tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera February 8, 2018 10:00am-10:34am +03
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shown on their faces the situation they're living in that's when our viewers can identify with the story. facing reality growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place the so-called secret city getting to the heart of the matter while . in jail just because she expressed herself hear their story on and talk to al-jazeera at this time. the mounting human cost of war nearly two hundred syrians are killed in just three days as the government and its russian backers and crease their attacks from the air. and welcome to al-jazeera headquarters and the problem also ahead israel's prime
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minister suggest he'll be indicted on corruption charges but says it will all come to nothing myanmar stands accused of continuing a murderous campaign against its people while the rest of the world looks the other way. let us thank him acknowledged the dreamers for their courage their to. their inspiration eight hours and seven minutes a u.s. political leaders massive monologue about the plight of young and. the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces have reportedly killed more than one hundred fighters and sylvia the reuters news agency quoting an unnamed u.s. official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and their problems an official coalition statement
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confirms that offensive did take place which doesn't go into details but the kurdish alliance controls large areas of northeastern syria. well elsewhere russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb and shell to regions that remain and rebel hands and just four days nearly two hundred people have been killed in eastern and in the northeastern province of idlib western go to lies near the capital damascus and has been under government siege for about five years almost half a million people are trapped there and often suffer from severe food and medicine shortages and edler province bombing has intensified since a russian plane was shot down by rebels on saturday killing the pilot of an eastern go to on the so-called deescalation zones where violence was supposed to be reduced but instead the body count continues to rise by the hour let's get more on all of this now we're joined by cos pond. near turkey's border with syria let's start with
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the reports of the one hundred pro regime fighters killed in syria jamal what are you hearing. well significantly elizabeth the fact that they have been referred to as probably jim fighters or not soldiers belonging to the army would indicate that these are foreign militia probably has been or. who have been instrumental in the fight against the rebels over the past eighty years obviously the assad regime had to rely on them as well as obviously his russian allies in order to maintain his grip on power and now we don't know exactly where they are all of those one hundred were killed in an airstrike by the international coalition or it was maybe a drop aeration both from the skies and on the ground but it goes to show just how intricate and complicated the conflict is getting is if it wasn't complicated enough as it is because whilst you have these different militias or different.
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paramilitary groups on both sides of the conflict you now have the other regional and international players who are also sending in direct messages rick. as far as the russia the americans are concerned and the their credit allies where they support the y p g they also have a problem in the northeastern parts of syria where the sharks have been trying to push forward together with the free syrian army rebel group to try and capture the history of our freedom so this could very well be a message to the turks as well that if you attack the y p g or if your allies attack the y p g then maybe you could be in for a direct conflict so it's just a very difficult situation to say the least yeah absolutely and so losses significant losses for the government there but elsewhere the government with its russian backers is continuing its relentless bombardment of eastern gusa of ad libbed. indeed and not only those areas of eastern the whole time in the biz you
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mentioned also madrassa norman and other places have witnessed even the use of napalm weapons being just over the past twenty four hours according to local sources there but what's important again here is as you mentioned there was a but these were meant to be the deescalation zones the much a old a stand that talks between russia iran and turkey to try and establish specific areas in syria where fighting with subject or halt in order to allow for a peace process as sponsored by the united nations through the geneva process through to essentially succeed but what seems to happen in according to the syrian opposition that we speak spoken to is that these deescalation zones only become a deescalation zone when the russians or the asad region control them and so long as they're under the control of the rebels then all sorts of attacks take place be it from the skies or the ground and with the use of all different types of weapons
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and also as you mentioned has been under government siege for at least five years now because it's been under the control of the opposition that's the toughest they came to the seat of power in that it is on. the suburbs of damascus and now that this relentless bombardment one hundred people. you know twenty four forty eight hours is something extremely significant but the fact that nothing has happened is a result results of the turks their. words of this deal. makes people worry but even more desperate problem without any repercussions and i guess one of the many problems with the deescalation zones is that everyone is interpret it differently we will leave it there for now and come back to you as we get more information more developments out of syria thank you joining us from gaza . we're going to move on to other news now israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of the prime minister for corruption and benjamin
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netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer who's also alleged to have been involved in a deal of the leading newspaper to weaken a rival daily publication and return for favorable coverage. many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently admitted that about half of the police recommendations and with nothing. amnesty international says an ethnic cleansing campaign against the. is far from over and a new report the human rights group condemns the international response to the crisis as weak and ineffective amnesty is also warning that the agreed repatriation of refugees from myanmar is premature security forces accused of causing what
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amnesty calls for starvation by denying farmers access to fails confiscating livestock and setting markets on fire says the abduction. for girls and young woman is common raising concerns about rape and sexual slavery as refugees accuse security forces of setting up checkpoints along. with a robinson woman forced to have humiliated body searches met wells is a senior crisis advisor at amnesty international and the author of the report he's calling for tougher measures against government. you know what we've seen is condemnation after condemnation from the international community but there is been a real failure to act to impose real consequences on the me and our military for what is now been more than five months of a campaign of ethnic cleansing and so we think that there needs to be an arms embargo targeted financial sanctions against senior officials in the military who
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are who have committed this this these horrific human rights violations over the last five months in the last couple months the myanmar government has said that it's ready to start repatriation the returns and what our report today shows is that the military has an even stop committing horrific human rights violations against the rectangle who remain in northern rakhine state consistently from people who arrived in bangladesh in the last month or two you know we had reports of starvation of people who've been denied access going out to the rice fields who've seen their markets burned or blocked from from access who have watched as humanitarian aid has been severely restricted throughout northern rakhine states all of this is led to a situation in which people are struggling to find food which is forcing these new arrivals to bangladesh and this represents really you know the final blow after months of a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign in which we and others have consistently documented widespread killings sexual violence against women go women and girls and
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the targeted burning of ring of villages across northern rakhine state. north korea's been showing off its military much on the eve of a display of unity at the pics. in south korea the parade wasn't broadcast live on state t.v. but amateur video has been posted on twitter the event was announced shortly after an agreement was reached on the north's participation in the in the pics on friday north korean athletes the jews marched in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south let's get more on this now we're joined by our correspondent natasha good name she's live for us at one of the olympic hogs in south korea so we have seen pictures from social media as we've said the taj had lost from official north korean state t.v. though unusually why is that. well elizabeth one would think in a year in which north korea has demonstrated rapid advances in its weapons program that this would be a celebratory day
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a day to tout its military successes instead this military parade on the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the north korean army was very quiet and that is probably no coincidence north korea intended announce that it intended to hold this parade. not always annual but a frequent parade one day before the opening ceremony of the olympics and as you can imagine it received some blowback in south korea it was explained as a provocation one in a series of many from north korea some south korean said that by holding this military parade north korea was attempting to hijack the spotlight from south korea at a moment when this is this country's time to shine in the international spotlight one government official here even said that this event would likely have an intimidating effect. so fear among south koreans from the north
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korean perspective kim jong un the leader said that this is a historic moment for the country it's a patriotic one and it is their right to hold it so what you're seeing is probably a little bit of diplomacy on the part of kim jong un last year this was a very public military parade thousands of troops were seen in the parade as was military weaponry several missiles were shown and the international media was invited to attend that was not the case this time around so it's a very secretive ceremony and one would think that it was an effort by kim jong un to remain defiant and as is the country's right to hold this military parade but also give a nod to the diplomatic sensitivities of having this parade. while it's also making significant overtures during the winter olympics to improve korean ties and as we've mentioned the two countries athletes are going to be marching together
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in that opening ceremony and we're hearing that the north korean delegation is going to be led by none other than kim jong un sista. yes elizabeth this is another historic milestone in into a korean relations her name is king kim jong she's the younger sister of kim jong a close advisor of his she was elevated to a pretty high position within the ruling party and she will serve as his emissary here is stepping foot on south korean soil this is a first for a ruling family from north korea now she does come with baggage the united states has sanctioned her for human rights violations tied to censorship she is not the only member of the twenty two high level north korean delegation that is facing say sions by the united states she is expected to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow
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among that v.i.p. group will be american president mike pence the north koreans have already said they have zero interest in engaging in dialogue with the united states that might also be because just a few days ago pence said that another round of very aggressive tough economic sanctions is headed toward north korea all of this comes at a time though with north korea and south korea really warming up this is a very positive moment for president moon and he's a refugee from north korea he has always been a pro in gauge minute with north korea and officials here are simply elated elizabeth there describing the journey by this high profile delegation as one of reconsolidation as one of peace and as an real attempt the first attempt in a very long time in hansing peace between the two koreas all right natasha thank you very much for that. live and as natasha mentioned
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u.s. vice president mike pence says prepare to travel to south korea to represent the u.s. at the games the full flying in hand dressed military personnel at an air base in japan where he spoke about the north korea crisis. within less than thirty days last year the regime launched two missiles here over germany's territory and conducted in the same period of time another nuclear test. north korea's continued threats have stirred the united states of america to act and we will continue to act with vigilance and resolve as our lodestar. a weather update is next and then has donald trump to monson and to stop or chain immigration to the us will examine the similar way his arm family lives in america and the search for survivors intensifies an instant taiwan after an earthquake leaves buildings on the one called collapse.
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hello wednesday is a very windy day in the western med is that a bowl of cloud the originated as a snow bearing bore of kind of a spade now brings rain rain to italy to sardinia and corsica us running away so eastwards and as it goes of the higher ground liberty's snow is the dinar accounts for all st eventually end up in ukraine to the sas and yes the speed feeding is actually quite warm you got seventy degrees from greece up through turkey not much less in book arrest tiles which is well above where it should be but what is left behind is clear skies this is of course thursday date on i was for it silly and france in spite apart from the occasional snow shine other we more
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snow coming in that northern france look snowy once again and possibly probably including paris during friday at the same time the wants as well as been knocked back a bit for twelve degrees we still snow falling sporadically in ukraine and probably better roofs. given what was happening in spain we saw it like cold feet of air bringing rain once again to morocco and algeria but maybe developing more obvious levy is what happens in tunisia and libya stormy weather for friday.
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it's good to have you with us on al-jazeera these are our top stories russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb east and near the capital damascus and the northern province almost two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days on this day international says an ethnic cleansing campaign against the myanmar as. a new reports the human rights group condemns the international response to the crisis as weak and ineffective israeli media is
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reporting that police are preparing to indict the prime minister for corruption benjamin netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also accused of making you do the leading newspaper in return for favorable coverage. now u.s. democratic party leader has set a new record for the longest speech ever made in the house of representatives for the last eight hours to head to head to privilege of reading the testimony of so many dreamers to still have more. after our house minority leader nancy pelosi advocated on behalf of undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children known as dream is dreamy a dream is one of previously protected from deportation under the obama administration's deferred action for childhood arrivals plan which ended by president trump last. palosi and her democratic colleagues want
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these young immigrants protected again as they negotiate a budget deal with trump's republican party immigration as one of the biggest sticking points including so-called chain migration that refers to a person bringing members of their family to the u.s. off to being residency trump wants an end to it bought a shihab rattansi explains the president's own ancestors came to america that way. we need to end chain migration that when the white house uses the term chain migration it's meant as just migrants yanking a chain and pulling in all of their unskilled extended family to settle in the us but that so migration has worked in the us since the country's founding researches have dug up some notable examples of families reuniting after settling in the u.s. for example don't trump whose mother left scotland to join her sister who'd already settled in the u.s. and whose grandfather moved from germany at the end of the nineteenth century to join his sister who'd been granted residency the year before he spoke little english yet trained as
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a barber's apprentice but there was no critical shortage of barbarism us such ancestral journeys are common in the administration vice president mike pence two wouldn't be in the u.s. were not for what he calls chain migration his grandfather was one of several in his family who took advantage of his siblings u.s. residency and then there's white house adviser stephen miller one of the architects of the tough line against immigration his great great grandfather was pulled into the u.s. by a known blood relative from bella ruse assimilation was hard for the family members great grandmother still didn't speak english for years after her arrival and that's exactly the sort of migrant miller is seeking to prevent from arriving on u.s. rules so we're proposing to limit family based migration to spouses and minor children what will the system look at it will look at does the applicant speak english can they support themselves and their families financially do they have a skill that will add to the u.s. economy at washington's cato institute they estimate that the effect of the
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administration's immigration framework will lead to the largest cut in legal immigration since the one nine hundred twenty s. a forty four percent cut annually excluding nearly twenty two million people over the next fifty years in the twenty's politicians were overt about their racism but now according to david baer there are also naked political considerations so i do believe there is a. political motivation as well they fear immigrants will come in and vote for democrats and democrats think that immigrants will come in and vote for their party . it's widely accepted that the u.s. already near the bottom of e.c.v. countries for the number of immigrants it accepts needs immigration for its economic development tax base as its population ages but of course there's nothing new about u.s. politicians migrants even when they themselves all the descendants of poor unskilled english speaking migrants shihab rattansi al-jazeera washington time on
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the rescue crews are hoping to find more earthquake survivors than braving powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse and the paucity of planning in dozens remain missing out of the magnitude six point four tram on tuesday at least to mine people were killed and many injured reporter says the search operation is focused on one building which is close to collapse. teetering on its side this one building is now the focus of this search and rescue operation as rescue teams are back inside now looking for any survivors but as each hour goes by inevitably hopes begin to dim on finding more survivors the problem the rescue teams are facing is not only the weather here but also there have been continuing aftershocks since the initial quake they continued through wednesday now thankfully here thursday in taiwan the past the shops do seem to have abated and rescue teams are back in there
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a small city has grown up around this building off media rescue teams that have been brought in from all different parts of taiwan to help in this rescue operation and the teams are also being assisted by putting up more metal crops to try to support this building that have been fears at times of the building collapsing completely now it seems. they have put in place the props to allow the rescue operation to continue. eight people have been killed after a road collapsed at a subway construction site in southeastern china where rescue crews and for chance they say three people are still missing earlier they managed to pull mine construction workers trapped under the rubble. now hong kong has one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world and property prices keep on soaring as salaries struggle to keep up the vehicle paula reports now on the new solutions to house people. in the summer and in the winter and ice balls that's
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how this mother describes the room she shares with her teenage daughters the sixteen square meter shack is perched on top of a twenty two story building. toniest through the ceiling when it rings one of the windows cracked during the thai food and we could only cover it with tape and paper. she moved into this illegal structure ten years ago after her husband died they live under the constant threat of eviction and now the landlord wants to raise the rent from the current five hundred dollars a month we don't have any rent control recitation or any tendency so that's why for the poor people it's very human rights advocacy groups say more than a quarter of a million people in hong kong live in the illegal structures are squalid conditions and every year that number rises by twenty percent. private housing prices have
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gone up four hundred thirty percent since two thousand and thirteen while the average household income has only increased forty five percent in the past decade which means fewer people can afford property in the city and with the average wage for public housing at around five years there has been a call for a more innovative approach to the crisis this is one suggestion the zero point two pausing is made from readily available concrete pipes its creators say they can be stacked up and squeezed into vacant spaces in urban areas to provide starter homes another idea being discussed is container homes shipping containers are already used as offices or shops in some areas but these architects say there is another solution one that address. is the fact that only seven percent of the city's land is used for residential purposes industrial uses it is changing and on home you don't need so many factory buildings it's a big stock of them if you convert that to residential that's going to bring on
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stream a lot of floor area for residential very quickly experts say the problem is not a lack of space but government policy unlike other cities here the government owns all the land and leases a limited amount to developers and so property prices drop so does the government's revenue which means there's little incentive to bring down the sky high prices if you go pollen al-jazeera hong kong. to brazil now where the supreme court has authorized the privatization of the giant state owned electric company electric bras the move comes as the government sends mixed signals about the future of hydroelectric dam projects particularly on the amazon river as a latin america editor to see a new man reports that m activists plans would have a devastating ecological impact on the entire amazon basin. this is the river it's crystal clear waters and where it joins the murkier amazon river in sand
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that him. this port city tons of brazilian soybeans are shipped out each day but on this day it's not the increasing deforestation of the amazon for soiling cattle grazing that's brought environmental activists here on the sides of the mining and energy ministry has posted plans for several large projects or electric dam of the. river. hydro energy is brazil's main source of electricity and before year's end the government is set to privatized a little brass latin america's largest power company inviting foreign investors to play a major role in expansion efforts. local priest that takes us to an indigenous community along the river. and his wife maria live from what nature gives them nothing goes to waste not even the feathers from tropical birds for their head dresses nor snakes backbones used for making this necklace.
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the damsel destroy the river it will destroy nature what will happen to the trees that produce fruit for the fish to we will suffer the consequences energy expert see the top a not only as the next frontier in the hydroelectric production but also as an example of so-called multiple water usage local communities and conservationists been. the endgame is to turn this the top prize also river into an aquatic superhighway this would significantly reduce the time and the cost of shipping brazil's number one cash crop soil to this country's number one market china but to do that dams would have to be built up river in order to raise the water levels enough to allow large ships to sail through. in fact the c.e.o. of brazil's energy research office applauds the idea and dismisses recent reports that the era of large hydroelectric power plants is over. but he says future
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projects can no longer ignore social and environmental concerns those projects should be following an inclusive we saw everybody can be on the table in the benefits can be properly sure but in the amazon where critics say there's no such thing as a harmless stand communities like this one are already preparing to resist as best they can you see in human i'll just see that some thought him brazil. i don't animal is a problem and the headlines on al-jazeera russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb. the northern province almost two hundred syrians mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days while elsewhere the u.s. led coalition and allied forces have reportedly killed more than one hundred pro
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version fighters in syria the reuters news agency quoting an unnamed u.s. official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and there are the whole province. and other news amnesty international says an ethnic cleansing campaign against the head. is far from over and a new report of the human rights group condemns the international response to the crisis as weak and ineffective. israeli media is reporting that police are preparing to indict prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also accused of making a deal with a leading newspaper in return for favorable coverage. many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence
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against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently admitted that about half of the police's recommendations and with nothing. north korea's been showing off its armed forces on the eve of a display of unity at the one two of them pics in south korea but international media weren't invited to the military parade in pyongyang and no t.v. pictures have been shown yet competitors from the north have already arrived at the games and chant to march in the opening ceremony with athletes from the south rescue crews in taiwan hoping to find more earthquake survivors braving powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse in the port city of fall again dozens remain missing after the magnitude six point four tremor on tuesday at least nine people were killed and many injured and eight people have been killed after a road collapsed at a subway construction site in southeastern china rescue crews. say three people are still missing. those are the headlines on al-jazeera do stay with us inside story
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coming up next thank you for watching. it for you. more than one hundred people killed in just one day in syria's rebel held areas of eastern ghouta and they were supposed to be part of the so-called deescalation zones but the bombing has intensified so what triggered this and who can stop it this is inside story.
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