tv newsgrid Al Jazeera April 4, 2018 6:00pm-6:24pm +03
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tapped into the racial resentment that he has tapped into has always been part of this country what we have to understand is this is a continuation of a long standing problem and the only way that we're going to get hold of the personal biases that he exploits whether he himself heals them or whether he just uses them the only way that we get at that is to narrow these gaps and bell being because keep in mind we live in a country that tells us all where ever you end up in the great race of life is about your ability now if you believe that and you don't understand how discrimination works and you don't understand the history of how folks got where they are versus how other folks got where they are then it becomes very easy to look at folks who are people of color disproportionately still struggling and say well maybe they're just not as good maybe they don't work as hard so the attitudes come from the institutions we have to fix some of the structures if we're going to really fix what's going on in people's minds very quickly is that your advice for americans going forward from this day i think the advice is to keep focused on the
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things that dr king was talking about dr king made it very clear that we had three evils in this country one was poverty one was militarism and one was racism or white supremacy and intil we address all of those three things and the way in which they are connected until we talk about the real dr king the dr king that believed in systemic repair of the damage done not only to people of color before folks of all colors we're not going to achieve our country's james baldwin said. we believe that they're telling lies and to racism activists here to participate in the commemoration of the fifty years since martin luther king jr was assassinated on that balcony right over there with the black bunting over the railing fifty years ago today fully backed thank you for that box was enjoying my forest and memphis time now for a look at the day's other news here's my arm the muscle on the new scent. yes that's right fully we begin with news on the spy poisoning britain has rejected moscow's calls for a joint investigation into
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a nerve agent attack last month calling it perverse and a diversionary tactic by russia moscow made their requests chairing an emergency meeting of the global chemical watchdog looking into the incident london blames moscow for the poisoning of former russian spy sergei scriptural and his daughter yulia exactly a month ago in the city of seoul spring so in a moment we'll get reaction from russia first though laurence li is following all the developments here and so laurence the latest diplomatic storm is around this discrepancy between the scientific findings and the political rhetoric yes and i think the thing to understand is that the the the russian diplomatic service is a well oiled machine they speak as one they act as one they think has worn it wasn't us how could it have been would never have done this in must have been somebody else it's a smokescreen exactly the same voice over and over again set against us of course you have a british parliament is very split anyway because of issues to do with brics it's and they don't all speak as one and you have
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a foreign secretary in boris johnson who's the u.k.'s most important diplomats who has a history of some people would say shooting his mouth off and speaking before he thinks and so he said very early on that it was not a chalk and that the people at porton down which is the british establishment which looks into chemical weapons had told him that it had been the russians who two don't it's he said that's on german television now yesterday the people of port and down said it was not a chalk but it's not our place to say where it came from so then you'd see it because you have this apparent splits the russian diplomatic service goes straight in and exploited entirely so you have the british embassy in london saying how could they have said this on one day in the contradict themselves a fortnight later it turned out that the british foreign secretary or foreign office deleted some tweets and they and they played on that as well and suddenly the chance a needle into these gap. explode any sort of crack that they can get ahold of and it even though the british are accusing them or some of this information it's very
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very easy for the russians to say if you are saying that we did it you have to prove it and they need to go beyond assertion in these to be empirical facts not only can you not provide that in perkel facts you can't even hold an argument straits and that's very very destabilizing i think for the british position at the moment all right well thank you very much largely with all the latest on that let's now look at the russian position then with a challenge it was in the russian capital last go tell us more about russia's latest objections rory. well i've been down to a meeting earlier on today not far away from from the office where i'm sitting at the moment and it was a conference the moscow conference of international security put on by the russian defense ministry where all the c.l.o. vickey which is the kind of security and defense big wigs of the russian federation gather together present their perspective on geo political affairs to assemble
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generals and defense ministers etc from around the world now there are an array of russian leaders talking there from the security and defense worlds we heard from again a rifkin who's the chief of the russian foreign intelligence agency and he said that swart was going on in seoul's bre a month ago was basically a u.s. and u.k. intelligence service conspiracy crudely concocted basically to try and discredit the russians it's not a new allegation we have heard from the russian foreign ministry in previous days it's one of the theories that is coming out of the russian leadership hierarchy of the moment there have been others they basically put out a number of different alternative realities perhaps alternative theories and i
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think it's done in the hope that whatever happens whether these are eventually discredited or not it will serve somebody to weaken the more unified perspective the british government has been coming out with the kremlin itself is staying more or less defensive on this is not going on the attack perhaps particularly is leaving the attack to people like the rich and the foreign ministry the kremlin and putin is just saying look we didn't do this we hope this gets cleared up we hope that the o.p.c. w. . we'll have allowed that to happen let's do a joint investigation with the brits let us in see what's going on with the intelligence you have for that sort this out together of course that is something brits for the moderates are having no part of all right thanks very much roy hallums with all the latest from moscow well turning to other stories now around fifty six reading refugees including twelve twenty children from myanmar have
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safely reached malaysia by boat vessel was intercepted off the island of langkawi on tuesday and the now being held at a detention center authorities say they're being questioned to find out if smugglers tried to bring them to the country around sixty thousand rangle live in malaysia many refugees viewing the muslim majority nation as a safe haven commuters in france have gone through a second consecutive day of travel chaos as a result of a series of planned strikes over the next three months travelers in paris had to push their way on to the few trains which were running while many platforms lay empty state run rail company says eighty six percent of trains were canceled nationwide on wednesday train workers are protesting against the government's plans to reform the railways israel says it's arrested ten palestinian suspects of planning an attack against a navy ship off the gaza coast the security service says the palestinians had planned to adopt israeli sailors the disclosure comes amid growing tension in the
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region nineteen palestinians have been killed by israeli fire since friday in mass protests on the israel gaza border israel's defense minister has warned that anyone who gets too close to the fence risks being killed. a facebook c.e.o. is set to testify before a u.s. congressional committee next week following the company's recent privacy scandal mark zuckerberg will appear before politicians to answer questions regarding facebook's use and protection of user data it comes after the personal information of some fifty million users was attained by political consulting from cambridge analytic a which worked for donald trump's presidential campaign i have more from london in about fifteen minutes now back to fully my own thank you very much for that after a series of fiery tweets by the u.s. president the mexican government says it will dismantle a refugee caravan of about fifteen hundred migrants fleeing violence and poverty in central america and heading towards the u.s. most of the migrants are from honduras and have been traveling across mexico but
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donald trump says he wants to send troops to the border with mexico until he's not promised war is built let's bring in our there is john homa now joins us from waka in central mexico he is with that caravan john tell us about the reaction there to the mexican government saying that this caravan is breaking up now what are people saying. well the organizers a saying that actually that's not true and you can see it probably behind me is closed been donated there that people are picking up the curve and hasn't dissolved there's still more than a thousand people here they're saying they're going to continue to march to pueblo another city in mexico and after that they are going to decide that they're being granted visas actually by the mexican government to stay for at least twenty days in the country after that small groups of them the organizers will help them to try and travel to the u.s. border those of them that they think will meet the requirements for political asylum or asylum there in the united states so not true that it's dissolved ng and
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small groups will be heading to the united states but not the caravan as a whole what's been the reaction in mexico to president trump's plan to put the military on the border with mexico. well the reaction in mexico as you can probably guess people are not in agreement with that the mexican government is trying to strike again a diplomatic telling saying that they're going to find out exactly diplomatic means what exactly president trump meant by that announcement and then they react in terms of the national interest in an election race right now in mexico the candidates are slightly less restrained but one of them jose antonio meat said that trump shouldn't make any mistake sending troops to the border would be in it a miserable offense to our country such as something that the two presidents before but already done so it's not something as yet that's his biggest step as maybe president trump would like us would like the world to think at the moment but i
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just want to finish off here by telling you something about the people that are in this caravan the sort of human face behind this most of them from honduras that's a country vast parts of which are in the grip of criminal gangs there's a lot of people here that say that is suffering that they're struggling to get by basic necessities to take medicine in their country it's also political problems in that country so what they're saying here is the president trump input they've been saying just put yourself in my shoes there's no option for me to stay in my country because of it all because of the economic situation going through mexico is not a cakewalk this is a part of the world in which criminal gangs extort migrants the authorities a very unsafe unsympathetic in general if they were in this big caravan they'd probably be stopped on the southern border of mexico there are all sorts of human rights abuses from mexican authorities towards migrants so that's the position of these migrants heading towards the united states very difficult for them indeed thank you so much for that john heilemann my forests in waka time now for
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a story that's off the grade and well this next segment might be off the grid but it spans consonance and decades it all starts with a harmless looking video of a sold out concert in tel aviv the problem for many people is. that this artist is a south african rapper black coffee and many people back home think that he shouldn't have performed in israel much less said that he loved one of its cities even the ruling african national congress party has responded reiterating its call for a cultural boycott of israel they n.c. says it's witnessed unacceptable violations of human rights and international law by israel as well as increased israeli racism against africans the party says it was deeply concerned by black toffees visit to tel aviv and hopes to engage him in a dialogue now for his part the artist says that he is not a political party and that he's basically just working to feed his family but the backlash has persisted and we spoke to one person in south africa who had this to
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say. i think one of the most shocking things about the story is that black coffee comes from an ex apartheid state self and she was going to approach several years ago to ten is right because we are undergoing a cultural boycott of the cottage is roe not only does he then go online and post a gig of him playing until it reads. it's around the same time period that we witness one of the worst palestinian massacres at the hand of a potted israel he feigned ignorance when confronted and backpedals and says that he would take a bullet for his family and he's not a political organization although he has declined to vince's was to lead for example before on the same account it shows a lack of disregard for palestinian lives and the lack of political consciousness not something we can be behind now a bit more context here south africa has a long history of supporting the palestinian cause we identify with.
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it cause just like i was that they are fighting for the right of self-determination. so that was of course the late nelson mandela in one nine hundred ninety but more recently a south african diplomat said this at the u.n. in january. israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state now there's even a south african branch of the anti israel boycott divestment and sanctions movement also known as b.d.s. they believe that artists around the world should support palestine the same way that they helped black south africans overthrow the apartheid government in the early ninety's and they're clearly clearly upset about black coffees performance but the rest of the community we're seeing appears to be divided there's saki here who says that as long as south africa is trading with israel musicians like black coffee should be able to perform there so it's clearly a controversial story what we want to hear what you think of black coffees performance in tel aviv you can let us know using the hash tag agent is good. thank
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you if you're watching us on facebook coming up the story of a texas teen has fulfilled his dream of getting into stanford university as well as . other colleges and in sports as the commonwealth games begin find out why the event is so important for athletes from small donations don't be here with that story they show he decided.
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usually rainy weather the spirits were high as prince charles officially got the games going and it set to be a story games for the first time men and women have the same number of medal events it's also taking in eighteen sports and seven paris sports andrew thomas went to find out how the games are also providing opportunities to small a nation's around the world. australia's gold coast has a new multicolored village six thousand athletes and officials will live in these apartment blocks and use their services for the next ten days the athletes permanent homes are seventy one countries or british regions all territories of the commonwealth i am from pakistan i resembled islands barbados most places represented were once part of the british empire the games are a colonial legacy of course some of the world's biggest sporting nations like the united states china france germany japan they're all missing some athletes don't
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think that matters a commonwealth medal may not be as prestigious as an olympic one but in certain sports the commonwealth games can hold their own in my field hundred metres there's a low caribbean countries he was some of the world's best jamaica trinidad there's a lot of stuff after cons of foster marvin as well so you know if you look at the olympic final there's those i mean you know two or three i'm out to americans and as the rest of the world i'm a lot of to come off nations. the commonwealth games also reserve spaces for sporting minnows yet jim cook will box when a row a tiny pacific island nation most famous is the place australia sends on wanted refugees its entire population is thirteen thousand people is quite a big deal back in the role and since and everyone knows everyone everyone will be they will have their eyes on to win the competition starts. the games which include a flat six hockey mountain biking shooting and even lawn bowls are spread across
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venues that stretch the length of australia's gold coast and into the neighboring city of brisbane as well ticket sales have been slow only gymnastics is completely sold out but along the beach front on wednesday there was still enthusiasm we came from the united states of america and we're absolutely excited to be here man this would have been no other time when it came on you going you know we wish we were leaving a racial gap but we don't want to pay five hundred dollars just generating so much if he has a genuine interest and if anyone is going to do it right australia's right or right organizers have to meet high expectations under thomas al-jazeera on australia's gold coast. well there's some concern though over how ordinary australians will get their commonwealth news that so often two of the country's biggest media companies boycotted the games over what they say were impossible restrictions organizers limiting when and how action is shown on other platforms to protect seven who paid
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thirty million dollars for the rights as a result news corp and fairfax say they can't cover the games independently and decided not to send their journalists and this restrictions on members of the foreign media to like al-jazeera and i saw that report from andrew thomas just now well he's also found it difficult to film calling the rules insane he says try making a sports preview report when organizers ban non rights media from filming any sport even the most basic training but thanks to social media important news is still getting out like this from the official games program where england is listed as being in africa with the capsule bunch o. the commonwealth games c.e.o. admitted it was an error and said sometimes you make mistakes and we copy it. well players and fans across europe paying tribute to former england player ray wilkins he's died at the age of sixty one well had been treated at a london hospital off to suffering
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a cardiac arrest last month he won eighty four caps for england captain the side ten times he also played for chelsea munches united ranges and throughout the club career that spanned three decades former england player and pundit gary lineker called him a wonderful football and for man it was a pleasure to have played alongside him with england nineteen mate was more helpful and supportive i will be forever grateful his former club manchester united posted this picture of him saying that thoughts and prayers are with his family friends and colleagues will have more support at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now back to phone joe thank you very nice that will do it for today's show remember to get in touch with us on social media all times hashtag as ever a.j. these great from me for the back to the home team here in doha thank you for watching and we'll see you again tomorrow at three fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. .
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the scene for us whether online what is a very new sound in yemen that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people a bit that are choosing between buying medication and eating base is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an activist and just posted a story join the global conversation at this time. the street is quiet the signal is given. out so it's safe to walk to school last year the more
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than thirty meters in this community in one month the police say this area is a red zone one of several in some townships and kept our children sometimes it caught in the crossfire when rival gangs fight so parents and grandparents have started what they call a walking us to try to take them from gang violence i lost my youth looking while i'm doing years ago i also lost my there are more than one hundred fifty volunteers working for several walking busses teachers say it is working class attendance has improved the volunteers also act as security guards. stories of life. and to inspiration. a series of short documentaries from around the world that celebrate the human spirit against the arts. i thought oh. boy this area. al-jazeera selects express yourself.
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