tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 17, 2018 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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it's very difficult as a chef or restaurant or to buy shrimp with the confidence that what you're serving is going to be good seafood by nature is a high risk commodity sometimes using production drugs. that are not approved for use in the u.s. the f.d.a. simply isn't testing enough on be imported market to really find all of these violent. take note at this time on al-jazeera. this is al jazeera. watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes at least ten thousand civilians are reported to have left east and in
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syria just in the past few hours. moscow is to expel twenty three british diplomats in response to the russian embassy staff being sent packing from london over the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter. a great day for democracy says president trump after the firing of the f.b.i. his deputy director days before he was jus to retire anyway. and then. venus williams both surprise the fifth and end their wealth williams missing out on a place in the final off to a last four loss to daddy as it. is of civilians are fleeing. the opposite ends of syria today as two major battles intensify in eastern kuta near the capital damascus and. new wave of ten thousand
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people have left areas held by rebels in the past few hours they're headed to syrian army positions after they were to leave in a state t.v. broadcast yet that the lab make their usual but what. the command of the syrian army urges all civilians to leave the areas under control of the extremist organizations through the safe corydon's we affirm that we will continue to fulfill our national and constitutional duty to defend the nation until the return of security and stability throughout the country meanwhile in the northern city of a free and thousands are being evacuated from territory held by the kurdish why p.g. fighters as turkish forces and their syrian allies try to break into the city there have been reports of more air and artillery bombardments in both of those areas dozens of people have been killed in the latest strikes in the town of zamalka in eastern guta under simmons joins us live now from kill east on the turkey syria border the numbers are really stacking up it feels andrew hour by hour almost
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what's the latest on the figures. well the latest on the figures is an unclear war on certainly large numbers are on the move these are population shifts effectively about what we're just hearing right now are unconfirmed reports of attacks air attacks on civilians who were gathering to actually join the queues to cross into syrian regime held areas now the syrian observatory for human rights that's the u.k. based monitoring group say at least thirty civilians have been killed certainly there are many deaths of through air strikes on saturday following up from friday where there were large numbers killed particularly in. one of the towns where people are fleeing now the pattern usual pattern to these types of operations is
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that a warning which you just saw on screen there from the syrian government is televised live in their local talks involving elders taking place and then there are air it's attacks that actually immediately make people run towards areas where they can actually escape now this is the methodology on the ground it would seem and we're hearing that inhabit those video pictures you see are from russian t.v. on the defense ministry website from moscow showing the full on images of people with very few position possessions crossing into a future they're entirely unsure of but what choice do they have they are fleeing for their lives at a very slow sullen pace indeed peter what assurances are they getting and when it comes to their safety when they decide to leave they've then got a very difficult journey anyway. well you got to remember that the united
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nations isn't in any way involved in any of this this is the syrian regime coupled with the russians and it's a similar situation to the evacuations from aleppo city and this really we have through the un ambassador from syria that people will civilians will be handled with care there he has asserted that there are a number of centers set up evacuation centers they are in the countryside area outside east and people will then be checked over having medical aid if necessary that that sold out of course there will be other aspects to the so called processing of civilians it would be naive to think that they wouldn't be questions some of them in terms of their associations with or not with fighters from the opposition so this is a really critical situation what you have to say though is that over the
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overwhelming factor of this relentless barrel as they've been facing for the past month what choice do they have what choice do they have in terms of where to go what to do very little indeed they're simply trying to stay alive you're also following events in a free for us andrew as well is there any alarm being expressed as to the civilian casualties there. this certainly is the united nations rights group has warned that it is deeply alarmed a direct quote there about the number of civilian reported deaths now we had on friday forty three civilians reported killed by the again the syrian of the zealotry of human rights now sixteen of those deaths were reported to be in an attack on the main hospital in efren city center now that's
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has been firmly denied by the turkish military who are accused of using strikes in this attack they have actually showed on twitter in english which is unusual event the military have shown video of the hospital taken it says and there is a time stamp according to the nine forty three saturday morning of the hospital completely intact they're saying this is fake news that the hospital was under attack however there is no doubt that the civilian death toll appears to be rising and that there are people trying more and more people leaving the city now the united nations is saying it's concerned about reports of human shields being put in place by the y.p. g. the kurdish group and the turkish military is insisting that it is not attacking the city center however there are further reports of artillery shells
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landing in the city center and indeed those persistent reports unconfirmed reports of asterix involving civilian deaths so a murky situation no one is entirely clear what exactly is going on but we're hearing the free syrian army which is in the front of all of this operation has made more advances and has taken a prison on the outskirts of the city from the y. p.g. and has also gained control. well of at least three villages we'll leave it there andrew thanks very much. who the rebels in yemen say they would be prepared to hold talks with saudi arabia to end the three year conflict there there have been reports they've been meeting in secret but both sides have denied that the war has led to the world's worst humanitarian crisis with more than twenty two million people in need of food medicine and other aid supplies and they're going to. there was no direct meeting between us and saudi arabia in the scott but when there was
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a chance for honorable peace there is no problem in having a direct dialogue between us and the saudi government that we're in a war with saudi arabia and the u.a.e. and they're using all their military capabilities on yemen we need such dialogue between parties to stop the war. russia's foreign ministry is expelling twenty three british diplomats in response to similar action taken by the u.k. over the poisoning of a former spy service cripple and his daughter yulia were found unconscious on a park bench in the inner city of soulsby almost two weeks ago now meanwhile u.k. police say they've contacted several russian exiles of a safety concerns after the killing of a prominent businessman nicholai off was found dead in his home on monday local police say he died from a compression to the neck and a murder investigation has now been launched off was granted political asylum in twenty ten and the u.k. had blocked attempts by russia to have him extradited. chalons is standing by for us in the crimean city of sebastopol we're talking about the election with him neve
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barker is in london for us first let's take it to john the whole who's in the russian capital so precisely exactly tit for tat london says twenty three go moscow says twenty three get out. yes tit for tat in terms of the diplomatic expulsions peter and that had largely been expected this precedent for it it's happened before twenty three as you say declared persona non grata here they've got to leave within a week it's exactly what the british did but there is there are further steps also being taken here a symmetrix steps as the russians would call them in response to the direction that the reason may went in terms of further n.t.s.b. measures further anti money laundering and corruption measures applied to british russian nationals rather in britain the russians here say and this is a statement from the foreign ministry taking into account the disparity of the number of consular offices in the two countries they've decided to close the
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british consulate general in some petersburg now that of course affects not just britons of presence of diplomats in russia's second city but it also affects the ability of people with these to get visas to travel to britain that's going to become much more difficult more complicated due to the on result status of the british council in the russian federation it is to cease its activities this is an organization that saku operated here for many many years as it does in other countries it promotes britain's cultural interests abroad educational interests as well exchange programs that sort of thing it's long been suspected by the russian government as being a cover for other more nefarious activities as well and indeed in two thousand and seven in the wake of the litvinenko affair the british council had its operations curtailed as part of russia's retaliation then now it's to cease operations altogether and finally this line the british side has warned that if further actions of an unfriendly nature are taken against russia then the russian side
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reserves the right to take further retaliate three steps we can't talk about the election per se journey because today is officially a day of silence and we don't want to upset anyone in russia if they're watching us but what's the russians being told about all this. i think very little is being hidden from russians about all of this at least about the russian version of events and you know. russia certainly doesn't have the monopoly on taking crises the crises and using them for maximum domestic gain but it is pretty good at it so i think the television airwaves and the newspapers that come out even tomorrow morning. will contain a lot of noise about the ability and strength with which russia has been able to retaliate and stand up for itself in the face of what has repeatedly been described as unjustified provocations by the west russia has repeatedly denied any
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involvement in this cripple case in the u.k. and this is yet another case as there are so many over the years going back and now all of the west ganging up on russia and of course who is the only man suited and able to defend russia or against that pressure and that is vladimir putin so the day before russia's election this is no bad thing for him a tool jonah many thanks need barker joins us live from london pressure to the neck we're talking about this gentleman's to cough pressure to the neck to you and i that means somebody hang themselves or they were strangled so this is now a murder inquiry. it is indeed a murder inquiry piece that's what police announced on friday of course body was found on monday it's now being revealed that. he may have died as a result of compression to the neck the insinuation of course is that that is
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strangulation if murder is being talked about what the police are not making any connections with the poisoning of. a script all in solsbury the week before but they are focusing their attention on what this all means and the other possible any any links to any previous deaths of russians in x. are living here in the u.k. . it's very interesting when we talk about bush cough and his associates what kind of attention he may have been under when it comes to how russia viewed him here in the u.k. he been the focus of several attempts to have him extradited back to russia to face to face legal proceedings before he was given political asylum here in the u.k. in two thousand and ten he'd been jailed in the early two thousand and so on a series of financial charges but it remained a firm kremlin critic largely as
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a result of his close associations with another russian oligarch in exile boris berezovsky who had been in the u.k. for some years burroughs office he was found dead behind a locked door at his property in bark show west of london with a look at your around his neck that happened in two thousand and thirteen and good coffee his close friend always said that that was murder as opposed to suicide as had been initially thought at inquest into barry's office he's death came back with an open verdict and now as i said it looks as if joins bears off key as being one of a string of russians in exile that are now having their case. this is carefully reexamined by british police and by british intelligence and me briefly if you're a russian ex-pats and you've got that warning now from i guess what scotland yard maybe the foreign office you'd be thinking litvinenko two thousand and six polonium two ten you'll be thinking about the script solsbury fourteen days ago
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a nerve agent the identity of which yet to be confirmed so you'll be thinking actually i shouldn't open the door to any strangers yes absolutely and one would assume that it is paramount for the british authorities now to make sure that any russian citizen regardless of what their relationship with the kremlin may or may not have been like in the past any russian citizen who has been given asylum here the u.k. may have been given british citizenship needs to be protected needs to be looked after really flies in the face of what the british police and british intelligence services are capable of when of course people that the british authorities are protecting here on british soil are poisoned are strangled or whatever on british soil most certainly the focus now the pressure is really on the british authorities to make sure they can protect people that they have offered asylum to here in the u.k.
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ok an evil even there many thanks well as we've been hearing with the russian election just one day away the authorities in crimea have reportedly been told to produce an overwhelming vote for the president mr putin crimea became part of russia in twenty fourteen after the territory was annexed from ukraine let's take you live to were chalons who joins us now from sebastopol rory six more years potentially of mr putin what does that mean for russia and russians. well i mean for crimea it is an importance of validation i suppose of the decision they took back in two thousand and fourteen to reunify as they put it here anik sation is the way it's seen in much of the world reunify back with russia and for russians in other parts of the country crimea has an outsized importance it's important strategically because of its warm water port sea air its
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position on the black sea coast it's important emotionally for the the role it plays as a kind of symbol of resistance to the west and it's important also for these elections for the kremlin because it is viewed by vladimir putin as one of the key achievements of his last term in office and so we can find out a bit more about this now in a report that myself and my team here of put together. crimea with its dramatic coastline has long held a romantic place in russian hearts and since it was an extreme ukraine four years ago it's russian ones more. putin who says he took the decision to reclaim the peninsula held his last big campaign rally in the port of sevastopol on wednesday he thanked the crowd for voting in the two thousand and fourteen referendum which most countries never recognized and which so soured relations with the west. with your decision you showed the entire world the meaning of true
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democracy not the sham one he took part in the referendum and made a decision you voted for your future and the future of your children to hear. crimean za voting again on sunday the first time they've ever done so in a russian presidential election and the peninsula has been made a central symbol in the putin campaign by the way putin is reminding people that he is the gatherer of russian lands it's very hard for him to boast of any meaningful economic progress so defense security and national pride are his campaigning aces. in crimea in tar tar towns like historical back she's a right the mood is different. mainly oppose the annexation intend to boycott the election but they say they're being pressured to vote. there were threats at all levels that people could lose their jobs for example in our local school the
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director says think again of local people don't go to the elections they might fire me therefore i think some of the teachers will go to. the national spotlight is on crimea fresh from an appearance on russia's main t.v. channel we spoke to crime is deputy prime minister and he denied any dirty tricks of being used before but it ups the election is a completely free and democratic process therefore crimean people go to the polling stations and make the choice they want we think turnout will be quite high since what we saw the referendum because crimea and people don't see it is not legation it's a celebration for us. as the home of russia's black sea fleet crimea has always been strategically important for moscow this year and select a really important to. like a world let's assume the uprooting with all the autocratic tools he has that is disposal is going to win this election and win it comfortably what does that actually mean well of course barring any kind of revolution what it means is six
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more years of putinism and from what we know of putinism he responds to what he views as as russia's vulnerabilities with aggressive behavior so we're likely to see more flashpoints emerging with the west the kind that we're seeing right now and there is i don't think much of an attitude on either side for a full scale conflict but let's hope for all our sakes that that can be avoided he hasn't i guess his critics would say rory because he can't big up the economy i mean you got what nineteen twenty million people russians living officially in a state of poverty so what's his political calling card now. well yeah i mean he has had plenty of chances are over his rule that his reign if you want to call it has to diversify the economy to make it more equitable he hasn't really ever done that and i don't think there's much sign of him doing that
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in the future so what we're likely to see is a kind of continuation of this system where stay connected all the guards receive most of the spoils and russians ordinary russians continue to remain in relative poverty so to keep them you know on the side and secrete themselves popular at the top of the tree he basically needs to come up with more crime here like carrots to to boost national pride and also i think find hardest sticks in the in the form of sort of repression and civil law. crackdowns as well rorik many thanks. still to cover for you here on the news hour including these stories china's parliament confirmed xi jinping as president for a second term to allies will join him in office. and afghanistan's battle to save thousands of men and women struggling with drug addiction. rampant bill again
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mass killings. and in sports and to attract a new generation of cricketers. ok let's delve into a story we've covered on off here over the past couple of weeks the controversy over the former european commission president jose manuel barroso taking up a job as chairman of goldman sachs the bank has been reignited with calls for a new investigation by the e.u. his main watchdog but also was president of the european commission until twenty fourteen before becoming chairman of the banking giant two years ago he was cleared by an e.u. ethics inquiry to take the job but criticized for a quote lack of judgment in accepting the position he had promised not to lobby european commission members in his new role but he did meet a european commission vice president in a hotel last october
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a meeting both men said was private and not lobbying emily o'reilly is the independent european on but is meant for all e.u. institutions she joins us here in the news are out of dublin emily o'reilly he basically says this is a witch hunt it is a personal attack against him why in your opinion is it not that. well the reason why i made my recommendation in relation to this matter arose out of several complaints that i had got as as european on this one arising from mr barroso as decision to join goldman sachs i want to emphasise i'm not investigating mr barroso on investigating how the commission dealt with this in relation to how mr barroso is a recent allowed to lobby the commission. in the late into their conflict of interest routes so as you said mr brown also had been essentially cleared by the ethics committee but that was on the grounds that what he had said last year that
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he would not lobby the commission within the last few weeks the reports of the meeting that had taken place between mr barroso and the vice president were the vice president of the commission mr. whose role in campuses trade jobs competitiveness and therefore quite an important figure now even though mr barroso to do the commissioner said later that it was a person meeting it has in fact been registered by the commission and indeed by mr kite and after the meeting a meeting with a lobbyist with goldman sachs so what i've asked the commission to do is to review this in the light of these new reports and to make a decision in relation to what mr burleson can or cannot do in relation to lobbying his former colleagues ok we'll come on maybe a little bit later in the discussion and maybe nail down the difference between meeting with a low b.s. and lobbying the lobbyists he's also saying however you should take what you're doing further if only to completely clear his name it is this you should go through a completely legal assessment of how he does what he does and how he says what he
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says to people such as the vice president you're talking about talking about that meeting in a hotel someplace have you done that and if you haven't why have you chosen not to . well my job as as european arms when you have to remember i don't make legally binding decisions i make recommendations and the institutions can decide to accept them or not in the vast majority of cases they do so what i look to see is whether the commissions and any of the institutions have complied with the rules or the principles that are binding on them they have a code of conduct for commissioners of x. commissioners i've looked at that i've also looked at obviously that the treaty article is which oversees all of this and what i've asked the commission to do is to really assess mr. behavior views of that meeting he had with mr kuttner in the light of the code and also in relation in the light of the the article that controls the mandate activities of commissioners so i have to say that
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we had quite a do a great deal a significant about a correspondence with mr barroso while we were doing this we let him know what we were doing we showed in the recommendations in advance of the evening before we publish the recommendations he wrote to us and said that's essentially he was he was happy in terms of what we had recommended him to do so if that vice president mr carleton and had simply not written two words goldman sachs down in some sort of i assume hard copy handwritten an initially in the initial stages registry or registration document of what members of the commission do and where they do it if you haven't put in goldman sachs if you just put the meeting mr barroso this conversation would not be happening these questions these broader questions of how the commission does what it does would not be being asked. well we expect commissioners to act with discretion i mean mr chitin and met with mr barroso both of them subsequently characterized it as
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a personal meeting though in his first response to the. to the g.o.p. that had raised this and had reported on this he said clearly yes i had a meeting with goldman sachs that was subsequently registered as that and i mean you know mr also and indeed mr kite and said look he didn't he wasn't lobbying you know for the back but i mean nobody expects it to be done as crudely as mr mr cardoza meeting commissioner chitin and saying goldman sachs want this can you deliver the fact is that you know after a single phone call he was able to have personal and direct access with a very influential commissioner and both of them acknowledged that hop was discussed was trade defense and both of those are very important issues so it's just sort of insider knowledge these networks that is why people like mr perot so people who have held high positions within the institutions are so attractive for big corporations such as goldman sachs because they have that that access that can deliver information that that may be important for their business very briefly
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because we're running out of time on this one what do you want to hear from the commission when they come back to you in twelve weeks time what you want to hear from them because arguably the worst that can happen to mr bruce who is his pension plan takes a hit but he's still a big banker so he's got a fair chunk of change socked away someplace. well all i've asked the commission to do is to ask their ethics committee to review this and to actually make a direction to say what mr barroso can or cannot do in relation to lobbying the commission emily o'reilly in dublin thank you so much for your time we do appreciate it thank you. the u.s. attorney general has fired the f.b.i. his deputy director less than two days before he was eligible to retire under mackay but being a frequent targets of criticism from president trump who took to twitter to cheer the sacking saying and room a cable fired a great day for the hardworking men and women of the f.b.i. a great day for democracy sanctimonious james komi was his boss and made mccabe
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look like a quiet boy he knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the f.b.i. rose jordan has more on the controversial tenure of andrew mccabe andrew mccabe was an f.b.i. agent for twenty two years rising to deputy director and then acting director after his boss james komi was fired by the trump white house in twenty seventeen but just before he planned to retire on march eighteenth mccabe too was dismissed in a statement released late on friday night the attorney general jeff sessions said that according to an internal agency investigation quote mr mccabe had made in an authorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor including under oath a multiple occasions i have terminated the employment of andrew mccabe effective immediately. right after this mckay told the news media his firing was payback for
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doing his job investigating ties between russia and donald trump's two thousand and sixteen presidential campaign as well as overseeing the probe into hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state now president trump has accused mccabe of partisan bias mccabe's wife a democrat received campaign donations from one of hillary clinton's allies then mccabe added this quote the attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not to just slander me personally but to taint the f.b.i. law enforcement and intelligence professionals generally it is part of this administration's ongoing war on the f.b.i. and the efforts of the special counsel analysts say robert muller who is the special counsel will want to talk to mckay but now aides now will be testifying in front of mahler and he knows a lot now what happened. during the campaign and during the
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investigation mr mccain can talk about the fact that when president fired your rector call me that was i didn't see him you were going to call me we're actually going ahead with the investigation i'm not could be considered a structure of justice being fired means andrew mccabe might lose his retirement and health care benefits but mccabe might also have much more to gain by telling robert muller everything he knows about any russian links to the trump presidential campaign and that could mean the trumpet ministration might now have a much bigger problem on its hands rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington now in a few moments we'll have the very latest weather for you with staff in the pink of course but also still ahead here on the news one year before elections one jury and demanding action. president bihari to end poverty. protests for the visit of the
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myanmar to australia lawyers want to the prosecutor it would be running a crisis or she is away from home. and in the sports news tiger woods is troubled in his effort to wear the five year title from. the nice pink sky by the time. or is the sun sets in the city of angels. hello there if you're in darwin has been pretty wet and windy recently and that's because you've just been hit by a tropical cyclone it's called marcus and it certainly gave us some very strong winds causing those trees to be blown down the road so we saw quite a bit of damage thanks to this we saw one hundred twenty two kilometer per hour winds and we also saw a fair amount of rain around fifty six millimeters so not a massive amount of rain it definitely was the winds the cost of the most damage
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now is all thanks to our cycling but as you can see from the satellite picture it is quite a small fly claim they're just going to graze the north coast once more just come ashore and that will give us some more damaging winds but then it will more away towards the west now as it does so it's really going to intensify and at some point we're expecting it to be the equivalent of a category four hurricane that's a huge storm but fortunately by them we're expecting it to be well to the west of australia so for now and we've just got a lot of wet and windy for the stormy conditions for the northwest but nowhere near as bad as it could be and it's only going to graze the coast once more and then it will clear away so by monday we should have seen the worst of this storm so the only cycling we've got with this though we've also got another one that's also over madagascar at the moment this whirling mass here is expected to run its way south was that she had winds on this again but very heavy rain. the weather sponsored by cats are and always.
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i am doing this for the benefit of people. so they see me important. witness documentaries that open your eyes. at this time on al-jazeera. we here to jerusalem bureau cover israeli palestinian affairs we cover this story with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we don't dip in and out of this story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman it's also very important to give journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the united nations and global diplomacy for al-jazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks happened and what happens there matters.
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welcome back here with al-jazeera live from doha this is the news hour top stories russia's foreign ministry is expelling twenty three british diplomats in response to a similar action by the u.k. now it comes after the british ambassador to moscow was summoned for talks script and his daughter leah was fun poised in souls free in the west of england almost two weeks ago the people you place russia over the incident. about ten thousand civilians have left eastern kuta and the northern syrian city of three in the past few hours these are pictures from russia's defense ministry that appear to show the evacuations from east. thousands are leaving the rebel enclave as well as the
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region around three. the u.s. attorney general has fired the f.b.i.'s deputy director less than two days before he was eligible to retire and rim of cape cod being a frequent targets of criticism from president donald trump mr mccabe was involved in the investigation into possible russian interference in the twenty sixteen presidential election. the chinese president's close political ally wang has been voted in as vice president xi jinping himself has been confirmed for a second term in office with unanimous support scott hunter has more from beijing. for the first time in history the president of china took an oath of office president xi jinping raising his fist pledging loyalty to country and constitution as he begins his second five year term and that's a constitution that was changed last week during the national people's congress here in beijing. one of the biggest differences lifting term limits on the offices
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of presidents and vice presidents meaning this is almost certainly not the last time we will see she take the oath. also took his oath on saturday his first five year term as vice president. only one vote was cast against him out of the nearly three thousand carefully selected delegates known as a firefighter taking on tough tasks long front of the president's anti-corruption crackdown it punished more than one and a half million officials. the election of one was no surprise he's a close ally of season ping and term limits have been lifted on the vice president's role but what will be different is that his power and influence will elevate the position that's traditionally been ceremonial get things done so see life his loyalty and how he can follow he order
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to discipline chinese officials and he has been very successful in that and looking forward to see you would want to make sure that his power i will be stabilized for next decade or beyond that even before the curtains close on this year's national people's congress on tuesday wang will have his work cut out one of his responsibilities is to deal with u.s. trade friction something president trump has intensified over the past few days it's got harder al-jazeera beijing. nigeria has the biggest economy and population in africa but nearly half of its people live in abject poverty three years after democratically elected. president little has changed course now from the capital. the next election is not until february next year but nigerians are already debating it campaign messages inspire newspaper headlines and opinion columns at opposition headquarters the faces of potential rival candidates to president
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mohammed are on show their subtle east one confirmed challenger in september a sovereign state governor announced his decision to stand in two thousand and nineteen others including some within the ruling party are impatient to know if he will seek reelection that those who have a space ship whether once the presidential to make his position known is going to roam. free to record my mind there is going to iran then i will have to tell myself it is physically formidable challenger or i'll have to source. last week twenty state governors meeting within president biharis ruling party the all progressives congress or a.p.c. and lost him as a candidate for the two thousand and one thousand photos that move along with a decision to postpone internal party elections until after the presidential vote and getting some they fear and so wait for the president to secure his power base within the party and marginalize potential rivals its locals crucial and some of
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the party members of already going to court so you throw in the party into crisis already to retain power through the back. it's undemocratic and there will be close a casus nigerians say that when they elected president rouhani in twenty fifteen they look to him for the same old stuff to be done for the country in the one nine hundred eighty s. they expected him to end corruption in security and fix the economy and now many of them say he has failed to meet their expectations not his supporters of course who still see in him the savior of nigeria you look at the actual moment of dissidents fresh in their leadership will preside over one hundred in less than three years or three years. you have no choice than to indulge in for the contact for anybody to take and you will talk about other issues going to the not is that digital you
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can't dictate to him is this constitutional right for this administration i don't want to because the chip miniscule rich and into corruption. go but is fighting corruption absolutely no alleged corruption in their own government and that party i do not believe is to get it and if you look at the living conditions of nigerians today is wow was that what it was three years ago so on account of that is going to be difficult for nigerians to relive as a moment for them is really a first listen to me behind his government announced what it said was the end of boko haram fighters for many nigerians that's hard to believe the abduction of one hundred ten schoolgirls in the north east in february has challenge that claim and prompted questions about how much progress has been made against the armed groups mohammed fein and dizzier of nigeria. one construction workers have died in burundi after heavy rain triggered a landslide there they were part of a group building
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a channel to redirect floodwaters near the capital but when a hillside collapsed. drug production in afghanistan has been on the rise since the u.s. led invasion in two thousand and one last year one thousand tons of opium was produced that's an increase of eighty seven percent tony burke who reports now from kabul on the desperate efforts to help those who fallen victim to drug addiction. in afghanistan there is a level below rock bottom it's where these lifeless expressionist drug addicts exist men who lost dignity a long time ago they've been rounded up and herded into one of the country's biggest drug rehabilitation units in kabul these are the other victims of this never ending war collateral damage if you like people who have lost loved ones lost jobs lost hope and their numbers are growing in afghanistan every day the forty five day program of this former military warehouse complex is basic and caters for nine hundred patients the treatment consists mainly of keeping the addicts away
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from drugs but it can't keep them away from the desire most relapse when they leave and that they're not that we need international hell we are struggling drug addiction is everywhere in the world but unfortunately it's affecting us more we have double impact one is the war and the other is that people are jobless. no rules turn to drugs eight years ago when he lost his job he abandoned all hope and his wife and six children. are going to my from a lot of water with no job or income you have no choice but to steal and rob to get drugs addicts you have money eventually spend it all on drugs and when the money is gone they join us poor under the bridge we are no use to family society or country . the bridges police doctor in kabul where the addicts live in a desolate world the afghan government estimates that three million people ten percent of the population is addicted to heroin forty percent of those are women
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opium cultivation is a major source of funding for the taliban and a major target for the u.s. an air campaign to destroy crops and production has been intensified the international community's sixteen year battle against drugs in afghanistan has cost billions of dollars but poppy growing is flourishing like never before last year there was a sixty three percent growth in land use for cultivation and an eighty seven percent increase in opium production the most in afghan history varmus of turn to poppies because there's more money in them the conventional crops but the threats from the air always there. we are worried that foreigners are the afghan government are going to destroy our fields the farmers are the ones who face the entire hardship of cultivation but the smugglers and others are the ones who benefit the most that is beyond the concern of the addicks under the poly sakta bridge their only concern is how to get the next fix they are in direct victims of this war but
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their image will haunt afghanistan for many years to come tony berkeley al jazeera kabul. lawyers in australia have filed a private prosecution against the me and madi facto leader uncensored over her treatment of the ring of muslims now she's in sydney as part of as again a summit of southeast asian nations but her attendance hasn't been welcomed by all here's under thomas. it's not an image john sung suchi that anyone would have created a few years ago but now refugees in australia blame her for the persecution of the hinge in myanmar they're disgusted that australia's government has welcomed the sydney. lists and she indicated the problems that it was not a problem in her own country why long song suchi is in australia with all the latest for the association of southeast asian nations or as the end summit five
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lawyers are trying to get her prosecuted we have lodged a private prosecution application in the magistrates court of victoria accusing unsung suchi of crimes against humanity specifically the crime of deportation and forcible transfer of people australis attorney general says but international convention heads of government and ministers of foreign affairs have immunity from prosecution but human rights lawyers say that immunity shouldn't apply on song suchi is not officially the head of the en masse government and lawyers say it was very accusing her of has nothing to do with foreign affairs portfolio so isn't covered by the immunity protocol others in sydney protested the presence of viet nam's prime minister neutron folk and cambodia's leader one saying who's been accused of crushing the opposition and violating human rights there's not a strong an ambiguous message from the struggling government about transcendence
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crackdown in cambodia i think it's you know a big mistake for the government just so completely gloss over those issues or just deal with them quietly on the fringes they should be front and center of a summit like this police are not allowing protests right outside the convention center where the asean talks are happening but these protesters did get close yes young ladies will be able to hear these protests where they're meeting but it's unlikely they'll be talking about them too much but then the focus is on trade and security. australia's prime minister malcolm turnbull says he'll raise the range of crisis with aung san suu kyi but his main focus on saturday was combating terrorism and how to pursue free trade opportunities in the face of protectionism together we can seize those opportunities but to do so governments and business must remain committed to the rules by stuart and big beefy as advocates and persuasive advocates above all for free and open trite the as in some it runs on both saturday
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and sunday the protests are expected to as well andrew thomas al-jazeera sydney. still to come here on the news hour on the sports news with son a thirty year wait is over for iraq's football fans will have that story when we come back. education is struggling to keep pace often failing to prepare children for today's world. but some schools are changing the rules i give to have all that they can eat and have the baby. with astonishing results. i am. giving our. rebel education early known in mexico at this time on al jazeera.
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al jazeera. and. every. time just means new space up thank you very much at peace a world world number one simona and seven time grand slam champion venus williams have both suffered shock defeats in the semifinals of the indian wells a tournament was beaten by the unseeded now meo sack out of japan in straight sets
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while number forty four has also won against my us out of twelve and carolina discover this week didn't win a single game in the second set as osaka moved into the final of the most important events outside of the four major. and world number nineteen that a class at the now standard williams in the other semi the russian came back from a set down to be the set seven year old because it is closing in on what would be the biggest title when of her career so far. in the men's draw juan martin del potro set up a semifinal with minister of iran it cultural beating germany's philipp of course fiber to reach the lost for the former u.s. open champion winning this match in three sets or different faces borne out of croatia in the other semi. now for the first time in almost thirty years iraq will be able to play a competitive international football matches at home the game's world governing
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body lifted the ban at a meeting in colombia safety and security concerns has seen iraq pay all their home world cup and asian cup qualifiers and a neutral countries but internationals can now be hosted in three cities. and karbala. you think he's. just will be allowed to complain as far as he's concerned obviously the combinational and. he would. get on the scene as well but. when you see those. imagine but. these requests was accepted by the council yet. they need to be monitoring the inquest to be fair game. as well there are football right to have says that not being able to play important games at home has put the team at
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a big disadvantage it's been very difficult of course for the funder specially you know football's basically all kind of final beacon of hope it's a huge sport there at the main sport for us to not be able to watch our national side in nearly three decades it's been very tough but likewise for the team it's also been very difficult you know in various different aspects first of all on the level of football the small margins much usually. with no home support when you're playing going to stadium that's completely empty whether it's in kind of dump or the u.a.e. or wherever you know it's not the same atmosphere that will generate when you're playing in your own country so that might give you a five percent edge but it's very difficult for the plays and that sets likewise the factors such as extra travel or the pitches being called this is especially been the case when we played in iran and when you have to play is capable of
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playing fast fluid football such as seen just in their own really results in you being forced to play a more direct approach which is not very convenient when you have the players capable of playing a better standard of football so it's been very difficult in these in these circumstances. motor g.p. championship runner up and. was quickest in practice ahead of sunday's season opening in qatar while they. were right it was enjoying conditions fending world title holder mark clarke has ended the day down in six of us he was on the ninth fast this qualifying takes place later this saturday. zimbabwe's cricket team is looking good for a place at next year's world cup in england the team are top of the final qualifying group after a win over ireland on friday years of economic and political turmoil in zimbabwe have affected the participation levels in the sport but as. the game is now making
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a comeback. zimbabwe's national cricket team has surprised many local fans they've made it into the last sixteen years fighting it out for two final spots at next year's cricket world cup being held in england zimbabwe used to regularly play against the top national sides in the world. but the political and financial crises john robert mugabe's rule hurt the game some senior many white players left in protest leaving behind a young inexperienced players who had the daunting task of picking up the pieces. he was forced to resign in november what is now president some fans and players hope a new beginning for the country will also be a new beginning for cricket and we've had some challenges in the past and i think you know just what with the changes that have happened in the country i hope that we can play our little part and do well you know we're representing fifteen million people in our country and if we can if we can do well in flight of the flood car
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then yeah it will be good for for for cricket in this country in the for the future of cricket. in recent years the team has struggled against other international sides. but they say playing on home soil in the super sixes qualifying tournament gives them an advantage and gets more young people interested in the sport with all these games being played here at home that's a lot more younger people watching and i love more than the people interested in the sport i mean that's how we started coming arjun watching. twelve year old troy . international teams are playing in zimbabwe inspires him encourages young people by seeing shots playing people playing and people playing. bill for game. football remains more popular than cricket in zimbabwe some people here believe cricket is an elitist sport some schools are trying to change that perception it's
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a poor school the bats and balls are several years old they're really good players and i'm dreading cricket academy and maybe one day play for the national team it's been a bumpy road because the national side players know they still a lot of work to do the more matches they win could raise the profile of cricket and return zimbabwe's national team to form a place competing with the world. tiger woods has hit trouble in his effort to win a title for the first time and five years woods has won the arnold palmer invitational a record eight times to his career but his seven sites off the need to off his second round of seventy two in florida i think it's the fact that i've played under the gun so many times here and i've won so many tournaments that i've experience so many different things so different ways of winning and i think that's . you know i'm comfortable with that i'm comfortable being in
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marketplace. the new poll ranks mexico city is the pull with worst in the world for sexual violence many women are attacked while moving in the crowded spaces of the metro buses and even at the hands of taxi drivers the conversation starts with do you have a boyfriend to your very pretty and young you feel unsafe threatened you think about how to react what do i do if this gets worse no money on the uses a new service it's called learn to drive it's for women passages only and drawn by women drivers pull for some extra features like a panic button in twenty force of a monitoring of drivers stories of life. and inspiration.
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a series of short documentaries from around the wilds. that celebrate the human spirit against the odds coming from. al-jazeera selects change makers at this time. at least ten thousand civilians are reported to of left eastern holds are in syria the past few hours. i'm sam is a dad this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up.
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