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tv   Up Front 2018 Ep 2  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2018 7:32am-8:01am +03

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in the area far right supporters of also held a demonstration to protest against what they say is rising crime by migrants. at least eleven soldiers have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in northern pakistan the soldiers are playing volleyball in about a town in the swat valley thirteen others were injured the pakistani taliban have claimed responsibility the u.s. president says the declassified memo released by congress on friday totally vindicates him in the probe into links between russia and his twenty sixteen campaign the memo was written by republicans on the house intelligence committee says the f.b.i. and the justice department have been abusing their powers by using unsubstantiated evidence to spy on a trump aide but the f.b.i. says it contains material emissions a fact the palestine liberation organization has moved to cut ties with israel pillar leaders met in ramallah in the occupied west bank on saturday a vote of the palestinian government to draft a plan to cut off political economic and security contacts there's been growing
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tension since december when u.s. president donald trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel the palestinians want east jerusalem to be capital of a future state those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after up front thanks for watching by for that. growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place the so-called secret city getting to the heart of the matter. just because she expressed herself here their story. this time it's one of the most violent places on earth but just how democratic is the democratic republic of congo given its president was supposed to have left office back in twenty sixteen the country's controversial minister of communications and will also debate the future of germany's angela merkel.
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also on the show she's been called the new leader of the free world but german chancellor angela merkel has grown increasingly unpopular at home struggle to form a governing coalition and has been undermined by the rise of the far right so how much is merkel herself to blame for the problems germany now face that's our debate but first protesters shot dead opposition figures and the internet shut down all some say because the president of the democratic republic of congo joseph kabila refuses to leave office the country's constitution says elections should have been held in twenty sixteen but the authorities keep responding them so what next for a nation that still recovering from what's been called africa's great war this week's headliner congo's minister of communications but.
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thanks for joining me up front your boss joseph kabila has been president of the democratic republic of congo for seventeen years and you've had presidential elections in your country delayed for nearly two years now is he ever going to give up power and let someone else be elected president. of. you just read the constitution of the democratic republic of the congo and you find the answer. there is a provision within the constitution that can tell you if he can step down or not and it is written in the constitution very clearly and nothing will change in that constitution under the constitution there are supposed to be elections twenty sixteen your government said there would be elections in twenty sixteen then they were delayed we were told they would be in twenty seventeen they didn't happen twenty seventeen now we're told they should happen in december twenty third i think december twenty third twenty eight hundred the end of this year how do we know
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there are going to happen everybody nor that we the security challenge i think you have heard about these terrorist offensive we had to face in north kivu province where even the soldiers from un died you have already had already. understood about what happened in. the can we not sample terrorists or fences or these didn't make it easy it is this and that's the reason exercise is you have another election of course you can get in previous interview and your president said the reason for the elections was the electoral commission the electoral register getting technical problems now you're switching and saying it's security we're looking for any excuse your it is a big issue you can't organize elections where they are killing those people or of the electoral commission it is impossible we had the problem of . never going to have elections because they'll never be perfect security no no no
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in a democratic republic of and i'll tell you how to register electors and when they start to register electors we found a lot of provinces under attack terrorist attack and a lot of officials from electoral commission were killed and they refused to go ahead with these electoral census that jeopardize the existence or something on so you're saying now that we haven't had elections you haven't had a lecture. in the democratic republic of congo for nearly two years now because of security issues here's what i don't get you say that you want safe elections free elections without violence your president said in the past we want perfect elections i believe is a phrase he's used and yes in twenty eleven when he was reelected for a second term president kabila those elections were not considered free and fair by international law he didn't care about free and fair elections in twenty eleven when he was being reelected this is comment of people from international monitors
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from the carter center are a group this is not a country that belongs to. a comment of i don't know who so it is very unfair it is the people of congo who decide ok and if we decide that the election where good are going to one decided the other if i was a member of parliament it was good so let people say what they want but the people of congo you say will decide what's free and fair the people in congo are protesting in the streets they have been for the last two years against their will is an election who protest them idea there are. twelve million people in this town of kinshasa. there were no not even ten thousand people protesting ten thousand people doesn't count as a problem. how the non-elected people try to keep sure it's not only elected example allowed to protest in a democracy is that your position is are definitely because the show is that the elected people to come and not gave the policy of ignition so you're against
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peaceful protests well that's very honest of bloodstains last policeman they killed the policemen might be an easier non-democratic to protest in the streets they delayed elections again not to come with the guns and to kill the police but if your piece in this thread about the peaceful it was not peaceful so ten thousand guns you are not well informed ok so i'm asking for information in other articles where i was in the people to some bundy to were there ten thousand. people didn't. minister whether you had a thousand people with gay way up here the police was there i'm not disagreeing detained out of many peaceful protests was killed would tend not to know many many many who ok let me the number one first answer because if you guess how it works i'll be the editor i'll tell you a figure in a moment people died you said ten or twenty for this to two people died did this to this well work of individuals i would have twenty thousand people carrying guns that's what i'm asking no question no you accept there were not developed protesters here at least the way among the various protests there and then just
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people of course and the police that you're exaggerating their condolences to they came the police you killed in violent protests no they didn't keep any protesters really does a lie it's a lie nobody can say that from the us government says that you use lethal force against congolese civilians amnesty says use fire arms against protesters human rights watch says you fired at point blank range we're going to don't like how you can rob them which are misty but we have a problem with a lady walking with your mom i got everybody you know i'm glad he had that she had a problem with what you mean officers ok so you're a little bit here oh well that is how problem i will minister. to respond to that i talked about i'm going to repeat not sequestered what i do admire is you do speak in a very blunt way you said you have no problem with amnesty international this is what he says the wanton disregard for protesters lives the unlawful use of force cannot be tolerated the use of firearms against unarmed protesters contravenes congress obligations on the international media are not well informed that dissolved oh my
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well your side there is no interest amnesty as well your should not to go and take a report from somebody who has a problem with somebody but i should say recall for the government that's killing the people these are misty who say we should say well you do this rules we should i believe i shouldn't believe the french government to put a u.s. government and honesty what human rights watch but i should believe the government because we are in this heated my idea ok so there you are. ok let me ask you this question a u.n. official u.n. human rights official on the ground was monitoring events with a. into the ground by security forces kicked and punched even though he was wearing a blue vest identified as you're going to terrorist aren't aware of that so perhaps you should get more information i'm not aware you were telling me to get lots of. you're not aware of an attack on a unit where you see the new york times with no no you to see what all the information. you see then but you don't have that information the reality is that the congolese people a lot of congolese people support could be a lot of congolese people don't support their indeed indeed and the knowledge of
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their work some of the elections there was a poll done last year that showed ten percent of people support the president thirty eight percent say they have backed the exile the president laid out what he says they're going to be wanted by ten percent of people what are you talking when you do you make these poll was done an opinion poll who won the recent government and why you have never seen because people are. making policy in the new york or the brussels. this is a little you know made up those out of. their u.n. realize that honesty and human rights watch a lot is we want a government. you know you won't allow this sort of sorts of western wild theories are happy because we are giving them now but not cheap western countries are not happy so i'm. ok what about the respected head of the catholic church in your country who has compared life in congo to living in an open prison we had devastating the catholic church let me today have
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a problem with you it looks like we have a problem with some prove me that man who are acting as politician about the head of the catholic church no that's not bad is what he says how can you. tell can you kill men women children youths and old people young thing we all saw what you are we now living in the prisons are you i'm sorry are we now living in an overlord of the demonstration cardinal or a muslim that says all we now living in an open prison it's a very. simple question it is the clergyman who is acting as a politician who said so but not the catholic church so he wants the song out by many other bishops. because if you just dismiss the bishop as well he we dismiss he says he doesn't like your business relation with china he's a politician do you fear your congolese opponents is that why you don't let them protest for free do you think that there is any country in the center of these part of the continent who people could be moved that previously the democratic republic
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of congo. where hundred countries were being shot dead and the people or six people were shot dead this in january twenty sixth is not a hundred let's just do the math challenging numbers i love a few blasts in december twenty sixth in sixty two people killed no august twenty seventeen twenty seven people are by law that's eighty nine lives on the seven in december result in may that's ninety six thousand january that's one hundred result identity doesn't into debt just a few hours dismissing a fellow can just a few dollars in sick where is the name is what i read the report i vy published human rights world war three reuters we people can be influenced and they're right but it won't it's impossible to have a conversation because when i got your back your business it becomes right think i'll just make news you bring president becomes for a fake reports i'm sorry how many of you killed they have to be a confrontation between terrorist enemies call them turned our soldiers on who is with you no no no no we are not going to give it up to you not to. the company
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which i mean killed nobody were killed during a demonstration how many were killed five five terrorists that we are given to december why it is sixteen how many people have been killed in protests not even ten really not even so when we have. jobs when you have to keep the people. out of the combat the problem is you keep saying the facts are fake information that your government is actually trying to control information you shut down the internet you prevent people from. sounds like you're very worried about their country way of speaking of speech freedom of. expression more than the congo really liked this is just you know does not tell you just give me a cigarette making nonsensical stays with me as you don't know if. you the freedom . has come to you or not they have no respect you know interview me i'm going to go you with a reason i love a simple question on t.v. are you saying that your country is yours as to free speech in blank outlook or to
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use your yes. why do you sanction you the minister communications for a quote repressive media public because of china undermines election where there was a homicide traveling to the e.c. or bandages a lot bizarrely has your mind all very well ok this it was of china i know very well and why did the us government sanction officials in. the us so your colleagues are your colleagues are nobody's telling us out of the e.u. assigned to the members of your government but apparently the freest government in quote black africa no no no no no i mean this is why some of your statements and all that nonsense challenges that beaches we have tried and you got to be just ok because challenging the right now you're sanctioned by the e.u. we have a problem with a company called bad geo ok but the us government says you're corrupt and prey on your citizens maybe they are influenced by bad you ok well i'll tell jim as i well you know how these days oh no sir i could but change the trumpet minister i know you're the. one what i don't get the us government the e.u. the belgian government the government have
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a right still enjoy of belgium don't extend it to others and i'm talking i'm quoting the us government me the us i'm quoting the us government the french government the e.u. human rights watch amnesty international and why you the un the cobbles in the catholic that you've dismissed it all know you this much of a cheese and not ok one cardinal you know on the catholic church a very easy yes ok but do you dismissed all these people which is your right but what i don't get is why not one pretend that you're a democracy where no one thinks you just say you know what we don't can we think about. we don't care we got it by broadcast see why the us really are a free people where you say you are the freest years we are a democracy but we have freedom to interact with you who do you what do we want and what do we decided to interact with china we got problems we could belgium because the before market or nizar they wanted us to remain in partnership with them so my question is yes when all of this criticism from the international community is coming at you want to just say we don't care why pretend that you are
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a democracy where no one thinks you are we are a democracy because we are it is matter of fact he's not your mother or your president it is not your lot are still trying you know father does this interview because a matter of fact my idea is not a matter of somebody say you are a democrat so you are a democrat it is a matter of facts are we acting as democrats if yes we have the market even if you don't think that we have the book or if we are as democrats we are the democrats indeed. thank you for joining me on the front thank you thank you. she's been called the defacto leader of the e.u. the new leader of the free world and even the most powerful woman on earth but in our own country german chancellor angela merkel is more unpopular than ever before she's been struggling to form a coalition government and last year lost a number of seats to the far right nationalist a.f.d. or alternative for germany party speaking at the recent world economic forum in
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davos the german leader claims she was doing all she could to get the populist wave under control but is she or is merkel the cause of it and how do her current political struggles affect not just the future of germany but of europe joining me to discuss this are yasha monk a lecture on government to harvard and host of the good fight podcast and from frankfurt ralph coleman a journalist historian and author of the biography the german angler merkel and others thank you both for joining me in the arena ralph let me start with you in the past you've praised anglo merkel's leadership you even wrote in your twenty thirteen biography that she was quote in perfect sync with the national mood that isn't quite the case today though is it nearly half of germans according to the poll say they want merkel to resign in twenty seventeen she let her party to the worst result since nine hundred forty nine era of dominance seems to be over isn't it. there are two reasons i would say first of all she's in office for twelve years and that's lots of time even for germany and of course it's also
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a problem that forming the government is very difficult now and that's not a very comfortable position for and the other reason of course is refugees policy since two thousand or in two thousand and fifteen when. nearly one million a year for refugees came to germany. and of course that was a great force for the right wing. nationalist a of the party but while i think that it's not the fault of america because there were a few turn and how to react in the situation we had in that year. but of course it's a consequence of a policy yes it's to do with the fact that she's been in power for a long time that's one of the main reasons why she saw unpopular now it's not
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through faults of our own i mean is a little bit of both obviously once been in power for the ten years it's easy for people to sour on you but i think the best line and i know merkel always used to be that she's minimally invasive she doesn't really get in you know and i think she still doesn't get on people's nerves in quite that way it's not they see her on the t.v. screens and i think as kind of standard see this face anymore i don't want to hear that voice anymore i think people are recognizing that she actually hasn't shown real strategic leadership and that's true across a whole range of issues the refugee crisis is one moment where she seemingly had some kind of leadership for she was actually buffeted by the bends to a remarkable degree of same is true on the euro crisis where she didn't clearly set out how germany should deal with greece and other countries she sort of kept muddling through the same is true of the rise of the liberal populist in poland and hungary where she hasn't shown real leadership but i think people are. recognizing now that the same is happening in coalition negotiations which have dragged on without a clear word of leadership among the merkel voters saying this is where we want to
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go and why that is not as strong a leader. has been claimed she lacks real strategic leadership and she's been muddling through suggestion or her well yes but i think that for her what you call muddling through is part of political leadership pragmatism and to see what is realistic and if you take the eurozone crisis for example the countries of north and eastern europe are not so much of the people in these countries we're not so much going to pay money or to guarantee credits to be more exact for other countries in southern europe. people in southern europe are not very much attached to the idea of financial stability and i think it was a really big political leadership an act of political leadership that.
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was able to find a compromise between these two positions let me ask you this she accepted one point five million migrant asylum seekers refugees in twenty fifteen and twenty sixteen her critics say that open door policy backfired on her people on the left actually praise her and say that was a humanitarian gesture from a purely political pragmatic view point was that a mistake in your view with alternatives is as rough as meant well i think one of the things that was a mistake in in the migrant crisis which is quite typical of her shortcomings which is that she is not somebody who can actually set a vision and hold a speech in order to get people on board was a lack of communication so what she did was quite bizarre you would expect somebody who's actually committed to helping refugees to try and. keep the door open while reassuring people that there is a limit and virtue is taking steps to manage flows what you did in stead was the
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opposite which is to say that you actually did what she could to stop the migrant flows she struck very dubious deal of threats about one of turkey for example to make sure that no more migrants could actually reach germany and overwise should tell the german public there's no end to immigration and to refugees we will not have an upper limit this is going to go on for however long it will and i think one of the reasons why germany turned against refugees so strongly is precisely that they had a sense of this is going to go on forever and then it will change all. of that of a cleavage if she had been very clear about the fact that there's going to be an end of the i think that people would have been working that route. i think that the main reason why she acted. was simply europe she thought that germany not be the country which close was the borders if that doesn't matter about germany cannot do that in specially in the situation of
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the summer two thousand and fifteen after the deal with greece many people thought that money was too hard against greece and greeks and so this was the main motive but. didn't want to speak about that because she thought that this argument europe was not popular enough among them and that was why she only said that when every single day and every single time human in iran and i don't want to say because i'm running after the opinion polls murmured after a moment and that's made her very successful it's allowed to get reelected number of times but it's also the reason why she hasn't actually solved any of the issues facing germany what's her legacy in what way has she actually changed the country you mention political legacy what is her legacy would you say that part of her legacy is the rise of far right nationalists the turn into for germany party which
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became the first far right nationalist party to enter the german parliament since the nazis merkel's vote share went down last year their vote went up and they won seats for the first time on this level do you hold her responsible for the rise of such groups. i mean there's a case to be made but you can say that because she has vacated the political right in germany because she's moved her party to the center of it left a space for fifty when you look around europe there isn't a single country with a system of proportional representation where some form of populist party has risen so i think germany was the right for that and that probably would have happened with a different chancellor as well ralph perhaps it's part of an american's legacy but it's not in the center of this legacy a legacy is in my view that she managed to with her muddling through yes of course but to bring germany and europe quiet safe through the recent ten years of crisis first of all financial crisis where you are in crisis when you
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current crisis really where the edge of a third world war when she started to talk with obama putin and so on and then of course references crisis. around europe angle merkel she's been in office nearly thirteen years we don't know how long she'll be in office for will she be remembered as a great leader who united germany in europe behind or is an overrated leader whose tenure and in failure how will historians judge and. i think she'll. be seen at a great leader like homework or with very new things like reunification but she will be seen as a great leader such as him would smith for example a transfer of crisis who managed to keep german the germany and europe safe in a time of crisis and i think when she is not there anymore popularity
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will rise again almost every time briefly how will history judge angle i think is a very decent very competent leader. who didn't have a foresight and a strategy to actually confront some of the big crises that haven't really come home to hit yet that right now aren't quite felt yet but i fear will be the course of the next decade judgment will have to leave it there we're out of time thank you both for joining me in the arena that's our show up front will be back next week. there is a very important force of information for many people around the world when all the cameras are gone i'm still here go into areas that nobody else is going to talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront.
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the scene for us whether online what is american sign in yemen that peace is possible but not what happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there people the little choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an activist and has posted a story join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. six. from the roots of the sting the problem. is the name one of which i reporter is a regular music is really kind of trip for a very young. but i feel that. the talks of are just the. books of. our breaking news because the rest of us deeply rather than. especially
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for a good thing this is kind of all in all the right wing assault on all. questions and all through the orb expression on people you know all being students to joe's activists there goes right to me so that it's going to do this on the. blog on the streets the protest has reached our doorstep in which. attempts to contribute some of its. a russian fighter jets been shot down in a rebel held area of serious in the province.


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