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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm +03

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to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change building communities creating employment and solving problems their challenging systems and shaping you want it's about creative thinkers shaping their continent's future innovate africa at this time on al-jazeera. this is al jazeera and live from studio fourteen headquarters and. welcome to the new script there is an unlikely alliance forming in the northwest of syria pro-government militia appear to have agreed to support the kurdish. against
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turkey in the region of the kurds a backed by the united states which is called syria's government and regime. changes the battlefield. in syria's war. freedom in sudan dozens of people arrested during last month's protests of a high food prices and topic missions have been unexpectedly released. more are on the way and as a former aides it's the presidential campaign about to give. a big there are reports. testifying against former campaign chair. and i'm leon harding male circumcision a prime early just practice is pushing to become the first country to make it illegal for following the conversation and we want to hear from you for the hash tag.
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you can use green. dot com and if you thoughts to seven years of war in syria that you want to sort of who was allied with whom then hold that thought because it just changed quite dramatically we've been reporting on our friend for weeks now the kurdish region in the north which has been under attack from turkish forces as well. it's been announced by syrian state t.v. no less that the kurdish why p.g. force will now be supported by pro syrian government militia in that battle a development which could directly pit syrian and turkish forces against each other and graham has warned damascus against supporting the wifely jean remember that is a group already backed by the united states which you could argue and it complicates the situation for them just want to show you quickly here this is live us a user awareness map which a lot of our maps it out is there a dot com a based on this just gives you the broad idea all those red areas are
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controlled by the syrian government or any of its allies to the north you have the yellow areas the kurdish areas and the green pockets north and south are syrian opposition so if you go in a little bit tighter you start to see how it breaks and this is the last remaining contentious area that say or region of syria and it's up in this yellow region here as zoom in one more slide right there in the middle bad as affray in where we are looking at this current conflict right in the middle of that kurdish held territory so off we go to assemble it is today and some of binge of it is following developments from there first of all tell us about this deal asama. but come all this is one of the most unlikely deals that have come about in seven years of the syrian conflict where forces which were battling each other are going to be supporting each other is the kurdish y.p.
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ji which turkey considers a terrorist organization which has been asking for help from anyone possible including their us allies to try and get to help them to fight against the turkish government but the only help that they have been able to get is been from either rebels who are also on the border region with turkey and now the syrian government and it's not going to be the syrian government actually forces it's going to be militias who are going to be coming in to help them and this deal has been on the cards since the very onset of operation olive branch this is what turkey called when it went inside syria to attack a free and ridden off site is off the y.p.u. project which it sees as a terrorist group according to sources on the ground there were a number of factors which were preventing this deal from happen including the syrian government asking the white b.g. fighters to lay down their weapons to give up all of their military positions and allow the syrian government to take hold all of these details have not been made
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clear what has been understood is that they are going to be getting help and this help is going to come in terms of at least one contingent of this has already arrived which is from the city of aleppo if you remember we discussed on this program two years ago the situation in aleppo where their fight is off the syrian rebels were saying that these goodish fighters are allied to the syrian government and nobody would believe them but now it appears to be those same fighters who were in this particular neighborhood in aleppo coming to fight alongside kurdish rebels on the syrian border with turkey and they're going to be helped with other militias and other pro-government paramilitary forces who are going to come in and help them fight the turks and tell us more about turkish reaction to this one you can imagine president erdogan is not happy. well as these developments happening have been happening on the ground there have been a flurry of developments here in turkey there is
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a cabinet meeting that is taking place there has been a phone conversation between the turkish and the russian presidents where they reiterated their desire to cooperate and coordinate in fighting what they call terrorism and also the situation that is very quickly developing in africa and as well as turkish observation posts that is developing in the lip region also the syrian government said that the syrian government announced that it will be sending its forces and it's vital to our friend we heard a very stern warning from the turkish foreign minister who said that they actually have no problems with this with the syrian government protecting its own territory but what they do have a problem with is that territory being used by of what it sees as terrorists you know certainly. if the regime is in train the cleans p.y.t. and there are no problems however if i come into to the white sheet in nothing and
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nobody can stop us supplies to efren as well as members into the east of the euphrates river. and that is going to be the face of this of further complicating situation on the back on the battlefront in syria you've got the americans involved you've got the russians involved you've got the turks involved you've got the iranians involved and now you've got an alliance of all of these forces coming together and pitting them against turkish forces and the turkish forces saying that they are standing by on the ground watching developments and they are ready for any response if it comes to protecting their own to create an infiltration by terrorists ok osama bin laden assemble thank you just seeing on the news wires here the president has been on the phone to that amir persian as well in russia of course an ally of the syrians and warned again the syrians will face consequences if they reach
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a deal with as he says kurdish militants that is coming through turkish. television the president on the line to vladimir putin in russia now before we move on and speak to our next guest want to show you another quick map to help understand the sort of weapon web of rivalries enough specifically here's a map as we go in the red areas. the kurdish y p g including those areas around after in that sort of green the blue area the fighters supported by turkey's it's much smaller area there in advancing though on a free and under what the call operation olive branch president assad's government controls all those areas to the south the ones in gray the syrian the wipe the syrian government weapons we have mostly avoided direct conflict we have to say that they have different views to syria's future assad of course pushing for control of the whole country the kurds want their autonomous region in the north. we've got some real ramoni with us now ph d. candidate university of oxford a specialist on russia middle east relations joining us via skype and we thank you
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for your time in your opinion how much does this change the map in syria i know it's been a long conflict a seven year conflict it's drawn in more and more players over those seven years but this does seem to be quite a fundamental sort of shift this is a fundamental shift but it's also important to realize that syrian government gypsum i.p.p. militias have actually been in conflict with each other since the early stage of the war so the fact that they're now partnering together is a bit of a change but it's not like it is drastic a change from forces being opened up plates now being partners regarding the u.s. you know on the turkey syria border i think it is a bit of a game changer because turkey has counted on its offensive to be very rapid and scrap as and b.'s they prepared let's create take over a friend and then push for the subjugation of the the kurds and the removal of the federal state and now that the syrian government is backing my b.g. with material support this will complicate turkey's ability to do that that can also cause a bit of a regular ization being russia is just i mean he has courage and allies but yes
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that and he has reversed our turkey which is a very difficult situation so i think that there's a lot of diplomatic ramifications that could come from a small plus what comes to mind is president himself he is not a man who backs down under pretty much any situation and it's hard to see him doing anything other than digging in his heels here and indeed fighting back even more. exactly i would expect an escalation of turkey's military offensive the next round if turkey's previous i can't be is against british forces or anything to go by like jean when they launched aggressive assault against uruguay turkey is used entered a lot of users now it's around the nationalism mccalmont strengthen its own bobby lera things apart but lagering periods of economic weakness are periods of insolently so as long as the continue i think that turkey is going to ask lead member consult with a very clear ever sat is willing to work with turkey and if in the o.e. it will work with the syrians but the sad resists it will use government will do force to wait that syrian positions in the north and secure and friend and create
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a buffer zone that is the united states a factor in here as well and made the point earlier that the kurdish forces have been backed by the united states and yes this is a factor here because this really plays the u.s. trick you relax into a president strength turkey is sometimes trying to justify us kind of backing the abs ain't there but i mean you can't win out there and it will likely are mean that your idea against turkey and that really creates a director i think the u.s. will probably continue to do that and you turkey for launching an aggressor offensive need to push turkey to push to get to a drop as well in the u.s. strategy will be to continue small scale low intensity arms that the idea makes turkey to end its aggression accept a federal settlement in syria samuel ramani pleasure talking to you on what is quite a complicated situation we thank you for your time thank you so much is going to be on and this is not the only flashpoint in syria right now they have been government strikes on rebel held eastern as well now the syrian observatory for human rights
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as at least seventy one people died and more than three hundred were injured and airstrikes in the area near damascus on some following that story from neighboring beirut. rockets missiles and air strikes activists fear the renewed bombardment on the besieged opposition area of eastern huta could be the beginning of a large scale military operation. it seems russian broke at the gauche ations to bring about a gravel surrender they have so far failed and in a week of relative calm yet again civilians were the victims since the end of december a stepped up military campaign killed more than four hundred people at least one hundred of them were children the fear now is that the numbers will only rise if a wide scale attack begins. the syrian government and its allies are sending military reinforcements to the edges of the rebel enclave just outside the capital damascus pro-government media are promising victory and what they say will be
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a decisive battle it will be the first time they will try to storm. past ground offensives where we by rebels and people are defiant. we have man who. they won't be able to capture one inch of his land. this is what we have been steadfast for seven years they tried many times and he was all kinds of weapons but they weren't able to take anything out. the syrian government and its allies haven't taken ground but over the years they have continuously bombarded residential neighborhoods this area and government and its allies have been recapturing one opposition pocket after another. has been their target for some time now but more often than not the government captures territory after securing local ceasefire deals that involve opposition fighters and their families evacuated and sent to other rebel controlled areas mainly to the problems
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of of the in the northwest. so far the people and rebels of eastern who are refusing to surrender but the reality on the ground is becoming harsher about four hundred thousand people are trapped there the violence is only increasing to them to move. in with a child's cry from underneath the rubble he is alive to the volunteers say it's not usually the case. now here is what russia's foreign minister had to say about his country's stance on the rebel held area of. the experience we have carried out in the city of aleppo which is to reach an agreement with the fighters and evacuate them from the city can be implemented in eastern any military operation which must
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take into consideration the consequences that can be reflected in the humanitarian situation we count and taking all necessary precautions and measures. on syria this place dates back to the start of the year but it's important to remember the need for a political solution in syria. zero dot com is put this together explores how syria might find an end to the war which doesn't involve more destruction somehow are you will find this by searching for a syria political solution it is in the beaches section. now let's move on to actually let's tell about how to get in touch with us show here comes your contact details on screen now the hash tag is a.j. news grid i have had a couple of comments and so far on syria someone on facebook saying syria's war is getting more complicated by the day certainly as i think we've seen that today dave on facebook dot com that is facebook dot com slash al-jazeera the live stream turkey should just leave syria lost that area and world war one it should just get
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out now plus nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine now what's up and telegram number you can check in with the telegram channel and leave your comments there as well the hash tag a.j. news good ok now we're going to move on to our next story to the investigation into russia's possible meddling in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election and another of president don't transform a campaign aides plans to currently changes please the los angeles times is reporting that richard gates who pleaded not guilty to charges of toba is actually expected to change his plea here is patty culhane in washington d.c. with the latest on this one patty how credible is this report to be thing. i think it's probably pretty credible no unlikely anything's going to happen today it's a federal holiday president's day uniquely in the united states so probably no court action today but we sort of saw the signs that this could be coming down the pike a couple of weeks ago that has some of his high powered lawyers said that they were
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quitting this case the reason why was under seal of course that led everyone to speculate that he of course had flipped it was going to make a deal so los angeles times a very reputable paper so they're saying in the next couple of days he's going to make a plea they're saying that he could serve as much as eighteen months in prison so that's still a sizable sentence but if you look at exactly who rick gates is and why this matters he was the key aide to paul man a ford who was the chairman of the trump campaign for a brief period of time paul man a ford very close to the president rick gates stayed after beneforti left with the campaign through the inauguration so he would have had information about the trim campaign it does seem as if the miller investigation is gaining steam we've seen the president's national security adviser plead guilty another foreign policy advisor george papadopoulos and now we believe are gates is going to be the third all of this is usually done because people are giving information in order to get the bigger fish and it does definitely feel as if it's gaining steam especially
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with the indictments on friday of thirteen russian nationals and three russian companies where a pretty detailed indictment laid out why the miller team thinks that russia's. scuse me the russians interfered in the u.s. election bottom line patio thing for of you is how close is this actually getting to the president himself because donald trump a spent most of the past forty eight hours tweeting and saying there was no collusion this is his line there was no collusion there's no collusion sort of saying the idea of the russians could have been involved but not with me and not with my campaign directly. it does seem as if the pressure is getting to the president just if you look at his tweets i mean think about this seventeen people died in a florida high school and the president criticized the f.b.i. his very own agency because they missed a call that somebody had called into a tip line and he said it was because they were so focused on the russian vest a geisha now of course facts matter that is nonsense the f.b.i. has tens of thousands of agents that would have been involved in the florida office
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which would have nothing to do with the mole or probe and that is incensed a lot of people but it does seem as if the president is going out of his way to say no collusion no collusion and he seized on something that rod rosenstein said during the announcement of the russian indictment he says this does this indictment doesn't say anything about americans knowingly cooperating with the russians he said this indictment he didn't say for the entire case there's been no collusion so another important point if gates flips that puts a lot of pressure on paul metaphor to do the same this indictment against him is pretty detailed pretty damning a legal fight would be millions of dollars so that would give metaphor incentive to flip and don't forget man afore it was in that key meeting between don junior the president's son and a russian lawyer so he knows whether or not junior is telling the truth and it seems that mother would likely like to hear his side of the story. of the talking to us on twitter if you want to connect with and for an in-depth discussion on the
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rush or investigation inside stories got you covered the most recent addition was about this very topic with the simple question what happens next as you see pete adultery in the seat for that one and you'll find inside story as ever in the show's menu at al-jazeera dot com ok we are going off the grid early on the grid today to iceland the lia. that you like this one yeah well it's about male circumcision in iceland the question is it good or bad it's a tough question but iceland is pushing to make it illegal saying it falls under the umbrella of child abuse for many it's a controversial practice but it's still widely practiced today now about one in three men or thirty percent of men around the world are circumcised it's done for religious social medical and cultural reasons it's most common though among jews and muslims now if iceland decides that circumcision is illegal it will be the
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first european country to do so the bill that is currently before parliament and if it's passed states that anyone who practices circumcision could get up to six years in jail the only exception is if the procedure has to be done for health reasons the bill says circumcision of young boys violates the u.n. convention on the rights of children but also equates the practice to female genital mutilation or female circumcision jews and muslims and other nordic countries say the move is an attack on religious freedom a traditional practice in their religions and this is widely debated online we've been talking to many of you about it with various hashtags around this service story here's what some of you had to stay with this religion as many of you some think it's time to take a step forward into momentum ways of practicing and i mean simple.
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parents freedom of religion must not override intolerance human rights. if it's a question of hurting infants over religion or not how i think my and serious column simply just don't do it countries of a right indeed the g.g. to protect the children that live there even if that means restricting regulating or unning practices held for religious or cultural reasons i guess that question with iceland's plans to be also a concession is given that this is a hugely important identity marker in judaism and islam and whether this is really proportionate as this miss will be seen as an all out assault on no judaism and islam and indeed will make it more or less impossible for practicing jews and muslims and it to live in iceland we want to know what you think should iceland move forward with this and make male circumcision illegal do you think other countries should or should not follow suit i have several call outs on my twitter
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page at leo harding a.j. you've got quite a few video submissions and so far you can send me some as well you can also use or hash tag a genius cred thank you just something else i found here in the al jazeera online archive this goes back to november twenty third teen actually but it does cover the health argument to circumcision because back then as you say rwanda was attempting to norm's surgically circumcised seven hundred thousand men to stop the spread of h.i.v. infection just gives you a bit more background to the story can read this for yourself that zero dot com with your light about something absolutely completely different something called keep me jeepneys are kind of like a national symbol in the philippines jeeps turned public transport staples but they are on the verge of a major transformation and drivers fear it will actually be putting their jobs at risk jamila onondaga has approached our report now from manila. when i
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think of the philippines they often have the mind it is an offshoot of the american military jeeps that were left behind after world war two since then filipinos have made it their own. their unique colorful and have long been called the king of philippine roads. for decades they've also been the solution to the country's lack of public transport jeepneys are affordable and available but have also been blamed for the city's chaotic traffic but. the philippine government wants more control it says it is time to improve the gene industry it wants jeepney operators to start registering as corporations instead of running corporate tips independent. basically or what their station project. it can be the changing of. it entails the improvement of the institutions including their operating
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conditions. it also wants to phase out jeepneys their fifteen years or older government officials want you models they say they are safer and edgy efficient and environmentally friendly. it is unfair the assistance they offer is not even enough there is no other job in the world it can only be found here and it must be preserved. cheaply owners groups oppose the plan to saying the model that the government is demanding is double the price and g.p. operators and workers cannot afford it the majority of g.p. drivers belong to the poorest sector of society they say forcing owners to upgrade without enough government assistance could mean an end to the g.p. industry all together. they said would. both that. and what did he do in the end. he thought them i don't care about you you can all
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die in hungary. there are nearly three hundred thousand jeepneys all across the country and many of been flying this cheese for decades but majority of commuters for jeepneys like this one. colorful and fast. the government says the plan to improve the g.p. is just part of a broader project to overhaul the chance court system. these are often seen as a conic moving pieces that reflect a filipino in. a tremendous here to become a symbol of the government's neglect. this is the newsgroup on al-jazeera if you're watching us on facebook live for a start here about terry not about the fights in mexico city barbershop is facing up to three generations in business and then later on a well known u.s. department store trying to be inclusive but caused a bit of
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a stir we're going to tell you why new clothing line at macy's has upset some people. hello there we've got plenty of cloud swirling around in the middle east at the moment here it is on the satellite picture buckling back around through parts of iraq and moving across into iran now the wettest weather out of that system as we had to choose day is going to be in the east so there's likely to be substantial parts of afghanistan probably rain forest in kabul and also some wet weather fatah as well i'm not safe and now in the dryer weather but that will change and as we head into wednesday we'll see that weather system work its way across us is likely to be turning to snow as it does say we want to once the west still staying quite unsettled for some of us a good deal of cloud around and a few outbreaks of showery rain as well some of that clown still with us over parts of saudi arabia particularly in the northwestern parts on tuesday here in doha not
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a great deal of cloud a little bit dusty and certainly very windy and those winds will stay strong as we head through chews day at least with a strong wind it won't be too hot on maximum temperature around twenty six degrees the winds gradually ease off for us as we head through wednesday and that's as more cloud rolls its way across us and this just the outside chance that this could give us a shower i mean further towards the south and here's where most of the wet weather is stretching down into the eastern parts of south africa also across mozambique we see it's a very heavy rain here there's plenty more still to come. i am doing this on the benefit of saddam people. so bad they see the importance of the our guys.
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who witness documentaries that open your eyes. at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. every your.
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headline from al jazeera dot com and a look at what's trending as well the latest on the situation and offering which we did for you at the top of the. broadcast on a story we actually talked about last night candidate opposing the north korean asylum seekers that still featuring high you're looking for something new something interesting something different it's what's trending at al-jazeera dot com.
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foreign minister has told al-jazeera his country will release all political prisoners detained last month declaration a day after president omar al bashir ordered the release of more than eighty of such opposition activists the group includes prominent opposition leaders arrested after the anti-government protests over the rising cost of living as the story. the move to release dozens of political prisoners from jails in the sudanese capital of khartoum came as a surprise the most were arrested last month after protests about soaring prices on tough economic conditions and violent turn our morale is that we will work hard to get rid of the reasons that have led to demonstrations and detention we will be in contact with all parties concerned we will keep and maintain the human rights and we will put an end to political polarization in the country for the sake of our nation. the families of those released from prison were delighted but
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concerned for the ones still detained and we are happy we need all the prisoners to be released we need our country to live in peace we need nothing but peace and security the freed prisoners included leaders of the opposition who are calling for all political factions to unite in order to find a solution to saddam's problems and they are demanding that release of all prisoners of opinion. and we need a full and comprehensive dialogue and such a dialogue is the only way to take our country away from this crisis the tension and prisons will never sort out our issues it is now the time to resort to the best methods to find peaceful solutions to the problems in our country the presidential decree to release that business came after the appointment of a new security chief and it followed calls from representatives of several foreign embassies the wrists were made during a wave of protests in several cities against the rise in bread prices and other economic difficulties facing the sudanese people many now hope the government and
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opposition parties can get together for talks aimed at resolving the country's persistent crises. are disease. or foreign minister abraham from the order says the government is open to having talks with the opposition about their concerns. decisions that were taken called discerning the lifting of subsidies or said to call what it is though very difficult on the unity of the sudanese people but it was meant in order to defy the problem see the economy we hope that within the coming few years the economy will be back and we hope that the sudanese people will be super patient due to the last few years we continue to support those for years though very difficult on everybody we can feel it we seed oil our families or no or a neighbor's son everybody the decision to rectify the economy was part of the national of their local and i think it is possible also to have
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a discussion between opposition and government on how to go photoed the economy that is possible the door is open and it's always open so his half is mohammed mount director of justice africa sudan an advocacy group campaigning for human rights and social justice across africa he's in how turn for us thank you for your time so it seems like this is a pretty good win for the opposition though they have just spent much of the last month in jail are you happy with what you're seeing are you treating it with maybe a little bit of caution. i think that the release of politically deniz is a welcome step but i think we still have as a prominent political politician still in detention what we want the government to do is to release all the political prisoners and also i think we have to end the practice of detaining people because they have different views from you and i think that is not the way i think to address the chronicle problem cases
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a country where we need these we need to address the underlying problems or which is the sudan is facing the world we talk about that austerity measures taken by the government and the so-called economic reforms i think that is is just a manifestation of the political problem which is a continuum is facing what we need is again we political engagement and of the political vision we see the sudanese state is facing and then we can move to address our problems but we cannot just address the problem by just sitting seventeen million us and rules which is actually make life more difficult for any for most of the sudanese and make it really him but i would assume we what we need is we need a comprehensive we form i do agree with people talking about dialogue but we need a deal of which all the sudanese people agree on the terms of that not one party be
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getting the teams and the outcomes you know what happen in the last thirty years what so called the national dialogue is actually not a serious dialogue it's more to do it's more like a monologue than a developed because it's ended with no solution to the comical problem for it as a country and that is what we need to address tell me what things are like now in sudan because obviously it was big headlines when the protests were happening the price of food the cost of living i'm guessing things haven't improved. yeah i think you know if you look at even the government the government own you know statistics the rate of inflation is actually over fifty percent and that without any increase in the income disposable income. of families and that make life really bearable and i think and big crisis and the impact of the last year a lot of last month's budget is actually biting people and the impact is going to
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actually materialize in the coming few days and weeks and we will see people life will be even more harder for. millions of the sudanese people and i don't think that is the way which you know we can we can continue i think if you want to end this and i think we have to engage seriously in in reforming you know the political scenario and then the comics i think that is what we need to do but i think just. policies we're not going to review of and address these problems i think the government have to realize that yes we need to be a lot but we need to do in one we need to agree on the kims of that the outlook and then we engage in it and then we move the country for more democracy more inclusion more in the provision which is now we are facing half is mohamed pleasure talking to you about the situation in sudan at the moment thank you for that. also adam from the star school of law in london reckon sedan it's a meaningful change and he's written about for al-jazeera dot com actually he
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thinks this political crisis is the worst since the coup which brought armorel bashir to power and that was back in one nine hundred eighty nine you can read his thoughts in full of al-jazeera dot com it's in the opinion section just a few days ago should be pretty easy to find. here the live wall just got some pictures coming in from florida here if we pop that box out there said late some of the funerals beginning before the victims of the parkland school shooting seventeen people of course die and that there are protests in washington d.c. today this president's day and security you see high there the police a couple of police cars and a number of officers there outside what will be one of the funerals for those seventeen people all right let's check in with laurin tyler in london now for some other international news hi laurin. thanks so much tomorrow an internal report released by oxfam has revealed three of its workers threatened witnesses during an investigation into sexual misconduct in haiti a charity released
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a report after being criticized for a lack of transparency over allegations its director in haiti used prostitutes during an aid mission the report says and how a myron admitted the behavior that he previously denied the claims are u.k. correspondent finally phillips is outside the haitian embassy in london with this update. the report has been presented to the haitian embassy here in london and to the haitian government with apologies from all for what it says are its mistakes it's a revealing insight into a pretty dysfunctional operation of oxfam's in haiti in the immediate aftermath of the terrible twenty ten earthquake bullying intimidation downloading of pornography it says it can't rule out the possibility of sex with under age girls it says that oxfam needs to deal with problem staff in a better way to ensure that they don't go on to work elsewhere in the aid sector
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a case in point the country director in oxfam the man at the center of allegations he went on to work for another aid organization in bangladesh of course this is a crisis that goes beyond oxfam itself remember that britain one of the very few countries which actually meets the un recommendations of spending point seven percent of gross national income on aid many people particularly on the right in british politics arguing that that is too much money and when aid organizations are seen to behave in such a morally reprehensible way well the case for spending that much money of course is that much weaker and on tuesday the heads of oxfam save the children and the government's own department for international development summoned to the british parliament for urgent questioning. iranian rescue teams are searching for the wreckage of a passenger plane that disappeared in the zagros mountains the facing mountainous terrain in temperatures of minus sixteen degrees celsius several helicopters have
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been forced to return to base due to the conditions the assman airlines aircraft went down in for the weather on sunday killing all sixty five people on board iran's president hassan rouhani has ordered an investigation into the accident at least twenty seven shia fighters have been killed in iraq when i saw fighters ambushed their convoy the bodies of the victims arrived in baghdad on monday i still fight as we disguised in iraqi army uniforms and pretended to manage a fake checkpoint when the attack happened on the outskirts of her region last week the governor of nearby kirkuk warned eisel still poses a security threat in the area. at least seventeen people have been killed after a garbage dump collapsed in mozambique rescue workers in the capital in the believe more bodies could be buried the fifteen meter tall pile of garbage collapsed in the early hours of the morning in heavy rains burying seven houses in one of the poorest regions of the city the body of morgan tsvangirai is due to be flown to his
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home in rural zimbabwe ahead of his burial on tuesday thousands of mourners took to the streets of harare to pay tribute to the opposition leader a sixty five year old died on wednesday after a long battle with cancer. form the move for democratic change. and stuart critic of aston president robert mugabe has more. people say they want to celebrate that ice life and say he was a great man opposition but one way they say they want to preserve his legacy is to try and make sure that elections this year off three a credible woman tiger eyes what it means really to hear his rural home be buried on shoes they didn't know much of the focus of. the pots or what is going to happen next some pot to them but i'm happy that judy's has been appointed acting president by the national council based there a special congress should be held so people could go to their wives as they ended up so lots of things up in the air right now with the maid opposition to the many
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concerns that man the say is that the leadership get their act together that if they caught unite the party could split which could weaken them when elections take place so for london for now for now to come on and oh lovely thank you for that lauren now we're going to talk about macy's which your my own my own our own major u.s. department store and hija. looking at this one for us yeah it seems like it's something which is probably done in the right spirits but it's so many things happen these days that spot so well that's the magic of online right everyone can weigh in and give their opinions but like most same macy's the major department store in the u.s. it has decided to sell clothes specifically marketed towards muslim women and it's causing quite a bit of controversy now macy's is the first major u.s. department store to sell his abs or head coverings the collection called verona is the brainchild of lisa vogel she's a fashion photographer who converted to islam and says she came to the idea after
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she struggled to find modest clothing fashionable and trendy so the company says that the brand stands for women's empowerment and it takes pride in helping you take pride in your muslim identity now before macy's commissioned her line vogels company had taken part in the store's minority and women owned business develop. program the new at his job friendly clothing line got some people talking on twitter on one hand you have people like sarah here who support macy's move to be inclusive she says she loves her macy's verona collection his job and added that quote i used to purchase them before macy's labeled the scarf as interesting now other people using it are using the hash tag boycott macy's the accuse the retailer of promoting what they say is a symbol of oppression for women this user here tweeted saying that you're the first major u.s. department store to sell the his job the old symbol of oppression of women what's next she says another user tweeted don't accept the slow normalization of the his
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job in america ever it's not our culture and it never will be so a lot of mixed reactions there now macy's though it's not the first store to launch islamic branded collections other global fashion brands tapped into the growing islamic clothing market before now back in two thousand and fourteen dk and why known for some other jeans they launched its ramadan collection of long flowing dresses nike the athletic brand also created its own version of the head scarf designed for women plain sports and dolce and gabbana also have a collection as well now we'd like to know what you think about this about macy's decision do you think that religion and commercialization should go hand in hand or not you can tweet me directly at leo harding agency or user hash tag a genius great thank you they get to get in talk to some fool this is something plenty of you will have views on in fact here are the contact details just run through them in detail the hash tag of course is a genius grid as the it says it's going to appear at any second now or comes. just
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that the hash tag is a.j. news great if you're using twitter not a problem at a.j. english is where we pop up a tweet just before the start of the show you can reply to that thread with the hash tag on facebook dot com slash al-jazeera the live stream runs between fifteen hundred sixteen hundred hours g.m.t. for you to watch and comment as you go and this number plus nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine the send us a message on whatsapp or subscribe to our channel telegram if you use that messaging app and you can keep in touch with the latest news from the grid right there still ahead andy will be along with all your sports news finding out what african football leaders have been saying to the global head of the sport the free for both nation them first stone a quick look at some world weather. just
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before we move on had a comment from a viewer. just before the break. i'm not muslim but i would. think it's very chic it's not oppression of women it's offering people choices
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because not everyone wants to follow the so-called mainstream fashion that was on whatsapp thank you for getting in touch with the hashtag now moving on the british film and television the bathroom wards in london usually big. event but this year something of a blackout movie wore black to the ceremony as a statement of support for the time's up and me to movements against sexual harassment and abuse. three. thank you the story of a bereaved mother seeking justice for the rape and murder of her teenage daughter emerged the big winner at the bafta is on sunday night. i do anything to catch your daughter's killer three billboards outside one in five categories including outstanding british film and best actress for star frances mcdormand thank when i was a young actor in drama school i was told that i was not naturally gifted and
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i would have to work at it and so. i did. i gary oldman one best actor for his portrayal of winston churchill in the war film darkest hour. so grateful for his incredible. and the shape of water which led the pack with twelve nominations one in three categories including best director for adult toro. but politics was also center stage at these awards as the film industry reels from an avalanche of sexual harassment allegations which began last year those attending the bafta as were all black to show solidarity for the times up movement in addition to that on sunday more than two hundred british actors there's an entertainer just signed a letter calling for the end of sexual harassment and abuse against women in the workplace not just in hollywood in the media but across all industries we need to close and that's enough oh it's just i think that their slogan is absolutely
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right time is up that's over. this actress joanna lumley host of the ceremony the first woman to do so since two thousand and one but despite the time's up movement and the groundswell of support for gender equality in an industry heavily favoring men critics say women are still failing to make the mark at this year's bafta we can't help but look at the nominations in the categories this year through the lens of this campaign through the lens of this movement so obviously it becomes immediately apparent that you don't have any female directors despite gretta go wig . making the film. this kind of illustrates how you can you would have these amazing films directed by women providing these incredible performances and characters which then enabled the the the actors to be nominated in those catch categories but the people making the whole thing happen the overarching creative
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director as it were is complete. ignored when it's female power to the people something supporters of time's up hope will change as more voices join the movement on a global stage happenstance al-jazeera london. is then digital but what you got for us today we're going have a quick look at what. fee for president john in francine i was up to the moment when he was voted in as president of football's world governing body he said he had a vision of bringing football banks of faith and faith back to football a sort of nice phrase but what exactly does it mean while one aspect of in fanciness reforms over the last couple of years has been to hold a series of mini summit surround the world to try and give all football associations a voice the latest stop on his global saw is nigeria in france he now has just left a similar gathering in mauritania and his own roots one another one in tanzania. well in frontin organize the first faith the summit in azerbaijan in twenty sixteen
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that was surely after he was elected elected to succeed sepp blatter is the top administrator in world football each site brings together president sand secretary generals from around twenty eight member associations the series is set to run until march this year with the last gathering coming up in peru major decisions though they're still taken at the annual fee for congress with all countries in attendance the next one is in moscow just ahead of this year's world cup that gathering will decide who will host the finals in twenty twenty six just to let you know you can follow in fanciness progress through africa on social media gone and for writing diary al smith was with in found scene and mauritania on sunday also here is a key ally he says african football presidents are met that soon will have a closed door session major aside here will be about the morocco twenty twenty six
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world cup bid remember they're competing with a bid from north america which involves mexico the united states and canada now one of the key issues being raised by african football journalist on the trip has been the fight against corruption in member associations journalist must there will be like getting this quote from in fancy now in the last twenty four hours we're monitoring all our national associations to ensure that all our funds are used appropriately these things never happened in the past and are happening now i've said this already and will say it again compliance is crucial for of course the next huge amounts of cash to member associations in africa for football developments and kenya's france's gates are putting some of the challenges into context free for some to take place in tanzania that's coming up in the next couple of days on the same date as the hearing of the former presidents of tanzania and football he's been in jail. for the last six months on money laundering charges
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we'll be keeping up to date with that story as it develops over the next couple of days again that may well of course in fanciness attention took place in brazil it featured no less the nine red cards the state champion game here between the toria exploding in saliva just after halftime is a brawl involving both things that resulted in a long delay and seven players being sent off the referee eventually ended proceedings a little later on when victoria had their fifth player red carded fixture does have a history a fan violence and ironically this game is being billed as the pay stub. remember of course you can get in touch with us hash tag a.j. news grid or you can tweet me directly and they are underscore sports that we more from a in the eighteen hundred g.m.t. news hour but for now let's get back to come out of it thank you for that and the fun for you we return to syria but something entirely different it is a reminder that life somehow does have to go on in
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a war zone and that the everyday troubles which we might face just get magnified like finding love not easy at the best of times and even more difficult now for single women in syria lopez odium has the story. ollie's wedding shop has plenty of dresses but not enough brides syria's war has led to less romance and fewer potential grooms. his. men are leaving the country there's immigration and the military aspect which is taking away a lot of them as a result the women ratio has increased single women are still looking to get married but the war is changing the dating scene a growing number of women are in their thirty's before they get married if they do at all there's probably a picture of. platinum it's become perfectly normal to see women over thirty who are not yet married and at the same time the age of marriage has considerably decreased in some remote rural areas especially where there were refugee camps and
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displaced people since two thousand and eleven more than four hundred fifty thousand syrians have been killed in the conflict injuries have reached one million more than six million are displaced omar stayed in syria but says finding a steady job and income is almost impossible which makes people think twice about marriage and starting a family they want to give you well. yeah i mean under those conditions it's a crime to have a child if you have a child you have to give them medicine education and security right now you don't know when you might have to take off and take the child with you and some of my friends have had to give birth and hotels are yearning for love has led to many couples meeting online for a. couple so couples communicate and getting gauged over skype or on the internet now i see the brides coming into my shop alone to buy a wedding dress or organize a party before they travel to where the groom lives romance and weddings may be
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taking a backseat in syria but ali says he's not too worried the search for love even in war this timeless. al-jazeera it could remind of a series more than just war politics isn't it for the news good we will see you right back here. fourteen about if there are fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. to marc. klaas you can. start.
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we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the way around. sentiments where you call home algis in a little bring in the news and current of families that matter to you. al-jazeera. monitored truck quantified i'm valued data being a new car fold up on your data your identity is a commodity and we have to understand where i'm from but it come from outside. it is time to reclaim our cyber so we have to put in them a something that can all be sold we are creators we are activists we are geeks give us back our data at this time on a does either. just in the heart of the amazon the libyan family has put their
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lives in peril to harvest brazil nuts. which can sing the congo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge the. risky new tool to believe. at this time on al jazeera. turkey threatens to fight pro-government forces in syria if they support kurdish fighters in a free.


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