tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 12, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm +03
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action plan for libya. for credible and peaceful elections in their country this will promote stability much needed stability for libya and their economy to prosper as the security council affirmed on december the fourteenth the libyan political agreement in our view must remain the framework for a political solution throughout libya's transitional period a foreign minister shakur and i also discussed syria and how we can work together to reinforce the un legend eva political process which is the only political framework through which this conflict can be resolved and and egypt has played a very important role in supporting dialogue between opposition representatives and the central government in damascus on the middle east peace reiterated that the trump administration remains committed to achieving a lasting peace agreement between the israelis and the palestinians now the foreign
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minister now also discussed how we can intensify our country's economic engagement and support our private sectors to generate jobs and prosperity for both of our people and i acknowledged and welcomed the very important although we know difficult steps towards reform that president sisi has undertaken in order to create a very strong foundation for future prosperity and economic performance in egypt and those have been necessary although difficult to be fully receive the full support of the i.m.f. and egypt has met all of those requirements will do all we can to continue to encourage economic recovery and and we hope that american companies are able to increase their investments in egypt that will create jobs and opportunities here while the united states again commits itself to standing with egypt standing shoulder to shoulder and these in the fight against terrorism but also standing together to create a more stable region for everyone as well and i thank the foreign minister for our
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opportunity to meet an exchange on so many important issues thank you thank you very much and if to him again and again i would anybody cue questions from both the american and in the science at that. in the middle east news agency. address my question to you night the state's. secretary of state. well when it was. my question to the also to let him with the i'm in that i love we need but at the end here i love strategy he had reports from the fed. from both the united states and egypt that the man. and relations deep rooted in history how women are less and why than we
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can not that on average gyptian citizens feel. this is why does the average egyptian citizen the. most see that tangible weatherman's an assistance i mean military assistance intelligence by the united states. yes and all the ways the u.s. media is conveying and negative picture from agent i think the commitment the u.s. has to egypt's security in the fight against terrorism should be evident and both with the release of about a billion dollars of foreign military. financing assistance to egypt to continue to strengthen its capabilities and also sharing of other approaches to countering terrorism some of which we can talk about some of which we can't so easily talk
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about but our joint commitment to defeat isis is steadfast and there has been no gap between egypt and the united states in our joint efforts to confront terrorist and extremist extremism in the region but most specifically here in egypt as well so i think the egyptian people should be confident that the u.s. commitment to continuing to support egypt in this fight against terrorism and bringing security for the egyptian people is steadfast and that will continue and we had a great deal of exchange today about how we can advance that and we and we just mentioned the intent to have a strategic dialogue later this year all of these are opportunities for us to identify other ways that we can strengthen and support egypt's fight against terrorism but also all to really to strengthen the economic development of egypt as well and not let this so adamant and again embody.
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kut-o. washington post a question from the united states press. question mr secretary given that several potential candidates to run against the president in the upcoming election were arrested or just thought how credible and fair do you believe those elections will be and will the united states consider withholding more military aid from egypt if you determine they were not and mr foreign minister several human rights groups have called this the most repressive era in modern or gyptian history what did secretary killer soon tell you about democracy and civil liberty here in egypt and will anything change here in egypt after your meeting today thank you well i think as i indicated in my prepared remarks i would ensure the same you know we we have always advocated for free and fair elections
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transparent elections not just for egypt but it in any country and so the u.s. is always going to advocate for an electoral process that respects the rights of its citizens to make the choices the citizens want to make and the full participation of citizens in those elections and nothing has changed about our advocacy for for those types of elections. relates to some of the comments that have been made by certain. members of the human rights community and other activists i would only recommend that us retain for yourself the nature of them the. current situation in egypt as relates human rights and how the egyptian people view this administration and its efforts to strengthen and protect human rights and whether there is that sense of
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restriction that you alluded to i think it is. it isn't helpful that that certain group projects from a perspective of lack of information lack of direct association to a society but it is much much more important to the general conditions of the freedom of press that is available the variety of television shows the the dialogue and the exchange development in the social and political field is a is an of aleutian every process i think over the last eleven years the egyptian people have shown their commitment and the determination and their ability to change their course and to indicate their dissatisfaction if they deem that they were dissatisfied they have been able to change or two governments in the last seven years and they have undertaken legislative elections and know how
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to protect their rights and to advocate for those rights so it's important that i think we recognize that it is it is the egyptian people who should determine how they are. applying their a free them their. political activism and what i hope that you will have the opportunity while you're here in egypt to discuss this with with the egyptian. on the street and sitting from them directly whether they are satisfied with the current conditions we have the question with the secretary of the related to egypt's efforts to develop both politically and socially that we continue to do so of our desire to see. evolve into. a place of that can fulfill the aspirations of its people and we will continue to rely on the support. depend on from the united states in this regard these are
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commitments that this administration is confident it will fulfill and it is responsible to the egyptian people to continue to fulfill those commitments stipulated in our constitution. on a screen is out of the israeli settlers and this is. going to resonate with mr allison the secretary of state. rather than the vice president spence was in egypt a while ago and the headline was the recognition by the u.s. administration of if there isn't as the capital of israel said there was another rejection and the world. now is speaking about the deal of the century and then the. as it is rejected by the palestinian even before this
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proposed by the united states answers and i'm certain i made this wide open on terms of rejection are you still have these of course but that they're meant to propose that deal of the century and made this straight rejection they have a question to. the egyptian foreign minister have you spoken with their mr tillerson about any efforts about resuming their peace process. aid shipped perspective on the arabs of peace with israel and announcement president trump made regarding drew slim he also made two very important points as well one of which was. he was not advocating for any changes to the status quo as to oversight of the holy holy sites recognizing the proper role of existing authorities and the second is that the final boundaries of jerusalem are yet to be
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determined and that those will be decided among the parties and those i think it's oftentimes those two important points seem to have been overlooked in his announcement and yes the u.s. is still committed to the peace process and still believes we have an important role to play in bringing the parties together and seeing a resolution to this and president trumps committed to that. the key the. years when there is no doubt the israeli palestinian with conflict to listen was part of our discussion. and during their joint talks with mr tillotson we stressed the necessity of reaching solution to this conflict on the basis of the two state solution and it is also important for the united states to continue its role and support until final settlement is raised. as
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distressed on many occasions by the president sisi that this conflict must be brought to an end so that peace lasting peace and stability can be restored to the region and terrorism eradicate them it is also important to observe the international the resolutions in this respect. myself for iterated that egypt is prepared to do or what it carried in achieving this goal and ending this conflict so that peace is me said betty that security can prove a. thing and that governments can deliver to its people egypt will continue that will lead me to coordinate with the united states the european union and other european players and of course with both taxi stakeholders in israel
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and palestine. so that a lot of the peace process can be the longest. goal with the aim to maintain stability and security and speed up the process so that final settlement is racist. thank you. secretary tillerson vice president pens an interview with the washington post endorsed what you've described publicly as talks about talks with the north koreans and president south korea's president moon said he would go to pyongyang this is the start of a diplomatic process on north korea. and then for foreign minister shokri the u.s. has in the past raised concerns about egypt's ties with north korea what is egypt doing to cut those ties i'm not sure i could hear the in the
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last part of your question. diplomatic process. well as to as to the vice president's comments about. potentially having talks and whether it's the start of a diplomatic process i think it's it's too early to judge as we've said for some time it's really up to the north koreans to decide when they're ready to engage with us and i sincere was a meaningful way they know what has to be on the table for conversations. we've said for some time that i think it's important that we have we're going to need to have some discussions that preceded any form of negotiation to determine whether the parties are in fact ready to engage in something that's meaningful in order for us to then put together the construct of a negotiation so we'll just have to wait and see. we did discuss
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with the secretary still is to the issues related to north korea of the korean peninsula and the security of that region egypt has had normal diplomatic ties with north korea as does many western and nato members and those ties. in terms of the relationship but limited to representation and. almost no existing economic situation which we deem as threatening to the global. nonproliferation regime one that has to be dealt with in. maintaining global security also the threats of a ballistic missile systems to south korea and to japan and we believe that all of these issues must be resolved for the security of the region on the korean peninsula and we will continue to discuss these issues and to take the appropriate
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measures to deal with these challenges thank you very much. all right that was. egypt's foreign minister sana shokri there and the u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson giving a press conference following their meetings in cairo on monday morning rex tillerson stopping in cairo the first of. a five nation middle east tour he's heading to kuwait later on monday will be there on the tuesday we'll talk about that a little more a few minutes but first let's get some analysis on what we've just heard al-jazeera has been at smith has been listening in to were all of that he's in gaza but a lot of diplomatic speak and glossing over some of the the issues in answer to some of the more could questions there what do we learn. well we know that before tillerson sets off on this trip u.s. officials admitted that most of tillerson is discussions in this region will be
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difficult now yes pleasantries were exchanged the two individuals. and rex tillerson clearly get on well but there were all topics raised the americans say they raised the topic of human rights and a free and fair election in egypt as a presidential election towards the end of march in egypt were present up till fattah el-sisi is standing for a second round but pretty much more all the serious contenders who might have been a serious contender to that position of either been removed or have been arrested there's only one person now standing against sisi and he has previously expressed support for sisi so the u.s. said little they said or the discussions touched on the idea that they should protect should be the protection of civil rights and of civil societies but also in his opening statements he said that their discussions were friendly but they recognized each other's ability to talk without intervention in each other's affairs which i thought was an interesting statement from shakuri so tilson is
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clearly reflected the american concerns about the human rights situation in egypt but egypt has deflected those ages away from internal egyptian domestic issues both rex tillerson and the foreign minister keen to emphasize that they share broadly similar views on all the various regional and international issues that they discussed. yeah i mean particularly if they raised the issue which is relevant here from the palestinian territories advancing some sort of peace. talks with the israelis the egyptians saying they were behind at that despite. donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel egypt saying they still wanted the u.s. to have a role in any future final step on the settlement discussions between the palestinians and the israelis egypt herself has been involved in the process here
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in gaza because he's been involved in hamas hearing guards and dominated palestinian authority in the west bank handing over power to them it's not going very well hearing garza there been lots of sticking points but hamas is political leader has that at the same time is tell us in his egypt in egypt has been in egypt discussing the problems of handing over power here in the palestinian territories so the israelis or the egyptians and the americans it seems still want the americans to be involved in any future final settles settlement negotiations here and the right interrogator bernard many thanks to brenda smith lived in gaza let's bring in sunny handy who's editor in chief of international interest which is a current affairs magazine he's live for us in london good to have you with us sunny what do you make of what you heard. i think it's very interesting i think to distance trip in general like you said he's dealing with very difficult issues but there are a lot of goals that he has to achieve during this visit and i think with regards to
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egypt i know we mentioned a lot about the human rights situation but i don't think that's the u.s. is top priority the u.s. is struggling with this backlash announcing jerusalem as the capital of israel and it knows that one of the key leverage is that they have on the palestinian movement it is indeed egypt is indeed the border crossing is indeed the previous pressure that sisi has applied on the palestinian authorities it seems that with tennyson's very friendly tone taken towards relations between us and egypt that they've agreed to sideline some of these human rights issues in exchange for some of this political leverage in other words listening to this and it almost seems as if that we have concerns about what's going on domestically but at this particular moment in time we really need you to help us out with this palestine israel issue and the reason i say that is because when you look at the different capitals that this will be visiting he's going to istanbul to talk about africa he's going to cooperate to talk about the qatar saudi feud he's going to beirut to talk about the hezbollah
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issue so and he's going to i meant to also talk about the jerusalem issue so in other words the u.s. is a bit hamstrung here and it needs to cause some movement in the middle east in order to achieve some some of its aims the u.s. has suspended one hundred ninety five million dollars in military aid over its concerns about human rights and democracy in egypt alludes keen to emphasize that egypt is an important ally in fighting terrorists sami before i ask you for your thoughts on that let's listen once again to what rex tillerson had to say on that. we agreed that we would continue our close cooperation on counterterrorism measures including our joint commitment to the defeat of isis in egypt has been a very important member of the defeat isis coalition from the beginning they egypt deals with the threats of isis themselves and are dealing with it certainly currently in the sinai we also discussed the importance of the protection and
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promotion of human rights in the vital role of civil society in egypt with the presidential elections planned for the end of march the united states as it does in all countries supports a transparent and credible electoral process i want seven did you make of the egyptian foreign minister's response to a similar question on on human rights and democracy in egypt when he said he should get out on the streets and an os the people what they think. i think it's very clever from the foreign minister i mean if you put a gun to the egyptian people and you tell them say the government is great and government will be great there are many jokes about this kind of thing in egypt and i think when they take rex tillerson to meet the egyptian people he will indeed find many people with a hidden gun behind their heads who will tell them that sisi is fantastic c.c.'s you know monster you know so i think with regards to the egyptians have the card that's ready to play but as i said would to listen there are more immediate concerns for the us than the human rights situation in egypt including libya for
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example to listen made specific references to isis isis in sinai and also to discussed suggestions that libya itself he welcomed egypt's role in libya whereas other people say that egypt's role is not conducive in libya it seems that with the gods to us their ability to pressure egypt on these fundamental issues is not strong enough and when we're looking at to listen visiting cairo we must remember the balance is not equal the u.s. needs egypt and i think that's very much reflected into this in speech to listen is effectively saying what i understand from this press conference is we are ready to turn a blind eye to some of these issues that are troubling you in exchange we want the issues on palestine to be dealt with we want you at least to not be so brazen in getting rid of some of these opponents to sisi because you're putting us in a very difficult position the reason i say this is because we've heard this statement from the u.s. before we are upset with the situation with human rights we have some concerns
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about it but nothing ever really happens this is a region where real politic is more important than fundamental principles and in this particular situation tillotson has the unenviable task in convincing the middle east states that the u.s. is still on their side some a good story too many thanks to tommy hamdi there the editor in chief of international interest in london. will let rex tillerson the u.s. secretary of state will be traveling on from cairo to kuwait on tuesday. to a donor conference on the way to help finance the massive endeavor of rebuilding iraq when iraq's prime minister declared the war with eisel over last year it signaled the beginning of efforts to rebuild the devastated country much of it left in ruins the price tag some one hundred billion dollars at that conference already is sunny as a dam he's with us live from kuwait sami. thanks so much adrian yes that is a big price tag and it is a big challenge are there any commitments yet while i opposed that question to
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several iraqi officials and they said it's still too early in the day does talk about what sort of commitments are coming in let's point out one thing this is primarily more of an investment conference rather than a donor conference as we've seen perhaps in past conferences in two thousand and three and two thousand and four we've got a lot of representation here that can be said there's a lot of attendance we've got representatives of over eighty or seventy five countries and business community of over two thousand companies private companies are represented here the aim as you mentioned there adrian is trying to get money through to rebuild iraq and that will be the big question at the end of the day as i said this isn't the first time an international event has been put together to try and convince people to come in either donate or invest in iraq and in the past we've seen only a fraction of the money that's been pledged actually translate into cash that
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actually comes into play the bottom line of all of this is what this will translate in terms of the benefit and help for the people in iraq who lived in some of those communities which had been absolutely obliterated by years of conflict first the u.s. invasion and then the standoff and battles with the ice so the clashes between the central government forces and the kurdish regional government forces all that has created a situation in which there was a lot of suffering today in iraq we've been looking at some of the people and communities hoping to see something come out of here that will benefit them there. this is what so-called liberation from ice a look like to has nally and his family it's been six months since iraq's prime minister declared nineveh province freed alice. house is still in ruins so is much of robby a town. he used to work as
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a farmer tilling the soil now he plows the rubble of his home and reaps what others have so in his life as a. risk giving up hope in returning home we've been displaced over three years look at how our house has been destroyed. allen fled when i saw fighters seized the nearby city of mosul four years ago he's not alone more than two and a half million iraqis remain displaced by the war they have no money to rebuild their lives so they live in tent camps such as south of mosul an i.d. act if the government should look after us money i need bread when i'm supporting six children my parents and a sick family member these are the people the conference in quite this week must help if it's to succeed ejecting i saw from the third of iraq the fighters once controlled has left a wasteland human rights groups such as amnesty international blame both i saw and the u.s. led coalition for unnecessary destruction and civilian deaths the nineveh reconstruction committee says the conflict destroyed three quarters of mosul's roads almost all
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its bridges and two thirds of the electrical network unicef says three quarters of a million children in mosul region lack access to health services if. the government is not get into great friends like a. war children will be forced to. be forced to marry early by young. iraqi officials come to quite looking for investments and over one hundred projects everything from the agricultural sector to the energy industry is on the table and iraq's prime minister well he says he needs one hundred billion dollars to get the job done. it's a huge amount of money we know about just can't come of it nor can the nation it's almost impossible that's why we are resorting to investment iraq is counting on
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outside help to salvage itself into a united and functioning state but when asked what commitments they're ready to make in the quite conference our policy pastor has changed since previous administrations remember we used to be in the whole nation building in the united states government is not doing that any longer that outside interest may determine whether iraqis thirst for a normal life will never be quenched. i spoke to for example to the head of the iraqi reconstruction fund about some of those signals about outside help and he told me well he thinks the united states of america should be responsible should feel more responsible for the situation in iraq he said he'd like to see secretary of state to listen come here to kuwait with some twenty billion dollars in these pockets he's not the only one looking for money to come out of this conference to help people in iraq were delighted to have with us here good couple are here is the regional director of unicef and now good
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to have you with us as i said this is not so much focus this conference on donations it's it is about all the focus is really on investment but you're one of the many humanitarian organizations who are here are you finding an interest their willingness to donate money to help the people who really need help in iraq well first and foremost it is important that children are at the center of that much needed investment children have been suffering dramatically and more dense four million children today are in suffer in acute to many darian me more than three million children today in iraq are not able to go to regular legal to school but there is more. almost seventy percent of the iraqi population is on the b.h. of thirty they're listening credible potential there that needs to be invested in if we want to have a brighter future for iraq sole putting children putting young people at the center
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is going to be critical where you've recently come back from more songs. and we hear that the number of returning people who've returned out of displacement camps has increased what are they going back to tell us what you saw when you went around some of these waterborne areas well i was incredibly impressed by the levels of distractions particularly in less than most. soul laughs but at the same time what impressed me even more was still hope the aspirations particularly off children they are not very keen to talk about the past see are much more keen to talk about their future what they want to become what they want to do they are using every single opportunity to go back to school to get back to that level of normalcy that will help them in the reconstruction in the future for iraq do you think looking back over the years is there
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a sense of donor fatigue right now there is definitely the observation that there are multiple crisis in the world and there's definitely a concern amongst donors how to best the contribution to all these crises but the last thing people can tell me is that that is no money that is still a lot of money because otherwise you would not be able to continue fighting live would not be able to continue the war so with this important to put the money there it matters most for children and that is in basic services that is in a vacation that is health that this in social sector as it is important that the international community is going to show generosity for iraq but it is also important for the iraqi government to put its priorities dad invented matters for children to make more money available for its education to make more money you fail
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a bull for its health services to spend much more and much better quality funding in social sectors putting the money where really matters and so on usually one of the biggest challenges in the world is nature when it comes to anything saying so much goes couple out of there the regional director of unicef there are plenty of challenges with iraq will have to overcome as addresses the world with a message of common invest money the issues of corruption the political stability as well as this. security iraq not very far away from elections a big question mark can you hold the elections with over two million people displaced a big chunk of those people from the sunni community will that lead to a better stable environment that you can sell to the investment world adrian. seventy thanks i was there is some he said and live in kuwait smith just wrote mckelway here with a weather update next here on the news out then trading guns for books child soldiers in south sudan get the chance to return to
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a normal life and in sports arena williams has a new fan watching on as the former world number one makes her return to competitive tennis. binny's pink's guys by the time my half. hour is the sun sets in the city of angels . island the pacific island of tonga has declared itself under a state of emergency as this thing is what it was two days ago approaches as a major cycling has been a time traveler because it's a lot of damage from rains lightish winds a category one storm when it went from samoa to americans about back in time because the dialogue now is back in almost on top of tong and it's become a much bigger storm these are preparations yesterday daylight hours this is standard fare you cover all glass in case it gets shattered by flying debris tanga
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is not really set up for what is now a category four sock and this is a critic of a hurricane of the same force so nasty stuff on the way these other stats sustain winds about two hundred fifty kilometers per hour gusting to two hundred forty despite the fact this is deep ocean the waves are up to nine meters but we don't think the damage will come from the waves and certainly and even the rain which is often the case no this is strength of wind thing and stay just south of the hour which means the are in probably won't even experience the quiet of the hour to get the fur roche's winds and they'll be there where they're probably approaching right now so for the next six to twelve hours damage time. the weather sponsored by cats on race. well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control french palestine would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows more than
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a century ago britain and france made a secret deal that would influence the shape of the middle east for more than a century to come and so. now we can draw raima. cyc speak oh lines in the sand at this time on al-jazeera. winning these breaks when people need to beat. the market to good to me. and my brain and this story needs to be to be just largest catholic country is witnessing a dramatic rise in teenage pregnancy al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring the mood winning documentaries. and live news on air and.
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it's good to have you with us adrian figure here in doha with the news hour from al-jazeera our top stories this hour u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson says the trumpet ministration remains committed to a lasting peace agreement between israelis and palestinians he's discussed the issue with egypt's foreign minister in cairo at the start of his middle east war. but iraq is trying to secure one hundred billion dollars at a donor conference in kuwait to fund reconstruction following its war with eisel the government says it needs to rebuild cities and infrastructure destroyed in the three year conflict. monday marks international day against the use of child soldiers now young soldiers in south sudan are being given a chance to lead a normal life but some are struggling to reintegrate into their communities zeros
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have a morgan reports from. these moves are not new to john he's been taught how to carry them out for the past two years since he was fifteen he didn't learn the drills willingly john's one of at least seven hundred children forcibly recruited by the south sudan's national liberation movement that is new then they are going to they. did it got a place to want to go out alone or if you take it easy and that you want to work in that set if you define you would do that day cool again by force. the civil war in south sudan now into its fifth year has killed thousands and displaced millions many vulnerable kids were recruited by armed groups to fight both boys and girls such as thirteen year old sarah. i was wounded in loans to those people and only start to fan think on new day doing it for
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a long. time mr gandhi said to me and that is hold on to do not to do said to move from. mr. right groups they nearly all armed groups to critic children to fight the south sudan's national liberation movement has recently released more than three hundred children but that they were not really forced to do condition abandon first today and now all of us to get up to state so in fact we did not dent because it isn't that they may be a needed me to fight does what you say we have decided also as we are now in tones of that the best sort of we decided to release them so that they can go to school. communities. nearly two thousand children have been de mobilize in the past five years but they are being replaced according to unicef the number of tell soldiers in armed groups and on forces has been on the rise since the war in december to
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fifteen that despite all were inside agreeing to stop recruiting tough house soldiers and releasing those already enlisted but even for those who have been demobilized life is a challenge. many children who've been released have no idea where their families are for others fighting has become a way of life that the biggest challenge is reintegration it's a process that takes time to two three years for that child to go back home and resettle we still have more kids to be released so access big thing that we need more kids to be released all real concern is the reintegration of these children so that don't they don't get recruited to go. john on thursday they don't want to return to the battlefield but they also fear what lies ahead after their past experiences and wonder if they may be forced to fight again he will mourn al-jazeera south sudan figures compiled by the united nations show that more than five thousand child soldiers were freed last year but tens of thousands more remain
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boys and girls continue to be recruited kidnapped forced to fight and to work for military groups on forces twenty seventeen u.n. report lists fourteen countries of concern including afghanistan chad be in mass somalia and yemen more than three thousand cases of child recruitment were verified in twenty sixteen in the democratic republic of congo at least nineteen thousand and eighteen year olds are taking part in the conflict in south sudan the armed group boko used eighty three children as human bombs in the first eight months twenty seventeen most of them were girls each year the u.n. receives reports of children as young as eight hears old associated with armed groups that speak with then well what archer who's the child protection technical specialists to save the children he joins us now live from juba good to have you with us so the kids who've been recruited as child soldiers ever get over other things that they've seen and done.
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thank you so much. see it mission from their children eyes that you might. focus their organization and indeed that we had beat that forces started to think that you're dead because that's what you meant and we did continue it he did his thing these children and from our past experience we really have given take it it did over six hundred children sexists free. by engaging them to different trade skills that can help them to cope into their community and this is one of the hottest u.t.d. in labor when it comes to integration after because this true drain faces a number of issues that the attitude there may be some of the children might
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have encountered the killing of their family members. go on sexual abuse and they never feel comfortable going back to the community we had so many streams them to schools for those who are willing to train schools but more importantly is delayed skills that we have a peer d.d. in getting over six hundred children in the room back to d.d. good seeing be in a different skills that we had of need into the community once the. airport to be finished the training and they get integrated into the community they have something to do and do it but they're doing it able to and in my living and for the kids so we yeah. over three hundred children now been released and this is where
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now we had a providing they say cost us your support because this is the instruction where you really. traumatized it we want them to d.d. and that was cancelling and also what of being a parent or so and the community so that we develop that attitude talk accepted and see because one thing is that sometimes they feel dead rejected in the community and to be have undergone a lot of distress they have seen so much way in the hands of the conflict and because of these these children. we need to and. copying kind of system that would help them to at just in to the end no more life ok and therefore for the next few weeks we will be engaging yeah yeah all right good to talk to say i'm afraid we're out of time many thanks indeed. in juba. investigators in russia
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found two flight recorders which could help them work out why a passenger plane crashed soon after takeoff from moscow all seventy one people on board died at all possible causes of being considerate including human error bad weather and a technical fault one hour from of serious rory chalons in moscow. the answer nowhere liner with sixty five passengers and six crew on board came down four minutes after it took off in bad weather conditions wreckage was scattered across snowy fields near the village of water going over eighty kilometers southeast of moscow rescue teams were unable to reach the crash site by road and walk to the scene. i saw an explosion on the ground and i called emergency services they asked me many questions i told them there was a fire it was very visible and the debris of the plane is spread over radios of at least one kilometer investigators are using modern equipment taking into
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consideration the large territory there using quite a couple hours to get a view from the air the short hole set a lot of airlines jets took off from moscow's domodedovo airport early sunday afternoon on its way to the city of war sc in the urals most of the sixty five passengers on board were from the region at the airport their family and friends of those on board the flight began to wait for news with little hope that anyone had survived. if you go to some who have flown degrees from an a n one for a plane and bodies of two hundred times. in some way just the most important thing now is to organize the collection of debris and remains of the victims by ministry of emergency situations workers transport to authorities soon confirmed everyone in the plane had died. russia has suffered. in recent years in december two thousand and sixteen. for military into the black sea with the loss of ninety two people
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it was blamed on pilots era in october two thousand and fifteen. crashed in egypt's sinai peninsula killing all two hundred twenty four people on board. said it placed a bomb in the aircraft. was supposed to be traveling to. meet with the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas. the president can stay in the capital the investigation. being considered including. weather conditions well perhaps something else. just ahead on the sports. business update. places together.
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well it was interesting time for sports his son thank you very much a.j. and while the high winds that have again hit the action at the winter games in more events i have been postponed and some of those that did go ahead who are adverse effect that well in the women's a slope style all of the riders on that at least one run one of the finalists said it was like riding into a wind tunnel wall a defending champion and jamie anderson of the united states did stay on her feet long enough to win gold but many competitors weren't happy shows
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survival mode it wasn't about doing the biggest and best tricks it was just making a way down the course and in a safe and as powerful manners you could and. there were elements of it that were you know scary. on this more on this now from. the first of all what's the wide to a reaction been to that event. but you got a feel for the women in the slopestyle was we've heard so many of them all very unhappy about the events taking place we've seen other events post by which i'll go on so but i have to have that site by. the qualification was completely called off so everyone completed a bongo hardly anyone actually managed to get through they want everyone fell apart from jimmy anderson so you can't really have a situation where it's hokey not chilly style and bold that really does go against
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the spirit of the sport it's not about the size the it should be outside the power of a nobody was one of the sites i was on like on a gas or of austria who was expected to win a medal when she found herself certainly not being i would have a fall and be out for anything for if they could have had for these i would to live with your own child for four years we can see why she and all those around happy. well the do you think that the weather will get improved. the weather is apparently going to improve i mean you can tell that it's cold it's been a story from the coldest winter olympics on record. the coldest there's ever been so actually where we're in a situation where it's going to be very welcome when it gets warmer it might even get more than ten degrees warmer but actually safety is such an important thing
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whatever the weather and that's why the international olympic committee really hard to stress that that's what it's all about the men's downhill got. postponed until they were solemn as well. so. it's about five years that's possible mark out of. each federation has a wealth of experience on this sport and we really really of course we have to coordinate the whole show jewel it's quite a quite a headache getting all the different sports and so on so to run it in a different way but obviously we would never take a decision. that would that would put in jeopardy the safety vastly. the other any other event that been affected by the weather. yeah as i say they did their mind downhill that was put forward on sunday about debris on thursday actually ran at the time of the women's soccer you think of when maybe. actually there was
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a men's voices take part and different coaches employ for a big effect which shows you how the high winds have taken a great pair of things where they improve but right now they're being the effect upon the weather the only i think if you had a compliment by the fact that john playing on. thank you very much for the. one you definitely don't want high winds ski jumping has and which isn't to explain those medals that will be won and lost. the first ski jumping events were held in norway back in the nineteenth century and events has been in every winter olympics but it wasn't until the sochi games in twenty fourteen that women were also allowed to compete of a lympics feature three ski jumping events the normal hill which is ninety meters high the large chill which is one hundred and twenty meters above the ground and the team large scale which is contested by fourteen members who combine their
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scores now from a seated starting position skiers glide down a steep hill and then hits a builtin ramp which propels them into the air at speeds of around ninety kilometers an hour the distance traveled is important but competitors are also scored on how they control their flights let's have a look at what the panel of five judges are looking for each hill has a minimum distance for scoring say the lord chill where you get extra points for every meter past the one hundred and twenty five minutes and mark additionally jumpers receive style marks depending on their poise through the air and the style of their landing the jumper or team with the highest number of points gets the gold medal many of the world's best tennis players are in qatar this week at the latest stop on the women's tour can see a rematch of the australian open final on caroline wozniacki bit simona halep to take her number one ranking tatiana sanchez has more. women's tennis is
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enjoying a resurgent thaw ready the theory and the best female tennis players in the world are in doha for their first major the start after the australian open last month tournament empathized the fifth rivalry in the women's game with a thick fashion of tightly fought and lengthy matches as women's tennis becomes more competitive that helped shine certain people's view the men should be paid more. foreman men's world number one novak djokovic was criticized two years ago for saying that men should be paid more than women and for saying that men's tennis should fight for more pay because the stats show that the men's game is far more popular to watch i think we put the same effort like the men's during a practice and we try to make the quality of all the sessions of courts the same and we are going on courts to give our best many top female tennis
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players were appalled by djokovic his comments including serena williams who said i think it's unfair to compare we've had so many great women champions and players who have brought such great vision to the sport there have been great men players too but women's tennis is the biggest sport for women period serena had dominated the game for years the twenty three time grand slam champion career came to a halt by after her twenty seventeen australian open title after announcing her pregnancy paving the way for other players to shine and take the top dog it's just one of two points we can decide if you win the match or if you lose a match and you know it's just i don't know i don't think that we're looking this way that syria is not there i mean of course she is the champion she is a legend while carter insists arena isn't part of her focus this tournament in doha give several formal while number one the chance to make that mark and become the
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new pacesetter tatyana al-jazeera doha. also a new williams is now back playing competitively she made her return on sunday night with daughter alex is watching on the serena teamed up with sister venus and a doubles match in north carolina this had cup tie against the netherlands it was serious first outing a since winning the twenty seventeen australian open well she's yet to. appear in the years remaining three grand slams. a field goal now barcelona have stumbled on for a second straight week in spain's league m they were held to a tough a in their latest game a late effort by louis juarez that was one of few highlights player you know messi was also a below his best it was only the fifth time this season the legal leaders failed to school and also spoke of amanda back to adrian so many thanks indeed our top story
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hard. al-jazeera is there when a story breaks but it's also a day to see what happens next generation and. hired by the family for a model ballot at the seventy three that meet to hear the movies now is what about change people have gone here barry at the miss in our national army is sixteen times one complex and i'll just heard stories about telling it from the people's perspective what they think is happening in their culture. a unique poor trait of a small gulf nation living under siege but maybe this. was a targeted sense that pain to be forced to leave the world just to be all and then gains by this and that it has given us the desire to carry on with our knives and be creative and maybe others are known as it's not
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