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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03

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witness documentaries that open your eyes. at this time on al-jazeera. he ruled for nearly half a century a controversial political figure in the cauldron of the middle east and one who was never far from crisis at home or abroad and. in a two part series al-jazeera world tells the story of cain who say of jordan. episode one so violent on al-jazeera.
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this is al jazeera. and i'm a clown this is the news live from london coming up in the program claims of a chemical attack on syria president trump will be a big price to a. ruling party gets forty nine point five percent of the votes according to preliminary results in hungary's parliamentary election. the nigerian on. one hundred forty nine hostages held by boko haram. and plastic pollution on the yangtze river cleanup efforts on one of the world's worst environmental black school. and in sports a bastion that all has won the formula one barring. can
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be right in the draw just running over his mechanics flag during a botched tire change. so the new u.s. president donald trump has attacked syria russia and iran over a suspected chemical attack on a rebel held area of east saying there will be a big price to pay the syrian government has dismissed the report says fabrication united nations has demanded urgent security council meeting on monday to discuss the alleged attack but such a good name has the latest. entire families babies children adults dead the people who remained in dumas thought they could shelter from the air strikes in the basements of building instead witnesses say they suffocated from a suspected chemical attack. how not to look at ducking dumas with chemicals many
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children have been killed in tents airstrikes by the syrian government and its allies began on saturday. when this is report a barrel bomb with some sort of gas being dropped we were trying to hide being in shows but when the city was hit but looks to go. and there was no the white people became sort of fives scared on prison rescuers say they're struggling to get to the survivors and retrieve the bodies of the dead because of a strong chlorine like smell they don't have the protective gear they need the health care system in duma has been decimated. unfortunately would do them in a number of medical suffering notes to go to. the sometimes and the treatment and shoot people and we've seen people. have seen people should dying with you to get treatment it's reported that ambulances and a hospital were hit by airstrikes and the red crescent can no longer operate
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leaving a small team of medical professionals with scarce supplies to tend to the injured the familiar cycle of recriminations denials and calls for action has begun using language heard after last year's confirmed chemical attack in qana coom which killed more than eighty people the syrians and the russians called the allegations farcical and staged the russians offered to send their own experts to investigate and disprove the claims the united states called for an immediate end to the attacks and for the international community to respond it said russia was betraying its commitment to the un and the chemical weapons convention people say life in duma already difficult after weeks of intense fighting has become even more miserable local officials say the russians negotiated a deal with the remaining rebel group duma jaish al islam buses began arriving to
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evacuate the fighters their families and anyone else who wanted to leave with recent gains by the syrian forces in the strategic town on the outskirts of damascus j.c.l. islam had limited options left. now toss it in a l. does iraq. roll the first bunch of rebel fighters on leaving duma a bus carrying dozens of army of islam soldiers and their families has driven out of the city as part of the agreement hundreds of hostages and prisoners of war also being freed believed to be locals loyal to the syrian regime. chemical attacks in syria have been documented by the u.n. in chemical weapons investigators since the war began seven years ago the reports in duma come nearly one year to the day since the sarin gas attack on the village of qana shaken in italy at least eighty three people died at the u.s. responded by launching a fifty nine missiles on
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a syrian air base near homes president trump said that that's where the chemical attack was launched from tumors in eastern guta where the most deadly gas attack during the syrian civil war happened back in august two thousand and thirteen it's estimated up to a thousand people died as a result of sarin gas the u.n. has documented more than thirty three incidents involving chemical weapons in syria since their reports began in two thousand and eleven syria and russia deny any use of poisonous gases juror the conflict well let's take this all we can speak now to david mack is a former u.s. deputy assistant secretary of state for the bureau of near eastern affairs joins us live from washington d.c. ambassador welcome to the program the u.s. president talking about a price to pay for what's happened but what does he mean by that. i don't think that this is necessarily going to be a repeat of military action by the united states such as cruise missile attacks on
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a syrian air base for one thing there's a lot of ambiguity about exactly what happened what kind of chemical agent might have been used if we don't have the russians with us in the security council and i think it's unlikely that we will. there be a price to pay for the united states over the long term politically because any serious attack by the united states will probably have some syrian civilians. killed as well and it's doubtful that it's going to stop what the assad regime is trying to do which is to recover this last remaining part of territory near its capital damascus says that this really does complicate donald trump's plan to pull out of syria doesn't it oh absolutely from the beginning and this goes back to obama's well we've made it clear that our objective in syria is to deal with the
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so-called islamic state trump was rather prematurely declaring victory in that regard his own generals and intelligence people are pushing back against him certainly it does not make the israelis the jordanians the saudis our friends in the region at all happy so now trump is in a position where if he takes some kind of if you orders some kind of ferocious military action he's going to meet with a tremendous amount of skepticism both from the generals like secretary of defense mattis and from our allies in the region so to what degree is he under self-imposed pressure to appear stronger than a bomber in that red line promise of two thousand and twelve. well trump always wants to look strong but is not willing as most of the american public is unwilling
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to take risks with american casualties in the process so he is in a very difficult position he's made he made it harder for himself by his ad libbed remark that we're very close to getting out of syria and so he's he's now making it harder for himself to deal with some specific syrian military outrage such as the one we've probably just seen all right i'm busted america great to get your perspective very much appreciate thank you on to the breaking news now in the last few minutes a preliminary results have come through in hungry as parliamentary election and they show that the prime minister viktor orban is set to hold on to power with almost seventy percent of the vote counted or balance if it is party has won forty nine point five percent of the vote his nearest rival is the leader of the job
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a policy that's good boy with twenty percent and the socialist party leader judge a coach on is further back he stands on eleven point nine percent let's try and unravel this jenna holocaust one. in budapest janet just tell us a little bit more about how these what the results made as they stand. well i think a lot of people are probably scratching their head still nic trying to figure that out we're not yet at any kind of final official results or even. an accurate or confident estimate of the final result but it's certainly heading in a certain direction which is a victory whichever way you measure it for viktor orban and the ruling party here it could pretty much go two ways now either towards a two thirds majority the majority he's enjoyed for the last eight years and indeed the electoral commission looking at these figures so far looking at the turnout and
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the areas in which turnout was high is predicting that he will retain that two thirds majority they're saying one hundred thirty four seats are a hundred ninety nine others are suggesting maybe less that he will retain simply an absolute majority which means of course he continues to govern he doesn't have to get hindered by any sort of coalition arrangements and so on he remains in power but without a crucial ability to change the constitution which he's been quite happy to use up to now so this is the contest now between those two outcomes but a victory for victory or ban is not in doubt. with a two thirds majority if he does maintain that what would that mean in terms of what he would want to do with the direction that hungary is heading. well it would be pretty dire news i think for a lot of particularly left wing opposition activists who had hoped during the course of the day looking at high or high turnout figures but this represented a real opposition fight back what it would mean potentially that two thirds
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majority is that mr or ban could continue to chip away at hungary's democratic values he could continue to tweak if he wished the constitution he's done that before as i say he's changed the electoral laws he's changed the media laws his crackdown on dependent voices in the media and in civil society he's promised to go much further he's promised and threatened even to attack the independence of the judiciary that's a direction in which he could move for instance and all of that extremely bad news but remember even if he. has only an absolute majority the likelihood is that he will continue with his project of of nationalism of virtually xenophobia huge anti immigrant policies that he's pursued up to now that have made him such a thorn in the side of the european union even verging on anti semitism with brady angry campaign that has been waged in this country and in this election is just not good news for the liberal forces here in hungary it does rather look like more of
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the same to come or are generally there for the moment as the night goes on the general for the time being thanks very much indeed let's get some more analysis from matthew goodwin who's a professor of politics and international relations at the university of kent matthew i know that you are following these results as they are coming in from hungary what's your assessment of where we're at do you concur with the view that it looks as if or band will maintain its two thirds majority. indeed it's looking like a strong result or victor or band that will be greeted by the populist right in europe and also much of the center right to want to see hungary and poland austria and italy pushing back against the e.u. on that big issue of the refugee crisis and really pushing europe in a more conservative direction there was a lot of talk this morning possibly about a bigger backlash against or ban given the high turnout but it seems looking at the
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figures that actually that day is a big tall bands party has actually picked up more support in rural non-urban areas and that is part of a european trained with populous conservative ultra conservative politicians doing very well out it's silent but it. as you say doesn't talk about a backlash doesn't appear to have happened to you say whether to go wrong for the opposition party. well the opposition in hungary has been very fragmented there was much talk of a tactical voting strategy that didn't really give in the figures that we're seeing over the last few minutes that certainly didn't seem to come to fruition tactical voting is always risky it's incredibly complicated to get by so as to act in that way across a big country like hungary and also you know all bad himself really successfully
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factored into what is a very conservative political tradition in hungary and this is where emanuel macron and angle of muchel and folks in western europe i do think continue to underestimate the strength of conservative. parents in eastern europe and all been tapped into that and did so quite quite effectively imagine france you mention germany what will this mean for the hungry relationship with european nations as a whole. well last year if you remember we had that mack brown moment in europe where there was a lot of excitement about the video or article of a liberal political leader in europe stage since then we see europe move increasingly to the right the alternative to germany breaking through last year in the italian elections waiting to the right of course that's against the backdrop of roxette quite a strong result full populous in the netherlands as well and hungary really follows
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that trend but you know this isn't just a populist doing well this is an ultra conservative what i would consider to be a national population actually controlling the country and doing so quite easily and that's why many people on the clock list right in europe are actually looking at hungary as a whole of how to campaign but how to win those votes and that's why i think it's more significant than than a lot of people are actually currently acknowledging our matthew when they were there for time being and matthew goodwin speaking to us from the university of kent thanks a lot and just to say that we're expecting the prime minister viktor orban to address his nation shortly and as soon as he does we will be hearing from him here on al-jazeera. all right still to come here on the al-jazeera news or. the. big controversy continues in brazil as former president lula da silva begin serving
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a prison sentence for corruption. a state of emergency in gaza with hospital struggling to treat hundreds of people injured in protests. we don't support coming up to the n.h.l. coming together to one of the young players who died in a bus crash. now the nigerian army says it has. that rescued one hundred forty nine hostages all women and children held by boko haram in borno state in the northeast of the country their women and children were being held in the village of yeti maddy coulda the rescue people were not among the kidnapped schoolgirls into book and dutchy who are still missing amid interest has the details now from a picture. the army said those rescue a residence of yet a medic would have believed in northeastern nigeria who were held captive by a book or arm but they did not say for how long they've been held captive by the
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fighters the army said eight followed and over the rescue followed an operation that they conducted on saturday where they encountered book quote our fighters in the ensuing firefight they killed three of them and also captured five now all these people have been taken to hospital and are being treated and later to be profiled by the nigerian army and nigerian or for two years now what we've seen over the last few months or so is the book white arms ability to continue to adopt its losses they've been chased out of most of the areas they have occupied but they are able to adopt in smaller groups to a type isolated and vulnerable communities recently we've seen them launch during attacks on the capital coming to the outskirts of my degree which is a city that has been in their crosshairs for a very long time since the start of this insurgency the nigerian army said and the nigerian government confirmed that the book was around fighters have been sort of
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degraded but what we've seen over the last one year or so is these strategy bible quote to launch several types of operations suicide bombings daring attacks on military formations ice attacks an isolated communities abductions and kidnappings in the north east of nigeria in other words spoken is telling the nigerian society that we're still very much on there are reports that north korea has told u.s. officials that it's willing to discuss the deed nuclearization of the korean peninsula the two countries have been in contact ahead of a meeting planned between kim jong un and president donald trump next month they will be the first time a sitting u.s. president has held talks with the north korean leader kim metz the chinese president xi jinping in beijing last month the first overseas trip as a leader. israel's defense minister avigdor lieberman good palestinians by saying that there are no naive people in gaza and though those taking part in protests are
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hamas military wing activists at least thirty palestinians have been killed by israeli forces since demonstrations along the garzon israeli border began ten days ago thousands more have been injured mr newnes plan to hold protests against the israeli occupation for the next five weeks well doctors in guards are struggling to treat those promised immunes injured in friday's protests or spittles have declared a state of emergency due to a severe shortage of supplies mohammed has more from one of gaza's hospital this is just one of the rooms and you have to understand that the whole hospital looks like this we have injured after injured now this young man was had received two bullets in his legs he needs further treatment he needs to get out of gaza for that treatment but that the moment he won't be able to and then we have this young man who is also in that situation these two were quite close to the fence however in the bed next door there is young amir he is only nineteen years old and actually
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he was not anywhere close to that no go zone he was watching for my father when he got hit by a sniper now what i showed you now is what you will see from room to room. patients suffering doctors working over hour to try to solve this situation certainly it is an emergency situation yesterday the health officials here in gaza have actually declared a state of emergency for the health system it is an overload. police in germany say they may have foiled a potential attack on the berlin half marathons under dominic cain has more on that from munster berlin the police confirming that they have arrested six individuals varying in age from eighteen to twenty one in connection with what they say was potentially preparation for a crime targeting the berlijn half marathon it's been staged in the german capital today a point to make is that that event attracts thousands of people not only as participants but also as spectators the point the police are reinforcing here is that they
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believe that the elevated sense of tension in germany following events here in munster on saturday where a vehicle was steered into a packed crowd and people were killed in that incident and then the perpetrator killed himself that they believe that was a reason for them out of an abundance of caution to move to make the arrests concerned and to search properties in different parts of the city and to search vehicles associated with those individuals now brazil's former president lula da silva has started his twelve year jail term for corruption arrived at creagh of prison under the cover of darkness after finally agreeing to hand him self in following a twelve hour standoff with authorities his supporters have protested against his imprisonment while others celebrated saying the guilty must pay for their crimes let's speak to our correspondent who joins us live from crude chiba do you have there been more protests from looters supporters.
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you know there have been there was a small protest outside the prison supporters there just kind of accompany him on his first day of that twelve year one month sentence on corruption and money laundering charges and we saw demonstrations in sao paolo the night. himself and on saturday night they got a little bit violent when the protesters tried to stop handing himself in to the police is something he wanted to do but they tried to delay that as far as they could i think to some degree that's the side of the disillusionment with which many brazilians including lula supporters members of his workers party feel towards all politicians here and the political parties let's not forget that lula was just the latest victim in a long line of politicians and senior business people who have been convicted and sent to prison after being found to be corrupt and it's very wide ranging
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investigation known as the carwash an investigation that still continuing more and more people from all sides of the political spectrum are being brought in we did see huge protests a few months ago over a year ago but they have gradually dwindled i think as people are losing faith in the system it doesn't mean the protests won't continue about looters imprisonment people the story but the presence on the streets those angry crowds even those who saw him off outside his metal union headquarters near paolo was relatively small compared to what would seen in the past protests for now at least certainly. when balls are fairly muted tell you what about the former president president lula his legal team still hoping to find a way out to get him out of prison. those pills will continue they've pretty much exhausted all the the appeals they could
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offer right up until the last day to stop him actually being sent to prison but they do still say they have a few cards up their sleeves is still things they want to try himself has said he's going to put his name forward for the presidential elections that deadline is in oldest that name will go forward in the electoral commission is likely to prevent him from standing as an eight year bar and taking part in political activity for anybody convicted of the kind of crime that lula's been convicted of but he will try nonetheless these remaining defiant he says he's innocent of all the charges against him and he's really the victim of a political campaign to stop him running in those october elections elections that he feels when his supporters feel he might have won at the same time prosecutors have another six cases against lula for other alleged corruption charges that they're going to be leveling in the next few months twelve years or more months
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while his his. his defenders his lawyers will be trying to get that lowered will be trying to get him move to a different prison they will be fighting or they can the prosecutors will also be battling to have other other charges brought against him so we could see those twelve years increased still further. reporting or from could achieve them. still to come on the odds or news. i was. angry protests by members of pakistan's pashtun community they say they're being targeted by security forces. why kenya has suspended the construction of a war along its border with somalia. i mean support rough on the down once again on his return from injury but is it enough to get spain into the davis cup semifinal for. instance i.
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hello there there's plenty of fine settled weather across many parts of europe at the moment but not quite for all of us if we look at the satellite picture we can see the cloud hand marching its way northwards across britain and up into scandinavia and that's making things rather grey and at times a pretty way for us to that area of cloud is working its way eastwards and so here it is there is a part of italy as we head through monday heavy downpours out of that and it's not feeling that cold behind it look at that in madrid ten degrees that's quite disappointing for april and as we head through into choose day the temperatures will drop even further so this time a maximum will just be nine there's also likely to be some snow over some of the higher ground as well to generally quite cool lame for the western parts of europe of further east it's very different there's plenty of sunshine it's also very warm twenty two in berlin and twenty four in warsaw for the other side of the mediterranean also plenty of fine settled weather to be found here as well but not
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quite for all of us for the west more in the way of cloud and that is edging its way eastwards as we head into chews day we'll see that over parts of our area and into choosier the as we head through the day they could be thick enough just to give us one or two showers it should be a brighter day for us in morocco there looks like robots will see a maximum temperature of around seventy degrees. in a country with high youth unemployment one organization helps turn school children into entrepreneurs who can tell us what i mean by the word fundraise empowering them to reclaim their futures retention them out of a very distorted by sure how to make it fast and build more prosperous communities some of them invest the money into other businesses school for life uganda part of the rebel education series at this time on al-jazeera one of the really special
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things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else it's what it is you know is that it turns out in the particular because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. and again a reminder the top stories here on al-jazeera and preliminary results show that the prime minister. has won
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a large majority in hungary hungary's general election. u.s. president donald trump says there will be a price to pay syria russia and iran are found to be behind a chemical attack in the rebel enclave of which killed dozens of people. meanwhile the first batch of rebel fighters and their families have left as part of a deal negotiated between the rebel group of islamic russia as part of the agreement hundreds of hostages in prisoners of war also being. thousands of people from pakistan's past in community have attended a rally and push on to demand rights and protection the so-called paston protection movement says the security forces are carrying out extrajudicial arrests and killings matheson as its report. fury and frustration and push
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posted about the chanting crowd photographs of pashto said to have disappeared or be killed these protesters blame the police and the military i think this was this was an emotionally adoption. they get there and they started this moment and i think they believe. that is not only from the tribe and even. they are also supporting the. woman. thousands of pashtuns have moved to the southern port city of karachi fleeing from their homes in northern tribal areas to escape violence along pakistan's border with afghanistan. but pashtun say they've been targeted by the police and the army since the emergence of the pakistani taliban whose leaders are also said to come from close to the pashtuns northern tribal homeland. but. the
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most recent killing in karachi was not. an aspiring pashtun mortal who his father says had no links to rebel groups pashtun say they want the senior police officer involved in the killing of not keep to face the death penalty i they deny these are anti-government demonstrations and say their demands a simple first demand was to arrest the girl bed the second was stop him alleviation pushed on women especially the tribal women and children at the security check thirty one was a book cleans the landmine which was given in especially in. the us by but as support for the protests grows the government may be forced to do more to show that pasterns are not being targeted rob matheson al jazeera. central american migrants traveling across mexico in a caravan have protested outside the u.s. embassy in mexico city against donald trump and his anti immigration policies the
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demonstrators who've traveled from the want to model and mexican border to the capital of call for justice for migrants the group's traffic has angered trump who has deployed the national guard to reinforce the border every year thousands take part in what's called a caravan trying to ensure safe passage for migrants and to draw attention to their rights. a man has died in a fire truck for officers were injured tackling the fast moving blaze the sixty seven year old victim was found unconscious in his fifty fiftieth's for apartment which authorities say was almost entirely engulfed in flames. the america has begun his tour of the united states ahead of talks with u.s. president donald trump and choose day the gulf crisis in the blockade against cuts and is likely to be high on the agenda then is first stop was in miami in florida from where barra now reports. a crucial visit.
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tun months into the blockade that was imposed by saudi arabia the united arab emirates behind and egypt the gulf diplomatic crisis is likely to be at the center of talks between shaped i mean been hammered out of fannie and us president donald trump i think all the parties have to come to the table with not sitting at a conditions. if the country willing to engage in a productive. serious discussion. and willing to sit and discuss. the issue of our sovereignty is an issue that in the be. qatar's charm offensive in the u.s. is in full swing with. a curious crowd gathers at the landmark bayfront in miami what an exhibit promoting the gulf nation is under way right judy three the rocher will move on to other u.s.
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cities in the coming weeks my belief as ambassador was that relationships matter not just between governments but between people who feel very honored i mean they can choose any more of the world that they chose miami and we see that narrative playing out over and over again and we see so many different countries throughout the world choosing miami to do business trips in miami. and visit try to create more economic opportunities i met bin jasim is minutes of economy he leads a delegation of businessmen seeking to expand trade with the us for us the blockade the state whatever from economy point of view will find we can live with all of those companies as the gulf diplomatic crisis drags on the qatari government continues to diversify its trade potus investments in the u.s. for example as to mated at one hundred forty six billion dollars. including ninety two billion dollars in paint purchases national carrier the u.s.
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has a long standing relationship with the gulf rivals it's been trying to broker a deal of has been no breakthrough so far raising fears of instability in the region. miami. let us now return to hungary and recap on our breaking story this hour the preliminary results from hungary's parliamentary election which show that the prime minister viktor orban is set to hold onto power with almost seventy percent of the vote counted and if it is party has won forty nine point five percent of the votes his nearest rival is the leader of a job a party a global vona twenty percent in the socialist party leader. is back home eleven point nine percent and here you can see the scene at party headquarters. is taking the applause of his supporters and is about to
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address his supporters and address the nation of course he is related for a third successive term and has a strong mandate it seems with preliminary results showing that he possibly has gained a two thirds majority in parliament which means that he could continue with the direction that he is taking his country and taking on various constitution let's have a listen him. good evening for everybody. good evening ladies and gentlemen. we won.
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the fair tournament sure encounters but i'll tell you more your fired more large jews. later here and gentlemen's friends and hungry. today they have a great when what you mean you know. what i mean let me say. send this i would like to tell you if you have thank god because then one achieve such a result then the wisdom is that one has to be humbled because this is the time to be that was for. me in allow me to say so i congratulate t. voters thank you for them to come and participate in the food that i highly appreciate and i thank you.
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i would like to especially say thank you. and. send my gratitude to the loyalty to do's who actually voted for the desk and the christian democratic party and stayed with us. should that make me then yours or your father. i would like to thank you for de living abroad. helped us in the vain and watching. american experiment. i would like to thank you. police friends. said they came and they were here with us when you. are.
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i would like to thank to those who have volunteered this is only all i tell you it was a great fight to have a fight with you for the victory. i would like to say a special thanks to those. who prayed for us and for me as well i thank you. i would like to see you know thank you for all those people and their families who are tolerated us and gave us all the help what we needed i would like to say a special thank you for my wife for me. while i stumbled on your neck back.
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and as far as the results are concerned my friends all i can tell you. this was a big fight. a life changing win. and we got an opportunity and we created an opportunity for us to protect so that we can protect hungry. and we haven't yet reached the point at least hungry hasn't yet been lodged at the point that they want to be but we are on the way on the road we selected. to get. on that road and i thank you for all of you for this. what.
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and let's sing. to get. it. up. so that we have the hunger in prime minister viktor orban has declared an election victory is third successive with a strong mandate possibly a two thirds majority in parliament he said it gave many thanks to all involved as ever in these occasions and he said it was a time to be humble was a life changing win and he said that we have created an opportunity to protect hungry hungry is on the road forward he said projections show his feet as party winning perhaps one hundred thirty four seats in one hundred ninety nine seats. so they have it it will be. applauding his supporters if he takes the picture in.
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the longest river in asia has become one of the world's most polluted young sea has long been a lifeline for millions of chinese but now plastic from the river is slowly killing life in the east china sea and beyond the scope of the reports now from shanghai. three generations of new ijaz family are out cleaning up plastic along the mouth of the gang's the river one of the worst spots in the world for plastic pollution. i'm here to protect the ocean there's a lot of trash on the beach we saw a video where turtle and held a straw and it bled a lot so when people try to help get the straw out of it's no littering endangered species. one of the biggest plastic consumers in the world china's numbers are staggering for instance package delivery services in two thousand and sixteen used fourteen billion the plastic bags and with the rapid increase of food delivery
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options it's estimated that sixty million plastic containers are used each day many cannot be recycled. one campaigner at the environmental group that organizes these volunteer cleanup outings says people seeing the pollution drives the message home alone. i think we can look beyond the numbers when we're talking about the marine waste to the public statistics of their abstract it's easier to bring them here to see with their own eyes and participate in activities like this that's a more direct way to make the public realize the severity of the problem according to an environmental journal the yangtze river and its tributaries here carries one point five million tons of plastics into the sea each year through some of china's biggest cities the last one here in shanghai before it meets the east china sea and then the plastic makes its way to the pacific ocean nature magazine recently reported that what's known as the great pacific garbage patch is much larger than
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previously thought twice the size of france and containing seventy nine thousand tons of plastic. china's environmental protection ministry admits there's a big problem and recently announced that a restructuring plan is in the works. the plan will create better conditions for fighting the uphill battles against pollution and improving ecological environment we're obliged responsible and have every reason to do a better job in coming days. and the pace of that job needs to quicken as scientists predict that if the flow of plastic into the oceans is not slowed by two thousand and fifty the amount of plastic in the oceans will outweigh the fish it's got to al jazeera shanghai kenya has suspended the construction of a seven hundred kilometer wall along its border with somalia locals say the partially built war as help prevent members of the angry probably from crossing into kenya but some analysts say it does nothing to stop fighters who are already
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in the country from and they're on the kenyan somalian border his catherine soy. this is what is meant to keep out fighters based in somalia part of a larger government project to protect the. kenyan county town of mandela clan elders say the border barrier has helped along with other security measures including arming vetted civilians and better cooperation between different clans and security forces. for there to be peace we have to look out for. us my neighbor result issues the enemy. was killed almost three years ago when gunmen attacked a bass he was shot trying to protect christians who are the target. for ten years and we have six children when i look at them i see him i will never
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forget him. and there has been an entry point for. sympathetic locals say to them with crown was making the situation was some security analysts say building a barrier is not in itself a solution. needs to its. people here monday or on all the parts of these countries so they're. going to be building a wall just give it a wall because it's not i was just a fence i think for me i think demonstrate they maybe to you from the policymakers when it comes to dealing with us about even after all these years in this region the attack has mainly target non law holds who come here to walk in schools and parties. where most people from other parts of the country can. thirty six stone what killed. along the border with somalia.
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watched his friends die but he says the security situation at least within town and the surrounding areas has improved and as. we have looked at it. we do not live in one neighborhood. we have spread out to other areas where there are. people leaving he may have found relative peace but several other parts of the region remain unsafe some of this travelers are going further east taking a route so dangerous that they have to be escorted by armed police who themselves are a target catherine saw al jazeera and daraa north east and kenya. of origins in chile have raised the alert level on a smoking volcano with concerns that it's ready to erupt emergency teams have been sent to the region in the andes after unusual lava flows were detected at sea volcano is one of the biggest and most active in the country it's in
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a largely rural area but it is a popular tourist destination libya has long been a highly male dominated society and years of conflict and an increasing lawlessness of marginalized women even more but female activism is on the rise in some parts of the country as well. reports now from misrata. their voices are not often heard but a community leader is determined to change that she wants women to play a bigger role in improving society. at this fair she and other female campaigners have taken the initiative to fundraise for those most in need the sick and the poor and. the income of the spare is dedicated to cancer patients in the city other than that we've also created job opportunities by opening a weaving workshop for poorly it's whom we've also trained. but it is not
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easy women find themselves at the back of every queue and it comes to seeking help even when it is not for themselves women here say they're the first female activists to do this type of work helping others in the city of misrata and they are planning to continue but in a maze dominated society they say they face a lot of challenges. if a radio announcer says in libyan society social restrictions on women are a major handicap and whenever a woman progresses she gets picked on not just by the men but other women too she tries to address those issues through her radio show. there are several obstacles derailing women's activism i faced a lot of difficulties at first our society did not accept the idea of
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a female presenter media used to be politicised during the former regime and asked people activists in order for us to express ourselves we need a lot of strength and resilience. this presentation to cancer patients is proof altima and her friends are making some progress it is want to step out of time but they remain hopeful gender equality is not just a distant dream. misrata. for a start of the sport are here in our desire and. thank you so much nic in just a couple of hours time the winner of goals first major of the year will be crowned at the masters and with only a few holes left it's still all to play for patrick reed led the field over night but the chasing pack have closed in on the american leading them is twenty fifteen masters champion jordan spaeth a short time ago the twenty four year old join reed on fourteen under par for
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a share of the lead northern ireland's warring malco roy has slipped down the leaderboard he was in second place overnight three shots behind reid but is so far two over par for the day meanwhile four time masters winner tiger woods completed his final round earlier and it was his best of the last four days the three under sixty nine leaving him one overall. sebastian vettel has won the formula one bahrain grand prix for ferrari extending his championship lead over lewis hamilton the german lead from position but was chased down by mercedes valtteri bottas in the closing laps of the race but vettel managed to hold him off to win by less than a second vattel steam and could be right in and was less successful be forced to retire after running over a ferrari mechanic during a pit stop bringing champion and receive driver lewis hamilton came from ninth to finish third there was some frustration points in the race where you know they couldn't hear me so i had to choose particular points in which i could speak to
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them so communication is really difficult when you're trying to catch sebastian is twenty five seconds ahead to know exactly what you need to do in order to not kill your tires but make it so that you can catch him at the end is difficult and you know it makes it harder for straight up. cristiana rinaldo found the back of the net for the tenth real madrid game in a row on sunday but his side had to settle for a draw against local rivals athletico madrid in their spanish league clash gareth bale set up or an all go for the opener shortly after half time but just four minutes later and one griezmann levelled for athletico a draw means that let it go stay four points clear of rail in second place in the league standings. there were two games in the english premier league on sunday chelsea were held to a one one draw by west ham and arsenal came from a goal down to beat southampton three two meaning they're now just three points behind chelsea and the race for a top five finish. time to leading one knew we came back to two two with every time
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i believe we have shown great spirit and won the game even if it. was a b. take two but i must say when you come to your money to see who would you see gold and. roach what you want to give to of. abilities to do the know all my players to go dormant is they think that. because it is where your t. the. we have a day. a little lazy for we accept. and. we. should keep. in tennis world number one rafa nadal made it to windsor two one his return from injury to help spain reach the semifinals of the davis cup playing in his first event since
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a hip problem forced him out of january's australia and new delhi crotched world number four alexanders of revenues straight sets to level spain's quarter final with germany two matches each prayer then defeated feeling schreiber in a five set thriller to win a tie for spain in front of a delighted. oh spain will now meet to defending champions france and the last four they made it through to a third straight semifinal with a three one win over italy world number eleven lucas put sealing their progression with a four set win over fabio fognini france are bidding to win back to back davis cup titles for the first time in more than eighty years. croatia also reached the last four on sunday after a convincing three one win over kazakstan will number three martin challenged russian mcalpin pushkin in straight sets to book a semi final clash with the united states in september. it's been another golden
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day for host australia at the commonwealth games they added six gold medals to their tally on day four in the gold coast five of those came in the swimming pool including a clean sweep of the medals in the men's fifty meter backstroke is mitchell arkan took the title they also had a one two three finish in the women's fifty metres butterfly final kate campbell winning her third race of these games it's australia extend their lead at the top of the overall medal table they have thirty one gold twelve more than england in second place. the national hockey league has been paying tribute to the fifteen members of the canadian junior hockey team humbled broncos who died when a truck hit their bus on friday various n.h.l. teams showed their respect to victims during their games on saturday the chicago blackhawks in the winnipeg jets had broncos on the back of their jerseys they were on their way to a game when the accident happened near the town his jail in the province of scotch
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one. of the thirty three edition of the marathon day sad or the marathon of the fans is underway in morocco so hard desert it's described as the toughest foot race on earth the six day event sees more than one thousand competitors taking on a two hundred fifty kilometer course morocco's muhammad more bt beat out his brother russia to claim the first stage victory while russia's natalia won the opening stage of the women's race. north korea's capital pyongyang held its annual international marathon on sunday the race is part of the celebrations to mark the one nine hundred twelve birth of north korean founder king it approximately four hundred runners from forty three countries took part all that's down from more than a thousand that competed in two thousand and seventeen north korea's re can bomb one the man's full marathon while it's compassionate kemp hi john won the women's
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race. and that's all your support for now it's now back to nick farthings very much indeed just before we go from this news let's just recap our breaking news that viktor orban has won a hungry parliamentary election he has in the last twenty minutes declared election victory his third successive term with a strong mandate here is appearing before supporters. say twenty minutes ago that he has a strong mandate possibly with a two thirds majority in parliament projections show that his few days party will win the one hundred thirty four seats in the hundred ninety nine seat parliament or more not to the next hour of news i'll be back in a couple minutes but for now it's good buy.
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jewett from iraq. museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous. most of the people he's showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several museums taking part in the project
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. points and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasize the contribution of migrants to the present day to western culture. because i've been here for some time i can help them with lots of things. to me the great thing is it's not just about forming a new life is part of life it's called. a fresh air champion the ninety. two teams to reflections. the fans read the qur'an from the front growth. and one dream dashed by sectarian takes but then stop being. the game pure politics zero world looks back at the rise and fall of the basketball timeout on.


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