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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2018 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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a survivor of the genocide there are people who. are suffering the heart has dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. finally laying the past to rest and giving peace to the victims' families if i could just find if i could bury him hunter at this time on al-jazeera. angela merkel's political rivals confirm they'll go back into coalition with her giving the german chancellor a full. with al-jazeera live from doha also coming up as many watch another european country
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fairing elections that will deliver populist and euro skeptic against. syrian government forces edge further into battered. trucks loaded with can't get in but you go i thought it would be just for communicating with our family or never anticipated that he would have so many followers what started as a daily message to his grandchildren turned this man into an internet sensation. it's a result which ends months of political uncertainty in europe's economic power and gives a fourth term to its longtime leader the german chancellor angela merkel center left rivals a social democrats have finally announced that their members of overwhelmingly voted to approve a new grand. relation with her conservatives now this is the third such coalition
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since two thousand and five but the social democrats they were also known as the s.p.d. were deeply divided about it that's because they've been punished at successive elections by voters who fear that they are becoming too much like mrs merkel's christian democrats this new grand coalition also effectively means that the anti immigration the far right party the f.t. become germany's main opposition force well there are three days acting leader urged members to put their divisions behind them to make. the s.p.d. members follow the suggestion of the party leadership with a big majority we now have clarity the s.p.d. will join the next government the social democratic party did not make this decision lightly it spent the last weeks in in-depth transparent and open discussions over the coalition deal they were important and gripping debates set a great many members of the s.p.d.
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took part in we grew closer together during these discussions of this will now give us the strength we need to move ourselves forward as a party in government and to put our country on the right path for chancellor merkel hailed the vote saying co-operation between the two main parties will be for the good of germany dominic kane reports from berlin. the s.p.d. members who voted by an overwhelming majority two thirds to one third effectively to give their party and crucially anger's americal the keys to the chancery for the next three and a half years of this parliamentary term the key question had been what level of opposition would there be amongst the growing can fall the grass roots of the social democrats to the idea of yet more coalition with angela merkel because there are many in this party who think that going into coalition with them is not serving their interests things point to the electoral defeats the party has suffered in recent years as reasons not to go for coalition but the voters have spoken the members have spoken and we know that there is going to be this crime coalition and
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the ministers well we'll find out in the course of time which ministers will take which jobs in that cabinet with angela merkel but for now at least this party has decided to put the interests of the country above the interests of the party and that is why they have voted by two thirds to one third in favor of another grand coalition all right so things are sort of pretty much in germany so now the rest of europe are looking at fellow e.u. member italy many fear that parliamentary elections there could deliver gains for populists and right wing parties let's look at the big players the democratic party of the p.d. led by the former prime minister met here in c. is probably europe and it's pro immigration but it's failed to engage younger voters luigi my o.e. is the prime ministerial pick for the five star movement that's an anti establishment anti corruption party which is set for a strong showing then there's the lega party led by i met teo salvini it's you're
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a skeptic and anti immigration and former prime minister silvio berlusconi he's back with the center right forza italia party he can't hold public office himself because of a criminal conviction but he could hold significant sway on a future coalition government if his party does well let's go live to lawrence a our correspondent who's there in rome many people observing these elections aren't will be quite amazed that silvio berlusconi's back and seemingly in a in a strong position. yes and you know there seems to be a sizable proportion of italian public opinion is perfectly prepared to forgive him you know for the for the tax evasion and the sex parties and all the rest of it and it was very interesting watching him in this news conference in the middle of this week where he turned up sitting in between the very very far right wing particle the brothers of italy the lead party both of which all of the poor hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants and
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a much smaller group and he was running this news conference not just as if he was one of the people in charge of the parties but almost like a panelist as well he was holding their own with his own hands and when they get their speeches he would often interrupt them and go into conversation with them and he just seems to have this is it inexhaustible supply of self-confidence that he's the godfather of italian politics and it could easily be that he will get to choose the next prime minister if that bloc is close enough to a stable coalition he has already said that his choice of prime minister is a leading european politician in strasbourg very pro european very middle of the road not a threat to anybody and so in that sense berlusconi joining with these far right groups might look like a bit of a miraj but he's extraordinary how he's made his comeback and as italians vote today what are the issues uppermost in their mind immigration is becoming an issue an issue across the whole of europe hasn't it but also of course the economy.
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yeah i mean the italian economy is still in a hole but but but the bigger issue that i think has grabbed people to a large degree is to do with identity politics particularly for the for the for the far right one of those groups i mentioned the berlusconi is in coalition with potentially a core brothers of italy the leader of that party spent much of last week in budapest in hungary with viktor orban the hungary and prime minister who's viciously n.c. immigration and these and these groups generally when you talk about putting hundreds of thousands of people back in boats sending them to libya one guy even told about building aqueducts in libya you know i mean you might as well talk about the dire they would be the queen the carthage and you know they were the roman empire it's that level of idiocy because it's completely unachievable but even though he's a laugh at it there are a lot of italians who deeply deeply resent the european union not sharing what they describe as a burden the quota system having failed leaving its lead to look after this problem by themselves and that is a very very powerful sentiment particularly when the economy is in
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a mess all right lawrence we live in rome thank you very much. now the syrian government says it sees more territory in the rebel held district of eastern after another night of airstrikes and shelling almost six hundred forty people are reported to have been killed in the besieged enclave over the past two weeks the u.n. says collective punishment of civilians is simply unacceptable the u.k. based syrian observatory for human rights reports government forces have now retaken ten percent of rebel territory and most of that is farmland is difficult to defend government forces want to capture this road which goes from duma to the small village of near that would cut rebel supply lines from duma and split the opposition held pocket in half then the harder has more now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. pro-government forces advancing into eastern keeping up the
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pressure on the rebels according to the syrian observatory for human rights ten percent of the enclave the one hundred ten square kilometer enclave now in the hands of the government we're getting reports from the ground in the katyn that the people who are living close to those frontlines are moving to other towns further in inside this enclave so pro-government forces continuing their advance the ground offensive began approximately a week ago but really the past two days the past forty eight hours there have been significant significant advances on the ground now the bombing as well is continuing airstrikes is continuing this spite the daily five hour pause in the fighting undoubtedly the bombardment has lessened but civilians continue to die and the rebels retaliated by targeting the syrian capital damascus since the beginning
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really of this bombing campaign people are growing increasingly desperate there is a lack of food a lack of medicine the united nations was hoping to be able to deliver an aid convoy in eastern on sunday now the u.n. the international organization saying that the aid convoy will not be able to reach the people in need they did say a few days ago that they were indications that they would get permission from the syrian government to enter eastern huta and it seems that is not going to happen so more pressure on the people pressure from the pro-government alliance for them to surrender the investigation into russian interference in the election of donald trump has reportedly been widened to include the united arab emirates the new all time says an advisor to the u.a.e. as crown prince is being questioned special counsel robert miller wants to know. who's a regular visitor to the white house attempted to buy political influence the u.s. president contradicted years of policy when he. initially backed the u.s.
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. blockade against cata. fighters linked to al qaida and base in mali say they were responsible for the attacks and became f.s.a. well friday as nicholas had crippled sixteen people were killed including eight gunmen at the french embassy and headquarters in the capital. when a taxi packed with explosives drove past was fetching water raman was sorting out his stall and quander was clearing his shop none of them noticed the attackers nor did members of rick enough us the armed forces who let the taxi of the attackers enter their headquarters and the subsequent explosion sent them and the country into panic at the same time another attack was underway targeting the french embassy and its cultural center french special forces were deployed after hours of fighting all the attackers were shot dead. and was leamy has claimed responsibility for the attack they say it's in retaliation for the bombing by french forces that
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killed one of the group's leaders in february. sorry sitting in this video on the right was killed in that attack them brooklyn afonso is home to a french military base and has increasingly been targeted by fighters in the south of the market people are returning to work with mixed feelings there's no serpent in there i'm not scared i'm not going to let the attacker put me in a state of fear and these are some it feels uneasy because the reality is brooke you know fastow is in the middle of a security crisis government officials visit the army headquarters the intensity of the explosion shattered the windows of neighboring buildings every flew hundreds of meters into the air bullet holes pockmark the building. this is about to be one of the safest and most secure place in this country and yet it's inside this building that most people lost their lives on the prime minister is talking to the troops outside police have cordoned off this area and there are hundreds of people
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standing there in shock and they have one question how could this attack take place in such secured and safe areas visiting the scene the prime minister described what he called outlook elliptic scenes inside but he tried to reassure the public. that we have to stay united against this war that is being imposed on us i am convinced we will win we weren't allowed in the hospital where the injured mostly soldiers are being treated their friends and relatives are worried if they will survive there is a sense of despair that bricky to foster has become another front line to an expanding conflict affecting millions of people across the sahara nicholas hawk al jazeera. one of the check is next and then. under siege another fear people in syria. have adapted to growing unease in mushroom.
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china's leaders defend their push to scrap term limits which could see president cheney stay in power indefinitely. hello there we've been seeing some very heavy snow in the northern parts of china recently these pictures affirm that he long john province showing the widespread snow that we've been saying it's been coming down fic and fast causing a few problems there some of the roads have been forced to close and we've also seen the cancellation of a number of flights as well so problems there in the northeast thanks to the amount of snow that we see the actual system responsible it's moving away towards the east still dragging its feet behind it though we're seeing some heavy rain out of this at the moment that will continue its journey eastwards as we head through the day on monday so for many of us in japan it's looking fairly wet most of us will be
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seeing rain from this system seventeen degree read the maximum there in tokyo just on it's more of a day age we're likely to see more in the way of snow as that system hits that cold air say a fair amount of snow just in the north there for the moving parts of honshu that clears through there as we head into tuesday chews day does look a lot drier brighter for many of us here but there's always the south and we can see a few bits and pieces of rain on our chart here over the southern parts of china stretches up through shanghai but things change force in shanghai as we head into chews day this time the winds are coming down from the north so the temperatures will drop a no higher than around ten degrees during the day on tuesday the rain staying to the west. forced to be displeased by their governments in nineteen twenty three. it was very bad greek and turkish villages returning to their own essential really to.
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and reconnect with the past long for. people who shouldn't be forced to flee the length of the border which are. the great population exchange at this time on al-jazeera. take a look at the top stories here at al-jazeera months of political uncertainty in germany have ended after the social democratic party voted to join a grand alliance coalition government led by chancellor merkel. italians are voting in parliamentary elections that are expected to result in
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a hung parliament many fear and establishment and right wing parties will gain ground. the syrian government reportedly seized ten percent of rebel territory. after another night of air strikes and shelling almost six hundred forty three of the been killed in the past two weeks. many syrians said to find new ways to survive. close to the border between syria and turkey these are mushrooms non-native species to eastern to an area just a few kilometers from syria's capital damascus when the siege tightened in two thousand and thirteen food supplies were exhausted quickly one of the answers for growing protein needs was mushrooms after testing they weren't poisonous biologists grew spores in the labs they taught people how to up cycle dam bed of kitchen waste
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and from green so everyone with a small dark room could become a farmer. by last year charity workers say they were producing close to two tons of mushrooms every day i want to hazard you need the right environment and tools after we succeeded in production it became an independent project to provide the spores for good it was difficult for people to go from the staple red rice and meat to mushrooms but when a kilo of salt costs thirty three dollars a kilo of flour costs six dollars and a kilo rice is that eleven dollars a kilo hungry people don't have much choice another problem with fuel because it hasn't had electricity for nearly five years they really used all glass to make solar panels as sources of heat and to generate electricity those with a little advance scientific knowledge built a bio gas plant which became a continuous cost effective source for clean energy water is an agricultural region east of damascus so people also grew some food but at the risk of ongoing
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airstrikes and shelling from the syrian government side however these were small projects which couldn't get it to the needs of almost four hundred thousand residents of east good for most of the supplies came through a lucrative war trade via tunnels and government checkpoints this war economy and extortion like tax pushed prices multiple times to what they are on the other side of damascus. we have seen misses his home in the good after escaping the siege he runs a charity which helped to fund training and set up new projects he feels abandoned by the un and others who he says should be doing more than just advocacy they are calling there are begging they are wishing but they don't do any serious things to to to what have been in this area. which is maybe the worst the worst season in the last one hundred eighty of. since the nine hundred february onslaught many of the projects have been destroyed in the relentless bombardment
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people say it's been a tough life under siege but they will not give up their lands to what they see is an army of iranian militias and russian soldiers and if given the chance they want to rebuild what's been destroyed with or without any outside help some of a job a delta zero are the on top of the turkey syria border china's leaders are defending their plans to scrap term limits on the presidency which could allow. indefinitely the move is overshadowing this year's gathering of parliament which. according to the constitution of the chinese communist party there's no such provision as to nor more than two successive terms for the general secretary and the chairman of the central military commission of the party. there's no such course of no more the two terms for the chairman of the central military commission for the country and the constitution of china so if we post the similar clause in
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the constitution for the terms of the presidency it's can juicer to upholding the authority of the central committee of the party with comrade xi jinping at the core and also to unify leadership also will help strengthen and improve the country's governance more now from our china correspondent adrian brown. in the ceremonial heart of beijing china's political season is about to start but it will be different this year delegates to the national people's congress are being asked to do something they've never had to before approve a change to the constitution that restricts presidents to two terms dissenting voices are rare in today's china yet in the run up to this n.p.c. there's been token criticism over the proposed amendment. most of the modern countries in the world adopt this two term presidency that's why people find it unbelievable that if she is going to stay in power more than two terms president
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she is likely to get his way the n.p.c. is viewed as a largely rubber stamp body controlled by the ruling communist party and has never voted down a proposal from party leaders. the change will further consolidate she's power as he's also party chief and head of the military and in october his name was in shrines in the constitution elevating him to the status of chairman mao like president xi jinping wants to make his country great again and he often talks about the rejuvenation of the chinese nation he now believes he's the only leader that can make that happen there are no opinion polls in china so it's not possible to gauge what the public thinks about all of this a few people in beijing though were willing to share their views and surprisingly they weren't all positive. when they were out of miami or janice. this has happened
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in china or other countries before if you change the constitution itis that it's back to the old days when i living back when. he should be president for more than two terms even he serves seeks i would support him. china today is a one party state dominated now by one man adrian brown al-jazeera beijing south korea has announced plans for a special envoy to go to north korea on monday the invitation was this year by the sister of north korea's leader when she attended the winter olympics mcbride has more from seoul. the delegation is being led by two ministry level intelligence officials one of them an expert in u.s. korean relations the other an expert in into korean relations so it seems this delegation has a jewel purpose first of all of exploring the possibility of dialogue between pyongyang and washington but also looking at what is the next step in into korean
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relations with the anticipated visit perhaps by a south korean president a moon j.n. to north korea following on from the invitation there was extended by kim jong un sr attending the opening of the winter olympics the team will be in pyongyang for two days of talks will then return to seoul to brief officials here and then go straight on to washington to brief and their record officials the process does point up the differences in approach between south korea and the united states to north korea the u.s. position is still that north korea should commit itself to denuclearize ation before negotiations or dialogue starts increasingly it seems the south korean position is one of pragmatism that dialogue itself should be entered into and see
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where it goes there are concerns among more hawkish conservative elements here and also in the united states that north korea might be using this whole process of trying to get around the sanctions which many people believe are beginning to bite and trying to undermine the whole process of maximum pressure. saudi arabia's crown prince is usually landing in cairo later for a three day visit to meet the egyptian president abdul fattah el-sisi is mohamed bin salmond's first official foreign trip since becoming crown prince last year he'll then fly on to meet leaders in the u.s. and u.k. saudi arabia and egypt are among the countries in placing imposing a blockade on cata police in bahrain of arrested under sixteen members of what it's calling a terrorist network funded by the revolutionary guard of iran t.v. pictures are said to show weapons and explosives to be used in attacks on the security forces the sunni led government on the shia majority island regularly
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accuses iran of supporting armed groups which iran denies. that dating scandals don't just affect athletes dogs running in the world's most famous sled race have tested positive for a banned painkiller show that this has more on the controversy. the. sled dogs and their drivers are off on the idea they've got sixteen hundred kilometers ahead of them and came to distance themselves from dog door ping and dates. this is the world's most famous stocks would race and for the first time in its history dogs failed drug tests for animals belonging to last year's runner up della c.v. to sue positive for a bad painkiller tramadol c.v. who has won the race four times denied doping his dogs he wasn't on the start line and protest i'm one who believes we've got another forty three years before the
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next dopping scandal and this will be remembered as the year that. anomaly happened oh organizers have their own obstacles to navigate beyond or have lost a major sponsor and are under pressure from animal rights advocates following the death of five dogs last year there's always going to be and i did arrive. we have i consider this more of. a growing process than anything else this year's race starts in alaska's biggest city and courage and will take the southern route thanks to heavy snow passing through twenty three checkpoints including the races namesake i did her old to end in the remarks bering sea community of norm it's expected to take the winner nine days. sixty seven mushes will drive about one thousand dogs to the finish line going all night through all weather determined
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to leave this year's scandals behind them charlotte dallas al-jazeera a seventy five year old jive is living in brazil he started using instagram to keep in touch with his grandsons and stuff in a small family project but after less than three years he's now got more than three hundred thousand followers around the world. when. my name is lieutenant i draw pictures from my grandchildren and post them on instagram every day. so when we lived in brazil i used to drive my grand kids to and from school then move to south korea all of a sudden my grandkids were gone and so was my daily driving job i felt very lonely without much to do. when i visited my son who lives in new york i told him about this my son suggested i draw pictures for the grandkids and post them on something
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called instagram. i dabbled a bit in our school but trying was just a hobby. i had only use a mobile phone to make calls i was at a bit of a loss and put off by social media such as facebook and instagram. my son explained over and over again how to use it but because i'm old i kept forgetting it was a very difficult process for me but eventually i was able to draw a picture photograph it and posted on instagram. i draw a picture of my wife writes a story in korean to go along with him. my son translated into english. my daughter translates it into portuguese. because it's in three different languages a lot of people around the world can read. through this project my wife son
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daughter and i communicate every day has had a positive influence on our family bonding. than at first i only thought about what to draw for my grandkids but as i continued lots of people started leaving comments to. my youngest grandson is too young to understand but my two grand kids in middle school feel grateful for the pictures good people know their grandfather transfer them. all to go and i thought he would be just for communicating with in our family. i never anticipated that he would have so many followers. now under even more pressure to draw good pictures. take a look at the top stories here and our months of political uncertainty in germany have ended after members of the social democratic party voted to join
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a coalition government led by chancellor angela merkel this is merkel has hailed the vote saying cooperation between the two main parties will be for the good of germany it leaves the far right alternative for germany as the main opposition force italians are voting in parliamentary elections widely expected to produce no clear winner no single party appears on track to gain the required forty percent to form a government that populist and right wing parties are likely to make gains the syrian government has reportedly ten percent of rebel territory in. after another night of air strikes and shelling more than six hundred forty people have been killed in the last two weeks the u.n. says collective punishment to civilians is simply unacceptable a six day of russian led humanitarian pause is underway. investigation into russian interference in the election of donald trump has reportedly been widened to include
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the united arab emirates the new york times says an advisor to the u.a.e. crown prince is being questioned special counsel robert miller wants to know whether george notter who's a regular visitor to the white house attempted to buy political influence the u.s. president contradicted years of policy when he initially backed the u.s. and saudi led blockade against katter saudi arabia's crown prince is juicer landing kyra for a three day visit to meet the egyptian president up to foster l.c.c. is mohamed bin salmond's first official foreign trip since becoming crown prince last year and then fly on to meet leaders in the u.s. and the u.k. saudi arabia and egypt are among the countries that have imposed a blockade on cata since last june fighters linked to al qaeda say they were responsible for the attacks and became a fast so on friday sixteen people were killed including eight gunman at the french embassy and army headquarters in the capital ouagadougou right you're up to date
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those are the latest headlines coming up next it's inside story. two attacks in the heart of book enough it's all a how despite the regional minutes of. pain walking. this is the inside story.


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