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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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has yet to begin you can keep right up to date with the munich security conference of course here on al-jazeera up next it's the news grid all season this is really an attack on itself is a lot of this understanding of what free speech is supposed to be about the context of hugely important setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera. marks i will address the issues which are key even here when the news grid we take you live in a to listen to the nato secretary general. for defense and nuclear challenges force some words about the transatlantic partnership
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in front of the new nato headquarters there are two memorial one is a section of the wall and the older a twisted girder from the wreckage of the twin towers in new york. triggered the date symbolize nato's sir steel hard commitment to our collective defense and our solidarity in the fight against terrorism but most of all they symbolize the unbreakable bond that unites the continents of north america and europe during the cold war nato successfully deterred the soviet union when the cold war ended we extended a hand of friendship to former adversaries and welcome them into your atlantic
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family. need to help to end two wars in the balkans and we remain in afghanistan to ensure it never again because a safe haven for international terrorists. with out the enduring power of the chance of plastic partnership none of this would have been possible but the part of the auction is that throughout our history people have questioned the transatlantic partnership from the suze crisis to the iraq war pramanik us pivot to asia to perceived lack of support for article five. unfair burden sharing all of this has fueled an impression we can name transatlantic bill so that is the annual munich security
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conference taking place right now it's a gathering of world leaders to discuss the global and regional security challenges and in the run up to the fifty fourth sesson the conference chairman wolfgang ischinger warned the world was on the brink of a significant conflict last year so what will they be discussing at the munich security conference the future role of the european union on a global level and its relations with russia and the us conflicts in the middle east especially the ongoing war in syria and that syria rating relations between gulf states political developments in africa specifically the security situation and the sahad region and the tensions over north korea's nuclear weapons program well the u.n. secretary general that's and to undergo a terrace he spoke a little earlier and he stressed on the situation in the middle east particularly let's listen. today the whole global middle east became
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a mess and became a mess with a number of different fault lines that are completely crossing each other and interconnected the fault line that remains between israelis and palestinians the fault line that represents the memory of the cold war that is still there the fault line between sunni and shia and if you can look at these fault lines i described and it is clear that there is a very special position of a country like iran that has a fault line with saudi arabia and its allies a fault line with israel and the fault line with the united states always seems naturally making the situation extremely complex and more recently a sunni see the fault line very clearly in relation to the crisis of the gulf cooperation council but that has i'm sure many reasons explaining it but in which a central aspect must be the different perspectives that exist about the role of
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the muslim brotherhood in the context of the region and we also heard from qatar as a mirror. he also just made the opening address at the conference a few moments ago. suffering and injustice pave the way for terrorism to flourish evil actors will twist religious dogmas to poison the minds of desperate people. extremists religious ideas doctrines pose an undeniable challenges to all of us. they exist in every culture. and islam has normally on them. it is clear that we are obliged to come back to religious extremism but having said that i tribute thing to violent terrorism to extremist ideology is it's too simplistic. it does not explain why violent extremism has become a major threat in my region while extremist ideology can be found anywhere.
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the pattern failure of states in my region to provide basic needs to its people pave the way for extremism so often the very states which neglect basic needs also look every possible pathway for peaceful reform. let's stay with munich and bring in how some how about our that is where he is joining us from if we just starts out with the latest speech how cement that is off the qatari amir what message it was he sending to the security conference. and then he basically i mean we listened to the species basically every buke of the policies that way implemented by the blockade in countries since the start of the g.c.c. quizes there's this passage where the i mean the say is that the by manufacturing
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this quite see some of the key players particularly saudi arabia loses its role as a stabilizing factor in the region he was referring to practices like blackmailing neighboring countries. and also other poor countries by asking them to choose between sidelining with saudi arabia losing crucial humanitarian aid by the. coalition and he was at the same time saying that what needs to be done now is a comprehensive regional security sattler meant in the region based on universal principles the respect for human rights and also the respect of neighbors has said that the middle east is on the brink we have to bring it back but to do that everyone has to come together listen to the to each other and try to move forward and this is something which has been echoed at the same time by the some of the key
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note speeches particular by the united nations and secretary general and shown you good terrorists have said that the middle east is in a mess and that less all the parties try to contain their own going six hereon divide the regional ambitions the way they can control the situation it was interesting speech by the emir of qatar when he said that you cannot just look into the simplistic approaches which have been prevailing over the last few years to try to solve problems like the rise of groups like al qaida and we have to go back to the fifty's when nationalistic governments in the arab world promised their own people prosperity and the stability what happens later was a long history of rule that or pressed people clamp down on liberties and freedoms and that when people in two thousand and eleven took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction about that political order they were clamped down
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again by counter what the emir described as counter revolutionary forces so when you listen to his speech was it was basically not this is only only about the g.c.c. crisis but the need to rebuild. a new political order in the world based on human rights and democracy he sees it as the only way out to try to contain the crises that we have been seeing over the past few years in the region ok i have some of her but i will cross through a little later thank you for that while the emir of qatar also brought up the issue of the gulf diplomatic crisis as hassell was saying i mean one hundred thousand he said his country has emerged stronger in the face of the blockade from neighboring gulf states. ladies and gentleman. even with the regional turmoil qatar remains one of the most peaceful countries in the world. despite the obstacles imposed upon us including a phone line air sea blockade beginning fifth of june of last year qatar secured
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new trade routes accelerated economy diversity and bonded together in unity qatar emerged stronger. we have continued to trade with the wider world we have not missed a single shipment of liquid liquefied natural gas during this time. this is vital to the rest of the world. as we are the world's second largest exporter of natural because i now export to ensure the stability of global energy supplies. by diffusing the impact of the illegal and aggressive measures imposed on our people in qatar preserves the sovereignty. let's now speak to mark about how he's an assistant professor at the doha institute for graduate studies joining us here on set and you were listening to the emir of qatar you also listen to and sort of gets us will ask you about him in a moment but first what's that out for you from from the emir of qatar why i think
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you struck a similar summer no to the general secretary and that he placed an emphasis on the interdependence of the region on the knesset set in the city for stability for return to stability and for cooperation amongst the different states because in the end whatever the differences may be in their stark differences politically in terms of security matters their fight fates are all tied so i think you just on the issue of the crisis do you see any movement going forward in the in the short term well that depends a little bit on the united states will president trumpet cetera regain the initiative again and push the different parties to a solution if that is not there and i don't see any real movement right now i think in the contrary in syria we see an escalation of the crisis while you know it's a proxy crisis if you want it's not necessary the same but all these crises are tied to each other u.s. and russian disagreement the disagreements civil war in syria the proxy war and the g.c.c. crisis i think they're all tied to each other and they all have to be solved together i think for a solution to emerge and for antonio that terror is the u.n.
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secretary general was speaking right before their meerkats are what messes you think he was sending out to the to the attendees there i think it was a great measure of anxiety in his words and again the notion of interdependence and the notion that there has to be a multilateral solution no more unilateralist them and that the u.n. for that matter is the form to solve these crises and the unique to some. as well because for mr lavrov will be there tomorrow as well and so these parties need to find a word of consensus lest the crises in these different arenas all escalate further so there seems to be this consensus then that the middle east is literally on the brink do you expect anything concrete though to come out of the munich security conference is that is that the aim well it's a little bit skewed because you only have an overrepresentation of one side of nato in a way so for a real solution to emerge you would have to have as well iran and china and all these other parties included now russia is there but will they be taken seriously
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enough to appear a real solution to emerge i don't know trump and putin or tillerson and lavrov they must come to an agreement over syria for there to be a deescalation ok mark for how we will leave it there we thank you very much for speaking to us on the newsgroup and if you have any questions or comments about what you've seen so far so the munich security conference as well as any other stories we're going to cover on the news great you can connect with us aware on facebook live at facebook dot com news grid we're also on twitter our handle is at a.j. inglis is a.j. news grid and we're on whatsapp or telegram at plus nine seven four five zero triple one one four nine well as the crisis continues qatar be on the blockade it follows several people to find out how they're facing up to life under blockade so this film right there you see on your screen talks to an entrepreneur
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university student and an actor they're all among those featured in this film with their take on how it's affected them so you can watch it on al-jazeera dot com. we'll move on for a moment and tell you about broken relations on the men's the u.s. and turkey have agreed to work together and normalize ties and this comes after the u.s. secretary of state hell talks with turkey's president as well as his turkish counterpart in ankara so rex tillerson let's couples although agreed an important relationship was in a bit of a crisis the u.s. top diplomat arrived in the capital late on thursday and breaking protocol rex tillerson held a three hour meeting with the president. and the foreign minister without a translator tell us and is an anchor at ease growing tension between the two nato allies over several issues with operation operations in syria being the tipping point to yell reports from ankara if you will. rex tillerson didn't receive the
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warmest of welcomes when he arrived in the turkish capital ankara turkey has been angered by u.s. policy which it believes threatens its national security and president. made that clear during a long meeting with the u.s. secretary of thing. in syria the united states has been arming and supporting the kurdish militia. turkey says the y.p. g.'s a terrorist organization that's killed dozens of talk of civilians and soldiers in recent weeks this support for the kurdish fighters has baffled the turks who say the americans should be siding with their nato allies and not with an outlawed group according to tillerson the disagreements over syria are being resolved both ankara and washington will now be working towards the same goal our two countries share the same objectives in syria that if the advices. secure and
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stable zones and independent and unified syria to listen in as counterparts. announced that they did stablished a mechanism so that the true nato allies would be able to resolve all issues and that's a collaborates but no details were given and there's another problem this is not going away the continued refusal by the us to extradite for good in the mountains or cruises of orchestrating the tonight twenty sixteen failed. only in fed to one of the invited me in relation to fit to lend do we have evidence do we not have evidence can he be extradited or not rather than having these discussions in the press and in public we will have these discussions and work together on these issues thank you thank you very much us talk us relations have probably never been worse off but citizens visits seems to have been a positive one clear message that the two allies will start working together again
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whether they will succeed only time will tell. so as you've heard the focus of the talks was the war in syria and particularly who controls the north east that is where the syrian defense forces are operating a border force of around thirty thousand fighters and led by the kurdish a y p g so their job has been to keep eisel and al qaeda linked fighters out of northern syria and for that they say they have u.s. support problem is turkey has been fighting kurds within its borders for more than thirty years and doesn't want them gaining power in neighboring syria so it launched a military offensive in the region of northern syria last month focused on pushing out those same u.s. backed kurdish fighters to all this the u.s. refusal to extradite who turkey says was behind the failed twenty sixteen to attempt so that's filtered through to
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a diplomatic dispute last year with the arrest of several members of staff at the u.s. consulate in istanbul turkey accused them of links to google and well nonimmigrant visa services were temporarily suspended at the time for more on this we'll speak to you again who is joining us from istanbul itself he's an affiliate kens university that's where he researches the u.s. turkey relationship so i'll go out on a limb and say that you've been keeping very busy researching that relationship from what you saw today at the press conference are you optimistic that relations will be normalized. well i think that here we saw where an important diplomatic initiative run by the u.s. so we should give credit to the u.s. diplomacy in here because the tension was growing into into a crisis and just at the brink of the crisis the u.s.
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burrowed brought an initiative of nation security advisor secretary of defense and secretary of state having top level talks with the turkish government were to that to be a crisis and and i think that that is a lessons learned from the u.s. side when we compare it with the one march bill crisis very turkey refused the u.s. troops to get into to iraq from the turkish territory there the stalemate between the parties was not resolved by high level visits of secretary of. state and nation security advisor den and it turned out to be a big crisis in two thousand and three top couldn't be solved in forty years so it was at the brink of a crisis that on the ground turkish troops could collide with the american troops in memory and that's what. exactly are you that could i understand they are in one
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crisis to the next but what will be the measure of success for you in order to find out if relations have indeed been normalized as they say they want to do but how will they normalize them. what well the patients are saw so high that it's really hard to say that that should be at resolving all the problems speak for the two parties success now is just to work the crisis which would be a big crisis between the two nato countries varied russia wanted to collide to turkish troops and nato to make a rupture in the nato structure so i think here just just fold resolving the tensions getting to a crisis is that major wean because the the two parties was started to not to talk about it they wouldn't listen to each other if you look at the statements after the
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phone call between add on and trumped up thought about ses a lot about why the turkish side and the american side are not listening to each other and it was on a collision course so if so i think here we should just just take that step as a major one mehmet say you can we thank you for speaking to us from istanbul where you can get behind the story with our reporter's notebook and this one jordan gives us the us has taken outlines why this trip to turkey by tillerson could be the most important one yet so you can head to al jazeera dot com click on more and that's where you'll find our reporter notebook over to london with jonah how with more of the international news hi donna. i during thank you south africa's new president. is due to give his first state of the nation address to parliament in cape town in just under two hours' time it comes a day after he was sworn in as the successor to jacob zuma who was forced to stand
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down by his own a.n.c. party on wednesday over allegations of corruption from a poser is expected to address corruption and economic issues in his speech matheson as more from so wet outside johannesburg where from opposer was born. for a lot of people cyril ramaphosa of the fifth and newest president of south africa is about to put his cards on the table ramaphosa is about to make a state of the nation address and a lot of people are going to be watching very closely and i'm of course has made a lot of promises he's promised to fix the economy he's promised to do something about high crime rates and high unemployment but he's also promised to root out the corruption with that which is alleged to have permeated its way through government during the years of jacob zuma is criticizing. the opposition say that's not his only problem is the other problem is own party the ruling a.n.c. they say that the a.n.c. isn't going to allow them to make any changes they're just going to keep things the
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way they are for the state of the nation address probably won't be able to answer to all these questions it's probably more likely to be a broader approach to hopes and aspirations for south africa for the coming years but one thing is almost for certain it's likely to be one of the most closely watched presidential addresses for many years in south africa. as the body of zimbabwe's main opposition leader waits to be taken home for burial supporters are continuing to pay their respects to morgan tsvangirai outside his home in harare sangoma died in south africa on wednesday after a battle with cancer already the movement for democratic change party which he founded is facing power struggles with three deputies vying to replace him nelson chamisa has been appointed as jungle rise replacement for the next twelve months. u.s. president of trump says he'll travel to florida to meet people affected by wednesday's school shooting in parkland nineteen year old nicholas cruz has been charged with
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seventeen counts of premeditated murder according to police cruz was armed with a semiautomatic rifle a gas mask and smoke unaids when he began his shooting rampage at the marjory stoneman douglas high school shortly before the end of class fifteen others were injured in the attack turkish state media says six journalists have been sentenced to life in prison in connection with the two thousand and sixteen failed coup against president. it comes as a german turkish journalist was released from custody after being detained for a year in turkey dennys use cell will still await trial but it's hoped he will be able to leave turkey soon to the state run news agency says the yourself is facing up to eighteen years in prison he was detained on suspicion of spreading propaganda in support of a so-called terrorist organization. i'm happy for him for his wife and for his family have had to endure
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a very difficult year of separation i'd like to thank everyone he worked towards his apparent release we know there are also other cases of people maybe not as prominent who remain in custody we hope that they'll be fast and constitutional judicial proceedings for them and this is what i told the turkish prime minister. head of oxfam says a high level independent commission will be set up to investigate claims of sexual misconduct we need beyond email the charity's executive director has asked women's rights leaders to carry out an urgent review has faced mounting criticism over the way it's handled delicately allegations of sexual abuse staff members were fired after being accused of using prostitutes while working in haiti. the us president's former chief strategist has been questioned by investigators into alleged russian interference in donald trump's election campaign sources say steve bannon was interviewed for a total of about twenty hours this week by the team working for
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a special counsel robert mueller it's not known what he was asked on thursday he was also questioned by the house intelligence committee but refused to answer many of those questions invoking white house privilege that is it from me in london back to you daryn and i don't know thank you all cabinet ministers in ethiopia are holding talks after the sudden resignation of the prime minister there. deciding on his announcement follows nationwide anti-government protests he says he's stepping down is vital his stepping down is vital rather to achieve the necessary reforms in ethiopia say dali lama is the editor in chief of ad a standard she says bringing any real change won't be easy. there is really not much any incoming prime minister is going to bring to the table because the country needs a very serious surgery political center to to heal it from it's a structure
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a. different question but in terms of the narrative that in terms of the people sick spectators and it might have been a conciliatory road to bring in prime minister from the orrible party because that is that region let's not forget which began the protests three years ago and the people feel absolutely misrepresented in the federal government so it might play a greater role to bring somebody from from the o.p.o. as it as a conciliatory gesture this would include you know anybody who would like to make any change in that country should begin by dismantling the struck their representative structure of. instruments that are deployed in that country that begins from dismantling their nose depressive knows that literate to the civil society from the ground that have dismantled have checks and balances situations of
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checks and balances independent judiciary you know in the know stretch these are the more fundamental changes that need to be brought by any incoming prime minister if the country is due to stay intact let's bring in our social media producer and a supposed to tell us more an ethiopian andrew well with the protest movement playing out in ethiopia people are using hash tags such as ethiopia protests ethiopian pm resigns and aroma protests to discuss what happens next so we've been talking to some ethiopians about their concerns and their hopes for the future or it's ok start us off. my concern as an animal person is that the prime minister is only resigning to bring a more devious dictator to run the country at the same time i am incredibly hopeful that our most are a step closer to gaining our independence and to finally saying that you know all of our fights and all of our protests and our voices have created change i think i
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think it's time they were one step closer to it and i think that. i'm really happy to see where this goes and as we wait for parliament to choose a new premier many ethiopians are now speculating what direction the country will take mohamed in addis ababa has some thoughts on what should be done i think now the should give the chance to someone from the two major ethnic groups from all move for from one hollers that's working there will manage to keep things from building a part to the next election which will be well into any to any and all these possibilities out was during the course partly military in it is the military got in full involvement. in topple down the syrian government that will be totally different scenario and. different. so mohamed says what should be done
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others are saying what should not be done for example authorizing the military to enforce security nationwide could be a deadly decision according to this user here he says that protesters would regard any new state of emergency as a declaration of war regardless of what happens many people many theo peons feel energized by the prime minister's resignation nikki here has congratulated those who peacefully organized protested and kept up the momentum remember six thousand political prisoners have been released and ethiopia since january she tweeted the victory is yours now say here shares a vision of the future basically saying that free fair and transparent elections are the only way to achieve a government of the people for the people now if you're in ethiopia we want to hear your thoughts you can tweet us directly using the hash tag a.j. news grid or message me at andrew chappelle and just to pick up on what you were saying andrew we said we are getting comments in fact related to this it's the o.p.'s story on whatsapp but one of our viewer one of our viewers saying it's
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difficult to predict ethiopia's future as our prime minister resigns in the governments can't control the protests and then we have another comment the resignation of the prime minister is another hope for change if the ruling governments can make it to the ruling should bring positive changes towards democracy freedom as well as justice well there is also a lot of interest in this article you see right there that's on our website ethiopia at crossroads. merriam's resignation and here they also writes that his surprise resignation is setting the stage for crucial success and race that is likely to save the future course of a country rocked by violence unrest and political instability again you can head to al jazeera dot com and you'll find this article on our home page. well if you're watching us on facebook life stay with us for the controversial interview off a muslim fasten blogger by two american t.v. posts that had little to do with fashion you'll see that in
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a moment and still ahead on the news grab a one hundred thousand a run guitar and in just sixteen years that's how many have been lost on this southeast asian nation of borneo we'll talk to one all for off new research into the whites of borneo the right to tell us. how it was the weather over iran is relatively settled a satellite pictures to reveal very much apart from invading high clouds what's happening further west is a bit more telling the shape should give it away it's more a case of what's curling in cerruti turkey and then a proper circulation bringing wet and windy weather to all the lever and it will probably stretch down to northern egypt as well sixteen in beirut in the rhine lived in aleppo in the rain twenty one in baghdad in the rain and as that rain
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keeps going this direction the wind direction itself will change we're down to eighteen once the sun comes out in baghdad it will feel rather better i think in beirut and maybe slightly warmer in the sunshine but that is definitely a spell of of unpleasantly went whether scientists of all this and the wind direction has been telling is bringing bringing dusty and more recently humid weather and foggy with around the gulf states particularly out on bahrain and the term share they reflects the unusual status twenty eight's the forecast maximum in doha and it goes up to thirty about time you get to sun and i eventually it looks like this thing will run through this little line of showers it'll produce quite possibly thunderstorms in kuwait bahrain and eventually doha or at least qatar big changes in later on sunday but until that look at it rather warm. for the congolese the journey to work all aboard means unimaginable hardship i
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prefer to live job because then why go back up into chancing life and live in a dangerous journey through the jungle i fell into the rails and nearly died of their own children to go to school and live because of the trade of risking it all the democratic republic of congo at this time on al-jazeera. these explosions were not an act of war. these nuclear bombs were experiments by the soviet union. to the cause that people who lived in the vicinity the motives make little difference rewind silent. at this time.
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the headlines on the news group and this is what's trending right now on our web site the most read article in the first one of those trees confessed to the florida school suiting that of course taking place earlier this week the second spot an interesting article i'll be muslim to fans and brace of the liverpool f.c.
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player that player is mohamed salah and the jets and a player so little sounds have come up with a new chance you can read more about that on al-jazeera dot com. now let's return to munich where the fifty fourth security conference is now underway and the nato secretary general jaan stillbirth spoke about the transatlantic alliance and its relevance here's what he said all nato allies up to forward plans to increase spending in real terms this is major progress on it is a bit a good start but we still have a long way to go on hard work ahead. the simple message is the transfer of plan to kill i ams remains the most powerful most effective and most reliable a law instore world has ever seen because in times of need we are all
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prepared to do what is necessary for over shared security. let's speak to fabrice approach here at the munich security conference he's a former director of policy planning at nato and he's now the chief strategy officer at the consulting firm rest muson global good to have you with us again on the newsgroup a lot so unpack with you but first of you heard there you heard the end stoltenberg talking about the relevance of nato so when you look at the recent developments we see in turkey and the u.s. for example to nato allies they've had vast differences recently how is that playing out in munich if at all. well it's playing a very much in the back row but not to understate i think both the u.s. and turkey i know very tough spot when it comes to syria they have clearly clashing strategies on one hand you have the u.s.
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supporting kurdish fighters using kurdish fighters to basically prosecute the war on terrorism in syria and on the other hand you have turkey who wants to avoid having a new code system at its border so you definitely have a clash of strategies the question is whether the diplomats will be able to find a way out of that another issue that is looming large in munich is the war between the russian backed separatists as you know and kiev's forces in eastern ukraine it's an issue that your company in fact has worked on could this platform in munich be an opportunity to find a way forward. i think it munich is always an opportunity to engage with the russians as you know we have released a report laying out the concrete terms of what the peacekeeping mission into a dumbass would look like but realistically speaking i don't think we see any major move from mosco until the russian elections in march after that i think the
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question will be whether he's willing to basically let the pressure go on the eastern ukraine and be willing to find a way out and. the way out is very clear it's a peacekeeping mission that we allow to protect the population in eastern ukraine and the allow everybody to do their part as returning to minsk agreements what sense are you getting in munich on european countries and where they stand on their concern over the u.s. administration under the trump distinct thing itself from the political order that europe created decades ago are they still concerned. well i think in europe people increasingly see washington made off to an ministrations you have the president on one side and you have its principals and the administration on the other and when it comes to the principles and in the district secretary mattis it's very clear that the u.s.
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is with europe recently they have announced even an increase in the money that the u.s. is going to spend for deterrence in europe so these are figures that is the source of confidence however there is always the unpredictability that it's linked to the u.s. president who might not see this way and who might you know at the click of a tweet or a statement might undermine the work that he's on the new station is doing ok we will leave it there we thank you very much fabrice puts for speaking to us from the munich security conference thank you. now imagine a sports stadium filled with a hundred thousand people so that's a lot of people a huge venue in fact well that's the image research or writing for current biology journal they want us to have it in mind when we consider borneo. so that figure of
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one hundred thousand is the number of haranguing towns which have disappeared from the southeast asian island in just the past sixteen years that's at least if not more of the population so they say the loss was greatest in areas deforested for palm oil and plantations but it's not just the loss of habitat in fact so killing is at least as big a problem as deforestation that's according to the researchers the large numbers are being hunted for their meat and others are being killed when they stray onto plantations themselves to that that the fact that around the towns are slow breeders and with only about seventy to one hundred thousand left researchers say that borneo zurita towns are in big trouble so let's hear from one of the authors off that research maria void is a researcher at the max planck institute for evolutionary anthropology cheez joining us via skype from germany itself face for speaking to us on the new this
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grid can you just tell us how you came up with this figure of one hundred thousand pounds lost just in the last sixteen years. hi so what we did is researchers they cannot then that's because right now tanks and cell much more difficult to count and then we use the number of nests in different locations where they live and paired with other factors such as climbin maps and maps of their preferred forests and maps of human trads and we can put the two together to make an estimate for areas where we haven't been able to look and so basically we have this map for the whole island and that's how we get the number because you know we can compare the first year and i do ninety nine with two thousand and fifteen at least as big
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a problem as deforestation to what extent is that contributed to their decline devised ation has contributed at least around ten percent to the decline but we could see that hunting and killing contributed around seventy percent of the clan probably and what is it that needs to be done to protect the well if the it defies ation and killing is a problem then we need to stop the frustration but more importantly we also need to stop the killing just to be to awareness raising through supporting communities. when the rates the garden for example but it's also stricter law enforcement. of certain i believe as well in your research that there are some around your town populations that are stable and not in the border so there could be a positive element to the story. i mean the numbers are
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pretty big it's a huge decline and we also project and i decline to the future if things don't change but we see stable populations and we see that actually right tang's can also . follow us where there is some disturbance so if we don't kill them they would be maintained the forests then we sure could even so he bounced back if they're not killed ok we'll leave it there we thank you maria voight for speaking to us and. now the year of the dog has started and central to the chinese new year festivities as the ancient practice of funk surely where that a billion chinese hope it'll help them be prosperous in the year ahead but despite its popularity the so-called science is increasingly being questioned in modern china sarah clarke reports from hong kong. for a practice with a history dating back more than three thousand years to reach out is not what you'd expect is
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a traditional master of french way the daughter of one of hong kong's most respected craftsman is giving a disciplined a modern make over trying to make such a transitional practice into something that modern people can understand their clients include fashion retailers interior designers and architects by rearranging a spice she hopes to create harmony and a new energy by stone ancient chinese culture that translates to good health and prosperity to such a being. you know i saw a cut in a while for wellness and i think i think skiver that it's actually something that is very natural it's us about the relationship between the environment and the people think twice central to chinese new year celebrations the streets are full of decorations for the year of the dog but behind closed doors the people of hong kong are using fink shortly to clear their homes of in fortune in preparation for the year ahead is going to be more stability more harmony more friendship because i
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think it's been a lot of fear the last couple of years it might be an anxious chinese tradition but it's also become a lucrative career big names and big businesses are joining the ranks by using things white to reenergize and redesign buildings and in hong kong it's china the city's landscape. thanks to a masters are often consulted before construction begins in hong kong despite its widespread adoption some academics say the evidence is unproven and question why it's increasingly being promoted as science we see it all over the world in the west we see horoscopes we see fortune tellers we see sacred greed or so there's a certain percentage of the population that will always be duped by these pseudo scientific terry activities science or not masters of the tried say the business of french why it. growing james a kuna applies at a time and in his work and his satisfied with the results our lives are formulated
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by space the spaces that we live in the spaces where we're where we work where we play if we don't take care of our space if we if we keep it stagnant if things don't change in the internal space how are we supposed to grow as people. it's that type of testimonial that's behind the modern revival of this ancient craft soon al-jazeera hong kong the lunar new year is a time for many in south korea to pay respects to their ancestors but for those families separated since the korean war it can be a painful time it's also the name has more from pods to near the demilitarized zone . many people here don't know if their loved ones in the north are dead or alive yet they come to pray and offer food and wine to family members during this lunar new year holiday with the mountains of north korea on the horizon the ritual at engine got resort offers them
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a physical proximity to their homes and the solace of comfort from others they share the pain dulled over the decades but not forgotten. not many of us are alive now and soon we will all be gone all wishes to have few will visit their homes the second and third generation will forget about their grandparents stories we should all know about or over one hundred thirty one thousand people are registered in a south korean database for separated families more than half are now dead of those still living more than half are eighty or older. that explains why as each year passes attendance at these ceremonies is waning but this was the first time in one and. made the track they grew up in the same neighborhood in north korea and fled as children during the war john one never saw his parents and never saw her
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grandparents again he misses his parents so much at times like this crying in front of the camera to try to find his family never had a wish it's the last time families from the north and south were able to reunite was in two thousand and fifteen there's hope that the recent spirit of reconciliation by north korea will end the wait but people say until there is freedom to move between the two koreas a reunion brings only a temporary joy to a permanent party natasha al-jazeera to south korea. well china's spring festival gala variety show is arguably the biggest so in the world there is a controversy over one scene in the so though andrew isn't there it's a big talk of social media right now every year this one show gets as many as eight hundred million viewers now most of china is off work out of school for this holiday and so it's
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a tradition for many families to sit around and watch some of this show now at one point the c.c.t.v. new year's gala transported its viewers to a village in kenya apparently where mandarin speaking african actors played the role of locals celebrating the opening of a railway line between nairobi and mombasa built by the chinese now aside from the dance troupes and wildlife many chinese viewers and people around the world considered tone deaf for a number of reasons for the way that it portrayed the continent and china's relationship to it now there are a couple of really cringe worthy moments in this skit that people are really talking about where they make jokes about skin color and one of the african actors plays a monkey so many viewers found it to be racist that says the show's shook her and made her feel ashamed she also told her followers that as a majority in china chinese people have the power to demean and oppress african people on national television well this user also found it racist especially
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because there was a chinese woman in blackface with a fake backside. well. now she's a well known actress loon i mean playing the character who says she can't possibly be upset because she loves chinese people and she loves china now there's been a big backlash one way below the dominant chinese social media platform with many commentators calling it things like awkward embarrassing disgusting and terrible to watch while many people on twitter and reddit are using a different word racism to discuss the skit now chinese censors appear to be deleting comments on wave which characterize it as racist so many people now are wondering how such a skit could have been approved by censors in the first place and why discussing it is being inhibited so let us know what you think you can tweet us your views using the hash tag newsgroup or message me directly i'm at and or chapell. thank you well joe will join us in a moment it's what people are talking about at the winter olympics including wife
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winnie the pooh has become the symbol of a japanese sigur skating superstar. let's
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find out what people are talking about in sports today with joe thank you so much well ford has found a deep connection to the shooting at a florida high school that killed seventeen people and that's not just in the form of tributes though there have been plenty of those there was a minute of silence before any child going so we knew an island but a candlelight vigil in poland where the shooting took place was also attended by
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chicago cubs first baseman anthony was i i want to stillman douglas i grew up installment douglas i played on those fields i went to those classes i studied in those classrooms the same school we saw in videos yesterday for all the wrong reasons look i'm a baseball player but i'm also an american i'm a floridian and i'm a parkland or for life and i don't have all the answers i know that something has to change. before this is visited on another community and another community and another community there's been plenty of reaction on social media the school's football team has tweeted sports network in s.p.n. nominating coach aaron fines for the author rush courage award for his shield and students from that gunman and ultimately lost his life for us ice skater adam rippin says he got off to if competing at the olympics was the most important day
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in his life the answer is no every day is important and shouldn't be taken for granted these shootings have to stop sending love to those families hurting today utah jazz player donovan mitchell turned out against the phoenix suns with pray for parkland and end gun violence written on his shoes but there's been plenty of anger too from the sports community seattle seahawks doug baldwin responded to donald trump's tweets that no child should ever feel unsafe in an american school saying yeah but the fact is that they aren't safe just more rhetoric and no action wake up while the golden state's worry is head coach stephen curry says it's time to change the government. i don't think find enough people with courage to actually. help our citizens remain safe and focus not on the real safety issues not building some stupid wall for billions of dollars that has nothing to do with our safety but
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actually protecting us from what truly is dangerous which is. it's once semi-automatic weapons rounds just slaughtering. our children it's disgusting now to a person that has everyone talking in japan at least user can you he's a superstar in figure skating and the defending olympic gold medalist use their reset and limb pick record in the first leg of the men's competition in pyongyang on friday he can secure gold on saturday with a strong performance in the free skates and there's no doubt saying he's a big deal in japan a lot of the top global strands earlier today were in japanese using his name and hash tag figure skating and you can see how the country let's hop right over there and it also shows many of the concentrations on the global tweets too well there is a strange fan phenomenon with siri and it involves throwing winnie the pooh toys
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dozens right down on the ice out as before once on friday it started in two thousand and ten when he carried a tissue box featuring the a mil book character and it's just kind of stuck well winnie the paper isn't just raining down on the ice he is also raining on twitter this is one of the top tweets with more than eight and a half thousand retreats in japanese it reflects on the excitement peut must of been failing is here or hanzi cannot officially carry a toy as it breaches and pick sponsorship rolls and that's only on the ice there. the weenie. came came reasoning in here so maybe. he was here as chairing me. but for all his grace on the ice user is just not that good at walking now this was his full in sochi four years ago and on friday he also fell down the stairs to his press conference. day i will have to
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practice that i'll be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now. so thank you for that and that'll do it for this newsgroup if you can keep in touch with us on social media just use the hash tag a news read and all the other ways so good acts are right there we will see you back here in studio fourteen fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. on saturday see you then thanks for watching. a new level of luxury has arrived. an experience that will transform the way you
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transform. our impeccable service remains but none comes breaking. revolutionary business clients. for the sake of sweetness to. the conducting business sharing this mission to. win the thing still in the search window that. saddam was. trying so much. sanctuary in the sky. reducing. list to use. as own it was going places together. this is really an attack on itself is a lot of this understanding of what free speech is supposed to be about the context it's hugely important setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera on counting the cost we'll
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talk to i.m.f. chief christine lagarde about how the economic model is changing here in the middle east can ireland break regs it find out how the emerald isle is caught in the middle of a big round between the u.k. and the e.u. the year of the dog in china counting the cost at this time. the middle east is at the brink. it's time to bring it back the mirror of qatar calls for collective action in the middle east on security and says the boy called of his country is a futile exercise.


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