that i could read or every man a creator of tax returns to activism with a new mission is over here with my job of trying to build software for social. digital dissidents within the technological for market rates to gets a curtain of patients in their field from the capital part of the rebel series
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this time on al-jazeera. we headed to jerusalem bureau covered israeli palestinian affairs we covered this story with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we don't dip in and out of the stories we have presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman it's also very important to be a journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the united nations and global diplomacy for al-jazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks happened and what happens there matters. it was oriol upon which modern day venezuela was a stoppage. for over a century this lucrative resorts has divided the people both less than coerced with the world's largest reserves. charting the impact of industrialization and the legacies of its prominent leaders we shed light on the troubles afflicting
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