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tv   This Is Antifa  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2018 8:32am-9:01am +03

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you know. i'm doing a very conscious very conscious thing i told the comrades that if it depends on my will i would not go but i will go i'm going because they will say tomorrow that is out of the way that lula is no i am not hiding i'm going to go there so they know i'm not afraid so they know i'm not going to run and i'm going to prove my innocence. let's take you live to budapest because viktor orban has just cast his vote as the polls have opened in hungary's parliamentary elections with the prime minister favored to win a third consecutive term a heated campaign has been dominated by just one issue immigration about four hundred thousand people pass through hungry in twenty fifteen on their way to western europe creating a rift between mr all banned and other e.u. leaders. thousands of people have attended funerals in gaza for the ten palestinians killed by israeli forces during protests on friday along the border at least thirty people have died since demonstrations began last week. two people have
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been killed and dozens were injured after a van was driven into a crowd in the german city of munster the driver died at the scene he shot himself officials say the incident was not terror related one person has died in a fire at the building that bears the u.s. president's name the blaze began on the fiftieth floor of the trump tower in new york donald trump has now switches the five is out you are right up to date with all the top stories up next it's fault lines are a couple the top stories in about half an hour. getting to the heart of the matter if my stuff i can see the turkish cypriot leader calls you today and says let's have talks would you accept given i think he's going to do you and attend to me facing realities are you willing to make that call they are always ready for talks but they're not brilliant for taking decisions here this story on talk to al-jazeera.
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we gained access to a group of militant anti fascist known as anti for a filming now they don't usually like cameras around some cover their faces and others want their voices disguised in the function just stick their head out of the ground unstable to be sure on this mortgage in support of all white greatness droughts cliffs and that's when people you know they are stuck together everything about ashcroft or christ or the adam's apple tree area really and dozens of interviews faultlines caught a glimpse behind the mask of anti fire questioning activists about the controversial tactics they've used to counter a crossing of the white supremacist have found a platform with the election of donald trump but so have their adversaries you know it's still empty for as a fringe movement but their fight is found center stage in the polarized climate a trip somewhere if anything comes up for you are triggered in this environment we care about your inner safety as well as your difficulty that's how we roll of the
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people we love people this is the collective of researchers waging information warfare to expose bigotry if your neighbor is a neo nazi belief that the race war is eminent and wants to bring it about we think you have a right to know that this is the street medic tuning to the words of violent protests heard a lot of the anti functional talk about stabbings and we're talking about one force trauma to the herd to be armed to the legs those calls for police and body functions this is eighty five from the view of a truck supporter who can't seem to shake them there's a bunch of kids who call them anti-fascist and they're acting like fascist themselves is kind of sad empty for is a loose collection of organizations and ideas with no party line and no formal leadership in the last year that the defined more by their street tactics than anything else they show up in their helmets or the black masks and they've got blood so they've got everything and defun. or a presidency troika shadow fascist government bullshit or boot camp of the drug
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dealers stirred the poor little robbed the first year of chop saw an increase in hate crimes or racist violence in eighty five has all the responded to that threat with violence of their own. this is the street fighter training for battle. with one punch to the face of america's most infamous white supremacist got it to fellow viral audience shut that down at a swift and beautiful punch to the face by most crusade up but has issues of force translate into political power. they watch that you know kind of st paul it plays completely into their hands it's a very stupid tactic. nonviolence does attempt to appeal to the moral conscience of the nation now the jury's still out. if the nation has won this to say this is or is not play time so yeah functionalities kill them children.
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it was a year ago and josh jukes first saw this video richard spencer getting punched on inauguration day it's the thirty five year old hacker who goes by hex was across the country watching from a seattle hospital but. that's not probably going to change somebodies mind i think that like it would have been better if it was an egg. earlier that day he joined a large group of anti-fascist to protest a speech by truck supporter provocateur milo you know awfulness i don't think i was the only thing. being now. inside the half or auditorium at the university of washington my last celebrated trump selection with the college republicans news flash radical left you will never
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stop me because you can't stop different opinions with violent intolerance and we now know everybody now knows where the violence is coming from outside and differ tried to block people from attending the talk wanted to be part of it like in the group of people who was there opposing that and opposing him and what i ended up doing jumping in and deescalating in a few places a black clad protester attacked this young supporter and felt it would pay for thirty year old marco foreigners not able to get into the talk so he spent the evening scuffling with anti-fascist protesters. would have seen here in the yellow had allegedly began pepper spraying the crowd next stepped in to confront the last thing i remember i think i was like holding with both hands to guys jacket yelling in his face like give me the pepper spray i don't let you go i'm going to stop you but like i'm not going to hurt you i'm just not going to let you hurt anybody else . and then i remember being shot. you know.
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the corners wife elizabeth allegedly emerged from behind her husband pulled a gun from a holster and fired one shot. this footage was edited by investigators to identify hexa quanah just now evidence in a criminal trial against the couple. took on his attorney said that elizabeth acted in self-defense. where the bullet oh so when entering over here basically. it's still we're. still forms. from members of anti from texas shooting underscored a belief they had all along in the trump era the threat of violence against them is increasingly real. life
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threatening stuff make sure you have enough space to spread your arms in every direction i am joe tonight texas friend joe is leading a martial arts training in the seattle park service when you're on this way the first technique is going to be based in when john kung fu does these activists are preparing to defend themselves with violence if necessary and oh let's say you're going to get punched by somebody here i am proud boy drinking or traditionalist workers' party person trying to call you comrade while being a klan member here i go on i'm going to talk to because you see that all right there you go good part of the campus republicans i want to build a build a wall to keep out the immigrants because that is funny to my rich crack and i'm going to change your mind god there we go yeah thank you hax is still recovering from the gunshot wound that almost took his life but year later he's taking a break from the street protest. to join his crew went to the women's march where thousands of seattle residents have gathered to oppose to trumpet instruction way.
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because you know ok you know you. know i think you know right. now one of the first adversaries is also want to see. trump supporter charlie gibson has just arrived so for me you mustn't put things freedom that's all simple it is for me you know presents like fascist populism or just like the idea of like hiding behind traditional american values. kitchens group is called patriot prayer he's made a point the portuguese liberal town just to remind everyone the trump was president it was one of the best nights of my life i was so happy and so excited and at that point you know i thought that like i was the mill sit back and just relax but things got even crazier after he was elected organizers of the rally are trying to say the spores are fascist so we're going to get some people trumped up there and they kind of going in the crowding talk to people and kind of help them understand
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that you know some supporters of interior you know they're not nazis are not looking out for us. yeah but the scene i'm here now with them out of the not here and they're black ah ha ha ha you're. going to side in mammoth you get pepper spray if you have lasted three hours like that when we go in there oh yeah and it's. her. caught me. being white supremacy right there why supremacy queer phobia transphobia massage unique massage and war all in one go and you're the first place today gibson is marching with a group of right wing christians treat beatrice or they would like to see me and ditching his people section at work and not even intolerant towards everybody expression if what they're doing is using their free speech women who want to rule the household they want to run they want to be have a right to feel they're showing the right well to do they don't want men to our
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wrong leader going to. that gets to walk around with nothing but actual hate that leads to rape and murder and like his rights are protected if i go over there and do anything to him i'm spending the night thinking. i had a pretty serious. time lag. in the los. angeles times. in the weeks gibson's loudest challenge comes from the women the caps. it appears that just tactics today will not include any punches instead try to shelter the sorrow. i do with. my doing on our numbers right now not. just. the times joe also tries for dialogue to you and subjecting myself to attacks
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from you to actually try to speak to you and speak to your heart beat your soul i didn't say you know i was wrong about what a bunch of white nazis because i was i wanted a ball and i got better i hope you get better before some don't have it. would you believe in freedom. but who feel like they're defending by being here now i mean i'm defending my own sense of peace of mind i don't want to just go and just leave what is my city right at the very least if i can be here and scream that's better than nothing it makes me feel better do nothing. a lot. more. chris hedges has written multiple essays criticizing it before he says the fight is not with fringe groups but with corporate and government forces. were in serious trouble but it's not these.
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idiots who are putting us in trouble we have. very dark sinister totalitarian forces that are snuffing out the last vestiges of american democracy and we better revolt we better respond and carrying out these kinds of street confrontations plays right into the hands of these centers. natasha lennard wrote an essay defending the mast activist who punched richard spencer. she says you can't ignore the link between trump selection and the spike of incidents of racist harassment that a ball that. i don't think they'd get away from knowing they have a president. since trump selection while in conflicts of exploded in college towns like berkeley california raising questions about hate speech and political violence. these are
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questions the berkley's mayor has grappled with all year it's not surprising we have a president who openly talks about beating people up and is it is fanning the flames of hatred in him and division and we're seeing those divisions that rest actually happened on the streets of the city of berkeley. last august a broad coalition of activists here marched to oppose hate groups and they invited anti folk to play a defensive role with the protest. chili gibson was also at that gibson's clear who is the big people on the left especially if it's acts of violence just keep going out there preach love preach freedom and get on camera having assaulting us and so the people in the world knows who they really are. gibson entered a perfectly park with his hands and he got his wish i mean they they took the baby you know so i guess thankful for that. as this mob of black clad activists chased
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him out gibson's broad definition of free speech colliding with anti. this project an issue of self defense. so that all along in this the footage from that day is hard for kids in the watch. that are it's just the vince organizers refused to apologize for the violence. this medic a veteran a street protester around the world agrees political violence is ok here good nature is all destroyed and if these people are older the song at least succeeded in doing it look like i mean one was going to die it was to make them leave and that seems to be the real. deal. the fascist bush with. gibson was prevented from spreading his message in berkeley and claim victory it was horrendous it's a horrible thing that happened yesterday i think the next day he found
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a platform and like a lot of the incident one him an appearance on fox news talk about him and i'll just go away you know we got to stand up twenty four we get into fist tactics cause concern for these former berkeley students view of the violence they really are and maybe they're proud of that they maybe think that's the first step toward the revolutions going in the world that. their free speech movement pity years ago into the campus ban on political organizing during the civil rights and antiwar movement students one after months of nonviolent tactics including marches citizens at a mass arrests inside the universities of ministration building we finally got. to a standstill this. is a state with which to be silenced i can't tell you how many times we were assaulted the new time i think we were very dedicated to nonviolence there for instance a tactic that we felt this was important to get focused on the issue and not on the
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violence. in t. for guys tell him that if you walk around with a swastika beard in america you should get punched in the face not believe so the. ultimate how are they not they they must be done to kindergarten with the president is that. that's what nonviolence. you know let them to their from provocation. i cannot cousin their belief in violence as a useful response to violence and i see it as a walking right into a very useful resolution to our social conflicts which is civil war. now the right wing has taken up the free speech movements legacy and the debate is to put the song. is there a fight in the street to be ways to get to them and if so how should it be waged
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there always and we should respond by punching people in the face or. advocating censorship or the abolition of free speech is a very dangerous road to begin to walk down to speech is repugnant but once the left starts arguing for censorship and the abolition of free speech which the state is only ultimately to happy to embrace it's always the left that pays. white supremacy in silence in every state people have self organize and said likely don't stand for this and we're not going to ask plenty to have an institution disinvite then we're not going to ask institutional authority til we're going to turn up with our bodies and say not in my space. that's what protesters did last august to oppose a major gathering of hate groups in charlottesville virginia. it ended tragically
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with a neo nazi allegedly murdered thirty two year old heather here. i did not anticipate someone driving the car into a crowd i did not anticipate the police standing there. and i did not anticipate and of protecting. reverence they could came to march alongside clergy in charlottesville but. at the end of line to block white supremacist from gathering going to park. sick brought nonviolent tactics that have been a whole mark of the black lives matter but. these tactical differences have led to tensions with the streets during protests against police brutality birds the black box. and you know a way to bust some heads and i walked over to. the stand. because class. our answers are the ones i want to get. but in charlottesville n.t.
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for use force to defend clergy from attacks by neo nazis would have been crossed if it was not for and so they saved my life and so for me i thought the gospel m. body and some kids dressed in black or it came to me and said reverend i will give my life for you and so from where i read there is no greater love. then they lay your life down for a friend. the act of violence that killed heather hay or fractured in a single white supremacist movement despite attempts by president trump to spread the point. i think there's blame on both sides to look at the lead both sides i think is blame on both sides it's going to see the deal nazis back on the west coast opposition to right wing groups like charlie gibson scranton supplied. in response gibson denounced neo nazis from the stage of
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a rally in seattle so the day after charlottesville we had a rally thousands of people just wanted to kill us that they were mad they were like they looked at me like i was charlottesville it was bad it was bad for a little bit there i don't see a white supremacist problem on the west coast. but tell that to the thousands of protesters that show up and stuff. but in portland rose city into foot does see a white supremacy problem they found it repeatedly the gibson's rallies. these researchers use a tactic called doxie to publicize the personal details of their adversaries. julie gibson bigot enabler bruce city n.t. folk found out workups who worked and encouraged people to contact his employer he thought it best to attempt to. disrupt his income which would maybe keep him a little bit too busy to continue organizing and at such a rate. days after the docks in campaign began gibson left his job when you have
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people at your rallies who are organizing explicitly for white nationalist violence or to try and build an ethno state those are threats of violence that's something that needs to be addressed through city targeted gibson after scanning the crowd at his march for free speech in april there they found two notorious white supremacists we see here jake was photographed. shaking. hands with jeremy christian immediately after german christmas throwing fashions roman salute is obviously will associate with the nazis weeks after this protest jeremy christian was arrested and charged with aggravated murder and hate crimes after allegedly stabbing three people on a portland trade deficits of all their lead this time they are. yet they last summer they had to found this interview with jake they're not an organizer for a group called identity your robot identity is would be understood as what it is as
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a hate group and would be shut down by the community if they tried to hold their own rallies what they do instead is attend other rightwing rallies and then try to recruit people over to their more explicitly wave nationalist neo nazi ideology docs to him and provided really really ugly receipts of his new nazi activities and your nazi beliefs from posts that he had made on social media he subsequently dropped out of organizing in. gibson told us he's repeatedly denounced fit not including a day in august when he took this photo at one of his rallies that's been on standing right behind. the curtain. on. all three. law gibson is still on the streets but is turnout tonight a smaller. enter for the following close behind doubling the crowd or not to help ordinary voters. watch these battles for the streets are not enough for gibson
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james going to be a great year for february he announced a run for u.s. senate this year that hates that the evil that you feel in your hearts you don't have to do you know gets in six a larger stage and to face questions over its own political future. we have to build a movement that appeals to at least some of those centers of power we're going to bring the corporate state which means that that number one it has to be nonviolent and number two it has to have a vision. and a moral force i don't see them as politically mature anyway. so what else is a phone. and what sort of movement do they want to build. similar. there is a pool of blood up here. where a shot. since the shooting x.
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has been trying to answer that question searching for a different form of justice in this case. five days after being shot six gave a statement to police. he told them he did not want his attacker to be prosecuted january twenty fifth. two thousand and seven i'm with a victim just to see for me so you are. feeling to fix this is audio from his conversation with the detective. who's been really really blurry. and so on a lot of medication the thing that our war isn't really a prosecution i don't want to participate in a system that punishes people. to hex the systems of policing to mass incarceration are also forms of fascism you know the. prison population is it's already pretty big and you know putting putting more
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people in the cages doesn't really seem to be helping a lot. he sent this letter to the whole quantas through his attorney my client believes a resort of justice informed community response to friday's violence is the ethical and effective forward. my client wishes to express his empathy for the person shot or. text says he won't testify at the trial of his attackers. instead he prefers a resolution with the hoa quantas outside of court. i've seen my friends attacked like one of the again and again it's really really hard to maintain like hey let's deescalate. because legs this system of violence like pushes people to escalate. their touch you touch about it ok and i think it throw your arms up i'm going to keep trying to do my thing i kind of just hope that
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