tv newsgrid Al Jazeera March 30, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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on counting the cost of crude futures contract was launched in china this week find out what it all means for the dollar and oil producers a look at africa's biggest companies plus technology under scrutiny the latest on our digital data economy. counting the cost on a. graduate from iraq he's also a part time going to pergamon museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous ishtar gate in babylon most of the people he's showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several building museums taking part in the project called meeting point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasise the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture. because i've been here for some time i can help them with lots of things new says forward to me the great thing is it's not just about museums about forming a new life here a part of life is culture. this
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is al jazeera. live from studio fourteen here that is their headquarters and welcome to the news grid following not to give up until they get their land back palestinians demonstrate on the land day israel warned they would use lethal fire on protesters and they did nine palestinians are killed and hundreds injured we're live with our correspondent in out of there also on the grid as a new president one week after he's done and some will still call the shots as the current civilian leader with winnie and her explore the impact on the ongoing hostility towards the muslim got. a tough judgment for the coffee industry in california every cup of coffee. now needs to display
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a cancer warning doesn't this contradict what we were told that cow feed is actually good for us we'll get to the bottom of this ruling with our guest and we want to know will that new cancer label ruling in california change how you drink operate in your country i mean your heart in what is now in congress the hash tag a dream it's. really with the news grid live on and streaming online through you tube facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com it's an act of collective resistance to israeli occupation that has claimed the lives of at least nine palestinians they were among the thousands demonstrating landay the protests are held annually but this year they were bigger than expected they protesting against israel's seizure of palestinian land gaza's health ministry says more than a thousand people were injured the red crescent says israeli forces fired live
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ammunition and used tear gas to push protesters back. because one of the wild dog though has the latest from the gaza israel border. well with techie they had the hill has seen or the number of dead and injured may increase as the rallies continue and as these weighty forces crack down on the protesters and using different methods including live ammunition the overall picture here is a back to main things first the waves of people coming in since early morning in big numbers to the great march called return this road leads to the separation wall with the gaza strip it's where clashes have taken place and where israeli snipers deployed alongside the wall used live ammunition also you can see here tents named after the palestinian villages and towns from which the palestinians have been forced to leave since nine hundred forty eight to gaza alogical are hot feel month
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. the second main part of the picture is this other area the western area which was supposed to be according to the organizers a massive place for the demonstrators to gather but it seems the number of protesters is higher than expected by the organizers and this is the reason why the demonstrators want to the separation wall here we saw different activities like speeches by leaders from the palestinian factions in addition to some traditional celebrations the palestinian factions leaders have supported the march and confirm the right of return for the palestinian refugees for the palestinians here it's a historic day and the numbers show how keen the palestinians are when it comes to the question of right of return and they want to make their voices heard to the international community. so it is land day this graphic on a web site explains how things unfolded in one nine hundred seventy six israel ordered the confiscation of land that belonged to palestinian citizens of israel it
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took about two thousand hectors the shaded area here it'll come up any minute now gives you an idea just how much land that is well the palestinians against the confiscation order marched on march the thirtieth at least six people were killed and more than one hundred injured in skidmore on what happened today from hard a guy who's in a been northern israel and that's where the original protests were back in one thousand nine hundred seventy six hotter it seems different this year doesn't it i mean there were larger numbers than expected more people turned out why do you think that happened and talk us through what happened today when i was actually having a conversation with a young lady just moments ago about this year's significance compared foot of foot to the past years and she said you know the palestinians are in a very difficult situation at the moment especially after drums declare ration over
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jerusalem at the end of next year which is mid may the embassy the u.s. embassy should be moved from tel aviv to jerusalem and so palestinians really feel that this year more than ever at a loss they also say that since ever since president trump came to power they do feel that the israeli government has actually invigorated its length grab policy that is set to linux the expansion policy especially in the occupied west bank so they do feel that this year they need to make their voices heard orden ever want to remind us of how we got here what happened to this little bit about this to me. well actually it all started some forty two years ago here exactly where i am in this part of northern israel. the israeli government at the time had announced the confiscation of thousands of hectares of land that belonged to the people it was
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private property sometimes israel uses the excuse that the land is not being cultivated at that particular time to take it away from palestinians well after that there were some very violent clashes probably very similar to what we have seen unfold today in both the border fence with gaza or across the occupied west bank six palestinians as the guy at the time had died and ever since then but his students have decided that they will commemorate this day they will call it land there because they see this whole issue here it is whole conflict really based on land and change of demographic across this whole area so it is certainly something they want to come and moderate and i have to say when you go across the west bank i was there just yesterday you saw every way in villages and towns people already starting to commemorate the day by planting olive trees it's a day that's been marked since one nine hundred seventy six then like now palestinians
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are protesting the confiscation of their land it's also they weighted demonstrate their attachment to that land use rafidah sense in the bitter end if we want to impose zero presence and planted land so hard to take over israel always says that it's only taking a barren land that's why we need to play it everywhere and what. use is his property shrink by four hector's and has received notice that another fourteen could be taken away soon. much of the land goes two ways building illegal jewish settlements and the exploitation of natural resources or in the case of a made for the construction of a bypass road that now goes over part of his land he can only reach it via this underpass but axes isn't always guaranteed. is closed we're stuck for hours everyone wants freedom of movement i want to be able to come home here in the shack to store my equipment but the israelis won't allow me i can't even install
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a light to sit here in the summer was integrated by israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu also pledged two hundred twenty eight million dollars from this year's budget to building more roads across the occupied west bank. another project underway is that up the road there to the left now that's extension of the eastern ring road and it has its own separation wall in the middle now trafficked on one side will be reserved only to israelis on the other side traffic will be reserved to palestinians but they can only travel between their towns and villages without bypasses are designed to circumvent palestinian population centers settlers say it's for their own safety but the plan was initially put in place in one nine hundred eighty three and was only implemented after the oslo accords were signed years later when i because the roads could through the west bank in circling palestinian communities and dividing the west bank into account ons they connect to
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jewish settlements to each other and directly to israel in case of an exaggeration there's already a system in place. bob israel says the bypass roads as vital for development of settlements they expanded by seventeen percent last year or as many palestinians say ever since donald trump became u.s. president with every dig of the shovel palestinians see more land lost and the dream of a futurist state crumble furder. now many of the protesters whether here in northern israel or india occupied west bank or indeed in gaza are young people do so called post also generation and if you speak to any one of them they say they don't believe in peace anymore they actually say that all they have been seeing ever since they were promised peace is the dish shrinking of their land and of really did the prospect of a palestinian state them or by the day many say we should actually govern the rate
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land they every day because every day they see that their territory is becoming smaller and smaller all right let's leave it there thanks for that we've got a couple of comments coming to us from facebook this first one no name here but they said i have a situational common hope for peace between the two groups this is sad another one says that watching from d.c. just sad this sense is killings we are all god's people no matter what faith just is heartening no one is better than anyone but as far as the security is concerned because this is old unraveled today this is what the spokesman for israel's security forces told us a short time ago. we never shoot a single bullet on anyone who stays away from the security wall we've said and warned during the past few days that everyone who tries to violate the israeli sovereignty or to infiltrate into israeli territory will put himself and his life in danger all the participants of the rallies in gaza strip are safe but hamas put
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the lives of women and children in danger when it sent them to the security wall with the troublemakers to infiltrate into israel and storm our borders let's bring in bernard is a professor of political economy at the dartmouth college he joins us now from west jerusalem and it's very good to have you with us it seems that on all sides this wasn't expected the amount of people who turned out today what do you think is the driving force behind this and the outcome today. well i can certainly understand the frustration of young people in gaza where very little has changed over the last five years and where the the water table is being fouled and sewage problems electricity is four hours a day i mean you have pretty awful conditions there and there has been
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no international diplomacy to help. certainly the israeli government the current israeli government has done very little to advance any kind of peace process with mahmoud abbas and the. the frustrations are obvious things that sort of action that we've seen the palestinians take today i mean they you heard the israeli ministry spokesman putting all the blame on the palestinians saying that possibly they were being provocative i mean do you think they were being provocative or just is that a case of desperation well look. look what i just told you everybody knows by now so obviously i didn't say anything novel the question is what kind of tactics to use against a government which is so clearly committed to the status quo the status quo is working very well for the natanya government so they have no interest in advancing
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a peace process against this what do you do. i would say that putting twenty thousand people in harm's way putting them in front of hundreds of soldiers who are after all only nineteen year old kids telling being told by their officers that if they don't stop these people marching towards their border their border will be infiltrated i just don't see how this could possibly be to anyone's tactical advantage it would make much more sense if hamas were serious about trying to advance a peace process they put should start by. living up to the terms of any kind of reconciliation agreement with fatah and with mahmoud abbas but this this thing at a does not make sense point of view i mean any sort of peaceful process or all
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procedures in the pos hasn't got them as you touch on that idea anyway haven't we seen the jerusalem move the attempts to retake it as israel's sole capital. in the end of the peace process what wriggle room does this give that look i understand i understand and you know it depends what you mean by getting nowhere i mean i've been covering this this terrible conflict really for forty five years and there have been ups and downs and ups and downs but it's clear that hamas gains from the downs and i just. i don't understand what they think young people putting themselves in harm's way vis way can earn them in any kind of international diplomatic effort although i mean perhaps you can explain it to me but to me it just makes no sense when gandhi marched
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people towards the british army he knew that he had at least half more than half of the british population on his side and the labor movement in britain on his side and that any such thing would lead to some kind of tactical game in this case what's the game hamas is itself saying that that the palestinian side will have the whole land and they're marching kids into harm's way where other kids are sitting with automatic weapons and it just it makes no sense to me it just makes no sense to me it would make much more sense for hamas to try to achieve a reconciliation agreement with with with with the fatah party and to create a common front for
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a nonviolent diplomatic struggle against the netanyahu government and the entire e.u. would be on its side ok then right now and you can you know thank you with your thoughts about the the time difference they. did to get you with us on al-jazeera listening in a social media producing and i'm just wondering what the conversation is right like on live national we've been there many different viewpoints there are well we're seeing those pictures just now and palestinians have been using the hash tag landay and great return march as a way to protest against israel's decision online to keep refugees from returning to their homes now do hot tweeted this picture many others. like it seeing that this is gaza when everyone decides to be one hand and one goal that's the meaning of we don't forget our cities villages streets lands and properties she says another person here tweeted that the great return march highlights a number of critical issues but it is mainly about israel's ongoing refusal to allow palestinian refugees to return home many are demanding the international
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community pick up what they're calling the right side of history so the should be from amnesty international said quote israel's policy of constructing and expanding settlements on stolen palestinian land is illegal discriminatory and unjust it is a key driver of the mass human rights violations resulting from the occupation now organizers of the great return march have also called for protests and marches in jordan syria and lebanon but that is not all going down well with everyone. a senior fighter in ham us tweeted this in arabic saying that western officials called him and advised him to stop the marches to avoid escalation and tension along the borders of the gaza strip there are also protests in the western part of the world this picture shared from a march a sister march in manchester in the u.k. a solidarity campaign they say now if you're out marching for lend day today let us
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know why and where you are you can tweet me directly at leo harding a.j. or you can use a hash tag there has tagged a.j. news jane thanks for the interactive section of our website has several documentaries on palestine including this vanishing palestine interactive map which shows you just how land control has gone from palestinians to israelis and how the land belonging to palestinians has been shrinking over the year is you'll find palestine remix on the interactive tab or just search for palestine we mix and this opinion piece from palestine policy fella. hirai there here says the goal of land day is to remember resist and once again call on the international community to quote take the right side of history you can read a piece on a website al-jazeera dot com and just to remind you couple of you have been in touch with us but we do want to hear from you can tweet us at a.j.
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english or on facebook at facebook dot com slash a.j. news grid you can also send us a whatsapp message a plus nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine as always you can use the hash tag a j news great. man was a new president has been sworn in when mint was the lower house speaker and is an ally of an son suchi she meant tains executive order as the head of the government while the president's role is largely ceremonial his predecessor to ensure resigned last week blaming health problems with me and was widely tipped for the top job early last week he was appointed vice president a sign that he would likely assume the presidency he is part of and sun tsu cheese in a circle the pair campaign together during the one nine hundred eighty eight democracy protests against the vengeance suchi will continue to pull the strings a government has come under international criticism for its handling of the rangar crisis accuse of ethnic cleansing and human rights violations during his first
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address to parliament when me and said he will work to protect human rights when it comes to real power the military there is still in control it did give up some power to the civilian administration but still has twenty five percent of the parliamentary seats. as an abraham is a research professor at the u.s. army war college she's also the author of the wranglers inside man mas hidden genocide he joins us on skype from chicago very good to see you but with this new appointment what's it going to be are we going to see anything different he claims to want to protect children rights but is it just going to be more of the say. when the rule of the president is largely said of war new and myanmar the constitution was constructed by the military to ensure that he could not become president so she key to do the last eight koestler which she has indicated is much higher than the
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president so the president is a set of more new two i don't anticipate there's going to be much that he can actually do as entrusting cause the last president the previous one step down stating el hailed as wife gave an interview to the media saying that he was simply not happy and new which is why he actually stepped down so i think that what the new president the difficulty is going to have is that he's going to be stuck between the very powerful military and the hand of some to key which control controls and domini is a civilian government so i don't think there's going to be madhur for him to actually enact any of his ideas at all so then the status quo looks like we're going to see more of that does that apply to the economy and especially to the wrangles in the treatment of them. i believe saw you know that myanmar is freezing a considerable number of problems not just economic stagnation but also a client don't want to mock us we have the very famous jailing of the two the trial
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of the two going to journalists are just going on and we have go so that we can judge crisis and. in terms of the rule in job i don't believe there's going to be a change in temp. me on march policy the myanmar authorities have by and large gotten away with the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the in your population with almost new and turn national repercussions whatsoever so there's no incentive or motivation for them to policy and i don't think it will even register on the dhar what the new president has said is that their reputation of myanmar has taken a battering which he intends to appear but knew it in that statement and even mention the word ruin joe so it's a question of just trying to do as much p.r. as possible to try to your peer the deputation that myanmar has taken. a don't greeting or i mean do you think. that he would be able to be the person that possibly the international community could speak to if and sunset she has appeared
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to be the failure that they say she is special when it comes to the ranges and the military is still calling the shots where do we see from here. it's highly unlikely because he as and sang suu kyi loyalist he's a very firm supporter of for a man that's been his entire career and the reality is that he has ensured that none of these positions have any power you know if she is the state and she's as she's an indicator she's above the president so it'll be very be a frivolous enterprise to try to talk to him too in should anything the key architect one of the key arcturus behind this is unsung suki and the military and they're the ones are pulling the strings and that's unlikely to change right. thank you very much for your comments abraham how people reacting online to this story right well there are two stories going on online in myanmar at the moment surprisingly the story about the president though is not the top conversation
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though some nations have congratulated the new president indian prime minister narendra modi he tweeted saying that he hopes to strengthen me and mar indian relations with the new appointment and the us embassy in burma congratulated when it meant on twitter as well most of the sentiment though about him is positive but there is a sideline conversation as i was saying going on here as well as this person here kim points out she says that it's unusual that a celebrity lawyer is getting more attention on international news at the moment than a new president she's referring to human rights lawyer amal clooney who just announced that she will represent journalists who were imprisoned in me and mark hughes of exposing state secrets many people have been welcoming this idea including matthew here who tweeted saying it's good that i'm all clooney joins the legal team representing the two reuters journalists who've been imprisoned the whole case he says is a sham now if they are convicted the duo will face fourteen years behind bars in
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a statement amal clooney said that she is certain beyond a doubt that the pair are innocent if you're in myanmar let us know what you're talking about whether it's this court hearing or your new president you can tweet me directly at least hard a.j. and as always you can use a hash tag a.j. news for it thanks a lot for that let's hop over to london and julia macdonald is there with the rest of the day's news. saying thank you now u.s. president says american troops will be leaving syria very soon he made those comments at a rally in ohio on thursday it while turkey's president is rejecting fans as off its mediate between uncle and kurdish armed groups in syria static or small. the americans have long had a presence in this part of northern syria supporting the syrian democratic forces arrestee f. in the fight against eisel but turkey views the kurdish y p g which makes up the bulk of the s.d.f. as a terrorist organization and the latest twist french president met with an s.d.s.
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delegation on thursday night in paris an offer to mediate which isn't going down well in ankara but there's that. says that he gave guarantee of support to the y.p. g that france can be mediators between turkey and the s.d.f. who gave you this judy do not engage in the things beyond. turkish armed forces have already taken the troll of much of the syrian province of a free in pushing out the y.p. everyone has long threatened to push further east on to members where the us has military bases and all the way to the iraqi border the americans have also been monitoring the potential front line between kurdish fighters and the turkish backed syrian rebels who are nearby and to complicate matters even further the u.s. commander in chief had this to say and by the way we're not going the hell out of isis will become another syria like very soon let the other people take care of it now very so very so we're coming out. that boast goes against what american
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commanders have been saying all along that the u.s. will remain in the northeastern part of syria for now to prevent the resurgence of beisel trump port even the state department of guard i can't comment on what the president supposedly said i haven't seen and i have to refer you back to the white house. i have not seen it myself and said it i have not seen that myself ok but you know you don't you don't necessarily comment or report on things that have been heard secondhand and i'm not going to. that's ok that's fine so you're not aware of any. determination. to pull the u.s. out of sight and not know the u.s. presence in syria gives it a stake at the negotiating table as long as troops mentation their presence in the kurdish areas the war in syria is now entering a phase where russia turkey and iran are in the process of bartering for their strategic interests. the kurdish y p g currently controls around twenty percent of territory in syria the second highest area of land up to president bashar al assad and his forces turkey wants that to change it's anyone's guess how it will play out
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stephanie decker al-jazeera. well u.s. president donald trump says he may hold off on airing a trade deal with south korea until an agreement is reached with north korea denuclearize ation tom's warning comes just a day after the commerce deal with it was agreed the accord would see south korea limiting still exports to the u.s. and opening its markets to american car manufacturers. so we've redone it. and that's going to level the playing field on steel and cars and trucks coming into this car. and i may hold it up. after a deal is made with north korea. does everybody understand you know why you know why because it's a very strong card. i want to make sure everyone is treated fairly and we're moving along very nicely with. north korea we'll see what happens. judges have
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sentenced the mayor of seven goals capital. to five years in prison for embezzlement so i was arrested a year ago tuesday of misappropriating funds with soon point eight billion dollars critics say the case was politically a politically motivated attempt to eliminate president macky south stole this rival before elections in twenty nineteen has more now from dakar. there was an uproar in the tribunal as the judge read its sentence people stood up in anger there were scuffles with the police others broke down in tears saying that this was a miscarriage of justice but for those who support the president and the government they say that it shows that seagal is a democracy and it follows the rule of law and that the government is fighting corruption kalif us all stood still worked during the ruling his supporters say that this was a politically motivated trial to try to eliminate the head of the presidential
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campaign that will take place in two thousand and nineteen. the mayor of the car has become the leader of the opposition in the main political rival to president might he saw during his time in detention he has continued to run the affairs of the city if the car had been run by successful as an m.p. and has been elected in parliament now he sentenced to five years in prison and has been given i have to find a courtroom clerks are on strike over pay and working conditions a prominent judge has just resigned from his position a few days ago saying that the tribunals are not serving the people but rather the government this trial has come to symbolize for many a test for the justice system here khalifa sells lawyers will launch an appeal in the next thirty days over this court ruling. that well that's all for me for the
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moment in london back to jane thank you very much for that jenny still ahead on the years but for those of you watching us on facebook live vention one lady in india has come up with to protect women from sexual assault and we'll tell you why russia's foreign minister summoned several western diplomats in moscow. weather set fire across much of central and southern china warm sunshine for many twenty six celsius in hong kong twenty three celsius there for shanghai wet weather there very much in place over towards the southwestern corner that will ease as we go on into sunday chengdu getting up to twenty three degrees celsius and temperatures just edging up and not over towards the eastern side of the country well the sunshine there into much of vietnam is looking good here hot sunshine the heat wave conditions continue across the good parts of india temperatures getting
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up into the forty degree mark for some with touching forty two celsius there from that pool close enough and hard about a little bit of cloud just into central and southern parts of india might even see the odd shower into kerala further north it stays hot and dry warming up in new delhi temperatures getting up to around forty degrees celsius but notice possibility wanted to show was over towards western gold was behind easing over towards bangladesh as we go on through the weekend meanwhile the weekend across eleven potential looks like quite a lively one got a fair bit of cloud coming in across the northern parts of saudi arabia possibility of a little bit of rain on that as well as it sinks this wave south was winds are really picking up with a real possibility of lots of lifted dust and sand. we will get a feel of it against that and that's in the club by going to send us all. her
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thoughts are fourteen dollars us never. show documentaries from around the world about those who won't give up their fight for justice. al jazeera selects justice. the last time i spoke to him he told me i was thinking i'm going to a syria the world wants to see syria's fighters up close and personal but those behind the camera pay the price filmmaker yes it is you made these chillingly intimate footage on and behind the front lines cost him his life his body was widowed with bullets and exclusive documentary syria the last assignments at this time on al-jazeera.
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a self-taught well you know you will find out exactly how much they do know about you and it's a lot outrages kashmir's human shield t. shirt goes on sale it is what it is what it says you know somebody making money off that sort of thing can lead to bridge ethnic divides this is an inside story done by my colleague elizabeth on the new leader there what he's going to bring to the country and in the first place just over twenty five million indians apply for well wage job vacancies it's just a look at the economy they really have a different take on it in fifth place they're russia's exporting more diplomats and best as trade the country some of the kremlin and accuse of taking unfriendly steps one hundred fifty diplomats including sixty americans were expelled on thursday it's in retaliation to the expulsion of russian diplomats in a coordinated response by britain's allies to the poisoning of a former russian spy and his daughter roy chalons has more from moscow. well one
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after another black ambassadorial cause of being pulling up here outside the rather ornate silver gray doors of the russian foreign ministry and the ambassadors have been walking essentially get a dressing down from the foreign ministry staff be told how many of their personnel have to be packing their bags to leave from what we've seen so far it seems to be broadly terror attacks in line numbers wise with the explosions that we have heard from western countries kicking out russians over the script. the british ambassador was told that the total number of u.k. personnel here diplomatic and consular. eventually match by the end of the month the number of russian stars in the u.k. this is on top of the twenty three brits that had to pack their bags and leave some
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days ago that was of course because the u.k. had kicked out twenty three russians. what we're seeing here is this worsening of diplomatic relations tit for tat response its catalyst has been the script all affair but of course there is so much else behind all this much that's gone on over the last few years with the camp of russian campaign in syria with what's been going on in crimea and ukraine that has worsened relations between the west and russia of course let me put it in and donald trump by saying that there is room so walk back from this of course they have to say that they didn't want to go marching off to war but yes we are in a severe diplomatic crisis of the moment and it doesn't seem to be getting any better right now the growing tensions and tit for tat expulsions are reflected on the website on the news and russia if you look at the sidebar on that story as well you'll see how that all unfolded to where we are today
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after almost fifteen years in liberia the u.n. has ended its peacekeeping mission there the country has a new president signaling the first democratic transfer of power in seventy years the united nations mission in liberia was created in two thousand and three after two civil wars that killed more than two hundred fifty thousand people the mission was made up of peacekeepers from sixteen nations that's about one hundred forty thousand soldiers and police officers the peacekeepers task included disarming fighters building a police force and distributing aid during the mission two hundred two peacekeepers were killed the u.n. was considering handing back responsibilities the government and twenty twelve but then there was an ebola outbreak and always five thousand a baron's died more than in any other country the last group of peacekeepers left two weeks ago the un deputy sacred general said the country is still facing
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challenges but it has great potential for lasting peace. sustaining the international community's investment in liberia beyond the deployment of us will require continued support by donors and partners we know the syrians enjoy peace and under leaves behind a country that has great potential to achieve lasting stability deepening its democracy and prosperity. there is peace keepers have left there and we should be going over to our guests now our who is waiting for us and alex vines let's bring him in to talk about what had happened in the time since the two civil wars and i know that you were working for the u.n. at that stage and i'm just wondering if you think that this is correct that this is timely that the u.n. forces put out yes i do i mean i was in liberia for the tail end of the
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civil war so i was there from two thousand and one to two thousand and three and us already horrible things and active fighting in the country has been transformed since then so this is the right time for you to melt. farewell goodbye to liberia it was also the right decision to extend its mandate after the break as you mentioned but it's now time to go the challenge for liberia now is about economics it's how to get growth. and jobs. peace in liberia so it's do you think sealing that leadership say the right leadership is in place to deal with these challenges you say the pressing one is economy is as is so often the case in countries and is there enough rick consultation there does need more does need it does more need to take place as far as that is concerned. but there was
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a famous lee contested election at the end of last year and george where is the new president of liberia sworn in early this year which was the first peaceful transition between civilian presidents since nine hundred forty four so that's over seventy years ago that in itself i think is a strong signal that liberia has turned a has it has turned the curve and is now moving in a more peaceful. trajectory this comes up with whoever is president of library is going to have massive challenges in terms of attracting investment in terms of also creating jobs and sustainable livelihoods but liberia i think is now on a better place than it's been for decades and i should imagine this is good news for u.n. peacekeepers as well considering the awful times that they've been going through in possibly the last decade some of the actions taken by the peacekeepers which have
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been illegal. well yes i mean it of there have been some scandals related to the u.n. one of the previous u.n. sectors special representative of the secretary general had to leave liberia one of the early ones because of corruption allegations but liberia is a good example of successful. un peacekeeping it was peacekeeping and it was classically post conflict peacekeeping too which is very different from what's been happening in other missions like in eastern congo or for example in mali which is very much more in terms of peace making it good to get your thoughts alex vines thank you very much now this is a pinion piece on our website looks at the challenges facing president george where they include uniting the deeply divided and poorly managed post will country the authors of the article say for where to be successful he must put people before profits you can read the entire article it's called what president george weah must
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do on al-jazeera dot com just search for liberia with its go off the grid to california where coffee and cancer is a growing conversation online is that if you don't want to put together definitely not two things that ninety coffee retailers in california including starbucks have been ordered to warn customers about a potential cancer risk the coffee retailers were sued back in two thousand and ten but a california judge just ordered the companies to label their coffee cups and tell consumers about the risk the fear is around a carcinogen called that is produced naturally when some foods and drinks are baked or fried shows up in coffee during the bean routine process now the national coffee association they said the ruling is misleading president and c.e.o. william murray said quote coffee has been shown over and over again to be a healthy beverage this lawsuit has confused consumers and does nothing to improve
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public health. now twenty sixteen the international agency for research on cancer that cancer agency of the world health organization they took coffee off of its possible carcinogen list but california they have a list of their own of every carcinogen and toxin that it says is linked to cancer coffee is on the list as we now know but so are other items like coconut oil french fries alcohol and bread even the list is twenty two pages long just keep on scrolling and you're here he tweeted in reaction to all of this saying that people tweeting about starbucks have apparently never been to california where there is a cancer warning on literally everything i have a car on my twitter page asking you if this california cancer label ruling will impact whether or not you drink coffee you can reply to it so you can hear what you have to say if coffee doesn't get you jane something will. fix the stock price ok let's get more on this let's bring in the bowser professor of health policy at the
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university of stating she joins us from edinburgh scotland on skype and very good to have you with us please tell me this can't be true i mean personally how do you get out of bed in the morning with a cup of coffee is they radiate leg. well i think it's a really interesting judgment from this california courts and as you were saying earlier in terms of the international evidence the international agency research on cancer actually reviewed or if there isn't one studies in trying to sixty and said that it was very clear that this was a what we call a class three category products it's not a presentation there is no proof that coffee is directly linked to cancer and so i think the situation is worrying as he says about this particular toxic and which we know is cause by heating against a record high temperatures for example if we eat a packet of crisps search ships and crystal wright has been there if it's. routes
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to take it's really a common occurrence for approaching us produce for many products when they're heated and say what we said why and that's just that is it is there any coffee or do you think that they are being alarmist ten well i think even coffee in many parts that we consume my daily basis or keep it where i think it alarmist is it's not in line with huge national average income character and maybe not really concerned in terms of this topic and its potential cancer causing properties it only studies don't come from humans they come from what we call rodent models or meister animal friends where you see for links but it was not going to be able to think humans that link in their lab it might be you should be the kind of proliferation of media stories we see about this cause cancer or this doesn't cause cancer really here's a people all right then the both thank you very much for talking to us. now let's
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go to something called micro-targeting and the ethical questions raised by the collecting of personal data from the internet facebook plans to end partnerships with several data firms which help and the ties as target uses it's trying to limit the fallout from the cambridge analytical scandal in allegations data has been used to influence election results jonah has more from london. we don't feel that every single time the man who murdered joshua is an illegal alien i was asked to pave the way thank you to brussels political attack ads are nothing new nor reason aiming there but a carefully selected audience of so-called micro targeting what is relatively news the use of personalized data by political campaigns to find out almost as much about you as you know about yourself in terms of the whole ethos of influence and persuasion you know every every every post everything that you like these are all
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bits of data that are going towards building a profile against people about the same knowledge is power so it's really surgically being able to predict and influence people's behavior at the heart of the scandal involving the political consultancy cambridge analytical and its alleged use of data from fifty million facebook profiles is the charge that personal data has been used to distort and undermine the democratic process but the easiest way that you can influence someone's behavior is by can't continue to be showing them something time and time again when they become unconsciously influenced and therefore take comp attention on the new belief system the point of most political campaigns is to change beliefs and attitudes so is there anything wrong with targeting voters in this way cambridge analytical has boasted that its cutting edge micro targeting campaign one the u.s. election for donald trump that sparked outrage and indignation of course especially
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among trump's political opponents but it's worth remembering that a previous president is also believed to have won the white house thanks to online micro targeting none other than barack obama and with considerably less outrage and indignation as a result well i think the segmentation that they are doing now which came around let's go doing now is very much the same thing that barack obama did in two thousand. and it's well it's trying to make the advertisements as relevant and personal to people and voters as possible benedict pringle is an addict executive who also runs a blog on the sometimes dirty business of political advertising he's day job and his sideline have much in common while campaign techniques become ever more precise winning elections is after all a sales job i think that the margins in the trunk election and in the referendum were so small and the number of people that were in play the persuadable votes were
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so few that the number of ads that were run the amount of money that was spent in targeting would have undoubtedly had an impact on the result would it change the result impossible to say well it impacted at least you know a decent chunk of the persuadable voters absolutely so micro targeting is a winning strategy that's here to stay and the more data we put into the system about ourselves the more data is available to influence to persuade and to change the way we think jonah hill al-jazeera london. it's led on the news good for those of you watching us on facebook live we'll tell you about the eighty four sculptures in the u.k. that could help save the lives of men and in sports cricket tries to move on after the trauma of the ball tampering scandal which describes the sport this week but first a look at some of the global weather. i'm
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again while the ball tampering scandal involving del straining cricket team has been one of the biggest stories in world sport in the last week while the saga has completely overshadowed the build up to the final test between south africa and australia which began early on friday the trio involved in the plot for the captain steve smith and his deputy david warner on cameron bancroft where a nod to end the line up for this match with all three receiving suspensions but despite their absence the punishments the incident remains very much on the minds of the fans attending the fourth test and to harness as catherine slowly reports. we're right outside the wondrous cricket stadium and thousands of fans are here into his bag to cheer on their team's camps is a game that is very much respected and loved as well as australia and people who were here very much aware about. the ball tampering and gold the hopman
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last saturday and they tell us that they are angry they are shocked and disappointed and also you know they have very strong opinions about what happened last week whisper of the game's most important thing and i think those shoulders have roots. i don't think this is a new thing i'm going to do for many years another she's going to keep the game sure and you know you let the kids play ready some of the strain spears players in the city because some of the gods on the worst of it is do you feel pretty disappointed. at the end of this just mastering the world stocks are very promising so that's kind of the bad stuff. there is a fair amount of of of license to range from it and. never happens again in the future the spirits are high despite the saturday ball tampering incident people here are passionate about the game but while south african fans were eager to speak about the scandal australian ones were somewhat camera shy. and it worked
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for very long days in. many of the funds here are hoping that the controversy will not affect the spirit of the game will not overshadow the game there are however also satisfied with the action that has suffered been taken by the different cricket authorities and the fact that the players have owned up to their mistake and are remorseful the people here are also hoping that this going forward will serve as a deterrent to other players who have similar thoughts. of global cricket has lost their faith in the game there was a lot of reaction on social media following the incident some fans have simply decided to move on and just focus on cricket and events in sydney tweeted this while a good to get back to what we love test cricket and a south africa versus australia is one of the best of the side that hopefully this is the beginning of
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a new cricket era were the spirit wins over all else let's just get on with it both of them good luck call to both teams but my favorite has to be this one from west indies cricketer chris gayle which received more than fifteen thousand likes oyo it's not my business but it's done and dusted i think one year is harsh but to these three young says you're all going to have to live with this reflect wikia and know there's a lot of life ahead so don't stop here feel free to come to me. to jamaica any time has sad to say or some fans or more creative in expressing their disappointment or car patel has posted this picture but it seems to be c. smith doing a walk of shame which is a famous scene from the t.v. series game of thrones which says cricket fans are right now shame shame shame while the would have sounded much better if i had the bell. well one of the sports stars that is getting a far better reception from fans and australia's cricketers that is this man the
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one and only zlatan it brahma who butch was lot and was greeted by hundreds of screaming a people as he's got off the plane late on thursday this week the striker is the latest what will start to be drafted into major league soccer. has had six year old most recently played for manchester united is expected to hold his first training session with the club later on friday. and of course i'll be back with more at eighteen game t. but for now i have about t.j. . thanks very much for that somehow that also dave for the news good and just remind you to keep in touch with us on social media has tags always a.j. views good the rest of information is a few can quickly speed read about the same types of our.
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travel often. by tranquil tubes and forests new prague little. box of owning. land. valleys and scotland's. live food venture. discover new jobs because faraway places close is. going to get these cats are always. what makes this moment this era we're living through so unique this is really an attack on truth itself is a lot of misunderstanding a distortion even of what free speech is supposed to be about the context it's
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hugely important. to partnership you have a duty to be offensive or provocative or whatever lies people do setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on al-jazeera. this is the opportunity to understand a very different way where there before something happens and we don't. tracing the fall from prosperity to financial ruin this is precisely the movement we're we're humanised nothing worse first world the injury the devastating impact perceiver being means also perceive the deposits for ordinary citizens and the failure to prevent disaster banks and political leaders of the people who need to learn our gora from democracy to the markets on al-jazeera.
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